East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1888, Image 1

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..... III1V.1AK IMtl'.K.
K K S I""""-"
i.ailHB I" ndvanrn tor "
a rum: i.tnitAitv.
I'niroim of llir Dully or Nvint-Wrekly
HAST liKOOMAN ran fri-ely iimkn u
of tlm HAS OUKOONIAN lllirnry wlinn
rvrr liny no lmlir. Tin- nililli' are cor
dially Invllrd lo vlult llm nnlcn wlirncir
no liirllnril.
itOtlNIAN. clthor nml-werKiy
rlin nmttln-r c"i'y of ,ho lm
frlrtltl fr ,,nw "
i, rirrllon. KUKK OF OIIAItOK.
,l.nm l f'oth old Mini new tub-
i.f,),l If to". Orfgmi.
NO. 105.
"i.Vv Monday nlllllt I" OU' FCI-
. i T M. IICIT 1 ' f
j. l" Ht'lOIKK) II. li F. H. CLOITON,
w. ii.; rM '
tLr.iu' ,wi . i rr ." :.r. .
... in tin .imimmu ii'iiuau u
. .1.1... I WIIIMHIN III "-! I 1 llll III ft
V MillQK NO. IH. A. O. U. W. M 0U
1 llTNTini I'
Ti-a rniiflt: NO. 32. 1. O. O. K. MreU
L. V n II H.lU'FltllM. Mf.
itf i I. VI . M I'M KNT NO. 17. I. (J
I. Jift'lM Oil Ilir Fccnnu ihui 1111
j ni nun ni"""i " :
K. Mi't III" iirni mm mini j mun
I illtll KT III I- I1L1 It
(win III Hid H'lUlWH linn fvrrjr i
r..ne nl 7;.HoV1ikik. .1.1?. I.KAmukk,
J, WHiTAKKH.ii. or ii.mm
. MM 'A I t OM tl,.i.j In
..in i.iIiaL. M. Mint 1.' i i HA tl. I
K n
..UAKfiKI.I), h.Ofll. IWHIW.
CAIfdN I'OST. (I. A. II. monlH tit
i-,..ia,u Hull nvnrv TlillrMlnv IllL'lll.
Wxtn.r., (,'omiiiuinlcrj J. H. iiowkn.
miiunuu IWrtllWL'V An
. W. HUT. .11...... - .(.. -
'i,n llliwv. IViiillrtiili. Urviron.
Af n kin.u iittHiiiifii in Willi itnnini
uilirciii'ii ii trniuij. .in. i' "ii
i.ai ii II... Tliiiitifi.ftiwltiirlilinrt
;i,nvrllie p't iilllco.
;rn kitzokhai.d. attohneym
law, I n in. .No. n iinu (l. ahuociii.
I!IkK, ivnillcloii, Orcguii,
umcfi-Miiin mrpoi, in -j iimiion
IvIllulMI if.ovirtho l'aC-Ulllo,
ta.r-ovrr Klr I Niilloiml tlimk, IVn-
"r.Hl Tl'llr U. ATTOUNKY AT LAW.
CVMtTvllh'.Uri'iiiiii. Will prnoilre
flirt, uf Ori-iiiiM .iimI .Vimliltiulon. (ol
a promptly tlenleil o.
m: waokii. ArroiiNUYH at
Ur. ItixiliiH :imi(Uir th"Hil.
milium, roriicror Miiln Rliil Wuiiii
kfiDillHiiii, (irt'tion.
., l'finllfiiiii, uncoil. himmHShiul
hiiliti'iii lllnck.
n.i Ti'iirhrr uf CliiUthui Huliilli't
lilmti'iitiiii itivcii tn rlit'timntlHin uul
i.r,kr, riiiihiiMiilluii lire, i-ia--
.nluii 10th of imc i liiiittt t. Ottli'D
M i. "ciiihI Itii ir of Knt Orc'uoiiliin
'itI. IMulK'Mii,. UrPKOll.
ull. WlHl'. IMIYHK'IA.N AND Strit-
iwi'i .! ii, irviiiit'i. uriik' more.
(Mill, It,, llll II M.kOOMltltm llllll'K.
iWtvit, IVn lil tdil, (Iri'KIHI
J. Jl. I'ltUKrr. I'llYHIClAN AMI
narxi-uii. uiUci-Ovur Mnorliotmu A
rmurc' .ture. i-niiur of JiiIiihoii nun
rturwu, IViullctiin, OrfU'i j
MfhirlKiiikn a r.i utiri.. Ilpililunm. f ill
tb trtet iiem t'ouit roet. UvKlilfnce
racectiiiiiei ioil by ti'lepliune Willi VII-
'Muti. r.MoiHl iiltt'Mtlou Kiven 10 1110
t women Kml clilldrun.
UtlTfd llrtlfM M..l.i Ulr....l.lll'1'linllll).
Flick BjIUIIiik. 1'cHilleton, OreK".
HallJpr. l'li.1lAti-.it llriri.ti. LilUUlfA
MjMlaliy, KitlinntrK fiirnlhel on
i.kYi,ijanIjustici:okthk "fkack
ni Nuturv lliblle. VKiiiycle. Oregon.
'Cllfif M kni..lultt Mill. it. a mi lunil rit
.mi nni nriMir. luuhii ai rruurru
, ., -..,.(, i m oil, i urn"1 -
I Wftann i.l,.lyA & .... .... llanlnll Ml...
-.ign,urei,'ou, uiuckitinltli vfornniBii
"ID 111. Ke.t rwii1hln innnnrr. ncl nil
fw lrm. INrtleulur Kttentloti gW'
M .QllSlvn l1ltlark .n1lflntl. Orvcilll.
W ail V'in, iv,rl ulrHet.
,,Mil.l,l nn .l,n.l ,itlro. UnilTH
1, ""'"" wl receive prompi uiieu
JifapAintlng anwclftlty.
i.luitr (Irulnlni:. iiiiner-tiBtittlmii
"''.no wnitenlnK. Hloro and nil' P,
-"r-i, iiii ub Tlllon'. Hiar liaKcrv.
f l .tch. (inek Hud Chranometer Ma
. ,h ove IrHnch-. All wrh
2 ST4 .,mi ul lirlsVa old .tatd, JJulu
ASK DLl-ltAT, hTO.NK AND llltlCK
Al.&jin ki....in. ,n..n.i.
tuibuiii, urri(.iii. lining
B..f- monument ettlnica apeclult ;
M friPJ' P'1"'''". all ktudt of itone
lKl Hr-proof partitions.
Whom it May Concern.
Tho undersigned will close nil current accounta on their hooka
on tho
1st of Next October,
And will demand . Mitifjihutory nettlement of all hills due them
heforu the end of the year. They propose there
after to conduct their husiuejw on a
And solicit, a conttnuunco of tho liheral patronage they have bo
long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers
In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended
Cheap News!
Tlie Semi-Weelily
Bast Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken. .
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Creat Western Bakery.
AT. Git ATX, I'roprMor.
- FOIl
Main Street, near roHtofflre, renuu ton
Wine and Spirit Merchant
r' ,ltler Prtntlni Uoue in Kamern Oregon Y
(Waukenw. Wis.)
(Yellow Label.)
ju23 daw 3m
0ki to bo Klrctcd t'rr.lil.ut-Tim C.rur
I'Alann Hyateni l'lircti.t.U-t'anaillnn.
Worrying About Cl.vtlanil'ji .Mihiiicp
Ncw Fnunillmn4 W.n't I'nlU-KurplliK
Ilaek IleturiK From Mulur A Srliooa-r
ndCroir Loit Mexican Dultmcnt Ku
tut Kxploiton In Montiiua.
Thli Tim. tli. Lion'. Tall Wa Twlntrd
o That II. Howl, a Ltttlr.
Toronto, Hupt. 12. Referring to tho
ji.iBHaKO by CongruHH of u retaliation bill,
tho (.llobo hiijh: "Tho wholo biwiiiLMM 1h
(lltt;rHrofiil to CongruHH, Cuniidiiiim mint
jiiHt h)hhchh their FOllIrt In patit'tui!, Iltlll
iioKi for tho l ent. Itillueiii'OH tit Oilinvu
Hhotild bo diiL'cted uh tmicli iih iiohhIMu lo
do wlmlovcr tuny bu houorublv dono to
uvort tho throittuned ovil. It 1m not lm
probablo that tho nilitluiutiH of tho He
)iublio intiy bo brought up It It it round
turn by tho tm'iit deit'iit eli'tnont of
Anierican pooplo. ltinmuo thut public
opinion in tho I'tillod StuluH In not m do
Kradud (Init that country can bo carried
Into u cout no of wuntoti u'tcpHlon by two
HctH of conloinpllbloK)llticiiin cotnpullnn
for tho hoodlum clomont."
ToitoNTO, Hi!it. Tho tiovornor
UciuTul, who arrived hero to-day, In re
plying to the addrcHH of tho Hoard of
Trudo, Haiti : "It In a hoiiivo of front wuIk
fiictlnn to huo tho voiifldent Htrenutli with
which tho Dominion Im lltuily relying on
tlio jtiKtlco of Iter canco. uiitl it) able to
inalntaiu an attitude of ipiiet, dljjtillli'd
observation, able to feel cortttln that tho
volume of her trade In inciemdnrf from
day to tiny. If denied one channel It
imiHt llnd otherH."
in m,ii77iym i:icann.
A Voiiiib Man Wliu Klimr III. II uirit anil
Altit Hit llratli on Account of n I.llllf I
ToMiibTosi:, A. T.jFcpt. IS!. A youu
man nainetl Charlen .Ioiicm, alMiut '7 1
yearn old, a cowUiy, nflcr belin; paitl bin
"wageH for a number of inontlm' work,
Htarted to mmn tho line Into Moxit'n
alKiut ten dayn np to purchiifo hoiiio
li..ru..M 1 1 Inn) III llll i'.Vjh. mill Mlil:lL
iiiK of id" proposed trip to hoihu friendM,
Haiti: "If 1 ohcukj miirderoiH antl robbero
and buv tho horhen, I will never ki Into
. . . I.. . . . t ,,
.Mexico ukuiii; "hi riHKy.-
IIIh woiiIh were only ttwi true, for Intel
llfuucH wan received ycHtertlity that Jonea'
ixili. iiu f..n.ii1 iitu.llt ylv lilllllrf llV'lir lllll
Hue. riddled with bulletH. anil utrlpm'd of
everylliiiik'. AmetieauH do tint Htaml any
alum- liir lln.tr ltviH llll OHM L'olliu Willi tl
good armed eneort Into t-onoia. Killing
of Americaurt for ulmoitt nothing Ht-emH to;
bo their cltlef modo of pnHtlmo.
- - - -
Kood armetl t-Hcort Into Honoru. Killing
Tlm Majority About UO.ODO -All Inrrriiicd
VotH Hlimv. No lti Milillrnu iialu-riin
i. rBiliur...
ii. niTi.ivii. OreL'on. Sent. 1L'. Later
return from Malno nbow tho llrnt reit
- - ft . .i
t.t Imvii l.i-iin nearlv accurate. Tho Ho
publicann liavo gained four SenatorH,
uiiii'ii innueH ii e reu no uiiiiiiiiiKiiin.
the IIotiMi tbu DeintKTa'H gain two and
lone two. Tbo Uopubllcan plurality will
i ,. !i.. i.. i.. ii..Mu iiiii ttntiiriiM from
'II 111 111 1 1 . lllll
m ...... , , " . V .... "'l.ii. ""
lour liumireii townn hiiow a uopmiiic.ni , i rrv;i ' -ry
gain of foiirtbouwiml over twoyiNir ago. lien which It Iuiik.hoh, while it Iiiih u IcU
Iho.NowYoik World navH: "VIiIh tlw oned my lovo for American limtltu Ioi.h
tlon ban no particular Hlgnlllcanco Uiyontl anil taught mo tbo iritvlonn value of the
. . .1 . . a ..I !.... 1.. (a-tlut .if ant J i ill 1 1 1 V
til t iwtitliUhlitHl iy it o recent uiectniii in i
Vernio t
lost IN I.A K K lliilfON. '
" . ...
A Hiho.nrr v,.... Her JJ W-mt Hiun-
r, , c...t i irtiiHiratn fnuii
n'unr ntldJ All .ni!4 MutoXut I Ii"
l'ort Huron t Ih nftor noon tu m .that to
Hchooucr Cheney A lien louutlertm in
biko Huron ami all hand went to tbo
liottom with her. Tho iiuwm , wuh reia.rte.l
bv tho captain of the nchooner Oliver
Mitchell, wliicli wan in company with tho
Cheney Amen at tho tlinooi Iter dlnahter.
, Fr' : i 1? vr....7.f Vi,i
was owned by Captain 1. Moyew of ( I-,
cago, ami the crow; wiw comH.e,l of ( I -,
cago men. Captatn Sloyer ih nero vmit
log hi famlly.having left hi on In com
mand of tlio veH.tol.
(lakfi. lo lir. Klrctnl ITr.ldf nl In Oarr'"'
Htrail-Thn Vlllanl Hyndlraln OkHIkk
Nkw V011K, Sept. U'. Tho trouble in
tho manttgomuiit tf tho Northern I'at ilic
bnvo t)een amlcablv arranged uml
changes are to bo made at tho oiiHtiiiig
annual election. IWdont Holajrt Har
.t .,.,,1 VI,- I'M.wliti.nt (lake Wl II
bo elected in hi ulaco. Harrl.wlll take
I Hyndlcate.
tiii: "union" orr.
Nr l-iiiiiiillaml Iln't 1'nllr Willi Canada
III. am or lh I'l.hrrl.' Tf.iulile.
Sr.Joiis, N. IV.Sopt. l'.'.-Tho dele
gate to Ottawa to arrange tho term of
union Ixttween Now Fouiitlland ami tho
11 ...1..1.,.. r,l r'.iMiulii. ulio wore here.
lUlllllll,'.. . 1
1 i..r. i..l.iv tiuvini' :iliinilnni.il tlio
project for tbo present. Ino reacoii
I io ti.n u.iiiiuni'n uf uri'Mimt troiililiiH
lliliu iv.. , ---- v
. .1... IT.itlu.l Ktiili.a 11111I I ?iitiml:l
Ijetween tho United State und Cannda
which are likely to prejuuico 1110 nuercm
of Now Foundland if nbe joined fortuue
with the Canadian confederation.
'I hp Nortlirrn 1'aclllc lluj. tlta Kutlrn Vwiir
d'Alonn Itullway atiit Navigation Sy.tem.
I I'nii inn iiiiia. Pa.. Sunt. 1'' Tim
Northern 1'aclllc Railroad Company Iihh
ptirchaHetl tho entire H.vntem of the Cann
d'Alene Hallway Navigation Company,
comprising the number of HteamorH
which ply ott Co'iir d'Alene lake uml Ctvttr
tl'Aleno river, as well an twenty-elht
mlloH of narrowKaugo railway oxtcndlni;
from Ctetir tl'Aleno minion tliroiiRh tho
mining region of that name. Tho uowly
aciiulred property jrlveH tho Northern 1'a
clllc an all-rail connection with PiiRot
Sound and tho mincM of Idaho Territory.
Tito narrow g atiRO w ill bo widenrd to a
Htaiulard gmiKC The Our tl'Aleno com
pany payH two per cent, iiuarlorly uon u
capital of 1100,000. Thcro am 3lW,000
of hIx per cunt. boudH outbuilding.
PI. Mi-n Klllrd anil NAVrrul Olhrra
Jurrit In lloulnnw.
IIki.kna, Mont., Sept. 11!. Tho moMt
fearful fatality over recorded in .Montana
took place Uiih morniug at WiekoV tun
nel on tbo Moutatm Central railroad,
twenty tulloH from Helena. A puiiiia
turo o'xplofiou canned tho death of ten
men, anil tho wounding of fix or eight
more. It produced a fearful hhock over
the whole mining region, hlnuing hoiiio
of tho minora to utomx, and burying
other under it maxH of rockx ami earth.
Aililcva I'rniii I,lvtTiooli Nf Vmk uml
Wheat market at Livurimol very tpiiet,
7h lOdtirMrt l)ad. Chicago, September
III?.,', October til, Hecember tl-'1!,. New
Vork, eanh Oil, September ill), October
ti!iittl November 100A,, DecemlKir 10,
May llHIJn.
i. k v i : i.a nii'.h a co r. v r an c i:.
A 'nnrul CoiiKpriatliu ItcUcir iifllio ltu.
lit Inn Tin' tin-fit In. iu. of It 'atiiialBii
AkiiIii Hlulcil II" Hurt not llrllnvn Hint
Ml.ri'iiri'.riiliilliin. rrcjinlii'i-, or Alrnai w
lll Win.
Following Im tlio PrcMidentV letter of
acceptance :
W'AhiiiNtiTo.s, Sept. 8, 1888.
Hon. Patrick A. CoIIIiih anil othern,
Connnltteo tientlemen: In addroxHing
to you my formal acccptancnof I ho noui
Inatlon to tlio l'rcHlileucy of llio t'nltcd
StateH, my thoughts pciriHteutly tlwell on
tho improHHlvo relation of hucIi action lo
tlm American jieoplo, w Iioho con. tlenco
la invited, uml to the Hillical parly to
wliicli i lndongjiiht ontciiugon acoiile.it
for continued Hiipiomany. Tho wot Id
tloeri not all'ortl a hn'ctm.lu moru mihliine
than lit fill nlnhetl wlien mllliotiH office
ll(l ,,c.iUuoitt Ameriean cill.eiiH neleet
,ll)lr VMiJ tMUKi8inito, ami bitl ono of
ta.It- numlK-r to Uml tho hlgheM earthly
I I (..II ....... u..r.. ..f ..,.l.ll..ll l.
i lionoi iinu i im ... I""""
ircudyHubmiiouttitluiirwill. It follow
tll.lt the IMIIllIlllltO for I'lCHllleilt Cltll UOVer
lurget, Wliell lllf liiruioil ami xtrno mum
'attend election nliull Ihi beard no more,
i lltat thero iiiuhI be, In tliotpilet c.ilui that
ii .1... i ..i... ir . ........
ioikiwh, coiupieto aim wueinn n u-i.
wuwiini aifiif ..... .....
crating, by tlio peoplo'H t'hohuii I'ichidonI,
of every fneiiltv anil emUmvor to tho her
vice of a voiilltling ami geiieioiiH nation of
freemen. Thei-o thotlghtH ato InloiiMilled
hv tho liglit of my txiciloiico in tho pren-
..'. ..." . '"J . " ' . .
Identlul olllco. wliicli ha nolieiiy lm
. ..... u-lll. II... M..VI.I.. I..MH..M. il
". . .
It Ih of the hlghoHt lniH)rtance tli.il
thoHO who tuliulnlHter tho government
hhoultl elonuly protect and maintain the
riuhtH of tlio American people at homu
hU, ami Hhotlbl Htrlvo to m l.loVO
for our country Iter projair pluco among
tbt. nation of tho carlli i but titer., is no
()U(U lllKiruM ,u H great,
,'W10HO UUII10rmw oblecU of t omext e
"X-o'i watching and
or,X ?lwao ru leg mill i
(" ,V tg n cv 1 1
"HU.K nil general prim'rlty i the
deteUMi tueiiHiiro our national Huiety.aim
' , , , lH)ltllll( w,lU,,,' .,,
" 1 . f protection of
our national ilomalii Htlll ftrelclilng li
' yontl tbo need of tint century oxpau
I hion, and tho jireMirvatlon for tho netller
and jiioncerol our murveloii growth; tin.
mill iiuiiL-iii .. ...
. ....otl.l,. ...wl ulni..ir. nwiiinimiin ill thn
rtjiipiiuu ni. 1. .1. -- . . ... .....
value of American labor, leaning to tbo
HcrupiiloiiH cam utyl nt appreciation of
the iutcrcnt of our woikingmen , tho
limitation anil checking of hucIi inouop
olihtic temlencieH and rchemeH a inter
fere with tho udvautage ami benefit
which tbo people may ilglitfully claim,
a generou regard unit eaio for our nur-
. I.,!..,, u.lilti.ru uml uiittnru. uml fur tin.
v blow h ami orpnann 01 HUciuiHiiavoiiieii,
. . ..... 1.1 1
ruvcniioii iii rci 110 iiiiiiuiiiii..ii, nini.ii
Inrm Inilimtiii.a. I'liniinirrit and lalHirini
men, ami udd to our Mjpulatlon and ele
ment ignorant of our iiiHtitutlon and
law, iniM)hnililo of lurlinll.tllon with our
people, uml dangerous to our people and
dauguiou to our ieaco and welfare ; Hlilct
ad crenco to the piluciileH of civil wr
vice reform, uml thorough execution of
law p.iHhotl for thi purport. 'I bo )0
plo are hohcrly cotiHitlcring the uecoHar
t "'r . .....
meahiire ol reiiei.
Tho government I a creation 01 tne
I i..nt,l i.mIuIiIIhIiriI to carrv out their ilu
I kt,..iu 11. 11I ii.......iiiilyli fiwul It Willi
figtiH and uccoinpllHli g(Hd. It wuf
fotiudttd on JiiHtice ami made for free ami
..I j ....... ,li. It I j ...ill' mil, fill u l.i.i,
llllllUlin ;iiu. .a w... .n..i ..v..
within their control uud unly nerves well
when regulated and guided by their con
plant touch. It is ii fteo government bo
caiiKO It guarantee to every American
cltlen tbo unrvMrieted Uho anil enjoy
ment of all toward of hi toil and of nil
lit income except what may bo hi fair
contribution to nocowtary public ox
IMltlMUM. Tbnrofote. it I not only tho
'right but the dutv of free people in tho
enlorc 'inent m huh guarantee, iinu moy
limiM that hucIi oxonno bo limited to ac
tual public need. It neum clear that
when it government tlm Imttrumontally
created and imilntulned by tho tnsoplo to
do their bidding, turn tiou them unit
through an utter porverniou of Hm powom
extort from tholr labor and cajiital u
tribute largely in oxcohho! public needfl,
the creature ha relielled agalunt tbo
creator and tho mr-ater are robbed by
their Horvunt. Tho font of tho govern
ment muHt continue to Imj met by a tarltr
duty collected at our cuxtom bonne upon
itiiK)itod gtHKl and by an Internal reve
nue tax apfecM'duKn HtdrltuoUHanil malt
lltiuoi', tobacco and oleomaigarino. I
nupMio it i ueetllcH to explain that ull
thcfO tltitle and UHHOHHinont aro aildeil
to tlm rko of the article or article upon
which ihey aro levied, and Hum Im-coiiio
11 tax 011 all tboHii who buy tbeno article
for 110 ami comtumptlou. I hupikiho.Ioo,
It is well timlerHtood that thn elicit of
till turill taxation is not limited to tho
couHtimoiH of iinKrtctl inticlr, but that
thetlulle liiipoMed on hucIi artlcleri Hir
mlt a correHH)mllng incte.tHO in lite price
to be muilo upon domestic production of
the c.iiiio kind, which Incre.iHii I paid by
tho piMiple as conmitnor of hucIi protluc
tlon, uml entering every American homo
contituleu form of tux a certain ami
inevitable as though the amount wa an
nually paid Into tlio luimis 01 tax gatuui-
er. iiiece iohiiii are iiiHiMiaranio iroiu
the plan wo have ailoptetl for collection
of revenue by turill" tint v. Thoy aro not
mentioned to dlHOiedil llm H.VHtcm by way
of preface to the Htittemeut that every
million dollar collected tit our cutom
hoiiHO for tlulle 011 iniorted article
uml paid into the public treasury repro
Hunt many million more, which, though
never reaching tho national treasury, urn
paid by our cilieu a IiiciciihciI i'ot of
production romilling from our tatiU'lawH.
Tluifo circiiiiiHluiice ami, In vluw of
Ibis niTi'HHurv I'lli'rt of llm onerul ion of
our iiluit for nilfliiL' loveuue. tho absolute
duty of limiting the ralo of tarlll'cbaigo
to the uecesxllie of 11 fitigal ami ccisioin
leal aihuluistnilloii of uoveiumeut Heem
to bo iKtrfeclly plain. Tlie contlniiunco,
iiN)ii pii'lext ol luoetiug puiuii expemii
ture. of hucIi a hciiIo of turill' luxation a
tlraw fiiim tliu Hulixtauco of tbu in'oplo a
Hum largely In exce of nubile need, I
Hiuelv Homothliig which in 11 government
li.tHcil im jiiHllce and which llnd it
Ntreuglh uud tifefuluec in tho fulllt and
IriiHt of the people ought not to hit tolur
uted. While tho heavy burtleu Incident to
Hut necesMitie nl goerument tiro uiicoiu
nlaininelv lioiiie. linht burden U'comu
gilevou anil Intolerable when not JitHtl-
lied IivhiicIi ncfoiilloH.
I iiuVii'KHai.v taxation isunjuat taxation,
and vet llti ih nur condition. We me an
nually collecting nl nur cuntnm Iiouho
and bv meaiiH of our inleimil levenuo
laxutloii, until v million 111 oxcex of all
legitimalo public need. Ah ii count-'tueui-o
. beio now reiuaiim in tlie national
tieiiHiiry a Hitrplu of 111010 than illiO.tKil).-
IKHI. No belter oviilenco could 1st lilt-
iiIhIiciI than that the Koplo aro exhorbl
tu lit I v taxed. Tlie oslent nf the HUlierllu-
oiih biiitlen imlicul tl by thi mirpltm will
lie iN'tter uppicciutcil when It lHUggeHtetl
hucIi Hilt 11 tin iilonu lepicHcnlH a taxation
aguieg.tting moio I ban 1 108,000 In a
coiiniiy coutiiiuiiigiiO,(M)0,(HKI inhabitant.
Taxation ha a I way h been 11 feaiuio of or
g.inlcd goveriiinent baiilcnl to lecoiii'llo
with tho peoplo'ri lile.i ot liecuum unit
huppliio when pieuuietl In a tilled
way. Nothing will urotihu iNiptilur ill
content moio tpiickly and profoundly than
unjiibt ami iiuueceHHiiry taxation.
Our furmeiH, inercliaul, laborer, uud
all our citizen cloudy m-un tho Hllglitet
IncreaHO in luxe uhmwiI oil their land
tnd other iiroisirt v. uml tlemaml a uood
reaHou for hucIi incrcai-e, uud yet thoy
Heem to bo exected in hoiiio ipiarlnr to
regard the iinneccary volumu of IiihIiII
on unit imliiect taxation vlnitetl iiikiii
them by our preneut rate of turill dutle
witli iuiliUbroncu, if not with favor,
Ibe HtirplUH ruveiiuti now remaining In
the treiiHtiry not only furuiidic conclu-
hlvo uvitleuco of iiiijiiHt tuxution, but itn
uxlHtenco cotiktitute 11 separate and hide-
imiideut inenaeo to tbu proKtiity ot tlio
iKioplo. Thi vant accumulation of bile
fund ruprcnuut that much money drawn
from the circulation of tho country which
I needed in tho channel of tnulo und
biiHint'. It i u great mlHtaku to nop
pone that llio conHuijuencoH which follow
tho continual withdrawal uml hoarding
by tho government of the curruuey of tho
people are nof of immediate imtKirtuiico
to 1 1 iu ma of the people, uml only con
cern tboiMi engaged in lutgo llnunclal
IranHaclloiiM. In I ho rctttlch cntcrpilwi
und activity which frcoand ready money
among the jkiojiIo iirotluco 1 found thut
opMirliiiiity for labor uml employment,
ami that Impetus lo IiuhIiiohh uml pnxluu
llou which hiiug in their train proper
ity to tbu hmi)Iu in every Ma
tlon iu lifo. New venture, new
invoMtmeutH iu buHiucf und inunit
(acturi g, thu coiiHtruclion of now
and important )Jworks ami tlio enlarge
ment of cntorpriHO already otaillidicd
ileK)iid upon obtaining money iiikjii easy
term with fair ht curiiy ; ull theno thing
aro Htimulated by 1111 ubimdant volumu of
money in circulation ; even tbu gruln of
thu fainter leinuliiH without a market on
lens money in foithcomlng for IraiiHixirla
lion to the Heuhoard. The llrnt result of u
Hcarcily of money among thy moplu is
the exaction of terms for it 110 ; lucroas
(Concluded 011 l'ouith pugo.j