T)AlXY. DAILY. TilT OUKOONIAN VUKK. tlbfM P'B ',,v',, rnr A l'KKi: I.tttltAUY. 1'nlruiiR of the Unlly or Semi-Weekly KAKT Olti:ONIAN rim freely make u.e of Iho KASr OUKUONIAN lllirnry when iiver lliey on dr. Ire. The public iir cor dially Invited to Yllt Itin otllce whenever o Inclined. L rin urtiil nn ,r "iv " i fcj, run uri flrPf - .'..'-'.In... Kit KB OF OtIAUOK. t , I. oni-n l ttotli old nd new mill L Ad.lreM KANT OUKUONIAN I, , ivmllfl'"' '"""' L. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OHEGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1SS8. NO. 163. 1.0DUK DIKKCTOKY. trTvUilHlK NO 2. I. O. O. V., R Jiwr MnnVl-V nliht oda -w'Vi!'l nwif. suruKrAttv. Hiii. i. j.. , nlKTON CIIA1TKIINO. A II. A. M. DHr''V Miiknn a Temp 0 Oil IllB f . Ilk III" - . . . . nA V iih KrldiiJ" or men inonm.iii iwu J. l HUHHKK,U. I'.J K. OL0110.N, Kn UlbUK NO. . A. K. A A. Mi unit the econd sua routiii .Mon tVJ.h monlli. 7130 o'cloik. H.J. fwM S W. K- 1'QTWIWK, nccictiiry. WrONi.OIOKNO.M. A. K. A A.M. I," tl.lr.1 Moii.Ihv" of jHCli month rv klOC. Tl Jl lUblUill TT..TII, l.i nil -M.Hwrftnrv llLOmJKNO. H,. w. u. " ot L HI 71 v u i iiMii r. n.3ii"i Meets iltlne All IrKA I.OIKJK !iu. 3.'. i. u. u. r. mreu LVrr HHlitnlny eyenlii t 7SOo'clook. tMbrowkVN.Q.i ftlifaawtclle, Hec. ; TIM.A KNCAMI'MKNT NO. 17. 1. O I Mrrl on tlio Acrond mik) last :.. ., mn'ii innntli. ill 7i30aVlnck. VfRNOItKiU, IV, I'.. i' niiAiioocriow, FINK ItMIKCO V I.OIMIK No. 13, I. O. ?. lhct.llio llrnt mill third Tliurs. tnen mourn. rr....... iiiiuiLi uii i ir iiu it Met In "ll'l 'rum i.i.ii w.vi mv It i imAnuitKi Er.ln nl 7;30 o'clock. .1. O. I.n J. WiltrAKKitiK. of It.iinil H. lov I.0IXIH NO. I. K. OK l. Meets In lid rVII' llH 'very Wednesday lot T:W iiVIooK. M. MoiiKltKAti, U. iiMAiirir.iii'! . ElWIfON' IDHT, c). A. It , incem nt hfeler'K Hull vpry Tliiirmluy nlnhl. 'Arri.K, Coininnnilcrj J. h. IIovi:n, t. .vrroHNKYsi tUAM l'AltON, ArrOllNKY AT lllf, CMIICI IIOOIII iMO. II, AKOOUI- l.irk, I'eiiiUPliin, uriK'ni. ki I'AOK-TUSTIN, ATI'OHNr-Y AT UIIUT, AMHIOIHIIilll IHOJ'K, i-rnuic- ,KV 4 lUI.I.KItAY. ATTOIIN KYS IIjiw, iiiiw iiooin I, .', a nun I ah buMiicIc, 1 llttoii,Orfi;oii, Mitt . I'lll'.WH. ATTO ItNKYrt AT far, trmlMoii, Orrunn. I.okuI lnul. 1 nil kliiil micmlrd to with prompt. Oiilrt'llnim Kpccliilty, illtlre on liliivt ii lli TliniiipHoii'Iliitnliiirl pt.nvr lim pi t omci". IKK A KITZOHUAI.O.ATTOIINKYS JUw, uiHiiim no. i mill , AHHociii oc, riull tin, Oil-Kim. I. I1KA.V. VTTOHNKY AT LAW. Offlri-Mnln SlU-ot, III Tlioinpnon- utllullilliii.',iivrllio roit Ollloi. ItMtVO;;. A'lTOltNKYH AT I. AW. lie )v r hint miiiomhi iihiik, ren Ir.lll fi Ul.lt. ATTOItNUY AT LAW, I Crntetvlllf, U('Kii. Will prm'tii:" kit ul (In m,n .n il .S'uhIiImjI'jII. (,iil- lipro'ni'llj' Kt'i'iuli'd tsKV a WAOKll, AlTtlltNKYH AT . ItfKlllIK .'llltlll I llf lllll "KHKl dr.. I imiii hi;, v riivrof Mull) mid Webb un4' on, v i-aoii. iTEll A WIIITK. ATTOItNrYK AT k, IVimciim,uii-)jiiii. rtiMiiiiNK "lid kin ti IVxX BYMlIVNs .M) SUHdKOKS. .. r lH'IslllN', MKTA-IMIYM1CI VN kg, r l ltr ,.i i hrl.llilil Kcll'lico !ill';inm kiviii to rlivti in l Imiii 'iiid Fui.M. k, on ii ii it i ion irci'. i;iu Hun lulli nf i' .ell iiiuiith omen I. Xl'lllll ilO T llf iMKt OrfUlllllllll 't. 1 I o . H i moii. IM WHU I'llY-ilCIAN AND HUlt-l"'-i " in irvlncs driiit more. I Uir.'on, R HKKII, I'llYHK'IAN AND SUIt. Itni. Koom it ArMKiuitlon hlncK, funi, IVn iti'ton, llrcKiin. IJ.M, I'ltl KTI". l'HYHH'IAN AND mnn. tiiMci i-ovtT Mixirlmunu A 'or' ntnrc rorin-r of Joliit'on hipi rrtu, rrmiii-ion, ori'ito I V t'tV'H IMIIlMl -.llltl Kn,niiui., ,n. j. urrn r uvea E iiPiiono Willi !! l hniclul Htteiillon Kiven lo the DKNTISTS. Ui . ' ' 1 r,r' 1 "AN AUJUA- HuIUiul., iviidlfton, Orfijon. Mist 'KU.ANKOITS. PAHIl-Ttt rriviiuiii'iiii ivn fenill'lon," ori-Kon. ouwiry ifci Mutual fiimi.neu ou LmLvIan JUhTICKOKTHK I'KACK f- ."rr ruoiic, vuiitjcie, urecou. I i.i.1"' riiiniji. tin iuiiu iv . uii.! proon uRen ut rvuuoeii Ilt.l. 11. I1M.I..1IHII . fl Vion Milker. Alta mid Oarden HU.. f.oreijim. Hlnckmiiltb work of all iki.'i 1 'M,"",,',e "'inner, und on . -.. i..,, iMriiciuir mteniion civ nolnu. Ksi.BnUnvfN houk OAitntAOE r3iii tuiutern, I'endletuii, Oregon. lu..,,.-l,eiUl!trt,;. -'"urt "ireet. 1. lllrtllihA.1 i. u i nlAH KiK.n.,7, W,M '(lv prompt mien LlfiiiliiK a ipeclallyV KliJ0"", HOUSE ANUHIQN P nd n, 1 ,l"B' lper-hKiiKln, llhi? ",nl,ennK- Wore and all- p, rti, uptoatiH TlltonNHtar lUkerv. Iwitth KI"NN I'llAt? ItAOTICAI eter Ma- All work foUUffi,A,T hTO-s'K AND IIIIICK f M n,?.'i'"na Oreuon Tomb. B'''-Pf7a1,ftKnlOUhb,5r,IO, I 5&tSB i?K A AT THE M. ?hi'?8,,! otc at ur c thai rtrlnllni. Mv.ilwr iimi llio.e o( . -fc uuu.e. m Kattnrn Orecoii Whom it May Concern. TO-DAY'S TFI FfiRAMS I lrll lonco of tho game o icLcunwwoi .rho coroner iiell, ublK)Ht , The uuderaigncd will close all current accounts on their hooka on the 1st of Next October, And will demand satisfactory settlement of all bills due them before the end of tho year. They propose there after to conduct their business on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS, And solicit a contiuuunce of the liberal patronage they have so long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers FULL COMPENSATION In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended ROTHCHILD & BEAN Cheap News! Tlxo Seml-Weolily East Oregonian AMD THE NEW 0RK WORLD From now until after the Presidential election in November for ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. CI.KVKIiAMiy 1.KTTKK OUT. Creat Western Bakery. AND DINING ROOMS, .V. GRATA, I'roprMor. A. FIESIT-OLAS'S MEAL! von TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE, CLEAN BED FOR HQ OH 50 GENTS OPE3ST DAY AHSTD TSTIG-ST! Main Street, near rontofllce, I'ewlleton W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO., "Wine and Spirit Merchants, G3 FRONT ST. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON AQKNTS rYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS; SCHLITZ BREWING PO Milwaukee . Wit ) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLEO BEER. ARCA SlAN KlNC I MINERAL WATER, (Wauken.aw. Wis.) VEURE CLI QUOT PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) Jus3.l.w3m He Given L'uau.wrrnblB IteaioHl for Ite dtielnir Til in And Admlttlne Itaw Ma terial. Kree, WAHiustiTON, l. C Sept. 10. Clove litnd'M letter ot uuveptuncu 1h out. It coverit nearly threo column. Ujhjii tho question of free tratlo It eontulnM tho following: "Abrupt ruillcal chitnL'e which mlKlit cndiinKorontiTpriHcH and In juriouly utFt'ct tho lntcrcsta of lubor tie liendcnt on their huccchh und continunnco uro not t'ontcmplutud or Intomlcj, but wo know tho cot ot our dotnentle manu factured iroductH id increaocd und their coot to conRiitnorH la euhunccd liy tho duty linpoHcd on raw material lined In manufacture. Wo know (IiIh IncreiiMcd cont prevent the Halo of our production at foreign markets in competition with thoMo countrioH which have tho udvan ttiKU of frco raw muterial. Wo know that, confined to u homo market, our mauufai'turinj; oporatloitH are curtailed, their demand for labor Irregular, und rate of wurcm paid uncurtain. Wo pro k)hu thereforo to Hlhnulato our douiOHtio IndiiHlrial cntorprinoH by freeing them from tho duty impoMcd upon importetl raw material which by employment of labor uro uned In our manufactured, tlum extending markutH for their huIo, und nor mittinc tin Ini'reaHed and titeady produc tion with ullowiinco of abundant prollt. A QHKAT wiikatT'ooi,, A Olfantlo Camblnhtloii Formed with Un. limited Cupltal. F.mioo, I). T Sept. 10. A Klantic wneat trust, poHpewunt' uiiiiohi tin urn ei i 17, vt ii.. t i.i ... ranlH In iiiuiiusi , in vuiMH luuiiiii, iJiwiiKiih I' light. Tito plan of tho combination in to piircha'Mo iih nearly iih poHelblo nil thu wheat delivered for Htorago on tho North ern I'uci.'u railroad. Thu organization Ih fuld to. coiuprlHo h6iuu of thu heaviest moneyed men in I lit 1 tit It . Miiiiieapullx, I'ttrpi, flrand 1'orkn, Juiiientovn, DovII'h l mm mill oilier point lit Dakota. Alto gether over thirty capltall-tH tiro atd to no in tho jkmiI for Individual amount,, ranging froin (I0,(H)J to 500,000. Tho nriivH uro it Kllght advance on tho mar ket for present and fill uro delivery, when tiftri'Mimrv. to Hpeuro tltNlritl tinrrliiixiin. Thin llefd of oKjratlniiH Ih routined to wheat producing region oi iho.Muili went, und only higher grade uro taken. I cauuht It. Ikihl liinrtRin nxutnlii noil over a Mtoe-mring ana it button holo, und rendored a verdict of death by oollidlns with u cyclone. Since that time I bavo become of u literary turn und condemned tho national game a an agent which is increasing tnu rate ot mortality 111 VUdlUO I'lUlllUt Alba ha u bra band, which from my dtundpoiut of comparison is tho bom. It ixilutH of Hunerioritv are thce: 1. It can make more "nothing" out of music than tho l'cndlcton bund. 'J, It has killed more dogs than Cliirbrd'ri rut poison. .'!. Kcllov lielonc. 4. Dewey belongs; but I won't give away any more of the boydj milllco it to ay that thin is enough to recommend it touny muslcdovlng community; und if mo ruuriu ui iiui cuiiich uuibhio lei un .know. Miss Campbell und Miss llox uro vis iting friend iu Alba. Mis Box has loft for lVndleton, I would Judgo from thu number of "Ikixcb" piled around Mr. 'Stevens More that he would not mis one, but tho joy (hero 1 in one "mail llox no one hut ho can tell. 1'iuihim. council mi;i:tino. l'roceedlnxa at FiliUy Nlftllt'n Meetlii( lllll. Alliiwnl unit Hefrrreil. ritK-S COSIMKM". And tho Wht lh Nt. I.nill. Iteimlilln tlreicnnlan Nay. Kr. I.OUIH, Sent. 12. Thu Konubliu will say editorially: "l'ruiduut I'lovo land's letter in by far Iho MrongcHt docu ment that ha yet itninMred on either nido one that is bound to hitvo a potent iiilluenco in determining tho people' ac tion upon thu iKiiie of tho cainpalmi ami Is K)rhapB tltu abltwl letter accepting thu i ju iiresiuuiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiuiiuu iiiui can no found in any ixilltlcal uuu.tls." At it Hccial meeting ot thu common council of tho town of l'endleton, held at thu council room ou tho 7th day of Sep tember, 1888, there weru present S. Uothchlld, chairman ; J N Young, J V Slaughter, und K Sargent. Thu cotumilteo on claim rcisirtcd cor rect on thu following bills, uud ou motion tlio recoider was insiructeil to draw war- iiavmunt of Iho samo: A II llanna 110 ;i7. .M Ii Sarirent 0 i5. Jas Wheelau i- 00, Ahem .Mauufacturiug (.'oHM10, I liarrutt f 00, ('ahoon 1'ielding f(l oO, Chas ridding 1 00, J K Smith 4 00, S M Slauton I7 00. Tho following bills weio then referred to thu commilleo ou claims: itothchlld tV Dean. Hl.oO: Wutsoii A l.ulir. JI1.71: same, $0; Noll .McKachorn, Wheeler A (.keen, if 7.00; name, f,i,70; (1. I. I.a- HOW, IfL'.HO. Ihu K!litlotm of Jno. Murjihy, John .1. Hlititl und 1. iMedernach were road and referred to tho commilleo ou llnanco. Ktliuateri for loveo work for August weio toad, und on motion tho recorder was uuthori.ed to draw u warrant on tho loveo fund for thu mini of $ 101X15, same being H.) per cunt, of Huldcstlmutu. On motion thu council adjourned. KAKMKltS AND LKOISLATOUS. l'oiiTi.AM). Sent. 10. Thu Oregonian suyn editorially : ".Messrs. Cluveland and I.amout luivo lieiiu endeuvoriuu' to do something in tlio lino of broad hilarious humor KiiiHiriuiluruii ny u i.tto visit oi Hill Nvu to tlio President, and as it tostl inonlal of loeinrocitv f r that distin guished humorist's act of hi barnyard ' toiou euiwit. uro yur. Aniuy raiu ...u , WMor jH H,ow ( paiwr is uxceeoniKiy ninny. 'brookH: It often louulres l llli: IN HAN t'UANCINCO. Three lllncli. l)rtrn)eil-l.n. Nearly h .11 llll Has Fiiascisco, .Sept 0. A llro hroko out IhlHuflernoon In thu wish und door factory of llulior A Crocker on Main stieet. ilu cutiro llro department of thu cilv was lulled out. Thu hiirned dihtrict Hinbraces two who Iu blcck. which It en- ot Ihusu natural ixn llrely consumed, and t lire block which limber, learned In timu lo conhtruct inoio uro almost a total loss. Thu uinount Is i artful dums, ho an to tutain uxten-lvo ha nearlv u million dollars, divided lMjtwecn sins of wuter. Thus, iu thu natural cou Homo'doen llruiH. dition of tho' North American thorn, a i well uh those of most other countries. bo Wheat in chlcaijii. j foro mail began to clear away thu forests, Ciiicaoo, Sept. 10, Heplombor wheat i thu woods constituted u great system of is quoted to-day ut 02 und October ut reservoir, iu which tlio rains uru ru DI, I tulned into thu period of liitervoiilng . . IdroughtH. In this ttluto of thu mirfuco, AI.ua OI.KANINOH, ; the u.uiii cliuuuulri of u river-system wtuu continually Iho seat of streams of model- "I'llKrlm" Trlli uf llappenlnfi In Alba-! (u uvv 'fhcso cluuiielH woto no wider iiatviali, lira.. Baniif, Ktc.-I.ocai , jlu Mtt8 reipiired by tlio rate ut which fllll.tl Tuthe lilllorof the Katt Oretfoulnu. Tho hot weather is over, and tlio cool xephyra once more whistle playfully through our whisker. Tho inhabitants urn blessed with un abundant hurvest this year. Dr. llili and Mr. und .Mm. Illckers, with a numlier of tho young folk of tho country, bavo gone to C'amii "kar- hon" to rusticate lor a season. 11107 " tendto"tako in'v llluawuy firings on their return. Home flood Idea Kxpre'.ed hy a l'r ereK.lie Umatilla County l urnier. A Into issue of tho California "l'atron unii Agriculturist" contuins tho following letter from Mr. W. A. Snmplo, u promi nent member of tlio Grunge in Umatilla cou.ity : "Tho cry goes up from tho farmornthut their waits uro not placed before tho legislatures un they should bo. Wo ad mit the fact for the reason that the farmori have not come to uu understand ing among themselves. Thoro must lie proper tepn taken and labor performed before we can oo any help arising for us us an agricultural clo8. The Grange allbrds tho furtuor nn or ganization ot Iwth Stuto and Na tional character. In tho Urnngo hall we can discusH our wants, draw our con clusions und place tho matter properly beloro our law-makers. Corporations of ull kinds have their lobbyists or ugcutn to look ufter their interest's ut tho mootine of our legislatures, und why not tho farmers adopt soma nhiu to tidvunco their interests? In numerical Ktrength ut tho ballot wo uro thu strongest, but in cun ning wo uro behind tlio tlnum. I am pleased to hco that tho farmers uro awak ening up out of their lethargy. "God helps tnoso who help uumiseivcH" it it Is done on nroncr motives. Tho Idoa that wo uh a class will receive prner uttcntiou from our law-makers und re main dormant ourselves Ih u fal lacy wo have practiced too long. Tlio Salem Grange has madu tho start. Situated uh it Ih ut thu Capital, it should tuko tho lead, und if tho dlll'erent Nitiorilliiutrjliratige tliioiigliout tlio htuto lend tho helping hand by sending to tho Secretary of thu Salem Grange requests projierly and justly ilruwn, signed by their member, demanding equal riuhlH and privileges fioui our lawmakers, w hat u power it would luivo I Perhaps Homo think it u small matter, uh tho number of members Ih not very lurgo. Hut thu idea is, thu agricultural class must have 11 leader. If tlio Grnino makes thu stuit und demands of our hiw-mukurH just laws, laws that will give to tho farmer his share of Iho prolltH of hi la bor, it will bo a start iu tlio right dircu tion, Tlio Idea 1 have advanced will lie 11 benellt to thu llopubllcutt farmer und will also benellt tlio Democratic farmer. Iho principle onco before tho people, stilted hy Ihu farmers that belong to thu Grango, will bo up proved by tho farmers not hy members of thu Order, and they will sen tho good arising from unity of act! 111 und will lend 11 helping hand. Thu agricultural claw must of necessity obey Ihu law ot pro gress. Wo must Hcrutiulr.o uvery act iiiado by our luw-mukur. und If wo huve niailo 11 mlhtaku iu funding inuu thoro who will not give us equal chances un der our laws, lot uh pronounce them jkjII tically dead, and see that thuy never get into olllco again to Ix'tray tho trust placed iiK)ii them. 1 have talked with Statu Senators elect ltuluy and Wuger, Hup rcHuiitiitivi'H llcitu und Kirk, und can recommend them us men worthy of thu trust placed upon them men who huvu said tliey would bo pleasud to help tho fanner under till clritiimstuucoH, hut 11 leimitns lo bo seen what t hoy will do. Ilouso Hill No, 2.11 on assessment and taxation, that failed to pass tho hist Slato Senalo by 11 tiu vote, should bo resurrec ted and ho amended uh to provide for u precinct ussiiH or and passed by tho com ing Legislature. Ihu constitution of thu Hulled Slate should Ui ho amended that tho United States Senators bo elected by 11 direct vote of the electors of thu sovurul Statin, us CoiigroMuiieu and Statu olllcors are now tilt'cteil, Tho condition of tho United States Senate ul Ihu prosuut tlmu Is u disgrace to u free government, com posed of railroad kings h'udiug main fuc Hirer and now estimated or inetisi red rather by their millions than hy tliuh in tellect. Some of them would never I avo Uton thoiu only by Iho uho of money. I holKi thu diireruut Siibordlnato (itai gori will take tho matler Iu ham1 and prtq urn themselves to act ut Ihu proper t mo, Wu shall ilepund ou tltu Salem Grango taking the leading pait, und I can ussuro you thu Order beiu iu Umatilla county will perform Its part In thu grand prin ciple for ouual rights, eqvul luxation und equul law," . , .i ii.i .1. ii . . these forestuusiumled wulern esca,ie,l. hWT " Sff ITS fore.t aud Water Miiqiiy. Department from Uro. Sample, hut wo When man resorted to tho noil uh the nk bo inukoH u mli-tuko when hiiwoulil nourco of hi food, hu liegau to clear uwuv fhfl tho luadorship to tlio shoiilderH of Iho forest and by tillage to destroy j "awm urango. 1,01110 rigui to 1 m trout yourselves, oroineroi iiiiuiiuu. iaii jour wunts ho known und presuui mom. Itlii'i. mill Valley., I'roff.x.r N. H. Hlialtr, In Hcrlbner'a Miku line for Auiiuit. Tho valley of most livers uro forest clad. Whether lliesu forest bavo thu glgantiu growth characlurislle of fertile districts in tho tropics and Iho tuuierato 7.0110, or tuko tho shapuot stunted wood, such uh extend fur toward thu poles, they ull cases lot 111 ixinealli lliulr brutichew, und ubovo tho Hull, u 1 thick, Hioiigy coating, which ulloriln 11 naliirid rocorvoir for thu rain wuters. In most regions, this forest siKjngu ha u depth of more than 11 foot ; It not lufiu quoiitly attains 11 (hicknesH of two feet or nunc. It cm commonly tuko into its In teretlceH 11 rainfall oi three or four inches in depth, or from one-sixth to 0110 tenth thu oidinary annual supply. lilcd lo thu weeks for u singlu torrential ruin entirely to escasi into thu open channel which bear it lo tho suu. .Moreover, Ihu fallen trunk and branches of thu true clog tho forest shaded rivulets, making litllo pool, which servo still further lo leslraln thu outgoing of thu waturs. Our lcavers, ut one timu Ihu most widely distributed of our larger animals, ut llrst making nvaij ot Ihesu natural imiiiiih lorined by 1.111011 tho siKjiigy covering ol tho earth which theycteated, ith tho udvunco of clvi lhutioii.ull tho great valleys on tho north ern tcuix)ratu zono have been to u con hiderablo extent deprived of thoir forest covering. In this new stuto of tho Hiir faco, tho rain-water Ih no longer held Furmers uro in tho habit of "letting soinu one elso tend to their utl'alr," and right there Ih where thu troublu comes iu, If you would succeed, think, net unit do for yourselves, lie iiuieiHiiiuenii no inuu- Ull lUlUIJll IHIU ' - -- (wow Mbl f .1 ' II 11 t 4 ,ili.,.,iwul Iku fIAn lilt tlirt tifttitl. ' I. .lr uu ll WilU fif Itlll. 1 kilt HfiU'ti fill und Mr. Clillord is now the getiiul pro- over (ho Hiirfaco of tho soil und outers I, I v e iH'Hiru to correct usugiit iiiihiukb nrietor; und when Iho boys hear tho ; tlio water-ways, iho resuii ih that ull , ? r . rumiuo imir. um unnui welcomo word "coino to ilinuer," they thu old chunueU Injur, in limes of llood.u 1 ' " clatiwi provldinif for pro may know there Ih Hoinethlng good iu body of water fur greater than that which I ciuct ussessorH, A motion wuh made Iu Htoro. wuh put into mum ihjioio thu lorests viero 1 ' ,u "-'"u u in. winm Mr. Dowoy contemiilatcs going to tno cleared uwuy. lliuy uavo been com-1 "lu. u" ; Willamette valley wsm. Ho will prob- ,lled to widen their channjbi by euttlng H)ku In op)i tlon to striking out thu I1UMV 11 Mrlll lit IHO U11I1V1.1I IUI1I1 OH llllttr viauou. uramn i.ii.i in inn raumu ilo. llius, in thu caMi oi iho Ohio river, thu lied occupied by the flood waters bus, since thu beginning of Ihu nrusent century, been widened to thu li:ivr hteam appliances for separating thu 1 amount of alxnil ono-lifth of it total dl- ......... .,..,1 .l,,irnlriir till. Ilrt lirOUL'Ilt tO I uiiu.lnr. lll.uliltll ihU U'ldl.lll III. It la Eastern Oregon, 'iliev uro a hucccsh. 0w imablu to iioar awuy tho flood wutorH ' "wif "iiare of thu laxos will Tho baseball nine of Alba intend to ' yielded lo it by tho oxteiifcivo tilled shr-. "'-t'Jo Hx,t, wlntor, but wo li.ivo litllo .1... il.. I'!ll llilmrw mill KlllldaV. till) J,i.,.j .f It 1,-iuln In 1 1 mi. 4 i.l tl.wul ll llOK Of UUVtlllllV' IKS 111! UCf'OIhpliidlCd. It H ,l,l.,at .il,.nl,t It will lie u "eclnnco , rlHPH hlcher than of old iin.l Miirnuil ilnv. : W 111 Iiovur IhI done Until lllU bosses who ubly tjiiit tho saloon business, Your corresKmde!it visited Mcltey nnliU' ilalrv on CalUUH. TIlO IkjVH UP milking over fortvcowH and uro doing tno 11 dairy busluess in the country- They bv u muiorlty of two, Simon. Slullu. und tlio "ring" generally, opM)Hed it. Whilo not perfect, wo bo I iu veil it would bavo been un improvement on thu pieretit law. Another attempt to oblige the wealthy ieoplu ot this Slato to pay some- w . ..... . .1... ...... .1.... game." I can lestny 10 uiu iutv u tllore Ih "science" la'Jt. I took u hand with the boya a few weeks since, und in trying to catch u "fly" discovered the I und spread dev astation over u wider urea of tho alluvial plains. lit time of drought tho stream hhrinks within its wustu of encumbering Hands and becomes iinnuvigablo. control this Sluto jiowor. Ki. K. O.I are thrown out of .Marlon county needs more hoi-)iickerH. B9