East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 08, 1888, Image 3

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    . ...irrt.111I..lf H. HHH.
Tho railroad commission hius forwarded
a. letter to W. II. Ilolcoiub, manager ofk
tiio u. k. ii ivO,, announcing thut on
Monday, tho 10th int., tho boiird will
hold it session In Salem for tlio purposoof
considering tho propriety of recommend
ing it reduction of height rates on (hut I
A 1'urty Looklnr Out u Itoutti Arnm Mor
row, (Ultluiu, uml Uro.ik 0.iiiiitlM-ir the
. A W. T. It Built to Pendleton, Another
Comt Outlet Will ltcult.
rei. l.t.. .-M r tut . .
inuro!)Hii,viiiiiiHii county .Journal e;iyn
company's linos in Oregon. Mr. Hoi- a toniiMiny 01 surveyors hitvo been
mhin iirnnch opIcp. comb Is invited to bu present in person or wonting diagonally across Morrow
... . ii. imeiiiist AX him I "v i i i" ruiireKeni Iliu Iiiicrcttiri -. ru...vi .iniu. u in ruiwricu
rf...iMiii r.A-. . - - - . .r ii . i - ... . . . i ... ii ii. .
Another pool of LUODO bushels of ,., ' , , ,, ,llu' ,mvp '
wheut hitH been formed in Pendleton this ,,?ffMlfll,c? of county, In idea
afternoon by neighboring farmers. Sev-, ?lnut i,801,1 i I't"iu ; ,,'k
oral buyerH are eager to obtain it, and I T'1,1 Ui1ylord,S ,,,,wl, V,.oy
a good price will undoubtedly bo paid. ,lmwi 1,1,0 1JKk cru.eklin rli '' '
Grangers aro learning the advantiiL'o 0f j "vt.rospecllng a Kood way out
combining to protect themselves and to w uml , 'm0"' course the pros-
Hell their wheat In bulk. It l llknlv- . c". 01 11 0 surveyors, causes, conslit
lifli" .1..... niiiirr tho man
i,.-imi. .- . . ii 1. 11. . tfiu mi
llomrr 11 1 ,.,m. ,ul
.... t.'i iK iti .;....
nr ' " " ... .r.ittnnill V. 1(1 Illllh''
,..! UtVJJ'"' V.J.i II.. will
I. nil III I II imii' ---
"V." ... i n any HiTvirii in nix
,.ltr in improving
Wlilttaker, dentist.
-., . PhotuKraphcrs.
1. .....tr at Donaldson i
the Association
rcut In
1 .. iiwi rinir. AiUHin
.IiMfitfnltillH l!0 10 I. O.
.'u.,t utrcnt brldtrc.
Barrett ha lccn contlncU to
. 1 .1. it'ti trim HiuK.iit:on
t ulrl to work in u family in
HI Iiun-n ---
cooks ro now employed at
Iiuunvi T T "
ure at work on Wlllium
ulldintf, wciipicti oy rre
' bln.f It. unlit' uml
YtiMt IIIW liecii cr,
..1 .1 it'u Mil 11 ivnnu
1 11. .1.1
Mm. J. W. htillivau uro tn
. . .l.t ...iimIi ii.iir IIAlIr.
.1. ....11 ..iniiintiil uith thn
aty of lifo ""
fniin tbn Warm
le rcKrtrt .Mm. rmdy to bo
t Impruvilllji mm Jioin
inwl that h ho may recover.
. uaulitlil" It4 frmtlllllll v imiiiu
In rcndli'tuii. At least, tills
- .! fi.mi tlin 1 1 II 111 I Hr
.1 In v 11I, ma ulnniH I ii
. 1 11
fron tho niaiuiKomont ol the
x V. ('. .t:riciiltnral Hocloty,
annual l.tir neginH on we-
. I ...il..n.tij f.t miik i inL
11 Ml . I ....
.h froli;ht for Walla Walla,
il,A Cturi.l U'liitn lllltV it Itll
...... t 1l1.1t ffi.fiitiirwf riHftf.lt
bonniinc citioH in all their
furticr anil William clm
. . ....! I
... ' 1 t .1 iu.....
. . ... . f il... .1
r 1 1... 11 1... . 1.
nine of bakeballiHtH wan or-
. 1 . ..1 . ., .
infill, wi in foverai acuvu
Tliv will hold a meeting at
tomorrow 111 tiio Hiiop 01
1 1 n miviukuii rti 1 mini
1 tt t 1
rthW K'anHK und Iuih boon
.amlUuuvv at tho nmchluo
.1 1 f,.4 ... 111,. r
. 1 1 1 .1 t . tn .1
ciuiiivH uru tauen.
Iwidim tho "hIouh of tho
uiuntliii nidowulk Inwt nlht,
.... .1 1 t 1.1. ..t 1. ...
i.uriii'i iriini nix piumiwr
nn rniTAnu nun I'nn v.iv.if I ill
.1. ...,l. I-M..... MM. I..
(aid tho iixiial lino and
mcriilnir rather, until two
iuui ii' 1 1 hi ho I'oiiHpicuoiiH aim
r?i 11 kk 111 1 nuir invii iniiwiiii'.
.11., j I.. ... .. I.A .....1.1
' HHir Ili4111.il iicaivim Hllllll-
Nei The proiilftorn of
l-l ill hi... lliniD.ifiil'
tTV lili.riirlhi 111. I lull lull.!
v . 1 , .. IIIVI ll.l I U
vreliiiiiliint Iti iliiu. itv uml
............ .,, v..-
i-T 111 , III nil' .li'JUKlifll
u -n ' - tin, mumimiHMit of
...11. K
'mve liwn thronhliii
-I . I'in'rv, p'il
' d.iv tn ii'siinii. ik
I'll lU-k fi.-i
"Id Spiin ri'irioii
ii..v liivn Hu nil
' rv will b liljidy t"
1 . 1 1 'ho IniyH.
ii 2 will t .' p vi.tiK
s'ind niiiniii'.
1 MS' lire to ir.lllrHi-'
II. n J i; Hum
1 1 tl. nul l,, n.niuii.,1
'1 n (n,.. 1,, K, ,ro.'ii',
r a 1 prp-t'itiv '
' rR.ird hi- u.iii it.iUiiiM
nick for
that nools will bu tho orilnr of il.,. ,i,.V ?'"o oxc tcniont, ami wicculalion in
. j fi... no ... i ,
tiiu i,n iu iiiiv
next HeaHon.
lii C
moro invcstmoutH
in this
Hcntloy now owtiH probably $15,000
company they rcprenont,
11 .1 .. 1 i. .fi 1 1 i. , and tho p Int for which thoyuro headinir.
IJ. Hon lev left riinrfxlav night for o.tr I-ono Uock friend, ifuwover, mivs
,1 lifornla liomo, after niaklng t-overal (hoy belong to tho Norlliern Pacific rail-
noiyhborhood. Mr.
11 1' 1 nn 41 1 ., i, oil.'
n.vr K'vc that "water
''nk ' b,t 1 ho IVii.IIoJ. :i
Uh' 1 1-thick i-iioiixh
(VK t , ,,u ,,,
t" nulls id U, 'Hi,, uuii,
n- f h. . lorn wlnu
' imdd cimdiiitin of
1 " jn-fk. Mhiif
k 'U nudi' fur tho
" II y Ni-l-.ii, thf
' ' i uii.'iiifai'tui-
" :iit uf IIiIh iniilHri il
IfOdVlll na ...II..T .
, niuiirii'iii llllilll-
1 " w on i!,,, ur,ind. 1;...
1 n' n" '"t the iiia-nilici i.;
-.fcll 'JTYMII.
H'"an. .... . 1.
P. l . " '"
,t . x-lto d tvand t
II u..iln-ilt.. 1 l i.i .
stlM... , """""ii .111 Lane:
r:" "uvii uuvieii iiv
IK ' ' "ke 10 have none, but
SSJT; ti,no '" Hl"-n'-Sr.,'h
chartered at
Urw natnber would havo
I ft .i.t
tho ilno
m-.rr .v
worth of projiorty in thin county, and is
thoroughly identified with its intcrestH.
110 iuih inaiio many irienilH among Ten
dlelon'H citlneitH during his periodical
vIhHh hero.
H in oxpected, Fayfl an exchango, that
tho Northorn 1'ucillo will Imva boutH run
ning on the upper Columbia; In a few
wookd for tho pur)OBo of allowing our
farniorn ah opportunity of shipping their
wheat. TIicho boats will run from Cclllo
to Lewiston, on the Snake river, und will
furnlnh an outlet for tho wheat-growing
belt of tho Inland Empire.
Another now nldetraik is bclne con-
Htructed at tho deK)t yard to uccommo
dato naHHonccr coaches left Htandlmi for
any length of timo. Tho need for moro
yard room is nadly folt at this atatiou.
to correHK)iid with its imjiortanco and
tho amount of switching dono.
Wagons loaded with wheat cross tho
track at tho dejiot nearly every minuto
in tho day : at tho sumo time tho various
trains are made up by the switch engine.
Tim . I
driver to bo smaHlied are good, but us yet
no accidents havo occurred.
Wheat Is quoted at 0(1 (Hi (SO)., to-dav.
Willi an uncertain tont of tho matket at
this llguri). About three fourths of tho
product of Kastcrn Oregon lias been dis-
ix;i-e(l of, so the buyers say. .Mont of tho
farmers havo received tho boncllt already
of tho iccout rlfo.
Tlio arguments in tho caro of tho Town
of IVndlotou vs Saunders were concluded
this afternoon und tho caxo given to tlio
ury. IhociiHo has been fought stub
lornlv I iv thoattornovH. and is expected
to bo a knotty question for tho jury to
A "v" lias been survoved and cross-
Hectloued running from a )o!ut near tlio
mill race and connecting with livers'
side-track. It is Intended to facilitate
tho handling of cars in running them to
ami from the Homing mill.
This afternoon, a youngster was out
ringing a bell, advertising a "lull game
at the grounds, at two o'clock." i'pon
investigation, it was found to bo 11 con
test between tho St-trs, Junior, and tho
lioy-baud nine.
Tho Oregon A Washington Territory
road Is running a survey from Colvillo,
near I'omoroy, northward via Vernon
toward Unvinton. It Is mipvon'd that
tho lino will bo extended to LowiKton.
Splendid Sunday dinner to-morrow at
the .Star KoMaiiraut, Mrs. Uradloy pro-
iriutress. ('hickeii and Ice-cream willi
hi herveil alongwitli other delicacies.
Tho dilapidated side-walk and high-nail
hi'Htniit still remains iiucraeketl. Sev
eral falls and bruised shins am roortcd.
but as yet with noseiious results.
Tlio Young Men's Amateur Tele
graphic .-orvlco Is now in good running
order, tho instruments and batteries
working to 11 charm.
Tlio game of bawball between Fletcher
Isiv baud and tho rendleton brass band
will K)sitlvelv take plaro on Sunday,
Soptoinlier L'U, 18SS.
Tho Mistes Nina ( on and draco
Welch are now engaged in mastering tho
photographic art in tho studio of tho It.
U'ster Swaggart, of C'ontorvillo, is in
town on his wuv to tlm ('ovo, intending
lo enter tho academy at that place.
Tut lie M'hon! begins Monday, and
pupils, largo and small, aro arming tlisin
.elves with tcxt-lsioks.
Tho handlers of tho trowel on tho Pen
dleton hotel had another holiday to-day,
"waiting for limo."
Tiio County limn I of KnualUatlou
moots .Monday at tho otllco of tho county
Mr. liiirlmid will ivoimmi lint
town and country I road, and that they aro looking for
route through tho hunehgrass region of
Morrow, Uilliam und Crook counties to
connect with tho Oregon Pucillc near
Prlnovllle. Others contend theso sur
veyors belong to the now company tho
Mt. Hood Kallroad Company, recently
Incorporated, and that thoy in
tend to parullol tho O. It. A N.
Cos lino to Portland, passing liy
the base of Mt. Hood, and tutyicc down
the Sandy river. If this now road Is n
branch of tho Southern Pacific road, uJ
Borne buppoBe. thefc would p'cctn to bo
ground for such a rumor. The surveyors
nevertheless uro working this way, und
are heading toward us, und we 1iohj thoy
will find a practical route. Our coal
fields will be sulllcicnt inducement for
any road through this country to swervo
toward tho foot-hills, und Fossil will not
bo far out of tho lino of tho road. A rail
road will give an impetus to trade and
develop tho country rapidly."
It is well known that tho Southern
Paclllc and Oregon Pucillc havo their
eyes on tho largo refion west of us yet
unlnvaded by a railroad, and it is onlv a
uucsllon of u few months when tho coun
try iiIhjvo Indicated will bo intersected by
a road heading northeasterly. The new
Portland incorx)ration may also
strivo to connect that city directly with
Kastern Oregon by tho "Mount Hood"
route. Hither of these roads will un
doubtedly connect with thu O. A W. T.,
uml If that road Is built to Pendleton, tho
other prox)ed road is tolerably certain
to come hero also.
Willi prompt and vigorous action now,
tho prospects aro good for Pendleton be
coming tho most celebrated railroad
focim between tho Uockles and tho Cas
cades. 'Lot there lm 110 hesitation, no delay,
no faltering, in bringing tlio Hunt road
into this town.
Frlilny'i I'rorc'illni;n-Krr anil Ac
count. Atlouril,
Hoad and bridge account: Oregon Im
provement Co, IK).
In tho matter of citintv road No. 314 j
N Daugherty, Win Fraker and J U llean
aps)intcd viewers, and . I C Arnold sur
veyor. t
fto.id.Vo. air, iH3tlttnn denied.
tu tlio matter of tlm .vtut.i i.f .1 U Wal-
kr deceased i ordered that it be sold and
tho proceeds paid into tho enuiilv tivas
U W,SoH!r, A J Crabb, Malll Arvala
ana vuineim wohtnko adjudged count v
W C Tilton, pauper account, $10.
Account W M Pierce, school superin
tendent, $75 'J5.
Fred Pago-Tustin, imiuest account,
$8 :u
Incidental accounts of J M I.eezor and
O W Lambkin disallowed.
Incidental uceount: W I, German $1M.
In tho mutter of WJ Chastuin, doublo
assessment, $10.
Martlia Whitworth apjiolnted to a
county sdiolarshlp in tho State University
of Oregon.
IncmillHry l'orril Fire".
Krom the IlnkirClly Democrat.
Forest fires are again raging in tho
southwestern portion of Hakor .county
und oxiehding across .the lino into' Grant
county, causing a great loss of valuab.e
timber that It will take years for tho
forests to recover from.
These fires, though tho result of care
icssncss, aro as iriuy incendiary jircs as
thoso that are started with Intent' to de
stroy, and tho only way to prevent them
is to niako those who start them person
ally rosponslblo, us for" crlmo'.
Every year thousands of acres of tim
ber laud uto bw opt by flro through tho
neglect of campers whoso carelessness
makes them incendiaries who. unfortun
ately cannot lo readily punished bv the
courts. To remedy this, laws should lie
passed and strictly enforced in sections
01 tno country wnoro tirnpcr is yet so
thick that forest fires aro a source of
great damage. It Is criminal careless
ness and punishment should Is) meted
out to tho erietrators.
Retiring from Business! Retiring from Business!
; J. Diamond, file Clothier and Hatter
begs loavo to announce to tho public that ho intends lo retire from business hero,
Hint in older to do mi ho will ell hN entire largo stock, consisting of
Mens, Boys and Children's Fine Clothing, Fur
nishing: Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Etc.
liitt-rcxthu; linn, from Turoiiin,
lloomlnir City of the Hound.
T.m'oma, September , 1838.
There aro alsjut eighty cat jsmters on it
stiiko hero. Thcydemaud now the samo
pay for nine hours' work as Ihey have
gotten for ten hours.
Tho plasterers have raised their Price
from twenty-tlirco cents per yard to
twenty-seven cents, and aro crowded
with work.
About 600 Grand Army men and their
friends arrived this murnltig from Cali
fornia and Oregon on their way Hast.
About thirty more went from hero with
Hop pickers aro in demand at one dol
lar per box, ami agents are searching tho
city for help.
School commenced September lid with
eleven teachers and 4s8 scholars, so I am
told, at the Central School House, which
was built In t8S:i.
Tho Northorn Pacific Company lias
two coal bunkers hero ; one Is largo
enough to dump tlfty-slx cars of coal at
onco. ? , , ,
Tho weather Is cloudy and a little rain,
with wheat at 81-' cents Kr bushel.
Iteal estato is IsMimiiig. Sales from
.Jatiuurv 1, 18SS, to now amounted to
i.VKM.iS."). 'Ihis Is for tho city ami
Tho now stovo foundry will cast iln
(lit stoves this week, it Is also said
that Messrs. Cherry A Parkeswlll niovu
their foundry to this city,
lloif-csaio now cheap In this market,
but cattle remain at a fair price.
I FWi is now shipped by tho carload
from hero Hast.
To-dav there aro twenty-two steamers
and seventeen ocean sailing lsats in
jKjrt. H- ' Hkuvkv.
A Modern Ailnin.
From the Dayton (W.T.)Chioiilcle.
Slicrlir Marqulss relumed Thursday
from Colon, Oregon, with tho man Al
hi Ighf at rested for stealing a w hole family
with the household goods. Mis. Jane
Patersou, tho runaway wife, is under
arrest at Union and was left to lake caro
of one of her children which is thought to
ho in it thing condition. Albright claims
to Ih.) guilty of no wrnnu but as act I ml'
simply as an agent of thu Patersou
woman, 'lids is it very slim excuse,
showing tlio Old Adam in tho man who
would lay ull tlio blame on the woman.
linker City Itrma.
I'Vom tho Democrat,
linker City will soon recover fiom the
backset of Wednesday morning. The
burned district will lxt built up In an Im
proved st led of architecture.
J. Gerstlo lost about $1,000 worth of
silverwuto in tho lire. Thoy were his
wife's wedding presents and were In M.
Well A Co.'s building for safe keeping.
The Oregon Gold and Silver Mining
Company, of Cornucopia, will purchase
tiiu itcd Jacket miiio on tho 11th day of
tho present month. Pavimr thciefor tho
sum of $80,000.
It w ill be to your odvantagc to examine my
New Fall and Winter Stock,
which is complete In alt the market offers in now patterns, nobby styles and nice
finish. Come early Moro the assortment is broken, as this Is a
bona lldn sale, and I
Must Close Out Before November 1st.
0 J3IuA.3Vt03XT13,
Clothier and Hat t or
Main St
- Pendleton, Qr
L'd door below Pendleton National Hank.
nr.Ai.i-.ns in
Groceries & Provisions,
.MAIN HTItlltrr, l'KNDI.KTON, UltmoN.
Weilmliu to cull tlio iitlcntlon of the pnlille lit the ureal In'Iic
iltln IMitniiiUliura STRICTLY CASH STOftE. The Mirewil
IiiikIiii-i-n iihiii can liny kihhIh ten in r criit. li'i" Inrnili. Tin mat
of money Invented In rnMnliirrM in wnrlh lo Iho itnilrrnt IrnM III
per tviil. inure. Ho you mh we ran m'U ji ix r c.'iil. uml. r Iho iimiul
itfiih'r and Mill uiiilieiiH much iih I hoy. 'Ilium ure tiniu'liar hard,
uml the iK'iijile are ui'ttlnu poorer c rry dti vendor ucriitli cyMcm,
Kvcry i an fnl huyrr will to the uniem need of mi liiiiiiedliile
cIiiiiiko In our IiiiMiii"k. Till" l the view we lake, limine thu
We Imve (ho lliirnt nsMirlinent
ot Tciih In Iho inarlO't.
I m (.'anlKh'r, riualar price
ftirlx; our prlco 4t
1 Hi M mid .M, ii'KUlur prlco
M ('tn; oar price V
t rr ii uml il, n-Kiiliir price
U) eln; our price ."'i
', It. Coltcc, Hit M HI
IKlllkll'll, i ir. iri
" " ... I (HI
i Honey, pdJiir a
('Iiccm , per in . 17
I Arm .V lluinlncrHiHlii 10
Pepper riaiice, per IhiIIIo..., Ill
I' ch Mii.tnnl,'.' ImiIIIcm- VS
1 I'lckliw, r.unl lieu I M
" 1 1 111 r t IxitlliH VI)
I Himllnec, perenii la
illllllllOIW, II I'llllK I !
A fron ot. t.'iiiill.iniil,
Tlio party whlcli started out to survey
tho lino between Umatilla and Grant
counties purchased it largo quantity of
provMous and a camping outfit, for
which bills lo tho amount of ubout $L'(K)
woto presented to the county court by
various parlies, creating somo consterna
timi in tho minds of members of that
honorable body. Among tho Items men
tioned woro sixteen Isittles of ulckles. a
iMcksaddlo, and others nf like character.
' Thon ariniititM Iiiiva nil lioiin inn.
tinned for further consideration,
ni:w TO.IIA V.
Orilrr to Mioir ('miaii
IS IIik I liriili l.'niirt al Hip Mute uHirrijnii
for tJiimllliw (-mi tiiy.
In (lie ma lor of the tii 'iillunnlilp tit I'Min
iilUliiiry, a M roii i t uh-oumu mlnii.
Order for her'iu ptni"ti t i.e r lit i kluli'l
S'liwiin Hit. duv riiine IliU III lit I cr to I hi
hvinl ilium ihe I'. U I oi I J. W. ull.l.ury.
I the duty iippolntiil, on. I tl'il, n ml uailux
1 .... . ..I 1 .1... w .l.l.in (. ..II Him mil
h.'u i Ix'l'ioviiu ou il wa d; mild Kimrdtan
niiiM Mriiur. U. ! i ri'liviiiino'I nd i nn-
l it ok 'ii 'ii i-.iur inni piie, iiiiiiiiiii ii, hi
suIhmiI on the lorcrvdllon iionI week.
llotrl ArrltHl'.
Vii.i.wni Iloihi:. C H Kingman, J J
I Wlm-Uin. O It .V .S ; Itohtun Ihirr, Itowirt I wrii ok. i '; e onuiig to uw, uml
Indian Munnison. II Mcaitl.ur. Weston; Miss i
.Mrs i.imiiiimi
' Scholford,
An Aiul.ti'loiu iUiliiainaii.
Mrs. J. K. Liiiioii and Sam, tlio Chi
nese laundrvumn who runs the wash
house near tho river.had a litllu dllllenlty
voMenlav ovonlni;, for which tlio Mongo
lian was arroMed and tried to-day. Mrs.
Ijinon entered .Nim s estaliltHlniient in
Koonoy. city; J H Itay and family: I
Jenning. A K Colin, Peter Driiuull, Nellie.
thn Till duv lit
Uct 1. Iivvi, "I ii li ' nr.k ii. in., lie, mi l the
. one 'k liHiehy npp'iln ed in ili lime for
tlie i .iii tc of .hoi t IP ion; end Munu
l.l.htpHit, !. M,-IIh ii.v,iiku n Key., II,
A tilkiimy, mid Mur 1. licui.,l, tlm ne.U
I kin 1 1 Nitni wjrd, mill all her r-oi.. u.
t. iei-d III he eHMleol lid ward. are lineliy
or irnl lo ii .iK'iir n'0 nine licfniv thf.
Helena and Heitha Dilscoll, ! .Miller,
Poitland; Jus JtiPy. Alha: A It liailuy,
I Miiililm I ol inifiili) : A A .McD.mlel.
.. ...... M.jtri,, , "r frn u a 'p'-Kr mo nine noioiv in
cenierviuo; jiiojiihiiihoi , .'"", ooint, mi tiioniiiri iioue n' roipii-t.,11, uik.
Jas Hill Walla Walla; I II Mcintosh, t II ..,uni, u.ii; m and iren und limit
Farmlnittn,,; F N Churchill, J II .Wei-t. I V'H VX.VZ",. !UZJXtLX
coareh of smne clothes ho had washed for C hlcagoj J) I. Fneinaii. C . and John , u,e.,ue oi .he ro. pritiit Imiouk ngio-Mi.l
her. which the celestial r-fused rto;i r
liver, claiming that Mrs. Imnn had ry Stover; .11 l urrln. i ouaj,e '-rovo, u i Vt), ,f vn -. a - m. ndio, miin.ie In
io.. htm n hilt, mid ho Intemlod to . 1. Uarrett, ! llroinely. Iho Dalles. Mu.lno t.mniy. nr sou: i.nd It l.o ...r ililint
.ii7..i IM nfor hn mm mi tl.o clothes Goi.ni:.N Ui i.k P lftH, Markey I'rai- : th u onloi h n-rvc uMi.-.tloii l u ropy
collect It before no g.uo up tl.o ii jiiiim. .,.. it,,,,,!!,,,. (V.1- i-itiith ...rdHn,, me Kai ortvoiiinu, o n h. '
Mrs. ruiiun was determined to obtain no; h I II a in u, w tun. ij, ai , . 1Mp,ro(s, , T ,.,r,.ui.iii in the coum of
nosi-esslon of Iho garments, and ran- Prouty, Helix ; I- Mel eriin, s I Ml- Jimmiii .. k.-i of .iiccoii.mid ihioiuh.mt
Kd the l,ou,e. finally dlve.lug a , ge.t C, -ftf I V h,.
portion of th.-m. deb sin. picked up. I':n, '', Jl1 i imo.'. im i"1' " ''" "Il,"'lv"' 1,l'
Tills iip'ored tlm Chinaman, win. M K Powell. C B Wdsh.City i C A keen, ,., Jlia.e... day of th t...ter i.-rm, I
lllln aili.ii' I"' viii............ ii, .... , uii.t M .b . .l.ilm Miirnliv. lux .if Hie n me unilll ilcouit.
niiiinan niv li ir'iiii iiui. I. - . . t - i ....
.v...v- - .- . I . .1 . .. II.,,,, I I
tircoiiuorn .moiiiiiuui , .mini ...
I ranu rarreni, a
I). (i.Hnpir, II n ji on
llx. ( " li " - I no
if t is ' 1 1)
Hl(iur..v)mi.iiek in
Cora .Meal, Iuih micI( 'Si
Corn Htiireh, per puclnice . in
(llo.it " ... in
Dairy Halt, Aon.. ii
Hloi-k ' limn-" I A
IhIiiiiiI Mice, 15 IM I III
M. V. Itenll,.'UIM I tm
lliiyo ' 1 " I l
Hyrup, I kiI eiiu, iHiriiiu... m
(l " I(i k, " Ue... 3 M
1 AKMirled I'le l''iiiit,"s i'i'iiih.. I ()
riiiitiiiiu, perenn
I OyHlerx.'.'lU
j " I U.
Dried It iUIn (lrnn f, lrtt.i...
rruncM, m1-, iw
" Apple, HUM
" renvhi. Hk
" l'liim',7lt
" i'iiiyiiiiIn, sn.
('audlw, per Ixix
Uncoil, eliolee, hluli, V !.....
IIiiiiih, lin-lcrn, covered
IjihI, ilillieiini. -
I no
1 On
I no
1 lo
a Ml
I r.
Hoop, full ut,.MlMr Ihi.... I 1.1
IwiiiniiiH, . I 1:1
I'mrcr's Axleilronxiteaiih W
n..t I. " va
.Milk riiu,i1iindSiuiirl... 10
Irro for
l.'hlldrenV dr. M 'tim, N'.. s (o , mullvil
I hl n n very iiihiI i.ii t loll .Ion
l.'hlldriili's luce .leu-.. Noi. H (o II. mulled free, for,
Tin. Is ii very good every day ahoe, wild nn nil Up".
Mlm' fumy notion lioe, Sim. s II, multril fnw
I,nllii' hiilinii iihoek raim; In pint fiom Mt !Fl hi
Thi'ke.hiS'. Will otnt yoll ilolllde I'll, iiliiolllilnl
our .hue. K'lid iih iiii order hv inall.
Men', lire. iom', I. it Inn or Court , froi W lo
'llitme i to. i will iiMi 1,1 any remit More WA' l.
Mti Issrti., H-r itlr. from &' lib I no
ltoi' ImotH, - i' imlr, Irom . t't In I ti
Itnplim lo hfiir from .voo or lo no. I yioi penfuinii) liinur
.loin, and IhnnMiiKtlie .tlilh for It- nl llliml i Miroi iit. i.nd
tril.tinu In rerolte u hit re In the filluiv, we urv,
Vniirk, truly,
. to
I Si
Proieciion or
Tariff Reform.
Iloyoml iIUHloll, the 'lurid it Ihe lo. on wlio ti Me eoiiiin eit'iip .Inn will I mi foiltfht
nild It lilloovek enr ititn wle ould ot. int Nig, nlli infiirni o netilf ihiii ii .ill,
jtHil which Mirlo.ely iilli e,. pis i. in-.r.ii ... II.ih
Iteinlei. lull I. u.lliillv eoo.njcrcd a niiwi iil,.lru.e kiinlerl
urv ft Tarllr iirlmer for Hn Ictrn. r . i .. . i -t ixl lnn.'
e.y i, eoiMpreiieo.loil.
HIT I lie I. (trileil.
till. IuhiIc .liolv. tile IHtu'llt'kl III 't of tie' I'm ti i live hi .lum unu.i llmi'iiillllrv. I'erli .iih
iiii n.o.i e,iiiiiiuooit luHtor oi iiiuimioh i 1 1. e&niH mhkii lotoii wnn tin iiiu.atutfji or i-reki
iivni . lu-iiiiniei.
I'll.' iMi.ltioo of 111'. Ilhilnr'k ' I'lventi Vi Ull. Ill I l.lll'l..', 1.1
IIhiii llie Ti.rlliHIiiUjvwIirrltMn tniid oi.wle I furol.li Inelrotvu
lukiin ut, h.4 miMif lloui
t fulalii.u.
uiiiilehinl tlio
slapped her and pushed her outdoors. A
warrant w as at oniv sworn out for his ar
rested he wa taken Indole tho recorder
for trial this afternoon, and fined $25,
which be Hiid
I he 1 o-t ifeonl in l'r.
Sulwrilww p iviii-i in advance for tho
Bsr OnntiK.NHN ii'h r Seiiu-Weekly or
Dallv, win seml aii' ther cp "f Urn ija
tkr to a friend from now until after tho
November election mi i: oitii ukik. 1 1'N
otreris oj-en to Mb old and new nil
scri'.rs. Addrus:
Kam- OBHiosttS Pub. Co.
Pendleton, Or.
Slln,. U'alhi ii a:
.Straliaii. Desp.iiu tiolch; W I) llulwick,
I. B Helwick.t: i; Mver, California; m
Jludgor, A IS Itothn.k, Tims Campbell,
Wolf A Knotts. 'wt Virginia; It Grow,
W II SHvey. Iji Grande.
IIowm.in Hot si. Conrad I-aust, Port
land'! Jack Ik'll. Salt Uko City; J J
Jackson. S. !; J W Salisbury, Iv
Claik. Pilot Itis-k; J n Krips. . ,
(Ml Whittle, Honolulu. I McDoiigab
Weston; Goo Turner, W . N ; J 'n I- K
Hetiburn; PG Montgomery, h h Wil
bur. T J Meaclium, Ifartman's spur;
Hobert Igelt, Illrch creek; C Hywater,
B Jocobbon, Iji Grande.
I llniHUimnnimiiw llinuinuv OI l,e immIK Ik IIIIMI KOinlr.1,1. , I.nd I lluVU (Villi linltl
I In;: nirjliiK It forii. In the ureiu work of kpn-uilliiK Hn troili moon I lie i-iiiill
ji. l)l('i;iii. .,,.ii.f. i,,,....
I nry
Ii I.I Ol MA ll I.N.
County Junwo IJimitlllu County.
Hint lit UM'aiOII, I
County of i ii, Mt 1 1 'ii ,
I, (i. A.iIariiomi.nlfrK "f ihe i'oh.iIv coui,
In Iho. Iii eerlltv uiMt I liuvo coiooart.il Ihv
fo cttoloj: c ; y of onlt r ullli ilivihilnai.thitt i
it 1. h coir 1. 1 ran there... ..nil of l'it H nolo I
of.ucli orli; nul, u- I'o .unif aiokr on Mo I intuitu) iriilhn, uml I
kl my oince, a u ill my riwnoiy. uery eniMoi em
In w tur wlit'Mil I Imvd imniun'diot my
.i.i. H,u, i u ,,i,.r,J.V iV . Piwtkiirti ii m vii i: ini ora our in urn iioior.eoieiit, i mi 1,-eoiiiiiitniil thui to
U h dy of K piemtwr, pvn. I cal commlllo. and clulu hmI.1 In ..xlee.lloi; IU elr. -I,.ii., .i " ", ",',' ..V.'i'"
ItftS M. Oil 'KIN 'UN. iNikliiiiuiiMr Ihi
'l lm U'irtf tin imIv. uml u vnrv vulnu ( t l..,tl... ... n. . . .
t ' '"" - i iiic iiii i in li rff Ml 1
it. w. luu NHtt;
oi uro of turltf iiifonii
mi). M. i
I nn ic iuui nun noon urw'ivnnr ft .i inieii.lalloii It I. i.,iti8d ,, ., i.
nihil I ml Int. uml I trlah Hun tint (uu und uruum iu. ... 1 1
wry oltlwni cullmi ilni IhU year hi vote uim tlio Kr .Miooiiih ttl iiie.tlim i of ur , lo
my ami tnrtir. ui:n. .ioiis . . m..i h. .,i.,! ,11,!! !.,"" Lion
tllU Vt'.. It.Uu l.li.o.ll.u ll. nil. II... .....I. 1.... . ...........
tl. A. IIMtrM N.
And many ollu r..
11.. iMi.& ,11 iixieiMiiuu a, eireoliilloo tiloootf ,i. vi
mi-ati-: di:.mu i:tiim i:viiiai. ciMiiK-rtoi:
John l-ong, sixteen years old, stealing
a ride on the trucks of a train at Daugh
rtv. I. T.. lost his hold and was nin
over. Hoth legs were crushed
will not probably survive.
Numerous veins of gold, silver, copier
I and lead have recently been discovered
he! in Monroe, rayeue anu jvuiianw.
1 counties, West Virginia.
Court 8trt,. opposite J, H.Hhoemaken.
took llound In Cloth nnd Kriul-Weekly IjlI Mi . uo.iiuu iio,. Year
Ikwk Almic, In Clolh. mn. paid .
tl 0
I U)
I'eiidlt tou, Orrxeii.