East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 08, 1888, Image 1

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a nti:i: i.iiikahy.
I'ntnitm nf the llttlly or HeniMVeekljr
r )HK(IONI AS. either Meinl-Weekly
(irtnl another ropy at the m-
" ' friend from now until after (lie
r r,,tln. I'ltKK Ol' fill AltOK.
KANT OltHdONIAN rnu freely make tt.e ;1
of the HAS 1' Oltl.dONlAN llbrnry when
ever they tlerilie. Tim itilillc nro cor
illitlly Invited to llt the utllre wheneter
mi Inrllnetl.
,r..r I. uiirtl I !""' ' new
"' . .1 . I!AMT OltKClONIAN
iet- A"'""' "
)L. 1.
NO. 102.
KfflTnY 1.MIKIKNO Itt. l. O.O.K.
i' 1111. T. ,n.
fvlll.r.io.- ........................
Ht llif Mnmn c Tempi" on Hit)
- AT1 . ...T.. V-M 111 A V Jb A- LI
turVunii tin- lecoiul Mini fourth Mon
liTruVh tnontn. lit 7!30 o'clork. II. J.
II),KTON I.UUUK Ki, a. r.
McctM in tlio Munuiilc Timplo on the
"ll ,lir.t MiiiiiIhvh of i'mcIi inonlli nl
fcclori. T. J. MH.MOM, W. .M.J It. A
r:.. Lj....Mliitv.
lBBir"-iiri... i
I r rrr. rr
liLV I.0IKIB NO. lll.A. U. U. W. Meets
I " ... Tiini.ftiiv nfffht nt the Knulne.
I at 71 0 oVIonk. J. C. LKARUItK. M
Tesriiti Ilt'cunter.
I! , TCSTIS. iwronnr.
ItKKA LOIlUK NO. 31. I. O. O. K. Moot
n Hilunlny evening nt7i3n o'clock,
"."brmiik. N.O.j K. ll.Tjawto.le, Hoc. ;
h- i,.. .. . ...
EATIM'A r.ftWJii'fflM'i aiv.ii, i. u
Li I. Mrrt on I lie ecconil unit lint
,i.r nf ciicli monlli, ill 7imu'rlnck.
iLlvrliMOltK, 0. I'.i K. It HllAllONcrlbe,
lllMNK HKHKUOA UiIHIK No. 13, I. 0.
P.1.. t. ..i- if... llcf mill Hlll-il M'lillr.
Hl.r. rri. ra ..... -
lOiMrn iiiiiiiiii
riHiiilin)ilil Kfllnwn' Hull every Tut).-
Ittr.lnk' nt 7;30 oVIuck. .I.C. I.rAnUHK,
C.J. WllirAKKH,ii. 111 u.iiiiu r.
l.mt. lAIUIUL'lt A 1.' III. II llmilu 1.1
ujj Krlliiwia llnll i-vfry Wiilnp.dHV
rK nt 7:3U o'clock. M. .MimKllKAii, U.
I,.UAHI Ir.l.Ui i (i ii iiiiu f.
It i'AHMIN I'OHT, O. A. It., meoi ill
Wnfclfr hum I'very iiiurMiiiy iiikiw.
WArrLK. coiniiiiiiutiir; J. H. Howkn.
I ijiur. Ottirc Hooiii No. It. Aninl:i
Inimk, rrmlli'toii, Ori'Kon.
Hi H4fll!.TI!sriN. ATTC1IINY AT
f.Ar. lillU-o, AMiooiutl'iii lllncki IVnUle-
tl,'iw, iitiro IIihiui, I, s, 3 iiiul IAb-
lioii ihock, i'i'iiiiiiti)ii,iiri'k'on.
Uw, I null Kin. Orcunli. I I Iiiul.
ol nil kliiiln iiili'inleil lo wltli iiniinpt.
OiiIo'IIiimk ii MH-riiuiy. i mice on
itifrt ii tlio Tli'iniiiMmOlimilmrt
llnc,iivir tlifl wiit oltlce.
ii Lair, liivmiK No. 0 oml a, Ancln.
lilocK, Vtid.l in, OrcKOti.
I Omi-ei-.Miiln Hlrt-rt. in Tliomnnoii-
lhrt llullili. u'.ovir tlic l'oxt omci.
utinliiT Klml NuIIiiiihI Huiik, I'nii-
'il Hon.
i Coutf t vlll.', Oi'l'ou. Will piui'tlcn
fOtn or uri-cnn ai'U .VHHiiUKimi. i.oi-
oipmniiny iiiieniipii ...
lljw, Itootim ,1iili(Hnrtlli"l Hi li
h, " oriiijiiiL-. i i rni rnf Mmu unit Wibb
I i.rr Ili um, Dit'Kon.
.'v, r' niiiviiiii,ure!iii, imioiiin n nun
"li I hi IMi.ck. .
Whom it May Concern.
The undersigned will clotc all eiim-nt accounts on their boko
on tlio
1st of Next October,
And will demand mit'tHfactory settlement of all bills duo them
beforo the end of the year. Thuy propose there
after to conduct their bunincss on a
And solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage they have so
long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers
In Kcduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended
:" .vF illtlMIIIN.MKTA-l'liVsiCI N
a., imciur or i. iiiiHUiiii ni'K'iu'o
imti-nt on Eivi'ii in riioum illiii hihI
u..im.i.. i nn. iiiiiiiiiiii ikw. ;iiis.
lucl'iii lutli of i.4C, niiintli Oltlce
l. " nihil Ho'ir or Knt Ofi-iiOliliin
I' r.j, I1 imivion, liii'un,
l"W0.i, l'IIYI(I.V. AND HUII-
Itfin . in irvlimv Uruir klore.
l t'-fSOIl.
"MIKKIt, I'llY'K IAN A.N'tlHljlt.
I H null i lklu llllljll nillVHi 1
r.f irt, I'ti lli lun. Oivifilll.
. it. 1'IM I.TP. I'll VsII'IAM AVIll
.iuii. niuui iui it jiooriiouiiu a
fffiorr't kinre, vomer of Jolui oi unu
t.);AK,N(l ' Oh KICK OVKIt
-If irhou.e A Cii.'h (.tore. Kcnltlenee.on
r--.irri iic.tr rourt .ip'i'l. iiwiuienuo
f..fniiwtcil by telephone Willi Vl.
r ""vii uiieniioii Kiven in inv
r "I Linen Hint clillUrtn.
ki. Jv? ''urei-MiUn Mtrt'et.lnTliomp
f ii BulUinB. iviiilioton, urtxoti.
I K PAItU'PU lutviui t. ivr.m A Kli
AQJ Nururv linl.ilo i..n
I1 wii?JiPVE,t "lackhmith" and
I W .7 aiih unu uuruen n.t
siiSi ,l Plllo uunimr. nd on
ISl h 1H..TT...T J
"'n llnieni, I'ermlctoii, orcson.
htafc. ! .'!1 "" t.oun 'ieei.
r IkTJS 7,UhHi.?n nollce. OrUein
I W ""S V,,n felvc prompt utten
LPPainllri nnrwclRlty.
Cheap News!
T3bL6 S302C3tal-"WOOl3Lly
East Oreonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
l'Oliri.ANI I'OINTS.
Itrin. of Interoit tram tbe Mftrnpotln
1'okti.ani, On., Sut.t. 7, 1883. In tlio
Till! I.L'.ttltKIt TltUHT.
l.nlter of the Acting Herretury to Heimtor Throwing Men Out nf Kniployinent
Mllclinll-Not HutUltetl with the Work Order to ''cinch" cniimnr.
ortho t'omiuUtioiu. T10 following tllHjmtcli from Tucoma
Following 1h tlio letter of tho Acting utjH.'iir8 in ycHterilay'M OrcKoniun. Mr.
SWrt'tury of tlio Interior to Senator Hint no kiijh Huchiirofocdlngnuro "private
lllilit.ll t.iiriir.lllli. fit.. Ilnunr..itl.. I nU.itru . I til. I'lllllllnlllll Trllintin uulul
..VIIUII llKll.l.lft ...V ... I'V . II.IIUII ...... .. , ...... . ........ a...i....u - I .
Orltninul court yestortluv t'runk Amlnr.
Hon una iieni Miig woro arruhined to ),.. lu it 1'niiv it U'lilfli Iiiih tout r..iiili.ut I "Wlnii iint vim tmlin In tin ltluillt It?
1110 (UHpUll'll hi m:
annuel- ine cnurge of mbblni; tlio Uh by mull :
raciue oxprcwi eotnpuiiy ol ten thotiBunU Dkimhtmknt ok the IntkiiiokJ
tlolliirti. Anderson ploaded guilty and 1 Wahiiinoton. Atimi.it -4. 1888. f
King iwiteii till fcuturilay to make up 1iIh Sir Referring to our i-onvcrpatlon of
ninu ami uio roiuiem wan granted, tie i tttlH dato regarding tlm Umatilla Indian
in Homo no)c oi craping on a llluiHy RuHervation, I liavo the honor to Mate
technicality. ... that under and In purmianco of tlio law a
i i i! n,l "', wl,oh,l!J ,col engaged conimlHlon wan organized in the latter
J aaunu IV OU IV III I C11U 11IU UlJIl I tlilfl 11 IMU t'ltli,ll kfiW,ll'lltil fit I in
Htruction of tlio new theatre arrived in !..nti., n.i ..mi.,i,i ..r n...
tho city vcitterday. Ho huvh work will
commeuco on tlio building noxt mouth.
flOl',000 will lw expended in tlio con
ntruction. which with tho valuo of tlio
land ulll muko tho whole worth over
(300,00 J.
Olllern of tho Portland and Vancouvor
railroad Htato that tlio road u ill bo com
pleted and traltm running by Sept. loth.
Tlio .Suit l.uku Iuho hall club arrived
here hint evening and ulll eronn butu with
tho Wlllumetti'rt to iuorrovv and Sunday.
Tho Salt Lakes bavo won nineteen game
and loot tlirco, cliuttlng out two clulm,
uhllo tho WIllamiittcH have won fifteen
and lost three, hhuttiug out nine. It in
likely tho gamcH ulll attract the largest
crow dn of tlio hcuHon.
Several dayu ago thoro arrived In Port
i re
"OrderH have lieen received from the
San EranclHCoheadiiuarteiHof tho 'aciflc
CoiiHt Lumber Trunt requiring all nillln in
thu UHHwIntlon to cut down to eight bourn
a day. Tho rciiHon iiHulgncd ii that the
dotuand from Southern California Iiuh
fallen otr. The real purOHO Ih to keop
up prlccH, for the local demand Ih ntill far
in oxceNfi of the mipply. MetnlterH of tho
tntht rofiiHo to nnll to local dealorn except
lu nlilp load lotn and will not fell at all
to xhip ownnrH for eoarftwido trado. Tho
price of log Inn lieen reduced from $7.50
to fli.ol) on the name pica. The mil Ih in
the triiHt in tho Territory are thorn) at
Tucoma, 1'ortH Hlakelfly,MadlHon, Dincov
cry, (latnblo, Hudlock and t'tHalady on
I'upet Hound and tlio (Irav'n llurbor
.Mlllrt. Several largo now inl(ln are being
built here bv uralth comnanioM outHldo
of the triiHt. ono of which, tho l'acllln
mill. xlartH tin with lL'.'i.OOO feet dally
capaclty next ucek. Tho nhlp Win.
.Mcdllveray, charted to load for Chili
from IIiIh mill, him Ikhmi on ilcmurrago
Hovcnil tluvH, and will ho continue for
three weekM at $100 it dily.
dlatm to tho proviHionn of tho law, took
mo leipitreu ceiiHtiM ol tlio luutaiiH, and
selected a tract for a tli'iii titnlieil re.ierva
Hon, containing in the aggregato 1111,11(14
acaH, of which, according to tho connUH
of tho 1 milium on tho reservation, 74,800
aereH uero reiiutreil lor allotment to the
IudlatiH for agrfcultural!purpoCH.
Tho whole of the existing renervatlon
waH ordered to bu Hiirvoyed for tho pur
po8cn of tho law, tho agricultural landd
nelccted for allotment to the IndlaiiH be
ing HUbdlvlded ax letpilred theiefor. Thin
Hiirvey doveloied the fact Unit the ill
mlnlHued lemirvation uh tlttm Kclccted
contained about 10,000 hitch Icxh of IuuiIh
Htillublo for iigilcultural pnrM0H than
wan required to iimko allolmeutH to tho
tttilti.liy uu ttrtivtiliiil In flirt litii' fl
land one T. W. Aycm, proprietor of tho therefore became neceHnary to aji(M)lnt a
" Ki'i'iii-ii iiixuiiiiMiiiieti ii v H'cotui commiHHiom to roaiijUHt mo Ikiiiii
IiIh daughter, u ho camohoro after inedi- darlcHoftho dlmlnlxbed iiwrvatlon, ho
cal treatment. eMerduy oyenlng Alrn. , m to bring within their litnltH a Hiilllclent
h. J. Smith, a well-to-do widow, hIho of ipianlltllv of agricultural land to meet the
I leppnor, arrived in the city. Sho wuHnoiiiilrementMoftho law.
met by Mr. Ayern. your reporter in In-i ThlHHocond counnlHHion ban made Hh
formed, and logisther they repaired to tho icpoit, which in now pending beforo tho
otllco of an olllclal InvoHtcd with proior; Dop.irtin nt, and the illinluMicd n-Hcrva-authority,
and uero them and then Hon Holeetcd bv them, and an dellned and
Hp iced. Mr. Avcrn U getting well up in i described in their roort and outlined up
th h biiHlncHM, Mrs. Sin th bolug tho thltd on tho mai which uccompanl.'H It, hIiowh
brido ho Iiiih led to tho altar Ho ban n inu't nf luml wi.l..,.ii.i! fur ilm ri'unri'nttini
children fmui Ihreo to thirty yearn old, ho irregular In Uh nhapo mid outline uh
iiiiu iiiiuniroiiH graiiiicuiiuroii. .Mrs. would inuvo It illlllcult lor llio IudlatiH
Smith, also, ban graiidchilduin. Her ; on tho reservation or tho while pornoim
fliht husband was Harvev Smith, who . ihviiuvIih' IuihI nillnliiliiif It mi tlm nut.
tiled near ll('iiuer in 18711. Ho was at i hIiId to know curtainlv nml iixacllv llio
ono llmo Hheriir of Ijiuo county. It is , location of tlio IioiiiularlcH of tho ivscr-1 knowledgctl having committed the
Haul that those of Mr. Aycru chlldten, v.ition. Thin Irregular outline of llio murdor, but Ht.itcd that his mother, who
wiio sun mil at nomo. two urow'ti-uii ' liimin nrlt's nl tint ri'snrviiliiin. riinn ml , His li cm ill I ..mo coiintv. was lis IiihII-
hoiih and a daughter, Hcrlously objected to, In a .lg.ag courHO, following tho lines gator of tho cilmo, having instructed
thin union, and threatened to deseit tho . dividing townships, sections, and quar- him to kill his father mid then telum
partuital pf. ami renounce rll ulleulance inr-si'clliniM. Iiu-liulliii? ikiMh of uw. homo to her. Ho said further Unit his
or lolatioiiHhip to thu parent in caso tho , lions and excluding other parts thereof, is i uiother atlempli'd the killing of her bus
marriage tiMik place. I toK)rtetI bv tho (!oiiiiiii"sioii to havo bomi ' ntsovcral former times, and that ho
'IV l! lull lllul fmui I'.i.li.rii nrii...ii. ' ........ . H. 1.. ..-.I... ... ......... ...III. I.. tl .. ! 1 1 11 illilli I tl lilu .lull t.. ..I..... 1... Ii.clr
- - .. .r... .'.'K'"ii i iiv njj-piii . ill tniiui in ruitinu liibiiiu in ..."... .. ..... ...i. i., .iu iiir.i.i..-
Hays tho Western Unulon Telegraph com-! limits a sulllclent iiuantltllv of agriciiltu- lions, nltliougli he Ih now souy. I lu
tuny am now at work constructing it lino ral lauds lor tho purKso of allotment to
from Willows, along tho 0. R. k N. i tho Imliaiis, with a reasonable quantity
branch lo Hoiitilier. which will soon 1)0 ' of luotturo nml llnilmr luml for their mir.
completed and In operation. i poses; and hi doing this It was not found
it-niuiu.iy i ii-j i,uno x iMsiio.v ciuviuor, ihmhidio io iis'.iio too pasuiro ami iiiniicr
In u ho in ('. II. Dodd'a new brick, which I land us convcniuntlv an inlubt bavo Ihhmi
Is occupied by Jacobs llros., Hiidduniy let , douo h.ul not tho law restricted tho ill
looso and shot dow n from tho fourth story I uiluihlied lesorvaliou to tho limits of IL'0,-
I,. II. ....II..- Tl...... ....... !,.,.,.
... inn tuiu.1. iiiuiij iiviu lutli 111111 I'll i inm ill run.
tho elevator at tho llmo. Ono of themj Tho commission iiodoubt selected lands
iiliniud out on tho third iloor and esc.us'd of tlm Hovcral kinds reoiilrctl bv tho law i
A Iteitiiirkiitiln tlrliiitintl due.
From the Jnekoolivllle (Or.) Tlini'.
The grand jury last Monday returned
a true bill against tho Isty John. I. A.
Mct'ulllster. churued with inuider in the
tlrst degree In shooting and killing his
father. R. II. Mcl'allistcr, while de
ceased was asleep In Ii!h cabin near
Woodvlllo, on tho night of July I'd, 1888.
Ho will iirolubly I hi tried at this term of
court. The Itoj is sixteen years of ago,
but his diminutive sl.u would load ono to
supKiso htm much younger. Ho has the
upH).irtinco and actions of a child of
ten or cloven years old. Ho
made a voluntary confession to Dlsliict
Attorney Colvlg a few evenings since in
present'.) ol several witnesses. Ho no-
ili his not now scour In ri'ullo tho enorm
ity of his crime, nor fear punishment for
it, but maintains u constant llow of ani
mal spirits, talks ficely and uiiresorvodly
with nil, and lu many ways gics evi
dence of unsound iiilinl.
The Aionili'iin rurnifr't I'liiilllon.
I'mtii Hi" Imlli mt l.ulMir hluniil.
How much loiigor can tho Ameilcan
farmer stauil this'.' Ills oIiIim I was nalri-
Tho other three Hlayctl witli tho laud for tho puriHises thereof in the most ! liu and uobl ', but misdlreclcil. Ho fol
elevator whfch f irtnualelY Htomn-il us
mvsteriouslv as it stinted, when within a
few fee: of the stone lloor of the cellar,
and of the muii worn injured, but were
nearly frightened to death.
tiii: rin.NOK Mi.NisTi:ie.
leachluu'H of demui'oisucs
Instead ot statesmen! Demagogues
weio paid to mislead hlnii uud now,
after submitting for twenty years lo a
heavy tax for tho purpose of building up
a nomo inarkot lor an iiih pnstiicis, uh
Great Western Bakery.
jr. OJt ATX, fivwrletor.
regularand convenient hIiiiihi found lo be ' lowed
Ksslblo by them under tlio rcstriclionn
and limitations prcsc rils-il. Thoy, how
over, stale In their rosirl that they worn
not able to include ih much timber laud
as thov thouuhl necessary within tho
innervation. Ami ilioy imiiier siato mat ; was promised iiiiu. no linns unit I. Ivor
I "wbllo the Indians am some bettor satis- ikh ) still controls tho nrlco of overvtblui!
He In ll oteiilni; to Wii.liliiKtun hy Die Hod with the nriiMint U'servatlon lliau 10 liriMlucos : that ho lias uioiiki'iI antauii-
Hpe-iiir.t itmiin lo See About ilm ; tliuy woru uitli tho reseivalloii llxed by ' lllsill Ulll t built Up fOIJII Kl l Ion among tho
n ut). tho former comniisslon, Ihoro Is consider-! clieasisi lalsir In the tlio Unco chi'asisl
Wasiiinhton'. Sent. K. Cham; Yiimi i alilo dlssattsfactlon. They desired that continents, ami has coutractt'd a debt of
Hoon. tho (Milneso minister to tho I'nlted i all the mountain lamN ill towushln I'Ul.llnil.tMIO. uhilo tho Kustoru man-
States, neenrdiug to advices just received ! i.mtli, It ) east, and 'J north, .'Id cast, as far ufacturers absorb the prollts of his labor
heie, has left I'oiii for this city. It was us what Is known as Mcacham and hold the moitgagea on his farm,
llio nilnl .tor's original Inleiilioii to roturn 1 Creek, as well us tho timber laud In Tho mechanic ho expected and Intended
to this country by way nf San I'rauclsco, township I north, U oust, and I north, to beuellt Is no k'ttcr oil' than twenty
in which city ho proHiscd remaining font . Ill east, remain lu tho losorvutlou, claim-; yours ugo. Hut there Is vim enough in
brief period In oritur to moio fully mpialnt . Ing that this had Ixien promised them j thu Western fanner uud wealth enough
himself with tho Clilnoso question on the , when tho treaty was made. Hut us no j lu his soil to yet correct ull this, Ho
I'aiiilc floo. lie (banned his plan ut tho agricultural land lies lu these regions, it has only tooHu his eyes lo tho false pie
last moment, In obedience to u notitlca-' would havo Isjou iiniKwsiblu to havo ur-: text uud dmagogy of those who have
lion from the Clilnoso hmiierortoprocceil i ranged tlio lines to embrace tiieso lamis iuisverisiied mm, anil vote down tlio
Washington. In . and tho diminished reservation contain Iniquitous protective syrtem this fall.
bv tho oiiickcst route to
order that his majesty 'h wishes regarding I at tho same time a sulllcicucy of agiicul
tlio Ubliioxo treaty may bo communicated , tui.il lands lor tlio purpose 01 uioumuni,
through 111 i ii to Secretary llayurd. ' lu onlor to bavo Included tbeso lands llio
- - ' i diminished reservation would have had
A noY'n saii iiM-NiiKit. to contain at least oO.OOO acres morn than
tho U'0,000 acres to which tlio act of Con-
While Dcfitiiitlni; llliii.elf He ArrlilvnUH-i j.f,. HmitH It,"
Kill. in. iirother. I i view of tiio very irregular, undesir-
hT. Juns, hupt, i iiarlos and ieo. iab o and unsatisfactory shaiKi of the
Aultman, brothers, aged 1(1 and 14 worn
met near Cameron by tramps and a ven
dor named II. Walters last night. Tho
tramps know that Charles hud nine dol
lars uud assaulted him with a knife to se
cure it. The younger lsy drew a revol
ver uud fired six shots, one of which
struck his brother, indicting a wound
from which ho died a few hours luter.
Walters, who wan hit tlirco times, will
tract of laud which has lieen rosjrtcd lo
the Dopaitinout by tliu commission up
llreuil on the tHer.
Mrs. Mary Mtsiro. who keeps a hoard
ing hoiiMi lu llnsiklyii, received u letter
fmui Now Orleans, La,, on lust .Monday,
announcing tho death of Henry 0.
Willett in that city uud informing Iter
that ho had devised to her
by his will fo-X,000. Mrs. .Mismt Is
tlm daughter of a farmer who lived
during thu war near Morrlsburg, l'a.
IniM "-;sl,N, HOUrtl-: ANDHlflNj
v mj ."'"H"1! Mper-nni:iin, i
! t-? n.'"-!"liiK. .siore nml mi v, .
t"iw iinon'shiar lisKerv.
"wMrt n,"'iC,NK"N- "t'ltAOTIOAI.
L .it '"'. I'x-k nml I'lironmiifler XIu.
Main Street, near 1'oHtoJlce, I'endttton
h a5,in,(,,tl0-1 'renou. Tomb.
I"". tl.JuH"11 1 peclaltj;
wifk ... u" liiu oj mone
tKuiunttb,y- ,loJ-
; e Uo"i' " Kutern Oreuon
w. J. van" sohuyver & CO.,
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
Tne Wlieiit Mttrkel.
I.iVKitrooi.. Sent. 8. Wheat llrui
ifornia, 7s. U)d
mAN SPRING MINE (Waukensaw. Wis.) VEURE CLI-
QUOT PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) j9 d.w 3tn
A 1 .1 1 .... I ll... . ... till tl . I ... .
i jKiinicn uiiuer uio law ior uio puroso us iiiuoiiio great nail lo was raging llio
I the diminished reservation, and tho ro-1 farmor'H barn was used as a hospital. On
xrtcd dissatisfaction of the Indians in the thin! day of tho buttle Lieutenant
the matter, us above stated, 1 have hesi- Henry C. Wlllolt, u Confederate olllcor,
(atcil to adopt the resirt and approve the was unit to (ho barn-hospital with asliut
, tract selected as tl.o dimliilshed resorva- terod arm, and Miss Miller, now Mrs.
tlou for tho Indians. Notwithstanding j Monro, dressed his wound. After his re
thoy havo consented to the piovlslons of tcovory, ho proisisctl marriago to her, hut
thu law und to take their lands in sov she refused him. Then thoy parted, but
rally, I think their wishes to have tho not before tho young ladv had given tho
: laud desighated by them on the oast em- Lieutenant a lock of Iter hair.
Cal- braced in tho reservation should bo I --
1 rt'sisiclod : anil for this nurnowo I would! . tti....t i . .
ri. . ..... L'.;i oU'l 1 ,.(.(, ..' .1.'... .1. ......... i .. ..mi.. I.", n iiiiiilKi iuumi.y, u .urn. uruiu
T V t ". 7;7 iu.;. 7.- V' ?; V..;: 1 ,ui V A "'V"'' ' wan burned to death who inak ng a bo-
caith i lU tor J-eiitenilwr; H-'J. for Otto-, w0 amended us to uuthorlo tho )e .art-1 ,, muM lo wave her children from a
Ixir; UJJ, for IVcen.lsjr. flF mul,t V,' '1.. prohcrilo un.l ilolfiiu u rt.. The lire was startetl by tl.o oxplo-
rM- kk. fcajit. ' in ii ;''-'0'J V0" " 'V u"" ' d f lump. Tl.o flro was between
wit.Jl.-l, JJ..J--K t a ,.. y.j. ...uu , l.ll.- uuin ... .llill.l.in ur ,rKl jd tllllt Of tllO children, bill
.V. 'VW....VI , ..U. '4 ; ..1.1. .If I1UI.II .VIIIM. I IM II. ..I.I.I...J MR i
KMriiuiuaka In Meiiro. that itH bouiidaiiuH may hi) certainly i
Citv ok Mi-xico, Sciit. 8. At H:4r)
o'cIfi;k last nlu'lit a heavy shock of
eartlmuako wits felt hero. Houses
swaved. walls cracked, and people
rushed Into theMreets to pray.
Aatunl.olng Iteport,
Indiakai-ous, Sept. fi. It is reorled
this morning that General Harrison's
letter of aixeptanco u ill Ijo given to the
public in a few duyn.
James Ford, n Indiana fanner, while
in a delirium caused by fover, killed his
wifo and two children.
known. This can I hi dune very soeedlly
and I think accurately and satisfactorily
upon tho results of Investigations made
uud ul ready reported ui ton by the com
missions apsjiuicd under the uct of
.March;), 8.i.
1 submit herewith a draught of u pro
Hseil act to meet tho suggestions above
named. Very resiiocffiilly,
ll. L. Mi i.tJtiow,
Acting Secretary.
shu dashed into the burning room with
no thought as lo her own safety. Sho
received burns from which sho shortly
died. Tho children were, saved by outsiders.
Massachuscita DemocraU nomlnuted
W. A. Russell for govenor. I
While a flat car was Imlng raised to the (
track on thu .Michigan Central railroad at '
Ivist Saginaw the derrick full over Into '
the crowd of sightseers. Two brothers)
named Collier were instantly killed uud,
several others weroinjured,nomoof whom
will die. J J
Mr, and Mrs, Terry are In jail at Haq