East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1888, Image 3

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    . . i.-im i. m iii'.it it. innn.
. iiMirnlllllM "
.f the LAsr.OltKUOSIAN 111.1
11. in III 1 l r.
---- ...i it. tut imiiiT iiii? mini
l'Mlicr !nnr.irilj- n.ntrlhr. If In Now Home
nml Work Aiming thn lliifortuiiute of
"Lrprr l.latiil,"
I rom it letter received In- Mr. S. 1
I A meeting of stockholders of tho Pen
(lloton Manufacturing Company Is culled
for Saturday, to confer with Air. 0. K.
Myers hi regard to tho inaniifactiiro
.una Halo of Ills combined harvester hi
1 Illllni 1(1 . Till! tiriiliiiulllnli .if llllu
gentleman, which In certainly a HlH.rut pturRlB u uio iitlvllojroil to tutu tho fol
ono, Will then ho fully discussed imd lowing extracts:
ttc,cu "l,on- .. . "V..."?. ".l '". ' ! Garland. T II W ,l, t.v.,.,L. m. n. K
, .1. H. Cherry and .1. K. Miller returned ' " "i ' 'or '" """"ell " j V0,.l,, U W IKmuiv. Vitv ; M Cmov : .1 I.
from the ( raeh.ri.ri.Mr minim. lUiionlrv l'lTW linil ' jniWIll ut Society 110 ll,.,..! it,.,.
'lit. I 1 1" r v:...ii1.. .
Y.V.....1 it.ji.r. mmcr " i .,,,....,.. ...,.. ., ,:,, " " i,,,,,,', , nvo with Win. 'Iho pottlon of tho Wand I. i w'. "K , , i,"' V.!.,!i . i .
; limner u im . .. .. i.. .. .i ....... i -----,- u nccllliv s vrv Hum !.,, t 1 1, i -i'Y! ". .... i "
IlKV.T. "'V "' ".'...V. I.V ,V. , U ""I";"" -. Ill .-4 nllLmili flnlii i,i....l,..lf It....... ' V "V-'S "will-, IMS, .1 l) V 11DITM1K.
' '.".V .. T,...llii,: Hi, wll '" wmi fun nil in nmimuii ill a ,,.11.. ,,i,, ,l I... I....I.I. " .. ...7 .. r'"" ""ill VIII CHUSIOV. IVIM I'OH-
llntrl ArrlruU.
Vili.aiii) llottsi: Henry Stover and .
wife, Pilot Nock; 11 CJ Morris, Theodore
Goodman. W H Stnbbs. San l'Yunclseo: ,
, L H Livertnoio, ianiita I. Coggins, l.uuru
Coggins, Wullu Walla J Kobt Jumlson.
vioston; a Iliirinon, IS Trido, I' rod
'Doluti, II Harrott. () KAN Co; S Mc
c. K. itix3KVi:ir.
i". it, itiitMoyo.
.ti in I'di'iiaiiit. u , ., . ... . ......
' . t, ,ii ,ii' ul'rvll'O III II ih -" mm t'Aiunnu in i iiui .i i nun, nut
' Tllill .... I.............. ...
,,,, itiiiiiuiirLi minium ui
niti viTim.
.... . . . i i..i
1 WhittaKcr, m-iiuni.
, Co., I'liotorapliciH
ho neeilod to develop ll, before any return
' 1m received.
I Mrn. A. K. Ilrlrihlti. MctanliVHicIan
I and teacher of Chridtian Sclcnco, hua
' " . . ' "l,ul " land! V W Hnuim. nv. Tim D.illes: A
.1.1 III 1.1 I II. L J-,'"- HV1HV "VVIIII. If .1 IIII Wilt l'U " ll.lll..ltrll,l l'.......!ll .
wM.u l "III r..,l ..III I, a .....I I..I I... I
lllL'll CIIIIH,
I.f.. . tl . i .. '
m ivr, ...... Miai iiui uii i'urt im KoMfim tin. u . ! W
imitiiH Uii..t ......i.i i....... i ( - . i i nur
Easol Cnbinot Framos, Frames Mnclo to Ordor, Copying
and Enlarging.
'McDonald, (Vntervlllo'
It it.. ...... .
opened an otllco in room 1 of tho K.vkt
(iti:KiNiAN buildinir, uhero nho will bo
..I I 1.. ..!.... I....I... I
,, ,, u,,,,,,,j,. (. 'H.nnvvi IU pill UUIinilllulluu IIVO OI
.i... ii.iu i us at DoiialdHon ,.i n,..V i .....,.J i.. i.v
,IHM q viimjjui ilUI ll'lUUin IlliVl!.'! ilUH'
j lo-uay."
Mri. M. 1'oNom are In tow?
Unoii, Pilot Hock V pliVHlcIan,
i"""''. . ....
. .... !,., lltmcrrt k called lor
tiirui titv- -.'i i . .
t.... ,. tit iinyiii.iuH.
ni .I..,-".--
... ......I. ... uliiUiinau linu
IlCCic. . . ...
...,.. fvn in k inaiana lover.
l ..!.! I. unrlr In ll family ill
. . t. ... v.
it 8 x lallcn irom reiimuioii.
II U'o h.A now returned, and
. 1,1 Mill IjOIlLTl'lIll'
l rt i .... ' . ' '
..I. ..J ltd, I'll .
Hose I'oiiipany inectH thla
i.i ..ll nt Mroiimti'M hull.
II1IIIIIL 11,111 ...
. reiU(.'Hieii io luioini.
Imiil conceit tills ovenlnt,'.
.i... cnu ii ii inn ;n i." 11
t0 will I") reiuioreii ainon
.1.. j
lv of dc-ka has boon fur-
.(.. :..a.ll.y,liiiMi. ulilch beirliiH
I... it,., iiiiinlior In uso liaviiiL'
!(I0(1 iaailoipialil.
I m now neatly mipilantud
. ..l.l..l l,r I'nn ViiM:ltlnn mi
h. Tlw rmiliitt proKKioniiai
.. 1.... I.. .1. utiti , plain.
Oinill'lUlii 'iMi'...i'v..i
valc beloiiBlni! to (I. Doty, on
nul K'tivccu Pendleton and
Hinlor will pioai-o leavo at
ile In tel 'Hid receive rewind.
Ijto 1 i jal K'ot comfortably
Im liMlc house below town,
n .i ,li, lu. II, 1. 1 III lllllVll lllri llllllll
, 'Tilii' rite of the lacbali park,
. i ,1... M.-..I, t ' ml ..f
.11... .. ,.u ...Mill. Ill (III, I. , U
llll"ll lill IIII.hu ... uiu iii'ni
1-iMHl nf yestoid.iy, will no
n Wcilnc-ilay, Seiloinbor ll'th.
a- in Advance for tho ).w On-
:.V . 1 1 .11 ii ... C..i.il.U'....bt..
n.l iitiMllii'tr i'iiiiv lit il frliiMit
until after the November elcc-
. ,. i .i .i.i . . .
I-iVc dull, U u bmthur of ()ro
. ..... ..i .... i ii...-
.4 tllill III lllllTa 11 IIIIVI LI1I1
I . . ! I. ..II
tuko"iune ' left lant niuiitfur
Thev wvio uiH'ompuniiMl hv
I .S . (I.
. I ....
i;tnu.uim in inn tur muni,
ion ruinrii m iiii i im i ii .
. . f .i t u if .
t) meet at the M. K. rhurch
, iMiteiiKicr 7. at !I o'clock i'.
" .. ! I
aimer v.ir.ilion. N. K. I)ihi:i!ii.
ero and Wednesday
iK4i oi r.y,a, .'oveniy por
k lllilnllli li'iiu ,,tvi,ii In tlin
while tho .Stara received
r cent
... , . ,
Lovrniire nai) rciiirueii irom
ucreh" Ii;is1hm'ii ouitiloved for
lavrl- is I'.iiiiti'il )u on IIiiiiCh
1 .slu e t:irtel out on tho ll'th
and lu Uen working indilKtii-
r hihv.
ilir in nthlv inci'thiK of tho
;ail'liii',' mill Uiau AfHOciatlon
' wt I'vciiinu' Mvo hundred
wimlM.iiiMll.y the XH.wK'ia
ff Its mcialM'ri1. Tho enter
lu u fair x'art
wick. the tailor, who once lived
t n, L i u n In lloppuor,
Ut nf lack. Iteivntlv Iwnol
,ln t'xik m iriate of x'ine and
htur lA.tn.. li.l. .. ..I.... ....lit..
f. 'i.iK IllHf 1 f'lllU 1UIIII,
tMvl them wui a Htomach
ichoHon to Hliut up tho wor wrotchea from
tno rout oi uio world ami deprive thuiu of
all Intercourse with other hiiinati IwIml-h.
It ralim hero every day, and hoiiio daya
every hour. Anthiiia Id eoiuinon aiiioiii
tho Icjicra. At limt I felt It coming back
A pulley broke dow n on (he Ktlckcr at on mo, but urn now belter, and ho
the planini! mill to-day, tinniuu tho
luachiiiu over and cicatlm; cmililerablo
havoc and coiiHternatiou for a time, but
no olio wa hurt and lie,ht damao waa
done, everything noon being running an
A roller rink will bo opened next Sat
urday evening In the ukatlng rink hall,
under the iimiiajieinent of Lincoln Jay.
Mimic will lie fiirnlHhed for tho occiudon.
anu a lino tlmo may lio expected, l.v
ory ono i invitoit.
Tho "Stara" havo ehallcmrcd the
Centcrvillo nine to play n game of hall
next Sunday in Pendleton for tho unto
recolpta, proinlflng to pay their oxiienecH
wiiiio noro. ii H noped tuoy win accept,
for many rcaxonH,
Art noon an the present lengthy case of
thn Tiiivn nf Piitirllnlnii vu. .iiittiilnra nt
:.i f.. ii ... . ..r ' "r, 1 . ' ".V" v-" v y.'"i
ui in iiixiiii.'.cii i, mu c.imo oi rreooriCK in a bai
Aouie, neid lor uio wining ot win. komh,
will occupy tho uttoiitlon of tho circuit
Mr. nml Mm. I. Falck liavo returned
from San FranclHco, where Mr.
haa been eucaued In
amount of winter goodn for tho
bo able to Htaud the climate and remain
among tho lepera the balance of my life.
I live with Nuttier Damlan, whoxo faco,
neck, eara iind liaudtt in e very much af
tllcted witli tlio diseaKo. He haa under
Ida charge about 1(h) oi phan boya. The
number of lupom in now about 1,000.
Many die. but othcra coma to take their
placo. There ato now accoininodatioiiH
fori, MM). Many lciicra are Htlll at largo,
but tho government u.-ch all cMbrta ioa-
i nihil) to bring them bote. The poor
wrotchcH hide tlu!ni?clven in the iiiouu
taiim when they hear the olllccra of tho
law are In Hcarch of them. JiiKt ono
mouth after my arrival,wo had let ninety
of tlioui down to rent. One day there
were cloven doatliH. It la cad to 'witncurt
ho many punning away, and under nuch
clrcuuiHtanccrt. Some have neither none,
oyoH, Ilpn, lingers or toot left. Many are
1 xtato oi cdrrtuillon before thev
nreatiio their lant. in tno Deglniilng my
head ached from tho (-tench, and my
upXv'tito wan not good, eating with a
letor. tho noor but horoie Father
Fa ck i Dainian, who nan been hero now llfteen
piirchanlng it largo yeara; but ai time panKed on I beeamo
io l'eoplo'a accunionieu
row, J A Slioi'inaker, tlellxj C K Calda
way, h.Iacobmni, Ijidraiido: N Dunen
bory, Jno Nelnon, V,dla Wallaj II 0
Vniiklini Prof 1." Iv llnolu, Ii... ii Ii
2 Kinlek.J WSidlnbiuy, WW; J K
iniong Yoakum, Callfoinlaj A Weber, linker
,'back CItv. i. x i,0oy n, , t ,, 'N1 k
okj o Th0 I)aiIcH . H A Wright. .Nve.
Uoi.iin.v una:. Fred Witt, (1 Turner,
Frank Pieint, U (irao, Walla Walla ; .1 K
JoncH, The Dallcn; Hilton, Cold Spilngi
in Crayon, Oil, Ink,
f'aatol, Wator Colors,
SILVER, by tho
Pendleton, Oregon.
to theno thlngt and now feel
, T i
Ht' I'
I- f
,'iwir, f'.ificd with
rahiB, will dilve bii
er the lal i hi r
i treni iln and iltr.it
tii " riiam Mpl i
'Hll'llll, .111(1 l' (Mill-
im .ii
WarehoiiMj. 'iiulto well. Since I came here I have
W. 0. Sayle., now ono ,( llio 1,
1 1, u. i..,. uM.,...,.-,.f i'..,ii,,i to me. Thoy neldoui leavo mo alono.
Is In town attending court.
lirickmimoiiH on
win taue anotiicr day on to-morrow lor J .'..,. i ,i ikiMniiiiiiiiii mini.. n,m
' io me. inoy reiiiuui icuvu inu iiioiiu
' i llova and men keen mo tin lato at nluht
,! . , . . i They are very fond of Hinging, and they
tho Pendleton hotel i null loo. l hev havo a great talent
tv ui to-morrow fori.... i i i.,.,., ...... ,.i..i ui.. mi.....
lack of lino, iinlonn that neceary urtlclo .. u.,,ir ,mtvo toniruo. in which
arrivoa ticniglit. ...... u,,.,,,..!,,!. familiar. Tho Hawaiian
(ilia Myera. proprietor of tho Peiiillo- i language In very (llHeienl from any other
ton cigar factory, has purchased of John language I know. For example, if I
(lageii a homo mid lot near tho dewt. wlnh to nay, "Will you como and nee
The Ahr OiuiooNtAN cond ent In v In- meV" I nay: l. nolo unci oo a enaiia
Succoasoru to J. A. Qriggs.
forum itn readers that the weather Is now
"cool and delightful."
James Graham lias taken up u good
hoiho and ailveitK'H under New-to-Day.
Sid Savior mid family have moved into
the .Miller rccidoiico on llliill'ntioot.
John A. Andomon, of Foront drove,
died Monday from nuuntroko.
Ntur Itl'lll'nIIIFll 'I IKIIIII4
Mi'H.urn A (limit damn.
Tho game yesterday afternoon further
proved that the "Stara" were no match
for the Salt Lake club.biit it was u very
pretty content nevertheless. Tho visiting
nine wus compelled to play "up to the
notch" thiougli tho enttie game, and
were only allowed to cross the -homo
plate noveii times, while one was tallied
for the "Stars."
to the fourth Inning, the game was
very close ami IntcroMing. At ita end
the ccoio Hbxsl two for the Salt Lakes
and ono for the Stars, Chilton, having
been lilt by tho ball, reached llrst and
scored In tho ceeoiul Inning by a ncralch,
this one run of the Stars being duo to
tho wild throwing of tho vinltors. their
only errors during the game. In tho
next Inning, the llfth, the visitors again
liitgan run-gutting, scoring three, and also
two more In tho soven'h, while tho Stars
woie unable to obtain another tally.
Stillmaii pitched u good, safe game
aualiist the heavy batters ho was com-
nelled to face. While not ahiilliant'
curvist, he was proven to Is) always to
llable. Ho was well aiippnrlei' iy Cram.
Uio llold-woik yesterday was much bet
tor than during tho previous game, al
though Hnveral egregious oriors were
inudu. Culp made one of his famous tly
catches, wlillolwo piotly double plays
wore made in tiio tutielit, 1 1 111 and r.d
winds, and Stillmaii
the actors, Silllmau
from tho bat-
iaw'.'" "Aiw in "yes;"aud "nolo" "no."
Theio Is nothing to do heie hut to at
tend to tho sick no business, no life.
Americans would say it Is "very dull."
lint 1 don't tlnd it so. The days t-ecin
vcryshoit to me. I sloop but seven
hours out of the twenty-four. I don't
know how long I will bo hero liefore con
tracting leprosy, hut it scums iicaily Im
possible to oncapu catching it some day.
KverUliIiiL' Is handled hv thuleis'is. No
m.itter what precautious a man takes, ho j
cornea in contract Willi tuo disease in u
thousand ways a day. Hut thank thai,
1 don't live Iii dread of it. If leprosy Is
ono ilav to claim mu as one of Its victims
ho let it bu. If I die of that, I won't die
of some other dheano, Tho satisfaction I
feel lu doing good to so many unfortu
nates during their short stuy hero, and
especially to so many young 1kvh who
havo boon foiced away Irom all those
dear to thuiu makes mo feci happy In tho
face of the leprosy.
Once Inn while only for mall service
lietwouu San Francisco ami Honolulu Is
very oor I receive nowspajicrs, among
them the Fast Oiu.'iioma.n, sent to uio
by some good, charitable peopln. So I
keep Mstcd on what hapeus in tho out
side world. News from KaMorn Oicimii
! Is of esiK'clal interest to mo.
1 torgol to mention it laci wormy oi
note. In it week or two some Sisters of
St. Francis, tho same order as tho Sinters
in Peiiillutou, will ciime hero to Molukoi
to tako charge of loer uhls and wnmon
without protection, 'I huso sb-ters for
merly had charge of a hospital near
Honolulu, whole doubtful cases of lop
rosy were treated. Tho Hawaiian gov
ernment Is fully convinced that no other
religion but iho Cath lie cm lill tho bill
1 mean of taking devoted and illsin
terentod care of leers. That is why il
has secured the sorviuw of Catholic
Sisters, ami is trying to get Chrintian
i t-.i ii ... .... .
iienr.v ,ioiinnon , ii wood, ienranua; I
Hathaway; Win Hunt, Arlington ; Henrv
Wood, Cottonwood; (1 M drown; C A
Keen, FT Carney, Pilot Itock: McAvov,
Centervillo; T B llramel. Porllaiul; Ogle ,
A Stlmnon; A It Hothrock. Weston; Thosi
Campbell; St John, Inland City; B lin
ger, North Powder; J Slmontoii, Juniper; ,
.Mr llaiimgardner and wife, Bcho.
A rrUmirr l'linlniirit.
(lovernor Ponnoyor has grunted a full
pardon to John Human!, who was sen-.
tenced to the State penitentiary from'
Lane county, in Noveinlier IHS', to serve
tho term of eight vo.iih for tho kllllmr of
an Indian, Jack Kern. James Kirk, who
was j'arnard'B acconin co In tho or mo.
was ot tho satno time sentenced to five '
t'miru nml litu liiiii, lend i..v,.. 1.1111.1.1 1...
j-.,.ir, ...in .i.n i.i in i,,n vv'iniii iiiui I
(iovernor Moody about six months before
It had expired. Ilarnard served faithfully ;
his full term, less tho time allowed fo'r
good behiivioi', mid reudeiod iiuiKJitiiut
sorvli-o us engineer of the iiistltulinn. !
l ikii consideration of these facts, audi
upon favorable mention of the nrosecu-!
ting attorney and judge, (lovernor Pen-j
uoyer decided to grant him u full paiilon,
rextorlng him to all the rights and privi
leges onjoved by cMiA-ii of t ho common-,
wealth. He will continue to act in tho!
capacity of engineer at the K'iilteiiliary
Taylor, Jones & Co.
Still in tho Field with the Mont Complete Line of
Hardware and Agricultural Implements,
MIiki-h SttwIhH, Hire Arm, Coal, iron, Steel. Lime, Cement, Kte.
Circuit I'niirt.
Jno J Peeler vs C W Mcllrl.le: Dis
missed at plalntlll's costs ulthnut preju
dice. Masonic Hall Association vs Chambers,
Place A Co: Older.
(1 W Walker vs W J Snodiirass: Order.
Slate vhS W WIImiii: Allowed until
to-morrow morning to plead.
Schwabacher Urns vh C J Whltlev el
ill: Default as to Whitley.
Jones vs Cheloy: Continued for term.
Town of Pendleton vs It Satiudeis et
al: On dial.
In tho matter of Grand Jury: Three
not true bills.
Slate vs Hammond; Not true bill,
State vh Thus .MikjiIioiiko: Not Iruo
Slato vh.N S ChapMll: Not true bill,
-- -
An InUtrMlni; Cu.r.
Tho case of tho Town of IViidleton vs.
It Saunders and others Is being tried to
day before a jury in the court-room. It
Is of considerable linK)itaucu and of cor
rcsxindiug length, us it will occupy to
day and tho bo-l p "rt! ui of lo-inorrow.
Tho complaint sets forth that tho water
works contractors. Saunders & Chinch,
failed to fultlll tho provisions of their
contract In regard to the reservoir and
other matters, and asks for damages.
Cox A Minor and Carter & White are the
plaintltrs attorneys, while the defend-1
ants moroiircnonteit by llailey vc Halloray
and .1. C. l-easurc This cane was con-j
tliiued (mm last term, and Is lu many
ri'siK'ets an interesting one. A htonogia
pher N employed to take down tin
iHack8, Carriugoo and Buggios, IVlnnufncturod Exprossly
for Thla Locality,
All Top Iluggles havo one ami ono-cighth Inch wheel.
Agents for "Superior" Cook Stoves and Ranges. All Parts Warranted.
Prices us law as the Lowest.
Special Inducements to Dealers.
!Mall Ordors Solicltod, and Satisfaction Ctiarantood.
Pendleton, (begun.
Court Streot
Protection or Tariff Reform.
lliiyonil iiiinnii, the Tarllllk I lie Ikmie on whleli tin' roiiiliiK iniiiimiiii will I'd foaulit
and II Im'Ikhinck i.'Vi ry rllli'ii who i.uM vnln lull lllixclilly In inform Irncrlf (iiuii it hii 1
Jed whli'li mi I'limvly iiII'itIx lit. Ii'iiiimral Mi lfunv,
At the annual meullii" of the C.iliminl 1 Hi'ImIcim whin im iikiinlly i .....l. i. l . 111..1.1 uili u uli . i
t. ii u.i . t 1 1 . .. 7... I.. . L I ,fvi' h 'IVrlir i.riim i f..i l. Min. , im w.i.i mm ti.xi i. a. f..i
Hecla Minh g(iiinKiny hi P-iwIhii, mi riil.inHik.iii'. Hi. i .... n. ui n n ,. r,.,i..i-ii,, .i.-in
I'll 1 1 -l Suit'. Cniiiir I'roil ml l-ni.
it iii
and Milium Ijolng i.n.tburn to lake charge of tho hospital fur
LiMiiK ii inn ' luuiiw. Tho H'rvlcos oi an emliumt dor
Aiiuusi io, uio rresldent ire-enlc a
statomout hhiiwlmtthat I'm I 'tilled Stutus
produced niiO'half nf Iho enpxir of the
world, mid that Montana and Aiimia
produced one-half of Uio copHfr mined lu
the ('lilted Slates. Hi announced that
tiio onliro output of the Calumet Hecla
was Mug taken bv a syndimitt) at lite,
and half of ihc pn-m almvo soiling ox-
kiiimw. uml tnal tun copiHir In liauil was
man physician will shortly be added, tolnnthnatml in llin annual iop,rt at Ho.
Altl h for auiatoiirs tiio hiars puyoii ! jjiy,, ,,, ,u, 0,ars all the comfort jms-1 Theie were TJ.77.! uro nipr-sented.
ji, moir opp'iiiuiiii. worn inuiiii Miy i hibo lii tlielr iii
superior In every particular, lu Uit'Ing,
battory w rk, llcld-woik. mid baso-run-lni
tho Salt Lake boys wore to i inaeli for
. . I tho homo niiio. Many pretty gronnilers
Siim ..., i.i. ),.. i.u stars, but there was al-
"'""i wuvs it uiitii ready to pick thoni iii, and,
of thy J thJ uoul of tlist-baso could not bo
attdii'i Irbachad.
As-sx-i ' The faaturu of tho lUmo was tho tro
SIMiUlal ' ... Au.tr.iia iiW.IMlt nf L-li-L-Till- illllllliillll III
IK. ' in )ali sides. The uaiue stonnvd for a
1 r .tn i..nii List ovenliw Ispaeo on ono invatilon ixM-aime uio d.iii
n't m ho i Iiocmi ntMtv'-' was knocked through thn fence, or over
it' rviittieit T. It.C.i.. the foncn. "r struddlo of tho fnci bv one
" " ll.hf t. .n S..iiii cm
' u her . i viieriiiiont! ..
V'j- r i and Prii
,trc' l -
ib :ns
etiiig.iftV v.
r nil , '
i l. a
iinhapiiy condition. When
all that is done, through the exertion of ;
tho government, then Molaka, known as
tiio loper settlement, will Imi ii most com
foitablo (ilace for tho uufiirtunati-n
Among thortj Intro now uro elovon white ,
men. and nitecti uuinameu.
Driiulli AIukc lln lllit (iittmlii.
All 1)1 Puso, Tex.u,, lelogniui statu
that "farming and gaidenlng in tho Iti i
liruuilo alluv are at inoseni ns-eivini!
an iiiioxpictodbai krfut. The Jtio (ituudo
V Withmy l r & , '
I .i i.ij i i,,,,iii,i irntv vimrii 'iiivnlol. Iho .Mexican uliubitaiiis of
frionds, I remain trill) o unj. Puso del Noil- ami for twenty miles Im-
i . UL.IJIMUIII. jw ftHtJ ,U, lu,k of H1,(1.iul;l wal4)r fr
illll Cluvi lllll.l.
Tin- H,.ltiiin i,r .Mr. ii',in,'
it ) 1 1 lliu Turin iinulyimi, i.in i,
I .iriidl.
iii ii i.'.i, i i I'liiin'rv. IVrlcitii
H I'l lllllill.l.l IO V'!ll In 11. .1" nf I'llUl-
ri 1 1 1 vihim in ci."
1 iii'l inmlr In liiriit.ii i
" 1- li.S
,u i, i I'
ii iii, iii. iiHM'rlluiiii
I III lull.
'lll flirm iui u nil u. Ilu .iiI,.Iuiii-ii iif Dili ImmiW Im iiiimI i.ituilr . I.I. . anil I Iluvii mmiii mil II
Iiii: iiriMtiiK II fitriiM- In Hi.' iih' work of .ittviwiluw Ilu' Iriilli hiiiihui lliu iibT.
ihia .11. iiii i i.imn, ii-iiim.ii'r inniiinii.
It I. an ulil mm 1inIi il i'hmiiIiiii nf ilu' liiiii.iii ' nml ili-nii nf lliu prntivllvti lliu
ory. Tim work U '.IlilHly.ui.'t '. w ry nliui1iln I'liiilriiiiilluii wt U.i I i iiili-iil Inrlfl' n fnrm
It W. iiVNHHNII, il. C
I inan Hint Hit. lunik I. rt-rmtiB ltn'iti cuiim inlilluii It . Iril'tiioinl iiihih fun I i
iiiciiIhI triitlni.iniil I wl.li iIimi llic Iacl4in I urMKuii'iiii muy l' la Hi' Ii iicI- uu I inlii l.
evi'lj' CItUl'll PHllwl (lintu IliU m l.i Miln iihiii III'- ji -hi i'imiiiuiiiIi'ui . iiii- lion, iif 4iir, In
ami liirlll. nil I.N ('. Ill M Ii, ' 'niuiul.-l .n r nf 1'i'ii.lnli.
Wi' Inkn iln.uri' ll' h Inw Dili ivurk imr h' an '' lniuri-iiii 'it, .nut u iiiiiiiii nil Unit lit
Wll eoliitulUiHMiillil rlnli. i-.l.l In 1'Kli nilliiu lu I'lii'iiliilliin iiinniiu 1 1 - nf I III JKiljt.
Mi AI'K. lli:.M( K.rU' ( K.VI'ltAI. ( UMMITIKK ul' II.MNOIH.
Ami limuy ntln i.
Tii8 SEfMEE.LY EAST WMm Ono Yoar,
I Irrl.. ul.,.. L-,u.,.tv ,...,1 if ti... tu- ki.,. ,.f I 'H'H '"""Hi ! lOMl.ml-Wi-ckly I jl uriwnilaii Om- Y.-r..
i wator contiuiios much longer a gis.l iImiI
I 10
U'KI.S'UIIIY AfTi- USlMI.'s IIIOCKKIMNIIS. of Sllll'lll ill'' will lllslllt. IHI'll Oil tllO A III
. i.i 1 . .. ..I,.. I . i . . , , i ., i . , I i
U'oolllli oi j(iiB'' ami riniKu ui wiuw i ctiisin nine wueru tnero is ions luniiim;
PJ . ll ll .1 .LlrAIIU Kulllll
I ll .fr,. . I. ... ...,.,l,
he i'i ndluton inji-t-'"Will
r, ,ich iisdenti
' the hi . -ii p is iucedo(i
'"" ' it t in tr.sl
'I -'a
, k
! n
'1(( l('lll
' ' IUt ! V,.
T neallniil..
of tiio Sail I-lkos, who wuntut (l homo!""". 1 limn priucc . .1 .1. isr, ..."anu KarnumiiK man .iiiioiik um .uexi-i
niiiand was onlv allowed neeond base. Joucs fti, l I'anriul W, It Patcheo ti. (.eouuns."
Alth.mgh dafw'ited, tho Si.ux are not at . !Hoii Jas Jf:(" ...... -
all dU-ouragtsl. mo glad the visitors K'MjI and l.njlge iimmnt: Hall ,t Nw HaiiHhire Uoimlillcaus have n-.tii-SL.
.U til. tjiotn voyiigo will, Burny M. JK. 'V. N. . iUM forgovo,,, .,
C leorilll neann I in- min-ia in iii". ; , .. . ... . 1 .. . iv 1 ,...!., I. . it 1 1 ,1 11.1.
IjiUiwhassorv't thueuil dtt-irtsl-JI lias ' atcouni 01 -a- Xi'.tv Tii.liAV.
aroused the
I'l'liilli'tmi. Ori'ulin
"is fit . ilCLMII
I "ll ! .llll.iv,
III i-'HIII'li
lli'iiti iliu I)
'!il acl.ni.' I
Hin'ic: 1 mo oiiniudui
Id . ,. .,1 ...mv ,x niwtile iii tho u.i' in..l.-Miiio. tt t ik.mkhj
I i.i, -treated out-! and mjlioved tiiey -ill take pride In
era iiov more careful 1 and uneouragc iho Mum ' In the future.
1 The score of veteul.i gaum is ipiito
, ineouil)to. i' " -" 'WU kol,t. '.'
strike-outa, ba--hi'" errors, etc., and Is
thoroore not ,uUUIil.
. .
uist noal -ar 44 1 foreign vessels
entered and' rloaied with cngix-s at
Auierieait nU, the aggregate tonnago
being irt,44'J,(iJJ I0'"- -Vveraglng tho
freight at (i per ton. we have UlO.lio-V
054, and jiaser,gwrs at $1 er ton. we
have an additional 10.44.'.00'.i, or a total
of 13!l,OD4.U(S3, which the American j-eo-
nla in c it Have fcaved lasi imcaiycuru
the cairvim! irano 01
been done In American bottoms
Connecticut Democrats nominated L.
B. Morris for governor.
i-r 1. vein. it age
ui ov re.11 v ne-.t
ln,t loth.
" Marion Walker, S. A
Ul llv uml llm. I .... I
. - ,lriim lFA.1, 1,. ...1
..-. - ..iii ..i.T.ii-iiuiii.
ailtlut nsmuino.l nf tint
1 WU OI Hl.'iunr..u.wib..rfc
.Tl U TI 11 0.- n -.. -I .. 1 , t
. 11 1. . ' J "VT,'llHlvi
'uiMM while at Meacham.
of Jas heolan 'ontiuued.
I'niimr account A exatulor : f razor
4I Oj, C Pealo 17 :.'4, Win Hill I7 50, I
(i W King 25. V P llarn ttfl, Jes.o,
FallingJI, UMcD.ioald O F Witto
j( :ti). IMi'S A (iiiihl Account of HI
P Joliusoii H Co dis.dlowed.
lncldimtal: KM Waile fl 75. Payot,
I'oham A Co Anim Dlckerson
ti:!-xl. W H Tavhr M')50. Keonoy A
Morgan f I. ForisA Wheeler I8. ico D
llarnaid A C I7 OTi. Account of D
Hansford A Co continued for term.
. ii.i 'I'nuilicr of Olirl.iliui Km-qiM-miKOlitl
nllvnt on kivkii lu rUointl.in oml
fi0ttl. ,)1.m'..,h. f 'oii.ii'Utilon frfie. Cly.
InUrno'loii loili f mrli monili orilrr
Hoom 1. Mcoiiil liii'T of Ku( ()n.,ni.u
Ilullilint, !' mllvliiu. Oinifon.
Alexander Si Prazer,
li:.I.l:i, IN-
Gesieral MarchandiisA.:
L'uiiiv to llin hfixil Mvrv Hlnble. In IVn
illHui'.Tuunlai-,nf.iiit-r llli: U-av Imi..,
bmndi-l a half iin.n i'i rU' l illll- Nu
oilier lunrWii, lluck I in liruiuru luinilllliiu
Owner mn nrovnr hiiIimiiI liy pr-vinir roi
frtyauil imilnu vliaiKc of inlvnrclni; uml
kiilm;. I MKH Oil IIAM,
.I'AXw I'.niH ton, Or.
Clothing-, Hats, Caps, Dross and
jj ancy jroods.
1 Iii- Ku.t OrrBunUn I'r- r.
Subscriljora uying iii advance for tho
Vinmiinviiv nllli r SVmi-U ecklv or
Daily, can send another copy of Iho ! 1 HonTV KOUettkO & CO.,
tier to a friend from now until after the j .
" i" , JS. f Tl. rount?v 1 ad November election kuke okciukoi:. This
rying trade of tho country Jiau r ,H , t0 j, 0id unj n0wHuu-
scribera. Address:
East Obeoonuh Pub. Co.
Pendleton, Or.
PEN DLETON I wcblO diw
Court Htreit,. opposite J, It.titioemfckr'i,
Beer Garden and Gymnasium
Unm an A. Kim-, iVihim.
MiniiKirwt . . Ncur 1'o.tomco
ItnwilriK Al'cy anil Oyinniikium Itoom In
riniieLtlnii Jn.l lliu ,IhV ... .p.iid in ,'iur
In Dxerolmnif your miiMleond alraiwlhcnlnK
yourfruirid. A corJIal InylUllou to all.
(Jambrltiu. lUivt 6c. a L'l.,