East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1888, Image 3

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    ;I).VY, SEITEMHKK o, 183.
ctitcuir count.
Dr. F. C. Canmboll Im nnw
recovering from (ho eonse(uenees of his
rami uui. ii is xnoilgni una no Will gum
wisdom from IiIh past experience In follv,
und hccoino what ho is capable of being
u Holier uiul useful cltir.cn.
lhu court did not adjourn yesterday
, afternoon to see tlio lull game, as was
jokingly Indicated in this paper, and was most pleasing and successful concert ever allowed of defendant.
Indeed not present ut tlm contest. There ! given in Pendleton, 'lhu nrourainiiiu was ' Masonic ii. i l
t.a f. II...... " 1 - c7V
The Stmt ltllKhtful Kittrrtitlnmrnt for
n l.mii; Thins
The grand Organ Concert at Frazor's
Opera HoltSC lllKt livonilii' ,illi-,iptn,l n
small audience, though It richlv deserved I
u "fill ho'isc." It eeitalnlv was the
I II. Ittflt.MDSU),
..iirnliinlrncli OUIce
nftl.O KAHT.OIIKOONIAN .IU. . " , . "."- Vi " I ' . i, "
.n.imif in " -- it '
Ml " It lln InflU. Ill" Will 111! 1 . . . ......
"'. 1 !'" .hiV of I'l-nillctoii.iiiul . ' l'ortion of the sidewalk wan removed
A Mimnmry f to-iliiy'n l'rorroillnR.
J II Hlehoy vs Ely and demons;
demurrer overruled, und allowed until
bent. 14tli to answer.
W Ulllr VI KhiwImLi. ..mlln.1 M.wl ,ln.
( ... . iiuiif, rn i mwiiv.li nun iv
was the - niurrer overruled of plainti.l'nnd motion
ug follows;
1. Anthem, "Great Is the l.onl." Mrs,
Iliinna ct al;
. ,....., l.'.llll'lll' "I !! . ' . . - ---- --
'..in. II IIITIIIMI .v, .-,-, . " " J " ' " "unig n niuiu .....
". "fi' " '. .'icrvUMi lYi i.lH Flcl !l Xrm W"V:.1 "i,,J ""Piwtl be- som .Miss Clara Everett, Messrs. Mitch
I ...ll..l
J. WhUtitwer, ticnum.
Co., l'hotograpliers.
...i. ..... ilrliiL' at Donaldson ,
r,iMi this olllco with the
rM....1j MltMlUS I
i.. ul,.ifiil I tin ndvunt oltlio
,u i ii evening by being late.
Howell has returned ironi a
i vifit to ner iiaiiKinor hi. im
Wheeler is now confined to IiIh
n attack of that dlsugrecublo
nmt Inver.
... ,.l. r. Jt
...!,. In,, rillllll V. IIIH Illll
v - . " - ...
.. ....it. ii in ihi inn m mnn
tween the cracks. The inonev
( ; recovered.
. There Is not a lukery in town now
hI1Iiik bread, and tho "stair of life" can
; not bo procured nt any price. People
j will have to bake their own bread or go
! hungry.
minted. , girl to work in
tho country six miles from
Apply at this olllco.
Tho Alert Hose Company
evening ut Fireman's half
member uttuud.
toresiir-i Jiltcliell, .Mm. Hctcher, Miss .liilla l'ol
be I som, .Miss mini hverett, .Messt
wusjell, Koosevelt, Dean and Hovd.
ii family in
meets this
Let every
A l.nrRf Numlirr of llullillnRi uiul Much
rrnperty Drtniil I.o- I'robnhty
eS','00,000-1.1,1 orihn ntilltlliiK-. lluriifil,
nil rrlnrliiit Lim-irn.
H I'clul lit Win Knit Ureirnnlnn.
Fire broke out last nluliL in ilitsi-ltvutnl
destroyed tho old post-olllco building, ,M.
(SiimI .V ' .(,.. i-ii..-.. ii.,... r. in... .l.i..
I ... Q.iiiliiiiiliiir Illll Illll. IH ...... ...! ........i n... ... t ... 1 1
ho!td.iy, ivim on wmi iiiio '"oilIascho'Hhaidwaro, Well A Co. 'h general
DUR'lli'crj v". "
vlnriuiihi lsit to Adams yes-
.....I.l .ii. nii.d U'lllPIl nriin
OIIKIJI UU-lllU'D, .....v.. .....w
i. i.. I... v.irv iiniitf . in fuil.
imNtakowas muiio in regard io
., I .1... II. .1 ...,U ..nil
' Tim cute little animal bo-
ii.,ii.uiin u i niinunii in iui
;htfor rorllami.
. . . . . t-t
V4li0 IX'IOIIgllll" IO W. KOIV.OH
mul U't'ivccn l'endleton and
rimlnr will Ille.lSO lcilVO lit
..u l.lnl uiul r..i.iiii'n mu'iiril.
ill 1.... 1....... I I...
1. 1 run mil una .'i-u i .,i.i... ...
jiirv, wiiicii w ag.iuiHi ,i. m
i ...1 ( lilt ii iliiilini ttttit Itftt
'lirLlll llllll I'lllll IIU IUKMIIV
IIH mat ronii'M on xo-inur-
t A I .... il..
jurlo to. ami t no I'.mpiru
n fomtuiiv, uro now buKV
. i . i.i... t.... ((.... r
i .1 . i
i . . ..I- . I... I.I MM. a
-i ufi-trtntv nlttiilmiil nf Ulli'ln
. . ' . i - I
.1 l it.. ...
i . i a . i
imlll uttor llin ViiVnttihur iOihv
he Intluenco of tho clianKO in
. I I.. I.....
rnw, the town's Kick list in
lartudng, us those composing
cne by onu.
cual litinkers at tho depot are
etet, Thcv look strong and
. .. .... ii.
ll.lv u-iinlil nni.il Inr u vil.ir
Li V dims.
. t .1 ...
riiiiiT lenu ui iiiu luiuiii
i lt K'feion this mornini;. in
(the county clurk. Consider-
- mis iruu-i.ii'ivii iiruuj,
ironi ma rcnort.
U'ting jokuiif l'endloton hood-
'n F ttMftl IllJin tli.k utnwJu tu
lucijireliily stale. Nearly
t fresh ciniiio victim is bo
buun ami turned loose, and
ion Iui finally grown inonoto-
nature ot ivinlleton scenery
number of wagons loaded
continually passing through
junled to this ouo shiiping
-J to fd tlio whole of Eu-
jll ifmalns ut from 03 to CO
J. ith yet no symptom of u
tl the matket. Farmers of
'inty aro lucky all arounil this
wt liaimv combinatton
and LMixl lirlcoj " li-iu for
ltbmith a call.
:fn is in town from l'ilot
r. .,i ,iV vrtW 11 111 a
'C fa' ' ilOtllillL' U'UH rattfnil In
. f tho Koek ibis xe,,r
'iii nunc in ii. i l.i i
'time it would have mured
I If It .... , l.i..
iCfr who aisaultctl 1 .niiin
'7. and was a rofted and
n al'erward i v Marslul
''''.bi'fot' JuMlcv llish.m
thvr!iargo of amault with a
' luvinn fniurUhed a
MQ ll.irmfi.M...fo .. .1 . ... . ...
j .v. ii nAl'lun, ll
'kih Mvermnio. of IMw.ir.U-
'vWtlnp 'ur cousin. .Mr.
ms re-Id -niu mi (iar
'!' Ilvcriii "o Wiis mi? uf
wwirom Illinois who w.is
rt 'ho Wiere' Conven-
on a visit to her
had rnnor seen.
'w-m tho leei Springs ves-
tt, rlurk-M of '
u"iieit of thn lmt,.i u i. n..
. KM K fiitt wtiHfac.
' hnngry ,lmc.p mun
'.Vlwvinsriliw inn,f.,iu i
uie touch f ivt, woa)hcr
- H CIU (M ll. ...... r
iiiu iii!irotu'ii 01
meichaudiso storo, Ilopson & Co.'s li
ipmrs, in (1. w. Iluhn's building, ltlch
unison it Co.'s stock In the Virtue brick
building, and every building on tho rear
of tlio block was burned. Tho loss is
about $00,000 j Insiiranee.TlOa.OOO. Stone
buildings burned like wood. Uirtthought
to bo tho work of an incendiary. It broke
out about '1 a. m. All the buildings from
tho Virtue corner to John llrown's build
ing on Front street, and all across tlio al
loy, in tho rear, wero burned.
Among the principal losers are Col.
HIi'hnriNon, Well & Co., liascho ft Co..
Haor A llloeh. A. Houseman & Co., ami
Herman llambcrgcr.
Latkii. The loss will probably lie bo
tween 150.00J und NM.OOO, probably
about two-thirds covered by insurance. '
Two Mm Wriiunril.
Hpi-rlHl to tlio KutOri-irnlinn.
1'oun.ANi), Sept. fi. While crossing
tlio river ut iMliluu this moriiliig James
Kcegan and Jack (Iray, two longshore
men, tiptet their boat, nun Indug imablo
to swim both wero drowned. Thn Isjdles
have Just been taken to tho .Morgue.
The Vvrnumt Kicvtlon.
ficc!iil to tin) OiO.'iinUii,
Ni:w Yoiik, Sept. fi. Eoturns from
the Vermunt election ludlcatu large Hu
publican gains. It Is estimated that tlio
Itepublicau umjoiity in tliat State will
bo L'8,000.
1'. ri.llio Duet. "I'oet und t...iU,iiil.
Mrs. Fletcher and MNm Zaliuer.
;i. Hass Solo, "The Old Sexton," .Mr.
O. U. (ireene.
4. Clarionet Solo, "Fantasia," "Homo
Sweet Hotue,"l'rofessor Kollinan, Second
i;avuiry iiaiui.
o. Voe.il tiuarlet,"Tlio Hunter's Cull,"
Mrs. .Mitchell, Miss Julia Folsom, and
.Messrs. Mitchell ami Hoosovelt.
(I. Ilullad, Horn Solo, Mr. Fletcher.
7. Tenor Solo, "Ah, I Have Slgliod to
Hest Me," Mr. Dean.
8. Vocal Tilo, "Tlio Distant Chimes."
Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Fletcher and Miss
Julia Folsom,
II. llurltono solo,
T. M. Iloyd.
10. Clarionot solo, I'rof. Koflmnn.
11. Vocal Quartet. "Come Whero My
Lovo I.les Dreaming," Messrs. Fletchor,
ii i. in, i i. ... .
itoosevcii, ,iiieneii ami ioyn.
12. Sopratm solo, "Murguorito,"
111. SeleetloiiH from Fru Diuvolo, MrH
The singing by tho dlllcrciit liulieB and
gentlemoii was exceedingly good and
merited the hearty applause given it.
l'attlcularly was thu audienco pleased
with I'rof. KofTmau's crforinanceson tho
"Nancy I.ce," ltov,
rrnci'i-rilliiE" Srilamlior
clarionet, uccomnanied by Mrs. Flctchoi
on tho piano. "Tho Hunter's Call." by
.Mrs. .Mitchell, .Miss .itillal'olsoui,. Messrs.
Mitchell and Kooovclt. was loudlv en
cored. Mr. Fletcher's horn solo was
good. Tlio tenor solo, by Stanley Dean,
was well sung ami carried uwav tho audi
ence. Sbveral young ladies were com
pletely charmed with Mr. Dean's singing
qualities and well might thov lie. The
well-icnown old song, "jsuiicv I.ce," as
rendered by Hov. Hoyd, win cliarniing in
tlio extreme, and brought down tho
house. "Maiguerlte." a soprano solo,
by Miss Clara Everett, was very
sweet und Miss Everett's voice
seemed exactly suited to this beautiful
song. Tlio contort throughout was HrM
class und very complimentary to all of
tho paiticlpants. Mr. Fletcher deserves
cii'dlt for the part hu took in originating
such n delightful entertainment. The
net proceeds go toward paying for a
handsome organ for tho MuthodM
Episcopal Church, it most worthy object.
llrrilij' (Mini' it WiiIUi.vit 1'iir tlm
Suit IiUitk.
Yostordav's gaimi proved u walkovsr
for the visitors, oiugto their oM'octivo
batterv work, ami aided by tho poor Meld
ing of tho homo team. Although Ed
wards t-eom to lore all control over his
dolivory at times, yet ho pitched a very
oirectlve game, striking out tun men, and
it ills support had not been so wretched
could luvo held tho visitors down to a
much closer game. The Sat likes did
fair batting at times, but their hits were
scattered und their run getting v.-as en
tirely duo to l'endloton' Inferior field
work. Taken all in all, tho "Stars" weio
clearly overmatched. It was a game of
amateurs against traveling professionals,
and us might bo cxpuctcd, the profes
sion's won. Again, nouu of thn "Stars"
wero in good form to play ball, having
hud very little practice work, while their
opponents have made baseball a busi
ness. Thu-features of the gamo wero Hill's
big fly catch und Custone's stop of a hot
liner.' Following is tho scoro ;
Place A Co : order.
Amer. Mtg Co vs Frank
default and decree.
Stocker vs Houser; judgment of find
ings. Uco E McCluro vs Frank Hilton: con
tinued for leim for service.
Win Kin vh Town of Pendleton; dis
missed and writ sustained, and Judgment
for cots.
W E Wlilto vs Huth Whlto ct ul; con
tinued for term.
Itcoso & Itedman vs Weslov J Herr
ing; continued for term.
IS Jones vs Oliver Chclev, case No.
1, continued for term.
In tho mutter of tho grand Jui vj ono
truo bill.
State of Oregon vs .1 W Wilson ; arraig
ned and allowed until to-morrow morn
ing lo plcud.
Itiilrl ArrlmU.
V11.LAHI) Hot'sB. Hugh Donahue, E
F Smith, Mrs Jumcs, Pilot Hock; I, M
Omni. Hitltln IW111 Mm.t.lil.i , II
MeArthur, Hobcrt Junileson, 1, Hutchin
son. Weston : 1) L Freeman. W H Alar-
nuis, E T O'Connor. S F: F M Ilateholor.
W N Uehurrcl. Jno Kerr. H A Haber-
Ea8ol Cablnot Frames, Frumoa Mndo to
nnd Enlarging.
Ordor, Copying
snum, t oriiunu; Marry A Wright, II C
Wright, Nyo; Julius Iajvv, Now York; II
II McKoynolds, Alba; v A Ebcrlv, I.u
Uriimlo: J S Vinson. Fred Newman. No.
llhiiirli ird, I r...
MoAiiilriiw, '.'l
KImhI, u
KliKkvr, m
rimtnri), i
Mi'llrlilr. Ill . ..
l'lutu, iill
Ii-rkir, 1 (
Ur,'it, rf
mil, au- .
Sllllllli.il, Hi
llcinUlt-y, hi....
C'li'lloii, '.'Ii
Ciuni, n
Ankfiiv, rf
1 'iiili, I f
KJwunU, p
III. 8.11.
The following hills were allowed;
State vs Mary Keating: II It llishop,
M (13.
State vs Win Olimkey: II Illllshoii,
5&U; (loo Sweeting $1 70, Moses Mln
thorn 1 70, F Uanelt I 70, McKay
Creek Jim $1 70.
State vs .las oung and r.d Cox: It 11
Hlshop f) 00, Chas Chupmau $1 70.
State vs Tlios Palmer: II II llishop
M IK). J II Dcspain $1 70, C O French
C P Davis 1 70.
State vh J W Wilson : 11 II lUshon
7, F J Murphy t'A 00, J W Thomas 1 70.
kit..!. ..a rl.,.a Ut... ....... 1 I I W.,.,,1 ,11..-
illliv in vimn ijiiii.n..ii . .. ii .iniiii, inn-
trict uttornoy, f.
State vs Tim Flunnuguu ut ul: II II
Bishop it) 1)0, Jury fees til. witness feeH
3 L"0.
State vh David Ileckett and TIioh Ser
bort:l! U llishop fi ".'),(' Chupmuii $1 70.
State vh .n s ciiupiKiti : 11 it uisiiop
M A3,
stutci vh .luiius .osiuum: 11 11 lilstiop
fl. Chus Chapman (1 70.
Stuto vh Jno Muloy: Jerry Despaln
$1 70, C P Davis f I 70. C O Frunch f I 70.
Stato s Ed nnd Jno Huberts ; II li
llishop in '.'0, Chus Chupmau $1 70.
Stuto a CIkih Smith :ll It llishop $i M,
Jerry Despaln $1 70, C P Davis $1 70, O
O French $1 70.
Stuto vh Jno Hammond: II II llishop
17 70, KJ Ilorton $'M, Emma Evans
:i L'0.
Stuto vh Chus Simpson: It II llishop
$7 00, Harold Stewart M r0, N Hodgers
10 00, Win Fletcher 7 10, Dun Pin'son
f4 :0, Iko Knotts fi .r)0.
Stuto vh I. Marston and Jas Fuguu : II
11 Ulshon 5 SO. C P Davis $1 70. Charles
Chapman $1 70. Ih.ii i.nki-
Stain vh Jno Jones and Thos llromer: Uviiillmor,
Base hits PJatts, MoAmlrewfl, Ilaiker
Mcllrldii, I!pardloy,Walllo and Sailmun
'IVo-bace hits Castoro, Stroat.
A. II.
I '.'
II ll 111 It
A. 1). It. III. H.ll.
U 4
A. K
I 0
i! I)
ti ll
I ! .1 li i
I 0 -i 3 I
0 00000
lilt ; A II Mnttoon liGrnndo; W I.
Marcy. O It A N Co: T H Melntnsb.
I'lirmington; J J Wlnshlp, h M Uurlund,
City; J Erlmrt, W H Gray, Jno Anilor
Hon, O U & N Co; W F Itutcher Missouri.
HowMAN IIouhk A C Morris, Crub
Oichurd, Va; A 7. Kelloy, J W Simpson.
country: JJ Heeler, H Itoynohls, Wes
ton: h w King, loxas; liiiaril, Sum.
Mcl-'arland, city; Prof V K Hopburn; Eld
II W Decker. Valla Wallit: O Nowcomb.
Contervlllo; C H Clato, Vinson ; It Mc
Bruno: O A Keen: John Ponolov.
Cleclum, W T; 0 II Kingman, O H fi N.
(ioi.iik.n Hut.n. G M Brown, North
E 12 Oliver. Atlinuton: A Murnhy. Echo:
ABItothrock, J K Sullng, Weston; S
l'udgett. Butter Creek . Donncrbnrir. W V
J K Jones; I Hathaway; B F Vaiildeau,
Nolin; Calvin Kessles, country; Oliver
Hums, I-.ndicott; A Chutxh; John Park
er; Henry Wood; (5 Ojiimliorg; Aenrv
Johnson: G I) Klchov: Clark Walter: I'
J and A J Kelloy, Cottonwood; MuElrov,
Contervlllo; W O Kiirren; G W Tils
worth; Campbell Bros; J W Sullivan;
1 100 turner. i union, uolu spring;
.miss turner, city.
I'ormiiml .1 1 1 11 1 1 r 1 1-1 of l.ltt In I'lill.
Of tho tlueo great commanders of tho
l ml war, Orant, hlierinun ami Sheridan,
tho career of Sheridan was by far tho
most romantic. Wo all know with what
luteicst the whole country read tho Per
sonal .Memoirs of Grant and tho Personal
.Memoirs of Sherman, and wo he iovo
that thu Personal Memoirs of "l.ltllu
Phil." will attract canal attention and
command as largo a sale. Ills memoirs
huvo thu value of an important historical
production ami tlio Intorost ot a great
woik of tlcliou, Thu book is not statis
tical, but full of (icrHoiial Incidents and
tho wonderful story which is tells holds
tlio reader Ssdl-bound. It is a clear,
couciso, graphic, and yet slmplo account
of u wonderful life. It was (sinned not
only because ho wanted to tell thu story
of tils own life In his own way, but with
thn hoc that bl'i family might receive 11
cnm)MMoncy trotn Its sale. Coming as
this IsKik docs from ono of America's
greatest and best loved soldlorH, wo aro
Kiiro that it will tlnd a phuo in every
homo in thu country,
Tlio. I. Dewing Company, 813 Market
St., San Francisco, have charge of tho
sale this side of tho Hncky .Mountains.
Applications for agoncles nddresi-ed lo
them will reroivo prompt attention.
In Crayon, Oil, ink,
R. T.
Pootol, Wator Colors,
SILVER, by tho
Succossoro to J.
Pendleton, Oregon.
A. Briggs.
Taylor, Jones & Co.
Still in tho Field with tlm Most Complete Line of
Hardware and Agricultural Implements,
Mlnem' SttwUe, h'irn .lrns, Coal. Iron, Strrt. Untr, Cement, Me.
Hacks, Carriugos and B "cglos, Wanufncturod Exprosaly
for Thiu Locality.
All Top Buggies havo ono ami one-elglilh Inch wheel.
Agents for "Superior" Cook Stoves and Rangos. All Parts Warranted,
Prices ns Low as the Iiwo.-t.
pedal Inducements to Dealers.
Mali Ordors Kollcltod, and Satisfaction Cuarantood.
Court Street
Pendleton, Oregon,
Protection or Tariff Reform,
llovnild nilrollilll. IhnTiirllt Ih llin Ukiii, nu whlrli Dm mmim? ,'ui,ii.iU,, will ,.. r,.,,.,i.i
iillil It lMili(Nivi'cVt'iyltlMii who would vnln lliltlliiiil)' In InMriil li'inwlf II ft it 11 i,
Jiict willed mi dourly ulforl hU li niKir,il wi'lf.irn.
B B Bishop M 55, C P Davis t 70 Chas
Ftianett 1015,
K McCluro;
Chanman $1 70,
t? ., . t r i.....,...nn.i
ciaiunu ui,u3iniMi
witness fees 10 'M,
State vsFW Hilton and (
F Clarrett 45.
Htato vs Chas Ferguson : It Jones
7 'JO, witness fees $11 Bit. ?
Stato vs I M Johns: W S Powell 5 51),
J 13 Kirkland 00. witness fees $L'5 50.
State vs Birdio West : W F Butcher
$5 00, Thos Burnett $11 L'5, W W Jacobs
$7 80. witness fees $U 00.
Account D M Taylor, constable, f SO 25,
rhre-biho hit Bl.inehard.
First hso on errors ?M Ijike. .
Ktruck out By fantoro, III; l Kd
wards, 10.
Panned hallsStr at 1 ', Cram 5.
Base on balls Salt lalo, 4; Pondlo
ton 1.
Wild pitches Kdwaids, 4.
Umpire Beam.
niniiutliliii; Almut ('ml1
r'r.ti. r.lnriiu urn nuiv ininrlv all in.
Select jury, Ncuth Pendletun precinct t pro, reiiorM thmuithout the country It is
feo bill: F UarrJtt tH 0J Kwing M 00, 1 .,.. ,i.,lf rIM..iilhi -till i-arrioa the ban.
Jacob Studenbordt J 'Oil. cr j tno utter nf wheat growing.
Select jury, fee bill, Smth Pondlet.-n t whilo tho famous liastern ond did not
precinct: B li BL-hop .leiry IKispaiu j px(.c VlMr a- usual, other, und
Win Miller , hiihcrio uncelebrated (tortious of tho
.Making ami 1 una jury usi, rtuanii pro ,.0iv. t,x,V. u Imw slrido to tlie lore.
Unu',nT. ? ferve Uon
Wni '"on he
clnet: Thos Fluiiug J. P.. 43, J S Man
field M. Win Baker u'
Witness fee', grand jur : Moso'Baruh
2 20, II F JuIiikoii - -n
the Hum Orrijonlim IV -.
Subscribers avln-.' in advamo for the
EastObeuoxixn, elth r Semi-Weekly or
Dally, can send another copy of the pa
(tor to a friend from now until after tlio
November election ruKcnrruuuiK. This
ofler is ojien to isith old and uow suli
Bcribere. Address :
EAbT Okeqonian Pub. Co.
Pendleton, Or.
Harrison Is running well InCunada.
Our neighbors desire to have the British
lion's Uil twisted only by its friends.
The Helix and 'Id Spring sections this
vear snrpasMid ail s-ctations in regard
'to tho raWIng of wheut, thirtv-fivo and
forty luiiihels to the ii'-re not licing an iin
common average, iinmctnaieiy norm 01
Mexico has a higher protective tarifT
tliau tlio 1 nllcd Mates, aim lauor tliero
Is in big luck If It gets 25 rents a day.
Tho Arizona Democratic Territorial
convention unanimously re-nominated
Mark A. Smith as delegate- to Congiess.
Major Maicus A, Iteuo. a famous In
(ll.ui lighter, was unested Monday on tho
ehurg of non-umlntenanco, preferred by
his wife.
Thu London Time has Immhi at nainsto
dttnoiincu the quotation from it in tola
lion to fioo tiade America and tho Irish
as u forevry.
I Blaine's koy-note turned to a death
j note iihun he defended trusts. Ho seems
j unable to distinguiidi Isttwccu commerce
l and conspiracy.
Willis Gaines, an aged Oregon pioneer,
died Monday at bin homo near Solo. His
wife died last Friday at Sodaville, where
slid nail gone (or ner ncaiiii,
James O. Blaino has Is-ou engaged by
thu ltopuhlican Nutiomil Committee to
uiako sjiopches. The Republican jiarty
seoms to be merely u Blaine trust,
Mr. Quay, Chairman of thu ltepubllcau
Natlouul Committee is said to have re
furred to poor Harrison's protty little
sH;eches as "gabble." (2uay Is a Blaino
Mr. (iates, a Republican and niatiii-'
facturer of 1 ladluv, .Mass , writes the
.Snrinufleld ltopuhlican : "Put mndoun,
for Clflvcland. I can't stay with any;
party that is controlled by trusts and led I
liy iwalue."
I Burglars attempted to break into the ,
I residence of John Mien at Kan Francisco,
1 arid broke on tho window of a servant
' girl's room. SI10 tired threo shots with a
revolver, striking one ot tho wen. liie
Itomlors wliui ik luiialir n,ili 11 im 1 ,it-m : v mi, r.l,, '11.11111. it win
krrvii im 11 Tiirlir (irlliivr f ir Mil' I arai i' 11. u- I iin i in i . in c .n n,il.
Tills Issik klmWN II111 1 .ri lit'iil rlti-ii ot tl) I'.'ulr ii . 1.' ini 1 il'-.niiiilry, 1'i'rliaiis
tlm n.ot I'liiiHiili'iiDiH fnii' ir, 'it tin- (hxiIc U its. .fi iili uti. hi iiki mi.. 'tiKi. ut 1'iunl.
lll lll ClOVOlllllll.
Tlm Mi'ltnll n( Mr. Illnlnn' "Twi'lill Vriir In I "1'Hfi" l 1,1 It 'i iii, III', nn.itliiMH
Uhiii tlieTurliriiimlyiiMl, eritU'U.-l unit ni'nlo lo fnrnl'i I'lHr "i 11 r t .in 11. ,11,
Tlio form im wftll ah 1 im siilMtiinciinf thulssik I inn-l iidmir 1I1I , uid I Imvs mm 11 imili
Inn urn.ioiliiif ll fnruo In the Kin.it work or upriiulliiii Hih irulli kiiui k tlio i(iili-.
DON' M. f)l 'KIN );, I'iiiiiiiik(ii- (Imiriil.
It M nn iililri iintl loirlpul nmifitlllfiii uf Ihn IiiIiimMi'ii uiul ,li,lidiiniu ,,r flu, i.r.,i.u,iU' ll,..
iry, 11111 worn 11 '.iiiieij, iiim a vi-ry viiiiiiiuin niniriiiiiiiuii miiiiu iiinniliiriinl I111III rtiliiriu
11 v. uiv.mi;mi, ji.
I liotlre Unit IIiIk imut( In ri'ivlni( isrwat coiiililtilnlatliili ll li liulltimnil iimiu (Uliil,!
mcnliil inillin, uiul I wli Hint lhu (luilM uiul iir'iiiui'iiU winy In-in 1 ii. liumli un l mln U it
every cltltuu ualluil umhi ttilx yi'iir lo vnln 1111011 tint ur, n .'.,it,uil-H Miiillua ,,r mir 'In
unci turlll. (ll'.N. JOHN C. lil.A('IC,('Miiiiiil..1,.Mi.rnl I . imlnn.
W11 talm iili-umiro li ulvlnit IliU work our In-srly Inilf.rn iiii",!, uml 11 iiiiih iiiI llmi lo.
CAl coininlllri h uml olulia unUt In oxtmiilliiK IU i lrriiliillnii iiihihik f 1 1 . v.iii r. of Hlliinl.
Ami muiiy otln ni.
Hook ItoiiM In Cloth nn, I "rinl-W 1 nly 1 -( rri iiui. ll.in Vi r.. M 0
IJook Aloni', In ( liiili, hi pii'il 1 ui
l'fi,illi'lnii. Oiiui.ii
Alexander & Frazer,
- - -iji;a r.iiitK i:-
General Merchandise.
11,... 11.,.... ..!,.!, 1 ,.i...rn. .iu Mivu I iuiu;r reiurnuu iiui iim unu win nuuiuii
Alnmst the entire county lies in the very as strutk in the thigh. The burglars
richest f the great Kaster n Oregon wheat I esraied.
Is-lt. us has been nroven by the result of Tliero is great railroad activity in
niiinv a harvLMt uf t;olden uraln. Being I Kotitliern and Southeastern Oregon ut
Clothing:, Hats, Caps, Dross and
jyancy woods.
F'arn i 1 y C to c ( n i es u
fortunate themselves, farmers of I ma
tilla should syinpathizo with ttieir neigh
bore of .Morrow county, whom failure
stares in tho face.
present Tlio I'niou
l'aciflc und Oregon
Park Willis Is in town from Walla
Walla on a visit to his sister, Mrs.
Short Line have several survey
workini! south of Iikeview.
Wednesday a largo party of Union BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU-
racmc euKineers anil BurvujuiB wcu SADt. DRIED MEATS lARll
tbrouiih Iteddimr to the mouth of I'ittl SUt' umtU mtAl:
Lee . river, up which stream they are now at I Court Hiret,.oproflte J, li, Bbamker'.
work, pushing north. ' wcbio diw
If J 1 1 -
Beer Garden and Gymnasium
llurvi-liU A Klnv, fiopH.
Matiintrcet . Nisrl'iMtomie
ric.vm.KTo.v, oitr.uoN,
.,m;.w".'iU A,!'y.,.,I"1 "yi muni mi Itooin In
finiidlon Jim lhu pi( lo npiiiil im ,ur
inn t ibriigyouriniudouiifr itrniJilni n
yourfrmne. conllulinviitwiloiitoull.
(iumbrluui ,r to. u Klaus. iVj