MOMWY.M.IMK.illlKU It, 1H8.S. A HllOItT VISIT TO .IIII'I'A. Intemtlnu Skdrh of Wtint 11 Irutrlir him In Hint Krrlptuiiil Tnivn. I.unillti at ,lui.i. Hf (i! ,lc Ijeffliii hh nbscrvatlmm ut imco Jntipa ix unr f tlJ 1 (iI'li'Ht cltli-H In tlio world, uhd tiiu flint I !kjssI!)Iii lutnllliif nliiro u olio snIN north waul from lijjvpt Vfl tln-iv dllllruliy In Inmlliitf ltwifn of iucKm defi'tid llin fllioru. the lay In xlmllou. dim I; mo mil unknown, anil the rn.iit N iiiurli o.iowd Your vi'mc iini'liiii-M ludf n mill tint ut n:ii, mill ii tlimiif; of llattlili lxit mined rnlilus wkiii Hlirmiinil I lie kIiIi In entry iaKSUII(OI1 tlimlltfll till! nK'lllll( In t tit ri.'cfn to I ml. A li:il.i I jf erli't, iinliiti'llillili- to woal tiriicnr- fll llin nil', but uy dc'reus tlie motley ri' Wil of derlt nii.schjfi, of tint most i ii..i uatliihiilltlen. Veiled women. hIiiuvI !. .red Antlis. Iilitek NiiIiIium with their i f.-xi's. Imivi-ii Levant Iihm, tur ..ii. i. r Kuiliilnin. wit !i thiflr il of all similes, all drift hy to tint loiiti, nml for a lime, at tin- lu it of their nil or vol r. in I lniir their iiuIh) Jnrtfou 'I he. I urn. who Imve hIiiiiiiI; 'rii i lin t criiHliltiir rrowd of Till) VotFH of Willi" Kurliern. W. T OroiKilnlu In N. Y. Mini-third. Tiiu luru itiiiialtiilor of wuku ournorH u ro htlll Hiililcel to tlio h.iiiio itilliicncuH l! fore Iiiu outni:ilrii of I8SH. Si"iu of tliutu iiiu, lliroiuth lirejudltv or cumi'lluti, ulllliated with tlio Kuptiwl can unit hoiiiu wiui iiiu nciniMTiittu patty 11 II (1 tllUCU tllt'll Will flHlJIOIt tllOH! liil'l Hlm now, a- tliuy Imv.i uonu In the at. Atiotliur mid Nury coiif-lduralilo wciion will mwiitf ;hix way or that Inuivord ullli what limy loci Id bu t lie IntetuMH of labor" in thin content. For uurn nil of Ii.iih il HoMlli;) decreet! I' lciiMt. I m: low k!Ii. mi more mhnIIiI i I Orienti.l ., I ,.w vmir turn, mid the nhlll fill nml - 'i-r iui::wl onmiueii whlxlc you tliiiiuifli t' . nieiilii; In thu tx'dfM ncroMM the hIuiH i hiirlxir, mill then miiiIiIciiIv. wIimi y.ii i re I wenly or thirty viinlt off nho.ii. i i, m'UimI. nml eiuricil hi the linni or on the be( of a IxKitiiiuii tluoitffli tin. diiillii'.v wilier to the tumble down ol . ij.iuj built or fttmio from tin rutin i.l i' f..n-n. and at luxt you Hint Voliri lf Me. dlhjf on the soil of the hi h laud Not a very dignified entrance, iii'i'lmp but l!..' I.m;h if,ui not aiiiiHieh elimei nnd 1 1 linvn f ii ii-l mi me than the beivl eynl (irceljH or tlio hooh noted Iti'i.iiiiii did iIioiimiiiiIm of yearn nun At one h iIi. I Vt nlee i i-jfii 1 1 1 r.-M I a Mprliif,' ami iititvinn .. !;i mtvIco (how Mtrunuely modern iV.t wniinU') to .liiu iind built a liioln to . n.ti i t the hlilijiliijr; but mIuiv the I fli of the "iltisiH-Hkable Turk.' evcrytl.lni.' hn'i Into a Htatn of iiiitiir. And m from enrllot times l'liii'iihiim and l'viiilali, Itoiunu mid Ciimnder, I'nui.-li a.ul Aiiierleuu, nil huvo to ucliUowledK'' the twitterof thu trencher onx wat t'. l'lirtitiluK our way tlinni;li llm Htrii't. wu Hud II much enough Omn paved, tho NtoneM hitvo louix IiIiick linen or sunk iiImivo or Ih'Iow their proi"r level DilMt IiIiim mid Hiiwerrt li'ltur nip.iieutly nllldi uuhuouii to thu Idle drKniul. every Mud of foultieH IxmtniWH th'iuay The build lnj;n mt of Htone. with lit II" or no wihhI Uliywhere. timber bellijf hcareo In Pnlen 1 1 in' 'I ho ureli U In lice tililvttxul, ax you rniiiblo on you mh that no lij,'lit en tern tlu nlnim e.M'eiit from the front that they mv in Inct Mimethliif; like IlilnlillUli'Hof thu jjl.Miinv hi lies Miinellliief. Hindu out of rnihvny uii'Iich In Kuirhiml Tahlen of cnl(en or imeet w line the luirniw iitni'iH. ltoiiuh iiwiiIiiks of math often hiilely illl.ipiilnli il. or tent ilulhh. or loose UiiinN retilliiir on a rlrkety htiuu turn of ileM, partly simile thu roadway Now wo meet u turWied water rarrhir with a bui:e xklii Kiltie on bin lie ! The botllo lit lu fact a ilt'l'iiin't I'alf, with watei lliHte.ul of veal within, nod without ltip. head or tall, ami olTerhitf a iniMt forrlblo lllllhtratlon of the relVrenro to the pine lutf of now wlnu In old biilllcH I'arther on we mi' u Ih'iro iirnuil mid kim h'KKixl liiillviilunl In niKi;1'1' "hull cap, cotton JiieUet, and cotton kuleker iKiolierw, clmlferhiK' with a nuiWile liiicl; htcr for Willie dell 'Hey. ciwtlli a f.irtliliiK or two, from mie of the nml liuilieti. on the table: the IxHii'ded vender. iiImi Ihire ariutil mid Imie hvrK'il. he IiIik to bell, hi lnd m til lied In a white uud red tlillmn. mid bin body In pink mid white cotton. Of lonrwe, tliein U u hummer at bin kldii liiiikliiK' on. Then iiuuln wo heo nn Arab lu 'kellyeh' or bind tdmwl. with a Imml of camel'K hnlr niH, very Mift. around hU head lo keep the llowliiK' KMf lu Hh iibu-o. ami a brown mid wblto Mrlii ulib.i" for his outer drinn; he U Iwi'kiiImIii for a brble ut u wuldler'H. mid 1 1 y I u if to chcnKn It; mid the Niddler IU riiitH bvneil on a ihiiii ter mid uinler a klindy pinlectluu of woikI ami ivedN, which i;lvo III n much litiMlt'd hliiido. And thus we ve. gllniHe of ordinary iicry day llfu lu thu old town or .loppn i no i.iiuviT. ! tbe.-o inun liavo heard It umhoiIciI that a lilli t.irill' 1.1 (loHiniiml to inaiiitaln holier Wiich tlian would it Jioru l-o l;e paid in : the I lilted .States. 'Iliu Kopillillcunx have (llniiud thin into tliclr earn in huanoii and Ollt of Cl'ltHOII, Wllilu IIIOKt PellKXTlltH i liuvo auipiiuMteil in thu ilci'l.iratli.n, . opunly mill tacitly, roreouio time la, bitter oxpoiloiico ami the awakoninK ol lutellli'uiiuu. by tiiu labor iiullution catiKurl mi uur inuruaiiii; niitiibi Wauo worker; to (iiiuclioii wliethur jfut u nv hIiuich in thu iiiIvniitaeH that thu maiiimict urcrH iluritu from protection J mill iutluily Iliu tieiul of opinion amoti men iiullvuly cnj:ui!(l in thu Inbcr, movuincnt Iuh been lowanl the coii-i I'limiou tliat tiiu wiu;u workiTH. do not durivo any bunulltj from thu tarlll'. till thuru Ih a lareui iniiiiber wlio arn .vol under Ihu old ilulit' hluii. Thu ltepublic.iiiH appaiuntly tin- doMaml llm rituatiun mom clearly tlmnijr thu I'cmo'.'nilH, nml Ihoititli they Htlll laud , piotuctimi hh a M'heinc for IncrcnNiii)! thu . wiikch i if hilmr, they skillfully incut thu neu ileNelupment of opinion auioiiK work Iiimi'ii by uxtltin tliuir fear-. 5- 1 1 -htanlially they cay to Mich inun, "Sup-po.-e ii in true that your Iiimcm do not nlvo you utiy inoiu Hum thuv can t help nf tlio piolltH that they (Imivu from tiiu lurid'; will you bu any I utlei oil' if u luiluctloii of ilulk'S caiisoH thuiu tu hluit down their iiiIIIh, ami throw , you out of work? Thin ii u bugaboo that will lutuicu hh ull'cctivu in thin campaign iw wan tlio iiHi'imption of thu lubul debt liu four yenrH uo. ; lliil,lnne nu l' cliiin. i U iiil.niii.'MM.ii!li liiiiiiioiif,ifliirHrit I,?i iU ! 1 wlb nay thin, that km Ioiik in America uillien.'H to thu piotcL'livc Htumourcoin- ( tuotciul piimacy is I'cuino, .uthimr in i thu woild can wiect it from you while' Aiuciicu cotitinHU.4 to fetter bur own1 ht roii) hamU nml nriiH, and with there fetteicil ariiiH i content tu coinutu with you, who ui o fice in neiitial iiiatkeiH. Ami iim loii u- Ainetlci foui the due 1 1 hie now ku iwn it" tliii-e of fair trade, you ate iH-rfectly cafe, ami im need not 1 allow, any of you, oven your flihti'it IuiiiIm'ih in bo dl-ltiil ed by Dm fear that , Aliieiti'ii will lake fiiiiiiyciiyuurcoiimier clal piimacy. : Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS Ii" I ritc t mi'1 liiont riiniiflc tncli of Drugs Medicines CHEMICALS, fa Toilet & Fancy Articles k You Protected? In Eastorn Orogon. GIVE US A CALL. Dospain Block Pendleton. YOU WANT THE EARTH Those who bcKove so thoroughly in protection- should not I go iiny longer without insurance on their property, of wlmtso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that, a policy in good, i Reliable Insurance Co. TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Eates; ncKeisn,1,'. ElogarttPullnTnPai Kmliiriiiii hImi... OMAHA, COUNCIL RLUffj j rWnfclinrM,! Cliiiicooniirollon,, I Went umn.i piren,.. Iinroial tilSii. m """'"wl Wnlln Wnlli nit p,.d, C'oluinti n.Aiim,n OrcKOII. AtlL'll.l it tl I Htlllr. .Murnit in (Mluri.iiiu.Aiiitii.ta) iZlT niiiif. AiiKUiS) Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not he indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the i llixt place, pick out competent and ('o!limljii,hrtitl I Orrit'in,Hi-pl& tilt THE BEST AND BIGGEST , newspaper; On Thu North American Continent, IL' I.UIK'U l'll!CH llllll HI I.OIIK ColUIIIIIH. A POPULAR NOVEL ! RELIABLE AGENTS Www! Ilium i,1 Si. i. r . f iiiifiu ","","Pwnrr,hi5i In lnrlnvoMl",n' Ht.htrf,SaK InrluilliiK mmlusiU L.nnin, ... Htoernice, . . Iloumi Trip, Untimitf,!. 'fl rnrtlruhn laV!R,l A I', A., I'orllnini.Ortxnn. W. II ItOl.t OMII, Ocuornl Mniimr, ii. it Ntnir.i.J rrrt'ral T T , 1 1 1 1 I ilr the loeiixt, or KniKHhoiiiiur, , Jj'"'.'.''.!'. Irt llclll I) IIOM!- VMlVr ill i The war on the luciud, . In .MlniiuHiita cilled. ()ur ten thoiiwinil liiishels luivu I ecu cailLdit nml killed. )m iIioiimiiiiI ,''' "'uelm-iui hiiHliel- Hutu cumin III ono Held. Onu I ', h ;',V. t ..I.. ..., i... i. ..i . i , ... ' iiiiiiiur caiiuni iuo imimicim hi oho nay I'lllili.lll d III llllll Ulvcll Willi i ili'ti lMe of tile Url l.l' -lit loll IIhuIiiiiIiil' An . I. nml i-ontliiulliL' lliere iider, I'll" World will prmt Willi encli u novel oy a Hiiiiinriiurnor. .miioiii; r- will l e; Tlie'llllcll' , Mrx. Alfxaiiilcr, i.lolm s. Wltrer, iienry woo i. Iti-inil I I I'KI'" llllllli With whom in do your hus'iniys those who lepresent none hut the insurance companies and go Htraightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't tail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the olliee ol 1 I Hack nieai-k'Hiif the moht viiulout type 1 liax luekeii out iituoin; the minx's on a m e plantation mi the Santuu liver. Thu ' iMmum! in epidemic, ami ha erealed u i panle lliat wil (luulf le."H eaiHe a ! iohH In tin harvest. 'riiouiiiM llii'.'v. .lullmi IliKVleirne. V V. Itol.lii'ou, HiiiIIh iIii'miiIiiu, .IiiIvh Verne. VV III. llllll-''. M. K. Itlllllllllll. KiiM.'i.eH i ,,r i . MurvCiel. liny .llHitlia M rni). Millie l it'iini. Itlioilii Ij.miUiIi. ik. r ri.ii.ii". Tin h niiM'U will lie I lie liilenl wono of Hie l wr ler n- llieynru I lllillHlieil- 1 1 1 Uvn wliicli evert line N I . t k Iiiu ul'iiai. Nnllilou' lint Hie veiy Ii. kl will lie hiIiiiIHimI Into Hie Worlil'n Mull nnl l.llinirynf llcilon A horiililuiMuii( lupiov han foiind itH t Till l.ll.niry of I'lfil n Wl.l lie supplied to wiiv to the t'lmk C'oiinrv llifpltal in nnwrllieruiin. CIllfilHo, ' No IMliU oflit Will Ite I'lltiliil. ,, ,,T, , . . ! No Hark Nuiiiliei Can tin ('iriil.lied anil No Ihu Ktcuinlilii W i-enuHin hrounht to uwi.. ropien Will heKolii. New oil Morini'ii uotivurtH 1'ilday. i tf Y)lll w,,,, , s, rM coinplttc, suilCltiiiK vTONct-'. Ne.nly thruo liumlreil feut of water Iiuh i lu'i'ii piuupod out of th Calumet mine. Milium Mili'liell in to luiilil a theater In New Wik. Boer Garden and Gymnasium Hall. lliit'veuu .V Uloe, I'l'iipx, Mn I n lieit . Near t'ooltli'i' I'KMII.KTON. OIIKHON. Houllnv, APey nml (I) iiiini.iiiiii Itixim In . ..lilii eiliin. .In. I the pi tee in i.'inl mi lionr III i v r.'imiiiO'oiir mix le anil niruutlietiliu.' A i iinlliti iiivlliiliiin to nil. (iiiliii.iliiiiK, a k1 i". Jvl First National Bank, -OK I'HNIH.KTON- li(iin Ku.vr.Kh. Vli'H-'r.( Nnui l Mturitln, i'nntiler, rriiiiict ntfcu rHl Imiikliu bulii, HXOHANGE On all I'nrtiof llieworl.l BOUGHT AND SOLI) CntlretluiiM Mnile ui nil I'olulx uu KeiiNiimiMi Iitiiih. NEAGLE BROS,; sucri"ioik ti. . Dm' Year iVJ iii.iiiImT'), $1; U .Moiiilm (.'it a u tu tier), ')'. ; 1 Mniilli il.l mimiii-r . 'Ok: Ad'trenH THE WORLD, Now York. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I Tli('.v do happen eveiy ilny, nml when one' lliippi'lix In j. ill yen will wlh lluil , yen were linlinil in Mi TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPT TIIU 'I II IVfl run ri'MiureeK I vKU.rlil lo ii v at nine the moot eniiriiiniii mien of i l ilnm i vrii ui ' rallioinl anil itniii. i Ihiu iieeliliMiU eio hrlm; upon II. Pay all ; eliilm, mIIIiiiiii il u hi Ininieilluieiv iion receipt of lnrv proof. Non Kiirflnire i providuu lu oil ltn p.illcle". ' Ton Millions of Assets. Two Millions ; of Surplus. I'AIO roi.K V JtOIil'KHS,jti((ojU., Clopton Jackson, Resident Agents, j Kut Oiftfimliiu hull ilnt, peiulleiiii.or. Clopton Sc Jackson, Located m the KAST OKECSONIAN huilding, Pendleton, wlicrt! yon can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu rine, Accident or Idle insurance, done uii in APPLE-PIE ORDER! Great Rock Is ALBERT LEA Mi 'Dip direct an I fopultr lint liJ inn niirin. ru rinn from Ml. I'm ul nuil Mlnni,io!i 1 To ChleiiEii Mint ihr Kmi. Tu Ht. IiiiuIm nuil IkrHiitkl Tu lli-M Jloliif , Um Atrlil.onstlKu Tho Only Lino J ni CDum-ii iiiu na, ixmmwoni i uuv ror cii'.(jii ash a li, roiiH I'lilhniiu l'alacc 1'nlnce J)IhIihj i Aiviimi'iiny nil llimuili Vipml HUM lillUU1. TIckeiH fur mln by nil reni!rt!tl unit I'omirrtlunt uinJilniiiiiKl Porfull InfuniiKtlon ro:nllri etc.. apply tunny roupon ipi'l A N. or Nortlitrn IHfine :i nntilf.. nr lu ILUK1 Tlokf I Atfnl.O It rcMltl,! I'll.VH. KK.XKIlV.i;'. No. 3 Wiwhlnirloil Ht. fi ii. a in ir.iiimnk (Jen. TRl. iiiiiI AftlJ fclj ClilciiKO.III. Umii.T. Mll.l t'. All. N.H Art Mlnortf. GREAT OVERLAND I THE Railroad Lands Open to Settlement. Tropin Iinliii2 cluluin on Iliillroi.l Ijind iulli of tlietwiiily.inlt.iii(lt,ouia M.n:siur.Lvsos;t CALL AT ONCE, -iSII l.rvi ANKKNV. - - - I'reil'lt'.ii An l!iiillli .vimiliiKe Ijin, 'I I ii I'iiIUIi am iintisl for tliiiolistliiiiey will whleli 1 1 ley elllijf to old lawn and tu ' uih iiinl fur t lie ruutluu with ulikli. utti" . tlun' liesltate to idler lin nml ous Iiuh wldi'li liu vii lhi'.iiiin ulmllv IlllSltltl'd tot1, uue A I'ltrioux lllilMtrtitlou of tills U ii In tlie fm t t lial the law wliicli for lildh a man to iiuurv liU deeeiiMil wlfe'H lUti ' till remains lu fiure 'l: i l.iw, w IiUIi iKtlaiw tlmt Miili a inar.'..i(fo U null mid void, ami that tin hllilivu of mii'Ii u inurrliiKe iin. not to Ik rt'iHifiliUed uh leKlllmule hy the law. wm pas., I ilftj tlmv jisirti ho, I'ur luorv thiili forty eiirs there liu Ihvii an uliiiot . ciuiktHUt to net I Id uf It. hut It . lull not hiiiyissIihI lni'iiiim th,v Iiouho of ' '''tM;, ! B L ACKSMITH S ' - - by vnrylnc luiijotltle.s. Ims pasv,l a hill rx'pei.llnjf the law When nent tu the timU. thece hills havrt ln'll iiiimsI hy tlio tibhups. mid mainly hy their latlii enoe. hnvo Ins u mi often ivjeowsl Onoo ' tho I ill win. .. imhI to a MViind ii'.ullu hv tlm 1 ."Uh, but viilho mwt Mii(,v of iiui hll" Hull It i .tt llilMWIl Ollt. lt etitly ti e liiiiim of iMinmoiis onro ' uiuK votisl In favor of tho rliiutKo The iiuijuiity In fi sor of the hill was nearly 100, Mid mm . . .ado up tif int'itiliersof ovcry part,'. Hut no olio 'pevW that tho 1ioiim af lixvl. lll pftv the lilll. Youth's Com panlu't Ailt iiitiiKi of lltpei liUH'e liM'Iiamro lilltor William li Curtis tttyti tlmt Nuith American miiMpiltivs will uttiiili a IiikiI and drlvo captain mid iww from tlu'ilecl.. Uvshlos hroHknik' uludows hy tliolr llon'e onsluu;ht Sliull I uinko u'uoto crtllliiK' attention to tho uliMirUlty of that Moryf Ahlo 1-Mitor N . It might bo truo Oui'M you uuver vhdtisl un euttoru sum uier iVM.rt Oninhu W.rld Wagonmakers, Corner Maui uu.l Wu'erM., Pondloton, - - Orogon All kimU of IlliicimiiUlliiiik' ,iloin in itir bent unit prompt iimiiiirr, Wiuone, Huulrs ami h u'kn iiiiiile loonier. Itipairlntf n Speclttltu. I'lirlloulm HttenHoii to lmr. Ihm'Iiii; hi SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. JEiKA-LRiY R. J. SLATER, Oltlcti III tlio AmocIiOIoii llloclc, Lu. .13. SPEAK Iliu Opeuetl A New Grocery, Comer of Court Hint Thompson hu I'KNI.t.Klll.V . . . OUKCIQN It is well to renieinher that to he securn you iusuro in one of the Thirty Eeliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than1 $100,000,000! I'HACmWI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main hiuI WehbStr. ol. Klht Inuidrt'd workmen weto ttmwnetl In tlio inundation ut 'IVuk Teuit, China. Kan l rr II Mnile nil MhuH Mluck. IVrfcvt ni aiiHntniMl, 1 Krfp coiuliintly on limul it Krenti htoek nf (lioorlen, Hint WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD iiiiiI liu 'or CVi.s1, DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Man, DUTCH HENRY, ' THE FEKD MAN, RHBHTKKT . rKNDLCTON If you tttfifoirfpfofo l'tisttrance, call on them and get p6Stt?! and it will cost yotf nothing. Kcmemhor their oflice is in the EAST OREGONIAN buildin or address Clopton & Jackson, Pendleton, Northern Pacific I TUKO.M.YUNKIllW nfmmi Macr SUeig ton! Munificent Aiv O'fW lV,l ;mlonilllVl MM .VrtA l fl From Onm and Vuiip to the Eul tu.. cii li.itit nml " lino ruiinln Ilwc 1-jaitlO (AlrKii i ' vtm.. Knstf.t TIuip Kvrr'JI( H t'ousl mrr in VcincKllr To Sioux Cltv, Council niirlliiKtoii,Julncy.U)ha Hi 1 pol nU t firouf hoi I lh n eiuf via Ht. I'uuUnii Ml'VIrJ KMWHANT8I.KEPJJ Are haulfU on rewltr mn. thn entire leneth of IM Itullroud. tcave WalljiU JwfJy J MlnntaiMilU or HI. r oil loll'"'T ,rt 1 ft I'IKIIT 111 i Train ivllllUv rv.rtlJ1 l, .n.,llntf wllhO. It I kitpoinuon l'B!IWt Lot General W lern " WHuUlDgtun KU, 'J1, Jf KiBtETi Notary and C1 In Pendleton. FOR i. at ti. iimal orlce for u partle, In rortianu or o $7.09, with expreu cbwi need aiealeudyouronto'' from JV.C0 to $3.00 tbrty. East Oregwit Oregon. nihil dtf "V m Ml 1 K. O Fl f'