East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 01, 1888, Image 3

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    ..i irnnrli timer.
flhK.?i,,7 ..
ti nif '' .,.. .1,,, mitti.
.nJ tl'"""'..""."' ' t .V. i .
will l-l)
11 n" r,..,-
nf ."' ...... - i-iifd iii
. ' i t.
r' iiiiiiii.iin.iiii(l
4 III " I...
tienili.Vi i '",,,
J ic win
llllVM" " '
rtTiiu'il'iv, - epiemuet tin
n-pairiiii.' at Donaldson e:
Tlic baseball Ixi.vm stalled III to-day to
i remove u portion of tho old fence uround
I thu rui'o traek, in outer to put it up
uround tho park. They hud torn down
about four hundred yauN of fence, w hen
Dave llnm tint u Htnp to thu proeeoJiutfs,
i euylntf that lie had bought it of the K. V.
A. Assoelalion. A new fence will there
, fore have to lie const meted around the
Tho combined harvester has just cone
pletod Iho cutting anil Ihie-hiiiK of .1. V,
1 Temple's lare crop of yrain. Ily iie.tuul
, test In thu harvest tl;ll, it has proven a
. success us a lahor-xavinn linintlin.
j Next season will tlouhtle" nee a nuniboi
, of thu machine at work In tho tlehU of
haslorn Oregon, in this legion's enter
; prising farmers always keep apaco with
, tnu times.
; in. Mclhido, the drug store man of
Adams, is in town to-day. lie loporls
anums, uitiiotigh wuuung uu appearance
)i iiuiinesH, to no inn oi iuinuss never-
MrutltiR tiftlm Itimnl or Trailn I.unt Kvc
iiliiK-lllciHlon of Hunt' l'riiio4itlnii
Vlnlti lull by llmt (lentliMiiuii-Mliiit
hluil linllu. minl(.? v ( liiinm,. A-IMiliili-il-Col.
J'MmutK t (In In U'ikIiIiik
liin Alio,
A largo number of the members of tho
Hoard of Trade were present lustuvening.
The committee appointed to consider .Mr.
liuneroft's ndveriMng proposition lopjrt
ed unfavorably, and recommended that
tho Hoard do not accept thu plop siilon.
uiu icpon was improved anil adopted.
oi .nr. ilium,
.....ii m.ttin Walloual ',F.le.'w;. """f1 far."1Ul7! iomu to town,
niui"1"" i uriiiir tncir cusn, mauo
Holler Mills have begun
their purchases
uud drive away without slaving longer
than necessity calls for. '1 Iiu'h them are
. - .. , .
nr. ievv pcopic, uiu goon sines.
vN In town to-day from ...,. , Worllilnutoii llnil ,,
ranrh on inn n uu.k. several yearx ul'o moved to Kastorn Ore-
Strahon rotiinu'd ni-ji i from Tennessee, and have since that
o weeks visit to lortiaiiii. ,, j)u,, i0,.a(0(j nL.ur l.exititun, are
. I I... ..ii. Iif I In . .. . ... .I..i. .!...! i ii
Voplllll rciurneii inri. in lonii uruuv uu uiuir return 10 1110
,ifo,l visit to friends in
Uovvunl 1H hold ner vice
loVlix'ki'.M. at M.ttigh-
.... iimi fainllv. of Milton,
' . s'mc York. where they I
nmlreii jwople worn aboard
vtt Iw'im' I'iisspngur, wnicn
i .....ii
in leu'".
In the HistoHico building,
Iulm lut of domcntii! ami
Try twin,
lu'. pleinher the Hth, Im
IjV.aml on that date, the
.: ' i.... I'.i w m
..I ..I l.i. ItillliliM'TlllVlIll
r Ul evonltiK was enjoyed
i'liiirt on thuhtops oiitwldo
kolvtli.tt the little town of
ti i . I null n ii 'ho lino of
T nillrad, will b-'eomo
miiUlil'plnNliit in thu
i .1 i. .I.. ..i.
UHi;'' n ..in fy
fvoiilnc. .NjthiiiK regard-
a-cit.iliic(l. inai it win
rablft i IviiilUilon, nowovor,
in advance for the K.vki Ok
r Dally or Semi-Weekly,
another copy t- a friend
ill nfter thu NovoiiiIkt clot
uiv nf iih'ii Is now employed
r.ipi.lly ' lixmiiii up," uud
J structure.
f . - '..till! .1... 1.1 ...
. . .1 1 ...III 'l .1.1..
MhiiitMiii. mill win iiniiiiiuiv
- 1 1.1 1 . t l.A .1 I.I .
rnifr iiruini mill niiriiiii.
.1 ,1 1. f It......
near fetu eton. thu town
aiortrconililien for defence.
.... . . . i .it.,1 i... i
the liljliei-t market priiti' for
. . .11 .... T M
II. llaloy.who are tho com-
my uiri in u t couniv.
inl.il .....I lit... 1......
wn iiiii nikii a itii Mtmiitu
fitting iii the latent styles of
at nioiialU niton.
lirldklni.i.1. trim u .... r.l.i....il
riurHJiui in iii am. huh oeeti
IhiMM't two or three ilnvs.
.inniid I. ii. I. . i. ........ ...... ... ii.
"11 mo iiiiiro.111 mill 111 II u
ami then laeer h Kcub-
iiiiui I'liriwi is iucre.iMii uy
inn (tl hoiiiiv nii.'iliit iitawMiimii.
"i iiioriur nun iitMiiit. iixiHi tiv
llori'.'ini'n (n .nliiiltnir ii.tni
. F...II..I..H .!...
I'Ien( l lileciv nf lutlrlllrit
Amitifil to the collei-ti in by
Hunny South, which they will hereafter
inaku their homo. Jlioy are the imrentH
of l A. Worthlngton, one of W cHton'n
proiniuent murchaiitH.
Thu Hixtv-fwt wing to tho waterworks
cihtern is being uxtended another blvtv
feet, making ll'l) feut In all. When tills
Ij .1. ,t..l...l ti I . 1 .1 .
niilin l Vlllj'iuivil. 1 1 in ueiit'teii null
! tli3 w'ulor supply will bo increased sulll-
I ....nil.. I t 'Ultflull till. I,,,... .l !ll.,...l
LVIIMI lu iui.. ..iv ivnil i.llliuill
further (litllcully,
.U f .ll
'iiiml dautthti'r. I'dhli
h piirtcugcr f-r I'm
rru lui'i.. ..I.. .1 . I ni inn immr ..iirv
.. .1. in iiirjiMin l llrhlt'll ......
A soldier atloiiinted to iiiimj tho 8-vcar-
old daughter of Henry Tobin, of Walla
willu, on luesday ovenlng last, a
IWssliig htranger frlghluund the villain
or he would have succeeded lit his, de
signs. No vlutt has been discovered us to
his identity.
The Indian prisoners entitled in thu
county jail have been unidu to earn their
hoard. I lie latest good use to winch
they have been put was In cleaning out
thu eonrl -house yatd to-day, a much
needed improvement.
Dr. Kdgar, who had several bones
broken in u runaway nl Helix Komu time
ago, anil was ipiitu severely Injured, Is
ioMrtc(l to be recovering rapidly. A
week or so inoro will soo him on his feet
A. 0. Ankenv, the llttlo baseballlst,
tirrlved In town from Spraguo to-day
on a visit, to remain several days. lie
will probably play with tho "Slum" in
their gaino with Iho Salt laikers.
Imosl every h uti sOeli on Ihu street
to-duv had olio of those overhistitii! Hack-
uges of bills In his band. The bill collec
tors are largely In a majority over the
debtors who are ablu to pay.
An idea of Ilia laruu number of rooms
and partitions In (iagen's now hotel can
lie gained at a glance ui tno nuge plies oi
laths received to-day and duM)sitcd
around thu building.
Kred Knll vviisiniinlered near Snokanu
Tuesday bv' ."vllllor, it !erman, his com-
minion vvllli whiiiii lie had I icon camping,
. .... I .1... 1. . I.. .1... 'I'....
iiliu uiu limit uiiunii lino uiu Hill
Ikivs saw the act.
Owing to thu number of grangers In
tov n to-day, Hilling wheat and making
nurcliRHCH.' the streets huvu donned a
chilled appearance, a look of life, activity,
ami tmsiiicss.
An Indian llnew u blind hiiuvv over a
railroad bridge in Victoria, and she fell
forty feet Into the harbor, but clung to
thu iron work for an hour, when she was
.1. V Forbes, of Weston, is hi tow n to
day. Mr, Forbes has mining iiiteiusts in
the Cracker creek auction, and recently
solda fraction of a mine then for :t,."00,
Thomas NIccloy, u prominent farmerof
tho Jtinler1ielghlorhood, is in town to
day, for tho purpose of diKsislng of his
wheat ut tho "highest market price."
This being the Hot of tho month, a
number of Pendleton's clti.ens havo ta
ken a trip to thu mountains, or some
vv hero oImj, to remain a day or ho.
Thu C'llpiHirs had another drill last
ovenlng. Owing to the absenco of some
of tho members of the team, it was not
it satisfactory one.
Tho long feign of hot weather now ex
perienced by the people of Kasturn Ore
gon is utmost unprecedented, and tho end
is not yet.
I.. It, Cox, Kwi., is In town to-day, to
bo In attendance on tho Sopteniber turm
On mot on of .Mr. Ilium . t'nl. Win
rarson.s was elect d as uu additional
ineuilxirof Iho Waslilngton conuniltee,
providing fiee triinsnoilaiion can ho nl,.
the question of the Hunt railroad sub
sidv, and the roulo which thu mad would
nursuo, was taken up and resul ed in it
lengthy discussion, participated in bv
.Messis. Ilium, Uheeli.n, Itothchild, Mi
nor, Tiirnur, Kaluy, Wagir ami others.
The railroad uoiumltteu teporled that
thu Iwst route appealed to them to be to
coiuu down ltallroad street, along the
edge of tho 0. It. & N. Co.'s light
of way, purchasing what private
projierly was necessary in mak
ing tho curves leoulred to reach
thu gravel-bar blocks in the vicinity of
the foot of Altit street. Mr. Turner
thought this route entirely Impracticable,
and said most of the proierty own
ers on Court and Alia streets wen
wlllllng thy road should come down
those streets. Thore wus not
much objection till Muin street was
reached. .Mr. Turner had and road u pe
tition to thu council asking that a right-of-way
down Alia street be granted,
which wus signed ny a number of pro-
lorty owners, It was developed, how
ever, that thorn would be considerable
and strenuous objection to this, among
others by .Mr. Thompson, Mr. Muiphe,
Mrs, LVspain, Mr. Itothchild and Win.
Mr. Hunt, being present, was invited
to address the Hoatd, which lie did at
length. He said It rested entirely with
the cliUotiM of l'endleton whether they
cecured Iho road or not. If them wus to
bo any Ill-will or sour feeelings
ho would not build it here, even
if thu subsidy was raised. He thought
no one ought to blame hlui for any losses
orbiokuu promises, lie had kept his
promises and would do so. lie took
hold of thu construction of thu road be
cause It ran through it good country, and
ho understood It b inds were guaranteed
bv- tho Northern I'aclllc. Ilo invested
U:!0;),OOJ or flOJ.uOJ in thu job, and
found there was no capital back oi it,
and a suit wus brought by tho Trans
continental to unjoin thu .Noitliurn from
aiding thu work, Ilo then had to take
the road to gut his money out. Villard
and the 0. K, k X. had umlcavotcd to
got portsC-slon of Iho road, and when hu
would not sell them had threatened to
build u parallel line. Mr. Hunt alluded
to the advantages It would ln to thu
town ; thu theaper rates for coal, lumber,
grain, and all oxKrls and Imports. The
concessions already obtained fiom thu O.
U. ft N. were all on account of the
building of this road. Tho people of
l'endleton could raise tho money easy
enough if they wished to, but they could
not do it bv savim: thuv couldn't do it.
Two I Oiio thing" was certain Ihu road would
not bo hunt to rendieton unless ineso
terms were compiled with, and that soon
namely, u bonus of $:'.0,000, and pro
curement of right of way anil duot
grounds lit thu town. He did not usk
Iho cash; would take notes supposed to
Ik) good at tho tlmo given, one-third of
the KIO.OOO to be paid one year ufler tho
completion of the road, ono-thlrd ono
vear later still, and tho other third In an
other year. Hu would agree to havo tho
road conipluted within u year, though
probably it would bo sooner than that.
As to thu route, ho considered that down
Com t and Altit streets us tho onu that
would probably t selected : might tako
anothor if ufler running lines it wits
found practicable. iho iint thing
to do however, was to raise
the if.'UI.Otll') ; when that was done thu
route would I hi determined upon at once.
Mr. Minor, Mr. Hothchlld, and others,
thought It absolutely necessary to know
thu route hrforo nnj thing was done
toward raising tho subsidy, tint Mr. Hunt
would consent to tako no slops toward
positively determining tho route until thu
bonus was raised. There was a general
expression of opinion in favor of assist
ing the road; tho main question of dis
cussion lieing as to the route to 1)0 pur-
HAuiti:it okki;k.
A I'urty Wlio Hum Vltltr.t tlioAtlnrn Sny
Tiioy.Vro Over HodiiIlmI.
W. C. Stiiison, Walter Horn and W.
. Hoothhy, of Pilot Hock, who re
cently took a ttip of exploration to tho
Cracker week mines, returned las'. Tues
day. .Mr. Hoothhy was in town to-day,
and was seen bv an F,.u,r Oukoh.m.vn top
resentatlve lie says that the Ci ticker,
creek section Is greatlv overestimated,
from glowing reports in tlio Haker Citv
papers, ho had undor-tood that the
mines were numerous, extensive and un-i
dergolug utnid development, and that!
machinery for a ntump mill was at1
Haker City, and would soon bo trans-!
potted to Cracker creek to bo;
put in operation. On visiting '
the mines, lie found that the1
bubble had "busted." The eainn
contained only about liftv Inhabitants,;
ami a largo numnur oi laborers had just
been disehaiged by mine owners, their
fiutlior employment being found unpro
fitable. '1 ho truth of thu mutter seems
to bo that tho ruining "boom" which
struck tho Cracker cieek country, and
which was Inflated continually by Haker
City papers, has had its reaction. 'I lint
thu mineral belt is reasonably rich is
probably true, but roisirts as to its fabu
lous wealth havo been calculated to de
ceive tho iiultllude, and have succeeded
in so doing. As Mr. Hootliby says,
capital and lots of it could probably
develop the ledges with profit, but
a poor man stands no chance,
and this act is gradually being
discovered. Tho boom Is over for tho
present, ut least, as many empty 1111111111:
cabins attest. .Mr. Hootliby visited 11H
tho big mines in that legion, Including
the Uutrulo, owned by 1 eiidletou parties,
and located on Granite creek, Ihis lie
considers, and he claims to havo had
nemo o.xpealence, the richest of the whole
outfit. A half-carload of ore from this
mine will soon bo shipud to Denver for
After September 1st I will do no more credit
business, but will
Sell Strictly for Gash!
Until Arrival!.
Ho i hi:. K Jiteohson, J no
will be cheaper than ever offered in Pendleton.
U 1 " itco beach und ntlmr r
'ill .'it iT.lcoina wliiiio Miss
tnter '1 , nnin Writ-lit Semi-
iiM will then return to
mi laM evening's fd'hihi,
1 tills tlinrntiL. '.I-
Inrtv of Id- yard, conio
" mu miRiiv ,i! wi.rlc. turn 11
UiniN.imlj ..r kl.i. .i.ti..
........ ... 11.111,
'mvh,N loo-nlug up a liille
"rni im-reascd nusinews.
:tnt-art the I'e.idlet'iii cows
I" make a raee-eimrc of
'ln frmt ()f residence
wm wearis of this festiv e
- w imji riiin-kliTiiiinl j
'Wr lire-leas ,n his fence,
ZLl from
r(VS. Ill) (,f U III. r.t.,rl.,u
Jil l S V ,1 Im
v'' AHlst-lmitn.l 1. i-vi. 1
NaitinMinraiiiibiL'tiiii i.inti.Oi
wiJmim nf ir .... 1... . 1 in ..
.... ir n-ii'i. UK'
"- Mircntl 1. , 1. I
nl ... .. "I. I'
""uiiuwra ronl ChU ..-...
;T",""uiUiwtrt the in
r v si-uing oMroni 1v m
I'eudluloii iieople on the sick list are
all "holding their own," anil win proba
bly all recover.
Umatilla county's two commissioners,
John f.ulirs uud' Clark Waller, are In
town to-day.
Mrs. A. K. Powell, of East Portland, is
In tow n on a visit to. her daughter, .Mrs.
V,'. W King.
tSuinucl Holts is in town to-day, prov
ing up on his pre-emption claim
The regular September torni of the
circuit court liegins Monday.
McU.irrv: O 0 Ormsbv. Ctah: C H Slow.
art and wife, Walla Walla; W I Carey, 1
.ins H Koonlr., O U & 4 Co; l ii Clink,"
Ij H Con, P Hamlin, Portland; I'im
Oiiiuluv. linker: .Ino Lewis, Pilot Hock.i
.1 ,11 Smith and wife, Denver, Col ; Clem '
T'lteeso. Adams :.l ( iiahiini. A It Halev. '
I.11 liraudo; -ino .Matiicsen, l ariuingion:
P F Slenuur. Hums, Or. 1' Shelton and
wife. Portland, .Ino U Taylor. Arlington;
.Ino Ouoigo, .1 Anderson, II K I'.eckwlth,
O U & N Co; 1) N Mecklen, Farmlngton ;
(S II Weusloy, Htvtt Portland.
Howman Housi: (ten P.uck, tleo Mor
row. F Hornier, F Pallock, Spraguo; W S
MeCroskoy, V S It M S;.l A Horn,.! W
Horn, tirant Horn, Frank llalluy, Pilot
Ihs:k; Prof FIC Hepburn; Henry Ta.v lor,
Chicago; A M Alien. Haker t'lty;.! II
Thorson, W Melaiughlln. O It A N ; Ivan
W'estronn; Henjamin Hernust, (lieen
lt!ver;S P Hates, Win A Forties, Dowo.s,
Kaiwas; II A .Morse, Meaehaui Cieek;
A II Peterson, B Monku. Walla Walla;
Win Worthliigloniind family, l.oingtoiii
Ciias Morby. O It .t F; B Jaeobson, ulty
ioi.i)KN Kn.K Fred Wett, Walla
Walla;. I B Forlws, Weston; Win livans,
(! W Forest, Denver. Col; (111 Nelson,
Cold Spring; Peter Bmbose, H Dobula,
country; S H0H.0 and wife, J Kesolvcs,
Pilot Itock; Templeton, country; M
.Slambouuh, .1 NoNon, A P Woodwaid,
Ccnturvlllu: Will Uislio. A Hooth,
Junicr; Win Dwight, Ad.inih; Fred Pen-
illeman, city; r Miotts, riioi U'xkj ia
Hunter, Porllaud.
This Cornur-Ntmin Olrlirutlo".
It is said that every preparation has
been made for tho cornor-stonu celebra
tion. Just what these preparations uro,
however, cannot bo dellnlteiy ascertained.
It is known that tho Masonic order will
have ehargo of tho ceremony, and that
(iranil Master Jacob .Mayer will Isj pres
ent. The procession will form at thu
.Musmlu Tomtilo at two o'clock, and
march to thu court house silo. There I
the exo risos of the day will taku place, ! COTTRT STREET
on a platform erected for that puriose -"-- "-""
The Jlasons will iKirfotui tho usual cere-, ...
monies on such occasions, thniu will ho
iniislu, and J. P. Wager will deliver tin
oration, Thnso who wish to do so aro
leijuested to bring relics and deposit
them in tho corner stone, there to re
main forever.
is furnished to each customer, which you
should bring whenever you come to buy
goods, and the amount oi your purchase
will be punched out of it; and when
you have purchased
Fifteen Dollars Worth of Goods
You can Select goods in my store to the
value of
and Goods must be sold
All persons indebted to me will please
make it your business to settle either by cash
or secured note.
Ailinrllsrit l.nllriT.
t'nelalined letters lemahilug at thu
Pendleton iHillleo Septemlier 1, IMS.
1 Persons calling f r samu please nay "iuV
...lta.,,1 n
Finally umii motion ol .Mr. wager, the n,.k,.v y
old railroad coiniultteo, which consIstiMl I jarncs v m
of .Messrs. Wager. Itothchild. Young. ,)VI,(im Miss .Ienu
Livermoio, and llalleray, were discharged jvley Jf 11 -'
from furllwr' service, und a motion as"(.iuil.,v avid
udoptod for the iipK.ntmeiit of a row ' C0l.well .1 1
mitteoof seven, to solicit . subset lotions j iict )rno
fur thu iat),OJO miLddy. The I'lMunl , Harp Miss Nellie
aiinounct"! that ho would uv) hit I ha , Kannliiir Hank
eotuiulltw on .vionuay, aim iioiny uiu
mumliursof their appolntmuiit.
iten. who lives in ilia
or 11. "' -'rcl' l'rchased .1
" m, witii .,t,t..i, 1... 1. ...
C'uiillli'tlUK ltliiirl a tu iIih ItKil Vulun
Tlmilraiifr Havi Nut S11I1I Yet.
Tho intnibers of tho Umatilla County
t'Sraiigo, to the numlxiroftwontyoriiiore,
coifistiiig of Miiuo of tin most proiniuent
farmers of lh count), met Ihis af
ternoon in the K1-1 Oai wo.M s building
to consult In gard I i iho s.du of tlioir
u limit. :inioilli;ill'' tu all -Ut 7(1.0.10 hush-1 ,.,.l,..,m,. linru
els, in a bulk, mil iii ! Hie limu of going; or t, .miometer here ttj-day must
to press had imt disiiosed of it. I'hey Imvo reached !M0. Wo take tho usual
brought 1 tire not s.itUllci wnh tho nioits of the 1 nixirty of siipiioslng the Pendleton thor-
market furnisbe l l. huvers. one mom-. moineter reached un J . H lias neon our
ber of tho grange Mid that he had been . warmest day hero. H. I.,
ottered iM cents to-day by Hourko vv; Co.,
here claim mat m
Sotvt rrmii Mtiai'liuni.
Mi: ten mi, Aug.ist I1J, 18SS.
To tin K lltornf t '' K'is' Orci; nil nil.
Vou iimv alroadv have heard of tho fu
rious tire that win. kindled within half a
mile of our encampment yesterday. It is
rumored that engine M Is resionsible for
thocontlagration. About thirty cords of
wosl are said to lc lost already. I ho ulr
oveihead is t lek with smoke, and
iierhapH this tho partly uivounts for the
great iieat here to day. I think tho rail
road men und others have it under con
trol now, though it has leen no light
tllTho dailv visits of the B. O. aro very
a8 He VMlllan a.ml. ...
aniJ therefore iwniu
. : puahase. He tolls
.-WltfHMftf l,.OR . . . .
th A"D"ff1.1 .ol 5
uliilii other Olivers
cents is all that can 1st laid. Tho farm
ers are evidently on their guaru. aim
mean to get all their wheat Is really
worth. Just wluit the truth w about
the market the K.vht Oiikoonun Is
unablo to sUto jKjrltively, oh for some
reason it failed to receivo any advices by
telegraph totlay. We hope, however,
that the farmers will receive every cent
their product U worth.
1 Im Kit Orituiiln t'r".
Hul-icriljers paying in advance for tho
East Orkoosian, eith t t-'emi-W eekly or
Dally, can sond another copy of the ia
per to a friend from now until after the
November election rimic orciiAKOK. This
offer is open to both old and new sub
scribers. Address:
East Omooniam Pub. Co.
Pendleton, Or.
Fish Mrs Win
Fleming .1 II
1 iwler F K
(leorgo Will
Harris ('has
Sliukloiitio W
Ingr.ihiim I) (i
Kerr J no Clayton
lai.Mont Tom
.Mahonov Nora
Mesplu Mrs Mary
Peters Harry
Ste.i vens .1 W
Vincent A .1
Warren It P
Wukerk Mrs
Waggoner H' ll (i A
F. II. CViiton, P. M.
Thu 1'uJlKt .IuiIei-k,
From Hi" t'orll'iiut Siw (It i.i
Jiidk'n rMwyer uiul .luilgu allu huvu 1
receiilly lieen iniK!aehed. hi far as ire-
naratory process goe.. before Congress, ;
for their action in admitting Chiuci.-o hi j
dutiaucu of thu law, in the Nirt of .van
Franciwio. Them is not a particle of'
reasonable doubt as to the i:iilt.iuility f ,
either of tho f ederal .Judges nameil.
Each of tho two bus, since the passage of
tho Chinos. Hcstrlctinn laws, sought
every apparent technicality of tho law to
defeat it. Tho application of the habeas
corpii" writ tu land Chinese might not
have been tho Invention of these Judges,
but tho fact that it was IndiiHtiioiihlv
worked, In each court, and that to each
Court tho Clerk and Commissioner was
a blood relation of the Judge, and tho
enormous fees netted to tin lerk and
Commissioner, was 11 fair warrant of
The present orange crop of Florida will
I be the largest ever known, f'omo esti
mate It at 4,000,000 tsixes.
Iluyoiut qtuisliiin, tit- r.rin ' ( It- im- -in inch I 001 1 ti.-1 tu will i- fontflit
11111I II l.tiliiiovisiviy iii. ii li. 1 miiiiui vol. lnii-'iiK, 1, in tu ii( 11 hi ii'oinfir uisin u .111,
jixil wlilcli Korlo-. ly 11II1 .1 lit i-iiiMiiul wilurt
The Protective TarSff.
llentlctH vvliiil is un.iHy i'onlil( nxl 11 ui'i' ilwlrii' uj- t i.y uf . inn (.r.-lioii loit. It III
crvi- im a Turin' erlun'r for Die leiirtu-r iv wtil uh m idm ImmiIi fur iln I -..i ik iI.
Till" Isi'ik .Ii.iwh tl" pniel'- flit ''t IIh I'siiI i-li - in uu oiiiory, IN tlmiii
tlm ii.nt- .imiiit. loiik iliirui II" sikwitk n uh n .) win ''i. i..cn nf j' ..
itrntt.'luvi tint.
Tim si ititiiinf :.. I. ' iltic- "1 "UI' Y'-iim ! fu- r'" In tii iu i.,i, mi u.rf .11m
iini (liu'lui-Tan .';iit, rltl l . nl ... .ilc In f . ut'll - 11 r- t.uii.
Tliornrinin MOlliiilhi' siili.tuni r nf llin Iwmu . luont nlllllr 1I1I1 . 11ml I luivii nn iwllt
lnCKiiriui.lnsll foriiM- In tin- kn-'f work s.i. mtlnit 11,. untl. hiu..mu tin. imiiipIh.
M)N .M. niCKINMON. I'u.lliiuiltir (IciiiTui
It Unn nl'li uuij loalrul u.Xniillliiu ol Dili IMu.llcd nr.. I li l-ifini ur lm nriitnllv I lie
ory. Tlie work U thtiuly,iiiii a very vnlutilo oiiiiini'liii mi i he Ilo mtiov .l imlir u mn
It. W. TllWVHKNK. M. 1
1 niitlrp tlitil IliU iSMik U r.m.ivinu lti ut K.iiiiini.inl .11.,11 it u i.ii..i,.Uit m..., r,i
tilctiliil truths. Kiel I wUli Unit Hit. tun uml uiviiiii.,111. iimv f. In tin I111111U uml lulu I.
evr I'lllioti fulliil iiHin lliUy, ur to vntf iimhi tin- vr--itt 1 ' "iioiiili-nl iiiii-iIkik or nil: u
niul liuiir. t.l'.N. Jdll.N ( III. I'K. 'Hiin.U.I .111 1 of I'oikIiiii
Vn li.lu ril.rfi.ilr.i In .il..l.... .1.1 .1. ...... ... . .. . . i .
ivu ioiiiiiiiii.hu iiini . uui. iiui in i'x i t'i'iii ntr it i iri'iiiiiiinii ,11 1 1 on lc Hit' vnli'iN or IIIIIKll
. , ,. Hi.vrr iiKMoritvnc t i:sru.i. ciiMMiKKi: ui' ii.i.ini.
A ml many titlu't.
llook lUiuntl In riolli a ml Hcuil.Wbckly i;it Or iiil.ui Out year
Itook Alnnc, hi riollt, miit pii . . . .,
IVtiilli'lmi. Ilrt-irini
. T I If
DUTI'HEIC-At Wll Wll, W.T., on
Tue4y. Aui ntt 211b, IMS, Mm. L. Dulcner,
of VotXer, Oregon.
Court Hlrwt, oppcwlK J, JL Hbocmiiker'f .
Deer GartJen and Gymnasium Mall.
Iiurvcnu A kin.-, Ii p.
Malntrit . . .NtHrl'iMtimri
KowlliiK Alley uml (Jyuinunlum Ittsnn In
wmnrcllon. Jut tho iIm.i i, piit an I our
In Mi-rrUlnityour muwle untl treiiVt,V,,ii
yr mine, A cortlhl InvlUtlon to ill.
Omnbflmw Ur 60. !, jyj