East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 01, 1888, Image 1

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    pat ivy.
Till. H ST Olti:(MAN I'ltlil..
sub.irll. m ninlim In mlvitm-o for llio
....L'liiivMN. lOllmr Hrnil-Wrfkly
.v i 1 1 : i : i.iiiit.viu.
I'ntrnno r tin- llully nr !ainl-W n-l)
i:.Sl' OttllMOMAN run f I) nnike i
I it rem 1 ft"" ",,Mr ,,n,,r ,no
l".Lr .'."H'li. PIIKKOK UHAIKIK.
urttiK r..sr oin.honian nimny ini
vi r tin ilinlri-. Tin- pnhllr uri' i"'i
illiill.r Intllril to tUH I lie iilllri- wlii'tii'if
mi lui'llni'il. '
Il ..i irUonni tn Imlli old iitui new mm
I'll' IMUV lllf .1 V
",,1, l . r il i ll'". Itrrgi.n.
VOL. 1.
NO. J5G.
wim: DiuisuroitY.
.::..r. i.Tns- f ll.ITKIt NO. 2.1. It. A
l"iii. ui llu- MuMUile Tonii'lii on the
i.riilntK iif (null month, lit 7:;W
iieaurK, 11. r.i k. ii. iloiton,
H.TITll"" .
irlfV.'1 I.01H1K NO. 81. A. r'. A A. M
1 c.v eaa...tn.l ..nil Onii-tli Mini
. nf Pll'll lllnllt'l, ll'olll'K. H.J
V. tt. M.i W. K- I'm wink, siH!H;tiiry.
vi. 1 1. tun- I.OI'OI'. NO. M. A. F. & A.M
I' VikkkIii the JIii-imiIo Temple on trie
kLi an., tiilril MoniiiiMi r oitrii month in
tVaaVlnrk. T.J. .MILLION, W. .M.; It. A I,
... I I I III1IIK M . III. . U. l. . illl'i'lN
V Vvrry TH'irxlity "liht nt the Knulno
ftiM. -if 71 U VI ll'K. I. 1. I.K.l7llK. all.
If I. HT'lfl """" "
i:i;a i.o ok no- a-'. o. o. v. 5iritt
1. rVj.! la V II I.- II lf..l.a atn. "
, U OllMllllll M a.ava, ... ...... aa...v
, u ATH.I.A I NCA.M I'M UNT NO. 17. 1, tl
I ii. . Mi'ft" on lie roi-owl nun hint
k-nnrml sv of I'lii'h niiilltn, III 11M ovinc-H.
ioTMvniioiii:.f r; r. i;. siiAiio,Mcrn-.
I MNr MKt C Ii IMK No. 18. I.
' y.o'f eiiol'l liuintli.
mnoi: Mo. '.'I. k. oi.' i
i.l.l l' IIiiwk' Hull i'Vmi V i'nc
,r rtpl.ltlir ' 7:30 oVIi'Clt. J. ('. l.fANttlli:,
r.i'.il'.J' VVlllT.Ki.u,i. or n.iimi f.
AMOV ltlml NO. I. K. !' I'. 5tci'i" In
o ui I cl'ii'vn Hull i'Vpiv Wiclm-Ml iy
fun tint 7t:ill nVlii . 51. .MOHKIIKAIi, U.
,.i II. I IJAl.MM"'! I.alil II. .111.1 a-.
krir AifON it ist, u. a. ii, iiifi'in in
IV V'liioii, Ji lln'li'v-ry Tliiirmluy nltihl.
La, WAKCLr, fominiinilcri J. t. IIowkn.
IIIH'. III! I" I.IHIIII all. II, ."IMMMM'.la
l.tilil-k. ivnillrtim, o boh.
lil Off.
nt I. Hi- )Hlri -Itn'ilili I, 'J, 3 mill I AN-
tclMloii IllWt, I'i'iiiiii'ioii, iira-unn.
Ijiw. ri-iiiiii- on, iirouon. i.ckiu hum.
i of nl' Mlii.U iUicii.IimI lo with iiromil-
'M. t iilc'liiiin n M'i'finiiy. i'iiK'0 on
Inn cli it l n llic . iiiiuijiion-iiitrminri.
kiilJluif.nvprlhn ii'iHtoniPo.
Ii ntl.iw. n.iB'iiin No. a mill 0, Aitoclu
im liiu it, i'' n ii 'i hi. u't'ifim.
Lmtiait llulliil c.ov. rllu- I'l.st uillo-.
& Ml' Oil ATl'llll.NKYH AT L.VW.
U;) i'r t irV NMIIUU.il ImIIIK, run-
I UU'l.
1.. a . HLti arfvt'.ir.Kla n. . t ll
It fall l I'r. II. .1 I lUll.i IU 4 1
ft. (i-nl iv IIh,ijhi;oii. win (.rhiitiiii
mm! o un iimi aii'n .. ihiiiiiikii'm.
c'iMi promptly i cihIimI ...
.VMs.V.sKM'WtJHni A WAKHll, AT
i uriny nt I, iur. lloolimniiiKl 4 nfllii'
bliiiiK il ' t llilinu. e. inir of Mum
ii Vl,li iffdi, I'miiJIflnu, Oii'Kon.
lAV. I'lM'llfMlll.Uri'idll. I'lldllllin Kllll
nMn-l4l.iii ItliK-k.
I J. HI- iN. ATl'UltNKY
II. 'Iltliei -M ill) sin-Pi, in
Ti'. AVOUs l 1 1 YnT 1" I A" A N 1) Hl'
. ,n irvlnp'4 ilroii iviiri.
i' i 'on
L' II I VltKI-.lt. lilYsil lAN ANDSIMI.
Ii. S'1 1. KIMIIII ll AlaMiO lltlOII tlllll-H,
lnah' i, IVn Iii Uiii. (Irru'in.
Whom it May Concern
I'lie uiulcraiKiiod will clo.se all
on thu
iicoounts on their bo ok
1st of Next October,
Antl will domaiiil sntisfactorv sottlcmcnL of all hilly tlno tlu-m
bclbi-o the oml of the yoar. Tliey jnoposo thonj-
uftor tocontluct their btiM'mo.s on :i
nd solicit, n continuance of the liberal patronage they have so
long enjoyed, guaranteeing their euatomcris
In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended
A Youthful 1 hli-r Who Took u tlrlnli Oul wr
mi i:niiy Uiitiln s;., vuilit,, SIi'iiof. or
Mipport -l-iiiir rnrnrliitniti.il Tim llppii.
hit ItitllroitH (Inline to IIm SMpi tlH'iirt
l'(IHTI.AM), Allllt III. Ill llio I'nlli'i.
to until it imt-kiiKO fotitalnlnc u leltcl mil
tidi'. IKihrniiUi).-, who Iiiih llvcil at
Mai for fovi'ii aoari4, lms twleo boforo
boon itrioMlitl on u t'liurt' o( os,iionai;o.
Tliu I'urltiilKO wliluh lie lutoiitluil to pnet
mum an iiiity cjihi'. I lu ea,K liu followitl
llio J'iciu'h iDittiotivi'tH for iH'iHoiml
ile.i"ttio, ilcki'(l up tint nwo mnl nun
K'liilitia II away incrcly an a Hinu'tilr of
Hie o.M'iiiiMoii. Olllclam claim In liavo
lecolvotl lot-
A Snililllut Kli-i lnl.
llmiMS. Sept. I. Ilurr l.icbaclit, a ho-
I.N .-C'Orl.ANIIa
AinnnK tin' IIIhIiIiiiuI I iito" TIip Si-rnr
ai.aillU I'llKIII.- Mil 1 1 1 II I II I ' IMlll'1. ' !
tNVi:usN.MH. Soorii.VMi,
Ni:.it Tin: HiiAiMif l.iii'ii l.o.MiiNii,
AiiuiiHt "' IHSH.i
To tin' I' llllnl nt Hip Knot Oi'Pk'olilnli. U
I Ill a l..a .1... .1 1...
1 Mill IIOl 1UI IIIU 11(11 UI' 113 allium1,
vviititiK a fow nonld fruin thin lovely Kiwi,
hiiitii wo have ia'lmi hh.'iiiiiiik sotnu vui
iilf;i-:int liourH. Ax volt will ohwrvu I
Hid lii'aillnn, wo are imion the Si-ottlc'
laki'H, KkmIihI in "the lllnlitiiiHl." i;
world Mile iiuiiu. I nt'eil hfarieiy inei
Wllil'll u
l, .,,.,, ,.,i ...i.. " ' S.iilH) nviT irr Knm.ri'Ui-. 1 iu nnu'( ir-1 uwik lo.uuii-u eiiurin hk uikuh hwh in.
..i 1.1..1. .i... I- i. . i ; i. ..I, i i ,r,ii i ... vi i,i,.i,..u, , , i:rov I'uiuiiiv out ui tuu nature ot me
IllllllUn l I III. II IIIU ItllllUIP 1 14111 IIM'II 111 a...... aaaa-va..., ...a. ..w.a. ...aaa.v.'a a a. ...... ....a a , , - . , . , a . . an...
f.irnixl.l.iL' uifro-liiniinlM. ami J,i Hitiiation, or their InlriiiHli! iH'uiity. P't'i
ll.oiu In the cellar. .Marvelous lo tulale I i:M.hu.tl..n. w.mr.1. mo lak oh iu .ui.urinv ii.ai uio i llio u
i... .... i.. i.. i ii 'I Tii,. fr.w. ..i.iui... ...... ..u i....... t... nrettv. ami Hiirrniintleil Willi eranilo
IIU 11 lin I lllllllll 111 UlUilVl III II I'UIH Clliail. I .a.aj ua,i. ...iinM. aaiuaaaid a.a.aaj wuii ail- I . !. , 1. . . t
mnl hoiiiu ii? llio HiiMtlurtlJlPHVvuio f ivllwl several li.ues to explain tliene "cene.y, ,u i Ih ite nafe to nay ll
lu liw pookctH. Tho bov inatle it elate- oiinw, huvh the i ievei.inu ri.nn itoiltr,
Cotirl t hiM u lem.iou u nlxleen-vear-olil ' Vr VV"T " Vi" i 1
boy nan.etl l!er wan l.elil t. a p. r be- p" ,", nolK'ubur i
fore Ibo Kniu.l Jury ami ullver tho ' ,l,w H''K' '' ,1l7;,i,,,1.-",,IB,1'
chaiKe of larceny. It Hcenw he w,.n t I s" ". . . ,
the Aletiliiinli'ri' I'livlllnii thlu i,,,,ri.... llnu.iN. Sept. I. Ilurr Lie!
after tho Turn Verein bull wtwliot.t there ' irt ll,u Wclii.ln: f,,mil orUlwhle fa ne. I nee.l nearcel
uuil eupt.uel two ca-e.t of win, . Jo. mi 'I'" l "" Htrkl, by a .lurallly of HmI the in tvrwt
beer faucolF. a loinon H.iuuuzer am other ver Herr Knoercke, (lie new tier-1 o ' '"' "
lllllllt III whll-ll In, K llll lllilt. U'llli ii mini, bill lllL'V (l lll't IUtMlll)l :
lier of oilier boyn who I uul learned there ! , Why UepublieaiiH iu 1871! favored put
wan iiomelhimr uood lo drink at thu I'a- "'.'H .fait una luniiicron the Hvo
M I'ltll ll. l'llYftll-IAN ANI
'urn mi llttP-i Over M.MiM.rlioiiu iV
kvi r 'ii i.t(irt'. rn.iifi ot Uolili-oa nun
f "tt nci, 'inlli'iiii, or-o
tlli hllKIH ,I ,..UM ..s'l'IIY-l'-IAN
' i hiruinii I'liiiiltiiUtil-l'rlliiKlu,
'itiiuv . in. i iitnrollPrK. hl m-rvu'i'n lo
i v a p. nil tin ni.ikni. I fit, iihuuraini-e
(ll l" .III I'llrnllliV ill. UHP Willi III IIIHlllt'lll
ll'K 'IV I1V Plt.l-I (lllPa lat UHllll'lUCI
'I. in it r 1 1 urt nt i ii)i a OUIpi. liour-,
iim. in., fiom 2 in s p. in,, una
ia?ln p. m
I'M. A" KINO. At. 1). OrKlrK OVKK
.Unairlifilia.a I , l m lllila.tn.. a.n
tlb kt fcfl llaMir l-ainrf a.tp.a.t. llwrililHIlila'.
t'1'd.cr luniitn-icl hy t 'Ifpliona with VII
Lo,. K..hcIiiI ultoatlon elvvu in thu
n women ami iliililreu.
Utcml lirtln.it tl..... U In'l Lnrii i.
JUiwt. HullilinR. ivndleton. Oipkoii.
. taUllillr. IVmtl.il.ait lla-a...tt l..iiail.,
It llUH.la v. I.'ailltlinla.a fa. rn Isli ful I in
M ' aiviacr.
ji .M Mtrr Huhllc. Viiniyclo, Oregon,
"111-tlD Hruwlll.. .... I. a--
"'a na Ulltal nt..il. .uu.i a, ra.it lir..(l
I'OI'Kn, HLACKrtMlfll ANI)
, ' ' l",tra a.lUIIU UUIUfll HI".,
Ih V.0 '.' "n-UDu. Phu-ttitmllh work of all
iVihi t v,,il'l',e inwntuT, im oa
"QtlSlnn llmaru i)on,,i.inn iiNitiiiiii
K- 'mr) will receive prompi uiuu
Jnil V. .V ItiMt ,n ttl. nf.aVt
Cheap News!
Tlie Soro.i-',VeolxJL37-
East Oregonian
From now until after tho Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
villoti, went llietu to havu Home fun "1
found mi empty bottle," nultl thu bov,
"and took a think out of It, but I don't
knowwli.it it hu," When i,ne.lloneil
art to where he cot the aitii-les thai were
found on lilt port-on hi niemorv became
defective and he could not tec.dl anvlliln
furtlier in ceiiiiectiou willi Him matter.
Willi llio itppateut hope of '.iliiinu the
HVinpalliy of the cuiut. the liny Muted
lliat lie bad I e.-ii iirreled ux u vagrant In
Seattle, ntv tl listtiiullii-4 the fad that he
followed the lituduort of blacking IhkiIh.
Many tiitd, who hart luen liune.iiiK
around brace ptnit'M for toino lime p.i-t
wart neiit up for iiinetv iI.ivh Ihhmiwo he
could nut demourtlrittu the fact that he
WIlV thllV ll.tln i'Iiiiiii'ihI lliiilr intuitu
Whv in lst-1 the llepniillc aim fusored
reducing tarill'taNex.
Why the Uepulilic.iiirt tilaced lilileit on
llio fiee li.-t in 187-'.
Why the luiuiiiiK iiuhiHtry wart not
ruined I hereby.
Miy no paupet made leather or kIioch
of Minoi'o ciiiue over.
Why the leather iudiiHlry pronpered
mole than user before.
Why nioio workincmen wete em
plosed. by they pit belter wii'h.
Why, In fliorl. thu ltepublicau larlll"
llieoiy dltin't woik.
by ihe price of wool hart ptcadlly tlo-
bad anv vMi.lo nn-.iiw of Miiini.irt. I cllneil under Ihe iiiolecllvo tailll.
Thu KKjr unfDrtunitlo. who hat l lalor I . Why the. .eduction of duly on wool In
from day to day for food and raiment, ami wu follow eil by an iidvunce iu piho
in eiiiiiiie on to renin in in Mil cit ut m i inri.au u uoiiuni
. 1 .1 I .. I....I. 'l-l...' at !
ui-iuin inoi' in uni iii lin k, iiiu ur.iuiur
HHiilliyaiul oppie.M-lvely hot, and the
tli'iirtily of Miinko maki'rt it man rtue.it like
it bay ulcer to bre.ithu.
A .'cutlcmuu fniui lloppuor Mlatert that
fouilo in milet of track on thu llemuie:
branch in laid, mid the woik priurertMliii;
uttluiratenfover.inilleiioril.lv. It Ii
exNcletl that traltirt will l riiuuin to;
Mepiuier uy tliu iirrtt ol Orloi.er.
"I-rank." who wax waule I ho b.ullv bv i
HIM rtueellieurt, ln-UL'.'-ll-l i-n-l, , l.'iirt
boeu found. .V Portlmid ilallv tuiier con-
tainttl the following:
I'oiiTL.v.Nit, Or., Ann. 'M, 18S8.
.Saw thu coniinunle.illoii of 1 ."i-O-lilT-t)-1 Ti -
5-17 In your paper thin murnini;. I will
take your uilvico and leave to-uay lor
i:.VKTi:ilN NUVVH.
A I'll.iinur Klllril.
Uiikvknni:. Wvo.. Hoot. I. A colored
military convict n.iiuod Itati.llev, wuh
killed ut Tort ltui-K'll, near tlii-i city IIiIh
mornhiif, by private Atkliirtnn of the hov-
cnteuiilli Infantry. The latter wuh a
meiuber of the -,'ii.iril in cliat'KU of pilnon-
erx, iiiciiiiiinu iiamiley, uno mauo it
break (or lii-crlv. lie ran .UK) yaitlH,
navini! no iittenilon to e-;muiaudrt to halt.
and wart liiHtautly killed by a ball from
MkliiHuuV ill'v- A military court ot in
miry mid it civil Imiuei't exonerated At
I'lttul I'mOii.Ioii.
SpuiMini:i,i. s'opteniber 1. n
riulit uloiii; iimler it tuoteetlvo tarlll'.
Why tho price of corn Ii.ih ilecliued un
der it protective larlll'.
H by w.i'.'i'rt have declined under it pro
tuctlvu larlll'.
Why rtlrlkesund l.irie blltor eonlllt trt
l-elween employeH itnd omployerrt have
Ik-oii eoiiitii hi under a protective f.irlil.
iliefoare only u lew ol Hie jnauy
from lu hisloriu urtrKHilalloiirt. I will not!
attempt much of a ilcrcrliitlon of what
i wo rtaw heie for the iohhoii kIvcii iiIkivo, '
but yet a few wonU iiiuhI be uildetl. Tho
latKeptof tho taken, or "lochn," In Ixieli
Lin il. which It in Iciiislli about li'i
mileri, a:id uveracert perhapri ', tullca In
wulth. I.ik'Ii Katrine Irt uboiil half that
ie mid tnont of the other mo mnaller
Hut Hinall in they urn
lu.intu ih.it id ..I, i.. u. ni. i in-., i,. i, .m i mill. nut Hinall iih t hov
the udvoc.ilert of IiIkIi tarhr hliu-etlitOHH i ''u,lv very oiftt Ih ii koiii. They lie In
oxiil.iln. 1 1 nun- .mi in, iim la.tm- ni tn Mho Iwi-om of tho moiintaluH (lotted In
howl ulHiut lebelrtiind rnvo over the " e.u-ert willi pretty wurtled Inletrt,
IiIimmIv uhlrt and crv out -hat tiroat ! "'ill iroiuni many lieanillui iiniiecirt under
plosion of a holler ut it Haw null near
Sherman, nine iiiIIch nuitheaHt of heie,
iwiiried yeKterdav. killing Noali M.
Hlcliard mid William M. .Maillu lu
Htantly mid fatally woundlne, William
Yoeiim. Itlchard win blown nearly two
luiiidnil .van N into mi elm tree and bin
Irtidy literally lorn to plecen.
Ilutv Nut In "I" It.
WAHiii.soro.s-.Sept. 1. The ltepublicau
lliitafu U upon iih, but it would be vimtly
inoi t-eii'ilile.
t'oiutllLi ouiity llnri-p.
A I'orllaud man, who hat lately re
turned from .Montana, H.iyrt of tho I'uiu
tilla coiinly racu horneii
".Mr. Matlock, of I'endlulou, bat three
hue runner;. lhiee-)ear.old, which
crippled in llH Journey In llutlo on thu
train, wlioho naiiio I tin not now recall;
latdy llully it rtomuwbat faeu-ed by her
eauil'.ilKn east of the niountaliirt, hut
i i-iiiiiliii' iironnil nil iIl'IiI. unit vnrv fust fur
OX- f ,i i.Ti.at ,i "... ' . n ' .1....1
live-elhiliH or tliice-iU,irlei-niile diirtliert.
Matlock hai a line horxo In ltepetl.t,
which won four or live race ut Helena.
"W. II. Ilabb. of Kelm, Oregon, ha it
uiannltUent ntabluof ttinnorrt. Ill llou
llio ever channiiik' lighlH mid rthadert ef it
Hiiuimei-Hky. I hey are iHieoinlnif, If In-d.-ed
they have not ulwitVM homi, pojiul.tr
rcHirlrt f.ir iileauro Hcokor, KiH0rtlu)(
utlracllomt In llio wav of llshltiK mnl
liu:itln iim well. Small Hleamerrt, plying
luck and forth, cany uiot of tliu uou
Hei, who aie, lil;e ourcelve, I HUpNito,
"exeurliinltH." lien lAunaml, tho
hiuhcnt cf thu ieakrt heiuaboulrt, would
not lmprohrt uny one very forclnly who
bad lived within Mlit of Mood. SliiiMla,
or Itanier, but it il.-e rapidly from llio
Hhoroiiof tho lake mid uiukcH Hie ino-t
of it IIJiK) .'eet. The other niemburrt of
thu family they mo .til "IIoiih," I hellevo
aio Miutowhat Hiualler und ralfo their
lieatliery head at arlntr illHlaucn from
each other. Mnro wrilitiK you I.inI wo
Great Western Bakery.
.ir. OKATZ, lUowlftur.
A. F1 1 JRST-C LAS'S VrTd!A.L!
.Wfiiu Street, near J'oMtoJlce, VemUeton
Seiiatorn lutve met in cuucuk and decided ; )Ufy Winter on one and ono-half totwo
u I kiii the adoption nf the lidieriert bill, lo illeH. Thin hori-o watt hiicd bv latv
eivo Ihe I'recident retallutory oworrt. nf-j Ihilly, dam Neva Wiiilern. I)tb of which
or u ilebale which may liwt until tliu tar-! wero ere.it lion-en. .Mr. llabb'H Dhivolo
a ... aula. 1..... I..: 1...1 i.. il... l. .. ..... . . . .
III mil 1H realty to iw leiMim-tt m uiti rvn
U'at the recoid for the I tilled .State en , have viritcd Durham, New ( atle. i-alin
a mile and iexi.tt, In 0; S and t): IS liack buo.li and (.I.ihkow, lakliiK in nevend
I'lio lifht previou record wits I):-1S and Hiualler iilacen on thu way, Of I bene, if
0;H?.j back. It I IIioukIiI ho can run not of all llio clliert of Scot laud, l.dln-llve-ei'lilliH
of u mile iu u miuiitu. Itoly ; liiueh i iu my otimutiou bv far tliutin-
K.I.. lo.f .1 .... II........... ..I,..-. ..f II. a la.al ll lu II.... la. I, .....I. ..I ....II I.. 1. 1 .....
, nij n iimi irn , , 1 1 in.i i n ra ai. a. ,aai aa-, j ain, . ,n iina iwa.iVH, aiui, ,,I, 1J1II,
A t'onrt IIiiuid llmiiril.
Salt I.akh, b'ept. I. Tho court Iiouho
ut Heaver wan dent roved by llro early
thlrt tuoruluK. Irt $16,000,; hiHUrunce
1 1 0,000.
,'OAhT .sr.VVM.
I lu .. I ,llf., .y..,. .....I... 111. ..I I. l.r...l
,n m. ava.ll.aii ,,ia tiaa, rai, aaaia. aa ..a.a.aj inoi
an animal iih you will llnd unywheto.
Itoiu lowl I a ureal racer, but, owIiik to
a cough mid cohl, nho Iiu not worked on
the circuit. Arthur II. in a very proinl
Iuk two-j car-old (olt."
A Dan,! Ml nr.
From iln IVcr I y Drill -rl.
i To uivo home Idea of tho depth of tliu
kmvcI bank of tho iiiineu ojmratjd by
tliu aM'lHon .Mining i.oiiijwny huoiii hivcii
mile wet tf llakcr City, tho teorler
Hilda from a convoratlun litul yeterday
with one of the employcit of tho com
pany, who hart been uiitMKed In Mnklne
a Hbaft to llnd tiedrtK'k, that work ha i been lu operation foi
,iuHthoen KUHpended on a rthafl ninety I eouneeliou with UiIh,
Urr.llliiir SlHtch.
San Khakcii-co, Sept. t. Joo Acton,
champion catch-an-catch-cuii wretlur of
the Uniied S-tate. who recently defeuted
J Fuiilkner.of the Olympic Club of till
city, hart h lned urllclex of iiurceinent for
another mutch with Faulkner, to tuke
place .Soptemtier -Ith.
IiImIio Itciiulillcitiit.
Ttiilya- I'lTV S'nuf. 1 Thll I tl'lllllilil ail
rnrrttirl.il (!niiviintton. Inilil Iii llullev I tho bottom, the rtltikilll! of thlrt ulult ! Jiilllco liri-Hent. All aileiiuutii ifuMerin
vcHtorday. renominated Fred Dubol for. wan entirely oxiHirluiental, mid Hiiorin- lion mMit Ikj Ivou by u Now York
l)eloi;ato to Cont;reh unanimoiihly. Tho t temlent lllalKtlel had no tlioiiKbt that ; World roirter. but not by your cor
platform Htand by tho lent oath, do-hucIi u depth would havu to Ui reached ruHjKjiolunt, benldert I iiiuhI do Homethbur
nouncert .Mormonn, and dccari:rt in favor tioforo HtrikhiK U-droek, ho lie noKleetcd oImj thl week. I pnuuNeil to infllet only
and itoM-urtrt many kmI ImililiuuH
hoiiio of tho liiiu.it iiionuinunt lit tliu
KIukiIoiii. Chief miiouif the points of
intcrcrtt I tho Catlu which crowns
the Hummit ofa.lilli nxtk that riheit
noveral bundled feet near thu center of
thu city. Tho iimwlvu towera winiiund
a line view ol tliu Hurroiimllu country,
l.iko neatly till Untold castle that aro lut-i
habiled, llil I occupied by Holdlurrta BMj
lurraekrt. llio t inwii jewel and oMi
relic aro kept lliere. itefotu tho dav'H
of tlyuamitu mid bit; cannon, thl iliiift,.
have I teen a vurilable utroniiliold, lm
point of hUe und IuiMiilaiico (il.o'owvMir
reckoned the Heeoml city iu (Ireut lltitulttjW
but cannot compato with many of I(h leH
pretention Hller In l'auty. We lop
eil lon iiioiikIi to look ulioiitu lMt4.
and to virt.t thu Kteat exhibition thutlkM.1)
for hoiiio iiiouthH.'jJmy
t .. 1 1 1 'TT7. 1 . .
liwiiu.ui.i niiiuiuy
I J'.", arvayaa t.a.v .... " iaaa .aaaav. ' U fllllvall'JII 1 1 1 1 1 Ultra, iiunviUI.I alllJr
Meet deep, owing to tliu ilttiKor to life at-1 mention that one ontlio biillillnn 0(111,,
1' tendlnt! further - ork by fallinK roekrt to Uldurablo 1ko wun tilled wltli tlie (Jueen'n
,-itho bottom. The Hitikliit; ot thl Hhult JuMIco prcKoutH, An uileiiuuto tleHcrip-
'I Hrwt "inn, fiiiro unu nu jj.
"i "f"iiH iittga' rtar lumvrvi
n....... 1
Pc-im Li'.a.' ,K ""u laiirononteier jiu
bulS h ihnnbove hraiicl,-. All worK
F.. Jf . Omit) III Krlirai.al ..lit a.trar it Mllln
wlu.n.i)re.i.i.. '
; hU'u.vr. Ki'u.Md AN1 IIKK'lv
'0 Pvllil liilnn t-. r 1.
Unr ?,cnwineoi fcoitliUKH specials;
eJt"cutl rrtwiuiibly. Hoi-lrt-pruof
of tuotecllon on lead. timborliiK, unit no lonu u men could Imj
1 1 ...I... . .i.-i 1. ...
Coutlrtail f Araun. luuiiti, mtu nuir uaiitOK unmipi iu (iiuitu-
. n ... , . 1. 1 I cuto tliu work, hit knot oik'nitlfiiik l'hIol'.
laO miki.kh, neiii. 1. i iun 1 iitv, 1 ,t i a, 7 I . ' .1 o---a
the ilerti.eru.lo who net tire to thu rcni-! At u depth of ninety feet the men havu
donee of Honoy Crano, which wiw burnetl reium.ii 111 uouunii 1 ofK, u , miHiieii-
totbuBrouud. htttt been found guilty of JJ,Jlral '" ,0,r"m,,1V W,H t
urnon in the Heeoiid deKree. lie will bo lmt It Ih .Mr. IllaUdel h Inlei.lion to nt,
! henlcncetl Monday.
f 'P"m ih.,. ui purr iiini
"tttV,L '-cuiwr limn thoia of
fnotiptj hou.e in Ktrn Oregon.
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
CYR CO. (Mi1w!?ee. WIO EXPORT P.
niAN SPRING MINcKAL nAltrt, (naunenssaw, nm.i ,..,,, ..... ijeriI11. 0iii4!r. r
QUOT PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) juia daw 3m 1 re4)tctl at Nce e.terday, uh ho wan about
The Hi-mil. C.kln Jtoutl.
San FiiAScttco, Sept. I. The cteamer
Alki hart Hulled for .''cut tie w ith it number
ot car and dummies for the new clle
road of that city.
An Intrlgu.r Arrr.liid.
Pahib. Sei)temler 1. The tifillco Imvo
neizcd and translated papein beloiiKlnK to
another Hliutt, and a thu work proceed
every precaution win do taken lor tho
HHtety ct Uiu men
tliu tueveutinu'
Hide. ISedreck iiiuhI. Iks reached if they
nave 10 go tiiroiigii 10 uiiiuu
u Hbort letter 011 your leader thl time.
and muni therefore draw till toucloe.
Wo have fixed 0m 11 tlato for Hailing tor
America, which I hIiuII bo glad to hou ur
rive; it irt September 1-1, via thu Nebraku
of the Statu Lino. Tho I. vht Ojilooman
come regularly und l welcome. Am
glad you uru keeping thu woolon-uiill
I will Imj taken for tho .iiuetlou lioforo tho people. Succchh t
II engaged by timlKirlng, V.hu enterprino. Verv truly yourw
; u caving in frorn tho , ' 'v?, j.;, t
.Mln l.lllio Curry, alia Frunklu Cur
ran, a good looking woman uhout '.'8
yearn old, wax urrented in ISaker City yes
terday on a charge of robbing her em
ployer, In itrokeuhonu City, Nebraska, of
neveral hundred doilxr, wiillo oho wun
employed in bin hotel.
.Millionaire Flood of San Fraueleo and
hi wife and daughter are Mill ut Horn
burg. Thu water have caiiMfd no im
provement In Mr, Floods condition. Tho
family havu nocurud a villa ut Nice where
they will Heud thu winter, ilu ha
Ilrli'ht'H tllHeitmt, und hi death irt only a
queutlon of time.
Ameiica will never have u Loch KatrliH
, until hIiu can produce 11 Scot to Immortal!,'
1 i.e, 111 prose or vurne, ner guiH 01 .Mtturui ,
.Ne.iilv everv ntrlk Iiil' lealutu olt 1 i lieauli.
tifnl country and they mo not few ImSii
ILI.III al.au.a l...l.t III- llllll I II.. t alll- la'l
the laiku" I a good a 11 guide book.uni
ludirtpenHllile to Hie thorough enjoyinun
a.f i liallaif tllta a..k.llt..l, f.il IU t'a.ll ..l.u.
(.'ana a. -. a-a. a. , a .' ,.u.l 1'HHjl
iliiwn l.nch lalatrlne. von eauiiot f.ill hot
murk "Flleu'rt Me," wbicli to thl d.iyA
I clothed to the water odeo
tvitli rich gieeu foliage. The 'Vlheir
ntr.mil" alio. wheie "Snowdow neVf
Knight llrnt Haw Helen, I Hiiutedj
' out, "ihe Triirt:acli rugged I.iwh'1
ilu which the hunted Hlag took?
I lefugo mo wild irn over h.ivo along llui.
uariow 11 .iil wheio the etaee e tacit pile.
iThe"brli!g tt'luik" wliuio Fit?. .ImiieM'1
I ..w l...iiul...l ul.....l I-..II I.. II I. ...... II...
.VAi11a11r1v.il pivru .I'll II, IIIU llil.r-i., illUa
I.,,..-..... t.,.,1 ..I I . .1 1 i.ti...l.a II...I'.
ana,, if., ...il, an uiitiiiiviatu n.iiiiu inn. .
I memorulilu eomb.tl look place Imtweeiu. '
111. alamort unu "Koiiorh'k unu", ax
well u Hoveial other point of gieat In-
Wlteiln, l,mi,-at 110I11I Iii iim tiihi,.. if lerent to the iuiaglnallvtilravelere.iii Htlll
wool wa teaclieil under the IiIuIiomI lar- W - ' alwa.VH 11 gieat mlinlier
HI' ! ol .-ifott'H poeuirt, 11 11 lad, mid of lilt'
VV'lita ajliiaa... i. mi.!.. 1.,..,. .1..,. t.. 1 IjkIv of thu hiko tit 1urliVf.1l.ir. ami IL
nuinbei' right ulonu' f.ir noven yeanl uti-' with llio greate! J iy that t niaikeil
tier a prolecllvo lilt ill'. tneo npotH, uieiilioiieil in the Imkjiii
Why the Hhecp In Ohio tleeiviiKtl over I Ml,'(-'11 1 ,ri'ml '"J w" lo ,m"K. 1 vm
M),)M in nuinbsrs during one vu.tr, I "J'11 midefHiiiiiil after Hceing Hie eoiiulry
IHSI-S, when the hlgliet wool litrlll' o-1 ''ott got hi lnplralloii, for uiiicli
IhUmI, M'f Ibo Hceuery lieggaiH deM'tipllon and
Whv thu mice of wheat low ilceliiieil mi 01 ii ihwhciwih 11 oci liar cnarni uhkio