East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 30, 1888, Image 1

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    DA LTj x .
rTn! hT ,,?1',N,AN ,,,It,K'
, .tntlng I" ilviH,B for Hi
'JrottKnONlAN, "1,,,nr "il-Wwky
.v I'tir.i; i.inttAUV.
I'ntron. of llu- Dully or Si'inl-Wri'lily
KAsT Ottl.liOM.VN mil Trct'l.) make iim.
i. rili.- HAM HI;ltlMAS lllirnry whin-i'vi-r
llii'.v no ilrlii. Tlii pnliUe nn. rin-
. .. frlrinl frul" ' lr"'r t,,B
I" ' . OIIKI. fit ItlttlfllL
l,fr flri'lKMit '." ....... ......
Imtli old mill "our ul.
IOIW ..........vi tw
n,.r. Ait"""" "" """"""
1 ' .. a..... ili-i'iron.
illnlly tiitlli-tl to ltt I In- iilllcx itii-in-vpr"
fn I ' '"""
o Inrlliii'.l
OL. i.
NO. 154.
I pfl III u ....'...II. ..i -.m
nnj illl 1'llllHjn 1M l-'U'll III'MIIHI IIV I.W
I II.." ,: ..,,., II. I. 1.-. M. ' , Tl N.
Ji I . nvr.i
A. K. A A.M.
in i ttitf ji: mi. n i.
mill ihkI fourth Mull'
I .H II VI" Ik. I'l .11
i.f i':l"ll tliolllll. 7!.'
mi win
im:, t-oi'ii'tnry.
cVlif."TON I.OIKIK NO. M. A. K. A A.M.
'to in tin' Mimonlu 'lumpln on lln
iwiiii ,.,,, ... ..,,,,1, iiiiiniii i.t
t'UIH .HIIII'lll ' "
aih.Hi MViWnri.
. . . ...lilll.'VII II I.V.I). II. W. MlM'lH
I It" ..'... .1.... I.I..I.I lit tlin 1?lllrlllil
t,''r . , .i i. i i AMitui M.
i' iVrcnriN. llt-ronlor.
.In I ! L- -11 !l I. 1 1. O. .'. M.'ll.
I'HI'.I.J. ii.' - . - - .. . . . ..
".-v.... Muinr. iiv t-v Hour ill 7..i')n'cimK.
V''. . . . I. il . I.' II .J.iu.lnll.i M,. "
llimurnii ki ....i i '' -
. . '. . i VII IIM t. VI VII I?, f II
v.tii.i.. r. ""-...vvi". ; v...i
,1 1 l i-ui 'rf'i n-'fc
lira. I V m ''(Ml lll'Mii' mi i vm
Tl ivMlM IIK f I'i K. I'!. Hit Mill' tScrll".
TWO Ctl I l.l) Itl'.N IIUHMill TO DICATII.
TIM! ,MAItlvt'.l
Lins been taken oil both
Woolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
il l IS Hi- I'i I t ii' mil" la. i.
II. i 1. n. ......
mrviifli Ilium".
........ IIIIUII.' Mil "1. I.. I1IV l
'XVV.V, .1 ,lt l; u'wh- llnliVvVry rim;
O ti n-i ii" i-hii ;;'Yt . . .. 1 if
it mil ii ii . in it. ii mi r.
-it i vt iN I'liT. H. A. IC, tlll''M Hi
Vl I'll' 'llll'iv i. i iimoiiij "itiii'i
. V. HI I' -IIIHMII .111. 11 FH'H I..
llllnKi I'l'IIIIU'llHI, VIU KHII.
.iiNiiijpiv iw. iriVL v l'l
i.r.i. . . ...... i. ii.. ...ii..
lAW. HI' ''I'i ir"V I I'm I1" l I I'liun
...... . I. a I I I..I. I V I1TI1IV l.'-U
I I r x II l.l.r. t 1 i I .. I .
nii.i.r i i' 'i' -milium i. .. aiuni mi-
u ion l!li. i '' 1111' luiii 'ir -itim.
us i it i' urKW-M. a'itoknhVA at
lav,', limit inn, uui; mi. l liilil.
nf li It. iii iitti'.ii i-i in w n nroiitin.
I I 'lll'IH I. (..'I'l'lllliy. iihht mi
Uliiciiv rtii' it t otllci1.
L I I i' . r I I II I. i.l"i .l I .ilk., r.
fl I.IW I.IH UiH Ml, .1 HUM II, AHtllCIII-
I IIIII'M. - Tl.ll" .11. .J.. H..II.
l. W- N. V'ntlUNKY AT ' liAW.
. n.11 e Mini Htivni. in 'riininiin-
r t-.ril Mm. nun liuiiK, ten-
t I I Willi
V. i t it III' l:. ATTOHNKY AT LAW,
I"' I t iV ll',Oll'HII. Still I'llllllKII
(nuit ut In ii'ii il 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 . i.i i
t.nm j.iililitl .'I'l'llill'il o.
IM.L'V fct. IIIVl'illM'li . W I A I
'Iiril'vl t 1 t' IIIKIIIIH .iilllll 1 III Illl!
..I .. .I I i iill. I. ii.. ... ilu.r lif Mlllll
t lie 'ii mi I'lm. I I'litiiuiiin. uirk'nn
Miltit iV Willi l .viiuii." n i
I.i, I vii ili'inii, or'K''ii. l.iinniKn "iiii
"lli III'l K.
Ami tliov now oIUu t.lu'ir Large, ttiitl Complotu toek of
Tlie MrltH-Tw Mrn Klllnl v.r Poll
llci simix liulliiiu tlvln Truulilr Im
imrtnnt Purllniut NVun Ui-iiitillvn
Wri'MlInc With tlio 'lurllf, V.w.
U'lunt In f.lriiiul .Vim York unit Clilriittu
Kiillriuiit MM'k,
l.iVKitrooiAiiKiiM iio. Tlio woutJior in
KtiL'l.tnil Ik tiiiK'ltlcd. 'Mm wlicat tmiikot
h liiiictivo. Ilolilors (ilfiT np.it int:ly.
t'lillfi'tiiiaulicat. Th ll'od.
Nkw Yoiik. AtwiistilJ. Wlicitt. ll.lKI' i
foriMsli; $1.0 J fur Attuit; 1.003., fur
Tin' drriit Allni'riil Iti'diMi nf Kuttrrn
Wnnlilniltiiii- 1 1 h I'rrKiMit mill l'r(iiri tii
Inli rilrir With mi Otix'riniit VUltor.
I 'oil I I.AM), AtlKttKl 'J8.
I ton. V. 1'. Ki'itily, uliii Iiiim Jtii-t nt
ttttiiuil frunt fl in Suliiinti livoi- tuiiii'H,
hlltiiilctl In Okaiiiipiii fotinty, V. T., u'tirt
Inliifviuttt'il by .MUif niMiru'r ttiitl fhi'iT-
till lltu tluitf, wlii'lliurltt't1,0'',! Hf-i'iOitMiiPniiiKwiiitliR'nfiil, I'T'n;
it.u t.r Oi.'K.m. ilo mih j n ,um .1.'m:I!!,;: -"V ! I'fufufUMl, .Ml3,, ;
.nMuii'iu riuiiic tioiiiiK, f i.iti'u.
l'llU I Vs AM) slMUiKO.N.s.
i. -tfnl.il, 1'IIYMI I A.N
i (fin in irvltiu'4
1 1 union,
AMI Kl'll
iimtt toiv.
i f im. KoiMil il lltlull hloi'K,
i Nk t. . I I..... II........
" ' 'I. I'ltl I II. I'HY-iriA.N A.MI
sun', mi l lt!.. .I Iviii. Muni lintlHH A
k'oit1, i'itiht ill Jolllion
. IVll'll"!!!!), Hli 1M i
lit It I KI'IH I.L,
' 'i . shi ';i i n
r in X IYi'IAN
' .ti.lllllH'll-l'llll'li
ill it. ti. .1 ...I... ...lu. l.l- kirvii'i,. in
II "If Illl tin lilalnn lllfi llhliliriilll'll
: 'II I III mi I'll' llltll'l III It'MllltMH'li
J "in n.m-uri i-iirt tii'i'i. utile" imiirx.
u !!' Ii ii. in,, (loin 'j i A . 111. i mill
O7toi. til.
IEiJ. A". KIN'tl . M. 11. llht'IfK tlVKlt
iiiiiii'iiiM' ,v ni," mure. no. itienri', nil
.b It rrl iii'm. I'mii-i tlr...il. lfi.t.li.iu.
'l'tlll.n.llllM.li"l I... I"li I. tin., u.111, V'll
Mft.l'. ..I ..I. .1.1...'..
.- nuiiirii mill vuiiuii II.
t lll.ri.il ....... . i ..'i....... ...
, f V . . -.ililiii r.irrri,ioi irnuj'-
i HMk liulliliiiK. ivtiillcton, Ort-Kon.
Ikilll.'l.'u f, i vim , ivriu jlVfl
Guilder, IVndlHoii, ort-Kon. i.imutrv
fpHlulty, Kmiiiiattfi' furnMieil on
I notice,
.oiary Hntiiie, vunsycle, uri'tioii,
relink, b .. i..i... . '. ...
.i 1 . J 'l' riiiuui iiu mint ir
ana tliui priMir. mketi ut rejuccd
MM'noi'Kn, iiLAncMiTU anii
-7 i, , vresuu. ni'i.'ii.iiiitii wnru or an
loiin. . '. 1 nicui'if Htittiiion BIV
ASE nimu'v ikiitjl. niiiniini'
n.lkii wu-.r. w. ....i ...
7,7. .." """'ni, I'enuittoii, un'B'ni.
MMIi n"""1, ,"'"r ,-""rl
m IS..J.: .' Mr' mi Buurt iioiivr, upui-n
""ji'fountrj wi I recplvu iirnniDt niU-I).
KiN,uJ0,,:""1''t HOIWB AND SKIN
Hi. ant "rmniots, iMjier-liMtiu'inn,
-'TT I. fllilii.ilM 'rillnnl II iLurv.
lOxaniino their gooils, got thoir jiricerf. and eonviiiw yonrnell
that the above are not mere insertions, but that thev will snb-
rtantiate wliat they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
therefore they have diseardetl Protective Trices, ami will Ireely
meet; competition from all quarters. They earn' a
General Merchandise Stock
Consisting of J
Staple-andFancy Dry Goods, Men's .'Boy's and
Ghilrlvon'R Olnf.hinpv Tt'iivniqr.i rifrf frnnrla.
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Oheap News!
Bast Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
TWO MV.S Kit. I.I.I).
Tlu-y IjtuirrHril Almiil I'olltli-. Willi Hit
"lit .Mini, Who lliiriliTi il 'I'll inn.
Com Mitt m, lsii,. Ann. iill. Frank antl
Khun Hull, IhoiIhmm, tii:tn vlloil over
pulllk'H on llto uvi'iiliiK of tlio Lt.tlt. willt
.litfoli IVuvy, iihimI tii untrH, of .iilivllln,
limwii t'otiMlv. A IiIimnIv iltiht unslliol
ii'Htili, In wtitcli IVuvy " iiM-il an ttso.
I rank'N r-bnll wtw fr.ti tnrfil, utitl Im illi'il
ut initlnlulil. I'.l.itii. tin' dIIiit lirolhiT. !
ri'tt'lvfit f.ttiil Injinli'H,
tnoii M'Hiuid.iy. ivavv
from ulili'li ho
llllM HO f.ll' l'H'
l'llll,l)ltt..N'S MlSl llll f.
(ten, Jnn olinntoti III Tonu A Dl loti.l
X Ifc Tin llO'll Hiillvii)-, (llfinl .r(..
tuirr-A l.i.nt .SMi'illiriirl-t tin Arling
ton Atllll'H,
l'oHii.AMi, Aits, -t). Itciicrul ,lowih
V iloliiirtun, I'. S, lialliut.il Coiiitnih'
..i - ....1....1 i.. .i.i.. ,.i , ..
lluctinu In u Hi't'i'lal fai-ti Milutlv IiikV '"i I nloit. ( ttiiail an
fhuH hut ul on uhi'iflx. In UiIh rar Iiu I ' '"' l,c' f,'j ,,;"ku y,,,rc."'1 !'N':l,,r
outMiiiiil hUuMiH unit uoikMunilii.ivi.li. wlt-'rn. .41.MI,.! iNow ork ( untrtil,
. f. ...... ... ill on. i.'.x.. i i im.'
Ill) Irt lit lllllllu
tlio Mulu ut ,Ma iiu or Uii'tion
found In tli I.- I'.il.iiu on inllttiri by I lie K
O. man, u Im tthkoil lltu uunutal vsltat IiIh
t)lllilll!.rt Ul lllTl'.
"1 do not t'utu to talk about my olllcial
litihlneHh ut incoat," mid lltu uoni'inl.
' I may iiao roinutlilti to my in that
1 1'iilitiL'itioii lofoio I leave. I fliall lo
i hitio HOWial iI.ivh."
(tun. .luhncton 1h oer ellity cars of
iiK'). hut fluhilri oivvt, Kctnii hill of lt:or
atitt iIoom lotH of haul uuiU. An utijH'ur
iinu'eH indicated that lit) had pli'iny of
ttiKenl I'licliiwH on litnid the miihe fttlil,
"(iooiI day, I will cull again," iiml hklp-tied.
.Mrn. W. II. KimoPH, wWu htiidmiiil ; e.i,etl'ariet,
wan llllilll .lilil ill a in iiiupiiu ri uiiiiai in
Oakland, (til., leiently, U In the city.
Shu MaiuU nil eiiuatu lued for her Iiiih
h.inil; h.ivh ho (h h)iI, kind, and provi
(lent, and' I hat the Hloilen tnlil uhout him
aio ontiiiKe.iitily hl.intleroiiH. Hie. iaH
hIiu U U'jltirf to xtlck to hint llko a leei'li,
anil let ieoli) jitxt talk till they pliu.
"Ilo mitu inn," hho wijh, "utitl as Initu
at 1 inn content other uolo ottuhl to
Tho Hoanl of tho I'nlteil Staten lv.f
Khieer- who are liiiuhhi inlo tho matter
of n 1 .tt rail vt ay ut Hie 1 "alien held an
otliot ineelhttJ jofloUlay, at which miv
oral iroiiiiiiunt nu n of thin city weto
caivfiilly iiiionlioiii'it an to tho fe.tfihllily
of tho project. All weienf ono oplni.in t
that tho butane could and t-hiuild lo
hitilt, utitl that the licnolllx which wotiltl
le.Hiilt wete hituply hoyoinl conipiehetf
clou. Tho hoaitl will coiitinuo their in
vetlt;atioiiH for iiomtt litiio, and will havo
tltoir ioHirt ictiily to htihtnlt to tho next
Ht'Hhlon of ( 'Oiireriit,
llto dtv in li'iiiureil hy tho picceino of
another hrllliant itntl (jiftitl mini. Dr.
Hot erl Nouik' hy iiitino, a leotttrer hy
ocetiintloii. At tho Tai.oiitai'l lal ovo-
tilnir no ti.ivo tin linoleums unit very in-
Htrnctlvo talk to a nn.ill nut tbllueil an
ilienee. 1 entile of hih literary attain-
iticntM, w ho tiro loudly pruHeil and iliutv
lil hoti.-u-i in tho el.ihhle cilitiM of tho
I'.ant, rtoinolHiw Hun i Mtoiii 10 itiKi in wr-
ouon. I ho circtiH ih iiu) titiMiie.-M iiiat
ctitchtfH thu (?onor.il puhllo In thlt hinotn-
inr country. Ilio puiino way otti nero
hi tho wild ami wicked wont uro hiii.nl
i'iioii;:li, hut mini 'how tlioy tiro ttlrtuvM
full ot tho devil.
Tlmrn U a l.ulv iii Oinalia who hat iwt
her HWet'thHiirti'iinil flio lit alumM crtuy
liceam-o die can t tlml lilm. Ue all know
how- it i4, anil hIioiiIiI help tlio poor pill
JV Ullll i fl.lU lUr .lllOM , .Jl.llvl'i II" I, Mill 1 1 tun vu III ,11'iu n'l'i-m-i 1. 1111 inri-1-
iititiiliilinr! 1.1)17. fiir I ti'liilinr il ti:t fur full v e.ivii uliat Inrotiiintloii ho wax In
Novonthor; l.OIln for Decetulior. t)uM0M.inn uf In retfittit to that "tout iiiln-
('iiitwtio, AiiKtiht IIO. Wheat, till-., for , "ti; 'llHtilct. In tniHWor to a ipie.ilioii an
cash; $1.0:t?B for AnmiHt and ."eptoinlior; 1 to the pteent contlltion and ftitnro out-
1.0-'34 forUctoherjtiil.OII'a for Decetiiher. Unik of that camp, hoH.tld;
Nkw Yoiii;, AtiKtiHt .'ID. I'nlteil States ' "Hinlnii tho time 1 wan in camp t vIm-
ImjikIh. IV. 1.L'S',. : -IVm. l.0tl?n : hiler. , lied all lite leatlln inlnct itntl am hiiIIh-
111 11-1(1: Hloillnu' on Loiulon. -I.S.i,..(-t , I'wl that tho fiilttin will develop one of
I tlio greatest utlulni! e.imp-t on tho l'acllle
iCoaxt. 'llto camp it yet yoiinn, and tint
mine havo not heen MilUclenlly (iK-ned
to Justify tho election of mill. The only
thhi): hi tho way of a mill Ih tho conceit
Iratorof Coiteonully, owned anil operated
hy (iovcrnor 1 .anion ami hi annuel, itcri of
Titcoma, In contiecliou with tho con
ceiitrator, tho mine company own a
gioiip of nilncn. Ilovelopiuent wotk iikiii
claiiiiH irt Ih'Iiik pUhhedin every tlliectlon,
" 'Tho I'itbt Thought' initio. Itvatotl
upon tho Atllnutoit motttiltiln, uiliacenl
to Loop l.ooti city, 1 1 ax heeu lunch. mod
hy NelHon lientiett iV llyioti il.iilow, of
Tiieoma, who have 11 laivo fotco of men
at wotk. flits I eotiMider 0110 of tho
verv hent tnlnort in tho whole country.
i'ho Ailititou uiiiie,ouiicd hy a rm t-
il rim) Ki t I'lrn tun II.1111 unit urn Itnrin il In
llt iTK, .Montana, Ant;. Hi). At l!roun'n
(jnlch, yenliMtlay ii.'tonioon, I'oter unit
j ltiKouo Vaiiina, iikciI hIk ami Ihreo re
Inpeclivoly, whllo pl.iyin;; willi tuutehe-i
I in a li.trn on their parent' much, hct the
I to llto haru atltl weto hunted lo death,
j I'huto was no porHiin aliiiut tho place at
itho titno except tho childicn'M utolher,
who heaid their ctiert ami h.iw tho llto,
I lint wan hick in a cabin near hy and
, could lender uiiitNlhtaiici.
Iiiinl t'oiiinim.'. In a vorv rich inlne.thn
iedno liaxlnt; iu'on junl cut at a depth of
two hundred feet, ,violilih liih urado
ore. 'I lime ate ninny other coed milieu
upon tho Atllnut mi .Mountain, upon
which hut littlo tlovelopmetit wotk .tax
been done.
"In tho camp aio found experienced
uilnorrt wlin havo fnll'iwetl every excite
ment ehtcotho Ural dineovery of mineral
on the l'acllle Count. Without exception
they isnieeili' that theno iiiIiiim will ilvat
l.e.idvlllo and tho Cmuntock,
"Tlio ureal want of Hie country ut pnn
out in a tellable (ratiHpnrtatloti lino. I'n
tier llto ellim! clrcuiiiHtaucen it irt im
pimnilile lo piolitably tdilp 010 art taken
from I 10 uiiuort, 'I ho innleeleil lino of
' tho Seattle, l.ako Shoro .Vs l''anlerit Itail
riir 1 nil 1 iiiiiiiiiun Tnpir. I w'ttv will tail thlrt country, iih will an tho
Noitwifti, Conn.. Auk. .'!0. David A.'Ilij; Itend cnipito, and tho peoplo nro
Weill, who hart Junt lettniietl fiottt a 1 anxlottnly looklim forwiifl to llrt Hpeetlv
Mtvun Ihoun.iiid uiilo Iriti via tho Ca a-, coiintructinu. Tlio llli; Itend country In
dlaii faeiilo, favi that thoro in very little 1 leln holllwl very rapidly hy an intelll-
KClll anil turiiiv ciiiKi ni x'iiiiii, I'linri
popular liinciinrlou of tho Finhutiort mien-
lion in Canada. Thu dominant topic it
couiiuiMcl.il union.
Klll-.il In 11 Mine.
Iti rrt!, Mom'., Auj;. .III. .lanieH (!nn
ht.int'o wan killed hv tho fall of n rock in
tho liiiKuot initio to-day, while winking i
In 11 Hope twenty led ulnvotlm HH linel.
I'ho rock only fell about a foot, hut
weighed over 1:0.) hiuiiiIh.
Wlutt, llh What SI111II Wr Ilo Willi II?
W.iMiiNtnnN Atiuunt :I0, It Irt an
nounced this morning that acaiiuiirtof
Iteptihlic.iu ScmitniH will l o held at Son
tor KihuuniU' leniili'iico in a day or two
lo lake Dual action innpcclin a hnill'hill
I hut M pcmlinK be foio tho llnance coin
inittco. A I'm In Iti.lilii r Ulll.iil,
Non.M.i.i., Art:,, Angunt Tito io
noit In in client. illon hero to the elici t
that .1. .1. Sallior. leader of
Great Western Bakery.
M. Qlt ATX, I'toiH'htor.
It'iuler or tho LMiiif
ulitdi likltltiul 11 Kiitiiii-.i Ir-iln nt I tfii t-yni 1.
ut if iN.fMl.Iu. She Iuik ailthemil llto 1
.i.t Atiiv.U'iiri I.1L1111 frimi t ill ill I iiihi'Iiit.m
lollowillt! loltor lliroiwn llio pice to Iter viintiird.iv and nbot.
.1 1 .. . '
nuar oiiv
Om.mi. Neh.. Auk. KI. 1883.
Dkaii 1'iiank If thlrt coined to your
idaht wiito mo at onco to Omaha, Noli.
It'Hiill rlijht. I'n lias ttlvon hirt cnui-ent
hinco ho tin-, found out all. Wo cutno
horo from ICC. IH of .May. Havo not
heard from you flnco you were In Tucotna.
1.1, u. U. li). 11. u.
Cominencin yentord.iy tho Short Iilno
train, which Iiiih I cen leavini; IIiIh city ut i
2;lft I', m.. leaven ut ':!() I', m. :
Ottiloii nuinhorof Kantern Orooni.inii I
art I veil in l'ottlainl thin iiiotnlng.atnonu'
whom vtero W. .1. I'tirninli, F. K. Arm
HtrmiK'. and J. H. Mol-ood and wife, of '
1'ontlletoii; J, A. ami V. M. I.ovo, und ,M,
J. .McMalion. of llaker I'ity.
pally flout tho Wontcm Slatert. Tho
yield ot u neat titirt year nan neeu at niun
itrt fnrly-ltvo IiiihIicIh ier acii), mid 1 did
not li'urii of nnv innlaiieo wltoto it went
below thltty. 'I be lino of tie H. S. k
V.. road ittiirt tlliecily through tho heait
of thlrt country, and it will at ouco nccuto
a l.trui) volumo of trallie when completed.
Tho conntiuclioii of thlrt ro.ul Ih of tho
Kie.itenl hnHii lance, not only to Nutllo,
nut to tho countiy leferred to, iih it wilt
liivo a cbeaiicr ami tnoie direct outlet f ir
llio mineral ami .uileultur.it produeirt of
tho country, and at the eamo lime ohii
a (,'ieat I'cld of trade for thu city of Seal
lie, which iMituot ho necuied under tho
oxintliiK nynteiu of tiauniortallon.
"In what in kniwii art I he Okanogtn
conulry, which ittcludert tho luluiuu ilix
liict le'foneil to, extending fiom tlm Co
lumbia tlver nnitheily to tho boundary
line, thoio Ih a total population at thin
lime of between 10i)il and o()i)tl, ptiliei-
A Illu I'lrn I om
1 1 . i 1 1 1 iki, Augunl lit). Tho loort hy tho
Hleln Ward llto of .Monday in now on
liiu.itcd at lo.OOiJ.UO,).
ItiniliiiiKi'r Trui rllni;.
l'Aitirt, AugiiHt 11 1. (iiiner.il lloulunger
lian gone to .Sweden, traveling Incignllo.
Ilnlrl Arrliuli.
Vii.i.aiiii Hot Hr W T I'ttrroti and wf,
Moneow. W T: A W Piirlov. .1 .1 Win-
shin. ) It .t N Co: II Thankhatinor. Mho provided witlt good
Crohor. 1 1 co Huron. Frank (iuinian. C S and havo Hteol cahlort
pallv engaged hi milling imlunliiort, 'I bin
!. 1. !7..r t i... io ...i.,.,..,ii....i
jnml it may all ho properly denlgnaled an
0110 gic.ll lllllllliK I'.iuip.
In ntgaitl In tho I mat net vice upon tho
Columbia tlvei which hart been Inaugur
alifl IhMuccii I'oil I'.atnii and tho mouth
of tlio Okanogan, theio aio many olHla
clou lo I'uhtithd with, lit outer tonne-,
ccnnfully run tho iior with Iiii.iIh nf nuf
llclent capacity at tho pticeut low Htngo
of water, many of tho rapldn will havo to
Iw Itniirovcd hy lemoving tlio incky oh
KtrticlfoiiH, ami tho Im.ttrt will havo to
Hti'iim captaliiH
In plain with
Ctuliittnrt, Fonlor; li llolmeH, WlncotiHln; 1
F. Churchill, Chicago; I II .McKitighl,!
.Now Yoik. T II .Meliitofli. C II King-.
A delcL'.itlon of Portland men. who aro 1 man. Faruihigtoti : Mrn Hill, W W: (i 1
interentcd in tlio Arlington initio ut Sal- j Uiidiim'ii, C I. 1'ieer, Detroit; John
111011 river, . v., reiurnon iroin inn 1 ucorgo, aiiirtdoii, i iiu imiioh,
Itavhiirn. I'orllanil: T II Wolln. I'ilol 1 which to lino over tho rupidH. Tho fow
Itock: A ('ohn. San FriincUeo: W Wlllilirt hortilnfoto m.ido hy tho Hlmiuii'm
Main Street, near 1'ontojji, rendit ion
camp eurlv thlrt morning. Thoy wltncnM-d
thocoiiiiilotlnn of a 400-foot tunnel, whlcli
tuped tho ledge ut a depth of 1'OU feet in
tho initio, and remrt tho vein jiixt iih
largo und im rich ut that depth an on tho
Mirfaco. Tliov woro tho lnipiicft crowd
of trcn fcen iii l'otthmil for homo liinc,
an tliov claim to havo demonntratcd the
fact, lievond tho nonnltiility ol u dotint,
that tho inlno in worth, t tho leant calcu
lation, u round million dollarn.
T. Mn Klllfil, anil h 11 in I or hioue
Iteoortcil on Hie WurjnUli.
Ciikyl-nnk. Wyo., Aug. iitl-'i rouble Ih
tJoi.nuN U11.K J S McIamxI und wife.
.Icnnlu llakon. Win llamt, city ; v. 11 .mm-
now on that lino havo ilouintiHtratuil that
tho river can lie nuccenhfully navlgaled
when pron-r ptoparatioiiH havo U'en
"I can nay with proxr lefoiciico to tho
fitturo outlook of that country, that It in
ilcHtiiicd to Imi an eiuplie within Itmlf.
Tho men who aro now Identifying thorn
i..r ii,.L..r 'iiu. Mi- s I-! iii. im 1.' m wiivch witn iii.tt coiiniry 111 inn vario.tH
IjK'kwfnHl, IlclU; A UKoi.ick1Jiiril!r;l,!,,,'l,",1,lH, l,r,""",l,' " H,,ro hi Ik) well
II I. Ilrlggrt, WeMon; J II Hugen, F.oho; , rurded.
Kd .Moriin, Contorvillo; K K Ollvor, Ar- ( a i-iTiiy id-in,
linglon ; 0 .1 ' WIU11, l.a (iramlo. (. 1 CUiurt.it .loiien. who llvux In
ISowimn Hot 10;. Jiih .Monlf, Wyotn-1 m,.i.,,. 1 id ,, i, 11: n im..i.,h.i.
1 in. ... ...... 11 , Illl, 11 1, i. ...iiii', 1. 111, it., iiiv,..'... . .- ...,.....
Ill,, ...III .'ll.nf-uj . a. .. ..Ili'll, w 1.
.Mureli, M K Aiiihul, Jno Kckort. T II
Wult.li, city ; i rof F K I lophuin, Wenton ;
W II l.ivingnion, county; .1 1. Went,
undo Michalnoii, I'cto Swaiirtou.S Kelly,
Amhew ,Nclon, I, Andon-on, I'au Slut,
Jarlin Ituw-ell, Clian lteot,.loo ItmlgerH,
John C.tmitrou, Walla Walla; .1 S I'ier-
(I It iV ,N Co; W II Itectl. It l; (iel
,iir.i..nfc. ' ,i .. 1. Hon, u it iV n i;o; w 11 need, it uet-
hrowingontho .Shoshono r,.orati m. In , ,i(.k fo,l()Vt0j ,u)or -n10 ).,lUrti
1- roiuotit county. I ho governinent Immich j m , k , , , ( . , , ., FilrvluH. .
..at....... I..OU A Piitinlir 11 U tlllll HHI SIlfK , .. . .' '
lirakeiii.in, rortiami.
. "IU Ml, 111 , .. -.. .. .1 .,. ,
. "t' l-eUI llrlir... ..l.l klnnl Mull.
VMC liiim. I
Mtivin I .. ,-"'l A.u mui.lv I
.- uii mnn... . .... - .:
1'atliir -iv'titfuv KPiiinirnH hpeciun; 1
I .- PUttt-rlllkf. nil bln.U k,....w.
n. - - - : i
Li-HkT "" "fcuien reaonatjlv. 1IOI-'
-liropriK)f rjiinltlntii.
!Hit. U?fct,""M ultlce at price" tlml
" nAf" ttrw cIipI" limn tlinoe of
Fnntlng hoiue In KaUurn Oregon.
r.itionn tol).K AruliuhoeH. ami 100 Sho-
nhoiien, ut thi ugency. The Moiix vlhltorn
of tlio Aratiahoert uro at Iho Imttoiii of tho
trouble. Two white men wnro found
dead near ItattlcHiiako inoiintjiiHon Iho
ilmi vnuti-rilv. and were doilbt-
ff) losnly iniirderetl hv Simi. who ilonnetl
v'v'' !th ir wur paint after U-irig ordorctl oil'
I tbo S ion 10110 rencrvutlou. null nrceii
6rt.w ,
"Wine and Spirit Merchant
Sn Milwaukee YVi$ ) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLEO BEER. ARCA-' 7ACKHo.Nv.i.tE. Aug.M :. -Twenty.
CU. (Milwaukee, i-i c;, , , wt. urilRP PI I. one now cum;h of yel ow fovorundtwo
DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukensaw, Wis.) VEURE C-l- af0 IKrtei AnTO yeMtenLty uiorn
QUOr P0NSAR01N CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) juSi daw 3m I ,ngi Weutlier very hot
Immem-0 (piantitlun of hay aro being
put up all over Montana in tho range kcu
tionn. Tito hay crop tliix year Iiiih been
enormoiirt. Tho oxptirlouco of recent
w Intern hart taught men in tho Htock bun-.
inenn a Iokhoii, and thoy uro now adopt-
I htititorn rejiort tho pteni'nco of a hand of nit , iMijicy of providing an ahiindanco
i im liontile imiuiin, wiiniii novonty intie 1 ,jf rBt., for ninergu
of the rencrvation. Thoy aro fully armed
land havo plenty of uiuiiultiou utitl extra
guiiH, anil 110 women or ciiiinreii uooui.
Tho buying ami nbiiping of mutton
hluep Ih Upcoming ipiilu an luiortaiil
brunch of bunliiinn in Montana. Select
mutton wetherh command g'Knl prlccn,
I'eck A Itlce, of Fort Henton, havo gono
into the Hchemo extennively, und oxiect
to whip L'O.OOObead to ICantem marketH,
j non of Pendleton, hart written a number
of MioticalgeuiH, whlcli havo lieen pub-lii-lit'il.
(Jno of lliein, received hy him
recently, in tho following;
1 M'l.N.NIMI.
Jill y I wiituli, u. miniin.'r Oityn urn p.unlin;,
1 'llii- ilulllly form of .. oinlfr inn iln .wrni.
With liulr llkn until, llh lilne uliy ly
H'iiojiiii hur lli, ari'l tllin from falry'icl.
An roiinil and rnuinl I Iih I.iii) wln.nl In Iniin-
1 llllllK,
; Til" whll liiinit Klldi' Hi" ulnwlir llirruiln
11 iiii",
Ami nuifti-r whlru llii' hrlilil, uliurp puliituil
Tdi 111 u iriiutlni Dully roll I. vonn.
Tlii hreiiili in i.v Im I li wari winl woof,
wlimi woven,
Ol iniiu'lr Kit, or lilaulii't lino iiml wurni,
I'rieliiucuii mm if for InV r, f K'litl tir I.i m ln-r.
I'l ir Imiicd n uoiit t'i uliii'lil fiom wintry
kill III.
Hut MlMUoe'rr Ihnne nwlfl, uoft lluifiirn fnilf
I know no vuKMiit whim Inr niliiil .luill
Killed I. 1 rr xitil with llioiisliln both hlifli
und iiol.l.-,
Yrt ili'fii It Nwrt-t one 1 1 liuinlilf tiwk to
May t-vioy tlitciiU t Iiu I tlnio In rhMelimi
whl llnif
In ilriiwlnic forth Inform III v w lf llf
lie evrn drawn, be wovn with 11111tcl1lc.11
linn 11 i-m.
Ue (Hire ami brlcbt, with M)tk'm Ixruuty
1 '