-,l"l'l"' ll.VV, U -"' ,ma' gtiUn Itrrtttc-lt OMItc. m-.'A'.V U nn.llu thcAliiiittloli "'":,. i.K.r. uiuli-r tne mini- ."'":. .I..II....I.. win II 1 llll l" I IclllHT V L-.. .1 -'I u .if JVmllcton.illltl if nrniii)! 'V. hi IMrtlum.. lie will two vki:ks outing. Journey begun. Our general course was A IV,..lt.iU Om.r.,l.,M I.,lKrl,KO 1 !U iIl.ToYk t ,,0Ui1 ""ft f V - , fe.VtiWT- We r,.K..Hi...r.. tinct iiiul wo HiKiii found ourselves travel- Thorp weio four of us uml the. majesty i,y t10 w, wIUl no v f r of the !uw was atuely toprefcentcd, lmlf 1 for guidance. Ve pased over about ton of the party being luuyum. It wai i nee- ium of fallen logs ma! black plno ossary that.it should bo thus, us Ti tun , ihlckolu ami to mldto our (ll.'eo.. f rt AndronlcUB lind iinsclt, Iho remaining Whltov. one ef tho I.....L- ,.,t.,...ii n... I contingent, woio t.x. pniu und ungcllc to dellrhnn jiin-J.u., or some other horo no any ncemiuu mug or ungub'u iu . tllt-caet. lie would ..m,... ,.i..,f ,tu. M iiiliiiiitliiim tiliifti l.t ilu. .Ottrfmfitif. nf 1 .....I ..... . .. j. . .. . i"vinirij ... , mm ooty onco ;n a wnito lav hiruy oiiinn ui r.ict;i eun iiiunii win luid'er wan gioatly leplcnlshed theteby and blossomed like the rose. Mucl , I'liutoraplieif. (net at KiMiifor'H at 5 cents nrnvor did Titus Atidronlcut) and I engage In for the benefit f theso tinrcpentent , HlnnerH. but it availed not unu their llud einployinent W Im Ti fc-nlH a glass tact night Ad- rnwiu " n.. i.. ,,Ml' I.H.r litlii .t .1. ii it Ml IlI'lllW III-" ". , ..I.,,,.,,,,.! Iiillni'il ..a v unv wiii.f-v.. , cli'. i urn l anted for railroad W.lliml at ?4 poruuy. 1 1 e x. Oregon. .7.1,.. M. . (.'Iiuieii will III litv - .... . . mid cake I htirsuay tutor cniig at tlw band stand Sum- girl, eight to twelve i.i... mi i if a child: ixood p,j, limie. van at mis ... 4 .. . it. . dance will do given iu mo itunliiv ovetium. .tununn A ",n0 1 km- liac raiiimrwu CiiaiieK iM'ieton croekcry uperatu tho en- ,..t In the III lioieafli' nlciii'. I i,ict"H hi town the Hidowalkn Irililuiildated eondltiell, and inccd ot lepair. J no nan nn- Im" llH'VyHtein of water tlimiM eourtdioiico well Hi ill I .,1.1 ..tillwl.llt' W 1 1 1 1 1 II ..it nk uf water im wanieii. l.il.in of the eoint Iioiiho 1 1 eoiupli'leil tiwlay. i wo m nnw al work inodi'llim tlio ulilcli in dlvlileti into two it rentK it. m. nie to lie f.ilom'Mlv, eniiyiiloiiiig the i i t. i..t..ri.. it. i. i.i i'ii ii.j".... v ...... in ifii 1 1 live, ami kmjiiim io ih.it vunv. .. . i i (....i.... . uliiltled from n bloi'k of r ui'i ei.iloilH HpeehneiiM of ' iv -miplMied with a jaek liillo iii'.'emilly, .....t nt. I ftitillt lint'it rn tMfii IViidlelim fnmi Anotin, i,r.ivuiit U now looklin: out v I'l I'ruviiri' unit tn i.iiiuiii . . j , 1.1..1. i.. f and f.itnilv. 4111 ,'lt'tiltiu I" ll'ttt hi uiiimi ti.ii at renlervlll'i. A big i luinU-r tirrlveil "unday on . i. it. it. mi inn eluvium. iit tti ifr.t.( il.i, mt ll.l ill I '.tti. thh iiiul other work now in nrwnmil lias lint ll'lllrlH'O n:... tii.ll.. .1 A I... i liv ii iiiii' muni nit t'li srr.niL'iui iiuili'li between the in iukit t in run i. iiul ii e ) ilav altlioiii:li I'lalmiiig to An I inn) villi' rntnrui'il verillr i i i . . ..t..i.i Krenmle by tho Pendleton illieimMiiiMiiHfif whleJi were l.iun nml roll over with the luik. and It knot ilio atlorney-general and mo lmcv huftliug him along. WhlteyV IIIikwi put him in a verj nour humor, and whenever the attorney-general or 1 apiireached to admin- IKtitr llirt it.vul li.i tt..nl.l I.. I il 1.1. I....I. ' . i,.i ...t ..,.,. ,v: " m"... '.uu,t, ivi in it im utiiii lUieeaneeinig expei i ioiin eon i uieo m u , w(:h um miuor u ,H )10.lrt; () j, , , iinabaled fin v. hat would Captain thN eireumtanee, we had to make an Kidd have given for two hucIi prieeleMi P..i.. sinl. ii.,.. .i,,.. .i ,,ni. , iowelM? Veilly, IiIm nangulimry Jukm i!.nfi., ,.ri- tiu i,i n... .Ji.i.i I w ith Hiieh a pair eouhl have blulled out ,,1,,,.,, w Mrtick on tlie trl'l) .lay l.ould '-r any other p rate oven HM Wl,.r fnil.K ! ,0 bu. kelH that though he held thiWHl IIiivinK Io-, ..M.t T,e .ludge, us UM.al, rented bin K-ribed the. ehlef ehaPielerifcties of Jio , clmttcl inmtii:o mi liu bliuiUotH, and I nioinlern of the paily and knowing tho j threatened to eall out tho I', s. urmv If goneral liubliu (not. to men Ion bIwuhIios) 1 1,0 ,Hdn't give me HiUlhfaetlon. It wu'm a niii waiting Willi foveiiKh imxioty to ,.i,wtioii whether nbl Whli.tv u,.i,i,i,.'. i i . . . . i . . . " iceottaln what thin is all about, I will draw in mv horiiH, us it woro, and fliirt out on Chapter I. of IIiIm true mid verit able hintory. "Homo again from a foreign nhoio," in I onee before remarked. Not from the nhoroH of tialileo, neither wan it a tlivoley oxjieililion, thoughfonia nlghtH it wiih in el le enough to pleitMj an Knqiumaux and 1 lelleeted on the probability of bag ging Home iKjlar lie.ir. Theso rcfleetloiiH (K-eurred when I would wako up and llnd that tho .lodge had monoiolir.cd all tho blatiketH, leaving me out in tho cold und Htillv night with nothing to keep oil" that lct11cneo which wulkoth In darkneuM (dew and inoMiniitoon) but a pair of Hp'urH and other light raiment. Then would I line in my wrath ami abbreviated clotheH and picu'eh to bin honor on tho hIii of hoggiHlinecH, iiartleularly hogglkhncHB of hlauketH. With mighty eloquonco did 1 hIiow my right, title ami IntorcBt In thorn) "kiverHj" dwelling on the fact that wo were in eahootH, tdmio and nharo alike, and that juct about Unit timo my hharo wiiMono hundred ier t ent above narund I wouldn't Hurt with II for tho bent gold niino in I be Unenhoru mountaiim. I to Iioihc heaven that iiL'lit.fmt foitinmtiv ly he braeed iii nullleiently and we were able to ctart him the next morning witii a very light paek, much to Dynamlte'M tlicguM. who nail to earrv an extra heavy load. This day wan full of incident. Dy namite walked into a wanp'H tu-t , and with hor thivo hundred M)iimN almard wont plowing through the black pine with all nail hot. .My borne eaught a few Htragglciri which Dynamite had no iiho for, ami whieli Kent liim bucking oil' In another diieetlon. Shortly after, W'lii teyV pack turned, and lio'let in to buck ing and kicking. After Ktraightening him out tho Judge V homo got in a bog, and it wiih only after frantic cIVortH, with enmiiderablo danger to bin honor, that they eneaod Ixdng inhvd. Then that blamed mule caromed ugaliiHt a Mump, touting a bole in one of the canvitH Miekn and i'am.Iiiga deluge of Hour, and dually AndronleiiM, while attempting to ride un der a low fallen tree like Ahniilom, nearly got hung by tho hair of bin head, only hi hi ciiko it wan the hair of hi, chin, iim the limb jnut caught him in the neck and ileal ly throttled him. Keeping along on mo rignt nitio ofolil iiIho hinted that ho need not presume too ' Hi,i'y( aproiniueiit mountain about feven iiiucii on my utoii. iiuiiiiiiiuin iuiwih lift v pounds lecH than IiImj uh when I got real enraged I eotild whip u ton of New foundland dngrt, yea, move niountaiiiH. ThiHtdwavK tiithiildatud tho Judge into making a Hipiaio dlvy, wlien X would net- to uiioiiior nan nour oi kwoci ll.t .lull II iiu'.v'i. ' : - ttitii iiiaiii litllt Kl.ln', tilt niiin roiwo, only t awuko and cxliort from by the over nreHuit hIicoii men. tho Hume text. ... .tor they me eovea-d with livo thoiiHaml feet high, wo hooh came In night of the Itlg Meadowrt on Denotation Creek and onee more liegun to dcHecml to that M renin, down a very nteepund rugged decline. Thao MeadoWM mo quite large, level iim a llmir ami covered with luxmiaut gran, ult iough invaded In win fi.ti .it Well. 0110 bllllllt lliorilillg. abolll II mm-MOt miow. h.i would IilmIIv Im ilntilnt. eoiiplu of weckH ago, our little party arono ! i,0 for lV habllaMnn. After a short Mop with tliumin umi negan in kiukuo up mr ,eru wo eontlinieil our Journey going over our 1 1 ip to uenoiatioii uko, a t-iw'""" i ctiiisitloralilu more country of fallon Iom. xhccl of water far up In tho heart ot tlio t i;ng IniiKwible hi follow the old trail llluo iiiounlalns, wlieio tne trout were jmnong Iho nunicrouH Hheop trallf. wo prodlgoiiH und In niieh inultltiideH that lllK mvo been within three hundred you could Mum! on tho bankH and knock va,,irt 0f n,0 k t Ouo time, when wo Vin down with elubH. TIiIh whb tho k nil itruek oll too far to tho Kant mid wont of npoit we wanted, and before leaving m couple of miles out of our way. Ito- town wo nerioiiHiy ueiuieo unoiiiur eaci r,1(!ing our MoW ami gutting to tlio top man nhouldii't arm hiuiHolf with a good ftbo divide, wo saw far below iim the b.voball bat, or take tho chances of tind-1 gHntenlng wateix of the lake and wo all lug good fleablo clulm out whero tho llnh guvo tlio "patriotic yell" and twn lived. I iiiHinieii iiuu n a im viviii?.ieuchcd its Hlioro. timit threw hlninelf with uti in-curvo, oi tt-li'bii.l iiiv.MltiMit tit in. llitt ttrmwtr tmtilU ciiiu woufd Im u good .Spauldliig bat, and that black plno ciiiok migui noi ioicii liim However, my deniurror was over ruled, and clubs were dedard trumps. Tho lit Ht uci III ino nramu ocuurreu ...l .1... I. ..I.... .....in.li.il lilu linrvn Tt ' IVIlt'Il IIII1U111IUU II Uilllttt ...n ..w.lw. Oullu a sutiulfc was in utoto for um. uh w e HiMiii caiiio across a tamp of llakoiilCH, with whom wan a prominent young lady of I'endleton ami also one of Hakor City's liellcs. 'I hoy exacted to ntatl homo tlio next day, but a wine lnteronltion of rrovldenco in our Iwliulf coinpdled tliem Io luinain longer, as tnelr liornes got p huiivi t . Ill lUllllllll 11IIIUUI lin 1111-11 ll'-iri r- wvt was ono of thos bald-faced, Alblno-oyed wuv ami it wu-neveral days bomm thoy tiruies, in wiioiii uieiu us mucu buiu-, mm i were recovered. - I .I. .1... T...1. IIS nooll Hi HO ICIl inu .hiiihu n iitviiii:, ho reared up and fell ovor, niiginiy onus iug his honor's fool, and npllling his fclioo to nuch an extent as to give his pedul ox (i.ttiilitttu verv much of a tram 0 aspect for tt it. .1.11.. 11 ,...'. . . , . ... mi . .1... ...,. '1 H'TI'llillllt ll'lVOVtl IO I lll. lullilllCA CI II U III 1. tt 1IV4I tltv t tttiKU T1..1 . . t . . ' t . ii'V'iiini..' - . .1 . .7.1 awrviiMiiu, on a wcdulilg ui, I I! I. Itniiti' Titiii Miin.itv Williuiun left thin iiiornlng to '. line Utweeii I inatlllu and tif. to meet a like party from iJe iiiul deterinlne the vexed w for all. It will Ui a ulcu Nitv, ami as heueflclal as a excuitrM. Ifmuiiaiu inliile their tumour- llA k.lr.ti.1 nt itc.l.i it sti'iililtilV Uw'Mrv test." UI'I That tho Attorney-General is a diplo mat on mules, hut Is a helpl.'."H infant w hen any dlfhes tiro to lie washed Tlxit the Juile Is Die chaiiipinti angler, but that hi besetting niu, laieeny of blankets, eclijifes all his other virtues;! and lastly,!! rouxtabout.orillsh wiiMher, I think I can hold my own against the woild: and whenever a dMi-wiHilng . touryumriit Im static! von can count mo in, and If you want to win, you had bet ter juil your nbckels uji on Dick, j bast night was the bed session of the Institute. The final lecture was delivered by I'roi. l s. Ilallbid. on the "Magic of Science. " After reading noveral selec-, (ions, tho profensor. with the aid of a I small laitoratoiy on the dek in front of him, explained by oxpeiiinentH a few of the many wonders ncience is able to ac complish. The lecture was an able ono throughout, and was enlovrd he n lui-irn i audience. ' j On tho top center piece of GagcnVj Hotel tlio lollowtng device will be placed in gilded letters: "18SS. ,1. Gagen." Underneath, und stietchlng nitiiclv ticrosM tho front, will be hiHsribed in large letters, "Golden ltule Hotel," each wotd separated by a pilaster. The whole front will Is; plain and neat in design, ma Ive and dlgnllled, und without tcntotlon. W. F. lUitchcr n'turned last night from a short trip to ltakur City. Ho reports tho town to lie nourishing, deriving u It tloos considerable trudo from the Cracker creek iuIucm. The boom in that region naturally elloelM llaker City, the nearest town of any coneiiuenco. Min ing booiim uro usually very unsubstan tial, however. An old granger stopped up to John llcntlev uml A. I'. Shuipstolii as thev were discussing the late railroad nccl tlontH ysstorday. Mr. Itentley said; "There have U'cn four wrecks lately on the (). It. iV N. lines." The granger,' without a smile, said: "They must Ihm gelling w reckless," and uncon-cloiis of I his good pun discussed a change of con ductors, j Mr. William 1 hitler, well and favorably! known In I'cmlloton, having lieen iii.l tiiifliiCKH bore at one time, has leturned I to icsuino business. Ho has located In I tho (Kistolllco building, wheiohewill be, pleased to see his friends and the public generally. Mr. Mailer is an experienced j jeweler and watchmaker. It was roorted on tho streets last eve-1 nlnu', "Just for a Joke," that Mat .Mo Culloch had been shot at Helena. Of course tho rumor spread, ami grew larger and larger,aud busy tongues are probablv still clrculallnL'' it Mr. McCulloch will come back to I'endleton very lively for a iieau man. Fred Kemper has received a lot of large, covered, earthen mugs, of uulue pattern, and holding a pint or more, In which ho will servo beer to ounloinors heictiflor. They tiro u great improvement over glanses,iiM tho llipild keeps fiesh ami cool In them for a long time. Mrs. .fudge Ilatterton. sifter of .1. II. Turner, Kso.. uml daughters, Misses onti uml Salllo, arrived in town on this morning's train from theii home In Deer bodue. Montana, on a visit to relatives ami friends. The west-bound and the I'alousn branch passengers were both an hour late last iiiulit, coming in ttlsmt eleven o'clock. Tho new time is exceedingly inconvenient now for passengeis from Pendleton. A prominent hotel man says there me now thirty-three lodging houses in I'cn dlelon, When tint two new hotels are built, Iho town can very nearly iicconiino dato un army, with tho facilities already on hand. Mr. J. II. Koont. was un from Kcho yesterday. He icinrls Alex. Malcolm, well known In I'cmlloton, lying very III with iutlauiinutory rhoiimatisiti at bin FOR YOUR BENEFIT After September 1st I will business, but do no more credit will Seii Strictly for Cash! GROCERIES will be cheaper than ever offered in Pendleton. A CASH REBATE CARD is furnished to each customer, which you should bring whenever you come to buy goods, and the amount ot your purchase will be punched out of it; and when you have purchased Fifteen Dollars Worth of Goods Wo took nossesslon of a deserted log cabin, very near roofless, hut under the ublo generalship of Titu.4 Andronlcus, wo patched it up paitlywitha fow nhakon and our tout cover, and when tlio rain; I'liino iMiorintr nown mat eve mm:, wonaiit n..,,... -,;..,. i. I It'lllU 1.' 1 1 1III1ILI llllll IHO CllVtino Wl'IU un am B'vwmt olniOltalilV Uioumi our eimm taut "nt. wiciilllngwIthDnouiiother.lwaBieiiipted'unowwohiid ucted wisely, In fact had to mako tho niinark! "l.o, fco how the j ,ig heads. Judge had a big head tlio mighty have fallen," but refrained, know- noxt morning, w hich stayed with liim for Im." that 1 would have to Hkip Into tho ' wiveral davs, the ell'ectM of nonralgla, pui- . t.t.. ... tl. tii.l...t lit lilu u'rnf It .1 1 I... if ..1.1 .ii. ..II liml tillnrtinll HirfiltL'll . noxi lowiisiii ,....... .':". "n" : : ; n n. ...,n. u..n k....u.. in would have nlayeu tuo. riuauy h1 tlio rain, ineio tuo nueini iui"iimi ' "" ........... ..... Mailed, tho Judge and Thus AndronlciiH nifts on tho lake, used for Jlhlng, and IVndleton, uml Messrs. Me "rso.u'i.d leading tho procession, then camo tho tivm theno wo angled every day, making Duran, will le the tix ui M iikwhui gers wo pack animals, and tartly the Alter- ginsl catches. The fako is full o on t he now completed i'nlouso branch of nev-Genoral and I. trout, but thoy do not liso to a fly as well , the 'i. U. A ,S. ( ... Ilcsplendent with our gltttoring uro-lVH wo ttXpccted. Desolation, or Jllvoi Aihnlshlon Io the organ conceit noxt .-.., i. .'iti'itlcmtii xlitvi lv mado its wuv . luL-it lu I'tirtiilolv a 1 H'litlt 1 ftll Micot of Tu,ta(i,iv. Suiiteiiilwr tl h.."0 cents ; no ex- o'er hill und dale, crossing rushing tor- water. It is about three-quarters of a i m charge for rosorved neats. Tickets Will is on saio ai r luiencr n iii'i.i, .u- gust illnt. If jou pay in advanco for tho Um Oh- qomav, either Dally or .Nuui-McoKiy. von can nond another copy to a friend from now until after tho November eloe- Itn.t Ir.m i.f .'lliltfflt t.i'.t iivwvi .....v FOR OfcSXrSC You can Select goods in value of my store to ' the ONE DOLLAR FREE! IT IS MONEY THAT I WANT! and Goods must bo sold ! All persons indebted to me will please make it your business to settle either by cash or secured note. W. C. TJLTON, COURT STREET PENDLETON, OR. .Mill Ylllllh li 1 1 ui iiiii un. ...', p . : it iiitvn ... . , i return, hi . ncconds, I tents, that is iney woimi uuve u -en n,0 long, ami aisiui iupmutr . ...... terr ranld time conslderiui! I rushing, if they hmln't dried up wolWdo.und I Judge uootn lour nines ueei . ityhfiMuait On tho baseball ) months liefoio,) und l-eatlng tliroug ii No Mum has U'en leac iea. tiiinoiigii lietiri-uieaKing. r.ain i soundeii inree nuniiren unu fiiiiuj itm. mmt rank iuhmvs mere was no no '... .... . .i . ... inu titiitt iiuiiir tti .minimi , , ..i t JICUUlL' 1 11. it tiVIIIU. U-UM II"" Ulill KIM"" 1 . . 11 . ."' .'. 1 It.l ...... .l.ll.k t ""Ht .'11. illltn tt" .. ., it.... . .t t..t.t I...... ....... .w.llu li.t rrt I j l......tltfitl tint lit U!lV ' man was iiiiiikiuk h hihj imnj . me muhui m ... ....... HH.'Jwuh going to lutiun wlth.andwhat a fear-1 rund, t-o cold springs are found alonp i .v I fnl massacw waa going to take placo. ! tbo nhores, and the grass alwut the lako, llOat .. .. ..t.i ...,'..H Tt u.f t 1. II . ....... I.-....U n.iLT.u nvi'nll.tltt Miti'er! It wiis i found in small meadows, inakCH excellent Wecrosnodtho fei.,i for btock. It must Is) exceedingly a, J.1...11. . .. . . .. " i t Xnit i .'nrlt of . Io in lav ai loxas Jiar, i, most o ine year iioui. iiu -im -it vu iiiiiyinuiiuiiii-K " i ,1,1 ,t.., ii,.. . .1 m... f,.u,.ulii.. n wurvut on wr l- 'ted wlien i". i..iV.. Imountah.H on each side got as near ner- ,. "Jnim T, 17. ..f t i. i i . . iiiiii iiiiii un inivrniui mi iiiwim r njii. w i - . . . . I ir , ,,: .! (. If you lose your too grm vou go i.. ivi im . ... . " i .1..:.. .. utt iu rkf tiitininnininf null ked 1111 and started lor iiunt.ii bol dav and J.. Diisenborry it ( o.'s sloio .T, " .1. 1 - - . . .... ,i... .1 1 , win no t'iof:i oil unu ti un tint' ,t 'Cot'Ilt 1 Tho fori. .1. 'll a 'hu il 'iim A KuniloMi. in tlio iHistollico blliltlilll.'. ' UX miri' nit II r 11 it o Hie n '- Faturdav will U the flint of September undcolh ctlon. Are you out of bill heads .' If vou are leavo an order at this otlice. Trice from tU.To to ) IM sr Ihounaml. Mr. Ibirr JohiiHin, ex-ani-essor, has re turned to his lunch near I'ilot Hock to resunie bin business of ntiH'k-ralsing, after a year or more icnliU'iice In Tendleton. JmL'o Lisater. ono of Walla Walla's old timeis In the law business, is in town ' iiwi lviiili catchlim enough trout found to lo in attendance on tho elieult court, ' there was little show for hunting on u" , wnlch convenes Monday, lll II ced bv a .alUlli t't it one hnlf llii- intiti'l.i 'lie 1 iimltiliin tlili uti.- 11 .'! I,' 11.1 hIiH ,.,, !,.. J,' Iiu!rit nf tin. iinfiiriii e i'ii or hu noi' ill in ' HI 'Vphi i I f, ii-r ,,r otliitr i'l -l.-nt ti ...t ....... . 1.. l. . Mlilo Iho-. A III kill lit l Wo il l m v'in I i anotit ili- started for Hubl.it t... I..I .1. Afl..r titttfitti. tlllllllt ....wit. IM'MJIllllllll IIIUM .t..t b" . , ,..,,,.. l, 1... l...t .. Ii-lml inr luck flail lie ! Tl,,. Mlnriii'V (icllCllll and DVIIU' HO llllll P III!' PIHII'ViUM "" ""n , tu . , Itf 1 i ...1. ..nil ,.,.n.il.( nnlln 11 n!m l.tf ' im .1 tnrwf tnlllllLi f IM Ih I p Oil 1(1 lliu nrvK wi"nii pint m , 1 .1 t . of trout. I also raught tho wrong ond of the trip. Indeed t wuh reuiarlfal.le a yellow Jacket, and I um ashamed to say what -i me-uncric hiduenco the At ornoj that for hu first time in yearn I had to General wsscsed over the mule. N I m g Ivo vent to swear words. ; wo other nubllc.ins and sinners wo h Our two pack animals formed aeon-! approach film , liU ; K ; ' trust, one . being a wnno eayuno .. , womae, arm m , - - , .t.iitiii iiirriiinipu in liiiil nm-Licn. ivii i' uiii 'ii iiiiiiiit 1 n oiirrit- .' - - - Protection or Tariff Reform. Ili'i.niil iiiiiKtinn. IhL T.irltr i- i li lM., i i n , l I i t limn u' i i iK'il will lio ruuulit iiiul il'lM'liiMivcn cvory i ltlxuii wliii hoiiIiI viii Ino iiim miy u, oifurm Ii intulf npun it 0 ji'i'l wlilrh Mi'inpy uiriT.lN i" HoiKini' 1 If. ' 1 GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, The Protective Tariff, WHAT IT DOES FOR US, ;i Itcnili rt whin I. umiully niuilili n l u lii'.x it ' 1 1 u - aiililt','! m.y uf rniiipri'linii-liiii. II " III 11 vti in. 11 Tiirltr (irlnior for tlio li-uriu rnm !l it .1 l.-i-ii nil; for t lie li'.irinil. Thl UhiU tliowillia irulliuil Dirt ! Hi l'i"i ''"" sysli in ilium tliHi'iiiiulry, l'i'rlitiiii Hie iiiil cuiiiiiiIciiou rvitlnmnf llic lunik It U t'tiii't iiUitniiititil wllli IIih iiii'iiH( of l'n. (If (It l.'lt'VClllllil. I'lu. imwIiiiiii of Mr. IlluliioV "I winl) Vtiir- n. iiiir.iw" m lull mi up, liu lukcrlluiia iihiii Um TMrlirniiulyiel,crlllolM "I urnl mmli In furmli lliulr own rvfiiliilluii, INDORSEMENTS: ..11 t iriui.'l- .. u 1 itiiiittw ,. ..,, i,i. 'i-hliia outi'i m had a fen I twlnklini! eves and a pair of furtive heels ii r,.'t(.r,i ,.,,ioveil, had I ulwavn at half-cock. Tho cavm-o " mtf ;. Iim his pugilistic wo called 'hltev whiloMuleywaB chrw- Wild fjlll ii ...1 ,1. ..f ....... . !. ... I... Uln .l.mirarftlla In 1. ' ,,"""iiii ui liil .il"l- tolll'll llVUaillllu, II" iiob iMi.bvi-""- lutiiinini t .....! ,1 ... vu... "tit. He attempted to din-, wakav with, lato that afternoon tho , which fell to our piles on the second J I Weton, are juying iii-i-t..M. ....... i.,..! Hiviiv iroin livnamiiti of nnreamti ai un" ium --- .un... .. : .. nitiici-n r-. -. , .. 1 1 1 .. 1... f.r r.iMiittii. or " am ig-' i en 1 Kocletv. hu lv ug ancnorcu wiiu wo waneu iimuo j ' ; .1 . 7i t ' j' d.'l',j u r..,' s..i. .'rlm? ' : ?i . .1... ,r tiint,. f.ii i...i.....,.in. iiiihh tie through that Chi- ... ' " .ii uiii.. laeKCl iMisi 10 a OIK 1 ; 1 ' T. .. V . 7., ,, .Wa uttfiut ,r 1.. , " ut rw stanco. 'uenH. When ndionieiis weni u vi neso cny ano uwo, -'Y' 7" . tot uwr r,,imii.ed ...aster ; ',Vu er him he whistled wuh joy at Beeing SiM that evening, a rido of about for t U' .?,r.r.:. . .. ' ,.1 I,. t.U Hxhu icrunco fun .11 l,.s. Here wo got a good sqtiuro (rvw r.L,.i ., ...... ..... " "1: 7 . . k athi.u that Android-: meal, ami the way no uto was alarming. " 'um ai .i.rtiti 1,...-. ...m liml iii i-k 11 1111 a lico jor saiuiv. -j wo iuyHuiiuro -vv;",:,.: "Ij'a (lie 1 .i ,,ii iiii i..iir. i ds wb heard him jel , ,ho shagg est.dirtlest ana names l.:..l.Hfi.io , I., "bring up tho lan. I.nm.s the mule ,)lltnt in hiiflern rego Lf- I 'illitii ii " is I. p. has 11 ill anil I'm ticedi With all jioh- known cilUcns liniiieiliateiv tnrew up n..,'M!Jlv;i!-. u to ift'wi b, ughta rplo o .heir bands ,n sighting us, evidently tak ,"""" m :l ..urrt.w gauge horses 01 the scene, showing Dvnatnite ing us for ouUawn obM.rvcd on 1 i'i'f .trn.'L- ...i. .1" ...T.i !.i.. 1... til.ino n the cold, cold, Thero are noveral tilings 1 odh rco un 1 " nm 11 Miiiiii-ii 1 tiiai iiu " . .1 ... .!,..... "irmie,j. ' fho noxt day tho rougn part 01 our iwanw a joo in iuo j meek as Moses. I ,1... A I i ll.t U'lllt think the A. Ii. must hayo U;cn a mule . tamer in an early day. On Kabblj creek i wo killed our onl game, tint ion ampi I i-nU'iiritnl Ifl tho two deer and an oik has received a largo lot of ilom-t ! tun Imported cigars. Try them. Drlvo whist cards at Iho 1'osloMce stoie. A net of twenty cards oil ceutu; with pencils f I, All f tho Chuutnuquan lsoks and m- rlodlcals uio for salo at the 1'ostoflice store. Hov. H. Kasmiis, formerly editor of Iho Iloppner (iiuotto, was hi town yesteiday. H. J. Cully und J. O. .MorelioiiKi, oi emlletou a visit. U. J. S.imuierviilu is hi town tiwlay provlng-up on his ranch. Mr. J. A. Hons, of Milton, is in town to-day. Additional local on fourth page. 'if 1 '" I Ulii'l 111' ilf Ii! , mi. I I Imt kcoti until orl- of ( "Kiinik. 'lie trill 1 mini "Hi.'ih iiiIii. !.t..S M. bll'KI N'siiN, l'.i-iu. -tin fliiii'riil. II I 1111 . ii'l IokIcih nxr"ilii".nif ' ui' lii)ui '-,' hu ; iliil"-.'t.iiit i f llii I uttTtlvc Ilia I nr. 'I'lii'jMirii In tliuly,uii(l u vry Miliiuiil" coiilrlliiilloii wi lliu lliiiiiitiiiii of turlll rulorui It. W 'IOWNhl!i M 1 I I iiotlvi! Uml IhW WVitl IS r...'iniu tfi'-.il 111. 1. 1lt1ll1.11 il l I, ill.iini'il ii)i.ni ,.ii't iiii'lilitl Irtllli. uuU I Willi tliut Um fiutu 111.1t uiniiiii'Ol may In) 10 til' IiiiihU nil. I iuli.lt it i nvcry i'llUdi cuIIihI iihiii tliln v.'.ir Io vol iix.ii 1 1 . - j.i 1,1 . unii ul,-.. : iiii,tiin of mir ilu uml Inrlll'. i.l'N .lulls . . III. ('K. (' iiiniiu.liiiii rof IViihIimi. f lake plcasura le elvlni: thl work "nr It' urty 1 ul tr-t'iiM-M I, (mil ii'iiitiiiiii'inl tlmt In. , cul ruiiiiiiltli'i iiiul qIuIm iuiIM In exi.'iiii,, ll i lr. iii.iiiii iininiiir llic vuli'm of IlllnnU HI'ATI' lil.JIOt Hn l I.MIHI, liMtM'ITi:i; l)K II.I.I.N'ulH. Anil 11.11 ny olliiTK. The SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN, One Year, IbKik IU111111I Iii Cloth and Kmnl-.lilv IVhiI. Mlllll', In I'loth.IKMt lllll AND CEN. LIEB'S BOOK. Ivit OirRiilllul, 1 1 1 S nr.. II 0 Thr .I11I111 ly HU' AkI . Mr. Smith, to whom was let tho con- , -jy rT3T7jy m TlATTY truct for buihllus tho wagon nnd on Iho , JXtVJ ijJjjJCV X J3U1N U Tr.i.ii Ijv I. III. has written (but hu will begin the wuik at once, and prosecute it to sieeily completion. Now- li t us get up a monster petition for a daily or tri weekly mall route between I'endleton and Canyon City, and send it to ash tnirton while our represoiitalUcH from I tho Hoard of Trade uro there, Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., IViiilli-iiiii, Ore,. Beer Garden and UKALKH IN I BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED HEATS, LARD. 1 Court Mtrt, oppoIU J, II. ribofiiiukcr' iii(ili0 iUw GymnaVmw HalL llai vt mi A Kln.-,ir,,,.. Uli. .-lr..i . . .Sr lmmri, I'KNDi.irroN, oitnaoN, llowllmf .Hn mid (.yiiiiimlum itwin. In ..iiiiulliiii. Ju.l th lHr.)iip", in l our In fxrclliijf your muVe uml tri- uiliV m I UW?ZW' , , or:"al InvllHimiu,. , iib.iilirlnm, k'. rte. kIsm, jyl 5-