East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 22, 1888, Image 3

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    Ay, AUGUST 22, 188b.
. tilt.....
..onl.i llrnnc" .
fllV!rtVlil III I"'"' Al'i"
. i fi.uir. miller iii' Mill"
.M'll!..l, ii.. Will in-
''""''..I'tiiii- "f I'f mill-ton, iiml
1 "V.r. V.ril f; llo will
.. ..h itoaraiilicr.
....w cheat) furniture t
., i.t,.1,,.j( nrli'M fur
iv ino ii""- i -
.ntirwj.a woman '' run
a Alflv ut tlilH nllleo.
Co. arc wlliiiK fmnltiiiu at
..., in 101111: um ...... ..
dunce for it man aim n
iiiDiiov. Business already
Koi ri'irllier particulars in-
Oo.nreKolm!oul or tlio iiir
..iw.ni svntuinbor 1st iiml
..i i ...ii- i.iriM mock ui. ion
night of tlio iMwru oi
.1... I i ii . IIIII I V 10 win
...I... in virv iniiiiiii.
teaimit'incnt of omlictoirH
to sattior toRouicr in in
vinl, rat watermelons unci
frnw. of Milton, left u jlno
it tliUnlllco yostoruuy nnor-
. . .....I.. .... txf ir.unl linear.
lions lllll'ir v. hv'" "
I . r l.l.. ...Il ....... .1...
.Mlllll OI III" mil-
I . ..... ..ii tlin Iilll. liltltol till'
.1 . r ill,...!...
.. ....I. ......., Illtl I II . II IIKIkl.
mllir4"i""' - '
.' f. ..I ....I
1 l lirUUll 01 III C.UVlllCIl
i... iui.iti.inti inn in milium
IHV v-"
1 1. !,..
II.. I
. 11 ..II IP.III1 II1P Illll UIMI
an hour or so ny n
i!i,i i-.' noiind p.is-'onnor
m lite uNo. "I". I'. con-
.Ii,' trull) l..
I,. 1Vn.' t nirj'l.:o'l i linvy
Salem Statesman : Homor Mullock, tlio
Portland representative of tho K.w On-
KdONIAN, caillO tip batlltdiiy UVUIling, to rriiereillne f the Tendier,' InMltutr up
remain II fow days with Ills wife, who Is to Noun To.tlny-Hittiirilny KipiiliiK'n
here vlsltliiR hor inothor, Mrs. Hcrnurdl. rroEi,,m.
Mr, Hullock ut one titno lived In Salem, ttkmiay's sr.ssios.
und ,radiiatril in tlio "art preservative" The unmml IiiHtltuto for Umatilla
at h. M. nlto h Job olllco. IIo Ih a way- county met In the public school bullditiir
up newspaper limn, anil that of course yesterday morning,
means that ho is also a royal ood fellow. , T,u IiiHtltutu wan failed to order at 10
IloreturiwtolWtliindlhl iiioriilni?, but oVlock by Su)ut Intouitoiit I'Irirr. Pro
Aim. Htilloek will remain, hero all mini- feasors Hitler of Portland, Peebles of Sa
Mor lem. .hirvls of (.'entervlll... Cumum nf
Pendleton, assistant Instructors, wero in
Outlines for thu work to be done in tlio
aflernoon weio o.lvcn by tlio Instructors.
rrotcssor liorinuti rave the outlines (or
Tlio "To.xiih Tom Combination," whieh
has liecomo noted throughout tho coun
try, Ih in retidleton and rave an exhibi
tion on tlio sticets this afternoon, which
will be repeated this evening. It con
hIhIh of nine or ten traveling iiiiiirtrels,
wlio pivu performaureH for the purpose of
advritlsiui: a certain patent ini'dlciur.
It is of like t'hurai'tcr with neveral "coin-
bluations ' wliirh have heretnfore visited with tho word melhotl, and rradiiallv in
Pendleton, only on ti much more cxten-, trodiiflnn tliu pliouio iia-tlioil in conueu
hIvo M'alo. tion with it.
Tho brickinasons who mm to work on Adjoin tied t" '"L'ot at 2 oVlock.
tho Pondleton hotel have nearlv all ar- Prof. Peebles opened tlio work iu tho
rived. Kverythlnjj will not bo in remll-1 "ttomoon by takltm up the subjeet of
iiohs for tho btleklaverH until l-'ridav . "ritliinctir, the principal Miibjeet under
when a form of from twelvo t'o ' disoushioii bei. tho least common iiiul
fifteen nirrhunirM will becln work, tlplo and Bieatest cominoii divisor. 'Ibis
When the ball of construction i onco sot I w followed with hlslorv wllh Killer as.
rolliiiL'. there will Ihj no hitch in Its tiro-1 mxtructor. fho. around rone over was
rress, altliourh omo dilllcultv has been "p. romoto unit Hired causes o the rovo
" . . . i r . .i . I llltli.ti.irv ll'.IH It Illl Mill nlw.i.l... ..II....I.
DXieriiiticed Iu starting it.
Last .Sunday niitht a son of Dr. J. M.
Hoyd, of linker City, IS years old, arose
from his bed iu a Hotnuanibtilistiu Mate,
went from his room to tliu stairway,
which he fell down, then went into thu
Dr.V olllco and jumped throur.li tho front
window Into thu street. Tlio crushing of
ulass and a fow cuts on his hands and
face awakened him from his sound sleep. U
Drs. King mid Pritctt liavo received u
powerful microscope, of thu I launch it
Loin pattern. It has a very great magni
fying i tower, and is u splendid instru
ment of its kind. Hy Its use tlio
minute! iiniiiuilciilii' can bo thoroughly
examined. It took tlio modest little sum
of if 100 to purchase tho niicnwcope.
After tho opening uxeruises, which
consisted of iiuotutiunH from vurioim
authors hy tho teachers present, the work
of tlio Institute was opened by Piof. tier-
'man wtlli drawing, giving tliu llrstles
I sous adapted to tlio teaching of form.
I Prof. Kigler continued with the subject
- 11 1...H ....!... I.. .. ...I.
O.A. Hmtinan has pmchased ,l,? ,c,- ft-fl ZgXw
iilencu and uoporty of Dr. Kagan, on ! f t,..,,.!,!,,,, n,,, m..,. i
WaterBlri,..,!oracorIdera.lo., ,WtJir.
o will soon orri .y I wl I his i fa ly. ; , Instructor, tho Institute lookup
hope that Mrs. lCagauV health will bo
arnttt Kxrllrmrnt Aiming tho lailn nf
Kafjlr iiml Hho Villlrj n Ovrrltli'h (l.ilil
lClruN mi KiirIc Crrrlt.
From the linker lltv Doinoernt.
Tho Democrat is in receipt of iiowh of
wliat is repotted to lie tho richest gold
finds yet discovered iu the southeastern
part of Union county, and our informant
says tho people are wild lUthoxcltemont.
Tho discovery was made last week on
Kast Kurjo, nine miles from .Sparta. It
is u big ledge nf iron, carrving free gold
as high as st2,00J to tlio ton by frco amal
gamation. Samples of the ore shown us
urn almost fiee gold nuggets.
't'hn iH'Ollli' n( ImiiiIh iiml I'ii.n v.illiivu
the llrst lessons III drawitiL'. und UIl-Iit ' and of Coriiucoula. urn rushlm? lulu t'lio
tho outlines for the llrst le.sons in read-1 n v district and staking oil'cialins. Tho 1
iug, strongly favoring a combination ofj ledgo of tlio discovery claim can bo'
Hie word and phonic method, beginning I traced for almost a mile, cropping outi
prominently uiusi mi tnu way.
Prospectors have Ik-oii In' the vicinity'
of Hunt Kaglo for the jiast f-evetal mouth's
and many llnds of good ledges have been '
locateil ami tuoro or less developed, but
tho last dlt-covory is said to ecllpeo any
thing over before found iu that section.
That there are good mines in the
southeastern jioitlon of Union county
tlieic can bo no doubt. It Is true that
tliu Pino creek section is suH'crlng from '
depresMon at tho present timo, lint an
other year will set matters aright again.
Pino creek's "black ryo" was not caused
by tho failure of tho mines, but by the
luck of projier management on tho part
of tho Oregon (iold and Silver .Mining
Company under the MUperliitendoiicy of
Prof. I.uco. That every one in this
section is aware of. Whcnovi r tlio ores
of Pino Creek are Hclentlllcally milled,
just so soon will thu mines becomo div
idend iU) ing. We predict that tlio mines
of Pino Crook will yet show their morltH
and stand tlio crucial test that is ex
pected of thorn.
! Furniture
lutionary war, with tho opening evenls
in that great contest.
After a short intcrmisidou, tin subjects
of language lessons for beginners by Mr.
Marsh, und advanced grammar by Mr.
Jarvls, was taken up, and tho outlines
for tlio work to bo done to-morrow given.
J ho Institute was called to order at
o'clock bv Stiiioriutendent V. M.
Tho latest loku of thu Pond eton cow Is
to proinonaifo all night on sidewalks in
fiont of residences, Mr. It. P. Walllo and
others being honored In this manner last
niu it, A tieisou with thu clearest con-
selouco imaginable could tpt sleep during
(ho operation.
v smiift onletpilsing i'lm Albany Democrat roimrls Hint tlio
ni'H.i. v, u.ipui"i nun Miivgon i acme is inisuiug uiiuun jhsi un
iu tlio harvest lieut
I,, . . , i .
I 1 1,1". ,,,l-,v.- ..... ......
.1 ......I...,...!
IIV 1 . ... .
I Mi wife, living on lower
uil iniif i erablo of a row
vil.i..l. ..,.. u'iij llui vii'liir im
........ 1...V ... .......
11 1 ii ic uiiisn,ni:ii iiuiiiiuii
Inn tli.it if tlioy cannot live
wlilv, they should hero-
. i ..
.. i i...n..t 1....1 ...i
. . . ..i . 1. 1.. ,1... i.. ......
....j .... i ....uii..i
U, Will llIllTrlvn (iv.ii;iiiiij
ui uvr i iiiiiiuian ami iiikdii
.i .i i. ..: ... .. -t.i! ...
hick, Tliu usual lino was
iv In llui recorder.
r luc roiiiiiienrcil tliu oreo-
Uilitliieii to lie a neat little
Iir Flat," In the iipjcr end
ir Flit," is a lino lo.ildenco
hv its nun imintic inluibi-
i:cli an ulwtnliiablo namo
'htuu iii.iii n i;uiiii viii-ii-
lnpAdllni iiii.I nvf.lllniv lltllit
i, :
a in u iiiiwii'town resort.
tli'iMiit iitr.ur. so say tho
i . . ..i.ii .i. . i
4 ivmllcton is still (ulto a
n rf its to tho contrary
!.n i
evniiii' marked thu last
I tlic "IlL'htnhn; ealcuhi-
V V H...II 1 I I
iuJliciiiutiv.il lino and no
:.'rri'sorsold 17011 of his
I .it.ltlil .lust tliinu of
... .1..11 1 .1 ... 1,
" u"ii.iin 111 null iiuj, 11
rilKm.itli'.d genius,
a-ii t.M'k liN di'tiuruto on
tram for Walla Walla,
nuiul flatterlnu'. but
'Mfcfviu'd opinions, about
r. ut'le town," "lively
..se ''enterprising citl-
VT "h i'l 11 tnvliil f.ill.iu- mill
I'vmlitti in too ciflen.
' 'lier iliffiisslons weio in
' a l. hour l.mt night' in
1.1 Heii-o i.y two or three
s who weio niu-
'Igiplng, uv.o -iruc"
ui vore ab'inil.iiii
on's cnly Jim Tin
M'hii'f center of in-
fast as its contractors can seeuro men to 1
do thu work. As much will bo done this
fall as has been claimed, and next spring
mom atllvo ojieratiom may bo looked for. !
t .1 1. ...... . I 11... ,,!..... ..It., 1 1
Ulliliun t llii.llli;ili iinu in ii"1 nur-MiiuK.ii
itraimors who tlnivu Iu tho Desiulu
gulch, is in town to-ili
tho tupott of the good
Hint action. s;i vlni: that
twentv-lhe biiHhels is the
Tho chool fund
Umatilla county will
d.ivortwo. Tho total
uoiHirtlniicil is i.S.TIi l.l.'i: iiuiuunt nor rati'
ita, 1.1)'; iiumlior of persons of school
age, -1,477.
Messrs. Htilev and Ileaulo have sold
Adjourned until 2 i m.
KArriiiiAY i:ri:NtN(t'ri I'Iiouuam.
Tho following program wilt bo tendered
Sattud.iy ovenlng at tho Haplist ehmch.
Tlio program fm I'rld.iy was published
Discussion 'hal aro tlio defects iu
our piesent publlo school system? How
can our public schools bo madu to do
111010 oireclivo work? A number of lie
stiiictors will each give ton 111I1111I0V talk
on thu above iuinrtaut questions.
Vim. mid
jimii Arrhiiu.
HotMi-I) W .larvis,
It V
. ... j. 1 k .111... 11 M 1. If... I
If.. ...... It... .MUIIHI II'UI. IM1UTV11II1 . II .Miliril. 111 1
'i .".V i.-....ii:i: v..ui . 11 (,i,,m. Will I lino Mails
ytel.l tlr.)Ugiiout , -. .V," 7i ... beyond S
from twenty to, . '" V.V.W V . ..;t ,,i
iminil iiv,inii'. ur, 01 i 1111 .-nun, imiw , i
usual average.. .;, .... i,,,i.,,.,i . ii'cl
tl uu.ut ..f funds ifcoMV
Milton; I, V Mct'aily, Pilot-
Walsh, city; W .1 Irnpliiigeii,
hlearo; Win Maskelyne. linker ( Hy;
Thos II lllll, Dr W 11 I'otden, Win Sol
leck, Wm (tanks, bowls Cuiuiiiliigs, ('has
Urcen, Ilowuid Curtiss,Theo Cuiniiiliigs,
Win Simeii. ovih lm I oiublnatloii: ,1
their largo warehoiisu near tho depot to I McUmrv, ( H Wensloy, l'ast Portland;
Kinjitio Loinniissiun company, 1110 -j nvland, II Stevens, Allia.
lust formed In which theyi
p ... . . 1
shareholders ; coiislilerutlou,
(!iii.iii:.s- Iti-i.K. I I.I Jones. C .V. Peter
son, W W; HoLeit (!athergoHl. Alba: II
F .Nelson. Cold Spilim; C Melteynolds,
Alba; Miss Hiittlo Moss, Milton ; .Miss
AVinnj C M Adams; Miss Hartwell, Miss
Crow, Milton; W A Nowiuun, country ;
UoU'it Martin, Poitland.
ltoWMAN lloi-si:. , . Miirphlolto,
Kclio; C W Shank, Ii II Sterling, Tho
Dalles; Y D Padgett, llutter Creek ; II O
.1...... v.. 11.. . 'I' It ..,.ll W 11), in.
1 IKIKIIIU. .1111111 i I I' ,-1,1,1, ,1 ...,,,
.I..1..1. II'. .11.. 11. .11.. . II II ..III., i I'
no 11 , 11 nil. i ii mm, i, ,,,,., 1 V. ' 11 l, 1,1
.. 1 , 1 ii li.iiit i l I ii... I... in, llui, I1.,,.!!!,,
1 iiii. 11111. 11 t iiii.iiiir. w i; mil it,
(ii ant,
1 iV N ;
I (ii.indo
! I intliui.
V",.v 1
II , ,
, 11 1 IUI.IIHI, 11 11 muni", ' 1 V. . 11. .
II C Wills, Iowa; S Aldikli, l.a Hongkong coolie steamers must swear
; A .1 Foster, Covo; J II Naylor, I lleianco to (ireat Itrilain and wear tho
IV 11 lliniiiitlln. I Hi : .-11:11 1 nun .iini niu 111111 "i 11,
Webber. Kugeno; J W Mints, (ico ler,
Portland; M ' Kotinney nun who,
Iwth uro
It Is lellablv reiwled that tho ther
mometer registered 111H Iu thu shtuto at
Milton vestoulay. Pendleton in'oplo will
lio consoled in thoir misery by tho worso
mlsfottimo of their Milton biuthren.
Domeiiico lloslo, a Poruaud Italian
bootblack, fotty years old, committed sui
cide Monduv by thrusting a largo jack
knife blade fiitn tho lleshy part of tho el
bow joint of Ids left arm.
For tho past four or live days thu mer
curv has been monkeying around tho
100-dogreo ulnt. Pendleton's inhabi
tants aro willing, gradually but surely,
.1....1.... rti-itntu
" . " K. i:, ' . , J I T mVn. Adams; (i (' Favoner, l'a
fax. wl .. a ,1 d v mad, many f iieinls i City i J iUaek Tacoum ; NWarner
Pendleton, has been employed iu tho . '"'j ' .North 1 ork, Mis
estal.llsl.niciit -t W. I). Fletcher. '-" 1-t,vU-""1', 1 '' ,
Theio is work in tlio hcoonil degree iu
tlio Damon I-islgo, IC. of P., to-night.
All members iu good standing aro re
quested to lw present.
"Fish" lllevens, a horso jockoy, was
killed at Helena, Montana, Monday,
whllo ridim: thu horse (ireon Pruett,
VVmloii .Virukrnlnc,
I). I). Harp is ill town to-day from
Weston. Ho reKirts Unit little town to
be itwiikeiilng Homo what from its hereto
fore comatose condition, a little current
of activity having enlivened it lately.
Tho harvest has been Isjlter than was
expected, and other things have also con
tributed to tho general good feeling.
Fifteen men aio at woik completing thu
mill, and twenty-live men 1110 employed
in tho briek-maklni! industry. 1 1. II.
Nelson will uianufactiiro one million j
brick this season to complete tho vutlous
conducts ho has 011 baud. This is all hu '
can posiihly furnish, mid ho has been 1
comncllctl to icfu.-e several biick con'
tracts that ho could not fulfill. Weston
can claim the honor of having 0110 of the
largest, if not tho largest, biick niannfac
tilling Industry iu KasteiuOiegoii.
The Northern Pacillo company lias
decided (o begin active work at onco
upon thu now Central Washington line,
which will Ihi almost parallel to tho
pioposed Seattle, liko Sliom Kustcm
through tho Itig ltend country, 'Hie
from l honey, sixteen inlNs
iNikauo Fulls, and lid miles
Walliila Junction. Tho present '
terminus of tho Hue, as piojccled, will bo j
tlio loiumiiiu river.
Judge (ire-ham is still in F.urnpo, and
says ho has doubts about Harrison earn
ing Indian, 1. II ho we homo his doubts
would end in tlio certainty that Mr. liar
ilson will lose Indiana.
, Carpets ai
A Comploto Stock, covering live tlimtsnml square feet of
Goods Sold 011 Easy Payments.
Forbes & "Wheeler,
Association IJullding ...... Pendleton, Or.
ItKAIKttlAltrilllH fOll
Castor, Lard, Block and Golden Machine Oils,
A.t .BoMojii Prices.
KtllltitW" iMtiirmitcn the iit illty nfiuir km.hIm to n.n rir.'.'nti'i, m urlccs Hint deify coin.
. We have iccctved - -
Direct from the Factory,
One of Iho I.irgesl Invoices of
Clocks of Every Description
liver received in Pendleton, llii.vliig these gi.,ns dltccl, wo can sell them
clitMpur than any olhei Iioiiko in town.
F. J. Donaldson & Co.,
City Drug Store.
Tho oleoiuararino tax is an internal
revenue tax, and tho Iteplilillciin jilat
form culls for tho repeal of nil Internal
revenue taxes, so that means fico bull
butter and frco whisky.
Thero is invested iu d iirv cows iu this
country $700,IMHI.ihhi. Free bull butter
moans' thu ruin of thu dairy interests.
Tlio lteiiiblicau larform call for frco
bull butter.
Protection or Tariff Heform.
Hoyonil in:lloii, tint Tnrlfr Ih llui Iiiimu ulilrli lliiiixiiiuiig nuMihilo will Im fnuulil
unit It hi liiMivi'! evi ry .'tlUeii who wimlil voln lniillliiitly ut inforiii li in'cll upon n il
Jirl wlileh soiUoHi'ly tilli'i'ln liU lcMiinil wi'lfarc
Uvorv einnloveo of m P. Morton on
.. .. 1 , ...
Kiiuway nun 1110 1
A I'i'i'ulliir (iiiiibicr.
Ir. and Mm. A. II. IMhroek wero in
town tod.iv from their homo near
Ad.uns. .Mr. Uothrock lunoits a yield of
thiitv-soven bushels to tho aero 011 his
I farm". UtliorRr.inKuininlh.it noluhlsir-
1iihiI liavo iiKouiso nceii inane ini)
Now it is feared there will I no f-'eniilu 1
turiir bill after all. ThN iiumiis that Mr.
HariisonV idea of chuup whisky and;
liiuh-iriceil coats is to lie tho Hirty cry.
"If tho Dcinocnils could open polls in
London." shrieks the Inter-Oewin. Yes,
und if tho ItepiiblicmiM inuld opon h1Is
in I'onnkoiin!
i. 1
I will n il ll' pulille lllK'lhll, to lll lilwhrkl
ili i. M i' . urn' .'iwK or m rriiioinii." iinu
"fe-.-ii Vest rday .1. .
nf '''tin' 'la' county,
1 ,' 'Wii iicaril.
4' iv.itc.i sine his defeat
a pv!Mr.i..,i:liko an
I ut . k.ivhIu don't
Ill II .1 dli ll
-'W t' 111..' -.ll., .I,.fn ,l,..l
which fell on him. I j;ooil vlelds. Hy tliu way, .Mr. and Mis.
Tliu laying of tho cornor stono of thu 1 Hotlnwk liavo a stumo talo to tell of
HOW com 1 iiouso uiiii.iiut, o I'oii'' tlie .ion. IuiIIUIiii;
."optoilllior ii, miner in" popi-i iii-ii uier owneu o.v mu i..ii. , ,.ri,ir,r.. h'.mioi-.i ny .1. 11, iviiiizln m
tho Masonic ordoi. 1 been loot fevoral times, but had always ! if nniiiiui, llioutlllii i-oumy, oreon. Hum
.. , ..... .11,. ,,,r.i in. ..:iiii In ilM f.ivorl o !iwii iske i.ent s.il.l ioro l.ti llliic In
Hy next wriiiiflsnay iiikih oer.v i-i-. ". vv ,7 " .,' .i,,,!.,,! , Umu liin.on .Miuilnv, inniH.r si, nt n o
iiauiim. !- " - - , 11.111. inv uoiry iinu n,u o'iii no i-.xhiiiiiiihi
oi . until iliivofitiile. Turin-. 'sli.
of llmlUluli'Of J. II KI'NIP,
Mir limoivuiil li.'l.ior.
1 tion' of tho Htoito-woik.totlmlaHt nx'k
. ' ..t. l.k t.nii ttlitil IWI.1II1M
will no com lieilll oil iiiu nun i. - v - ,,,,.., ...l,,,!..,!
bulldinif. . ." ir :. ".L . , .. I .m
. ...'1 1 ,...,1 linr.,:! .1:1V H KII, mill .l inui" ..--""' " " UiriJIIlHl
or so iiJo, from UOraude. consined to V!" '7 r Hn i Ti; ANTKI. TO nl
on . . tS 'l.,u.. rl.l, ill. nil, rM. Wlllld I ruV"',,,n.V "" I. V . . I
rtiicn i iiir..,, , ........ , 1 ....H..I, ...I.. ri.,, .-..wnir in mil uuti.v
I ....1.1.1.,' 1 .1 i r .1 yl
The Protective Tariff.
llpiulrn wlnii 1 uiiully ihiih'.Ii r. ,1 11 mo.' nltrue mioici-' i' 1,1 .uiiiiuxlii'iniloii. Il v HI
el vi us 11 Turin" iirliner r.r lli Ir.in.'.r 11 wi'il im 11 i'M-Imik fr 1 : l".inol.
Tliln IhioIi hIhium IIih iiiiii'ili-iil . il' .'l n Hu- I'roic.'-lM' Hy.i. ni up , , Oitiraimilry. I'erli.iiiH
Hid n,ol i'oiiMili'iious fi.ii1.ir of Hie Im,.)I H II. I'XMri i.minni'iit Willi Hu lniwKUi(t of I'liml
ili'itt l.'lKvelmiil.
Tim IH1.II1011 of .Mr. IllsllU'V "TaiUiI.. Vir, 1 ' 'iui, " inUi'll op, hl HMirltiilis
upon Ui m In rill iiiMlyxml, nit,U."l i.ol nnt.tr li (oiol-u i.,-lri'u f dilution
Tim form lot i'l I tin lli huIkIiiiiim' ( lie ImmiK l iiioI uillior ,t,i . .mil I Imv mwii nnlli
I11K niriuewliu; It fnriiM) Ii tin' !!' norli f i r.Uiiii.- )" I m lit mini Mm. p"ipl..
IM)N it. r'li'KIN-i'N'. J.-'i.iifi' r ' 1 I
It l mi 11U11 mnt loKlrul uxM,illiiu nf im liilUkiliv Mint ill II-oi .,1 I lie pn.i.t'llvi I lie
ory, Tliu work U '.Imvly.mnl r vury MtlunMKiiiiilrliiMllmi wi llif Ih.'iHtiirH.if luilll rufurm
II W. ToVNHIU(li. M. '
I nnlli'p Hint UiIh liis.i, N ni'i',vi..v tfti ut huhI.i, n, Intl. hi II I 0 l uiiomI iihiii (iiii Io
iiiuiiIiiI Inillii, mnl I wlkn iiml tliu fiuHinl iinu iii iiia m.iv Im. in Hi nmiilt Mini iolo l i
evi'ry itltlxitii iiiIImI upon llila yi iir In v),li. nii'i.i il, ui-i,, in.i.nli'ul ,oiwll,iuit nf iir..ln
mnl larlll. iii:s. .lulls' (' III. V K.i mS.n.iK.r nf p. nslun.
W'k Uikn iiIxiikiii'i' Ii' , oi Imi till- wnrkonr In iirly i..l,i .1111. m, unil it'.iimni'iiil tliul lis
oil I iniiiliillli'ixmiil 1 llll.- i-.UI In .i Ilnj Hi itniil.itlin ..iii.iii-' ill xiU'IN 111 llllitnls
M ATI' IM.MCM U I'll" I I S Tit I. 1 " I ill'ITHH Hi' I,,N.)IH.
Ami inmiy olln is.
IU.0I1 lloumt In l lolli unit Hi'inl.Wi ckly Ivnkt Orsiioiilmi On. Year tu o
IlisiU Alnne, In Clnlli, w,l puiit 1 IO
I'riolli'1,1 1, Ort-Kuii.
Notice of tlio s.do of .1. II. If j, urontiil Iinu Is i-eiuu watched with aux
0erty ut I'matilla on SoitoiiiWr Slid, J,MW uttll0 hv the Itothnrk family.
I MIX FTtllCU CCIWII. lirllllllliPt innriiii vt
tllO Ani.iv to SKril M. ItlCUAH -4 I.N.
; I T I 'll'lirniii, tr.
liiulffr "New To day,
. 1..
Snili i' inn son w sues lo nuy vx
i pctli Iticnarasoii wisnes in r..-. ,
, : .1 ..f ...O..I. u I llj iiilvnrllHi'OH'llt !
I- l. 11 , . neuu in muni --""-, ,n oiil
IVn.iin) . ' "PlH-'ars under "Now To-day." V(.;t"r,iav
' I'St'r'nlmM Uoorv-o KosOnlKir,; is ,,,ain so.noivhu 1! f
' m i 1 -rtl , h e ,ll!r 11,0 Inlluoncp of tho weather, und U) cat WUJ
11 'im torn iimiiKiil
' IK yr-v trotu-ndlv (lis-
t ' n mav bo truo.
' s may run up
1 1 -iniiUheis in tho
1 I1IHV urnini
Trnulili VI I Itu Timiip
old tramp who had Ihmjh etrBin(
mid hud insulteil tlio lesiuunis
where ho could obtain nothing
was arre.ted last niaht. Iho ur-
is contlncd to his bed. test was made in a box car, whero tlio
.... , .1.1. 1. .! f.. '.,llnlii 1111 i!T I Inn nil mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' IIIIIIUUH "III) i'""1
. . . i .. .'. j i . t . i.i 1 ii, lr uf . rhls stool: in-! nlish -d after consid ral.lo dillleulty.
ir...V...,ir tliero. ' Hear fhapinau
VK'ri " . il... I.I.
.iwmilio. bv C buries uio jm.,
Prescription Druggists.
WM. GARDNER h CO., Establish 1057.
f y o c ) j 1 i.s c ) ir
SaniUrv and Beftiing Immii "h':,"hh ' ,uuu,ru
" I hu-Ii. lioui'H. HIIimN. U'lllilovi ,V.
it'laii' .In. mid ;oniriil
and W. 1). Ilaiisforddid
sa they li.ul nuuo an un;
'liaiui illll.
' HI : ,
' t), ,
'n a
' a. .
ui 1 1'
t-'t ti
Tho Chinanian ussaul iiw ny i iinriiw . ,.,.',.,1 , 1B (.ar. und
I), -Smith at Silverlon .ll'l 1101 no, ...... j--H1,, , jU ,.,ntum ,,,! 10
- . . 1 11111 .in M.iiiiMi--i-
For watcnrfpalriin; at rejsoiiulplo rates, s,l((Uui, j,, a, 1,,.0 .! he
may recover.
I" '111!! t in
tli ouht he l'o to Donaldson iV t'o.'s
Frank Ulcliiiioud paid
Helix home to-d.iv.
J.'lHainond returned last
his trip to Waltula.
WmL" indebted, me will navo
MirI Ulu lnln.l ..I I PIMIM ItV MUIIIIli: II IV II .
- vtiwv l, . 1 .,
' Hi-then.-
ati n in t e
t that il,,.
! I i li.illeiilfl'
" i f Im.I! fur
I'lii llt IHjIII-
the liasetiul)
n visit to Ids
UT. Pomi'loTliiml
I cannot do businessjivithoiit
, luug louna out tlio ,
ntiit., i '
was only
. . 1., i ii.n
i.ven-.'iuo ulier a seieie mu w ...
djrkness. llo ias taken to the Hierlll s
,. Iflee and seaichod und a low wi I'isioi
nlalit from was found 011 bis parson. Hojo he
i-howcd tl:ht Viin. and tried to "clean
- out" tho whole crowd of otlicers, unil was
i.nlv retrained from tloin soi.vnieoii-i-m
.nev. ierins strenfth and nuiiiW of I1I1
j 1 in ii it "iiurii 11111. itiiiv
.i,!tii"lnis tho disnosldon und bruti-h 1
Roquiaiteo f tho Toilet
Stationery & School Supplies
Fine Imported and Key West Cigars.
Oiolte Vfllr I Hi.uni-.
Steam aud Hot Water
TT A i.
KOHDWI.I.f.INdHOIlPirilt.K.'lltltl.DINdS I'.'ltTI.A N I)
Jj)U !lli
'iS So' to do anVt of doviitn 0.U- TJ.. l-l.u.
, cers nave no cj j"" .
V. C.Tilton. i their duty to arresmucin.utt.atiC.. ,JMT
Coiner J2tl. unil llHlk.,talhe-ilrHl lllis.-k-.
Cladseii will reopen In Hie new bullillng
HrnleniliiT 5lli.
'The Institution In empowered lo ronfer ac
i. rurc,iitiiKui,H.,,ii.
IlKV. t)J tlKTOK II. a. ;.,
Vancouver, W. T,
Hpei'im-Hll'init uml itlimiifw nrnlKliiHl tux
1 lientliiK I111IIUI11V4 Iu any m-nllmi nf Hi eonu
try. i'orrNMiiiiliiiipi soiioiiMi.
Portland, Orofjon. o
K. .1. llnrtiiu, I'mprleiiir.
Mln uml Itiillroad Htt., remllelon, Ofixon
First olu In every respect. Near Hid ile
wit ami lni eirry tni.vei.leiiee. Term flu
Uuy. lyllW
ICllllllillK4 illil)lilt.
l:.UlnlUr I. fill 1'ricu I.UIN llll ilill'Ullil,
C.mitry mm r h HUlly,
I'm lory iiud H.ilurom, Wiiur' Mill,
OUKd i.N'.
Beer Garden anil Gymnasium Wall.
Ilurtciiii A Ului. i'l'iip..
Main Min i l . . Ni ui PiMt' .lloo
lUiivllnic Al'uy ami (Jjinmu'mn Uoom In
i'.iincf 100. Ju l tin pi i...,iiit un : air
l'i ex ri'lsliuyuiir iiiiih Ii-uml .lii ,fi. . Iiu
) .ii' fiiinif. A 111MI111 Invllullnn lo ull.
IjmiiiIiiIiiiu lt,er,V'. uifiuM. j ,
Iv Hi'llWI.UotllMul, ....
ndtrtiufCipnKMiiinCiiayp, will (,nditor vat