East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1888, Image 4

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    MOMMY, Al'UL'M' 110, 18HS.
Tou kivf nif wxil It mar be ot
llm viomn n.r and ais-aa thf tmUiI
What u mi aindlr paasioli'a glow
Aorl troll, r outfit
It I wff ehaniro D) Omi and care.
Un.nm.l and sorrow wlsn. and oolu
Witt Kinuniiir fron tnj fuili
In Hat or koI'I
And mi (iiu irtH) outward in Ml
OMilnrn and JiMtiucH. laid ald,
TLrolilli m J Willi tir toll nnd task
Tunc" punllnt
BUtjiik In hri Immnrtalltj.
Jladr Ixvoitltul li) l.. and tnut,
Kairri . v .rosined turd, to Dm
llrr Iimus ul dust.
Oh. rou-would you come ilghlnK Kill,
In hu ninl tear. Iieart Kirtr u tirlngt
A tnaxlei mirvlliiK lu lur Mrtll,
A arnaut Hho would fain to klagl
And wnnd foil eoet da) by da;
ilj lUhtral word, mid loolt, and touch'
Ah, frli-inl fi.ritle nut If I any,
I duuiil II Hindi
Jlary A In Re I Wre In Upplncotl'
o( colm drptvih and Unlit Hutes fiurli faniilliK region tut that bo
t In relief A eron wliii with the Urnln and Tinmen would be
Two Aacrrta of SUro Mako Op.
There oro two great iHxrvtr tc b r
mcmbered by the unet of iuak uptht
dark shade"
onna brltm out
snub lion darken the otid ami put h
trnnp wliltr wlierw tlie urtdfrt shottk' I
nil ntralRlitwny lhete i-itrn a eery
frood Imllittloli of a tlroclul horn II h
uilillltin iioic l t( Iki traiinlnitiKt) lull'
the tip tilted variety tlie uliove prtstmi
U omctlv recred In rounding or lint
tctilnu thn at ncaranro ol the eheelts tlie
hnnii- miii hold irood White on tin
edgO of tlie fnc
or tillitnlineas.
until lr! till tliu tntiluueo of emaciation
Uobtalmsl In putting on rougu ttui age
of tlio iHirnon repii'Minted lion to Im eon
rddored Tlif yiiunuei ' ,naf
tliu lilglicr on tlir check the color lion to
Ihi plated III old ago If then- In color at
nil left In the Inw It Ki-ticrullv nettli In
tlio hollow below tlio cheek iMiiion, am! la
of a deeivr ttluido than that mii III youth
Mont lu'irvm-e err In malting up- their
eycN tint heavily Tilth la iluiiii by run
nltiK bluo block or brown uiarkn luimo
diatclv iiiidii and ubove the I'votanhrt
Uul ti'uarr In. Hlbcrlaw ,
Alraoit tletlci dlitnty.of a wrst
Blberliii lund-mi lml t rfkr a trov
elel fron Ann rli-f. 1 the cdtuplet absence
ol fencof and littin hoii.-et I'liocultlvated
lotiU of tin I'tumul i tftriuuriy lam out
' into lleldn but the llt'ldf ure not Inclosed
nnil out may ndHtoi ivvt or thn hours
I nt a nine tlinniKh 11 lertlle uiid highly
- cultWnted rr-tfltin without ccliig a rIiiIh
fence lanr Iimixk, or detHched building
i Tht alweiKo of fiitircu In duo to the MIIk-
nun prurtlco of Inclining tho cattlo In the
; couituoti poMturr which Hurrourida th vll
' luge Instead of (curing the ileitis which
j lleoilUldo The ubMcnce ot farm Iioiimv
'la to be explained by tho fact that the
' Siberian peuatit dcx-s not own the laud
1 nhlcli bo cultlvntua, and thurnfom haa tin
inducement lo build upon It
With a very few exceptions, all of tliu
iind In Siberia boloum U the crown Tho
tillage comraunca noy the uaufruct of j
H out mey nave no lecai line.
not dlRpOH ol it nor
i.o Individual owner
havn tMiwer to do Is
their members bv ticrlodlud iillotuimitH
aud to L'lve to enrh limid of u family a sort .
of tenancy at will bver) time there is a
new allotment, the neveral tracts of
irabla land held under tin-crown by the
eomuiiino may rhaiiiro tenaiiU so that If
an Individual should build a houso or a
imru iitMin thi tract ol whlrh he was the
temporary occupant, he might, and prob
' ably would be forced sooner or lotor to
I abandon It Tho result of this system of
lunil tcuurv and this ortfntilutlon of socl
I ety Is to ren-gnto the whole ((opiilBtlon
1 in villages untl lo leiivo nil of tho Utter
ven nil land tlliHeiiieo m iuo uuiieu
Leezer & KueDler,
The lhrpl I'"'1 most complete stock of
Drugs Medicines
Are You Protected?
Iri'kts i Toilet Sl Fancy Articles
to dlvldi- It up among
In Eastern Oregon.
Dospain Block
la good WhIU on tin
will give the nppeanincf
Idle dark nhades may Ik-
lolled with houses utunartcri and bnrus
' .tnd It rivmed very hlralige to ride, as we
rtnle, for ttioni than eighty miles, through
' a country which was everywhere more or
j less cultivated, without seeing a single
. hiilldlng of any kind outside of thn vll
; lages (li orgo Keitnan In Thn Century
' It. ,..ti of thn t'on I'lanu
Nothltii! ciin bo more beautiful and In
tcrrstlug than studies of tho annual
blooming, budding, growth and rlMiiilug
of coiTeo, and Its gathering and prupura
tlon for the market Tho leaves, vihlch
are ovato In form, uro about four Inches
long They set opposite each othet In
palrH and nro dark green In color Blml
lur In texture to the mammi'o leaf, they
luivo tho waxen surface of tho Indian
hiurol Tho follagu Is potvunlal Mhoot
lug out from tho baooi of these pairs of
leaves, after the manner of our cherry
blooms, aro seen tliu coffee blossoins, al
most precisely like u diminutive tub rose.
In clusters of three to six. snow w hlto,
and with an Indoxcrllmbly delleoto. anbllc
and delicious odot Tor two mouths in
spring time n coffee plantation Is slmpl)
one vast plain ol whito i re(lon of lnto
Iciitiug odor with tho bluo sky half shut
from sight by myri.nl. of honey seeking
erl ct. Iiiimmliij: blnls ana lirtllliiut
wlntreil Hiinirsten liutlerliig and clirllug
In uppaient ie.stas ul n-velry and delight
For nearly six iiioiiIIm iiuw blossoms come
as tho olil ones illsiitifiear UIoshoiii and
i'ls'iilug berries urn continuous A the
bnves snow thedylug IiIohsoiiis iimjii the
ground tiny given buttons take their
place Thoy rliungo tc u pale pink, then
to n bright cherry llnall) to u reddish
purple Then they aro rlbu and ready lot
gathering -Kdgnr I. Wukeuittita Cubu
vV'nlii-r llo.rtut .
Itolit, HiirllHi'MU,
II. I,. Ml'Vl IKOII,
II l KarJ' mi,
'I'liomii llaily.
.lull hi iinwlliiirne,
K V, llulilnxm,
I'.lillle ilil'iiirlail,
.Iti I.-h Venn'.
Win. Utile'.
A t lit ri inn l'Ivcs brilliancy nml nxnres
slon totheeyo, but u heavy olio makes It
look like 'ii burnt hole lit u blanket "
The eye thnt Is mo?! oflectlve on the stage
Is not ueces'arily the largest but genur
ally tht one In which a good deal of whit
Is to bo se'it round the tiupll To put a
heavy mark outsldo this Is to destroy the
expression gullied by tho movement of
tho pupil ovot the while Held III writ! It
ling tint futo grease paint pencil aro
used, aud the sales! guide foi the appll
cation Is the natural lines that may bo
made toapeiir In the lure when the di
slnsl expii'sslou Is assumit! !tiugu la ,
uiiplirHl to the eyes In tery small itnintl '
ties, us the UHtlirul color Is tts) dark be
hind the glare ol so mur.y lights K) j
brows, as rule uetil penciling, and
blondes reiillre dark eyebrows to make
the ovts keetn brilliant -Now York Trl
Wuaiitns u n Mich Art. I Aro tho iK-ople awnro that uewapapers
rim ordinary man dis-s not think that j nro sold at a price less thuii thocost by
it. b skill Is needed in washing clothes weight of tho paKr on which they urn
... has seen them washed, und lie hus no: ' printed, and the press workf As u rule
ibt hut whnt ho could do It ns well aJ I Ouo Itnlf of the price paid by the tiiibllc
uody If ho had to Ho has looked, j f,tKt to the Intermediary Tlitis, If tho
.i a critical eye at tho washerwoman , price of the pajKT Is two cents tho news
''lips aud us she was not pretty i , man receives one cent thereof Always
mil euniworn, or decldodly black, his j n larger edition Ima to be printed than Is
ft hits soon died Hit Imagines tint I taken by tho public, because the publisher
.nig clothes simply means the throw wishes nobody to go uiisupnlied who uo Unfaru onfl Pnrnnrofinn Qoalo
it tiieui into a too ot noi wuier nnui 1 Hires tlio pit per, llliu u is tuiisissioio in iimni I niti UUI UUI U II Ul I UUUIdt
a fur i to tell nt what iniIiiI tho demand may ho I '
soap to make" nrLer on unv ouo day than on other Uuys. i i,. p-oidlot rn.
' slippery f ami ho cousenueniiy iukcs too risn oi ;
. la i-i.ru fur fpiim I li.. tenth V.,!irli' ...i. .,!... .... mnhii n. iv 1 1 1 inrfnllilv I ... i '
" 'iiiutiiiK nt; "... - . -,nn ..I. .j ntfr nnil inp rinll
article nsiuiroH iiuiercnt ireotmeni i cullel for, which ulivnys proves to txt lesa fun UNL I rlVt UULLAriO tftUlli
Hum ino niiiiiuer iH'iiiaiij vmini iui
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Rates;
On The North American Continent.
IL' Lurgo PugeH iitu! HI Long C'oliitmiH.
l-ulilMied III utlil lilveu With each lame or
the weeklv Million.
IIckIiiiiIiiu .u . I. anil coiiilinilnv' llirre
after, The World will print with each lue n
riinil'lrte liiiv.'l by a Mipuiur mil hor. inoliK
Hi.. u'rllnrM will I 11
I oe-iiiiroi,
IMr. All xiuuli r,
.loli 0 M. Win er,
Henry Woo I,
, M. II. llni'Ittoti.
Kloienee Wnnleu
MarvCVell liny
llertba M. L'luy,
i Millie l-ilwarila,
ItlmUu IMwnrilN,
Ih'.l.'. H. II llni.
Tin iiiii'i.Ih u III lie I In. Illll.it worta of till'
I el writers as Iheynre iulillliel-lh books
wnieli i verviine I. niklim admit. .NoIIiIiik
bill the very b, kt will ho mlmlili'd Into the
World' Mutt ord l.lliraryof llellou.
This l.lbraryof Klcll in Wl'l He Htipplled lo
Mt'i-erlher. Only.
No Kxtlil ( o.ilf Will lie Printed.
No lluck Numbers Can ll Knrnlshed nml No
Inele Coplis Will b Hold.
If Yott WU' Ilia ' rli s Complete,
HUlfl'ltlllK ATDNIJI".
Dint Year l iiiiinber), II:
U Month(VI 1 1 ii i ii Ixm). .VI'.;
.1 MimlliHil:! number
Thoso who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
rhnSr m-nnertv. of whatBO-
go any longer wiimntt luauiuitv. ui. ....... j,
kind; and nearly everyone believes thatu policy in a good,.
rubbing them up and down 011 a fur
I hoard, with u llttlo
THE WORLD, Now York.
Reliable Insurance Co.
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
be indulged in when it. conies to taking out a policy. In tho
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your business thoso who lepresent none but
the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the office ol
v xIiih and NtiH'liin.-M for liiHtantv
Ik' turned Inside mil b.'lnre they aro
tl ami for txuctlv ditlen iit reaHnut
tel.t lllUHt be. bundled delicately Tin'
trv process ul wuslilug would kiniii
tfiem us Hinooth ii.h linen uud rob'
ol that dehglitlill ability to Initute,
.III that l mo MKithllig III wllttec St
of linen miirlit'd with fruit main
lh wuahod by .tri'lchlug th lluelt'
the tub und inuring hot water
gh It. uud in' "Mp limit Im Hied
tlistiilii dlMipii'.ir If however
ant It of long slaudliig tli aHit
d la) Hllglltly dJilln'lieil it It il then'
vigoroualy wit it common yellow.
After thli " ahoiild bo well
lied and then expired to tho hud iiinf
This lias leil to tho rule general iimonc
receiving duck
unsold copies.
mo rent tiercopy
tho publication otllio
from tho newsmen
and refunding thoill the
i orle tut v tvee vn or tiiem una very
HUni! irVattiient Im created ti great many
i illumes. It has led a great many hoys
uud men to Htaiid ut tho cars, lerrynouts
jiul other thronged pluceM and solicit tho
rifts of newaiaiiers irotn peopia who nnvo i
i read them thereupon thexo iiews'r4 I
aro allghtly moUteiied and ironed, m the
i caso may reiuliv, and sold back to tho
newspaper oltlco fur tho full prlco orlgl
I ually paid Thus the publication otUco Is
ttwlndliH!, and gets nothing at all for
very largo eiveuiage of Its Usuo, which. ,
has Uvn n-ail and then returned as If un.' j
! read. Now Vork Mall and Kxpress. I
The usual price for Heal made uy other
p trtles, In I'orllaud or thn Kan Is from $6.(0
ot7.W,wlth expresi rharKea added. If J on
need n aeal, aend your onler to us, and aave
fnmi JS.iOln $.1.oa Iheteliy.
East Oregonlan Pub. Co..
nihil d tf Pcnilloton. Oregon.
Clopton & Jackson,
Lpcated in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton,
wlnue you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rine, Accident or Life insurance, douo up in
Elegant Pmimp
Rmlcrnnt hui.. T
Cloan eontiMiinn. n. .
partintaiOOp.ta. m,I"l
wnar iumih. .
paru at!isn.m,ul"m
Walln Wall. ... ....
i . . ..
rlve Ut 1M .JL'W t
mir nun iranri.rn
. nil
y'.iuiuuiB, AUgtlntl Otl
Hlale. aiiitm.i tit '.'l
t"oiumbif.Auiu.i $Si
Htato.Aiuu.ta" ESM
Ornnn.H.iit A JTM
n. ni'!V',Hp'llr8t,,,11"f''4"'
"t of fMaal
lur uuiur n.i .i.i.
I'nliln. - 1
Htecrajf, . . . 'j
llouiKlTrlp.Unllmlleil, .1
... PaiUCQlltnlDffl
r " I "l"MII WIT JOB,
A, U 1(1
Oentral Mtni(tr.
Great Rock
Tho direct anil populwtlal
won tna nnrinrra rt
from Hi, Paul todMlotti
To Chlrosn ami the f4l I
To DrHHalnra,!
Ti.,, rt..i.. r :..ch
A11U VyillV UIIIC l)tJ
iii council iiiuim, unnr
Pullman I'alact
Palace DMn
Accompany all throurt I
una itouto.
Tlckciafor aale br ll mtul
ami conueriioDiinuiuu
rorfull Informitlonwrfl
etc.. apply loanr roP"f
nanlea.nr to HI
No. 3 WiuhlDtoa fil,
!, a inir iitinnK".
ri.. Tul tin,1 Puit. Artt
riiVnvo.lll. ''1
AnS ViiH
THE Northprn m
. i'
Mclivi of delicate hlilo ahould bo.
.ed hi water to wlo. h anviir of lead !
Ht'n nddtil If un v urili'le Is mil - 1 M i ieaklnii ' tiruilim
I Jin el water mhiii retnovn j tru.lllaii aro 'ml tho w"
ol llio llillilim Any gmal wusner ,..., ,iwi,. m their koiiU. if wo aro to
traveler or
in knows the' tVm-M and iiiauy ls
that nro almil.it i. ul tlil. amonni of,
i jtutlou may bl. . hrtdo or two In'
June days, wl.eu brides am so
ifttl New York uii
IV in U iii IVIllrli Wninen i:ri'l.
Woiumi a plitatcuiui e are becoming
tvaroimW) ' unlllur with Tlut la. wo
no loiiMr iv:niili'r It out of taste fur a
lud to Iki a diK lor Hut wuun n us ur
eeoui aro mom niru In S iirland they
uro protiouniiibto Ih the most ppntlcn'iil
In llm mmliiat hi'lioola and honpituli Hue
i)iMi.Hii nivs The women uro artU'U
lurl dextenuts lit tmiidlniK muscles
Their olimli taH'r flngem gtv. them an
ad van tap over the mulii. and their eyes
tiro iiuu'lter to det v details and mlliil
the l'he two pnuitH iv atrMitg im
IKkm ti.4 all the edintllioti nd tmin"K
wottmil tend lo umke liet bU l lo uUervo
mui.1I deUils wUetel tlio intiuiUK
tmu work io eucouragi the suiiiuiiiik up
ilema that U ! Wg MM when '
tho woman ms's mor exm tly union
uiv wid to in : remarkably nt mi
MlMta Main alinlellla ptiiv
ii.m npiuwniw ol women b it i rent
with ttit utuKMi thiU'ttmc ui nwiwt
liloW IVuimml
Viti 4mmw. WHi tlterwki MU wro
fw it ti"" '' u ,"r,,
there t m! .illeii Im nil villi UllOW oU till)
tol.i ' I"1'1' I-'" k
liidi.x from a denor ntlou uy II
iii.ilrn wairoiia or nit her carts--for they
i have but two wheels, allliough ten uud
I twolvo oxen aro needed to drug them
I across country
These carts make a loud creaking nolae.
' which la ralleil chiado as thev go wuuo
.Inn,, llku that of tho Persian wheel in
, India but while tho creaking ol tho
I I'ersiait wheel nerves to tell the men when j
' the liulliHkhtop here In llruiil thechtado !
i tells merely of so much Iricl.on betwivn i
, tlio wheel and axlu. und o utticli rnon 1
, work lor the poor U'iils to do I
i Hut the drivers innsi.lor that In somo ,
way tt helps the cart ulong and far trout
'litltklng ol pulling a iiiui'(rai
,iijuHt.Hl on the creftkiliit wlwHs tll.'V
ue ill the liubll of pullllig mwdereil ebur
.mi on wliouever the ate runs a little
UMtotlily to uwke tt o ty U tter
file (idler first IMiiumtiiu
The auolLiitiienl ol the tend. t Unit loco
UMttivv in iieisliil Neilliei mult nor Iwnst
luts Iwlt a chance for lite ul.en hit U) I lie
lraiHliculat vll ol tb "tender ' TU
vie! iui is uuily klrtiek down when he
si Hilda, mid tfrutiad bl lUv cruel ulteclk
Mrm k by llMrnlopiim Wnt
ie m ret oil vvtl It it tmkeu ltf M arui
t IravturtHl hits but tt hast u i
lirti oitt ol the y l Utt iulerti ing
.reitiaut and ti' U4 Utm to beiMllie.ed
; in bmkeU uud boVU --lmbuij
On and after this date, ai ii.lmlnlatrator of
the estate or the late William Itoss, t otJVr
forsiiliMll the llv .toctt owtusl by the de
Cl'H.l .l, COllSiktlUtr of
Thunmtihhml Hereford Jiitlln.
Slturt-liorn Cattle, (iraile Cattle,
! ami General .Stock Cattle.
Tltoroiitlilirtil Sjianlsh Merino
lliit knaiul Hire, lleylstereil.
(Iraile Ilnelm ami Stoo'i Sheap.
Also a larse nuiiiher of Horses aud a quail
tlly o( liny.
It is well to remember that to bo securo you must iiiBino in
one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Olopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
r'or p.irtlcuhit. ei II on or ti Mn as
inyil dw If 1' 'iniU ton, Or.
If you contemplate insurance, call on them ami get posted
and it 'will cost you nothing. Kcniember their office is in
'EAST OKEGONIAN building, or address
The Pendleton Roller Mills
(0 iiiiieilj S uJli.irreU j r ily )
S. BYERS & CO. Proprietors.1
l' .iitlvtot., or on,
lannfaoUireis i.f "mliam, nuulUil and '
Mlf'rl.luc Klour.
for All
1 flour, iuil ,cli,.i, feed ilo, always or. ban
I'rtee I'alit
ol (.rum.
4; Pendleton,
Oregon. itSSii
tirtMHt Mi VH
to tbe
.... ... ..J tlliin
via n r...Mu4i
f" " "
liar ingion.ou."..',,,
nil poluUthrourtMllM"
the entire lennao""
Minneapolis or M
fAilrtll llav. . .-.fed
Train will l"" !
nli olQts oolWld
nneral Writer- tf
They do liP"" '1
rr .. .v'rf.EK.
pay nt nre 4
i ,t ...ti r ".vj
Ten Millions rfWJJ