East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1888, Image 3

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    y AUGIST HO, 1888.
of lnr..?i In iliii Ab.ngtnn
,jlni " mnior tlio man
."Tinll K'k. Hi- will l.
onl;ii KntV f 1'oiullclnli, a Mil
ilnnfllll lit. !-" . it
, trhfll H " "!"'"
. . iiipiii nil)
llo will
rcrvlru In III"
' f.,n liiet nlimt,
but no
over in tlio nolgli
i!,tl..v lias it urncd
no imiuij'
...i .renin of ilninkH
ji.i..r vmlnrdilV.
wn.ii woman who
..mi .FV imv w th tvDiiota
fun . . i 'i
..... f j tin U IllIIlUPl iju rw""'
.-I 1 IniMlllf. tllO IMIUIO
-.UtKMiiiHintfH.H for Mile on
day wo'II Have u wg
in ildftwiilk mun fell
f.ill vn I Hi).
. II f I.ilitl I I'll l'IIU
...if IIV 1L tUllUl
, u l.irL'clv coimikwcu of
on. but grain cropn uro
i f,, ti mini mill hm
. Ilimfmma ulriMlllV
i... lnll-m iTiwtL'. tint
I'Al.dTni' ITOIimillllMl IIV
1 VI
,i i.'ikumitir rjir nt AN
..lUfuMN um ut din-
.j iiit tu'ii fr fiin
... I ib.,1 l.lltAI'IIISll)
I'l" ,
i . I..f, t.iiti.1 ii murmur' lit
t vn t iiii.iu t r-
i. I .f i : IV
II FUll 11 1.1 ' ,
i icmig niiiu of ciinsliloi
an'l Mi fuluio is full uf
... i ..i i... i.t- .. if..
'UITJilllMIIII.ll . ....U
, 4111., lilllttl lilt litMl fll'llfl
.te, union begins on
i. the well-known shoo
i ii. ..i m ..
I'D'llft )M tO HCll Ills COlc-
Jr. Iwgl.us ollcrrt f.ivor-
ftl ri'rilK'llill lu 0ISOII.
. ii ..l tr... ..in ,..
41 .VII V.
I... I fl .....
men. nic inuiiuKu ui.i
...I. fl.. .1 I I A. ...
iniMjf tint list. A Week
the wliolo I liItiK dually
tlV'1"..'.! , .',,7. . M ,
L - I. .-Ill t - I I
vrhit by his cousin ovur
tl TJ 1 1 1 J kill I.U Lttl n tlkllT.
-11 tl.t . !
Ul llllfl II IIIU ilUIII II1U
mvuiv " villi wtmj
, cf Moleito. Cul,. who
?hlr) brother in l'cndlo
nUv evcniiiy'H train on
n.l IVI' Iiu.iln.l ill IT..I.
le Hill return ii'iin to
l. .t.. ..11.. t.t..
c iratiiix iiii.iu v lur inn
1(1 a bull of lit-htnini;
tTrliupiiu. nt'lKliliorlnK
storui, uiul HtrlUlni?
f Iilvh lay un tlio block.
' injureil, but tlio Unlit
Ui out of tlio window
reK'ivtilon tlio Chi-
ivOi'uvrt ltainnuii. tn
. keep Hivlr Movoh and
in mku iiinor I'ri'oau
d Hut idl.ti, lu .1 .mini
cli tilii bo iiKidtt to
,n. i...
J' ar.l C illego, located
n-m-wiM Ii term on
"ithafull corps of ox-
' (HVl'llllr'O 01 sway
KfAv to meet tlio do
i i 'e farmin ItitorustH
alvertlKinent in thin
'toy was lilt with u
ITU KIJlKlll l U III .11 I
enuv eien'n.'. alti .
iiOnm McM.dniii, .
ir(lei who witncsit,l
"he aKsauli am in...,.
jnealM fir. I)i.imv
'I'jarul, anUtrown wa,
1 1U -ill W (IfllMII)'
'"'uiijiiii iiier ii;iriv,
I ..i - .. i ii!.
nil i;iiiuiv.
'0 .Ut Kvi'nrlt. uiul
Nn, ret irncd from
1 'nl -tntelitV train,
n ami familv, Misn
rt Wiirzweiior atul
Mr. A. Hobson, collector of ciintonm ut
Adtoriu, vun in town Stimluy On hia re
turn from Ullil Wllllll, ImVltlKattOIHICdiTlKt Commrrrc, IIiikIih'm unit ProRri'M ir
the fetnl-oetilentiiil celcbrutioii of tlio tlilrouliiK.si'.iiirtimtiioNmimt
l'rcsbyteriiin cliuicli tit tlmt pluco. .Mr.' Tacoma, W. T., Au. 17, 1883.
HobHoti in an old pioneor. liuving crowed To )0 k.h,,,,. ,i, Ka.t o,r,i,n
tlio pliilnrt in M5. Ho 1m not u TroHby-. ,.., ,,.. .. . . . ,.
teriun, but nuturully wiHhcd towitncsH ,." V f.'0... . ft Vi "3i'lettih '?l SId
tho ceremony ut tlio Bravo?f Wliitmut. jSXl!!!. ' U b 3 lu,,M
aim inn il-iiu iimivrs, to licur 1110 llll- I.Vnlll Alliriml I tuu- .. t..l.. l .m.i
drertHoH. uiul to tulk with otl.er nloneetn '..J .'. f"UH,.. , '.l..188" to J1.v..')l. 183S,
in uttondutiuo, to icvivo fudlng memoriert ".fm,; , . fr V,V;a! 0,1 Tu
of (luyn long ono. Ho in u lmlo mid ; '.lvi, , ' UL" -n ' " ,- ' 8 Vl,I"
hearty old enlleman, u thorough Demo-1 ? ,'?V,,? ht.v ii..f i , l'"r yV.CN,,oi:l
crut. und tho vory iwnonlllcution of un 1 ,0iSf ' 1 W ,s"(r " '1, , tT;fol,1,1 ,
idea. Oregon pioneer pjutf heinriuiout!;
laiffifthaJ'S fiss.,n ,ho 8,u,,",rt frui" ,hu"--f
Satuidav nearly witiiewd tho clwo oil nlcro uro nix National and private
tho fcHtfvitien. A number of I.u (Sramlo j bankH in HiIh city, with a naid-up capital
youn peoplo attended. '1 ho joyouxiRH of l(,0,000, ami two uior6 bankn aro ld
of tlio occasion wan marred bv a row . Jug to Mart.
over duo of the rustic belles of Meaehatn, Jlc-sru. Cheny tt I'aikoH, of Alb.inv.
ono fectivo individual bom taTen down Oicgon, havo hociuuil hix lots on A Mail
and roundly slapped by another. Ihh : and will movo their foundry hum. Vo
....lu iiutiiu it, ,iDi,ii ,iiu i uiiuicioii navo aiioaiiy ono nruMj ami iron foundry,
yount? ladies in attendonco to leave lm-. lJlHt Satur.lay orknien iluu a hole In
mediately. Another niountaln .lance i tho bank near tho dock, and placed
wan also held ut kaniela on the following therein fourteen boxes of giant powder,
"te'it. 'When It was touch, d oil' it was found
Air. . i. Look, wlio lias been em- mat urn railroad track and heavy snwi il
lllMrlct Trnrhero' Iimtllutr. I
Tho Tcichers instltuto for tho tith 1
.ludlilul I)i?trlot and Ilaker couutv will
bo held ut linker Cltv, August S8. "t'l and
IIO, KS83.
This district comprises tho counties of
Haker, (.rant, Malheur, Union, l nm-i
tllla and Wallowa.
All teachers and Mends of education I
in tlio ubovo and adjacent counties uro I
eouuuiiy niMieii in lm present. ;
Tho more tho stthK'ct uf nitlitfi kcIuhiI
education is considered in conference bv
teachers tho greater does its Imporlanco
kHromu. It remains for the teachers and
i-ehool olllecrs to carry forwatd and do
velop this imiioitant woik to higher
degiees'of e.celleiiie, uiul in order that
wo may bo ablo to secure fir our public
schools that attention und aid which
their importance dem.ind-i, all uro cam
eclly uiged to attend and co operalo in
tho great woik of popular education in
our stato.
Overwlielming Reductions!
15 01 V
UI3J51JOE T H 13 Lit
en in tlio curium or forco of t in
V. T. . U. at Centervillo. is In l'enillo-
ton on a short furlough for tho henollt of
his health. Ho reiwrts tho nido-trucks
and wureliouso.ull completed at Center
villo, and excavations being mado for a
turn-tublo. Tho depot building may not
bo erected for some timo, as tho wholo
onorgy of tho construction department Is
directed to tho building of wheat plat
forms along tho lino for immediate use.
J. M. Ilcntley, cx-shcriir of Umatilla
county, wuh iruurdlan of tlio tlnest
charges on hist evening's passenger
that over fell to hw lot. in or out of
olllce. Tho party consisted of Miss
Prico. lust returnlmr to her homo at
tSulein, uftcr a long visit to l'ondlcton
relatives: MNs Wimona Irwino. u
daughter of J. H. Irwino, of Helix, who
was ixiunil for Albany on u visit; Air.
Ili'litlov'H ilailL'lititr. mill Hum' .Moilnr.
mich, both going down to nttcuil school.
Honest .loan" Heomcd to nnnreeluto tho
honor und impoitanco his duty us cus
todian of tho party.
Hurry Hoxtor und U. Sureent nrrlved
last ovcninir fixim Tec I Siirlnut". havlni:
como down witli Mr. Lolmiiin, making
tho trip in ono day. They report that it
is a mistake to uo to the Mir niw Willi tho
idea of "rusticating." Tho usual "rusll-
cation" consists in (lancing until tho"weo
Hunt' liotitM," regulaily ovory night, to
gether with other llko dissipation. If you
go to havo'u splendid time, however, you
uro never disappointed.
An item was iinhllshod in Satuulav's
h.sr Oi;i.(iosiAN,t,ikon from tho Weston
timbers had gone to tho four wliul,i.
That or something else caused tho piling
under tlio wheat to give wav, and ubout
L'OUO worth of wheat went hito tho lmv.
Draymen toll mo that they aro crowded
ull tho timo, ut ono to two dollars tier
St. Paul und Chicago men have let the
contract hero for ii wheat elevator, near
the coal-bunkers, for $114,000.
Tho ship tt. rrancis is unloading 3S
718 packages of tea, and the N. 1. Co.
wilt send out (J I cars and eight engines,
loaded witli tea for Now York and Chi
cago, to truxel on passenger timo.
Ships bring brick from China us bal
last, and sell them hero ut $11 per thou
sand. They uro larger, but not as nlco
looking as ours. Then thoy load with
lumber and return.
I am told that I.aild tt Tilton, of Port
land, will build a largo (louring mill here
willi a capacity of one thousand barrels
per (lav.
To-day nlno ships uro loading lumber,
and ono wheat, for foielgn jiorts.
Tho steamship Umatilla is unloading
hero, und she is "u daNv."
About tl(l,li()J worth of real estate is
sold hero d.illy, with a steady inoiease.
Aero property brings from 4Mi to $.100 per
acre. II. K. Hmtviiv.
Tlio rin Drill.
A lire department drill occurred Satur
day afternoon, and was ipiile successful
In proving tho general eU'ecllvvuess of
every portion of tho depaitment. Thu
only Incomplete feat uro vnts (lio faihtio
of tho IIiMik A I.udder Company to "turn
Leader, to tho eileet that A. V. Sttiok- Mini." A big showing was liiailo without
land and wlfo had "skipped" from Wos-1 them, however. When tho outlit turned
ton, leaving sundry unpaid debts. Mr. Itho VHIanl Homo corner, and came
Strickland docs not hccm to havo I tearing dowh .Main street, Ihoy looked as
"skipped" vory far at a Jump. Ho is i though they could maku any of tho lire
now in Pcmllclon. oulv twenty
distant from Weston, while his wifu
visiting friouds In California
M. I.. Wei-ton mid l-Mhert Itcdd went
in Meai'liu'iii Suturiluv nliilit. A nuckiiLM
rf IteddV, I i ini a box of cako in a Hour
sack, was left a few moments Sunday, on
thu ground near tho camp, and was soon
soi.cd by Iho Irrepressible Mcacham hog,
nut i((!(Ki iiv lull running soon succeeded
in recaptmiug tlio tioasme,
Tho trestlo bridno this sido of Meach-
am cauuht tiro from burnim; hruxh Satur
day afternoon, but tho tlumcs wmo
(in-coveied and checked, and Iho hildgo
repaired, before tlio nusscnucr train
arrived. Ths burning bridge If undis
covered, might havo occasioned u terrible
A littlo child of K. A. Wulker's foil oil'
tho counter at that gentleman's stoio
vestcrdav afternoon, striking on its head,
and was icndeied unconscious for some
timo from tho ollccts of the fall. Tho
hud is nearly recovered this morning, no
serious injury having resulted.
n assessment of tho C . fc . T. H. It.
has just been made. Its amount of taxa
ble propei ty in Umatilla county has been
fixed at t UL'.OOO. This merely conclsts
of tho road-bed, and tho small amount of
rolling stock now In uso by tho companj
In tho county.
Tho Cieur d'Alono Indians uro divided
on tho question oi granting a rigucoi-
way through their reservation for thu
Washington it Idaho railroad. Tho
chief, among others, opposes It.
Ueorgo Huys bus purchased J.Oglos
harbor shop on Main street, und will
operuto it hereafter. Mr. Oglo will leave
for tlio Sound, to seek for a location in
soma ono of Kb booming cities.
I.. I). SiHsar, grocor, unnouneos that on
and after September lbt ho will t-ell no
more gs)ds on nine, no invnes uiu
public to call and tuko udvantago of ro-
luceil pi tees wr casn.
Thu flro onirino waB used Saturday,
I Sunday und to-day in helping tho puiui
' house 'engine to Mipply tho city with
water. This added lono increased ino
water pressure greatly.
Tho Mechanic's Fuir ojons In Portland
on October -ttli und closes on tho l!7th of
tho samo month. It is the tenth annual
exhibition and promisos to bo tho l ent.
A largo amount of this season's grain
has uhoady been hauled into Center
villo. und rests ou tho wheat platform of
Hollistfc Clove.
Jim Ward, tho gentleman who gave
whisky to an Indian, was taken below
last night by Marshal Furnish
I ... . . i it..
miles Iteud's demons grow dlM-ouragcd, und got
isUiluo inxtead of led around tho gills.
''"Wl'i lino
""I al I leasniu und
f. m Charlie
10 ,n -SI In 1
v ti Mars-
I us other i
' M I
t r
Thero was tho dandy old engine, drawn
by prancing steeds, the '.lcit" and
"Protection" ho-ts teams, and the small
but valuable tender company, comprised
of enterprising young Americas, ull coin
ing on a dead run for tho cistern, Three
lengths of hoso wore laid in short older,
two by "Protection" and ono by tho
"Aluits." When tho engine gd down to
woik, three beautiful streams of water
woro obtained, Hiilllcicnt to drown com
pletely any ordinary (he. Tho olllelency
of ono stream was tried on tho Chinese
houses on Alta street by the "Arts,"
and every now and then tho spurlln
water was sent through a window or door
to astonish tho .Mongolians a littlo and
drown a few Ix'd-hugs. It is hoped tho
ex)oriment was successful, Tho drill
proved ono thing beyond a doubt that
tho II ro engine used in the Pendleton
department can have no superior in thu
A NuIiIp Woman (lour.
Died, after a brief illness, ut her resi
dence in Camas Pralrlo, on the morning
of tho '-'(1th of July, Mrs. Kllou .M. Pin
loy. liver pr nipt to vllt tho sick and dis
tressed, und never tiring in well doing,
Mrs. I'inley will bo sadly misled in this
lu tho month of March adoatii-stricken
man appeared ut her door. lie was In
vited to enter and rest, ami for live long
weeks did this estimable lady minister to
tho afllietcd man, providing diot, nu-d-Icino
and the best medical attendance.
Will such Christian benuvolenco go un
rewarded, think you?
Mrs. Finlev was a Miss Morgan, born
in Indiana, July OT, 18.!!). Sho went,
with hor parents to Toxas In !8IUor 18.'(),
and thonco, in IS-'m to California, set
tling in San Joco valley, w hero sho was
married to tho late William Fin loy in
lb58. After living fifteen jcuim in Te
hama, sho camo with her family to
Camas Prairie in 1881.
Tho deceased loaves ilvo children, two
daughters Mrs. J. A. McCluro, of Hod
Illuir, California, tho other thu youngest
child, und threo a tis, to mourn hor loss,
and who huvo tho sincere sympathy of
our jwoplo, in was manifested by tho
largo cmcourso of people w ho attended
hor burial on tho 27th ultimo, II.
A How Mpjinl In tlir lluil.
Kino Harveau's lieer hall was tho
nn suturiluv oil-lit of what mteht havo
been a cener.il free light, had It not been !
for tho promptness oi me narKeecr.
Ouite a number of "boozy" und ptigna
clous Individuals w pro present in tho sa
loon, who at about 12 o'clock were di
vided Into two factions, und wero nav
I'ri lly (lootl .Mi tllelnc.
A patent medicine man made
incsonco known on tho streets Saturday
evening. Ho was gratefully welcomed',
for ho did not como to sell, but merelv
to glvo iiwtiy bin "bitters," which ho
dished out to tho crowd lu wine-glasses.
It was ptetty fair "medicine," ami It is
needless to say that ho had u rushing
crowd (of eager customers thronging
about his wugon, eager to partake of the
mixture. Uf course, it was un advertis
ing scliumu, to introduce tho "great llfo
giving tonic and general healer oxtrordl
nary" into tho heat t of Kastcrn Oregon.
It was probably thought that this could
liost bo accomplished by introducing it
graciously into tho stomachs of tho In
habitants of this favored clime. Tho
gentleman promised to return in a week
or so with an open-air concert com
bination. Another Dole of tlio I'oiitllnloit Cow,
Tlio Pendleton Cow now elinibstrees to
cat the foliage out of her reach when on
ihu ground or ut least she docs tho next
liest thing. Last night about 12 o'clock
a sjiecluien of the terror known us tho
Pendleton Cow camo ulong Webb street
In front of tho Catholic church, and saw
Ihu green loaves and tender bru.iches of
tho tieos that thoy were good, but out of
reach. Hut sho was equal to thu emer
gency. Tlio trunks of thu trees uro yet
small, and tho ground looso, and the pro
tection around one or two of them has
I wen removed. So sho simply sidled up
tolhutteo. laid her weight against it,
pushed it over until tho top was within
easy reach, and then proceeded to oat it
up. Tho Pendleton Cow Is a daisy. Sev
eral dozen of them uro ut largo ull night,
and every ono of thorn uro as full of the
devil as an egg Is of meal.
B aro-ai! x Sj Bargains!
Sweeping Rociuctlons In Dry Goods, Fonqy Goods, No
tlonsCiothing, Boots and Shoos, otc.
Owing to tho backwardness of tho trade this season, wo huvo an accumulation of
stock which we do not pmposo to carry over.
i In order to cot this room, wo have t.t inf,
hN i tho next sixty duvs our Knttm sst..lr
... Wo K""r,,n,W3 "' f " similar quality cannot bo purchased oNowhero
within llfteen jut cent, of our prices. Purchasers would do well to Hxumino
our Stock.
Protection or Tariff Reform.
n., ,l!W,'l,l"c1llo,,'ll,!VlI'irlirl.'l,""l"liooii which tho coining i-iinipiiign will t,o fought
r.Ii't wi.'ffU'Vi0 .V,l,.l,!w.,," "'. v.nn luiulllKuiilly to inrorm UnTtKcir pun n b
Jeot wiiU'h soeliiMi'ly uitt'cln Mis tcintoral wi'lfurc.
I'rnt'llcliig lur tin. Tinininiueiil,
A telegram was cent bv MumigorCrows
to .-ecicimy i arroli ut i niuu yostorduy
evening, entering the "Stars," of Pendle
ton, for ull games ut thu Union tourna
ment. A practice g.tuio was Played .es
torday between memhers of the nlno or
ganized for the occasion, relufoiccd by
outsiders, Stlllmau and lidw.wds being
he opposing "curvWs." It iosu tod hi
favor of Stlllman's croud bv a scoio of
eleven to llvo. Tho game was liluycd In
a listless, sllji-shod fichion, ami w'aii far
irom interesting. jiiu "Stars" must
hiicklo doiMi to wtitk if thoy ox pool lo
win at Union. Inillll'orcnt playing in a
practice lmiihi s but littlu (sitter than no
practice whatever, and mteht unlit tho
club for good, solid work (tilting a critical
In Trmililf Almoin llur.
J. W. Wilson was arrested last eve
ning by Constable Taylor and taken to
jail, lie is a member of the threshing
outfit working at Murphy's, nml about
threo days ago l iiroM'il a horse from
that gentlemen and c.iino to town,
While horn ho got "full," mid though ho
Is considered a good, honest fellow when
sober, when drunk ho roomed to lose all
Idea of right und wrong. Ho wanted
money, und so pawned tho horo mid
saddle ho had borrowed. Tho purty who j
loaned money on the horse look the an
imal and started for Kumcla. and Con
stable Taylor started after him on last
evening's train. Wilson's escapade may
get him into considerable trouble.
The Protective Tariff.
.V'-'iVIli'.?- "ii"'"' ''"lyjliloroil a moil nlMrtMi subject ,;.y of fotiiprcliciiKloii. n win
rVA "V I "fl'l primer for Ilin learner well nmi tel-lKinU for the leariieil.
ili.ili'Ji ..".'...r1!"!,"'"?." PH'olleid elttrt of thn PnilorllvuNy.teni upon tlioeoiintry. IVrlnipn
aV-ni V:iovohli,S fi'iiturn ir ititt l,o,U Mm exact alignment with tlm iin'agi, of PivhI-
...,,,'!.,VM."rlil.VMV.,.f ill' lilll,l!!V''J "T,v"'"-V r In 'imress" Is talieii up, IiIn asHertlotin
upon Hut Jnrlit aniil.vxeil.crltlelMMl ami nuululo fiirnl.li iin'irown r futiitliin.
i,,..T,l.,l,.f'.",,il!.llH..w."" "H"."' .x'lliitaiice of tlio ImioU Hinit mtinlrililit.atiil I have een nnth
lngiiriai.liigUforiiMlit tlicmHii work of ii,'ihIIiik iht- trtitti ainoi.v tin- ptopte.
HiN it. lUCICI.Nsd.N, l',e.iiiiiter (leliernl.
. ... '.'..V'" "l,,,',!luil logical itXiolllon of lliKlliJititleiuinil tlePlH'oiiN of Hie proteellve tlio
orj. Ihu work Is timely, anil u very vatualitucoutrlbiitlou sollittllieiiitureor Inrlil reform
U. W, IIIM .hlJ.MI, .m. i;
ll In it'll Him i-it iipmi fuieln
f nollrp that Mils iMMili In receiving great eniiiiiieiKlutloii
,..,r.L ... i i i.. i i ., 5 1 J K. Tiiiiiii'lliiillinil ll in il'illilllll'll 11 1 ( 1 1 1 llllli 11
..i ' "'."'.If""1 "i""1',' w lili tlmt tlm fiinlKiii.iirgii.n,.ni may bi In tin tmieU an'l mlu Ii o
MV. o'Vou ealleil upon IhNyear lo volu iip in Hmgr Mit erouiiiiileal iiueHtluim or Hiiriilil
1 " (IH.N.JOIINC. lll,A('IC,c:.iiiiiMlhl,,ii,Tiir IVimlon.
...i V.'W.'.V.V I'h-iKiiirt li Klviiiic IIiIm work our hearty lmliirme-il, ami im imeixl dial lu
rid i-ominlttfCHitlid cIlllKiKHlNt III (txteiiillng IMi'IiviiIiiIIoii alining III- vnlerHof lllliuiln.
Ami many others. hrATK WMi'11 XT'" "'MMimii: P I....I.NM.H.
jjooli Hound In Cloth anil Soiiil-Vey IinI OrrKoulau One Year..
ll(M)k Alone, In ( loth, puM padl ,
..fl 0
. I (0
I'eiiilleliin, Uregon,
Now nnd Socond-Hnnd Furnlturo, Stovos, Qoddlng, and
Conoral Hofjsohold Coods,
CJJIOO K 13 It V, G I , ASSWA H 13,
Coods sold on tho Instnllmont Plan, on Easy Terms.
A.. W. SO.M"tJL.ZIi3,
A sheeiilirilir I'iiiooI llonl.
Jmnos Wells was thu name of Iho man
found dead uo.tr Pike's Peak, In ('ma
tllla county. Ho was hording sheep for
A, S. I.ourow, and died while attending
to bis duties, being found face downward,
Idling thu sand. Ho was lut('mcrutu,
mid had long ls-eu subject to epileptic
Ills, und It is heliow 1 tli.it one of thtmo
cuiif-cd his death. An examination made
Satunlav by Dr. McKay failed to reveal
any ovfdoneo whatever of foul play, und
t Is evident that he died from natural
causes. Wells was slxtv-two years old,
and was well known in W.dla Wulla.
Main Stnrt,
I'rnith ton, Ori fnn
Sanitary and Imi Ungicr
Mi nf.iel.
Steam, aud Hot Water
Heating Apxmratus,
Hpcelflcatlniis ami est'oi .ti n fuiuMiii fur
heating bulldlngK In any nciloii of the r-tuu.
ti;. ConrwiMinil.-i'"" olirlt'l.
I Established 1857.
M i .ii; i :. -it of an I Dealer hi
iiili. )tois UtliitU, Window iV
I IMulc f-fic-. nnd .iiiriil
(tiilld'nu ujiHSh'i.
Killionlo a nt I'rlen f.lilii on aitiilliuitlun,
C'liliilr.v or.H rs n K--lally.
I factor mid H.ilew.M.m, Wi , rN Mill,
I'llllThANM) - - - Oltl'.UON,
))3ftitw "tin
Portland, Oregon, ji.
A nun named McKinnoy was arrested
yestetday evening by Constablo Men
chcii ati'd taken to jail. Meachen had
been drinking ull dav t hN cximjiisu,
but Dually concluded tlmt McKinnoy had
better lx) "takou caro of," und s i ar
rested him, although oillcor Chapman Is
cmplojed by tho cily for that purpose.
What' right tho constablo bad tourrost
.. ... . . , . . , ,
Alchiunoy is not Known, nui arresi . ... fii,,, rm '..Mn
ho did, and this morning bsik him lx- CsndUCtoa C the mlStoraOi ut. rYuIlCiO
toll's Academy
a.. b :ii:at.,hjv
fore Justice Garrett, by whom ho was
released. Meuehon sooms to have been
as far "oh" bis bam" us ho was outtide of
his juriPdlclion.
Tho Walla Wall a brick-masons did not
urrlvo last night, us expected, to work on
tlm nuv hole! buildinL'. Hut It Is sworn
bv tho creat horned siioon that thoj will
lVa.ii m . Ii. L. Harnett has disposed oi his uv-
ul men Lri -imjo nrooeitv at Centervillo ton
Ihroutlh- , ... ,., Adams.
Jeromo Ciatnnion Is over from Wulla
Wulla. leeching tho gieetings of 1 cndc-
ton ucqualntanccx. ; utK nt0 a general row, when frank ,KO,l0r hj, tH follows will
ii. v. wnueier uuu nuicm , ruvior. ino narKceiior, ran imu niununn i.ira n,i co.
' 111 soon lie un electric street railway in ..e.uo, j nuo u locomot vo, u row ino co uoaiiii ritnt Hoohovelt has returned from
in i-imll'ton. 'cost flOO.OOO. ; right and leu iiku en many jucfc-nir..n, w,,amcUo Valley tour. Although
cl nlli.iin
ing a rather unlimited uuuriel. Unally . j,0 jer0 to niht, and thin f.w t can I
tlio dispute had reached u fover heat, a feym upon. -Not until Wodnoml.iy mon.-
fow blows lielng HrucK, and was '1111111 j,,,, ti,0 nrt brick I laid that, to-
Joo Parkes left on Saturday afternoon's mid pitched tho most oiihireerous one 01 . yi M,wci Krt,a,y ..,iown IkjIow." ho
il I1IIH1 .IlUrU Ul I lit Ol filll 1)1 (lltl IH KM lino M rv v. ....,, I jil,., 1 . III. I'nndh.hm Ullll
. ---. t l llVlhUV
, 3u'r. x ' !l ,ri" ' Meuchuiu.
.Will. f. ,,ii .,, t.i ir.., (nr mlu nniW
r , "?A,?" i f, r : "wVmV i TV S ' mark for the barkeo,er.
' I i ' . " .tu" iiruJ v "o
COWS. .. Here. C'.iino Hi Time!
,.!,, Tl.t t octnallv one ed tho (lis-
turbanco. Scorn ono long, shining
5r. . u
n .1
an a
The new-
front is Iwing put in at Kino
1 to Henn i;'" 1 & Darveau's beer hall t.Mlay;
i 1.1? . "al 1,10 pros-
Wlnitrm '...:.i
Pcrtion of ii, 1
Miss lino's kindergarten sceool opens
September 1st.
H. C. Means, of Umatilla, was in town
I cannot do btn-iness without money.
AH of those indebted to ino will save
costs by settling their accounts at mice,
or the samo will bo placed in tho hands
of un attorney for Election. cTiLToSi
still seems satisfied with Pendleton, and
will now probably number himself among
lis enterprising citizens for some timo lo
como. I'enuieton is 10 isjcongramiaieu.
will retain') tiiillPpti'lnb(r3i InW,
Thin I nut I' ii'lou Id mluflinl In one of ilia
inottUullglitful anil le f.l'liy loeailonitof it n
Hlaic, Knowing how iiiuon liiiK)ftuiii-i Ik at
lavlitKl lo ill" kfleetlon 0 11 llo for an Itntd
euiy (if tn it,... Hit, MUttir coiur-i'i lulu
ttielr pulrom ami llieiiim I vi h on 'hulr hnvlllg
Kciiii l uil tlio rtiiilrumtiut of a rural Iiouih
tn lbs Immediate, vicinity of tlm tluurUhinir
cl'y of IVnillntoii.
Kvery fimlll y In hero litrnnlMl for thorough
riieiitl.iiliyiilf al ami iiiumi tnitiilnir. IIuIIim
of orilir, Imlii.lry ami M,iuntu,it aronluill
rjii.ly tiieiileuteil, a
The rMucutlonnl Coiimu roniprlncn nvcty
11 h fu and orninieutul braneh nultiible .r
young liKlim. I) nclpilnc gntlc, yet tlrm.
Trnm. iniuterate. Allbougb puplh, r ml
Mi 1 tle.l ul H'iy time, Ii lit virv iliMtlmiile tliut
lliey .houlil apply ut the l.cglnnlnx of tlio
I'or further purllculam apidy at lint Acml
oiny,oruildre HT. JOHKI'll'S Af'ADKM Y,
uug8 I'enilletoo, Oregon,
ir. . I '
lent lim'.t
ami Sin,.
Perf ct fli aimruntH!
ui im' fi amt,M
Pendleton Meat Market.
MIN if., NKll Vll.l.Atlll.
GEO. J. IHRIG, Propv.
Having rvuii the almve Murlci, ( .n,
liert'n old .itii.il, wh li ilt in, prennrt il all
tllll- til Jipl IllO p opt; o ',., ,.0n
witli thu v. ry bent
Boof, Mutton, Pork, Void, istc.,
Tiiittlbu market nun ulloril, aiol k
prlenn u full ri iieli.
tTU.ln'THEBOyNMAH HOUSEHenry Kopottko& Co.,
: . ' K. J, llurtou, I'roprleior. tiHAI.KII IN
' Main und Ilallro.vl HU., I'endloUni, Oregon.
Ml'IU'IIV-On IJondujr, Auirut 19, tn the rirtl-clami In every renpct. Near the tie-
wlieoiJ.u. piurpnj, u.ukii. i, ...nui pov una n every convvuieiice, lerinntiui
twtlve poundn. Idy. lylldnw"
11 Al', aitAlX, WOOD AXD