A Kiti:i: i.ntitAuv. rntrmi of tlio Uiilly or Semi-Weekly 1 KANT OIIKOONIAN run freely ninko line J ...i..M.ntii In money ortmp will "nl' i....l,li KA8T OKKCION- tort ' ti ufirr tho November of tlio I.ASI' OIIKOONIAN lllirnry wlirif ' vrmin now u eer lliey no ilt-nlre. Tin iulllc lire cor One ' w ' ' " illy ASr OIIKOONIAN for the dially linllnl to IH tint otlU-o whriiMer o Inclltiril. 1,nirtlio limruj -mii. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1SS8. NO. 145. nil. L0I)C1E DIRECTORY. tliT.I-. 1 1 1. UH' ' " " " V ' illl II I III' '' " . . ..mil.! UlllUK NO. l. A. K. A A.M. V Mf'".'?".. !.n. ul 7!30 o'clo-k. II. J. si.; W. K. ToTWiNK, Hocietnry. '' r iiif .... I if LI' I 7. I.IIIIUII . v.. . ... - . .... Mn(inii i nin dio on n o jirci . . M , mhpIi month lit i Bnu uiu.. ',-:,,,-, ,,.. w. M . ., ... TIO'C IICK- I. ""- T. . . i ntwiK NO. lit. X. O. U. .W. Meets 71 'H . ... ..I.. I. nl 111 (I ir lid nn !?"u;"t:.i. Hfturtler. r'rmtlK NO. S2. I. O. O. K. Mecli .uiir..." - ,,,,,. ..vi.nliiL' lit 7:311 o'clui'lc. I tTtT.I .V . L. It kJnuftnlln Uha TUATIM'A kncampmknt SO. 17, i. o. U . '""i. n. . .1.? n t TiSO o'clock BUIIH'iJ ' - ..... . ... ...... .... Uji.ll.. 1JU 1. 1. .' - . " ... iM. iil.1 I' v I.'iDilK So. 13. 1. O. .si i..."-: ,i. i,.t ..ti,! ihinl Tim. ..".miny Mil ! if. ill.' 1 I rtll'""". " ...... l..!!......! ir.ll itViirl'Tllli.. 1 1 jir in ' V' ...i. i . v. i". .,,.- C. ti C. "J. W II 1TA KKIt, K. OfJl.tinU . imv uiiiiir. i iv. wr i ..in-m 111 U ilJ rein' I ti 1 1 i-vcry WdlimMliiy .-..lii.i nnn nvlot-k. M. Mohkhkaii. 0. "!'."' V, i. u-. of It. nml H. .;ll''""" KITl'AKSIIS I'OST. l. A. II.. mee' nt WhfPlcr'n Itnll every TliiiniUay nlghl. an WArrtK. conimiimlcr; J. H. IIowkn. r.UAM I'AllMlN", ATTOIINKY AT inir. Oltlci Hoom N(i. 11, Amocla Uonlllcnk, l'enilletmi, Ort'KDli. TtRFII l'A(!K-TU-TIS,"AfTo"llSi:Y AT lou Ore. ntll.K.V ItM.l.KUAY, ATTOHNBYH li 1.11.... ll..m. 1 ! mill 4 AK. If ni i.i". vim . .......- ...... .... wcUllou lllm-k, I'fiiillntoiiiOrfnoti. niirnsn: ciikwh. attohnbyh at 1 iJivr. leliclliloii, urenli. I.exui iiimi. tin of nil klmlii utumleil to with prompt 0'illrclloiii ii Npecliilly. Ollice on )iln uttcf t n Hi') Thiiiiipnoii'llurntinrt biillJIiK.oviT tlio pout oltlco. Gl'VKtl A KIT'fJKHAl.l). ATTOUSKYrt ntljw. mo-iiiu.No. !i nml 0, AH.OCIU ton Ill'i-lt, I'eiiJIi'lun. Ori'Kun. HJ, HKAS. ATTOllSKx AT LAW. . iifllre:-.Miiln Htmol, in Tliompauii lmnhtl Iliillilli Ki ovi r the Pont-oillo-. CUX A MJSOIt. ATl'OHNKYH AT LAW. um.-r- ii r l'lil Sutloiiitt Ilium, I'un (lt In UUV'll. ttr V. M It'll r II. AVrOUSKY AT liAW, . Ccnti-rvllli', Oregon. Will prucuce It courL o( Onuoii auil VuhIiIiiuIom. Col K'l.oiiiprninpllyiitteiKleil o. Tl VSlMKY.Wk'Il'WOltTH a WAMKII. AT li lorn.y. nl l.iiw. UooiimSiind i oftlin 'ttt iinK'iiilii " IiiiIIiIIiik, curner of ilnili lOll Wtbll nil (Til, I'CIIUIOIDIl, vrieuon, n.MtTKll A WIIITH. ATTOIISI- YK AT U Ltw. I'niilleimi, Urexoii. unoiMHHhiid V AMH.tllllll IJIIIUK. I'llYSlCIANS AND HUKUKON8. 1 iiMWlilil;, I'llYSICIA.N ASI) HUH- I sl'l "..ire, III trviiio-ii uriii, ii"iri Hf.iX in o-oii. n It. ll.MIK'KU, I'llYHICIAS ASIIHUH. U, CI llll, ItlHIIIl II MMH)lUIIOII DIOVK, Mulll h'rrrl, lVll lU'tiin, Orc.'OII. 1K J. M. I'HlrM l'. I'HYnU.'lAS ASI J mm on, lllUoI-UVer JiminiouMi a Udriuni ' liire, eorner of JiiIiimoii mid lourin' ri, rendleloii, iinuo 1-.!L I'lll-Mll'l.l. i.h-ltM iN I'HYMlf'IAN I' unil Hiuuroii (iiiiidiiHled-l'ruiiilii, Ofinuiirl 'lln-dnclorollerk lil Kervlfeii I" Ihd p bllr, mid lie miikea tlio iinniir inio una lie cuii euro miy iIIhiuui) wneio ini'uiciii 'H run Iiuvb liny eili-ct. Oltlco ut renldeiic iuJniin,.ii,innrCinirt klieei. OIIIuh liourn. rromsiniu. in,, rrom -i lo s p. in., una lrout;iugp, in, C'Kii. A', KINO., M. I. OrKlf-K OVKU W Mnorliou.o A Co.'h ktorc. Kctldence.on fttbb ktieet near Court trfl. Hexldniiro tnJumiMi-utiiiroted i,y ti'li'pliooo wltli VII UMhotil. K.peeliil uttentloii ulvun to tlio mit ni women mid eiinurcn. 1)K.NT1STS. Tl 11 IIPlirlL. i.L.v,,., jn f k u ,1,ffV K.. 1'in.iirit iTniinii iiilhii'' Uternl omcui-Miiln Htrvel.lnThntiiP' "" minium:, ffiiiiieion, iirrRon. MIPCKLhASKOUS. V It. I'AKKKS, IOSTHACT0H ASO u. Imiller, I'endlelitii, Ort-Kon. fnumrv " .prelulty, (UIIuiuIvk MtuMiedou iliort nollee. J kKIM.IAN.JUsTIOKOKTlIK I'KACi: " Anil .Notary I'ulillo, Vuntyele, Orei,'oii, wiiKtinn n .pfclulty, i-iiihk" on ihiiu r wtit. aluI ' i"tH,u uk," ut reduced mi i i i wt Hoi'Rrt, iwacKurru "ami Wuuii Milker. aIh mid Omden KM.. nMu oii.oresnu. Uluekumltli work of nil "Uiin ium Ue.t tMnilliio iimmier, nd on oniiii ternu. I'.rtloul'ir utlentlon civ n obore.iioelni. I AN F a DHOWS, 1I0U-K OAltUlAOK "Mil n I'.lntrrii, I'eiuilulon, urceon. "op 'in 'in' i iitmrerl. neiir t'ourl Hiieel. Minn p ' iur i ni airri, iivnr nun ii' .mihku's rami. In d on uliort notice. Orilein tl iiir i'(j,.i,r will rei-uivu liriililDt ulteil K .'i p i iiiini u ninwialty. ,'"'N' "N A UULIJ, HOUSK ANIIWIHS . '''""' irinii'n, Mier"hHiii:iii. n a ii win ennik'. storo mid li 1, ' 1 " o,i,.,n riltons Mtir lUkerv. riL4M wTl.KISsiJN'. I'ltAOTICiU, tt . ' ' ' vl( '""I Chronuumtisr U Oiedbow i'rncLi'i. AlluorK h- ..' ' J'm "r'Sf'ji old ulntd, Muln i r- s n. c ,., "Lf.tAl. M'o.K ASI) HUH lv iii, .ulltvnn, (ireguii l'iiliil- i fir. milium ilnii keelull ; -i ll 'H.rliw, ull kiudM of .'.alio i ,. tM!' rk exi-iiti-d rwi.onably. Hut-"KHf- IT of pur.ltloiis. ' MMlMi TAN UK HAD KT TIIK "H'...MIS ortVj. lit prlreii tlii in' ' ' ""' elieniKi I hill th'Mie of ' ""r pjiiiiini; home In Katteru Ormou. THE TARIFF Hits been tiikon oil both Woolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by ROTHCHILD & BEAN .And they now oflor their Ltirgo and Complcto took of DRYGOODS.GLOTHINMc -AT FREE TRADE PRICES, for CASH! lixiiinine their uootls, uet their that the above are not mere tissertiona, but that they will eub- stantutte what they claim. Theirs is not an "intant Industry, therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely meet competition from all quarters. They carry a General Merchandise Stock Consistinc of SfcapleiandfFancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. CASH PUKOI-TAKEKS CAN SECURE BARGAINS Cheap News! Tlie Semi-Woelily Bast Oregronian KND THE NEW From now until after the in November for ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co.. Pendleton, Oregon. Creat Western Bakery, ASI DINING M.GltdTZ, A. FIES.T-OLAS'S MEIAL! KOIl TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE, GLEAN BE 13 OPEN DAY .Utt In Stnu t, tu ttr wT t7van schuyver & co, AVine and Spirit Merchants, 03 FRONT ST. -AOU.NTS- PYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CCO.(Xk.o. WIS) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED . BEER. ARC A DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Vaukensaw. Wis.) VEURE CLI QUOT PONSAROIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) li daw 3m prices, and convince yourself YORK WORLD Presidential election - ROOMS, Proprietor. FOR SO OK T0 GENTS AND TSTIG-PIT! PoitojJlc, Pmtllettm It lUV! PORTLAPJD, OREGON TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, CiillfoinU hnd Southern Oregon Crop. Waiiisot(is. Aub. -0. HunortH to tin iVuriculturitl Doimrtuii'iit from Ciiliforiilit allow that tliu ciopn will fall cotiKlileriilily below tliu uvcrugu, butlt us to (inutility and qiidllty. In Southern Orrpin tlio vlnlil will tin tliu Ih'hI kiwiwn for u num ber of yours. Nan Frnnrlteo Note.. San Fii.vncisl'o. Auaunt'J0. Ovcrthroo linnilrctl Cliincso ntHHciiKurH of tliu Htuamor Abycuitilti li.tvo lioen leftn-ed luuilliih'i their certlllciteH Ivlti Iiuiih. lias ninunil oi UDarJu urockurtopk plu'ce ul 'J p. i. to-iliiy. Ilorrlliln Uritth. OitoviiXK, Cul., Aii,ust '.'0. A. 1'ollu- tor. u crliilu, wuh burned tiuieatli ItI duy in u cubli near hvuimvillo, unil bin ' body wuh partially devoured by mountain i lloim. I Uhlef .Itiiitlrc JoueK Ileiid. Hkattm:. W. T.. AnuiiMt L'O.-Chicf Juittico Joiich of tho Washington Territory supremo Court, tiled yesterday oi dropsy of the luugA, uged oS. An Old, I'lirlliimler Keiiil. Poiii I.ANH. Atiuiist L0. ilndiw W. F1 Trimble, utt old resident of this city, died jesterday. iioti Arrival.. i H M Dorothy, Milton; F H tjluipper-' son. Ullllam coiintv , i i t ago, venter- vlllo; J II lrvino,.Ilellxj l'eler Alolntyro II ahoturd, li It llecht. Mil. K U Averel . Miiv. J A turns, j i ii S' Teal. Portland; W t-urr, Now Vork; Jno Helron, As- tortus T.M Davis, A Dtireeno, l-ewiston; I. l.,Vl,, .. 11 I.I..1I.. II. .1.. 11..... IP u u llllinuil, ?iiia . lin.., .. , v iuii, ll-.o.. A.l .i.iu. M I) I'millll Hi lin, i 'I' . Davis.' A Simon. II Lowuin, San Krun-, clcco; J 11 Keefer; .Mrs I H Duncan und family; thas liamiiion, .1 .Minor, r u Wa sh, Sam u uananii, cuy .irsxei- T 1 i t 1... .....I. 1 .1. . son unil son, .1 v Asiipaugu, iniKor Cilv: John llrown. llrownsvillo ; .1 A liorkeiy, Ariingion; .m .1 recu, mis; .100 tlairolt. City; Klmer Searcy; IlUraudt,. .. . . . .. 1 .. .1, . , St I'uul; H WToinart, l'hlladelphia; W IC David, Chicago; .1 II Wiiiturvtum, C t Mn.iii llin ill. i- iv 11 i.'riiiui. iioiivnr! 1 Mix' .Middlowoitlt, .Miss .McColloni. John j Day; Jus Alorrls, wan nicgo; win i. Wortliinston und wifo, Ijxiiigton; .M v 1 i.i,o.i,iil. l!oi.iiKN Itt'i.i: W l'itlngcr, li Halt.er, , II F Fnglo, II Jolinson,.l W Salisbury, K .. . . n '.t. ... . ..." I'j Ullver, tltv; li Jones, .101111 t aitiier, 1 p.irti.itui. Mitini Tliiiiiiiiriini. Pnnlv'tii Knrloorf .1 Mnrnlii.r. MrDiiimo. Vinson : 1- . .. ' , ,,. ' I. JOIKS, .! tlOllUP, 11UIIII I1PIHIKI 1 HIIU Daniels, Country; SO Ciowder, .Mlllon; I Daniels, Country; h u uiowiier, aiiiioii; (i llaidwick, Cold Spring; U.I Walkins, , I JuniiHir; 0 draft, It S Uraves. Lallraiido; W M lirassllelil, D Dwlght. II W Darron,; A.l .t.iu. k-,iii KltiH! Jim Clark. U llrakor. Salem : 0 Farrow, Widl.i Wulla; C I, , Humphreys und Wlto, I'UlilllR, IIOVVMAN llOL'Si:. l.UUroilllUr, .lllllOll, A C Illchmond. ltoston, .Mass; 1) S .Mc-. Donald. Neb; O W Wuyuiun, Atwansas; ' ... ;,, .. ,1 ii' ..1 I KIellil, vt ; vt i AriiiwironK, nuii'i diiigton. At k; Win A (illlllaiid. Soiner-ifcaih sett, Kentucky; Ah I.ang, Kvenston. I bihn Wy; N It Johnsun, Iiliraudo; 1-ied Wal vorton, Spokane; T .1 Teabody, Jr., V W; Alex Anderson, Dalles; I, Will, Milton; M A llarrlcklow, Ketcliiuii, I T; A K Steele, City; Fit Uuch, Fremont, Neb; W I) Kelfoy, Harnhart: Fred Slcor sloir, W W; HV Johnston; F M Sinllli, Milton; Jno Foils, Wulervlllo, W T; John Wulkor, Morrow 1:0 ; W Stanley; J A Collins, l It IS J l IMS HCSSOU, t'llll liver, Col; H 1, l'erclval, Fall rlvor, Col; U Wilson, Denver, Col; J I) McK'own, ltoKton. Mass: ! rank llecgman. (ins son, Johnson, ('ley Olson, Mai ten Olson Denver, col: ijii niiunion iinu wi, .11 klnsoii, Neb; C! it Norlbrup, Denver; .ilrstiales, llakerCity; llios lw, ivn nor; (J N Young. Hudson Hay; A llu'ii lllon, Suiniuorvillo. Or; Win Adams, SaltUko FM llalloy, l'llot Hock; Sam Unes, Milton; W I' Duncan, W W. . Mutiiituln Valley Iteinn, .Mountain Vai.i.kv, August 1(1, 188S. Harvesting is in progress. Crops uro letter In this neighborhood than over bo-1 fore. Kvery ono lias plenty for bis own j iiso, and somo to sell. Hay is worth fill . w . ... Born, August llth, to tho wifo of Win. Cullon, u ten oiind girl. Mrs. Mlntto Siilllvun, of Cold Spring, , is visiling relatives in our valley. 1 Hiickleberrying paities uro numerous. Many ieoplo are camping, plckjug ber ries und "sparking." ltst Saturday evening Juinos C. Tlirasher unil Miss Flora Jones mounted on tleet fooled cayusos and took their do lutturo hr I'eiidfeloii. From Ihero they oxected to tuko the train for Idaho where Ihey Intend to bo inanii'd. 'lliu young ladv is only lo years of ago, which uccounts for their leaving between two suns, 'tho young lady's patents obieclod to the match, and Mr. Jones Is declaring vengeance on young Thrushvr us soon us ho shows Ids head III Ilio valley. Iist Sunday morning twoof our church muinijors U'caino iuvoled In 11 row , in which knives wore drawn, but on second thought ihov changed tlielr minds and took thetns Ivos to Sunday school. '1 ho liuglo mill will shirt up us hmu us lli jv can got water oiiough to wniply thu engiiMi. ihey haoa lino lot of lim in lliu yatd. Kn. ConKMMAN Mitui during his soh in (lie IIisiMi, In oowliwl i'i. ruferroil to the suit of i l itlie.i pri-lii ei by MeKhi lay, during tho hitler's famous mim-Ii: 'lIilliMillili.il 1 Mllli '"id no'tiln ' to Ink li'rk. 1. lin'l 11. i ilntl In I' Hii.l l.iuoil 0 1 iiniii 1... 1 i 11 pud.. 1. 1 I" till MM" "it nf I'-'1- " ' 1,1 '' ""' ull WH- ili"in r.i 1 ' I-1 n".l 1 n' Hi Hnpii,. J(. i.ii.ii 1 1 . . 1 u 1 . 1 1 UilotU". i-viirii f."i 1' u c ull vnwprwlecUxl U ttiinouutIl4M." SUIIAIt ANII WOOL. Thn UeiUotm for the Clmiitfri Mdi In tlio Mill lllll. Kmiii tlio IiOiiUvlllo Oourler.Joiirniil. Now let iw eomo to the tux on wool unil tlio tux on Hiigur. ilio tux on mii.ir ih for rovcniio. Tlio HhltiMlll'Ilt from tlln tri'.imirv Imrniiii nf KtutiHticrt h tlmt what wo jirmlttfo in thiit I eonntry U only one-tjiitli of tho tiin;ir o i contuitue. 1 The tux on iloiiiestie foiiHiitiiDtlon i!oes to tlio producerc; the tux on itnortn goea into tlio ptiblie treuHtiry. In 18S7 thoiliitics on miir umountcd to Knl,60J,17IM tho "tiroteetion oil to one-ninth, f j .L'uO.OOO. uniount - Hero, then, is u tux-yielilint? revenue of ill to $1 for protection. Turn now to wool. It If u ruw material CKHcnliiil to cheap production of clothing, ihnnelrt. blunketH. eiinielH, etc. Tho rov- ,.ilu (., Wnol liinoiintH to onlv t,"i.8UU.. Milt. ' l'lll. ..!...... ..u1 I .....rtt.ii .. ,.i n Mllf.in llllll Vlllllli l,in., . iiiui ..... iiii.iiii.,w Hirers co old produce ut loiter jirices, und it ureater extent our homo mur- supply to kets witliout reducing wages. I, 1 ... 1 1...I l!...l''l.tt.. f..... ...... .1 ifc in m iaj uuii-ii in.,, i.iiiiv ncu . reduces the revenue onlv fO.OOO.OLH). und mo reduced revenue on wooion gissis is alKHii the same, or t'J'OOD.OOU in ull, tho sugar dunes navu been reduced irom ti li, ll'J ivnr I'onl. unit Ilio iriivoriiiiioiit llin loses u revenue oi i l.iiiii.w.i on sugar to tli!.18(M0J on wool. r?o wo seo mat im uuieuu sugar uiiii wool, lliu iiouorM are uiioui even. nuitiui ueiieius io uiu consumer uro far greater from free wool than they can possimy ue irom ireo sugar. Cheap wool lueans cheap clothes and I...H... .ll.lllll.U tl (III..I.IU ll'.Mll Ulll.allflllllil better clothes; il means wool substituted for shoddy; ft means more mills und wider marlcets for American products. 111.11.. ,1 ... I..I.. .. 1.1V it hiiu too niiK'" ' iiiiiiiii; i" f.i. mi'iiiiiiii ,li.. t.'iuil la ii tuv fur until.,., in iu,i;iiiim, ,11,1 ii., i.-i .... .... .i,ii- Itiin. Ill ivnliir In roiliien Ilio lily mi I'lotli ..s-... ........... im. on beddlnu. on cariets. on cloaks, i etc., it was necessary to put wool on tho ireo Fi tree list. i co wool gives us cheaiier clothing, ' inoro abundant supiilies ut lower prices of tho necessaries of life without uirecllng more abundant supiilies ut lower prices wanes. Free sugar would have prevented, for wio 111110 ui ieasi,uuy ninuei - miuu-uou m tarlll taxes. Free wool meant 11 reduction of revenue to the extent of only live or six millions. Free sugar meant u sacrifice of revenue ... .1 ..1 f.ii lull 1"il 10 uiu osiuiu ui 17011,1111 , no. l-rco wisi made It nossinio to reduce tliu tarlll' on other articles; free Mtgar 1.1 1... I. ..II. ....... I....II.... I.....,.uull.l.. nimi hi ... ..... , "',1111 IIIVi niiiiiu ".linn, i.ui i... -.1...VI., The Itepubllcans favor free 1 sugar und 1 to Hiemselves und families sii- iron wiiiskv iK-ciiiHu nun win tiouiii any further reduction of tho larill 011 the necessaries of life. Itpo sugar means tho samo us Ireo whisky, in this, that they iostono In- , ounuueiy 1111 inmiui ivunviiuu ,i iimu- nun. .... 1 he iwmocrais reiiuco 1110 nix 011 sugar tweivu uiiiiiniin, iiiuj luunru no mi aihey thtisikcop up 11 ceiluin eiiuili - ...i.i... ........ ...v... ilium; they tuko oil' hero u llllle and there u liltlu und thus ciiuali.o the bur dens of taxalioii. They reduco tho tax on sugar to ro duci) revenues; tlioy tibollsh thu lux on wool because It Is raw material essential to the cheaper production of tlio com forts of life. Wo trust wo have made plain tho pur- 1 "oso of tho Democrats, I hero is nolli- ; "IK sei iionai 111 mo ram. neu nwui takes its jilaco by the sidu ol free cotton. , Fico wool secuios cheap und abundant winter clothing lo the H'oploof the 1101II1. ; Tim southern Ktople can wear not ton , cunning nearly 1111 1110 year; nuiinreiM is'iisli in the north every year for want of proiKir elollilng. Keep in mind that , ireo sugar meaui 11 surieuuer 111 (ii rev 1 enuti to 1 of protection ; free wisil iiieant 11 Hiirrondor of 1 of ruvoiiuu to l or .' jof protection; but mom than this, it 1 means "cheap clothing." ! Tho demiH-'rats letaiii the sugar tax for j tho rovenuu it yields, makes ossihlo 11 reduction of tho lax on clothing, on lum ber, on salt, on tin plates, etc,, etc. Down with tho war laiitn OrHiil roomy M lor. Hold. From IIiii llriint County Newn. A deed has been placed on the (Jrant county records, for u Itroup of tlireu ipiartu mines smiaieii 111 1110 wuvo crci K milling district, ulsiiit u quarter 01 11 mile WUH Ul UUUlirHMniHU ItllU nnwnn tin uiu "ltedMan1""ledltoy,"und"Ued(ilrI'' mines, 'lliu giuntois uro A. V. Dykes and olhets, of New nrk, to a coiKira - tiou of New Jersoy capitalists under the name of Iho "lied Man Mining to.' Tho p.lco paid wusll.i.UOO. lrisuoiis times 1110 In stoio for (mint eniinly. Her mineral resources 1110 Ijog niilng to Ui iliiii.loiK'd l,v fine hfii iMi.ltal. and wo .. . , ----- - , -. welcoino Hut ildiolopiiient, kiiowing that tliu rosnlt will 1st millions of dollais ad dud to tho wealth of the eountiy. Ar ngtoii I lines : Nivoral w eeks ugo W. W Mih klin was ft 11 1 1 1 1 1 In an Imhiimui- ' ' , , , t, , bio ooiubtlon on tho lailriMil truck, near lilt) (IBH.I, III IMS Cliy 11 IS HIipiHHSMI thitt liw had f.illiill while ulluiiiptiug In iMittrd Ilia niiiht tritiii for I'orlland. I'o was taken from IliU plueo lo tho t. Viineiil'. Ii' iul. in 1'orllMUil, wheio ho died Salinday ininiiliit ('i.NOHiouMAN .Mat during his HptWtll ill the Housosaid : "Wliv aliuiild we nut Irivi) f-e raw m.ile rl il,m.il iMVr lin-iii irlniilli l i i.il '-t oh (.iiiui I iiuu wlli I 1 lit 1 'imnu'Utuf r-t W . won 1.1 lin 11 im u fair d hi Mid mi ojhk 11 :in." An !w 1 oourt UAfsout uiuKur fo, ito iddig Hut it to IntttiW-iUotf. Tills !oai ttm iiuHvri!i)k ng tb mia Mlilliirtiler af biiiiii. ttwit Mr.t.AN'OK. A Uorrti.poiideut of u I of Mind. IniliilLM'. In 'Iillotiiplitrnl Turn n Atornll.tlo Mix.. turn. To the Kdltor of tlio Kmt Orenouliin. TIiIm 1 u worlil of hcHIhIiiichm. Ono ' I'JllHM lU'OH lltul tirolltrt lit tllO l!XH'llfH) of 1 I il,.,r 'I'lilj mov mil lin nmi'irniit ut i loumiul jjliineo, cxrept in u fow iiiHtuneoH. ThitH wo ull know, to elto u fow gloomy example, tlmt iindeitukorH, tloutorn, law verH una tnu iiko tiirivo mm grow mi on tliu Horrow, iliseano und trouble of u com iniinlty. Thin in upimrent to every ono, hut on the other hand wo hoo ii wuve of , guiierul proHiwrltv iilleot ull oIuhhoh alike in u cetluln locality pur inoney into tlio pocket of the lulsiror as well us tlio mer chant und the capitalist, und the under taker, doctor and lawyer also, if you uill. Then wo say that the good of ono im iiiil lliii nvlt nf imntltor. fur iIimim not ono meinlHT of a coiiiiiiunity ' prollt liecause ot tho prosperity oi every other member? Hut hero, ugafn,by i delving ilown to (lie deep, hard bottom o'f Ji fact, von will nee that sellislimiss still ? preva'lls. Thli prosperous wuvo in '' 1.... I . .1... I. ..ni..... 1, ..f .1.. ',, f I mm nuLiiuu in inu iiiiiurei. ii-niuv 111 uiu ji't iHkIm-km. tlio Korrnw. tint f.imiiio anil hard ' . , times In another. Wo, tlio iieoplo ul J l'.iislern Oregon, might clap our hands, -.!,.! I.... II l,....l.l........ 1.7. i' JVI..U, fi.u iiiniinn iit.li. . , ,i ilnili, ,i, . i' sometime in thu near future. Why? In1 j Kiinmo thn in Urlilv hand of war miiv sweep across the land, scattering pesti- 1 lenco. desolation, destruction, sorrow, .j j fnm its lioiriblo lingers, hurope muy bo weening, ami ino i linen Mines run, laugh ut its sorrow, for in tlio misery of our brothers across tlio sea mil wo llnd i0Ur happiness. Kven now the failure of . i fl ii... r ..i ......... I.. l.....l I I "XI Hi., f ,i ...iiiru1 iir.iiiii In I- ium mill nml 1I1U .1,111. UIU .1, ....l...!. Krauco insures tlio honest granger oh, llin lliual Ilia eoiinlv illls it uood or co lor I I t . I .t..l I ... ..... . I I... 1.. I ' : inn uoiiiuiiui iiarvum, nun ni' in iiupjiy,. i .... I I f... ,1... ........... ..f l.t.i l.'...Ti i nun i-mt'n nub iui lliu nuiuin in nin i.n-. ..llul. Iimitm. ' uiinu i,ii, . iv. True, truu it Is, that the rule of tlio J' inouarcii nciusuuess luevuus. no is king throughout our broad laud, und, glories in the cruel strength of his author-. 1 tty. Do you see t-io grasping millionaire,; j nun nm iiniiiiui iiii'iiiiin in iiioiisaiins.K ; :UMi Ht frying In his uvurlclousness forfW ; more, more, liioroT iMiowyoiiiiiuioveryi.. 1 dollar Is wrenched from the birthright of tnlllm. Iniiiilrmlj? ICnnw vnu Ihat tlu K0id ,u places In bis capacious isicket is "51 ! u,adu up of contributions taken froni Ixi . . t t .1.1 1 . . .. .t .. - VI .you aim moiiuii our iimgnuor oy u resim--. hm law? Know vnu that whim the; luliorvr tolls, tho fanner sowh and reans) I.. I t. I .. .1 1 .1 .IJI tiiieu Willi inn necessaries 01 1110,111111. iaeli one contributes Ids utiota to support this millionaire in iillluence und luxurv V, ) vou know that the producer who isi.3 tKS)r must, by Ibis inevitable law, supfol MHirt lliu noii-priMiueer, n un m umiy I 'V IIIUUIUS inn, 11 i'ri; 1111111 , prislucer. unit was allowed lo uppij mn lanor, ner isMiiuuesH rusoinruN umu ipiiiii'vii i iiiiiiii"i. i.iiiiii. .. .. , .. , u iiuu these resources ate moiiopoll.eoN by tho fow, tlio many must beg of thouj the bare piivilego of existence, and bq como their slaves, Well, where Is the remedy? Who eai overthrow tho Ihrouo of I'm sclllsh king und inslall justice in his stead. Muxta minds hiivu been gioiiing with the sul: Jecl, Theories lutvo liuen udviinced uiu iliHCiis-ied. l'olilical ecimomists hav brought their genius to bear iism th mighty problum. Still Its solution ha nut Ih'iui iii'i'ihiiiiIImIii'iI. Still .111'. ' (jonlds, Vanderbllls, Fleldn, roll up tliel ' millions, whleh uro taken, dollar b dollar, from the pocket of thu prislucoi .May Imp there Is no loinedy. Muyliu I when tlio woild was erealed. It becaiii 1111 luoxoraiilo law mat ineio siiotiui L mdMrs and inlllloiialres, slaves an' Lings, lalsirers und idlers, from time t eternity. It has been so III the past, It ' so In Iho present, itud Immunity t- uy I' couielleii to coutiiiuo lo follow in tl: grove of its seeming destiny, I 'or lull; 110 human agency is gifled with tl' siwer to overthiow tho system, Mil there lire like Henry (Sreorgo who hav assumed Iho garment of reform, b' huvo teceived tint gibes mid sneers, il stead of tho blessings of those whol Ihey huvo attempted lo lieuellt. .Mui ; vn tto not tliu vil. l ew mere 11 to produce , ' 1 H, mVo tho cotirago n,(.,y. MSM After all. what matters It? Time ,,rnity. There euiild Ui no bogluullii , ull( ( (,. In Um nuistlim m.irc 1 0f,.,,unllessagiH, a llf.dluio could scar-f ihoreckoiiodontlioolorii.il page. If, , wu ul ,( ,a,,vi(l ( U iuimorlD,' tl(, ( V hut onnseiiuoiico Is twii-sco1 ! NHalH r f juslic, of siill'utin 1 i 1.....1 1 : 11 iu i.ni .. .1. l IHO lllllllVV t.l.llll. Sfr i" ..ni ..1, t,nM of olernlly, and whether l' drop has biMtn hitler or suimt Is notlili in comparison. Olio huudrod ears frt' ..1 .1... . 11...1..11 -1... I llll.V ,111111 IIIU piiwillll II lllillllliuiin, in,, and piobloms of eailhly life will ha' , i... .. ....... i.. il... U..., .. i... . IMIOII Ull KH ll'll I'l lllJ rtilllir, ..ui. I froe4 fr(), j, Umdagu. And thus wr 1 ,,),, ,B w ill "uiillww gHiieri.iis yet I to eoino. "Vol a f.,w days, ami thou I ull I nli'.ldlng m 11 shall see nn inoro ull his iMiirse." And In theso few da; in ull tin Ii iitleriiuiunifK'uiit'i'. isHiimu up the uiilire ioijioruin'o of eurlldv lifil'j 1 11 mil Dmmo his HHeh in the IIoumu, Ci); greHMuiuii Mills suit) : "Tli" 11 x' urtliiH on ii.. in piu v,:ui,iw'. Nui 11 h 1 ii- nrii.0 in ii.pouuiry. 'fli .inn t. 1.11 ommIi 111 Ui' V 111 lliu 1U I ii t Of was nulled frew u. pi. MuUttlM 1 It law umipl IWeoiiiiiill w sAligiiiu'l. ToriHiltllW I u i Vf Ire- lli ira-t- watte !lie mol if it. .i . 1 '. r I 'l Ii if 1 11 us C II 4 9