East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1888, Image 4

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    TIITHSIMY, At'til'.sT 111. IHS.s.
tiii: ni:v irit.vt i:.
"You liofeii't aecti Mm yctl Well
ihnt'H n pity He's 'lu' " catc'1 '
tuld Young, handsome unci aliifjlo Win
don't you hvI your cap for lilm, .Miiitii''
You've k'ot as Rood u cIiiuho ft the reI
o( them and .i In not old by any mean
Sim leaned over the imrileii (jute bh ulie
poke, thin verlluhle vIIIiiko ohsl leu
nee liur now, with licr (fluid pnku honncl
fnitr willed the elucterlujj prn) ringlet
p:i!M!l the knoti hlno eye tlmt neetlied to
rune' join vory thought Urn trim llttlu .
figure, I'lail alwiiy In iilriple HklrtM of
Junker gmy or Moiuhci hrmvn
Nevet was there ii wedding, fuuernl 01
chrlntenliig in tin- vllhie vilhout thin cs 1
tliuuhlo huly's preM'iui Wlnit u harm
lust llttli hody mIiii uppceied ami how In
cnpiihlaof cnrryliiR iilxiul thai wonderful
budget of Information How nicely nhu
I in par tod hoi knowledge to hei listeners,
beginning with, 'Well I (lou t mind lull
lug you,' or 'They do miv. hut ol enurm
you can't believe "anything ' ui.t ending ,
with, "That's between you unit mo, it will
go no further "
I was In thn jnrtleti I'h.i -nimlng trnlu
Iiir Homo early .ituiii n .!;. my thought
wero tint the brighten! imai- idy In liar
tnony wf;h nature which iviw decked in
aim of hel brl,,hti'M timtlth'H Ii wnH
qulto iinin-cuHiiiry foi Mr llritrtfi to ii
mind moot my ngn I win' Ii,..!iliig ncrl
ously of It Twenty nix .N.ii veri nhl.
tc ho mm, mid yot uol very young 'lo mi
unmarried wotuiui I mini hi ronlint
With fl'Wer hlllteU, ll'K.H l.'OU'lll't I
must Htppoiit ol tin Held u It went anil
leave tin rtiuuilitii mill day dream to
younger and lain t glil
It muttered llttli- to mi' w hethcr tho
now curalu wit-, young and minim rled, or
(Hirtlyold h'll'nv with u wire und grown
daughter At heiiil I dllll;cd this inter
fenng old woman who hud broken In nu
uiy rtiviTtn
I thanked her kindly for her advice, toll ,
lug Iter thai ut pienent I hud no Intention ,
of Netting my rap lor any one, not even i
for thn new i:uniti nu Hiiylng I wiul huck
to my work and tho mien
"Theni .Mai tic don't get riled Of
courau Ii'n iioImhI) n huidnes If you ro
Ruing to Icavn mi r.icl f nu old iimld, hut
take my advice ami don't npcml your time
fretting mid worrying over llob I'renlou,
foi hoiilu't worth It, nohow "
Shu nIiooIc hct head wliiely and was ofT
beforo I hud l line to recover from tho
rniel thrust that had ox'lieil the old
wound Hubert I'n'Mioii and tint punt.
I hud tried to guard my heart, to
trample under foot thu old lovo I could
have lniighel at my girlish folly tia If
It were ii ilieain until a thoughtless word
bad drought hack tho past, llko the dead
rlacn to life again or u Hiunhlerlng lire
thill lieedml hut a genthi hreeo to uiiiko
It a huriillig llaine Onu hy otio thu nines
(Implied Iniiu my Imndii One hv one thn
bllmlliig tears foil I was onfy a weak
woi., .in alter ut 1. us covering my faco
with my hands, I nohlied
'ItoU'rt oh, IIoImtiI Why were you
It alt came ha el; to mo that visit to
Aillil Martha, wliuro I llrxt mot Itohert
I'lvstoii. a young Mtudeiit just returned
from enllegn I calilml tell yon all thoso
bright happy day dreams how I loved
Ii l lit and waited for the hunpy duv when
be would ask me for that lovo llo read
toy answer in my tell lulu fucn before my
Hps uttered It
No engrossed with Itohert's noeletv. I
logk little hcd of other mailers, ncarcoly . the eiitlro eongregatloii
giving a thought to the tact that a young I mini; wearily among thn soft cushion
ludv tint daughlei of a deceased friend gladly taking roliige liehlu.l a large palm
of my uuut x was going to make her i leaf fan liludly prolTeml by u sirtly old
homo with us rihe euiuo lrotu tint mo I gentleman benhlo nut
How lovely she looked standing In the
orchard the siinllglil falling athwart the
lovely ut)turii(-il (nee nu which a ncille
rested .i'uvui wus seen a fall el vimon
Iter nleovn of "ofl texttlie falling hicl'
showed the shapely oilthtn'lrheo arm
Sometime a peal of merry laiighti"
would fall upon my car They did not
tnlsi. mo lint even (lobcrt. lit war ton
tout with Kathleen
Tho haskt! wr full to overflowing, iiud
still they I'ligeied One bunch or Ills
clour grapes tho lust gathered, war In
itnhcrl h hand He Mlnopcd to place II
with tho others whim their ever met
thcli hands touched Was I dreaming'
Alas' no 1 huw him sloop and kiss ln;i
folidlv I waited no longel With n civ
of pain I turned and tied to tin ss:Iumhi
of my own room wheie I hobbed out tin
trouble of my young heart, uttb out)
(lod lc hoar mo
I went awuy nulte iiiierpjctcdly I wiw
homesick, I told Aunt .Martha I left r
letter for Hubert. k'v'B " oxplanatioi
of my conduct. Hluiply telling blm It wu
bettei we should part t wan n pnnii.
girl and would not stoop to acknowled)p
a rival.
I romombct taking tho ring bo had giro.,
mo from my hand, and what a struggle 11
cost nif to place It with that letter tin
last I idionld ever write to Itobort
I came home to mother who was quilt
un Invalid und needed nil my euro I novel
t:eard fruit. Hubert suve once, througl
Aunt Martini who wrote
"Of course, Mnttle eoii'vo not forgot
ten Itolvrl whoiii to s;v-aU candidly voi
tivited rithei iiiikindly llo ha.s gone li
New ur! to piaelhe 'ijedlcliie !! ii
dolue well "
An old newsp.tpei hud fallen inti m
hands where an iimitiiil wax given ol u
brilliant ivi'cptliiu Among the iuestr
well' t!ie nuttier ol III Itola-rt I'reAtoii and
wife I knew It wur ItolxTt and Kathleen
I tmidr no lnqulrlcr and. n-celvlug no
ftirthei Infoi million tiwik It for granted
that Aunt Malthas kindness of heart pre
vented her from again referring to the
past I closed my heart forever The
world will never know me us a dlsap
pointed woman, I thought. Ilutterlnp
nivhelf tlmt I had qultr succeeded In do
celviug humanity In general, until thb
gossip had come iihiii me with hei Idle
words bringing ti llfothe bitter post thut
I thought I liuil burled yearn ago
"doing to nervlco, Miss Kenwoodf"
It was my uelghlxir who asked mo tin
question .Marc I a Hull a dear little girl
with thu utmost faith In mankind in
general I smiled faintly as I caught
night of tho new bonnet with Its dainty
ribbons, evidently got up for the now
"Yotingnnil foolish," thought I "Walt
until vhe Is V.'il, and I'll wager she will not
buy a new bonnet for all (lie new curutea
In "town '
Slowly wo walked to church on that
bright Sunday morning, .Murelu chatting
guyly and I, dressed In the plainest of
dresses walking silently beside her
I had not fully recovered from .Mrs
llrlggs' unkind remarks, and was deter
mined to show her my disinclination to
hclinycjip as she termed It tiy uppear
lug In an exceedingly (inlHs'iiinlug gtwu
I was really dlsupMiiuli d, on catching n
last glimpse In thu mirror to lind that,
notwithstanding my plain toilet and my
'.Ml years, I was still u pretty woiuuu,
mid to hear my mother say as I stopped
to kibs her. "How well you're looking,
How crowded the little village church
was llllcd to overtlowlug Kvery one
was there, even that hateful Mr llriggs
I culiglit a glimpse of the gleat xike
Unmet us I wulkcd quickly to my seal
They woro hinging us we entered yut I
scurccly heunl tiiem. finding rathei em
barrussed at coming late to bo guzisl at by
first to break tbe silence. It pained tor
to think It was n commonplaci remark
'Uow Is KnthleenI" I asked, endeavor
ing to shon birr how llttli I cared lot the
past, and how without betraying the
slightest emotion. I could luqulruafte
his wife's health
Kathlecnr" He looked dar.cd at the
question 'I believe she is well, but not
hutipy pool girl
lie bellovcd she whs well. How strange
Had be growl weury of hoi as of uio'
Was he utterly dovoid of honor''
'Not hapliy " I said as I tc' nerv
olisly witL the ntses in my jodico Slir
shuiilit lie very happy as an your wift.
I (altered
As my wife," he said gnr.lng In blank
amazement 'Did von oh. Mnttlo. you
have Judged me wrongly I never niui
ried Kathleen
He lisiliisl like a man upon whorr s
sudden liutli had dawned, or one accusei'
ol a gieut wrong who could provi hlr In
It was In tho twilight befort service
that he told me It all The uotlci coll
cemlllg HoU-rt Pivstoi and wUe referivd
tohlsetriln tit had enterei the mlnlr
try from clinice k he hud come Into
large foi t lint Ihruugh llie death of his
uuelo True he bin' admired Kathleen as
a man would admin u iieuiitlful womnn
but he lievel elllertallii'd the slightest
feeltlig nl hive loi liel
The scene m thr orchard wa but a
simpli rusr gotten up hy Robert and
Kathleen to excite my ealousy little
drenli'lliu of the m'iioui' tPMilt
iMilhlieii mailt n most unfonunstr
limtcli ilKi most U'UUtlltil wnllieu mak
tug it pimi -I'lcctioi, tnun her uiuuy suit
ors I'lnii girl whHl a dear kind letter
sliu twill ti us telling how happy sho was
to heal we wrro reunited
Just to think or it said Mrs llriggs
tic rami- buck U her aftel the otbei gin
had given him thr mttlcu I wouldn't
tuke lilm Would you?
We call allcrd to laugh at ber Idle gon
sip, we art1 so happy llohert and I I
suillf proudly to think that without 'sol
ting my cap" I have cuptlired the now
curate, aftel all. Anonymous
Are Yon Protected?
Leezer & Kuebier,
The Inritest nii'l moil rotnplete stock of
Drugs, Metes,
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eaatorn Oregon.
Despair) Block
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
go imy longer without insurance on their property, of whntao
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
Is worth every time what it eoats, and procrastination should not
he indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the
ilrst place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your bnsino.-w those who represent none hut
the heat insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oflico ol
Clopton & Jackson,
meni i iiNiidit umiii her lovely laio my.
happinen.1 was pi no I was a pretty i;lrf.
luir and fragile yet nuo infill ax well
rompaiti a ktuiplu little dalny to a roll
lilnwn poppy or a rich nil roo m my
Inn. heauty to thu clrl'MiiMulhlto loveli
I '"or a time his love wna unchanged I
laiilusl In my fiNiliHh hetirt ut my douhtw
and (nan At lluuw I would Hud hM
ktiouh eyes wuniloiinu fiinn mo ami rout
In;) aillilrlli(,'ly on the lnniiilful faeo nl
UalhliM'ii U'u No uiiin i uuld ri'Hbtt that
r woiiilrnun (tuirlnatln laee .Shu uevei
' I'liiimnnjeil him hut thn driMiiuiif! Ild.
the taint IIiihIi the treiiihlllij.' of the little
haiuli, all told plainly that hho, too. lured
II iw I milTcred1 In my mad jealousy I
(lew ulinoM to hato the child He loved
me iielure hIih cauie with her In'iiutlflll
tlow'T like rain, to rob me ol tlmt lovo
Wu . hih hhiid that she did not eo we
wen helrotlieill I pruteil that nhe mihl
p awuy and leave u In uuriielviM onee 1
iuiii ! and lioliert would liacli to Ida j
old l.iud wuvn i-aievM weiv jjniw I
liiH Mhler hii kitniiH liuiiier I nKikt ol 1
lili imimiiIuk nelivt He uusweled light '
ly. i.ililuu Uith my haudB hi lua and look
lilt; loudly at urn
' NoneiiM Mat tie' Ki Von know, tuy
little Kith that you am itimuiuk ueuii'i
and learei to me even day'
l'r a time I nn aa'isiM). trying to it
couumt lth but a aIuiiv ln love
W.i were mwII in tho ifaeiU-n one
iile:nion In the earh hiiIiuuii Ittilmrt
K.iHiliH'ii ami I She hum hmUiuu un
ukii illy ban.: utue 1. 1 .i druwi ol mil In '
dmn mull ; 1'ivi-r hwi juhI Mid Im
a writ uierttiil iMiUfilllueiil for "hull aue
wtu iilmut to make m uineiouii rwply when
iii.i Martha niue to iih
itnliHt. "M Mild plai'tim tHir baud
foil !ly mi hi- hoi4liler a iupho. "i
vyu itNthei lie cnl'' li met I tllld
tllM IH- "I ' be tMini'he Iwili; llttfll
'Dm 4i l will gti itii ton and hold tbe
II,- i. w. i i-iniply witlt ItM nM)iMl
Uatiiloeii at nu mde in a unmienl
whim I reliiM'd lu om llieiu, leiyuiitf; a
evi re Itoadui tie
' l liey do not want IU." I rwuouml
within lUVM-U
I wulihud tbeiu tbev walkixl awa
twtlwr M aarftn tbe little lki
lMkel and iIm Iih-iiim tiei bnuhl mil
itl thai eiiiitttkt ii tluit cut m tv.
ural to her
I etiiimu toll ' "'hat lout pi t u-t li
follow tueu It be Uvr Mn li
(tvulil Slowly I !leet down tb UIU
way lakiiu over pr .u.tioi. ti'evei
ii. i ti t ..i.eril s.-.iil "I"'" uith
I .-IK IH'IH li I d't
i t tuy lever and U.nUu
I uioi u.ei i
Now a hunh. ii kllKht llutter aiiinnu the
'niiKtVKUtliili. a rustloof piruieuti. with
now and then a Milxlued whiHiiei in the
pulpit win, rolled elon to the ebuucel und
'he new curate iiHivudeil
Ilea llMt lovely ' vvhlnK'rtl Murelu
pulllnn Hiittly at my sleeve "DoliHik ut
lilm. MIm Iu'IhwkhI '
I kept my eyiM ilowncuat If every
oinan In llie 1'oiiKreKiit Ion east glance
of admiration I was determined to do
Am I my brother kivperJ" win tlio
le.M Clear ami dlxillHt wero the word t
oftheHpeaker Tholirnl Htinla had cuiimiI
my heart to beat wildly How like that
'ii'o of Ioiik no that rich, soft voice
i hat pleaded for my love' I ItHteucd like
otio In u dream, until I rulMil my eytn to
ivt bnroro mo Itohert I'leston
Yon, Hubert I'ri'htou C'haiiKeil, to tm
niiro. not the bright. tHiyiiih lace of lone
ii There were Iiium of caro and auller
wg oil It now wlulo tbo dark hulr woj
ilreaked witli silver
Va Kathleen dead' I wondered Hud
bo Klvi'ii up Ilia prm'tlcer Whm bo happyf
I'lfty illllereut iiuenea eniwdiil iimn uiy
memory Why nad fate thrown u.-t onco
more together after my bitter Ktrum;h to
linnet? I'lin lliliiK I wintdelenutneil upon
I in iit leave the village I dantl not
trtiht uiyM'll lurther lieanona-. I would
my heart told me that I loved him (till
It wan all over I could hoar the with,
pcrcd comment of tho worbliera on
the ohuiieiu'n of the new cmuto Th"
singers were chanting In that nasal
drawlttu; lone hi natural to villajjo choirx.
und t til I nut dmiunn;
Are you enuiiiif;' anketl my com
Hiniou, t'heu ai I anM intvhauhiillv to
oUy lKmt voil llko him MUs Isen
wood? lK (ell iue' oil IInIi'IusI alien
lively and ouen. an I looked ut you I
thouubl yon weiv tpiiiii to faint uway
you lookisl mi pulo Are vim tilt"
'o I like bun.' I addetl aloud, whilf
my heart whupeix-U. -uu.1 mv mo. I love
Wti wwro out oue uore In the hriHh
unbiuu. itiiulliK o,uilo uiieHx'tiHll'
upon a lit i le ifoimp eiiiupotetl nl thk
woiillliiei uieinlHirs nl l lie isMintalUi
uullieml ariiiiiid the iuw curate Thn
Wul learned he wh h man ol wlth at:e
ktaitdliin lib Ku.iiiu bin valluig Rimnlv at -UialllM
ut ta-te Smo oul tlilllk '
wan the pat- i wu.- -(uvattiitvil ui l-'
Uiw tHir 1 1' ; ui li.tndu Utiirbet-
as. rwalillii (UukO ' i.'ui eye Uoii tuw. be
I Uav hail leuur of uirtlinr
MUd Iwtiwtatd :h :.rc
I euiinot it II It happeiuHl that w
were all na " : nt tbrmih lLo ehurri
yaul i.iik iio ".. liijjUA.i. ue.l I I. ...hi
uiykt.f u.iue with Huovrt llo va. tiie
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Spocial OiFors;
No Cut Ratos;
On Tlio North American Continent.
IJ I urne I'.ip'H ami s l.ont t'ohinum.
I'll). I, . hi d In mi l ijlM O Willi each iUf
tile XU'ekl' .nil. nil
!l..lniilliil u , I, in.. I enntliiutllK llirre
aftor. I'll" W'irlit will print Willi i.ueh le n
oiiiill" Ii.i4 'I hy a miinar Miuhi.r. Auiuinf
I hi' iiilier will lei
W M r Ik'.iiut, The"I)Hi'h
Wlikle I'olllii-, Mr. Al. xamli r,
Itnhl. Iliii'liaiiaii. .Inliiir.. Wlii'wr,
It. 1.. HlevdUniin lli liry W.hiI,
It I. l-nrj. M. i:. Uin.4in,
I'liulimi. llaril), Klori'lu... Mci.
Jiilimi llHWihiiiue, Stan' Crrll tin)
K W. llnliliiMin, HV'tha M. TIilv,
Kmllf iiiiImiiImu, Millie hilw.iru.
.Inli-t Verne, IIIiikIu tlwiirtl.
Win. Ilhiek. il'.l' Pl.lllliK.
Tin e iii.M'U will lie the laitMi wora uf Hie
' .I writer a lliey mv euliUinint the lunik
li, ell ier oBf l i ilktni; mImhii. Nnlhum
hut Die veiy Ixkt will be uilmliliHl lulo Hie
Worlit' "tun lint I Ibrury til Helton.
Till IJIir.iry.nl I'UUI n WIU Ue supolled to
MilWrlbera Only.
No KMia forlw Will It frlntMl,
No Itiick Numliet Can LW Kurotinl and No
liible l ople. Will b.. tmJ.
If Yen Wl" I he ! Ciiiule!e,
suiwiitiiir iruNfic
One Year iVi i.uuilii r-.,l;
i) Muiiii.. ( -. .hi in i.. i), .tt
.1 Mi.uili" i1 niiiiit.er . Me.
THE WORLD, Now York.
Uaufc UulUiliUf.iNHirt MnHUrHwaivUHt
r .i i. m
W. !' In
U K.
Located in the EAST OKEGONIAN building, I'endleton,
wheie you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mn-
, rim, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
It is well to remember that to lie secure you must insure in
one ol' the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with u combined capital of more than
Tifilrnlc To an.i i
iiiUM Inn,.!'."""
a ru mi.ii
, "-ii.ui.uiii
rree o( clmrv..i
v.iomf coniKcllon.nl n,...
Knt hound paMu7T..j.
mi nun mi ir .hi
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West IioiiiiiI
' irriirni t-pj.
nulla w.iL .. ..
. m
"rcKonAiiurtl! tiff
Ilrmrit.i 1. ...
Ix-ave HiitMir Ml. whirf ...
Itatm uf I'tu,
Illchiitlnr m..i. ...
llnmii 'r .In lHiiui. .
......... .ii', & iiuuiiirn.
i.-.. i ., . '.
nr Iue I OlllllllllV. nr i i T.
ti.,! rwinillil.ulTfOn.
tleneral Mtnifrr.
f .t i i ni,.
If you contemplato insurance, call on them und get posted
mid it'will cost you nothing. Kemembur their ollice is in the
EAST OR KQ 0X1 AN building, or address
I I' Us, Or-
Kl' 1 tlf 'nil
n n -i i
Thn direct and populirltM
wiiii iid nitrinrr- rv
iroin hi. l'aui aua n
To 1,'hlrDio anil tkf Rut
ran a u . ...
1 1,... ....II I II M .. f ,
in. v.iiiiii:ii iiiuim. LiTHTrniiiru
uuv ror
M'ltuirr. MMinxun l
linn ivtiuii't
1'iiiiMia rit MitiM i.v kii ftmairt
eu'.ait iiuy uiunr rcuiir
V. nr Nnrlhorn Iviv
nanluii f li. U t 1
1 T.kt AfrtLtl
CHAM. Ur.VKIlY.ti'i
a.T.. t nr..i.i..i..M Ut .t
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it'.. M ....I 1,. trf I' I
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liiiriinifinn. ru
nil iw.lntlhrn!l'Kot Hi
..... i mi iMMiani R."-'
A v., l.tiiil.1 fill
the entire lenKin w -
. . - .I....IJ1
. .i.,iii.ia .murium
Ijiuvu inrlluiid 1 P- ".fi.
Mlnnentmlli or n.i"
I" "".V U at KL nl
I'ouill-eiioii "'"K.VLVi.ifc
oil to nil ioini '"'' .-.x
Train will Ifove lW1"
in., eoniiectlni: wltho, M
,iiriiniiii.n l'untir'-'SfBi
They do "ppr" r";V. '
1 rv,c.oiff
IHAVtLtHJ low""
I . enJ fr0 " "
a W"
n V :
i.iiintiii" " rHl.
IKlli HI''' ' , ' , .
eliiiin. wiui".. rtiril,
re.'.'iiU'.ri '1
Ten Millions 01 wj-
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