East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1888, Image 3

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    ! William Davis, who committed a
deadly assault on J,ayton Titidlc, by
striking lilin ovor tlio lieii'l wlth.ii stake
wliilu nt work tlirenhltiK near Jlallston,
l'olk county, last Friday, came tut of
hiding Tuesday and gave Ititusolf up to
tlio authorities at I'otrydale, and was
taken to Dallas for examination. Timlin
was a littlo better Monday anil wan able
to sneak and ask where "he wan. Toes.
"'i'J'rtiiimi la H'' AiintKtoM jtlay lm wan vorfo and cannot recover.
"n,,irtnMll""k.t,,l' 'l"1''" I Tl,u rucWontM of tl.o t.lttlu Polls nulsh-
:" l.,lnl f IVmlieioli.iiiin
SWtaii... I low! I
(, AU(l'ST Id, 1888.
. llmm-ll OWIce.
rS""1. ...,iitf;llSIA.N litis I
I ' i II .i..il.ljitl u
watch ii'iulrhm' go
sin wye
iioriioou navo necn ireaieti in I in sensa
tion of an eloeiuent in lilplt life. Mr.
lames Thrasher and Ml -in .tones lately
left their respective parental rook, ran
away and w ere married, the parent of the
hrldo having made Home objection to
the match. Tho hap) y couple will pto
hably soon letnrn and tccelvo the bless
ing and forglvncss of the old folk, and
all will be well.
Dr. r.agan returned last evening from
mo vurin Minims. m rennrts camiiois
, , . iscatteiod alt the way from Mikccha to
tirnt mw ii i hwki- tlio Springs, with ouito u tented village at
mo inner piaco. ue says mat ranches
l'titnuni, I're'hlent of the American
A Flrn l(piort.
Tho chief, second assistant chief and
III. l inirliiiwir .,f II... I !.... I'.. .. 1
Her,.nrt1 , ,, i.rci,trr,l.,i.r..,iiei... , 10 i v-iullctnii Firo Department, who
feamiicl 1. Putnam, of Han l;raiiclsco, ; were around on u tour of luvesllgalion
I resident of tho American Secular Union, Monday, will submit tho following repoit
a Aatloiial organization of free thinkers, j this evening to tho chairman of tho conn
delivered a lecture in tho court house at ell committee on lho and water:
I end ohm last evening. He arrived on Cisterns-On Omit, between Main anil
Ho train from Walla Walla, having Cottonwood streets, I!'., feel of water; on
ecturcd in that place two or three nights . Court, botweon Thompson and Johnson,
to g.sjd houses. iv feet; Main and. lta, ft feet;' Harden
His audience in Pendleton was not , ,ind Alta, It feet ; (iaiden and Court, li's
very largo, lis lecture hot being very ex-; foot ( Water and Thoninson, li feet, top
teiisivelv advertised, -covered with gravel; Thoinpon and
it u ! I i "muni lumiiicti .na, a icci, neetw cleaning out.
"""vii ruling iu l-lllllll.t lllllllt'IH, (111(1
G Shindler & Co.,
Furniture Dealers.
Largest and Most Complete Factory on the Coast.
Wllt),KSAI.i: AND KliTAIb.
V5du i""1 (:imll-v ,mvu
, MoiU'luuu
f u-iiu mi linitr
l.i.n.l WltllW'i "
tcn.y evening.
arJaml Imlirins. . lMK
lu l,o:it. I nillK I'onnuv,
nk'im1' ; ,:.
j.ln.l,lU- III lIlU HAST Old!
r . .i .. I unlf.triii from
l.i..n.M fur n man mid til h
monev. Ihtshiess already
Ifor furtlicr paitlcularn in
Lllliik'kMfiotwfon r razor h
L-.ii.ii-.'ii'h new hotel look
Pu,i. r . 1.1. .
rat in COta wriHOll mm mcir
,11 tlfL-n iiir in heing put in
liar Hie rcrldenco of Jiim-
Ilt Mill HO qioio lirenu hi
tlut iieinlilrlio(Ml.
kmil conceit will lake
tt ii. .i... .......
In.nv'. . r. lrier, uiu nun
1" .. ..Ill ,.ulut ...,.l
H l.l;t'l, u.-fini,
iMiiHf' lo I'U mi ciiieriHiii-
artv,ctinlling of I.. ICuy
Vrt'Mtftloii and V. 1. Mas-
It ve'lrril iv on an excursion
ii -thuK.1 (I ( auice. limy
he pruirii' chickens.
.tKimicV l!itlni'Ji Ihrec-
.,vn" nt I inuillla t oiinty,
Iji-t uvn c inplKiuii. it is
Jtllpllli'I HTH"1 us MirKISO
ii i'II'Iumv ii uie cinerpiii"0
i"li'-t jo'-'erd.iv afternoon
itn'il tin' IIH.7.H on the Mil-
,Ik omit Ihiiiso yard. In
l.ei'iriw I.IIU weio ripped
loflmiln, soterrilie was Iiio
A. TiUh'Iic. of I'leotiort,
nht cvenliiu'rt wosl-boiind
i'A will lieieufter resido ill
ho ill S'Kiu oiieii a ilre.-s-
iMi-liraciit in rooms above
!( ftOtC.
frjker lt'tt on this moining'H
i train cm a viit to hor two
! lin;' in the l'alimni country,
i not seen for live vearn.
mianieil hy her nui. V. J.
ir a Walla Walla.
iu. wliu wus arrested and
'Ii'rtejliiiL'a!iiiHtol. wNIich
k? public that lie is neither
IrtiHlmun, or Chinaman,
run. Ho states further that
n.' i!liv.in throo rounds Is-
fifteen lutes In Iv'titnntli
dy. DavlH.Oiloll. CroHont.
"bjl'ratpr, I 'poor Klamath,
' I'l ItW WlKNN. Wm-IIM. Ijitii'
it tllil IKirtiilllM nf Iiuir
lTnlelakw. The largest is
M'li like, C rater lake is the
twk plaw to-day on .Main
'trwteil c-inideralilo aniiiso-
' l(K' I iren mititMliiiitd
evraly (ieorgo Ihrig,
ilfniivd ttlth water and
WlnaiX'i Ilt KU'etnliir mini
li liavili'' !itiiini:iiliiil t.ui
k returncl to his Weston
mornill 'V train, mill will
'mtlietu for the Wlllametlo
li s Uif.l d hum ft jll tin
Kirk will then tako ii
' initio "oun 1 countrv. and
Wnt of lntin.t mi tlui
a? I'U weeks on the trip.
"U3 H tu.ik ill a i lear.inen
'W t'k of iMts ami sh'H's,
urnlsilnggooi'. ami
l Ins Is the lariri'"'
havo been taken up all along tho liver,
between North Fork and lho Snrliius.
ami that tho industry of stock-raising is
growing rapidly. .lrn. J. II. I'urdv is
Htlll very low with heart disease.
Charles ltayhurn bus returned from
Portland, and will probably locato again
in Pendleton. Immediately iikju enter
ing tlio Webfoot domain, he was attacked
with asthma, and it becamo evident that
ho could not exist in tho Willamette val
ley. .So ho has returned to Kastem.Ore
gon, and recovered his former health the
moment ho felt tho restoring influence of
its climate.
(J. A. Hurtman retorts a yield of
twenty-live bushels to tho aero on his
ranch near Weston, which ho considers a
fair average. A sample of his wheat
hIiowh that it Is of excellent nuality.
Oilier farms in the Weston neighlior
hood will probably show an average of
fioin twenty to thirty bushels, with some
few exceptions, where heavy yields are
Some enterprising individual is build
ing a lilllo liouno for himself right under
tho brow of tho hill on whtih tho i"sor
volr Is situated. Ho has excavated a
foundation by delving in the hillside,
and will soon have a neat and airy little
residence. If ho is addicted to so'mnam
biilisin, however, and should hapHn to
step oil" his front porch in a dream, the
cniiHocpicnces mlglit bo disastrous.
(i. V. Hamilton left for the Tool
Hnr.ncs this moniini. tit ImixelmrL-.
lo wll
III reach his destination iiIhiuI uexl
v lirislmas, nidging Iroin Ills pngrcss
uiiulo wliilu In Pendleton. It took him
just two hours and a half to rido from
the Yillard Homo to the dest, so it is
reH)rled, faster traveling than this being
dlsagieeahlo to tlio horso, which had a
mind of its own.
Tlio case of Sing Keo vs. Ki Fon, alias
Win. KIo, tried yesterday afternoon Is.'
fore a jury iu .Justice Hlshon's court, re
sulted In favor of tho plaiutiH', who sued
to iccover lotiy ilollars. win. Kin lias
now I -ecu . nested because of an attempt
lo "skip out" without paying this
amount. Poor klj is continually in du-
Two 'agents" woio in town yeslorday,
one selling die eveilasiing "ruiiijcr
stamp," and tho other an ingenious
dovlco for the writing of small signs.
Peddlers of this character all aver that
Pendleton Is (lie touuhest town ever
struck in their travels, I' Isdng hard to
dispose of anything here iu the "patent"
A very handsome lot of library and
parlor lamps havo just been received at
IjiDow iV Co.'h crockery store in the First
National Hank building. These me the
very handsomest lamps over brought to
lVndlelon and a iktsoii will bo well re
paid to call and tako u look at them,
'pi..... i......iii...i ..lit'..
iliiiv iimi nullum"-, ruin.
A few davs ago John C. Iloyd, of
(Wants Pass deixisited ? 100(1 In tho Mrst
National Hank of Portland to bet on
Harrison's election. It was not there
long till Ij wan covered by U. ('. Scott,
proprietor of the Oilman Homo. Ho
also has another thousand or two lo stake
on Cliivclund.
'lho reservoir is only gradually being
tilled, only a foot or two of water now
coveting 'its bottom. Trouble Is still
earned hv some one fooling witli the
gatos. Tito person caught at this de
testable trick should bo shot with a
stalled club.
Nearly sixty cents a. bushel lias l.oen
oll'ered 'in Pendleton for wheat of the
blue stem variety, while (lflv-llvo cents is
tho uiatket price for ordinary grades.
Tills Is ipiito a dlH'eieuce, and should bo
noted by tho honest granger ore ho sows
Ills noxt season' crop.
P. (. Strickland, whoso homo is on the
mountain wheio life Just now is pleas
ant, is in town to-day. I In goes down to
attempted no theological attack on the
l liristion chinch or iclition. Ho simply
attacked this organization on the prac
tical ground of what he termed
earthly justice. Tho whole "buiden
of his song" was to the eil'ect
that church proiert should bo
taxed that a church was on an ciptal
footing with any other Industry or or
ganization, and it was unjust that lis
nropoity should bo exempt from taxation.
In such exemption and lie quoted from
Presidential messages of Urant ami
Garlleld lo prove that ho was tut alone
In his opinion ho delected a great dan
ger for tho Itepuhllc, but his dibits to
prove tho ossiblIity of such a danger
woro somewhat lalsjred and exaggerated,
lie averred thai the amount of taxation
eseacd by tho church had to bo paid by
all taxpayers, and he considered this m;
injustice which would gradually awaken
dangerous discontent as church property
becamo more valuable. He nclteveil
that those who frequented churches and
were members of church organizations
should supHrt them, aim that those like
himself who never entered a church door
should not In) comHlled to assist iu paying
the taxes the chinch cscaiicd, In short,
he thought that the Christian who want
ed to go to heaven should bo made to
"pay his own fare," and said that "we,
who wish to go the other way, will like
wise pay our own faro, and ask lor no as
sistance" rather a practlcal,cold-bloodcd
wav to talk.
This, In lulef, which ho termed a
'Minion of Church and Stale" against the
taxpayer, seemed to bo Mr. Putnam's
grind giiovuuco. He thought It was a
terrible wrong, and that the American
Kepublio might split iihiii this rock of
the exemption of church properly from
taxation. The K.r Oiiciionmn thinks
that in comparison with tho coming pres
idential election and Its Issues, and In
tlio near presence of more palpable
dangers, the chimerical one died
ny Mr. rutnuui will not create an
Hydrants Webb and I.lllth. eland
broken; Willow and Couit, gland bro
ken; IJHlh and llluir, fenced in t 1th
barbeil wire, onlered opened up; (iaiden
ami aiiii, ueei ami rou gone.
Respectfully submitted,
til s I.. in iKiv, Chief.
0. H. Tcuniui. Assistant.
Tiny Will K to 1 illini.
Tho Stars will go to Cnlon to compete'
in inu loiiriianieni mere on tlio -7tli.
.Manager Crows has issued an order to
this eil'ect, and a nine will at once be or
ganized. It may nut be the strongest in
the world, but there Is enough of the
glorious old "Star" elcmvnt left, at least,
to make it rather Interesting fur thuclubs
which oxticct a walkover at I'nion. The
personnel of the proposed nine Is not
known, but it will probably consist of
the remainder of tlio ".Stars" left in Pen
dleton, reinforced by a contingent from
tho second nine. These baseball hoys
should receive every encouragement.
Let every ono pat them on tho back and
tell them to "go iu and win." "Item
emlKjr llaker City" will lie the watchword.
a Specialty.
Parlor Suites,
Side Boards,
Folding- Beds,
Bedding, Shades.
G. Shindler Si Co.,
Waicrooni, UK! First Street,
hrough block L'OO feet to
1117 and Hill Front St.,
Protection or Tariff Reform.
unusual iiuiitinii as ho travels troni place lo County Surveyor Arnold has been no-1
i.laio. It fuither thinks that not ui tided bv the County Judge to meet lho;
Liberal or ! reethinker iu Pendleton or uine.ivi.i- .,f :,, i i.mmtv mil I .ifiim
uiiyw uere eiso mis pain enoiigu money
A Itml .MUliikr.
Thin morning Pendleton peoplo were
treated to a grvat surprise. No mall from
Portland was received, which joke occa
sioned considerable- enjoyment. Walla
Walla's citizens are In the same boat.
Tho mall-sacks for that place was dumped
oil' hero by mistake, ami it is supiioscd
that tho Pendleton sack was catrled out I
this morning on the Walla Walla branch.
Thus Pendleton got Walla Walla's mail, I
and Walla Walla iccelved Pendleton's!
mall. "A fair exchange Is no robbery,"
but slill this exchange was not viewed
with very general satisfaction by people
...1... I I. I .
'inn iiuiu UAii'iuiiu illlirwi nun irilt;i.-!illil i .. . . ..... . . .
did not receive lliein Tho Pendleton ",'I""','N want . uii'illy eoiiklili'ivil a must uImiiiim' hiii.jitI eny nf t-oin ictiMi-loi i
h i in T 1.1 i . i t r " ii ii i iirni iriiniT nir uie ii'iirnrr wi'i i iim ii u'X'-immih inr iin ii'ariiiMi,
mail-bagwlll doubtless bo returned on Tlih ImhiI mhiwk tim piueitnil iiteet of Hie PriiieiHis.vKii.Mi npni iimrminiry. IVrtuipH
IIIIS evening tl iraill irotll VWIlia mlllll. iiu'ihum ihiihiiihhihh ii'iuuruui inn ihmik it h pwi iinmiiui in wiiii uie IIUWHII4H oi itimi-
nM i i-iiti III rn''iT" l tidii n tiii, iiKHerllnua
ll(yoiiitiUilliiii, tlio Tiirill'lH the Uiim on wlildi tlio eoiiiliiu-eaioiialmi will lio fouitli t
nml It liolioovrsMveryi-lllirrii who would vole liitelllia'iitl.v to liifunn li'mielf iimn u nili
Jeet which socloKclyaMW-lH til U'lntmnd welture.
The Protective Tariff.
II dlt
To I'Xillilldi I lm Ciniiity I.I 111'.
di'lil rievi'liiliil
The iiixiIIiiiii of Mr. IIIiiIiip'h "Tr
up in tliiiTiirill'iitiiilyril, erltli'lx' I unit iinnle In funiMi liielrnwii i
in the way of taxation that the Christian
Church has escaped, to hurl himself on
earth, or his chances In the hereafter. If
tic government is to call the Christian
Church an imlustn, ami tax it as It
would a general merchandise store, let it
also term religious worship a Irutlle; let
It H)litely but thinly send a deputation to
(iod Almighty, and ask Ilim to pay a tax
on the jewels in His crown, and on tlio
pearly gales of the Now Jerusalem.
Wlmt the f.il urn llu In .sin re.
A. W. Njo Is iii from his Columbia
river ranch, a portion of w hich he sold to
Mr. Arbogast. .Mr. Nye brought in a
sample of corn raised on the ranch which
would bo a credit to .Missouri, famous
for its corn crop. This ranch is well
known us being one of the Ir'sI stock
ranches in Kasteru Oregon, in fact a
good ranch for any thing. Tho IC.sr
()iii:oonian considers Mr. Ailsig.ist for
tunate in securing such a good locution
and as he is an experienced farmer he
will meet with great success. Tho day Is
near at hand w hen the laud near the
Columbia river will bo all in cultivation.
and will lm the finest fruit region iu Ihu
statu. With irrigation, and abundance
of water can 1st taken from tho Columbia
river, oven tho sand hills around I'malilla
and Wallulla will 1st made to blossom as
the rose. The development of this county
Is in its infancy and the residence thereof
do not comiireheml what the noxt ten
years am uoiug to bring forth. A great
roward is iu st iro for the eople who are
Hist to settle here. Tho Incovcnienccses
of life throughout this section at present
will ho moie than counterbalanced by
the glories of tho future.
Mild Out nml Skipped.
Souio time ago, says the Walla Walla
Statesman. W. F. llutchor, of Centorvlllo
purchased a horso from Jesfo Ilerrick, a
well known farmer living in that nciuhor
IkksI. Ah Mr. Derrick could not very
will spare tho horso at that time. .Mr.
Itutcher allowed him to keep it for a
while. Lat Friday Mr. Derrick sent a
voting man named Win. Turner, w ho was
uiiinlocd on tho farm, to Walla Wal a
,. ,, , ... . .II .1 Mi"t..i.in.',lil'.i"'i-i"-liill...ii' ii'f"il"l"'"illill"ii."i,illlill,il,l'Mlllllillll
imv nrioge, on uiu .usi oi mis iiinmn, urn Mirp.iiiiii u rnrtii In itie urem work of Npieinlliiii tin- truth iiiiiii'ik Hit people,
to locate the line between (he counties,! linx ji. TiIcKINmin, I'uMinieiiir (iineml.
which has long been a matter of mu'er " '""n ii'ileiiiid logical c.iiitioii of itu injiiMii-ciiml ilil'itni of the prutirilve tlio
lalnly. Judge Mavey, - f (.rani county, ! Th" w,rl N tlm-ly.im.l very v.du mi.. ouirlimi Jltiy:,.fc.';2;'f!r'"
ami Judge Martin, of I inalllla, liave I i nniii-n iimi inu imiI u rr.-i.ivi.nr un-nt i-m tn.-n.i.tt tint ii u ii.iiiiiiii,.ii iii fin. .in-
agreed to have the line established by j incnlul trullix, mill I wlli llnil the fuels mid ai-uiuiu'iits nui) lie In tin hiiiido ami inlinl- (
tho two county surveyors. The IcimI
line is a parallel of latitude, but where
lliat imaginary lino runs, or would run
If it was a leal instead of an imaginary
line, is mo question, which iiio county
courts are Uutei mined to have settled if i
A Nnlmini n.
Tlit'io is considerable lighleous kicking )
Indulged In by lesidonts ol lower Wehli
street, and this grlevaucu should lm lis
tened to by the proper authorities and
remedied. It consists in a llltby frog
isintl, lilled with staguent water, which
lias been allowed lo stand and is a men
ace to the health of Ihu Immediate neigh
liorhood. Tho pressing need of Pendle
ton is a board of health, to. attend to
these nuisances, whom name is legion
throughout tbo city, ami which are be
coming dangerous. An ounce of pre
vention is woith a isiund of cure, ami
that ounce should Imi provided at once.
A Hlutr.nriit liy Mr. it mrke
To tlic Killlor nf the Kin.! OrrK'ililun. '
I notice Iu your issuo of yesterday a I
communication from Vausyclu, signed 1
"Horace," which contains a statement
leg.iidlng myself ami my biisiuuss which i
Is calculated to mislead some of my cus
tnmcis. In reply thereto I beg lo slate'
that 1 Intend buying wheat on theO. A
W. T. railroad on the same terms and
condllioiiH as on the (). It. N Co. .
freights and facilities for taking care of
it atTacoma peruiltlii'g.
T. F. Itoi iiki:.
every citizen eidlcd tipiiii IIiIh y.-nr to t.ile ilnni III"
nun ninii. 1 1 ..n. .1111 1 . i ,
ur.'io .'cniiiimli'iil iitiilliins id Kti.-ehiit
llli.M'K, riiiiiiiiU.il. mer of IViilon.
We lalie plcicitiro le ulvinu this wnrl i.ur heiiily Imlnrti ineiit, unit i.-t ii 1 1 1 1 1. i-i lluil lu
cid coin mill ie unit HiiI.h n.KI In exleinllim Us elreiiliitinn iiiii.iiil- Hi.' ..s.-ix nf Illlni.U.
siwti: m MDt it vt ii1 ci:ntu.i. ru.M,iT iTi:i: nf ii.i.inuis.
Ami ii i it 1 1 - i.tli'r.
lt.mli Hound In I'lolli mid Si nil-Wn Uly "i.t-t (lirnoiilmi One Venr 1 1 ft
Hook Alone, Iu Clnlh, miI- paul MO
I'enilleliiii. lr.'ui.ii
UK.M.I'lt IS
Now and Socond-Mnnd Furniture, Stovos, Godding, nnd
Conornl Household Goods,
Goods sold on tho Installment Plan, on Easy Terms.
A. W. SCM-l.ajZlll,
Main Strrtt, - - I'vtnllrlan, On-ion.
Ili-rr, I'nins In Tlm!
I cannot do busluews v ihtoiil money.
All of those indebted to mu will save
costs by settling their accouuls at once,
or the same will be placed in tho hands
of an attorney for collection.
W. 0. Tilths.
St. Joseph's Acadeniy:
j Conducted by tho fiictors cf St. ?ran:lc
I will IIHUIU1H slllillissri.lcliilni a, Ii'.
lllW lolllinn Ik Siliiali il i. on.- nf 'lie
mn.tUelliililfill mid .-. I l.v 'iH-iit'oiii. .f me
Slu.'e,. Kiinuliiu how iii'ii'h Iii...Iuiiiii t- i.l
laclieil lo Uih Mdeetlnn i.f m Nile fur mi ni'iel-
leiny of I. .is el.. , Him -i.ui" I'.iur.iiliaie
Boot snci ShOGS?05
1' . ;v, TI.ImTj i... ' mm U In tmvii lo-iluv. Ho l'och down to! with a'nleco oi machinery to lie repaired
t In tl.niii., i.. 1 I'.'iw. ildu i.vonliiL' to' look after .Mr. K. K Turner came over ill a hack, driving one
"1 Iw sold twei.tv i-; I Clark, his partner, who fell oil" the plat- of tho employer's horses ami tho one sold
lorill Ul Illlli piaco rccooii.v nun oriu in , in .nr. iiuiuii.-i. ..u
l..,. Ithn horses to Dllsellhury A Co. for iC'i
.... I.l 1.1 1 ...... u. ci. ...nr
: Ullll SKIIipcii inn, rn i" r. .-iii-iin
Howies heard oi uie iruusaciiou, ami
susiieclinu all was not right tele graphed
Mr. Derrick, wh. was away from homo.
Mr. Ilnlcher saw the telegram and sent a
i .i . i.i i .... ...i. i .i. i
I llCSCripilOJI Ol mo innw, xunn i'iu.l-ii
i iiieir loeiiiur. mi" im i.miu u.tri nn
i .. - '.' fc.it'iii
i.i a,iv oiner iioiini in
J"i II -I the iHinntrv Mr.
"wl the entire stoi'L- uiih.
""orecoiiun mlv kn iwn as
iw1? ,a.rr,',,e'l ycterdav
VWl V M-irwI. .1 I,' ....I .1
tl J.W -" ..iinnil nil
w.Mhni liii-inr to I ii.ll:...-
e claimed t have
--w a n ni ! ..hi,, ..f
it D0,nli
in evcliam;i
a ton-'li elti-
.1 At
.MfT.. " )""in nanieii
Mack on a frivol-
Uco. W. Heading is back from lho
(ireoiihorn mountains. Ho reports still
furtlier development of tho Pildo of Pen
dleton minu, several men lieing now ut
work sinking the shaft deeper into tho
heart of tho mountain, .
Walla Walla l nlon : ine rumor is oiu ,,; , , , ,,, ,, i)11Knlli1nrv. ,t
that tho O. U. A N. Intend stalling their '"' ''. t.. ,,, ,iil..f t tmi nf
tlirough trains iroin ornanu it. i-aniiuii;. , ,, .ro yo uro.
ton, via tuparia, on fiiimav iiu.m. .u: - -
verlllcation of the rumor is obtainable.
V SchwartiS returned to Walla Walla ' . , , '" ,,
onVhi-1 ndn, highly pleaded i "d'W
with his treatment hero, ami expressing
Huller creek, is
on Ids farm.
JooL Halstead ami wife went to tho
mountains last week and havo not re-
threshing iU Murphy
I w til His iroauiiciiv neiu, im .h
from j '!(r 1 n rtm." 5 ' I O V " otV. of
WM j IViidleton H P 1 "I men , t o,
CoNiiiinssM n .Mii.i.s during his seech
In tho House, in concliihion, referied to
the suit of clothes prisluced by McKin
ley, during tho hitler's famous sjM'ech;
-MillkKidil Unit liiM.MIII.iim.l iioihluv l
I n l.-i. link. II Inn) liiiiiiin-il 1' In II nml
foiiinl tliHt the flObiilt hii.l hem pmlii'liil lo i , ,,
tin. iiliililllil nf I Ifl. till llllll llMir I lluil till. I ij..
lii.'lr iiiitiiiini nml tlii'inki U- on Du ll- H .in:
kienrt-d ml I In. ri. ilri'i.-.-nN -if a . mm liuinu
Iu Hie liinucilliilx vlt'lnliy f His .nirii.iiiK
cliy nf I'i'iiilhiinii.
l-.very f.i.-ill y licrw nil .rt-1 for (lininuiih
nifii till, nil vhIi-ii I nml nioriil trutnlmr. IliintU
of order, lixlu.lry unit pollli in mi hliell
ou-ly Inriile iKhI.
Tie- -;iiii-idiniiid rmiri. iiup'lii ni'rj
tut fill mid iirniiiiciilHl Iii'hiii-Ii iiiiii f.ir
ynuiiB IuiIIch liM.ipilne (!Hill..ei linn.
TfrniM iniHlerutu. Allhoimli pilplU lire ml
imltf.i ut ii'iy l inn, Ii N m ry n.-liiilili' llml
Hiev ulintll'l spplv si ine li-gliililng of lhc
Jll-i iii
P ( nv
,1- I I -i.', (IK-llllll. (if
i n.'fi llmttH and ,s7t not,
Hand M.ul Ladies s-I.-h-
$2.50 Men's Shuo.
'I'.ki ii Inoli
i-tkfu lu re.
lit 1 1 m in liefnii
Hi' I.. - IlK
mill i Iw
tlKMiliioiinlof M.lfl. lie had hear i Hint tlio ' ,r furlhi'i- uirtlriil'.rw iiil- nt Ii-h Ai .nl'
niin ii" n, im .ii..i'fin...v i imi. i i'p.-ii i.i i,i- -i umy, fir Jill u
cmnj'iiitfi!. in WHiiu-ii i piiiiinuriipii in inn
IiiIiiiIh of every vnter the fuel llnil it 9IU illtBIIL'6
uiiM pruleetnl In tlui iiiiimnil of Jl.ltl " 1
KJ". lOKj-'I'rt A1 Id.M V
I mill ion, n I'M".
. 'iM'" rried
- ' Jl TiMl' Ii. .. 1 t
... . iit':iii til iiiiii.,i.,i,i,,
-i'Miliium .iiw.u,... ..r Himi.l.d.orriiix aro very plentiful near
'"3 tl Spi,... .i... ... I.i... i...i..t. ii... fnv-nrltii losort of Wes
, j.f.. . 1 ",uur mo om. i uiu .'le.niiixr ; .... , inoilll a lis lasi wock nun inuu nui it--
' 'ir-eHHiowa Itppuhli- ton inountaln-g iv. A party of twelve
Z . vl IVnincralie ' picked thirtv gallon--of these luscious .er-' MrH, lx,vi i)tchcr. of Foster, is very
.t,,,;;.''. lie says, in all ries in ono day. 'ulct, )r. Hlalock. of Walla Walla, has
tail ,,, n 1" 1-0 l'"mpolletl . ltev. lieorge l.ee and family have gone ; lx;en teleL'raphed for.
. -, i . . ' " , !irrv I"W to the imMintaliis lo rusticate for the next j The wife and children of N, Ixiveridgo
" IIIO I!,. i ..1 II i. . i -, , f M..l,., Ill II -i I t ..... tl.n innlllil.iliu
ro.nl.!. " 1 'iir;u,H UiUI
1 thft r ..-.....! . . M-i i .
n .....I i V . ..""iiiw i ill
'VotL i u'n tt"Mi,,f,t "letn
t,A ,nf.. former
ilredl "fPil'lKani. could
..loathe list of "dmibt-
. uol: Iii lho vicinity of Meacliam. i i1!lvn returned iroin tho mountains.
C l.'llt.V l-.hil.. i.f Weston, was Ahorse belonging to Andy Sullivan,!
down ytenlay
the west
evenings '
Tho Peiulluton rats were icducrd in
iiuiiiUt by ono to-day. A single nslont
was destroyeil by tho combined streimlh
of a trap, a do.en men, a dog,.iuid a few
small Isiys, In front of Darveau's saloon.
The contest alfonled cousltlerahle enjoy
moiit for every ono but the rat.
A dock of buzzards was observed this
afternoon circling over the city, Iu their
lazy, disgusting way Tliero must surely
bo "'something dead" In the nuIghUir
hood. T. J. Kirk, one of 1,'iiiaiilla count 'h
influential representatives in the next
I legislature, is in town to-day from (en
larolarL jelbort.
'enilleloii,OreKon, Main Ht., ntiir Wi-I.b.
A rrxE stock or aooits
Established 1857.
'j. O. UAltSON,
I MuniifiirliiriT of mid inler Iii
Hnsll. t)nu. ItllluK, 'ill(l(ii V.
I'liitii iliis ami h.oiiitiiI
IIiillilliiU HiiiII('m.
K-lliiiiit'w mid I'riro I.ll on .inpllmitloii.
t'liiintry oiili.rs n hpi-duliy.
I On suit nfler IIiIh did", 'liiiiuiHiiiitu nf
!:ie dull o' Hi I.. Wi.l mi Itow. I Hirer
lor-dc II inu I vii ni... .n. I l.ylln ..-
vi'uk l.r.Hnlli, ; ut
TlioviMtiHIireil Urt chril Hull.
hh ii'l-liorn Caltlv, Oi H.tc Li.inu,
and (iiiu-ial Sh.vk Cattle,
Kuclnry nnd hHlekrisnn
I'dllTI ASM)
Jyai.Uw .lm
Wi-I.ll. r'4 .Mill,
He is coiilldent that i valued at 1 .500, was killed liy
i t......i;; i n ill u In tiouml iiossencor irain a lew
Miss Jlo?; ,ud,a8vi,it'et,o 1 W. Hiesland, who went to Chicago
ing's train froin an extended Hit to g Jwt h(j
friemln in WestOII. I . . ' .1 .i.t . n.i .. r
I . fi.W. Kimr. at present sufTering I ' R, kll e i-M . 1. iatlsfactlon
from typhoid fever, is reported somewhat anJ lnat tlieJ, were further east. In every prHoul
better to-day. 1
Jutt rfcoivt-d.
Guaranteed 1 1
Money to Loan
At Low Rates, on Short or Long Time.
Real Estate, Insurance and Collection
J. W. Swezea,
Kcho,, Oregon. Formerly of Walla Walla
TniriHUhlireil Njtanlhh Merino
limits ami lUvt n, lit uittn t.
(ivatlo Iliie.H mat S'.oak Shu.- ,
AUnnlurx. iiiiinl.i-r of llor.i-k mid n i, in
Illy ol liny.
Kor i.iilli'iilitrk, rail on or aOdr-wi
inj.'ldwtf l,-i...ii-l'ii..r.
Comer I2th nnd IIHU.,CuthlrH llli i.,
Clukkm win riopnii In tin. new l.u. g
Meileinlier .llli.
TS2,!.'iffl!!2 l,L5'W"'.f v w
t 1(, i. ii,v iiiuiir. uuiii fMk
w lyr
HKV.UIIU - Jolt II. A, I
Viiiich mer, W