East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1888, Image 2

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; flint
1 Iiintorv Irishmen may vote for IlurrUon W. F. Matlock
or the rfovil if they eliooHti, tuilwu oeu oi ,u. n. .iackso.n
them not to iimko thcsitifol von contempt!- F. It. Cloiton
it. Hi,, fmii country of their adoption S. I Snnom
. 1 t.v l.IvIiil' for that vote this false and stii- .1. H. Haley
Kt OrrKonlnn I ti lI I n 1 1 1 n u t.'i.mpiit.y,
Onnronv hit vciir. Iiv itiull
i Una copy nIx months, l.y mull
unn copy per ween, ny carrier.
HIiikIo hiuiiIst
(Ill'llil)l A'hrrthrmrnh.)
Ono Inch i or lc, in Si-ml-Wi cldy
- Vice President,
General Manager.
I jild reason Jut Into their mouth liy 1'at- UMATILLA
'&;m Estate and Loan Association,
. I'iirnnll. McCarthy and (Madrono, all free capital Moctt win.ooo.
traders, Imvo ntoi,d for Irish rijditH. Some t Olllco in Kast Urcgoniun Ilullding,
of them have In that behalf taken mar-, p , . . . Oiikhon.
tvrdom, and nil of them in i-rifCM havo , 1 K M"'hl '
been hamis'red by traitorn willing to cell ' In view of our largo correspondence,
Iholr country or their countrymen for u Wl) uro obliged to conduct much of It In
price. J tut Mr. Patrick Ford In the lirst ,,rnted form in order to expedite mutters.
irlhinuii to set lip u huckster nhop in t avoid untl correct any niisunder
thin country, anil oiler t lie Irish vote for Htiiniliiii!H that mav have arisen fiont for-
;' I H.ile liku HnkH of caunage. ' mer iidveitf-ementH, wo denim to call
your attention to the following isiltitrs;
ltecollcct ono iniporlant fact, viz
m rolintV Imt ti' I" ',,r wmnimn county
hu hiil' l In l'onillcloii AUK.is-tSI.it to 2111)1.
,o Ih.lllntc will 1)3 innduetiil on the
'l',.,,l...',.!l.,.,i.'iiil..r.nf r.irtlniul. mid Prof.
TIIK2ll itlnreiiA. l'celile,of Sulchl, twnnlil.) tench-
... ,,,,, ., ,. , 'c'v, will be In titUli.Ianff, uml iimIsi In the
Annuiil state 1-alr will ha liulit on the I nlr ",'i, "
flmu.ifl nr-.irsiilciii, commuiiclnit on . ,;.,,'rs are rpnuesleil in hrlinr their text
iiooK, now in ii"-' i", '
.i?". "v.,. , s . .. . niiv.r. Fourth
i jl ... , ..!, 1 HIMVI" Willi I in-
And contlliuliuroue un it, t'nsh
minim to llicatnotint of
$15,0 0 0
. 2 ! 1 I
1 fill
flnil llw.h. ,ir Ii w. Ill I till I V H!r lillllltll.
Two IiiHiik. orli'H. Ill iHilh. iM'r moiitll... S Wl
Overlliri('liii'ln',Hi'iiil-Wi't'kl.v,pi'rlinli .
per nioiilli I 'i
0vr tlinu liielii-a, Dally, per llirli pr
inontli I S-i
OviTthrtfjIlit'lH'H, In IhiDi, per IIK'll p"l
inontli 1
i hkmi-wm:ki.y hiihscmiitio.n iiatkmi
Onncopy perynir. , ft fio
' unncnpymx iniiiHiin i
HIliXlo iitimlwrH Ui
i I'rumliini pupi'r free to yearly hu one- ll)rc.
I Hollri iiiiiiparell iiilviTlli'iiH'lll 111 Semi
' 1 Weekly or D.illy, Mrnl llinertlou, per Inch,
' sf l.UO; each ulriiuiit lii'iirllon, Mc
,i lvrnl iiiiIIuk, (mi reiitN per line viteli In-
TIIK lltlMI! VOTi:
Fonr yo.irH ago l'atrlck Ford, a venal,
unncrnpulotm Ntrlker, undertook, under a
conlruct, to dollver tlm "Irinh vole" to
((In Illalno; and met with ho eoiiMiderahlu a
(Icgreo of RticcoM that ho has unilci taken
a similar nervico for Air. llariNon or
I J rather for thn mllllonalreM and nionoiio-
IIhIh, who uru niOHt iuteroNted.
In thu North Amurlcau Ituviuw .Mr.
Ford attumptri hoiiio j ti.t 1 licit tor t for IiIh
attempt to harg.iln, fell, and deliver, llku
ho much wheat or coiiIuoimI, "thu liUh
vote." Mr. Kurd, like all protect IoiiIhI
jl tidltorH, bankn on the credulity and Htu-
"jildity of the volerrf iihiii the ipicxtinu at
f irisiio, lie aHttuiiicM that all IriHliinen
I urn "liiMtlni'tli'ulv nriitKi'ltiiiiUlrf." mill
jumps j.Miutily lo tho unfounded umurtinii
that "llritlHh Fie: TraiUi milled lielaiul."
Of couino Mr. Ford iiIho ihkiiiiioh as n
fact I he fiiillier falHiihood lh.it the
Douociatli p.uly pioHire.s "lliitinh
free trade;" lint anlde from this hix
Htatemeiit U IiIhIoiIciIIv erroueoiiH.
Thu most unhappy, pinching, deviiHtat-
lug perlixls of iiclaud'H hihtory woio
whii Kuglaiid hclievcd in and em-
iij,Ml "prolccllon. I lining the leigim
. 7.i Jamcrt I and Ch.iihM I, and tho C'roiu
I wulllau DictatorHhip, when lliolilli uero
i unioying IIiIIImIi "i ruti'i tlon," mincry
(liroodod upon Ireland i lur prieHlH wore
roaHlcd ; "instinctive protcctiouiMrs" uero
murdered after Hiiricudcr, and over an
hundred thuiiiMiid of them lied Iroiii thu
detracted "piolecled" country, .ayri lliu
i "lrinh exIleH knocked at IhedoorHof
every laud on earth, and the nails of the
ihlprt in which they lied went tilled uuli
tlie clglia oi inoho Mini utile It'll iieiiliiti
Will In) iiwanlcil for
Aurli'iillliriil.Mi'eliiililcit mill Hlnclt K.xlilli
llk, wnrki nf art timl fancy work, titnl for
Irl il" of upei'il. . . ,
im... ..ruinlii m iil1'iri.it hnVfi lifiMl llll'renietl
I'iib .San 1'ranelHco Chronicle publlshi-H , . ' , inlul( tl) Hiiecnlate, but under all ! In. '!,n,,,'r':M',.!!,,5.::!!'r .!,.'!Xi.'i!'.i
... i . .. ... umi triiiin u t'Hi'ii iiiiv
we propose an m en io i t-ci real e.-iai , .ru, ,tiuvrctit iraiiportailon
the fact, based upon olllclal llgures, that clrcuinclante.s to transact buelner as
during tho last three nnntliH 7,4-'L China- agents for others
men have arrived at S'an Francisco, and
1,71(1 depaited, leaving a balance nfO.Wil i ..,,, .....tiatlons of desirable loans on
more urrivaN than departures. At this tval estate, assist poisons in piecurlng
rate tho nut increase from arrivals attuniomiy loans on inusonal secuilty.un-
,, mi.. f, ii, ..Mir doise negotiable notes, and disoso of
Hint one mi will be J-'ill for the Jr. t)1 llth,H(.uUnl. He ,y m,, uli
To these must be added many thousands tu,r ixmilsi especial attention ulven to
landed at other ports, and smuggled the IntercHtH of non-residents; rent houses,
across tho lino from Hritlsh Columbia, lands and other projKjrties, '"d collect
!" ' ..i . . i ..t I ....(.. ...tl mill Klttri Ifllll'MI " Ml ll'inm hi m" ' '
LV;Tvi!!.i,;::.v,v,:; " ,,m ' run,,IM ;v,.,.iVV;xamim
! "'t . I. iVo will he .. Br.mt help to .cel.
cm " h cxt-ccl ... ih 'I"'. 'fn,
ainilial on w lie earefilllv e.xplal'H'U.
AIII.'a"l.erMir 111' pat.llf "'Imoli f-
.inlreil liy Ian- It nll.'llil. .
. Wo hnpf iHiichen will ennM ler til." a 1N
' llcite lnieii.l of a .Inly. , ,. .,.,,..
MtiU'.l.lMV Sflmol Slipt.
jDAUDoi-" :(tT.M.ATtl).
Nnllee l hereliy given Unit on Mmelny .the
UHli .lay of Hei.leinl.er. h. tin; Ikwnl of
O'l'l 'III "II Will ll'Il'llll Ml " .
1 ... It...,.. I.. ..n !.,(. ( .r.'Vll.t tlM 1
... I
I'liiii inline "
lll.orul reiltlftlonn In fiiicn Hint
ho that it Is probable that the Chinese
K)pulatlon of tho country will Increase ut
lcttst lietween .10,000 anil I0,(MM) during
the present year. The olllclal statistic.!
also show that there are over 'JOO.O00
Chinese now in California. Doubtless
the number on the coast approximates
1100,000. These ieoplo Mr. Harrison
thinks capable of making as good citizciiK
as Hermans, Frenchmen, Irishmen,
.Swedes, Scandinavians, or any body
rents ; in short, attend to any and all bus
InoHS lor parties uiio desire an ageiu.
Ol'lt I.AS'll lll'.l'AltTMI'.NT.
Wo aro esjicclally prepared to take land
filings, procure patents, attend to land
contests, and jKjrfect titles of all descrip
tions. We keep a complete and correct
abstract of tho l S. plat Iwoks from the
District bind Olllce at LaUrande, and
furnish information free concerning va
cant lands.
Wo havo in our employ Stanley Dean,
late of St. ran I, .Minn., win. is now com
Yet we are Infoimed that "tho Chlnci-e piling a complete and reliable abstract of
, ... ,,, . .. a county renin s, ami we are pre .ami
iiucslion Is settled" In this country. , , lll)htmulH of ,,lo 0n iwioim.
Tijk Springlleld, (Mush.,) Hepnbllcan l!e tertriH, und KiiurunjetMlielr uccuniey.
HttyM! , , , , We nave dallv inquiry fronrpurchasers
"It was little more than thirty yearn who desire to obtain good farms, and can
ago that Henry Wilson, Charles Sumner t f ihcm for vou at fair pilccs. We
and the other representatives of Massa- d,, nt want vmir faint to sell at exotbl
chuHelts In Congress spoke and voted in t prices, 'but if vou want to sell we
favor of reducing mi average l' per cent. K,.t Vott what It Is woilh: neitlierdo
tailll' to one of 18 and -'0 per cent. I'lielr w wutit to take a worthless piece of laud
political descendants last night at It.nton I (,i M u ehqihant on your hauiN. We
denounced Ihe pn.M.sed reduction of a -17 I protect purcha-crs as well as sellers,
percent, larlll' lo one of I- per cent, asj en Y I'lioi'mirv.
meaning free trade." , mVu dallv calls for I'endleton town
.. ., , i, ,. ..it i piotierlv, ut fair pilces, ami will g!e it
iN.iw the veracious I'o.lland t liltito.. ,,IOI,,1pl a1t,.ntl,li It left wltli iim. i
organ labors to show that Jellerson was iian.iio.m. i.iniis. !
.... . . ... . ... . . . . t n,..t.t . '
il "l.rotecl oulsl. ' lint ll was "1111.1111 vt nee 1 ik.suii 011 11 1 necisions in ine
luihisiiius'' in leallly, and nut inonoi-
will tiiiiki
MpHi'lal iilti'litlnn Is imiMriI to tlm prftillliui"
Olli'r.'.l n.r 1 lull.... ..m.iu.ii. u nitiii"( h""
.llul friills.
I.'iiiil... will In. 1 i .'i l I'll III till' sceretiirj
nltlee lit sialeMi, lieirlunllitf six iliiys .efnre
the fair. Htnl on the fair, rmimlrf from I'lliln.v
lii fitre the fair. I'itciii ileilrllltf ti exhllitl
III ill visions J, K.O, I' iitnl (J are ruiiiesteil lo
make their entries 011 Krlib.y iitnl fatiinluy
before the fair, If pinMlilc. All entries eloe
on .Miiintiiy,septeiiilierl7th,nl7!l p. in.
Coupon ticket for men llx .lays) ti
Coupon ticket for wt.tncii (six (lays) 1 m
Hay lleliet rnr men
tin tlrkct for womei
Tickets to tho irranil staiiil ut race irnck
'r tn'le nver 12 S'enr-
jnlli' lo Him uriuiif sliinii frc"
Thiii' ileslrlnir to purehiiHe booths will ap
ply to the secrclaiy. ,
aa-Scnil l' the secretary at Hiilcin for it
premium list. .l.T.fJIlKUU,
aiiKlltUwIm Hecrctiiry.
lies Opelli-I
A New Grocery,
Curlier of Court mnl Tliotnpx.n
I'HNDl.t.TO.V oltKtK.N
Keep constantly on luiinl .1 Kresli tiick of
(Iroei-rlea, unit
atig'.l 1 111 '' Cosh.
he purpose of ciiri't i'sOm
.lolls, etc.
nil erioi". onils-
II. .IilllNMUN.
Whitman College.
Kill I
WAl.t.A WAl.t.A.W.T,
Cullea" Course. Also Scientific and
I.ltorary Courses.
Avaitemh Department
prepares for any colleue, for tenchlnu or bin
Ineis. rtupcrlor Conservatory of Music. In
striictlon In Art, ICIoeiillon unit Moitern lt
iruaires. Kleveii prifessi.rsiinil tciiclicrs. IPO
stuilent. I.iullcs' hotinllllK ll OUIIK
men's hall being built. ,
Fall Term opens Heptember 3, ttRt.
Write rorUMiilnifil" to A. .1. A.NDhU
SON. I'll. D., President, lot Kast Mnin Ht.,
Wiillii W11II11. W.T JyllMswlm
Columbia filkUMi) is approprii. c l.
(!iiaiii.i:s ('itorKiiii. who tiled Tuesilay,
was one of the famous quartette who
made immense fortunes In railway build
ing ami other enterprises, lie was (id
years old, and was HUpssed to be worth
ut least twenty millions. He was pics!
dent of tlie Southern l'acille luilroad.
1.... .1... 1. 1..... 1...... ... 1 1
tu uiiiui i.iu iiii'wiiiii" in I'.i'im mm, ,1.111 1 . . 1 .. 1 1
the toicli that lighted Iheiu lo exile was ' A wiioi.ksai.k Hysten. of letter loblsjry,
furnlHhed by the lila.ing nsifs i. Ihe j which has Uen going on over two years,
homes from which they had loeii ex- ami causing losses of over IOO,(KKI, has
,Kl.l'U(' 1 1,1.., 1 1 been uneailhed at Chicago, and two of
the Ucllutof foullscatlou. lohiierv. miir-1 "'" "'l"Vl" ' ""'I''"- "rrest. They ob
Dei.aitmeut. umi at the moimr time will
I . . I. .. .... II. ...... I I ....... I..
,. . ii, . 1 1 . . .1 . 1 is-ii F"nii.'in hi. i.iiii'mii itiinin 111 iiiiiv hut
lists, miiiionaiies, ami trusts, mat .iciter- ,..., ..,, ,,,,..
1I1. not itiint viiur
sou wauled to piotect. Fiirthetiuoie he 1 ea.,. until we can d you some gwd. ' ,
never dreamed of u l7-itr cent., nor vet j loan ami iuscoiims. i
of even.ilMK'rcenl. tailll tax on (ho, W examine arm Luiih In person, mid
, , ... Collect ami forward Interest llieieoul
necessaries of life. promptly. We can llml a puichaser for
Tin: amount appropriated for continii- i ",t-" "ijtu". county and city sctip,
t .1 . .. it iii. and all gistd Isiiids,
lug the work on thu ( ascadu l.ts-ks, ih , vii.ni i.iiii'vis
provided in the new Itivor mid Harbor1 An important part of our business Ih to (Qf) HiAO 5ft RO
bill, lately become a law. Is i.'MO.OOJ. and look after the property and business of VOV'. VJvy' VUV.
not 7.-.0.00(l. as was reisirted iH.foru elee-1 Ui'U-resl.loil s, collect lenis ilollipiiy Oil'
lion. I'or the jetty at the mouth of the
Ik'iilcrs In
CheilM'st rile ever ina.lt from I) e I'l.cllle
Cons i in Mm i:.ii.
ways in advance), lisik afler Insurance
and pay taxes, and gourd their interests
al to our own.
J. II. Kai.ky, Manager.
aug",! lw
Grain Bags.
ValnitliiH imil Ditrlck's Olrlirtt
ttitJC. II'.'h
or aii liiniis, Tom, riim
l ie greater happiness to h.s count.y M t , , , , A IVI ES & DETRICK,
and had had centurion of protoclion. "'" high-protecled coiinliles. ;
t tiermaiiy.
makes high
. dor ami expatiiallou, iiulil (iiatiau iomi
tut tho leader of her people. He was a
aKOuIus. Amongst the old Hebrews ho
woiild have liceu called a piophet. He
fell that Ihe way to better goveriiui.'iit
unit lo greater happiness to his
anil l.unlne lolli.weil l.iiulne. Iter s.pu
lat.on had evaporated to enrich the
ranks of scliolaix and h l.iieis in otii
country of the woild. Ilur pnwpoiily w.ts
iiiK'luui history. Her people weie
H.raugerri to eoiufoii. S. liniltan tie
termiiied to cany pollue into' com-
He dumaiidiitl fiee trade for lieland,
, and got it.
"At but," says the historian Metlee,
"free t radii wan established In Ireland by
the patiiolism of the Irish voluutuoiM and
l lio iiimiuMsM t.l i.iatiau. It was (he I ihiced u
and I
talueil sistai keys in Home
helped themselves to letters.
'I'm: Congressional Committee which is
investigating the luioitu.iiu of p.nivr
: Printed Flour Bags
A Specialty.
Kio.il Ml. I'IMiriilMI, Oil.
Itussia. Austria. Italy and liermanv., Julrtilwif
by Is this, If protection
wages '.'
Tiik amount of "Oiegou war
'against thu general government
$ 100,00.1.
I'or io iioI trip from all polo's In Oickoii
unit Wathlniilon 'territory lo
Tickets on sitle.
SEPTEMBER 3d, 4th and 5th,
ifoisl to return to OCT. :tli.
Join tm (I. A. It, spirlal Iriiln currvlm; Ore
fun unit Wiisliinvtoii Teiritory Depart
menis to Hut
1 2d National Encampment GAR,
Which lllecls III
COLUMBUS, Sept. 12.
Till raid Is opto fur evrrvU.ily. 1'nrtles
ileslrlmt lo .In so can lone uof frre tieilhs
In I'mluiuiit klei'puiir ears. Tor further le
fi.rmiuliiii cull ouor uililress
Al. (It'll. I'.tss. Ant. .V. I'. It. t.,
IIIIKlt'l No, 'I Wlislllllloll ht , 1'i.rll.lliil, ()r.
M a - m II llll MflllWIIMll U VVl
;;lLCid2'!l ill M km.
II in. Sinltlt, IIkkI Md.sti r.
Mr. Dulph U teporle
log that no ndvetse reKirt has been l'riif.
made by the etmnulttee, ns has luen
statetl : and ho claims to lielievo that tint
i"'i'''iMH. Ascension School for Girls,
Is the Senate, Tuesday, Koagait intro- ,, ,, ,
tluced bill to dellne trusts, and nr..-! Cov"' 1 nio" ( ",,rv' 0re-
last grout vlcloiy won b Irish genius lit vide for tlie punishnieiit of poison con-: N"' ;' svlns.ei.iemi.riili. foruros-
thelleld of legislation and diplomacy, j ,.,,, w,, ,,. shoru.at. and othets I 'h'kv! su'itJl'iiwi:! I,.
Saidlirattan: "1 found lieland on her thought it doubtful if Congress had any ' "u"" ,Nw I'rii cipai.
kneus. I watched ocr bi'r with (mternal ! ,K,ttr to legislate iiioii the matt t. I " "
Holieitude. I have ttaccd her progu; . lJ(wI , ,,, I HidaWay Hot Spi'iligS.
from Injury to aims, ami iioiu anus to ""'" m " , '' r J
liberty." Then what followed? Ml. : Urt to ihe Oregon Itailway A .Nuviga-' w. .11 hI ott. iToprleio-.
Siillivtin nis that "under ftoo trade ! l'"l"' ' ww of land in the r.i.... Mi.r:,,,:, . r. ..eau.iMiy .itte,iiu
i uiauii.i imiiau reservation near ine
.Mnuiif iiturtTs
Steam and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
Speellletitlnna ..ml fsilinaifi. fnrnlsliiil furl
lieiitlnc biillillntpt In any section of tlm nnin.
trj. Corresponilence Milicitetl
I III,' Illll.l t..llllllllllS. .tfllt lllll.l.. kltl(l'H.,w.
Irish tuanufactmes, trade and wiumeice ',. ' , " ,i u.a. In Caina. Cmoii,
doveloiHtd tuu greatet extent in ton jearn I ,ow" '"r H,uuo l'ros. Til Miinmer it,, -n u-m n on. n forth..
iuii lU!.! I i.t feitHl.l I l .si til III II it JIT.HB , mVplU'ltlf 11 tie .III unit I'Mci' .lull' 1st, mill
than they had dene in the previous huu- A "miimii.b trust has U'eu formed in ; persons . m-iop niinu-a siiiinoer tr i couia
,l,.i.l .' ..f I'n.ilili ,k.v Hot U'll.l.iril Or .11 ,111.1 U',.al,l,.,.l.... 1II..I..I . .. ...-.-...iii;.
f- MlltC.VI I I .-..n .( ..I. fc,t'll lUKtl
OFFICE: 134 THIRD STREET, , "u-ue-i
m.tlriH.1 n...
. t,.t.uv.,w,eun. F ...r. meal .chop, K,M etc. alwav
Railroad Lands
Open to Settlement.
People having cUllim on Itiillront Ijnul
south of the twenty. inllo limit, slioatit
ns their lanils nro In iIiiiikit.
Olllco III the Asuoclatton lllock,
aititlilsw tin
WIJansfordlE, Co.
ami. nuwaio
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
main snti:i:r, ci:mii.i:to.
A share of tin pul.lle putrnimK" Is sollclteil
Yillard House.
IAIK IMMt I'ri.prl.tor
NorthH.'sl Corner Maui urn! ,'Court 8treel,
Ki'-()otit'(l, Uo-lurnished mid
Equipped in First
Clusrt Style.
Free Coach to mid from Trains.
The Pendleton Roller- Mills,
.Capacity Aojltarrels pnrilay )
VV S. DYERS & CO, Proprietors.'
I'caitle on, r !!. !
Manufactnrcrt. ..f jtrahum. Kriimiiateii ami
M-ir-rltim; Klonr.
Ciis.1, I'nii. riiii) r ,n
kiimIh of ;ruii.
oi. Iihii il
I A. IJUI-IIIS. n . ..
u . Hullttcr. I ESTEii
corner Couttnnil Tiiomnlir... rwwi?
ntleniloU to. """"'eiUnd.'t
THKU. KKMI'Kn. Pltoioitt,
P AT KINK. I'ltOPUtKTOirTnTr---.
1 ceptlon 1'arloM, Mai, ,'NI"J ThTu
Court ftouso H.,iir0. Ii" ThiK fP-'t
hrlck. rtit- I.Mt wines r atl' 1 2
K''l-imietics sencu t.,
rOIIN HTAtfKlKMi. IMlnToToT---
J the Open, Halom. .t."0?.!
HiK Opera Hon.,., l'o,iaiiion u?"1 u&
Ii es. lltp.ors ami clKnrs i!Vl h
""'Keil to l tl,e VnniS
I i.f tl.en.mil.rlmt; itnli. M.l0"
iioslte Conn llonsi.. -Mi." ril" n,trw.ii
Liquors anil f'lK.irse,.n.)antl?'' S
WJI.,1A.M UUh.SC I, I'IIOPImb; '
tho City llrewcrvN .. SPIA'0tl
oieit.ii.uii'K..... oersforu'",'p'
..no pioii.)iii.t tlutivuri'il. r 'u"T'n,
A of the Umatilla )ir!.V rr l0J ltH
.rsof mnl wholiHiili, ii,i rVmii ,nt,v
-eer hy tlinKla. utll"S ll,.n,l,J.VI',,l
TrvU nnitjmo If you tlott'i likViJJ ' Vl
T the "Iti.aril of Tradc's o,"
Wchb Htrects, l'omllHoii.'o o rl?
iars ijemlli' o 'ftB
dally. Mam street, opposite Court iffiif
rillKllUY A PAKKK8. AIVllvTZ.
MlI.t.WlltUII, lltbN KflD.ntV. &
turceteam Knulncs, Water Whi.
mil.. ...... ..inviiiiiiTrv, iintl.A f..''
uuriiur. ntiHiiiiiN or iron and bnwTJ
luirs inuilt on slinrt twitl ....
Miikliiit In all Its varl.iii, fofm.. 71
............ ........ t
.... iiiin-i. oiii h iiKM.i'icrs unit om
"i...... ..I'l'iJ nil 'il n'llirr'.,
nulOliw il sv
Accommislaii'iiik are mnpl" unit etrry-
ROBERT BOND Dccr Garde" and Gymnasium
Kr W.nt ,s- rwuuAKi,..,.rpH.
... I.f. i.. ... . ' ........ I ......... .... I. .1 . . I .....:..'................. . .. ... - ' nr-r-r- .... I ....... .i-n.llHD
inert) Ht'iu ieu iii iieiaim soniu insiiui I- pintn e.niiKius iit.iw t-t.iisiiiiu'nt to ihi-i '"'"b "'" iiuiitf ufi ttnnriri i. Dttr, f Urlft. TjU i TOli VEAL SAU" I'KN'DI.KTON" Ol'Pnnv
t.. . II-... I...." I I . I .1.1 . ......... 1............... i . .... I .I.t. f.ASr rtiwriM . . . i, .".. ' iCAtll. ,
no it..tt,i....s,s, n.ni nit-., tmut-ii mis v- c,,,.,,,.,-, ,Ki.t.n. Tlie climate It itt'lltilil'til. Die tva'er pure OHUt, UrlltU (UtAlb, LARD.
Hole Krtoii t.l isHiitv tiniir ttmnirv ' . " eceiifin, ui uhh-iiik ur.'-cia...
k"-......, Terms Roascnub.o.
oxiM'nm'u tumtimoi who kuui uioir n.i-
VTOTK! ' TO (!1VTItAirrniia hm....
, ...I..' ! J ,1 II iU)
HrAlcil will bo rrcIvtl ftt thr cHi
im. ii ir i nil iiuriii mn tir in nuimr
IIIII'Imviiik i uiuiiii n't:i(iH UI Vltt tik
lieo.in ' in 1 1 atlittt titi.l ii... .
'"'i'M nun iiiu iiiiikq PCiuH
tN or! 1 1 l orknf tlm John Day rhfr, U
mmiiM (K iicHoiuuoii crccK. j-jveh tti
lliiiritie tj m't Wll lVI)HHlfJ, Of
wiiii ill intfiMinir. inn tnru nuiv.M .u.i
Octol.er I, IsM, Tlie work to tedonik
I . '.'I... I ... n . . t i. .
si. iiv ii.i'iuiiK ut loo Krnuc iron
........ ititv river in inn tun ,ir i h h ii i.
...i ..ii .. ...... t. .....i... u..n.i .... . .... .
Hirudins parcel wl.lo In t I c lit or mch mm
I.) M'l.U .u.l... I. .......... I.. ...jT". j?
.. 'C.I.. till..... I.t II.. v....ln......l..j
llh. The removal of the nicki fraa
mail tx'ttvccii C'aiiu.s creek nnl John
river. JAMM RKIH,
If I1(M. I'm llll lull tit I Inttf.ll at
Thn vlierrahniitof lliefoliliijd-
horses MlH lei. own to Hits nlltrf!
...... i . . . . . ui....t i.. .,.. (..i..k..i..
to iii'ii: linn ii iv niinii'. HiiiHi nit ruanL i
or lliest. at. I tin lis nro wllliniit brand, la I
lll.l.T L1VI. l.r.l lirHII. 111. 1II1B b.T U
7 .1 on lefi hip.
one irray Kcl.lliur, hriinilnt Uon Itft k
t.iie nay mare, nnin.ieu tin.i.ru
o en snoiiiner in il l 1. on iiniinp.
tin. ml iinii.fi sliruililsr.
suissoiHOII lri Sll.llllllt'l.
ri it. owni'i-M of Hi. hi i.nrtrsran lfiro
whereatMiiits of tl.fte lntr.es by ndoJo
for t..rl. I.iirm.i...il ..tlilrcsitnv thtiatct
i.mtlon furuiheil tlie inlintr
lurueu. A.titrets:
Initf 1'fnUleton.Onr
Heiile.l nronosals wl I he iwlvttfM.W
IIV' II III 1 1 4 0lll'Vii I .
iiii ii mi 1 1 UK mm trn fc
morn tlinu 60 Mini nnl 'nll1)
wood iut inonlli. walil flmt dcllifry W
imulu mi January 1. 18fcl. n1 tbfrecn
.i... .....i. L,n..UMllnr mania
mnl Inelu.llmi July I, lw. Th J
in. lour root i .in;, sn.ina sun r
a, ...I ...,t ....... ht.i.iillntf vru.ll Hint"'
..: :. . W... . .. ... i... ..H...teMi 't
uon or encii Kino, n iiiii,j
furnlhe.l. J. , .i.u
Niiperlnlei'tlont I'endleton tx"
mi 1 1 in
i t.avn rnr kind it tfuou cciiiim. .
. ..... .m n,.d Hl.nA.ifl D.
at vi. u. . print, p.isv. i.irt'i"""
ut W. 1). Kelelii'i'Jcwolj toiRl,HT
....... ' fenJIf"
... . 1 . . u rrM Ml
ir s-ii iiiiv.. mi nil. inn. r.irw.j
Ill I llll KAST OHKOeNIAM. ctw
e.fry time.
1 1 iii. Must unryu
wuitiiuinii ivi h hi main
GEO. J. IHRIG, Prop'r.
ww i - ii.n ftitnrr jiwt .
" . i it. jii nrvu-ii-
Him i ;iply the w w "
wllh tlm very boul
- ifrto i m
uoer, Mutton, rors, vi-
That thn market can J'1'"'
prices an can ir.
Court Htreet, opposite J,
melitn iUw
II. Mhneiuaber't.
a ipanrlrl-
r,.MV,,.Al!V,,.,lS .!.'H"K,'r!!", .'P. Main and Itallroad mi Vnito.
! ?LV! V e mut ;Vn'nL,hV ! ... ....7rec.. W JS,
Uveland to Ktm-laud for la.tWO.tHW in I'll--in
the Aet of rnimi of ImKI. Ihat ended i;i:skhi. Souorimai h.tslven iromoted
Irish dee trade and tinmnlit that sad' to r-iuvtunl lienor.il Sheridan,
laud under KintlUh ir.iteeion. "She ,, ., , , ,,
fell from the majc.y t.( a nation : ln(C,;t:;u:;:s:..:
to the tleiiradatioii of a Ihowihv." I "Why shuulit we not Inivt. rM raw mate
And now, notwithstanding tluv-e his
torle.il faetH, Mr. Kurd, (or u consilient
your num.. fir.llalliivltiitii.il lo nii
i.amiMi. us it. ,.f j,: a t:iits. jy
: jut -t .'in.
not mnl lias every coll'ell"c' ' ,
rial, Hint liittt' Hie ..pportuulty to cont. si on
al and an open
isinul i, tins wen foifitfi, niMiuifsi'tiir. rst
ii' wtnii.i men iuicn inr iii'ii
tlou, uudertakert to hlittil the ee.s of all
Irish AmerieauH aud deliver them as mi
many ignorant slaves to the money-devil.
The Alt.i nays:
"When Patrick Ford juvtends that free
trade tlrove his countrymen to homes
elsewhere, he deliberately Kdiea Irish
Pile V oocl Man,
Willamette University!1
(lit VlH'ATK' rVnUlfcNTS IN"
Classical, Literary, "Scientific, ,
Normal, Quslnoss, Law T?or
and Modical Coursos.
Oldest, Largest and Least Expensive!
liutuutlon of UMrnliik'lii IheNortnwf.t. 1
Klrtt term hetrlns Kentemher 'VI. ISSS. Ad
ttress THOU. VAN riCOY. l'resldeiil.
rKNDLKTON I J)"JI dw Im rlulem. Oregon.
Brigs, the Photographer.
styie imownto the art. and nhninfoi-o. .Q4.rtioQiafontion.
Briggs, the Photographer
; Over the Postoffice