East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 16, 1888, Image 1

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(IT Wll ' VOll WANT.
a nti.i: i.imcAUY. '
I'ntrnn. r tlip Dully or ficnil-Wrekl;
CAST Oltr.OOMAN run fro-ly lunkit ui.
i.rtln- CASI' OltlW.ONIAN lllirnrv when i
Ii,.Hier-ntsln money or stamps will
". ..,.. ,,I.-UI, HAST OHKUON.
t'fTom now until '" til- No. cnbir
I1 ' .. . .i..llMf .ml lift , ronlH will llltv
, I IMllT I:"1' ""KOONIAN for tlio
vr r tlifj mi ilmlrn. Tim public nrti eo-ij
...... j .ir... inn tvillin nilVIIDI.
Ml lllt'lllll'll.
T0L. 1.
NO. 142.
l'''Vi...;. nt tlie MilMilllo Tempi" oil the
Li i jth Krlilnyn or chcii mtiiiiii.ni i..)
Iviiirb J-1 ic""'-"'i ' "
IrtfH"" -
I I ii,,. ,. uml unit fourth .Moil-
ft.Vd r -I mo'itli. at 71.10 o'clock. If.. I.
M . ,i- i. P.nu'fsM. piir.'l:irv.
tcA "' '" '" " '
TTJtoN I.OIKIK NO. 5?. A. K. A A.M.
?,', i,, tin. MhmiiiIo Temple, on Hi
ti .nd third Mom as " ''"'" monlii ui
n cloc k ! 1 J. MII.UU.V, W. M.J It, AV
UMiik, "'" "
In it MiWJK NO. 114. X. O. U. W. Meets
' rry ThurMluy nlitlil nt the Kmclno
i r " i .
iTitltKKA I.OIUIK NO '. O. O. V. Meets
K ivcrv Mtnnliiy t-v.lihig i.t7i"i)oVlii,k.
i. U lll)rin K, N.u.i r n.aawicue, wee. ;
iViril" "M ".hum, ..,. iiw..
it i'iii'Ii mom t. nt 7 :' o'clock.
,lvrKMillt.'.f IM K. HllAliON,Hcrlltf.
iTTl'l INK HI- UHlT l.wIMIK No. 13. I. t.
I ii i MiVt Hi' tlrnt iiiul tlilnl Tlmr.
t(jo(farh inolitli.
Vie-In III '!' I'' 11 'I' "Very Tue
..... ... ?.tii .. ...hkI- l.ii-.Minti
it rri.niK ii .""."-':'?.
t-C.J. WllITAKKIt.K. Of 11.111111 IS.
I.t'.! C.J
, OK I. Mi-els III
very Woltii'Mlsy
.II.NiAiiKli:i.t. k.oi u. nun n,
lAM0N" 1.0IKIV NO. I, K.
Ptrnlcsnt TtW .VI-. M.
rir('AH'" riJl , " ll . mee'n ill
IV Whfi'leiN Hull t'Vi'ry Tliiirsiliiy tilulit,
lii. Vak'I.k. (.ointiimiilerj J. H. IIowkn,
i uiw, Oiici Himiiii No.
Lin HliM'k,
reiiilli'ton, Ort'Kon.
hltl.ll l'A()i:-TU.HTIN, A'n-llltNI- Y AT
1JIW. tllllCl', .IMIOUlllllllll IIIUVK, I riiun
Im C'rr.
II) tl,m )illci. . Itiiums .'.'. :iiiiul l A-
Lrlvlon IIIih-h, ivnilletoiii Ori'iton.
II Uw, t'tliilli'loii, Oieiion. I.exiil lillsl.
1,14 or an kiiiiih iiui'iinru n, wiin inniiii
Hun i,ivi ii inn tmii iiiiHoii.ii trn uiri
loi.J!nc,i)ViT tlio poxt oilli'c.
limit KIT.tJKUAI.D. ATt'OltNKVrt
If it Ijiw. I im iim No. n onil 0. Asmiciu
Lm lilncK, I'.-ntll-'t in, Ori'iton.
J. ltKN. ATrollNKY AT LAW.
. ilCliei-Malii Klri'i't. in TIioiiiimii-
KirnliHit 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 K.ovi r Ilif l'lmt-Ollto '.
u.nv-i vi-r Kim Nulloiiiil lliinu, run-
l tt it, U, ruil,
i' v, hi it'iihit.ArrouNi:Y at law,
I, IVnliTV llc,Olron. Wilt IHItiMlcu
It routla (it tintioil .mil .VIlslillluliMI. Col
Ifi.c.i iroiu, 'y iiiienileil . v.
WAtlKlt. AT
ltlHllllH.'IIIIIll I llllll'
lt- i I " l iillilliiK, Curlier of Mum
I t k h'iitIk, ri'iiillulon, Uii'koii.
l.iw, fin ill inn. uifuoti. ItiioliiKKiilul
ah I'm aiiK-k,
j)A)M:V,sKllVOUTH &
il iitiuy ii t j.iw.
ld.-'KINs M .slMUiKu.N.S
W( 1,1), l llYXIt IAN
'i i . in irvliiuM
1 4011
ilruii htoro.
III, ' I - ' I 40(t IlllOII llluVK,
f ' I, l'i u lii ton, Oregon,
, i
I tl I. iv, lMnli:iAN A.NI'
.iv nitli i-i-over Moorlioiihi ,
-i i iriii'r or .lulill'Oii mi l
i'1'i 'on, Ori'ijo i
it i" .l ltM N I'llY-U'IAN
i-'i - on t trailiiiiltHl -l'rllslii,
il i '-ttir otli-rn 111 nrrvlct'H In
ml lii m. il( en lliu iiiirlii
i n' i'. ,i..vIIh asttwliitiu nn 'llc-iil
vi' ii n t'i). i'i oiilet) ut resilience
'i. i rt uiirt sftee', oiliof iiiturH,
'.J J " in , (nun j to n p. in., uml
(!' A'KIM,, m. I). OH-'I' K OVKU
IOiirlllllUH A- f '.. u .Inni 1 1... I, l. nm. nil
1 I CO 11 Ut ,'IIW .,...( llMUl.tf.lif...
rB 21t 'ir in... .i i. i.... i. ...... .vi,,. vii
i.M v 1 ...... l i ... , .... . i. ... ..i ...... . . .
I j,, . -,. i m iti iuiiiiiiii Kitdi ill inn
ti-c, of H .men i.iul elnlilren.
II) l). DEATH-', hi NTI'lT. OAS ADMIN-
111 .r i IIM. , . -M.iiii uir. i.l III I'Pwiliill.
1'J 11.1! i-l.r.i:, rnulletOII, Oti'Koll.
n.i,'.V'!s. CONTKAlTwK AM
' r I I O II, l.in. llii.L'fill. I nllulrk
INhioii.m. urnl-lieil on
' in r.v
l'l.UMlL.'AN '"'"TlfKOKTrlK I'KACK
' A ' N n 'j. i .... .. .
s Htwn utv, i tiiM on iiiuti r-
h ' v!.r;;Lr-ri' "fc-vi-KsMiTH fix'"
. . 1IU III1U UIIIUI'll ni.,
' r. j ,i I'Ufksuiltli work ( all
' ll)ie tiinniiHr. mill on
1' rtliMiWr Hilintloii glv-
-H '
It . 'VN, HOUK 0.HltlK
' r ui tii, t'iiiiiinio, un tf 'ii
i istr... : n.tr unit xiintt.
I I I. i -hurt nolle. Onlom
tvi'i if.-,.ivi. prompt nitt-ii.
1 -, u .finny
' ' K, ItufiK AXu-KS
'" 4, i.iir"liniilii,
1 ' in;. Ktr mil Hi, p,
-' I'llimi's h.r nkn'.
i KINsiiN. U- 'I If'Ali
i ml I'liroii'unn.r Ms
v r.mut . aii wrK
;' k'.s nlil lai.t, Main
- M.NtC AM) nUli.K'
"I. tir aim ii iiiu
i t -Mn' - krfWlMll
' , mi K ml. of 1'iinii
"ui r. iiimti)-. llil.
H It. oils.
Hay been taken oil both
Woolen and Cotton Goods
Hoi by Congress, but by
And thev now ofler their Largo ami Complete took of
1'lltH AT Mt.M.MKUVII.I.i:.
A Hill tn ltrllen Mettlers I'iissps tile Snie
ite-A Hueee.srul Itr.ulillliiii-Two Mur.
ilerers l.ynchril, I'.ic., utp.
l.'ASTIIItN Nl'.W.t.
I.'nrtli'iiiik In Malnr,
WlKllllfOI. Mulliu. Atliru-t 111. (lint
tlio most covoro i'iirlliiUiiki's over fell IiV
inw vicinity iiiTiirri'ii lunt tnenlii(j. hint
Iiil thirty hvi'oihIh. The earth nhook vio
k'iill, Hwa.vln htilliiiiip uml ruttlltiK
tlixlturt mul fiiruitiiru. Thin tlu hocuiiiI
hi lock, oiiu ImvIiiK huon felt tit iititlttlilit .
but IlKht. '
Iinporlnnt lllll I'nsseil tin' Heimtr.
lieeti tiuulo for uiiluiullnj:, uml tho hIvo
(lores cxtH-'ct to K-at tliu record nmilu in
tlio picvloiiM liiHtiinei). which heat tlio )
reconl horutofore. Tho caruo In coif
HiKiieil to dilluront clticM in tho cant. Tho
St. Kraticin will loud hero w it It wheat."
Ahixumler llullliu, of Tucoiua, roinc
pentini! llulfonr. (itithrlo A. Co.. of Port.
Jjiiiid. who havo repreMnlativen through
jl)nt JCiiHtern Oivkoii and VaHhhi(lon, was
iat week interviewed by a reporter cf tho
fiicoinii IxulKer, in regard to ralii and
krnin hIiIimiicuIh. This ucntletnan stalml
titnoiiK othur things that his linn would
load the Ainerlcan ship 'Tarkor M.
How V ir.len-ltorn I'eismis May Acqulr 'j
Tllltt to I'ltolle I. mnls. '
rersons of foreign hirlh and parentage.)
who have not heen naturalized, nor tlo-
elared their intention to becoiuu cltUom, t
oi tlio IJ tilted ht.ttcH, nor rued veil Honor-.
tllvli ltdilitift-t frtilit lint 'tit1tttii-v ir
val norvice of llio iroverninont, iniiv )u! 'h'
cIiuho lands at private entry within the
Slates, and may acquire title to mltioral j
lands within tho Territories. It waMi "
lirnlliliK III., lllfiillttilll ,f (III. lilir.uiilrnM ''
...I..... 1.... ,1... 1.. ll.t
itnuii uiiui'iui iiiu m uii iiiio niiujecb
win uo loaned into mo roriianii Miiiim
i i i. .., . i ,
U'.un ... v o. in ri... i.ii. .. 'V-oiii pany h iron, snip, iieeenut, atso
. . V: ' ...i "ZA T.i'i V " hound for KiiroiHj from Tacoma. lie
ii'iiutti vuiiuiii i.uhi nun nun ...i)u nil htutiil Unit lilj llrm i.viim'livil (,i ulili,
iicri forifiivi.rniiiitiit li.iul flint lxi.l l,....i, rmuJ.' 1,111 "Wllrm .ex pot wl to Klip
. . ............. " i i nil ii i tii.iiiiiit not loud rii.m a i nil i imuii.iid
reiiuced In price to$l..) ly net of Con-. ,i.i- .L . . . " ..i;... i.. t" . .VVi ;
county, lies hie as niucli more trout no tits
Whiltnan" with old wheat: tlntt hIio will i I'wo'1 ls--' CuttKrortH. to prevent tho
1,.. ui ui t.ii.oiiiii r.,r Kiih.,,1... ii,.. i ii,., aciiulretnent liv aliens of title to uurictil-.
wheat is from the l'almiso eoimtrv, and ', ,ur!1.1 uuA ,l,u "J'verul Torritories.and, f
ot excellent urado. This slilp will carry i l"u ""V11 cousirueu ny tno,
:i,7o0 Ions. Another cargo of 'J,M ttiiiM I rtH or tlio liilot or l!iartment, U miiVj,.
tfvi i iittv tin- v-ujulv un ifuuil miltlllUU r
Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yoursulf
that the above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub
stantiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
meet competition from all quarters. They carry a
General Merchandise Stock
Consisting of -J
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Children's Clothing, Furnishing: Goods,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Cheap News!
Semi-We elly
Bast Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Kress, winch concerns a nninlier of set
tlers In Oregon, passed the Senate to-day.
The Vcllim I'm it.
.Iai'Ksonvii.i.i:, Fla., August 1(1. Theio
have been twenty-eiuht cases and four
deaths from yellow fever to date. Three
now cases to-day and twenty-throe under
i in
In .Montana and Idaho, and tho ureal
hulk from tho WulU Walla vallov. In
answer to the ipiestlon: "Is tho slilpiilii(
ior your uriu increasing erceplliilv from
this port Tucoma'.'" ho made the fol
low nit unsw or. which should convince.
rorllanders that she has lost her hold as
a scoort, ami I hum in ussoit that Port
land (train merchants will havo to move
lo Taesma and buy and ship wheat from
that iMirt heroafler:
Tho Increase Is simply marvelous.
A Orllllfl fiillril.
riiitri.ANii, iUijiusi in. a itiiiouilor
o'cliK'k this tnornlni; nluhtwatchinun 'iv ...,., i. t uf.i..t.,.. i,.....'
I la no, at thp OroKon roil AMeel Works JmInK tl0 pu-tyoar wo have luUen sev
at Oswoko, illscovetfd two tnett atlompt-, elu ,..,r(;es, an.f this voar I am sure wo
Iiiu to i l to the build Iiik. llo heard one will lake llfty shlp-loalls of wheat alono
say: "If wo burn ho btinilinu wo can A meat many ship owners in dlllerent
havoeiiip miuont front now 111! winter i arlH 0f ihu itlol uro iuiiuiilni! of mo
al lour dollars iter nay, as cariK'tilors are
t-carco. I ho wutchman slopod out and
cotifioutod the men, when one drew a
itun and attempted lo kill him. Al this
lllalnu llrcd, ami the two men oscuikmI on
a boat. It U supposed one of tho bullets
took oUcel, as blood was found oil the
(rail. No l ino.
Murderers D'nrlinl.
iini.MHoiiK, Ainz., aii. in. iwn men
constantly, tliroiinh tho linn, since Tu
coma is beenmiuu so well known."
Tho l'outth Annual ('oufeiencii of tho
.l. K, church convenes Satunlay, Auk.
IS, in Wilbur chapel. A l.iro number
of inlnlsloiH will ho in altend.iuco.
, The Slatesm.ui, published in this city
since 'till, has not yet discovered thai' we
have n broom faclorv. True, It Is on a
1 ii i.. i ... . i. i..... i ....I ii .I....I
i rniiiii ri.nu, iiui ii nan iieuii e.ti.ii'iioiiuil
were murdered by outlaws In the south-1 noveral years, and the teason it has not
western pari of the county, YScilucstlay. i'Wii larger is that otir merchauls pie-
The allair crew out of ttoiihlo between for to send their money elsewhere rather
sheopandcattlo raisers. Warrants were is- than to foster an indus'try (hut would bo
sued and anosts made by tinauthoil.cil of honolit to tho cily. Tlio brooms turned
iersous,aud tho prifonci'Stakcn acros' tho
mountains, where they were met by a
pro-arranitctl mob and handed,
I'lru ul Siiiiiineri Ills.
La (iitAMiK, AtiKUst 1(1. A bliH'k
burned in Snniinorville last nlitht : loss
about Vt)0t)). The bank and vault wore
burned, but the Isioks were saved. I ho
or six Mores wore in the block and all are
Uono. No fiuther particulars are tccclvoil
A rirmllsli Crime.
Kan.Iosi;, Auk. 10, A man living near
l.os liatos, name unknown, threw his
wife out of bed this morning and jumped
mi iior, criisiiinu nor iiraiiiH out. no
noxl attacked his son, who icasd.
I tot 1 1 man and woman were reliKloiis
The Whe'it Martlet.
l'oiiiMNi), Auk. 1(1. Walla Walhi,
1.18; ChlcaKO, Wjm, Mh, 8-'1 i San
Francisco, i'riitir : h.iiiiiiIo market moil.
oratoly acllvu at l.lL'Jg.
out by this lilllo factory, which the
Slatcsiiirn editor should look up, are
n'C'ind to none, the htm-k used lieiiiK
rairod in this valley ami pronounced of
the best.
There Is an ordlnaueoiii force hero pro
hlbitiuK the sale of tobacco in any form to
Illinois. A Chlnauian was t. allied up
WediioMlay for selling ciKaiettos loa
small boy.
The assessment In Walla Walla county
for the next joar will In) III mills.
Thlsashessiiienl willuive usalsiut jlKI.OOO.
The I'nlon thinks that the machine
shops and division hoailtpiattors of the
(I. .V W. T railroad will bo located here.
If there H a chance of K''ttiiiK such desir
able additions, every oH'oit should he
made by our clll.eiis luiuifdl.il ly.
Frank laird, it "baby" mid jjoisl for
iK.lhliiK Konor.illy, was taken in by I ho
police on a chaise of MiKiaucy, TuoMlay.
fcaietl in ill'' Mine iiiiiimi tlio oilier
Great Western Bakery.
Jf. GU.LTZ, Proprietor.
a vini nT.V.AX HE1) FOR 05 OJt 50 OI3N
Frosh Eastern Oysters, in Evory Stylo!
Main Sh ort, near 1'ott ', I'ewlleton snuur
.I oiiImii tun u,i,iii,i i IFnt 1(1 II. .i a.
tumuli riuiiiivii tuMiiii .tun ( . .
ii,.....i .iiw...m.li... ii... !!.! ,.f ..I n.t. American ci ien eniluWH her
inu neiii .n.iin n. .Mien, as a c.inilUl.Ho
, for delegate to ( oiiltdss on lliu lioiiiii.li
. imii tii'Liil. Onri nviiriiinl n tlimntlii
hince..ri itei.iinii..i.. ,,,, if W(;ru unnilnute.l in conventl u
I'oitr At' I'iiini'k, AiiKUst 1(1. ihe I he would cairv the lorillorv by an im
Itovolulion has been successful. Tin-1 menso majority, and tho oriuirsaiillli.il
(ioveiuiiiutit has been oveithrown, iind J he did not IioIIjvo .Mr, Allen oniild l.o
the President has taken rcfiiKu on an i n.. minuted on account of his well knnii
KiikIIhIi filua'e. Coovion has foniicd a louniiiKlowanl woman HUtl'ruK". CoiiiIiik
now (iovorniiient. j from men who know ilia hsioiii of oi-
Tim Crop lii liuHlHti.l. ' ical w lio-iiiillh.K. mt mo to'thinkiiiK, and
l.iiMios, AiiKUst Hi. It is now pre- I came to the conclusion that theic is
liit'soiuo "iiiiik in tue cocoauui." .nr.
Allen Is a very pleasant man and very
'smart lawyer, and 1 think with his wii
I man suH'ian i.l '.is and leaning Inward
. . piohibilion, ho will do much better lo
Ue.Kly n.nlKet or liiterr.tiiK Hmy 1(1, Walla Walla, wl.eio hollas
nun Our Neimili.irlni; t.'lly. lt:ra,;0 i,racllco.
AiiKiisi lo, IKSS, I Tho last Ihiee d.ifH Ii.imi been bit! for
dieted that KtiKlaud's wheat crop will
ono-tlilril hinaiier man in i.v7.
wai.i.a w.w.i, a i,i;ni:it.
The I'tuil
Itrins froio
Many hiiaiiKors have been amoiiKst us I the miwII U,y who allemled Iho sIksiIIhk
.1 i. 'ri i ii . . . .... . r?
iiiu i.i-i iii'i'k, inu fii.iiiiik iiiiuimiiieiii luuriiameut. initio weto over s.nni
of tlio .Northwestern Sisntsmen Assm-Iu-
tion coiiiineiaed Monday mornitiKi ami,
as I write, the List mateli of Iho tourna
ment is UtiiiK linixhed. Manv of iom
from afar will remain a week loiiKer In
hunt chicken, plio.is.int. ipiail and
Kiou-o, and havo a K'ssl lime ueiwrally.
ihu l!ud and (bin I'lub of this city ile
servo much praife and havo the oxproed
lhankn of viitini; inuinlxus of tho Aho-
uiutiun fur tho KlMsl troulment recuUed
pluiuuis shot, and tho lioys K.ilhured
lliiitn In, tellhiK them ulsiiit tonn at fi
oants a piece.
K. W. Ahsne, of I'l-rtland, by slnsitiiiK
In Amoiieaii clay bird out of 1, won
tho championship uitd.il, valued at
Walla Walla sh'sitlsts t;ot away with lliu
most cash.
I leio is a bit of news for Kaslern lead
en : I'ioiii a loo-ucio Held of bill laud in
Columbia county, this Tenilorv, :!ii.o
ami tho ample airaiiKHinenU made for ' i,,,,,, f u.T,t vihh itrnmeil.' I'a'it
am of opinion, however, that it is vnrv
doubtful wluthor tho right to purch iso
Iiim.I .,1 ,..l....i.. ..,.. t ,i... t.. '
....... I'liiuiu viii.a, in ,iiu mil iiui icn m
if any can lie found subject to such .ontry ,
has been denied to forolKiierH by nuld,
In ordinary eases of entry tinier Iho
l'iu-i;niiiioii inni. iiiiiour-uiiiiuru iiiwh, an
alien w ho has declared his or hor intcn-iff
tiou to become u cltl.on of tho United '" tl
States may aetpiiio titles to public lundfl. . 1
An entry mav ho initiated under tho
homestead law by one who has mado tho ,
declaration of Intention resiiectini: clti- . .
xenship, but tho natiiralUatioii tntiMt bn
eompleto before title can bo iiorfeutud,
In the ailmluistration of tho public
laud laws an honorable discharge from ,
the military or naval service of tho .
('illicit States is considered as enulvuloat '
to a declaration of Intention lo beco.no a '
cill.eu so far as relates (o Iho initiation of.,"
a claim. ,
A declaration of Intention bv an entry'.
man, who dies befoto Uiliut fully uatiir
aliod, is deemed e.piivaleut to a declar4
atioli by Ills wtilow or minor clillilrnnl
An alien can acouirouo rlxhts. as itKalnst!
an adverse claimant, by settlement upon'
public lauds, Such settlor's iluhts, in
Ihe alienee of adverse claim, will relate
hack lo date of ordinal settlement tijion
bocominK naturall.od.
ihe alien heirs of a deceased homo-
slender may purchase under section 'J,
act .lunula, IHSO, unless forbidden
tho alien act referred to above.
Iho sou who came to t lis country an u
minor with his father, and whoso fV'hur
still IIvIiik has only doel.ired hlr !
ieiiiioi to iK.'come a cllleu, Is not ij'.lit."
lied to make entry without having Med
his own declaration of Intention.
All uliitli U'lm hits liitioi liiinnr.ilil v iltu.
charKcd froiu the military or naval ser;j
vtcooi tue i linen Minos, may iniiiaieti
homesteail entry but must lake out citi
zenship p,iKrs be foi o ho can complete
his entry and receive patent.
Tho nlueteeu-year-olil daughter of a
istrsop who had declared his intention
lo become a cltl.on, but had not yet ie
crivod his llual (:it!.eushi paiiers, may
In iersou or by K'I.ihIi.ui iii.iIio proof
upon inu noinesteail ol her deceased
f.ilh 'r, prnviiled sue sh.iil have conliuiictl
l.tlllitp III tit.iuiili in III' nr.ivl' I,. i.illt..i,l.t
ami leslile on the laud eiuiiraco I. und Is i i)
. i . a . . , . . .. t 4
uoie to snow mat sun n.is taken tiu o.itns i
. ...i. . i ..... ,1 . i . , ...
roi iiiioii i iy ii.iiiir.iii.auou i.nvs. i
'Iho fall ualiiiallatiou of an alien nut-1
irallos his wife and all nilnorclilldien. j
iho marrlago ol an alien woman lo an i
morlcaii cl len endows her Willi cm
t he children i f an alien who weio ml-i1,
iioiHuiine naio nt iim iieciiiraiinii oi in
tention In become a cilion, must eom
pleto ihclr iiiiliiiiillutioii in iho event
that the cllUeuship of the father was not)
coiupht'od in lor In Ihe attainment byt
ilium oi ini'ir majoiuiits.
.u allt u who ImmiL'rates dlllliiL' his
iniiiotilv and lomaius till after his ma-j:
lority must Is'conio natiiialiod if he de-D
shits to oxoicImi the rights and enjoy tho
privileges oi cineusui p.
Alien women may lie naturalized Iho
same ie foreign hoin men, the proceed-jp-l
ing iii'ing prociholy similar. y J
ino rules respecting ciiionshlp In re-1,
lalion toontilosof piihlio lands ujiply top
mi huso wiiiioov legani in httt.
IIksio N. Co it.
SR & .00,,
' I 0
II . HAD ,T 1 11 K
lit iirl.is 1,1,"
l'r ' lll.HI Ul'MtO Of
ui Kakttrn Urrvuii,
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
k i tt f
03 FRONT ST. - - - PORfWNU, untuur.
CYR Sn 7,v,5:.L.T w export PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA. ftr-ny.M-.-.-
fine shootim;
A list of fifty subscribers only has Is'en
suourod for tho I'ionoer-l'rens of M. I'aul,
wl, leb wiil entitle Walla Walla to a bi
monthly lutler in that paper. I learn
that Mr, Charles Klmur, l s-ul editor of
tho I'nlon, has agreed lo write tlioo let
ters. .Mr. Klmor lias len in this valley
since cuily in tho sixties. Mini I l eliovo ho
will d) the In and l'.inplie tin in llln)
uhais). beinun siilendid dencriiaivo Alitor.
To provu to your vhIuwI J'.stUnd oor
rt)suidiit, "V. U. S.,"Hhom I recently
dubil "Iortland lloomer," Iho umwr-
: lion that he would soon see roriluml cup
ItulistB (jruin buvers- b'ljintf and shic
I ping w bout from laiouia itisteuil of l'ort
jiaJid, I I og leave to in rt the follow liitf,
clipped from the rerf"iian 1 Aug. In,
! dated Tiunuul, V.i"liiiu'"ii I. nilorj.
j It will answer my I'-nilatid fiieud.
"'Ihe lea nhiji W. I ra... is. the M-i"ii.
of tho lleet foor i har i ro.1 f r Iho
: iiuiirouu v iiii.uii,
arrivml ut tue it ek to
ri I night. Hie cunt lined ulxsit !. chi-ts
""I ...II i... u ... I If. .,..). r. ..,i.
Ill' '1UI, III, 11 1.7 ,111.. ...... 11, I ,...
J-.vcry preparuitoii bus
was ted chair, which brought lint glower
.' ceutH a l iisliel; the HUiiulnilur wasi
blue stein. -'WC busliels being sold lii Im-'
wnilaiiy A Stencil, who mld Iherefor .Vi '
cenls s'r bufhul. uxcluslvu of (sucks. The
total amount got out i f this llHI uere Hold
was 4l.Uim.ltl; nnitlliinl, or IIWI, was
iniIiI the owner of the land by the grower, i
Thin lund was l.niiuht for leu d Hare ierj
aero, and it will be wen that (Mi per cent. .
inteieei on me inoiit' iiivnio. In lliu
lintel Arrivals.
1 ... .... a. .
Mi.i.Aiin. .i ii lines, tj ii iv is t o; a u
Schwart., It Poncker, Win (I'Donnell,
v ana walla; ii w iteaiiiiig.trinia .Mine; t
Smlili ami wlfo Pilot Ibs'k; (ioo Itrown, (
Plilla; .1 H llradloy, St l.uls; S P. Put-I,
nam, l I, Freeman. San Francisco; J V'j
Kennedy..! .1 Street, I'oHl.ind , .1 II .Mor-V
row, Wuitsl.urg; .lohn Khk. Woshai ; V
(iiMirL'it. Itnllil.ilit : .Inu 'I liooiiiHiiii. I.niits
illo; II A I'ariiaii. Illinois, liugh Peters. 1 fi
I 'enver; M A Itoiiuds, (Vntorvillo; Clnis'
I iinulnubain. I.utu-. t ie u. N s ( hap-
poll, I'.'cjio; JiHi nan oil, city : W II liray,
O l .t N. ,
How man lliusn. i:ii Stewart. Pilot i
Itock ; Sum (ieorgo. 'iiisoii;(i I) Ilutton, ,
I'oriy, la: .lohniiv I la41, hi (irande: '
liawHou.f' Moltildo, F Sehilke, A W
Slriekla111l.WiN.t011: A (! Thomas, ltod
ding la; .1 K Mmwii, I tort Itriwn, Dunn. .
.Mo; II II Mulligan, Ui (iruuilit ; .1 I, loit- I'
son, Jus (.'oIhumii, .1 W i).lWSIi, .Mi.'-1
ju.'3 duf 3m , dihchurt'oii hero.
Iluiiiiiiell, lienver; l II Pools, I'oill.ind j
lund auk tho r.-milt of tho ikHK i r,.,. ' iimr. ariiuin. I'ar .l .1 NKiiiii, l'a-
.... 1.. o.u ..1... fin , .1 I"sj t'hy; m Fiilsoiii; (i W Wilkins
iH.ni, in t ils cily, August l.jth, to tholllll(l wif, )Mvmu
wife of II. Mi.sikur.u xirl. ,:..,. I i,T . 1, ,;r,u,..i,l IVI....
.iiiii.u.i iuiiiiiiii nut ni'iiveiis loHuni
tlio f"-Iliill-gave lli'lii'.i'ions ,.f 11 lire in
that vit'ilii'v. f nu-ilay wniil was l.r ou'lit
to town lli.t tint liiewusiu Mr. I:i..iiitn
wl.e.t ! i-lil oil ii,s-i .hll iii-i k. 11.'-
ftlt--ll.-. S .ll,'l nit Miil.l I'MIIIO!'.
I'.iviliy ll'.e j 1 1 1 It-' 1- in 'li tin- i" ui i
i bli Ii Men- l.l , 11 111'. . tin- g ,111 pinks
IM)tt I..., IdMUilillg III Hlu Lain nf IHlly 11)
sacks of w bout and a largo ureu of Mlil
I Ie. liioilv aid fa. .'I Ibis whole crop,
r ii-iHlu,g .f .( ,., pa k';f wlie.it Ulld :i)t)
i-ui ks of bailey, Isoj.
W I) l.olll .1 llnlisir - DuiIhI Hill ('
iv; ieo VaHbioI..M, V, ; Oliver. .I0I111 iJ
I'.il. , ii.. I '. . ..1. 1. ...... i.:i.. 11....1. . f
..... . - ,., 1 ., ,1 111 -... 1 1 , I It'll Iti il-K . . I
i: It ni k lt.nl 1:. l i.s'iii.iii uml uf.Vi
1 "I l'..r'l iii l . . 1 ,wi -. DiMtii Uro. r I
t 11
11.' t lo.
.1 v: i
City; I) Par
The next Otiv li I i'.'1-l .line
"I'lu'i', Keiil lii .lis, , 1 1, 10 1
Ilou-i', lii- . 1 In-11. .. 1 I 1
joint ball 't,IU-j 11 It. ulls.V. ,l't III'
stands :
1. its, 'i;
' '.its 111,