East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 13, 1888, Image 2

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    J-Hfoast (111111)
Our I'ottland corronpouilc.it wrilea nn
InlcreHtliiu iirrutlve of Interview n with
wool liJer. All of them hut eno, ;
well uh le.ullt.tf trade journulrt the i
country, ducUro that thu Mill hill hua1
hud, ami will huvo , no appreciable efloct
on tin! price of wool. j
A good many woohgrowurn of KaMtcrn i
Oregon are of the miiiio opinion, luvlns.
Hnt OrKnl" I'iiIiIIkIiIiik L'iiminny,
iiltKlON. I Hillitiunt bteadth anil Htrength ol pcreel
n nrlve, enKtlc mini to rfprca.-nt u at 1
mlen-tiger.. In IVndlotoii. Addre..a I
Wanamnkor & Brown, j
Philadelphia, I'M.
TlicJtrK'it rrlnll Iioiim In America.
Yillard House.
Beer Garden and GymnMiM
lAVB Prirlntr
Olio cupy per year, ly mull "
One copy hIx mouth, liy iihiII - '!
One ropy per wiU, l" earner ?
Hlliyle iiiiiiiImtk
lli)itt)l Aihrrlhrmriili.y
On Inch, or l, in s.-mlW.'lily per
inoiill , '? 1"
Oni- Inch, or In Dully per inoiilh. .. .... I
Two liii'lic", or li'tn, In Ixitfi, per iiiniith ,. n
Ovrrtlii. 'liii lH H,Mi iiil-Vi cUI, p-rlni h
Pit nionlh , 1
Over three inclH"", Dully, per Huh p-r
month 1 '
Ovirtlinoliii'lii H, In IkiIIi, p-r Inch pel
month 1 "
.. I 21
Dim copy per year,
Oni1 ropy lx mouth
HIiikIii number
Pri'inlnm paper free to yearly allow llxirn.
Holld linlliiiirell iiiIvitIIm-iiii'IiIh In Hclill
Weekly or Hilly, ilrHt Inxertlon, per Inch,
$1.00; cuch Ntilmi'ijiifiil lncrtlon, .Vie.
lpl noilcra, ifii ccnta pr lino eurh In-acrllnn.
A HOOD niANiii:
I-'ortiinutu tin; thn people who run mati
ng.), theee AtigUHt ilajH, to got otr for n
fowdayH to "tho inotii.tnli.M," mill ilrink
thu pint', cold water of thn mountain
upringH, mid mill' thn odornim iind heal
log liri'alh of thu mountain pliiun.
Whatever wo may nay of our "udviiti
tiinort" and "reHourcoH," iind grand pron
H't'U, it might iih well Ihi aihiilltt'il that
the.tmMii.d pl.iiiiM of IvuhUu n Oregon
mid WiiHhlngtnn am not pIciiMimt plarcH
for mtiinu-i' ichiiIciu-om. Of oouieo thi'to.
tluit to rationally ami correctly uccount
for thu decline In tho price- of wool.
After till, what do the wwl-growcrH of
K,itNi Oregon uxhii-t? Do they think
u Infill on wool will tuako gran grow i n
thn rockM iind tho hare IiIIIh? Do thoy
think It will ijlvo tin Intrlnuli; valno to
alkali ditut In the IlmertV It would K'utn
T Iih wool raiMl it t'liiatlUa c
uh Kent to market, Ik nhottt It5 or
cent. wiiHto. Whllf HeectM In Now York
and Ohio, witched, weltfh four or tUt
tiounilH, ourn weluh clt,'ht or ten. Iy
tliti tlini) thu
thoroughly eleanwd and fcoured, tt nine'
tMjiiml lleiM'o, worth fay a dollar heru
now, vtviKliH only three itound.i, which
ImH t'OHt .'lit lontH a pound, hi.'nlde the
freight, prohahly it full rejuonablo valua,
turlll or no tarM".
Tim faetH am that thu runguM Imvuheutt
lartjuly eaten out, and will mipport hut a
lliniti'd niimhfrof lloekHj tho clip from
Minimi Ht'itc Kiilr wtll hi hfilil on the I-'alr
(IriiUiiilt ne.irsnloin, p.DniitH'iii'lnu on
wear rmimuw
' X-Xuu y.mr VduJ -I.j ami nt.ininit
vnii r (runtf. A coriimi iiihh' .
J omn i hrliMH 8 glM. it
NortliwMt Turner Main n.l tCottrl Htrct-, QgJ 30ND
Ainl inntlniltni; on wik. Ch1i rr
mluiiK to the Hiiiooiit i'f
:r- $ 15,000
Will In; awarded for
AcrliHillural.Mi'phanliiil nmtHlock Kxhlli
lln, workN rf nrl ami fiiney work, mill fur
a . tltuifitiitnit
hahtein Ort't;ou Wool ih midinHoirenMl havn hocn inr-ri-nneil
In iimnv uhm', hihI ni'' flnni'n hnvi' ht'iui .
Hililcil. No i-ntriinco Ice clnuucil In UlvUlnni
.1, K, I., "ml Q
mnKnltlri'iit flplil of homos rut (rcl.nnil
them will ho uplcmllil eonloti of riinnliitf
nml Iroitlnit ench iluy. , .
Thn illnV t traiipiirlullon compiinlcN
will miikii llheral rt'UiictloiiH In farm unci
'"hpfc-IbI iittcnllnn l onllcit to ttn prstiiluma
oirrcil for county rxhltiltn of (train", itrannca
' K tiVrie"w 1 1 1 lm rrri'lvnl In I lie keen tnry'a '
olllci- at Hull-Ill. ln'KlmiliiK i-lx ilaya liefiirr
..... ..... .... l... r.tlt t-f.ii.iiltf frtini Krlitnv
thuHf, an marketed, Ih ahout the dlrllent ;;I!;,;iJ;;;7!;rH,7!?,!;, 1
wool in the world; and to reach n market muio- their entrli-i on l-'rluny nmlfHturilny
II han to travel a lon .llH.a.teo and pr.y n ' I'f" !f1!W;;rer,iVth.7i;i!,K m?1''"
Omul "tret!, opposite J. lLHIiociimkor'a.
mrhtttil'W . .
"Established 1857.
', J. C. 0A.KSO3ST,
1111(1 j Miuuifiiciuri'r or anil Dealer In
.SuU. tloiir.. WIimI
ItilililtMU Sil'llua.'
" i K-.llin.ittf" unit t'rien t.l"t- 'it'l'lleatlon.
mpm ! Kiietnrv ami HHli'roiim,vi'lillerS. Mill,
o j j.ji, ,! ;im
Free Coach to and from Trains, i
it nuuaer. ljllt n.j.L""itll il
rorner Uouit anil Thari;, ,
atlenrtM to. '
Rc-opened, Re -furnished
Equipped in First
Oksd Style.
j.ltr.ll, HKMrKR. PltllllBt....
iKU.mn, Pendlatoi,' it.ri.'".
arnuslii. Wlnea. li,u,,r: knS'U?? i.
"-"an. it
hrlclc. The hcxt WlnV. 1Jbu,?J',,2
Kl. Ewllmwlira arned iiVLlTwn
I thn (lt.nf.1 u al...... ?. '' "lETlID
i 'ii'iiiriii,i mm 1-... ''IJ
IfllC fltioru lltiiluaa It.... .11-. r,rtfL kAu,'
KIKIWICUKCU ID Uf me lx.t,on di..'i
I . ..fVuVuiibrlnui'iWfl
poilte Court Hiiinii', r'liiH (V.. "'-"e-ii
Mijuom ami Clifiiri. eonilunilj ' , ml "'
Ili'iiterK In
hlKh ftult,'ht.
rmler all Hiumi clicuiuKtittit-c;, It lit no
nondcr that wool In uh low us It Ih.
amount of tat III' will make It any higher.
Nothing w ill iimVu it higher hut frco for
elKii wool, mi thai inanufactuiurH can
have thu liet poHhlhlu op"irtuiilly to
to keep their mill lumilnu. and thuoper
l (M
i.lt.'.iui.l ..i.L' , Imu .'i.i.Mt.i' .in Ifii'r.iMki'll
am worn' plac.-H. hut ll would Ih. no dill-; . ,.imMt!111. '. . . .?...,. u,mih.
null la-ik In Iind thomt hotter ittid I ii II
nltely mom ai:iee.ihlu.
To the-H' thy and wind-nwi)pt
plalitH the veiilum inul hIuiiIu of the
H liiKlier iind woodi'il and inilnhahiteil IiMIm
lutni-h a ileliulilful coitlraNi. .miioiik
llii'in, if ono pieHHim far i-iihukIi, heyoml
the ihlHt and ileitolation f the hlieep
raiini-H, he may Iind fum-tn and td.uli'H,
loving (,'auiu ami hnnikH with dcliciouH
IIhIi. ciHilneM and luiltn. hl-li will hrini;
"r.'et to hl-i hoiiI." 'Ihi.ro the hid ilno.s
not heat dunii with hih-Ii int ileralile hoal ;
Iheto ho Ih mil daily enveloped hi a cloud
of yniiHiliiK' dint ; lliei.i iliilit un and col
lei lorn, clienlH and imtienif, kk kci ami
KiowletH, nor aiA,' of the tlmuHuiiil fileiuln
anil fm'ii to whom he niiiHt daily nlc at
tention at lioii.e, can 1'iiinii to nioleHt or
niiilio him afraid.
It in not uIIimmi and IumiiI iuh eomfurt.
however, l'or a fea iI.ixh nun (coin erne
and tired, and lliliikH he Ii.ih paid Iihi
much for IiIh uhi-tlo; hat he hdoii hiiIh
over lliliti apMitlte, Hiicli iw h.m Inugheen
a hlraiiKi'r lo liiui, coiuen liack, ami he
can devour with pc.it ifli"h wliat at
homo lie would have lull untouched tit din-
uiiNt: the IiIihhI Ik'i-.miii'- purueil anil
No Ciiupon lleltfl fnr iiH-n (lx ilavM) !
fKiipmt iicK.-i n r w.iiiiiiii ut.ji.;
liny lli'ltel for m-tl
l. tu liel for women
Tli'lt. t-.lollii'Kliill'lFtiillil nt luce irie-k
inr m .e over lyi-Hr
t n.ll.i. I.. Illl l.llllllf hlllt.ll fll',
ThiKMilfnirlUK t'1 pnieliiiMi lio'illi-. will up
nil' It. III. I k.K'tl'li.lV.
uwi'iid t'i the nfi-ri'liiry nt Silem fur u
premium Pt. J.T.OIIMIU.
iilUl.lrt.w I in Heri'iitry.
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
A Minrt-nr the puhlle pulroiuwe l nollelleil
lilelil- l.lw
CheiipcHt rite evrr mmle from tlio I'ncltlo
I lll.'l I'l III." ..i.ni.
ilti'toli.Oreiiiiii. 1 1 ... i. . ' "inttk.
Mm. ,iiiiiiiii,i iiruTeri'ii. t,'m
4 ILNlll.Il A kCIIUIMii. -
J of the t'nuitl in HtMot,
em of unit wholmale unit rVt.n i '
,-..er l.y tli;glnaa. hi.ttl.'.li', x
Try ItamtHre If you iJemH llk'it
IT. the" Hoard of Tradf."nJ,,B,l,T,,
wihh HirfipiN. I'oiiiiiMti.t. at:. "
rniuuru iieor nn ti ran t lit . .
huh nli.i tl.....u ' Ik
ttwi n villi ,ttin, -i
iohn khnht. PuoruDrroiTiii
t) mar Hh loon. Fine winS. liiU t
urHDvr.t a
lrttH. IVlllllrtOB llfr
" :r.T - uh u auiri u i
clultv. Matn atreet.optH)MttyUrillIiy
( iiii'Hiiji JfKltn. Hlta-
.iiinnn iiiuiiir. a i rniTtnrai a.
tureiteiiiii KiikIiich. Wnttr WkJ..'
I ii l'm init.Wwtn Mlinrl nm U u. .,.7 M
Pi" " in iviiniiMin iitii i lllltrilinar b.
$80. $80. $80. ,
- Whitman College,
:;:reL8igh!pn Academy ,
inn not
SrSATiut ,Mih im:i.i. Ih alnn ho
I'm luinher liarotiH of I'otlland iti
I Hound. The luinlHirM-onntmeiH am not
worth IlilnUInu aUtiit. The luinher Iritut
In fallforiil.t has put l,Mi:).imO In the
p cketHof Uh inemheiH the hint year, and
HotlleiiHint on the count Ih ill-i.-oiiratfed hy
1 1.) lniMva'l cunt of hulldlnu' ami thu
votalloiiH n-j-tiii'tlniiH hnpi'M-il. With
tlu-xe f.u tH oxiHllntr, perliapH It would he
a wile tiling fur Air. .Mllclicll to let tin). ,(.xtyi.irlMvlni.'ptmiilM'riith
I I .,f II. m.lv.M unit pecniiiiiieiliii'rM'iiiHii n en "'.
WAI.IjA WAl.l.A.W. I.
I'm II fiill'-ite t'our-e. :o Mfl.-n'.il nml
I.lteriiry Cimr-i"-.
Arutlfutlt' Jfi-jiitt tmrut
in-h. hat erlort I'lini-iiiiniry mim'. i.i-
Pur lound trio from nil pnlnU In Owm
mid WiHhlimlim 'lerrllory lo
TU-KelH on Mule
SEPTEMBER 3d, 4th anil 5th,
Koiel to return tooer.:iM.
Imiirovlmr cortiilu nccIIiiik nr i
i lil.lHll IVllll Ulllll llllll III., l.pl.l.n ... ..
.NorJIi I'ork of Ih" Jnlui liny rlw.itc
I llltilllll llf lli-KlllllllOll i'PHJ.b. (.i.k . i.. .
'tin. mini may lie hid on cpiiritclr, u
i. .in ii. ii. a. it. uiii'i'lnl i rn lii eirryliiK Ore. i r i..u !... ..,..1. ... ..
...... .....I vv ...i.i..rii.ti I ..i I'm irv iii'ii in. i ....i. ....... -
llll'IlK to III'.'
'I W'O rolled hrlclc lii'iutlrn nn,l ...l.
Hitl.tr. Ahlilvlii.iirii.lilM.. 1711
..i-... -"i
It USKlm
i nil ID -JV U aw i.ta. i,
Mt.i.lml IiIiIh u'tll In r....U..l .. i L .
. ... ....... .. ,w .u. i, UI.UIJ.
Hie rti
mini I iNtr tin
Kive llie poor n'ltlcrit chow.
IIkuna, .Mont., in huvhitf lot of fun i w. K, Matlock
nt thu pipeline of the eounly eonimlH
ilonerH over a '.MM Mntiiu of (i. Wai-h-
. . . . a a t .
titlon, UuiKlil at ."an i raucii-co. uie j
principal trouhle with It Ih lit.' - no le
rM- itofitnt loniii; ;?i'ti.
I'i'dJ, II in. Smith, Until Mu.stvi:
- VN'D
Ascension School for Girls,
Cove, I'nlnii Coiinry, Oretjon.
l-'or uro. i
i nililrrm
nr. piir-i for any eoiiece, pir i-'iieiu iifi-r mi"
111'"-!., pill iTiiir .'irn'i ii-iir.v "i ..neni
miction in ri, ! iniMii'iin nml .M"'i 'in i
U Pm. Kli'vei. prirn'ormui'l leiii-iii r'. u u
IM'l"llN. l.ll'lll'H' lilMirilillli lltlll. Yl'IIIIK
in. ii' hull Ik'IiiiC huiil
full Ti ill iijipi' "epo'iiill il. h.
Wrile I'M--utal..in. lo . . .N'lii:it-
h:tm,,,,,,,,V jviMi'-Iwii.v ' COLUMBUS, Sept. 12.
Ollxllnnnl rnnnnoimnnl H A D ieleiiu.voii.loimilii.il
ZUlld II U Ml Ctlli'JIIIUIIICIII U,i, 111 IturnouiHP.'feelivlilolii.lKl.tuffncbof
'.-ii. rue iMiuaiirini; n
Nt. The wltlenliiK of tio Kmle frra tv
jonn imy river 10 iiiuioiMiielilllTliI
muni wi nn tfrnj
wnlt'li mi Ih III-
('. S. .l iCKMlS
I. hrt 111. IN
W.M. It. lMU'Kt I..
I'refldunt. i
Vice I'lefldent. I
Secretary. 1
Ti cannier, i
. tieneral Muimor.
lliix Opened
A New Grocery,
I'omerof t.'otut mid ThompKon H(k.,
liiully titif of thn tuit it ly.
'M 'I'll., fill 1 1.1 I if I Iim rnvlnn ...........
I I. M'll'l r..lll.ll'lll .if llm Mutb. .
mini i.tnvci'i) tniiiiiM iii'i'K iimi ji.ki
i river. .lA.MfS ILEMlT
.m. . . ... ..- .........I....I.. ,....11.1 hl....p. titr-t .if llm ll.tiMl .if T..l. t ...
UeslrlHK lo "o Ml run liavi n" in live iii'iiiik i -hhit, i ii'in inii, "i. uuii, kjj
In iiiiUnini Kleeplnir no, for fuilher In-
fiirmiitloii Hill oner 'iildrei..
A. I . I'll Alt I.TON,
Axl.Ocn. IM. Aul. N. I'. II. It.,
iMUHId No. 'i U'HhliliKii'ti M , I'lirlliuul. Or.
Grain Bags.
i ri
All lt.iri.fintt tirn Iimp..Iii iiiIOImI lli.l m ...
(after I IiIn date no hiiuthm m l,ocllai.
oe niioweii upon i lie ihiihiiiiii injiia in
i viitluo wlihiiut ii Nttei'liil mrmli la tn'
, Ulllll 111!', llllll III llll I'l'lll Will DUDI'EI
Mliontli.i; he iillou'.-il llii-reiiiinn KunJ.it
Dilled July SH, PKS. ILCUtrCT,
U Hhuricr than llie other, ii Ii.ih the ,
inunips, U li.ilillunuli-il and Iiiiiiii-m!i..iiI-
dered, with none of which tieorue wan,
allllcled. In other tcHpeclH thcHtatuelH,
M.itil lii fi'.'l mill., ui'll. I
In ISH4 the Itepiihlican plat form Huid
Real Estate and Loan Association.
Capital Mm k N'in.ooo.
Olllcoiii Kant (Ircpuilan Uulldini;,
I'csiii.irruN ... Oiikoon.
! In view of our lar;w i-orrcHpomlence,
we are ohlied to conduct much of it in
uuk'.I Iiii
For Cash.
Ol' ll KltitN, 'IVit. D'tni:
ritealH over 1 1 i - featuiiH. the iiium'Ioh
I Kmw llrm and couii.ict ; and in a few
weekit he in a new in.ui.
lie can xludy, ti, It he in itn-liiitNl t li.it
way, while ho waiU for uaiu.- or a hlle,
us he could not in Hie diutiy and ili
traetixl mil
hufuio him
i ll lnu'l all fun, and tlieitiV nilglity liitle
liixtirioiiH can,' .tlhiut a ouuilli uf "cam
lu'iiut" life, iimi) In the mountain
wIIiIh; hut onu w ill tHn tMtt-k an tin
nieitrtoly Ikiltur, healtlilur, Mironitei man
for It. "
"The Peniocralie party han failed timi-, printed form in order to esH-ilito inatlerH. ,
plelely lo ri'lleve the H!opleof thehiinlcn ; 'i' uvoid and correct tiny iniHiiiuler-
nt iiiiiiei'.M:ir.' taxi.tion I IV It wIm) leilllC I ul.nnllni.tf llmt unit' Imvn iirl.i-n fiiiin fur.
nwln'w thrniieli the. irleiiiM with iiwontcil i,1,m frplii. 'I'lie Itepuhliciin ; ,m.r (idvetliceiuen'tH, wo denini lo call
riHl.os tliiouuii lie at . . m ii uw. i )( ttirrw( (n ,, ,. I u,u.Iltll)1 ,,, ,K) following h.IuIh: ,
vlK-or; tlie Inonxo ol healthy oncivIm. j,-,, , ,ali(l' ani , reduce I lie nur- I im: ahsihi.viioN Nor hi-m liivr..
pliiH." lteeollcct one imHiittint fact, vi. : we
RNow the H.une pmpoeltloii Ih itu-elvnl do not Intend to (.peculate, hut under all ,
with howls of "I'ice Trade." clrcuinhtai.ceH to traiinaet ImnineM an ;
, iienta for otliern.
Tiik town of H.tylon, V.T.,hy a vote oiijiuth.
of t ,7l. ha, deeided um.ii.at the prop- -. Z ' .! . '
uecp roiKimiiiy no iiniiii r r.'u huil-h .11 1 uatCIIII US llllll iiriririiH 1 virurif 1 l K.-)ll..
droei'lli"-. mid ' 1.. 1 1.' nu 1
it nil Wlirrmuilill 111 inr I'lir-nu.ii.'Xl.r.
horc4 iiru known lo llilnilllrc:
t WIM'KII.J "llm llll'.. .111. I Pll fUUI.I.,w
! h'y hon.e, (.Iimi In frnnii oiini)rhoro
1 fihited! one luiv hum', miml nil rt.und. In
of IIil'hi. iinlimiik are wllhnut branJuol it
I other two are hiaiuti'l. tin l7 M
1 hnriie. 1.1111.1I1 it 7 1. (ly liiBiiowiiMin riiaiM
...i.i ur.it .tiiii-n .mi. I...I 11 i.n rllit k BUI
7 .1 on liftlilp. .
...... ........ ...;i. 11.... 1. 1...1 irAni.rtfe'i.
rH Ml M II I' lillll H nA tS une oiiy mure, Dnniiieii niuuru iu
JTXVAIN ALJJ X ilUUXV : left Hhmihler and D 1. nnrlcUM.
a 1. f Ii.. 1 liriiml lift latff at li ml 111 m r
..Hciatt. 1 ,,iiH imy mml coll, iwn yeuu olJ, ra
r. ,HfhlOIKOII l-ftHllllllllltl. , ,.
Aitiirrr o . rfT-nnioi 1 .. 1 .......... ......... ...niMMoioi
U llfl p. tv m ym Mi. . n. ' I II.' ..v.. l.'l 1 1 rw ..... ......---
i.t v....... u ii-i .vi. t.u . for eiii'h lorKeiiud Nildreailnic limcuw. '
juiiiii-iwii iinalloii fiirnnhed the nninry am Ult
. llll'llu.l li i h.u.
' i.'iut nill'IIIIS'lAN puaco.
lll'JU reiiuwoa.ui'v-
Railroad Lands
Open to Settlement.
People hi.vltu I'hilniN on llallro-nl l.mut
(until of the Hvenly. mile limit, Iiiiii!iI
t their liindi are In diumer,
co. .Nali.reV v..!....,.. la ..-.tn I i,,,V " ".r, '"V" ru,,uh,l! ", real entate. an.ist K-rHo..H in p.,;cu.l.,K
. . . . ' ' latve hi tho eltcelH. llie PayUu. pimple tei.tHirarv leaiiH on m'ihouu1 K-curity.eif '
i. Hint mwiiih t.. ih. ci.M-r '"L,,,,,,,!,,,,,,:,. H) nuain-e of inakliiK a dorhe neitiahle iioIch. and diHH)..e of J
.paHtuto out of a towtiV etieetn T.,y j .Jr:-.;.;:'!:;
imnlit to turn iifew I.oh limse, i.Iho, to j ,u,lU,,HtHf non.ti.liltiiW ; rent Iiikim'h,
have a pliKiHtiul variety. lainU and other piun-ttii-s, ami collect '
' .. , , ,, I teutH; in (liott, ittteud to auv and all tiiiH. ;
Hutu iu.li- .s H.H aie .piotin In full , ju. fr )iU,H w, ,iri, ,,,.
Mr. AiiiiiiidinMiV atrtuiueut In the Nnrlh m it i vsn iiki-ahtmi sr.
Ainrlean l!eiew In favor of taxed woo), ; W urn tieclally piepaiedto lake jam ,
I hut they earful ..... ... .ne.i . .he ; I " - , " " ' ' ' .
i .i i.!.. , i.i...... i......, . .
mm nun nur. r.iin.- . in.. ...i .iin-'i." e keep ii compieie ami
Ollli'H In the AioiM'liillon IIIik-Ii,
II10JI U.V llll
"Sank; nihwQ Engineer:.
uiiii K i-. itmiu
i co.iin ete ami i-i-riei-t I m.u.u ii.iv nml N'luni fr.m i-n-i. ii.m i
forciLM. "tauiiK.flaUir" Uuni.Mrla.iH. no. .uliMruct of Hie I'. S. nlat Uh.Wh from lite . ward. mSnd h ionp.K nt whli Us. trj.
KnulUhineii li the liuudredH. und iu.xh Plan let laud Olllco at Latiraiule, and ; r.wiilvi-n no ('hliu-e . inploj.d iiLout the I
,,,., he .MIutHiiwoel. . ''; ' vr..l..K v. nirHAp "c'nM pnriD,R . OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET. ! lfyTO
I ...... i, .ii...-. 1 ,77". i" VTT . ... , i i.fiii or eiie.i ii.nii, ii iiiiA.,.'-; r.i.iis
the, v.ihntu'TH. Portland. Ornnnn i., .. .;.ru
, u - !'. ( ntipiTIO'l- Ill-Ill I mini'"" "
mil.' 2 Im lw
M .il'llfni'lircru
Hurrah tor America! Steam aud Hot Water
nnl Heating; Apparatus,
Chop House anil Lunch Counter iwiwKi.i.ivjsoKiTiiucuiM.ixP
At tin' Di-pot, .
llnm.li lor Will. ti I.tilmr! I H) irltuii..nK unit iiimiuw fmuMuMl for
up. oemiiiif iiuiuiini. in any Hetioii of tin eoi.n.
w i Irv. I '..rrtouiMiiii.i.,1.. ...1:111
'1-1... c ....... c. .I.......I. r.i.ll...il O... ioi.'IKII Slll1ll lrt.1.1 ........i.i, ..w. . UIIMIll.-l .11 III.' . I'lill III'II- 11. 'ill lllu , ' .....v. ,............-..".-.. , ,
llll' ".....lll .nnri.iiiiiii .......... ...
puhlleat. i'i .inn. lulely aaid
"If the choice ahould have to he made
o( taWtun the tat ott whlky or icIimpiUli
, Im; a Hirt of the pmtective dutieH. Iheii,
wo any. rctuiu ill tlutitH foi pioteetio..."
Well, llmt i the Itepulilicat. ihvtiine,
1 .. I.. .... 1 ... ii i.. .. ..i...i
n.i I'lin miiu.'.. .11 ...... 1 hi t . n i'i.iii.'i 1.1. .,...l 1.
.. . .. .... . ,. . . ., .. . tiiiiou''.. In fiiniljii tuirlH on account ul llie i turilP-lt
nut tun ' 1 .ipii.u .iiiuiii.il, iiu inner " .. . ..,1,1,
1 1.11 ...,i.iui,.vt ,.1 s.i liHi'l t- A" '" "liuii.e market,
I whan undor t itriiic frco whinVv
. t . .-!.. . ml I........ 'I ! .
I iieiu.i.e. ..ii. t-uiiiti,ir.i..i.i. ".".. ilinosoi.f Ihem fur viHtat ah nitcw. We m...l .'. Ilahtfiil nml lu-Hphy li-Hiioin. of the !" rou nt-inpatliiir u Mimmer iflo ,1.1
i "Uwtllluif toduhwlhn tMiti.lry with free Tun Heine Dnw w.ivh (ho Kant Ore.ui .,. ',,( .lt vn.tr fain, to m 11 at eorhi- J"".''. K,1".m,"'f hj'w minh linpo'taitro U hi- "-.t no ti. iit.rtn.,n vl-lt iii...osprn.
whUkye.. that the duty on hou-ohold Kepnlilio.it. ..i every appoumnco o( .an. prlcoH.'hnt if yo.t w.mt m ell we ! my .,f "oj" eii'-s '.Ue" Luiw-m'i5-i.1; iiUBTwW'ltt
. luHMMbiiiM may I.. iot.iii.nl. lliKli lwluK a life-loin: j.Mirt.al." Thin Ih the ! 't wha.it Ih w.. iI.,; t'l'';r h ! .o...f,ta.
: P.li',1 ilidhhiK ami vily ,aM'dhmi.,lIu.t ordinal cntiula. isnnHhuen, ZT ftWi'ffi MZSkKSMXJSXi'
nor in inwni- M.r wii nn pnuwini' nave leau in a tot.K itt.ie. itiottier wontn; i ,,n)ect iiua'lia-'ri an well an folleiv. Kvery faeiu y i. Here Hir.nl. for thornuih
policy ...,ln.Htl.e.l. hu. ....laM-.l whinty j I, U.U w if it w,.ld live till it died. , i;nv iw..m. "jr$h W''Xl
can IhimU a-llowini! frinit eveiy Mill iui , . v v .,.. ' o have dailv ell-P-r I I'lidletoit (own u.ty im-me i..i. v
.......... . , j,,n, ...... iiroiieriv, in inn itn-v :iuu noi cie ll . .. ...... ........... . m..- i (. 1 1 nny
iiI.inI.ii. i.-siiii.I iv.m'limd ludll I.-Lliw A l.r..l.ll.l ilttimtilllt II left IA illl UH. Hk,ul Ul'.1. 'nll.ie' I .1 llllllieh llltlltll f..r
i- " "i yonuK mine, n e ine L'.'iitle. i nrm.
ii.Mi.n" .1. i. . lerom nuHiiiiti.'. -iinouiiii pnpll Mr ml.
Yo kiHUi KiUtl on all .I.H wiotlH of llie nilt'e I hi ir.y ( in", ! U .ry ite.lnihl.. iiin.
' n - i.....i.....lli..ii..lt'rl IdiWiH
to tho tiiide.xlxl.ril will pi Hrnia iw
mid (.etlli. their ueeiiuiili hy.cj.li or .
I U'l.ll 11. llHlllliei. Ill V IKHIK ww
.......... . . i r. .uu
Iv. All in con. it not n'luni iij,."."
will hu placed In iho lunula nf iw'"jr5
jylu lui d kw' i'roirlitoratrlik''
uwl llrtre. Ivulito'
.. ....... '. . ....... il m.
.1.-" llllll. ..,. l.rv .I"'".. 'V.T ..H.nJkA
rnriii.iiiiir iiiiiI il.hv. rliu ill tlie pumr-
ol 111 ril lll.il-iniili" .-,1, i
more tluiiiG) hiiiI not leji "'an ifigj
.1 .. a .1 ...f-t.a.. mouU a
mi' iirwi im. 111 r ii-n hihih : i k
1 i...i..,ii...a I IwSII 1 tlfl mv .
hetourfiHit I iiK.aoiiini u.l fJ'MfS
Tiii! fiirnurt nf OiilM11 tuv lit
very let on account of the 1 .TACOnh'p ft HV " .
inte.KmM.ix-t.iM.amlat leaM an much ,,, , , , h.'to and reliuhle atllU't "if 01, UVOOUJIO AUIIUOUIV ninaWaV HOI bpritlCIS. I I IAN'() hi) It HA i.i:
mure tarilMax hcciiiiMi of the inenwuil ! all isamly reentiU, and we mu piepnieil cnu vnnmn i n?c w. n miiiti- i... : . . ..,i.,i.iiani P
in furnlMt alMructH ..f title on twiM.na- run uvnu unn, - rii.-
hie teruiH, and ..arant.'o n-eir .ucnaey. C:ndv.ctcd 'cy tho Sisters of St. Francis ' Hhw ! Nv K"'", Je',J,VHlirRW
thevhavelt net. iimi n.t lariir-taaii..n I w.. en-., .i.ik i.....ii.e ,.. ' r'"ul1" Hiidimsipteni.. ra,l. , """'" ""r"' . ' uullSw
evet cut luriiWIi tt to llieui. wnuU'-ite loi..lnln uihmi i.irniH, unit can
.... .. .. - ., urn. .
w.l. re.uiil. HlHllmSipteli l.. ra.l. , .i '"'" rimru .
'ruin Hummer Iti . irl will In. 01...11 tr 11...
TliU luiilni'ioii i Klliiiii. d In one of the l. -epiin 1 of uu. .f on mid Hter Jnlv 1.1. n,i,i '
Boot and ShoeStofi
. .11 ... a I - .a . I TI... a a.
pUlll-y to .. ...... 1.1' 'HI- '"lH- 1 c.1,l ,v.....v..l imlUI.-l..,. w n liiiiM !.. i I1AII.I..IM. UM..
edltiircalUlhti HepuhliiMnlHin ; and tlie , , . ... ,' . . ,1
Terms Roasonablo.
8COTT - . Prop.;
writer wl... d.,.i M aai,t Hitch !Kh" l,lo1" T ' f f . V I lHuaitimMit. ami at thu ... .mt ;.i.ue will !J.,PI1.',"M,,I H,',h "l B '" '
tiiriiltu.le mid iH-i verhi ... U nromnlv din- " H ' a..m " ! ,u r,w,,rv' mi.n-1- puili. ular apply t tin- Aead-
lurpltt. ie .11.11 jH.MiMiu ih pnuup.N ui" . i.Ul:v ' t t In and relialo. Yu do not wan. vour niiy.oruddre.
1 . juip.ru s -i .nr j v.
iKUH'd of uh a malii'ii.iiH aw.' "
TheJimrn.il then ipurtim from liar-. Wohkinukks, huw di you UV.11 tlm pro
tli.1.1 tirant and A.tluir. who all iveoiu-' portion th:tt t'ltlitiwo ouht to Ihi ad
iM(h until we can do ymt h"itio kuh1.
1 .nN AMI lllklollNTM.
Wo eainine farin I kiiih in K)rHon, and
H-ltf 11
mended exactly the pre,..! PenitH-ratie .uttle-l into this iMU.ttry and tu.i.r.ilUed j i1 1 1 v" ' ' 'Wa' ""hiiVrtll irf or
policy, aud lienmimvd the fice whisky uh (anily as tinnusr.mtH from any other uvo,ai;ie noleH. iH.un.y ..ml eitv urip,
proiioHltieu. Hut .he StatcHinan han to country? That U.Mr. Harrison Knh amj u 00,1 Umdi.
bland on the platform, of eouice.
Um.koh ratH am a protecteil itnluHtiy,
war hhould Ui deolarcd tiKttlinit them
without delay. They mo U'lDinhtB u
great tiuUaiu'e in IVndletou, Who will
o the l'iinl rior?
Til i.n is a campaign, on tho IVnuvratio
Hide, of iilueatlott. Tho result ileH.'niU
solely upon whether the working people
of tho wuntry can ho nutlieiontly unde
ivlved itud enlightened before November.
An huortant par. of our htiHine.-ei ia .0
look after .he property and bii'dne.-.s of
notftvi-ideiitH, collect wntn promptly (ul
wavH in udvumv). look after insurance .
and iuy taxed, and guard their interests ' llixhrnt
eoual to our own.
nutf) Iw J, II. Ualuv, Manager.
IVtiill.ton, HreU'in.
The Pendlelon Roller Mills,
.Capji-ity 40 bur rein prihiy
S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors,
Miiiiufactureri nf Oraluim, Krauulaled and
kelf-rUlnv Flour.
1'aHh lnre l.a
Ktudit or Ura.u.
for All
J.ll.V'll w - .
1 ... . ......i..u.i iinusiuwrtBH".-
I Willamette University ! : c,ru. fii7iX'
-0.1... s rso's 7. ".-!
, ... Tuko 11 loiK nt mem '
Clnst3icnl, Litorary, Scientific, -"ii iier. . '(
Oldest, Largest and Least Expensive
Institution of UaruliiitintlioNortiiwfht.
Klmt term Witlna K.ptembr .id. IRss, Ad-
Jl-f daw im0' VA' OV.I're-ldem.
j.l uw im rtult-m. Oregon.
Flonr, meat .chop, feed etc, alwayg on band
i" Kast Okiqom.an. It catchea lliem
I eery time.
K.J. lloi-lun. '"" cjrfi
Muln and Itallro.id l,cnJtt '
Klrt-lam In every ",l"$i;.J!iv'!
pot and Im every i-o..''nii'f-
Henry Kopettke&CO
ha r,
l)KAl.r. ..'a
. . u7.nO
tf'"l ..ml