East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1888, Image 4

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    . i. i i I HHWK.
SATURDAY, AlMCsT 11, mi.
i hi: i iiam.kvoi:.
Ihnnnl twlajr upon thoiitris't,
Wlirro Ik-kk.ii-i witnt n cairli-ss mag,
A note, u tune, m wondrous swisH
That I Htixxl r.1 l-nt In tlm lliron.
Bill, all, I wiw not tlioviu lio Kinjfi
1 lie? i-l not tln-lr nllil madrigal !
A tlioii'.inil voices rotifi'l inn rani?,
Ati't 1'iwti-r Mill, 'inn innll'n'M call,
For wlilili I'll flinnm' th"' ''" "l nv"
My I'xkI unlmtsiil lllfn l'lljrilin'ii tlirull;
I fml my liuni;ry ln-nrt iinnlm
I unw my Idiylioml Inilim nti'l nil
Ami licml tint MuUlilnls, m-itllnif, Ma
Tln'lr tcncl'T wms hniuiij!
Onr, mnrtlnl call of buriwl hosts!
HmrNiiru tliy clinlli'iiK" iuinms1 the jcars!
I daw llkn wntrlm at thi'lr U
A iiijrlml forms) llm plm llkimp'nrs
Shot tlinmisli tin) utli'Miiitwt's nI:
Tliu ilarki'iiliii; lleMsi tint Kleatn uf panca)
Hut murky itiihk, Mnr-uinoplltili
Tim lazy I: Inn nloiij; tlin lanes;
Tim i?liul IioiiwjiIiiii; tlm vIllAKQflplro;
Tim lioiiHili.'iit.'lii'ity harveU folks;
Tli'i cornllcMs 11iiihhI with sunset lire;
AnM It. our tryst Iwncatli tlm oalut,
We lituril (iio hliickhlrils stllng, king
Tliilr lender ,vmks f vTotilnu'
Tims, Anip-I if ojt later day.
Willi ever li'ittrliiK, iiiim-i'ii linml
Am ll.isliisl iijHiti our lillmli'il ways,
Tin1 Mlili'.i iilirlo H wo iiiiilcrHtniiil.
W'tdlinhllin tu.-iBLit nti-oi tr Trulli,
Ami rn'tPf lit thy lielplujfs IiHiik
Tin) I"hi t 1 1 Iti'i l:iwr Youth I
A lint if, a tutu1, llm liilinlilit Uilii.',
Bwecpi lrni.li.tli- s nil lietwccn,
And lliTotim Now piny with thD Then
Where otiinoiii'lie'iven uas llvil iuivii,
Ami hIhtc, lib1 pllcrl'iis coine aimlu,
Vn IrT.r tlu lilncl.lilriN, iiimIIIiiij. Min;
Tlii'lr t 'IkIiT imii,.s of etc iilng'
UdRar I.. V.'i.ki'iwiti In Nnnr I.iikUikI MiikaIiio.
A I'lru fur I'lrMll.irltli-t. ,
OMIty In, ihiirelorv t lit ilrrinat 1 vc i w
JihIIii'IiIiiIiIiih ck'Hiclll iiIkiiiI iiiimi ulnl Is
ii lt iiviililml uiily iik-it'll nt llm chumc
el less, or till) lllsiltfl'S'lltile wilt ll in
ii-llilii for n liiinliv tinil ii Mix till Uk
liiillty I litiuw wi.-fl iwi. hrnihoi-s tli
mi- mi eminent priest ii until ol leullv
iiiiiMtilllii'iit ikiivit tlin oilier a m ill ol,
kilCilVUIIlt IlllillltChltlillls 'I'lic lllst Is ii'
Immj llslisl unil ri'iillv iiii'iin Imntii' i m ill
lint It 11 ovi)rlupHi ht Ihk upi'iii
K'liuliirlilp tlm hi't'oml hits liiii'i oi'lmlui
-.lltp lllll II I IIVilllltVII In Ills inipivii I
ii. mi'y Tlm fiinilly trull lm riivnil hnin
I.1H IXHMI lirtM'lHItlll III llllKrill'ltS II lllll IS
with Now KiikIiiihI i,nsiiiiniiy llrrn it i
iirlnn (ortli two lirnliis tcrv ni'iirlv i'iiinr
ii power hut only lit oiiu iloi-s In mlil
1I0NK llllllW ItHflf IIM IIIIK(,'IIS. K':ltltll'.-S
On tlm wliiilo, I l It rite tlii'ro Ih notlilliu !
ii inuv lm wi tlmnldiii lm hi xi:uliui I j
!ll"t If WO Uril lllll so IiIHsimI iim to Ikj j
dnlplim nmt iinatilii to i-vwrlM' nitlomil;
imtrolof our ihiwlti, ih Iiiiiiii run cinin ;
Irnlll IlllVttlfl wrhiil our llfljjlilMUH Imti'i
mil lint tin most iiiimwiiIiI ol all pii i
-.his In lio who fours to Im oi ijflnal win.' )
I trails lih nolL'lilHir s siui'ii.ini nml ynt
o.uiiiot nvolil IniIiiji utilllu llii.'iii. M i
Mniirlro M U j '
l iirrljii rioii.l. hi Ctiliin. I
Tlin llrillsli ciiiihiiI ,il i Ii.iiik tlm most' 1
A'UHluril mrl III tliu N :ih,'tHi llulli'i'i in.
in IiihI ri'M)rt llial tvlitlc tint tniKirt !!
ilm lluhti'r cotton pssls li is incri ai'i ' j
tlint of tliu lirnv) niitl roaisu toxliir.'n lias i
livicasisl. In tliu nirlii( of I ax I fui',
ilioni wi'ni rilinont nmotit; tlm (.'Iiiiiom' ol 1
tllly alliiH'iit i, ilihi'iix-H of tlm nUiii iiiiIi
I'fi'li tli'iilli U'Iiij; IiiiIiiiisI liy uimimii uur !
iii. 'iiifi of furi'lfjo I'otton ttt ii If In.
ii Ilium inivliu'ii Hi' tory li.nl ui'i' li,
in ii'lii'y for n nliort tiniK Hi' siii.i-i
that IIiohii who ronlioi Mn nillun (ihII .
iniilo hlionlil tulin nmni's in ui.viiit I In J
VM'scliro of iionIoiin ir liiiliint imitti'i in. (
tli.'ii iU "Tlio hIh ;;is um' ol Uiivtn
nml Its xisslin nllisis niluht Ik) ttoitu.
hiiiilr '" St'U'lllllli A. iii'iiii
v unil us In it V .
l'rlil.iy i' tlm AiiiIi'm Snmlny, Imt ll
tlm not put i 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 ktup to IiIk worlilly
llllk.llf -ll llhll III1 M I'll'SlM's. Tlll'll Silt-
tuiilii) Ih llm .Ii'hV Snlilmlli, mill t lion
conifit out- Suii'lny, on uliU'li ilny tlm
rr"iili tturliiiiiiu 1'itiitiiiiuti to Mori;, In
tinlt r lo iiiku nl lniiKt it Imlf liulnlny on
Alonilay. Tlicu nrtt four tiny mil of tlio
Mitfii wlii'ii llm vUllur to Alulfrnr un tlm
rluK of iliiillnj ii hliiin flol or u work-
iiiiiii not nt lii Ktat. V, A. HrUlKiiioti In
Wtii'pcr'rt. j
tlllslllfiui tllllll's.
Klvi-citiiin fun. f.n i Iml In). I iim.lam '
Ailil i l ni l cai cull. In. lm u he hih-iiisI
tin- .lour nml pill In limnl into ilm rut
'rty wil ' slu' ivlnsl lis.liuu m ln!
unt'l ft Hits in mi ' ii hi li.i.l mil mil
lu I'lmiillnil I iinisi i. ni n is i ipl ..i
til illumes K .tit t i', I v ii y vm.
uri'uiHui 1 1! .rop i iik . m iln-ii
nliiil tlu il.sit nml I.M ..-.I .v.. 'uh iMiikt
llki' u man in liv. ., .s 1 1 : u...r,
vDtM.ltK'r it
i t.'im In Hit lilni t.
"1 lir-' Ihiii; 1 uiv'r ton hi initrry
lilm," miIiI ii miii4 tflrl, "Why. ilu )uu
km li.:i 1 tall Uxwt 1 tull ium -tlio
lililodu tiioaul.' DIulMir ins mn to his
Inc. . luit in my ir. Tluil't ulirml
tnk.' llmy i. tiiiwts. nml Iwvvt'wrytliliit;
out with i'u rysl in mi illnry. 1 llml
. ll ii itivnt a; .1. " Hurwi ' iunr.
Arfhltsrt AnnmhorT rp Qunrlrnt.
A charmlnp nkelcli ot Hie qimners ol
ti iiijibI arclilti-ot of tin- 'lranrjpun
illroiul (icn Anneiihort If ifivi'ii in Tli
li'tiTMliiltitet ZnltllMU Ni'iuly uililnnt
h'whi.i .Nuliinmind ulir! A (til I Ihirla nnys
. ini'Hciinli'lit at Hie K)'p uiicniiiii
ni'lit on u toil ol Rltiy unil L'nit-iil. slainlii
lm rnllwii) tniln In wlnrli we IIvh It
'onsintH of Irom lort) to lllty currtaurn
I'lif first ciirtlnu n the rliU'tii of (Jen
Alilicnki'll (In tin' Io'-vhi Hoot aro Inn
unrk rixitii lil ttlifplui; itpiirtmetit and
tin- rooms of lil mi'tviury on tin u p-T
tlooi uro the iiiiirli'i ol the scrvunli- uud
Ult'M piDli-rs Tliu sironil vurrhiiu In llm
Hi'iiernl ttliiltiv halt In whlrh Irom Iwelvu
lo twtitity k''siims hti'iilttiisl anil Imvt
iIIiiiiit tunnel) the otllrets j the rail
whv hultullun tin ii:lliliil llic secretary
ami Itivitm' hikI ciikiihi visitor Tlm ens
iml vllior! mi iM'i-siiiis who hnvo comp by
llio new nillwui whieh hux not yet hepn
puhllrly oHtiei(. anil who uro on their
way furtliKi Into tin1 country The uext
fiirriiiBi-p nro uiailc into a kitchen and
pantry which Im reph-lilHlicl by purchase?
at llm two i it'll fH l inwiif uiiii ai ni sor
rounilltiH vllliii;es dim ol th K'-lH'ral
servnnts ilrlvcs I wire n week to'ldianl
slnil to buy while breud, veetnbleM and
now mid then en'cllcut Hub and frush
The Iliichnr.i beef nml mutton are ory
i;omI unil chi iip the lutlven have plenty
ol poultry fol sale ami cimrnioun Uiiuli
til's of wild Iih lis IhoUHiiudn of which;
Iiiivu their homes on tho I tt I lit 1(1 hlkuH
Dried frlill. nee uud oat meal uro bought
il tho I'erdnn tnidi'r.s who lollow tho new
nilwiiy Hue, ami llu hani melons, the in;
ellelici) nt wlilcli Miltnii llm lliitnln rir
f;nl'il us loii nuo us tillll, nml imiuik
(tnnali's nri'i'iery 'lav IiidiikIiI fresh Uj
mi doom Tho ullkTrH cnrrliifca'a nre
Inn nilnuly dui'otiiti'd with carieta unil.
iii;h which tlm emit linn ni'lit them Ol
-ho upper tlnors ol their curr-lngiM their
iervnutn nml KriHims havo their rfHiin.s ;
mil tho middle, hontei' live lu front of the,
rum, when) the) uro tied to posU A'
Hist and telegraph olllre. ii liimpltiil with
i doctor t ruslilenco and a chemUt'n nIioii,
ompleto the Htnll iilarlers. beitldcH Ijiri ,
licit nro a number ol carrljiccs for nol
nem and workmen At Ivlsll Topo ihel
intlou Ih finished, nml nt many other tin
inns across tlm lines the work Is brlnkl) I
"lug en. ami Ihoua.tmls of newly planted'
iceit round them urn Just ucgluulng to'
'Nit Pull Mali (luetti).
Aililr lo Him ,SHlek.
Tlio only wlvlco wi should venturo tc
rIvo would lie to tnki counK'il of your
own good siHiM'anil iplk't ttJln.'lil . innkii
thene your prlmu uilulnti'rs and act Jp t'
the 11,'lit they nro n-ady lo jlvn It will
siin'ly bring much 'llseom fort and nt help
If tlm advice of miy one whe passes by Ii
tiiken In our own ensH wo nlwiiyi resist
to tho Uttermost the limsltuih) tlint stcnls
over olio ut llm lllht nvmptnms ol MiiilM'.i
I'iglil llm luviului lo llic lasl An long ii
thero Is Mitver to nit up no ieiii to lie
down tot nltliougli Hint Hsitioii unit ic
strnln nlrkuuns uud provcut vniullllig t' l
llm ntrength given out imkiii i.l least we
Hud ll ho Unless tlm luilinen prisissls tc
excess, wo doubt If It In wise lo ri nlst n
remetly that lu the end ma) plum lm
more heiiolli'lal thiiii dootor'a IjNs-.io ll
strength allow, uud tlm Hyntuin can n
slst cold the deck Is tlm ImmI place, tt heie
Imsli air miiv Ui nlw.iyn on liuml We
make no elforl Ic eat when nure the
Momnrh will reject llm llrnt moulliful
Wo msi no beiielll in torturing one's bell
by tlm vnln elTort
Anyhow, no matter oven If you lee!
very alck do not be ei iihs and forlorn l
certainly winuot benelit yournelf On the
contrary It will lut-retine your dli-gusi
with your own bdf uud iimldi nil blioiii
you iincomfortiihlu Do not whine mi i
draw the mouth Into agrlmaciiHiiggestlt
if ii drug simp As long us tlm lnv.it I.
will allow luugli. talk liiccrfull) and In
lo cheer others, uud v hen that become
ijulti! IuinishIIiIo nit Mill and bo pallcni
A few swis'lvtnlci gin Ives nro cool uii.l
siinfortltig to uiiHit imtlcntn its noon an
It in HM,nlhln to swnllott uuytlilng ami b)
uud hy ii hit of quull in chicken cnivfull)
brolletl. neiisoued with pctilier mid will
butter may lm tolerated by tlm iinnily
si.niiach. when Htroiiel fmnl or gruvies
soups unil gruels will bv. rejectisl
Hut not one of theso Hiiggontlnii may
lie ncis'plisl by tn.iiiy theretoro, eaiii
ImiiiIiI Ihiii I.iw unto themselves llul lie
,ml uutuivil unvho.v 1 1 you don't fis
i net n If you iVil lm a Miort time ninl
the geiiiiltie article will io. innko Its up
Ihmihuco. Mrs Heiiiy 'A'uiiJ IWechcr
Are You Protected?
Leezer & Kuebler,
Tlicl(r,u 1 uil'l nioM, complete toclt of
Drugs, Medicines,;
CHEMICALS, Those who IjcKcvo bo thoroughly in protootion fihould not
Toilet & F&ncy Articles'80 nny ,nnger witlll,ut insm'anco 011 their !)i'oierty' of wh,itso
In Eastern Oregon.
kind; unci nearly everyone believes tlmtn policy in a good,
Dospain Block
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Rates;
On Tliu North American Continent.
IL' I.UIKD I'nex'H mill HI I.OHK I'olllllliiH.
I'llblitlli'il I" unil itlveu with licit I" lie nt
tliu wri'lll' eillllon,
lli'uliiulnir -Mi I. 'mil coiitlmilin; then
after, 'lie Wot hi will print with I'licli Issue u
I'oinelrti. mivl liyu ontinr mil bur. Amnio.'
II... rll.'is will I el
I llflMICII'lls.
.Mr, .Mi xiiiiiIit,
Jiilin H. Wlii'er,
lli'iiry wiui.i
i U'mIi. ! II.'. not.
WIIKIe I'ollllis,
Itnbt. 1 1 lie ll'l" l II .
It. I.. hll'VIISIIII.
II I, I'nrjinii,
'I'lioniHs llii-ily.
.IiiIIhii lliovileiriie,
K W. 1 ! ll - n .
I'liilb' Kii'.iorluii,
.1 nli-s Vrrin,
win. liiacK,
M. K. Ilrmlilon,
Klorei'i'e W IIIMcll.
Mnrv Cecil liny
llitlm .M.l.'lny,
Millie i.iiwnniH,
WoriN One Slu) Not t'.c.
Tho Amerlctius hit mvusctl of it profn
sun of i'ilthels, ol an III expressed uppio
sitlou No one kIioiiIiI nay of u plciuio
i lull It I "erfivtly sweet " Swisitne.si'
in ipite of Matthew Arnold) Is u word
ileum to ettrsu HciiKiitlouof the Pillule
slill less f um Id woMiyof nnythlliK e
. ujoy ut tiible. "I lovolt, ' "I lovoinclous.
I love pouches." 'I lovo grnHs;" all'
licsi nro schoolgirl nilstukes, wo lovo our
inends nnd our country Lovo Is nn'
.motion of the heart, ond not u tickling
.I tho palule; we may llko and prefer
ui'liiiia. but wo do net lovo them. All
lllinllll IMwunis,
IK.I' IM, llllns.
no m iinveU will b Ilin Inlrst worm oftli"
I est wr tcrs us llicy nre I'lililimicil th' I"miI;
wlilcli evi'ty one Is I ilkluu iibout. NolhliiK
I, ill till, very btut will l nilllllllt'il Into the
Worlil'4 Mini unl Library of llcllon.
This Library of ltl n WI I lie supplUM lo
siii'i.criln r. only.
No Cxtin l o.-lvs Will He Prlliteil.
No Illicit Numbers I'nn Hi KninMieil nml No
HikI- Topic Will lie Hold.
If You Wis" III'- is' rl' Complete,
HUllM'lltllK TIINOK.
One Ycnr '! i uiiibiTs., j;
ll Monilis(.'l liiuiil"T), 'l'. ;
,1 Month il-l numbers . 'iV.
THE WORLD, Now York.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pomlloton.
The iisiiiiI prico for aenli niiule ny oilier
pmlles, lu I'ortlniiil or IheKas In from WO
oJ7.ni, Npies . Iiiirtci uiMiil. If you
1 1 eel ii isi, heml your oiiler in ih, nml nave
from J'.MO to Jl.ro llicteby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Go,,
inhllil If
Pendleton, Orerjon.
Reliable Insurance Co.
h worth ovory tinio what it codtn, and prouniatiimtion should not
be indulged in when it coiiilu to taking out a policy. In tho
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your busiius those who represent none hut
the best insurance companies -and go straightway and insure.
When in search ot biich agents, don't Tail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oflice ol
Clopfon & Jackson,
Located in the KAST ORlSGOIsMAN building, Pendleton,
where you can havo any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rine, Accident or hit'e insurance, done up in
It in well to remember that to be secure you must insure in
? of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Cloptoil & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
' illil Onl.eii Mnelwl." I
I'lils l titty .ii nm ( Icoiiih Iwmii. A I
coin i.loi lt. I cl.nlist mw wiue fwwwnl ,
lot y i lull i lie olil imkru huckut, cole
tiniieil In "out sunt ntury, U litt,y mh 1
Iroi I.Miml il:itU tteater. imimUhw.I
um i.i,(M;eiiou and phannhiiilo Uliltl' ,
11 , ii in t'u li.'ino (if tli Biloruiw Kll'l i
twier s V. Vw k Trtliuut-
I'te Itwts'.'r.. I
JoHll- W Ut u t v i
Uut tor mi
lluiier V h
(Shkxvilnriii ii U'i
MHirilitisliiM u dllfornlH W nt
tril.ut.sl : - j hTsli Uus t. tlnMMW
,1 vl..r In il'it ""in ll'' 'ivvmliU
I'll Is in.' i '
i i .,,ih' .i -i.i-'ok' ! !l lionsei
4 , , ,,,,.!...- siv ul It
- II Mil U.JUIU'US to tun Htjllt -Cl.untx
ho senses Imvo their approprlnto Inn
.MtiiKo, iKinio or tlicui ciin ix isiuuny o
i.ieisl Lv tho same tvonU Thero un
iiilior elejrnncles also to tw oWrvod tu'
he ivonls "tuke" nutl "cat " Wo do not
stiy now ! mho ten wttli Mr Mont
oiuery. but Ml ilrlnk tea " Woan trtitu'
niel once rebulieii u lilily for siirlu,1
Tiilieuillshof tea ' IKmaiil "Mniluiu,
i vulvar mail can lalio liberties, tut n
enllmnan tlrtnUn ten "
The KuclUli hoivevcr. who nra very
inrticuhir us to tbeMi tnlnor rulei, arc
terv ismrsi In kouio of their oxpnwt Ions
i'liey Miys uch u srMir. is a "horrnl, inst
i.ttle Ht." nml "you si until .M itarlliiu '
is a fftuilllut term at .'iulirweiil They
use tutiiy minis wliii i. v,. utssi not nio,i
I'liv iiimo tbf vrortl niwty" iu u ttsti o'
eiuUsiruMiut mul rulsc is u very Ul.v
iwlitoti W'Iidu our KiiftlUb (iimmU um
the iuhsI "lUMty" iloMciibliiy lltvii owi
ollttiultt w etui HiiiH yrt wuh Ibem
Uut when they in-ivert It they witnigt
ilwciU.v r u K W tbrwiMl
Am llm. i-i iiih-u.
llor Wrttbei nu ixiu:uenUlil tact Ami
CvHISIlU-mll. II ' ll l'V'rill to hi i
,. -ti. . i . v . i.-t ir! ti tbe
rll,lllll U l- -1.. ItHMIiilUUt
neitililon I1" '..i ii 'in liroiiiuilifc' "'''
in r'iiit t.il '' I'
ai iilniiil I..
On Hint titter tills ilute, n nilitiltititrntor of
the esinie oi Hie lute llllniii Itox. t otter ',
fur sin' II Me Ih'.' lock ouutst by I he iU.
ei':isott , I'His.sttiii; of j
uro 'rhiH'ouyhhrrtl llt-refurtl Hulls, I
1 Slitnt-lwnt Cuttle, (hunto Cattle,'
1 ami General Stork Cuttle,
Thuvuutihhreil Spanish .Merino
1 Hacks ami Hires, lieylstereil. j
(Iraile Harks ami SfiioV S um, I
, Alo ii lnrv'c uiliulier of llnres nml ti quail.
tfy ot liny, I
, )llst'l '
l.S .ll' 'Ll
n ',.it km (dt
s 'o inkt. ttiru
la lilt.
. Kor willculi. e illTiu ormlitn
mytt datv tt lVndliun, Of.
i IUiik bullt)i.;,C nri sirvl,liiilleln
i O.voll,
Mu.l.-.il Mr r I i mw, tlr
If you contemplate insurance, mill on them and get posted
and it will cost you nothing. Hcmembar their oflico is in the
EAST OU KG ONI AN building, or address
- cs a u vi u a 1
K p I
1 c an
Elegant PullmanPaJ
KmlKmntHWeplnur " J
Press TrHc,fiB
Cloin Rnnn.ilnn. .. '. 1
Kilktlioiliiiltiiu.t. ,
KilkL i..,.,.i ;..-...'",,
West Ism ml uvMnnr .- I
rive" nl 7.V..i.,.rromw'l;iJ1J
To Han Krnnrl.ro, ,,J
Htnte, AiiBimt ) IVihiH
Coluinbln. Aunkt .?.1I
Oreiion, .MiKiim 11 tffi'M
Hime, AtiKiiKt IS aitiSn
f'o ninlilii. An.i . .V''11"
Oreiton, AlluiKiSI Htit, ii
Htnto.Alliiu.tiS ril";!?
UOIUtllullt.hPtilt 11,.1
OrcK.in,Ki.iii l&itjl
.,ho.'.lVB ,tc"n'l''P whirl, rwjj
henvo Hprnr 8t. tTli.-f.Snr.J
iti.. i
Iiicluillng niculi VidVJ
V.II.UI, " ,
MeeniKC, . . ,
1f,lll.l Trln tfMllml,..!
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Ornrnil Mnrr,
W. U Al.l.OtVt) J
Great Rock li
Tlin 'timet nml popular Um kl
with the Knrtlirrn rtrllil
Irom HI, I'iiuI ninlMlDntipotil
To Oiilrnicn unit Ihf Mil.
To Nt. I.oulsnnit Ikr ina
To lies Molnra, UiH
Tli i nK. I 5..n Cotat4
nt Council lltulfa, LvattofMU
uiiv tor
V all man 1'alact Slum
rulnr.e Dlnlwj M
A ceo m m ny Nil Ihroufh Rifml
tins Home,
Tlclteis for cnle liy ll ronMt
nml coiiiit'ctlons iuJlniOi
Korfnll informutlon rcordl'll
etc., apply lOHiiy coupon p I
A N. or Northern lUf bl
pniilcn, or lo r nJ
1 Ticket Ac-n." I
No, 3 Wiulilniton 8L,
t. t tir tilifnL"
CIllciiKO. III. ...I''M
11..11. T. unil I. Act U'I
THF Nnrtharn Puclci
From Oregon and WuHtfi
to the tut.
lino ruiinlniivlirtl-'l
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Foste.t Tim" r-y,i, ,,m
Count vrr IM "."
rarinc i
To Hlnux City. Counflj lK
AtnliUon. kvnurti,
nil polnti Ihroui hontiw rw
tul vhiHt. I'aulaml SJImw
KM lOItANTHW-fc"'" 1
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mMConiiccllniwiin-yi J
ull pclnu on J'uuf I aCW
Oenernl Western
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