AUUUST 11, 1838. nlnnllrniirii ......... nflu'.V hi.'.?i Iti tho Abiimtnii i.tiea , "" umivr thu lmiii- eV . i llulli'k. He Will ! i"""?'i.r...rn of remiicH urn tfcnonilly.K'iiV'K I..1.I. crn on" 1-..rii,iur . Hu will I) Ik lie photographer. .....III!., .-..turned hint OVC" fc, extended vl-it to linker Inn-business for sulopn .miw. lor uirmiiiuin. ... nil.- UnfllfC. i I ., IMI'IIL'LT WIIH II1HI I"" 4 lull! '"V3 , I I . . .li,t last night. hjJranlH aro now m .. .!. ,ili,l t 1L r UOHUl UIIU '"' . u.t.u niniunvnii I.,!n ill till! HUM umili iiuuwi .V . lH! COIUI'IUICU I" uuuim ..Li miH won ontho HircciH I lVJ . II 1 .1...-. , if A H.lllUr in tJ rt mum inland iw roim.ui"" mi. ... iirwiwiii . 1'atker, tb noted editor of it (I. Ct.ilmllll 111. I'lllllll 111111 II ?" ..!.'. .....I I .f .... ll, .rum. ...ill .. .. v... ...v .... f t'...ll...,,l KisscngtT im in exceedingly dull reason ol I.IIhl' frutoi'liltV.lhoso ..i..Miri- in hi' mo crop .....M t mi enitilovo In Worv nl "S ' ."ojuin, ultl' leave till" evening for I . T . . .....III.... having resiijneu ins position IVmnwn started last night on ,,to the Tool SprliiK-i. Onu - . I ..I., ill TIIW lllllllll .a I., ni.l Hllllicicil l nil iiituiw- "3MII. . .i- .l.. ... .Hid., l.i. tin r 111. throlllJIl H irrni'iu riciju vi tir nnil U nil lit it erltica c n-IHIuiw iro now more .l.u r....i'..rl. , I'jrmm! loft mi hint ovohing'H . 1 . It. ..!.. . til.i. ii 'iiiu .1. ii.iu.wii. iiu i or thrw months, utiii K'li il will i'' greatly iiiiki-ii Helm friends. I I nntrriiiclun is now tnak- ......uU III I '..til I till lift III ft(llt lrmi'i'fl in l'iiiiivivm -v-t itf tlil-i . .... . t . . .. "ii ihIaii iHt ii i irriim ii iiiii I.. I ... I. ..I .1 ...1!..t. 1.. n Nitrnii lllili ltLM III (Vllltr- i i .... i. .I... i UHItll tllltl "HI lllHIV- l 11 'i. m irtin nlnf twill frt(i lttu vltltt 1 un jctcni.iy mornliitt'M reimrtit' tlie nii'tropollrt wonr jUir ut llvcliiii'sx, in iniirkoil ' the 1'rcH'iit (lull Hc.iHon In ".twiir Imn. iatpr niiitiU- v Htiril:lV WUH umnuiu lance ino uriuiui Mitni'ii.. and tlm roiiKeiiuont I the iuiiiih to Hiippiy tlm ! Wl'l IIIU IIIMIIII1 1UI1UV ttl IIIU .1 . ii ...... riTii. inu ri'Hurvuir win -Ua early t j nnmiw iiioiiiIiiu. Tl I In lis l.illiiT nnil inntlinr. it 'hit rbi'i. nnil will rniiuitii irtiiw ir iivu voarn. luiv in: ?n l I mutilhi comity fur anil Ins li-it will tlieri'foro nt u me. n ti it... lli.T. .. I t ............. I J . rnta.l .M....I. II.... ...II.. . . 1. ...... i. ...v miivn v. ill memy-hovi'ii iiiihiujIh to ft m twenty t itlilrtv bushels I . ... ii... ... .. . . ..... ' nil? wiw i nil i.irniMiii 'i.:h A tt'co luil, I'onnlilor- " unuvotaiu weather uxKr 1 rjpinan. tho nluht wuti'li. rihckt twoortlirt'o niylits a w n' tleeil im oxcuoillnitly ' xete irn, tho hoaveiiH an. ullins f-turn wmtiiiiiallv. rT now L-fliifiil.mtK- .f ? 'h tie friu-Mun of tho v i -lnti.j.r I III 'Jni inirie Islntoun. Ih iiih riiruis. iihii im: themvplvM. On "nin,- In, f. rty or i),,in mi. y 'm -prin io mo nam- pruvcil n iverj ImnId'.'ukooiI Fruit of till kinds Is very high-priced in l'cndlcton. It is aggravating in tlm oxtrcnio to boo grapes, pears, peaches, plums, otc, tuinptlngly displayed In tho windows of fruit stores, and to' know you are not ii millionaire, and therefore- can not mTord to Invest. It Is believed that tho fertile hills mid vallevs of Hastern A (HtKAT MAOIIINi:. CHINATOWN. A Vllt to T.iinplc'H l ino Frm til Sen Al- A Short Niijniirn Wlthlii IM tUnler, niid ith' Oiiiiililni'il Ilttrvontcr Work. Ilciliictlnna Ilruun Tlmrofroin. Last Thurtiday, on tin invitation from ) Tho ovlls resulting from tho presence Mr. II. H. Wheeler, of tho well-known of the itlmonil-eyed .longollan in Amor llrni of Wheelor, Oreeno it Co., I accoiii-1 ica have been talked of in l'acillu Coast liank'd him to the ranch of .Mr. J. F. ' nowspuiiers for tho lust decide. The Oregon could bo made to "produce these I 'cinplo, nino miles northwest of l'ondlo-' subject, houevur, seems to iiwiikon but luscious fruits, were fanners not so crazy ! ,0"i ce for tho tlrst tlmu a combined ; fow fioin their apathetic indiHurencc, bo-, Oil Wheat-growing tlUlt till thought Of j "iuu;r wuiit. n o nnucu uuuu runuu i raiiri; uiu.i I'viruntiiiv imvu nui lull inu raising anything olso Is absent from their a pleasant diivo and at onco drove Inlluenco of tho evil. niinilH. into tho Held where the harvest crow 1 ho largo number of such Jieoplo win Henry Bowman will leave this ovcnlt.i: . ,,.!.k;....!".!J,l,i!,i"1:. XV. ! i A1 J !V " .,-r " . 'lA" . lV . 1 An T ' V P l. . .t f,,r tin, Tiv.1 Snrln.w t.. .Mtl.i.r ill. i, . .".u"'. 'l'V-i- i mm ii-i...i ..,-...iiii,, iu iui u i in - - - - " - - I " M ' "- " ' I I I I i.i i il t I . .. .... Silted, affi ."irarx .tt shirts1 & In carload lots to various Hastern points. 1 1 ' 'L.LXi I vl 1 was C .Mr. Howman has ac.pilred iiulto a iepu-1 Ir i n I v Stwk bl 11 tatlon as ,i raiser of UiorougUreil bucls, fcteUtlfi, 'iTr. I.S.i- liuuiis HtiiKiiiuteiidlug tho iiiiichiuo, I). . .Mtitiifoid sewing sacks, ami Isaiah and has sold a largo number of tho mil mals to vailous sheepmen throughout Kastcrn Oregon. I Io bus oven disposed of a fov to sheepmen living in l'oitlaud. Tho dusky red man, although showing Bomo evidence of tho otlei'ts of associating with tho whito maiiandhls civilization, is novertholcvs not near as Intelligent as he might bo. One hulMvillzed savage tt led for half an hour to count a few sacks of grain ho It. id loaded on his wagon, fortho purposo of selling them, and is probably yet in doubt as to tho exact number. Verily, tho Indian Is still ti "simple child of the forest," and will doubtless always remain po as long as he exists. Ono of the beautiful Chinese pheasants whli'h Inhabit tho Wlllamatto valley now graces the liliow window of I.eezer and Keubler's drug store. Tho bird is. of course, Httilfed and mounted, but in u very realistic maiiuei, and looks as thou nil it had lust stoplied in from a grain-Held. Its bo.tutlfiil plumage dis plays nil tho colors ot tho rain Dow. (eorgo Van Antwerp, tho young man who was thrown from u vicious horso and had his leg broken some time ago, will soon bo ablo to bo up and around on crutches. He will then depart for tho Hast with his father, who reivntly ar rived from Kansas on hearing of his son's misfortune. I ho coiirt-vaid Is now used a ball-L'roiind bv I'umltcton "kids iordav a gaino played by this Juvenile ball-tossers was witnessed and enjoyed by tmlto a crowd '( elderly spectators, tho town Kcconler oven iolnliu: in 1 1 its game and olllciatiug behind tho bat. An adveitlsoinentof l.olghton Academy and Atceuslon School appear under .Now Tii-il.iv." I lico mo Toumlo. a youth, was oneratlm: tho sickle bar, raising and lowering it by means of a lever, with ease, although its weight is several hundred puunds. .Mr.C K. .Myers, tho Inventor of the ma chine was pieseut mid gavo us an Inter esting account of tho workings of the labor-saving machine which will revolu tlonl.o harvesting in this country. Tho machine woiks admirably lioth going up and down hill. When wo saw it, it was tit work on tho ipiartor section which was lllcd on and "proved up on" by William Holt, who left tho country soveral years ago. This wad among tho llrst Holds put under cultivation in this part of tho county. It also was tho tlrst Held to bo cultivated by a head light gang wiilkoy plow. Thu .Myers' combined harvester and thresher llrst displayed its wonderful power in this Held ami this ItiO acres, in tho space ot eight years, has been the scene of much progress. The .Myers' machine is a won der and its winkings show it to lo as practical as il is wonderful. With this machine gialn can bo saved for from three to four cents a bushel, while hi tho old way tho cost to tho farmer, who tloes his own work, is fully from eight to twelve cents a bushel. .Mr. air. Ioni an acre. Templo had cut it with a header, and threshed it from a stack, the cost would bo nt least 4:1.00 an acre. Horo is a saving In one year of (ilk) by the uso of n .Myers' combined harvester. .Mr. Temple is much pleaded with the machine, although both tho men and hoi sen inoiatim: the machine tno"i'reeti admirable i hands at tho biisiuoss," so to speak, hav ing not, us yet, l.econio well enough ac ;cigui io iweivo coins a oiisin . ., J .Myers has tho contract to cut M a ilally ,,j0.H ooo acres of wheat at '.(Kl t T I whllo If .Mr. Templo had cut it Fchisils. under able management, ami parents will do well to write to Huv. Wil liam It. I'owoll, Covo, Oregon, for fur ther particulars. .Miimhnl 1'ieiicli Is out to.dav collecting I...- till, i.ltt i.f Pi.llltlittilll. Illlll reisirls ini-uting withonlv modorato sue- j cutting and threshing Ihlity-llyu aciespcr . . .. it ....!.. .1.... I. I .1.. ..111. .. ...-.lit cess. laxpaM'rs niiiv sonio ii.iv niscovcr i "".'i "J v...,. ...... ...... .. ....... ii, ut i....,.a in L-.I ii I mm! i nee I oi lour mull 111111 iweniy noises, iiu.iluted ultii tho machine to get from it its full capacity, although thoy have inailo it locord of thirty actcs, which yielded 7-iD bushels, in ono day. Mr. .Mvorssavs mo inacniuo is e.ipaniu in rfnrnid last evt - walla, uid b-ft tm llin n.-er f r .dc.tch.ini sia- alittli, whllo ut th.n fir Mr u-.,u-,. r.i I t 1.1 . l i.i. i . i v.. . ' -mii is ill- ;n improve! tho '.iam is ccrtnUi to in- 'lU'WjVi.i.I)t, l"1;1"-" clearance i-toi'k c , Mits nnil slim. . ,'" funiil.'ni;,.,, ,U ,! 'MJ.., v T .1. Ii l,,. 1...,..,. U L'-nwlj i.. il... II. . .. iiu . i " yr"v ""cs in t . R',,,t.vunty Kr, 1JN)I1 ossary luxuries, are luxuries tliat must bo pull I lor. Tho Nov. Mr. I'owell. of tho Covo, will ofllclalo ut thu Kiilsconal church to-inor- row. Morning prayer iind sermon at 111 o'clock a. ,m. Kvenlng niayer and ror- mon at n o'c ock i'. i. I'.voryiioiiy is in- Ivitod to attend. A valuable tenier belonging ut tho Pendleton roller mills, which was lost or stolen about it year ago, was discovered to-dav on tho streets and lostored to tho einploves of thu mill, causing mutual do- light and satisfaction. Mut Tnvlor s.ivh that tho intilo loft in his vnrd vesterdav by mistake belongs to T. ('. Taylor, of Taylor. Jones it Co. I Io Is also great iv Kiirprisen mat nun gvimo mail sh'ild bo tho owner of such a dis reputable intilo. A Mr. lloberts, a wool-buyer, was in tow it Thursday, but niado no purchiu-es. Mr. Uobdrts should Sot up a dlnio inu soiiiii, with himself as tho chief attrac tion. Wool-buyers In Kustoiii Oregon uro curiosities. Thero will bo no yorvlces at tho dm gregatloiuil church to-morrow morning, but in tlm evening services will bo as usual, Hov, Atkins, of Corvallis, occupy ing tho pulpit by roipiest of Hov. Leo, tho regular pastor. Work was commenced this inoinlng on tho third story of Cagon'K now hotel. It seems but a day slnco this mugnlllcent striictuio was begun, so quickly has tho work of erection been carried forward. Tho oven at W. C. Tllton'H bakory caved in last Monday. Mr. Tilton is now having a largo now ono orectod which will knock out anything in tlm oven lino In Kastem Oregon. I)r Kagiin lias boon absent to tho Warm SnrlniM fur tho lust two or threo days, In nHi.iiilniicoi.ii Mrs. .1. H. rurdy, who for romo time has Ix-on very ill, and is now ' .... .. ..... i.viu.i.if.n in iivi.. (.I.V .w.. ... ...... . Jolinnv Cotrev has resumed his duties I at Piti-enberv it Co.'h store, having fully recnyeicd fitun his lato dlsagrecablo i-iego of sickness. I). W. Foj-er, tho horso tloctor who was so badlv injured recently by a vicious uniiiial, is getting along splen didly. At present farmers are oxjKTiendng tho ls?st kind of "harvest weather." What suits tho farmor should suit everybody. Ward arrived In rcniiio vcstig.ition. Ily taking n stroll along Altasticet, ami mutely stepping into one or two of tho oulsld'o dous that oxUt there, a sui pilsingly good iduii of tho evils of Chinese immigration can be found. To bo sure, you aio only convinced of the ovll by tho uso of eye's and nostrils, and this is nearly suillcient evidence. Hut weio you compelled to enter into couiiHititlon with tlieso Mongolians to cam your daily bread, like a good maiiv ioor devils, tho evil would bo so pal pably plain that It would make your blood boll with indignation. Hut tho Kast Oiikiionian is only deal ing with tho Chinese who infest Alta stieot in Pendleton. With this end in view a ropiesoutatlvo scnt just live min utes in Chinatown, as much as ho could stand. Only two places were visited. Ono was a little room, about t:n feet sipiaro, and contained perhaps a dozen Celostials. Two wore twunglng tho Chinese- llddlo ami "light guitar," for tho edlllcatiou of tho company. Three or four more were strutched out on little bunks, their faces drawn, their ovh set, and tho sickening fumes from tho largo plpeu handled by their listless lingers needed no interpre tation. Thoy were enjoying tho China man's only ideal happiness, oplum-smok-lug, and tho horrible odor was watted from tho room into tlm outside ulr.. This was suillcient. It took too strong a stomach tu indulge in any further investi gation horo. lioliiu across the street, ono could sten from tho sidewalk right inside a lighted j room, where u thltieso gumming game was eairlod on, accompanied byanlmated jabbering, often Interspersed with a strong American cuss-words. Hranchlug from this were other rooms, some con taining mote opium-smokers, others tlm forms of sleeping Chinamen, thickly scattered over tlm lino.'. Hero, again, it liersnn with tho least fastidiousness could not proceed with tho investigation, and would long fur a refreshing tasto of out side atmosphoie. Therefore, a hasty retreat was soon taken. In proceeding along Iho street J outside, from eery iPmr and window j there oozed an odor horrlhly, indescrib ably sickening; and right hi'iu suillcient I evldeiieo was had that white residents in tho neighborhood were Instilled in their i righteous kicking nt thu number and odorous tilth of the Celes tials gathered there. I low the Mongolians themselves cut II vo under micli circum stances is mi unfathomable mystery, ami why a fearful epidemic has nut yet at tacked thu whito people near thusii Chi-nei-o quarters is likewise uiioxpljttiiahlo. Hut slu cannot thus bo imbibed in against Nature's l.i.v of cleanliness with out its punishment, and tho Innocent limy sutler with the guilty. .No woiul-r a petition was circulated for tlm abate ment of tho nuisance. Hut whuro now is tlm petition? Ily seeing Iho Chinese quarters of Pen dleton, the thought of what they must be in San Francisco, where ship-loads of; subjects of tho Flowery Kimlgoiii aroj conti'iually arriving, causes a revolting I shudder. ! notkh or i hi: dm i:iu;n:k. ' eJCHOOL I S0LC LEATH&jj "li j EXAMINE OUR ; S k UT SH0E , 1 I- Vo 1 1 n i 1 c vl . 1 " r S. SHOES v rr r . Don't Buy any Other Hut ii1 for tttt ARE tow broad HEEtNi-tATHeiiJ made ,7eA3L!2 WAVERLY School. -Shoes, Mu te of sn'lil sill" lenltier. nut wlinlc nil, simiiiI sm oulc grain for Ladlos, Misses, Boys & Girl The Peoples Warehouse FALCK and COHEN, Uoiilont In GfEN'L MERCHANDISE, OpptKlloilie Vllliinl Hoinii', I'KNt l.tmiN .... DIIKUDN Wo are the solo awnts for tho above shiHM, and only stme In town whuro you can buy them. They have no equal. it plMHIn 1 1 r. 1 1 1 ai I O 1 1 onuiiii nun nuu WMVfc.nLY vA. cnunni W W 1 I W W M v Protection or Tariff Reform. lli-yoiiit nticstlon, thoTarlirix tho IsMiiooit which tlio eomltcj cniiipalitn will Po fouuti t mill It IntlimivcR every rltlccti who woiilil votn liilvlllRcully to Inform liliuu'lf ilium 11 miIi led which no cloudy ullecM his toinpHiriil wolfnre. I believe It. for it Is plain to be scon that with system the machine is capable of doing 11 gieat deal of work, and doing it well. Thu .Mycin improved link mid V hull combined harvester has made- U way to the llrst and forenioht places among combined harvesters, and stands to-tlay without a siiiglu rival. Iho past fow years il lias lieen fully tested by the laigo grain growers of California, anil not ono machine lias proven a failure. Tho trial ol tlio machine on tlm hill lands oi Kastorn Oreuon Droves that it is capable of doing its work under any and all con ditions. One of tho many advantages of tho .Myers machine over nil otheis is that it has lighter draught than any other ma chine of tho same capacity 011 account of no cog geaiiug being used. In place of innumerable gears, pinions, bevel wheels, shafting, etc., Iho Myers niachlno Is driv en bv noweiful chain belts, which 1110 actuated by SlXX'kut Wheels iTiinKnullirrit Mftlnnlll IwliiMrlnl Ni'limil ; tho liiain HHicket wheels being attached j iitimiiu-tiiiiiiK I to the sokos of tho two largo ground A committee of live was npoiutt:il bv wheels. Another now and very iniiort-. Hlshoii (iallownv this afternoon to IiivoMl ant feature Is a strong, v-shapeil leathor y,a tlm feaslbllllv of locating a Metho-' belt, whlcii can riellher slip nor DreaK. hst Iiiiliislrial Sclusil In IVmlleton. Iho Thu inuchliio issiuipoited by ono wheel gentlemen M confiir with prominent, In front, and the frame that riujKrtH tho citiciiH f Pendleton In an endeavor Io driver's seat is so arranged that ho Is at receive their onenutuL'tiii'iit In the matter, all times in tlio saino position with his ami will take such other stops us 1110 team, ihoreny ciiauiiug nun 10 nave 11111 , enmeil neccssai v. Church extension anniversary ml- diesses will bo delivered this evening by 1 Hishop fiallowav and Hev. Wlnlon ut 1 the Metlnslist Church. The public is cortiiaiiy invneii to atieiiu. Sunday, tit three oVbs-k in tho nfter noon, He v. Craig will deliver 11 sermon, after which them will he an orilluatiou of deacons. Sunday evening th re will ho an nrdi GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, The Protective Tariff. WHAT IT DOES FOR US, Iti'tulon whin in iiMiiully i'oiihMcicI a iiiiikI iiliKtruxesuli.eel e.i-y nf i'iiiiiir.'healiin. Il will n rve im a Turlir erlnirr fur the leiiriier as ivc I im 11 luxi Ii.hiU for inn Irani,'.!. Till iMiiilt nIiiiwn lint priii'tli'iil cllccl of tilt- I'nile. nv S)m. id i,hi Huh- iiinlry. I'erli ipN III" IhO.t ciiimilfiitiiiN foiiluri'or I lie I1110U Is IUcxiiKi illl.uniii'llt W.ltl llin III -KHit'i of I'l'i'Sl lll'lll Cluwlaiiil. 'I'lii' piltuii of .Mr. lltaliie'N "Twenty War In (',!. iir."-s" in Inlo'ii up, IiIn iikitIIhii up 111 Die Tiirill'itliiilyi'tl, L'rllU'lm'l mill iiiiiiIkiii tneirim'ti r Itilatliin. IWDOlfi jKMENTS: The form iin well un the iiiIhIii h f Urn Ihnik l moil niliinr.ihli', iiiiiI I luiv- m'cii 1111II1 Iiik urpai.NliiK 11 furice In Hi" nr"i wurlt of Hpiviullim iin- itulti ihii u in.' pi'iipli'. DON ,M. Hll KINsiiN, I'.i.iiiiitfli'r (li'iieml. It Iniiii iililu nnil IiuIpiiI i'Xii.llliili of Hie Ilijllstli'i' nnil iIi'I'In'uiin nf tin piottollvt' Hip ory. The wnrl: In '.lini'l , niel 11 i iy itln.ill, 1 1 rllnu I'm mi Iho llii'i'ittiuv .( lurlir ri forin It. V. TilWNKHNti.M. I' I linlliv Unit (Ills iKMilt la ivci.ivIiih ttri'at iniiliili'll'l.illnll II N Ii itlnnii'il llpull fllllitn nii'iital I null", ami 1 u tlnil Hie f.ic: .nil itntiiuii'lils may lie In III - hail Is una mill Is 11 every i'IIIkcm iiiillisl iiiiin Hit', yeiir In .ili' iiimiii llin irrMl mniiili'iil i ".I,iiw of Kiir.'l II mil mrlll. UK-.. .I11IIN 1'. m.At'U. r'iiiiiiiiliiii. ruf I'eiiNliui. We tulii' pli'iiMiiv le kIvIik this woiU mir lunrty liiilor-i'iui' il, mul 1 .'.'on 1 in.'i nl Unit lo cal ciilllUlllli'i'N mul clubs umIni In nxl. .nlllic lis rlli'illilllil'l n.iin.u th- ili''N of IIIIiiiiIn. St'A'I'l' IHIMllflt M il CCNTItAl. I'O.M.MI ITCi: UP' I I.I.I.NkIM. Aim ninny nun TK. The SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGOiW, One Year AIOD CEN. LIEB'S DOOK. Ihink llniiliil hi I 'lot Ii iiiiil Sem.Vri'llv K.ifct llriuniilim line Yntr.. . IbMik Alniie, III I'liilh nil p.i'il ..J.1 11 . 1 en Addtfss EAST ORECONIAN PUB. CO., t'i'llilli'liill. Oi'i'KDM I-I ERE FORI IH EE IE !La IEI Ft. "Di:ai.i;hs in control of his animals, so that turning the mai'hlnu cuts it square corner. An other Important featmo in connection with the machine is that it is so con structed that, should tlm horses attempt to run away, it can bo immediately stoji !od, thus avoiding any oshibllity of a smurth'ip and total demolition of tho valuable harvester. It is compactly built, tho wood work being entirely of Oregon Hr, strong andlhoiouy ghly br thereby preventing any racking or twiht- 1 raced, I am certainly impressed with the fact that owhiL' to the low price of grain in Kaslorn Oregon, tho Myers' header makes it ixissihlo fr farmers of this sec tion to nuso at a profit when oth erwise they would exerieuce a los. There is not it fanner in the county who should not go nnd witniiss Its winkings and seo for lilnu-clf what the ingenuity of man is capable 1 f doing. It will pay unv intelligent farmer to take the time, no'maite how husy ho may bo tit this 1 season ol tne year. 1 I Iiih .Ii.w. 1.-.I.1 t.'l. t ll'llll lltl 111' IlIlT Illtlr Mr ,.n,l tr. Wnrtl urr ved in Pcrullo- .V"" . V . "ii". .. . , . ..lult ', Cbl III IHO ii.iri!Mur mut no nuio ton , yesterday ini Ijoxlnf on. on a sit , K , wo W(ro to their daughter, l.lla, who is qulto 111. . .-. . . . .. . Temn 0 The Arlington Times says tho '''! 1 at their farm homo, where we were gamo" at tho circus took in about fSOO il0Wll ovcry uttentioii and provided with T. .11 . ......,lrtl. innnAV 1 I ...1. .......I.. I .11....... M. ot .irilliuion 1 il HUH unions HUH now luiiuai ii, ,111:1. .hi. nation nf elders ami a Mixni'inary Aniii versarv. with iiililnwos liv Hislioi) fia lin ing of tint machine. The absence of j wuv mul others, uiiichnoisowhenitlsruniiliigispartlcu.! 'tHhp (iallownv will als.. deliver u laily noticeable, whHi fact is iiccounteil : w.rlll0 '( tu, g,Vo belm SuiuLy, for by tho absence of cog gearing. . int 11 a. m. Ijivcih tif a l-oo.1 sermon ...l It 1. I. f.... I " T - - - - .... Carp ai Linoleums, OILCLOTHS, SHADES. MATTINGS, ETC. A Complete Si '!:, covorin live tlioiisiiiid sipiuri I'cct of Goods Sold on Easy Payments. Koibes & Wheeler, J. 1). Mtirnhv has a splendid seconil- and 1 hand piano for sain. It win bo seen at rlotchor a joweiry smre. ' W llol s. the Centerviiie mer reinplo lias it splendid farm of alioiit flOO of as rich acres asthoroaro in tho county. His barn U a riioil l structure, largo and commodious, with ovcry convenience. elm,'.! missed ihroiiih town lat evening Ho is contemplat ng he erection ol a t im ,-.. I rnulilnui'n ,111 till IIHH lMfl'11 Wl SUCCI'SSIIII 111 should attend, as the Hishop has it wide' sprmd reputation for cleat and olotpieut iutei piutatloiis of the gosiiel. A cordial invitation is extended to till. llolrl ArrliHls. Vir.i.Aitn IIimsK Ilenn' Howiiiiiii. ,1ns Frlodiiian.T W' Jenkins, Will II Cray, Portland; JasiKT llals'ock, X (Jassnir, A Hothchlld, J K Mavlield, Han V rancisco ; Win Luiighlin, latCiinias. WT;.MrsS Hill. I)r Hoytl and wife. Hater City . T H Wells. Pilot Hock; H W.wley, Vinson j (i II MeKav. II Westrpen. Andursoii. Iowa; MrsJ H'Hinehart, I.i (irainle; I, leath ers, Hoppner; Honrv stover, Sarah II McCueston, Peniij N 8 Clmppell, Kcho; Jos (iarrett, city. llowM an tiuuf k I.ytlu Matthews. Win ! Xelsun, I, Olcott, T Daley, city ; M sta- son. itwts lieiters, 11 n miw, tiiuia Walla; W C 8hults. M.J Huckloy.O .1 Hiickman, I N Johns, W A Meachum, Mrs Kalinbai li. Miss .Sullivan, D Sulli van, lot llraudo; K K Watson, Pan-ima; .M v J iftchcr, i n irn Association Hiiildin Peiulletou, Mr. A. W. SCHULZE, di:I.: 11 ir Now and Oocontl-!-.':in:l F un turo,, aci:tfi.ig, nnd Conors! Hc uooMoiU Cooclo, UKOGKiUKY, iiliASVAItl:. Iiu. Goods sold on tho Inntallmont PUw, on Enay Terms. A.. W. SO hi LJIjZU. Main Slriet, I'nitlii 'in ff ni. F. J. Dosia.ids'ori & Co. van. l-aUranilo: V. Jv Watson. Panama; f-m '.. m. ... . 1 .. .. . .n. 7Tff -v ,n .,, : , i ,011 Ills way ISinw. ,v.....v, - , ,..! JIW imiltllloll, J ictcncr, i n mm- f fli-ipVCflJf PCfO? U!oi 'I 1','imN M.h.uHi iiucklelsjrrics. ,,. .! when we got home you can rest assured n in yane'ar. -un f.8;"- SiT OWo VI I ' N ! X .. Igoodl-Dard am A fe'. ! we were pleased w .1, the day's doing-""A 'a" m w 1& fZh$k. y am eit thic. I.... Hotel cannot no nem. rwu. '"""' unti suits. altlioin.'ii coming 111 o gui - -vv:..". ... i7" r'i.t - - awing iierion. ho wntihl I LuGrande this evening, to remain a day h. O. Tnsuv. 'I'"i. V,' Anu.. fH t 7MM 7s irom hu fpat -mil H 1 r...T.Ti.,. .... i.i. i i--i , inr iv-j "vmb hv ti..; 1 : ... . ... T t Jim. 'ap. i,u g -- ib&v . Kfv. 11IIIIN. HrWkS T J'iHH V "inj It ';ir.' 1 i .r'iu nt 1 f Watches, Clocks, -Aii-I- DOUcrflll ruli.r ..I,0v 'hey them-1 Journal, is suffering from quinsy. tindZ. .lnf1,(, ajtnos-i o. , . hag rescued his position in John fitantield'E Ojient saloon. ' Problem fnr nnin. Wheat fifty-four cenU. 11, Huvm. tlio mi-it At lio had his leg so frightfullv broken at Frazer'u ranch somo time ago', in now frisking around on crutches, and may Boon be ablo to dis card these useful BUpjiortB. Eastern Ore gon is a good place for broken legs. WUH WllHIIl"-!" m WHO ui r nr. nu.t-i worth, at lio, Oregon, on Augud 10, a CKr weigni nneen puuoui. Jowolry of Every Doacription l 'Jthhu; worfinitnl to 1 in, u.iirt.NeinB.1. Watch Repairing a Specialty