East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 08, 1888, Image 4

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    vkdni:.sI)y, Ai'tstvr s, mm.
-iiini:i: hi:. niti n.
A Crowd tlrlal lnvliiit San Frn
elwo tin I'm ;llirt A IJiiMfn'Imimo
St ul l'-iit!-r - l.ltt ! tViMlnlli frril
Uv I'mllU
The f.Vwiulc Stenunihlp company ul
flee wbji cinwiled tin' othel foluunon by
Qilnameli hiixIoum to all theiinelve.i of
the reduced rale ol imiiHiuje by I lie Cn tin i
ila.ii I'acillc teauishli Abyvilula Two !
niiiidrt-d mil forty tool puiMiim- by bei
una nallici about 12 o'clock Many lit-lil
oil lo the lint inlniili) Hi the boutlmt bet
wir term milit be. mado. but tin nirenta
wetu llmxoriiblo
"Don't you fumlgato tho offlcc after tlio
Cbllin dleuiiHT lenveaT" asked b Hawaiian
dudu. who MtrnitulctJ to tho counter
through tbo lablMrliiK crowd of Chinamen
ui M-curo a pamtajfu to Honolulu by tho
What alls youf wni the retort. "You
atmuld bo familiar with tho euseuco of
(Jathay, an you coiiio Iron) Honolulu,'
Of coiirno I nin, but not lilu hi rank
iu lliin '
'(i(xl money, all tho munn Tlmni nin
no deadheada In tin.' f'lilin-o pn;iicn;tcr
trade,, no round trip coniilltnctilnrv lluk
eta Ev(!rytlilii( In on u bills of united
Statea gold colli uud no ert:dlt."
HapjvordiiK aluni; at lunch, tlio lend
tliiii opened wiii followed. "Sen the
Abysnlulii lot of CIiIiicaoT" asked tin- ill
ikmikt of hospitality nt it liclKlib'irhi,;
lunch bur "Swiii a itiecr lot Ulvc u
ureut drill of truulilu. limit likely Tlmt
kind alwaya do Then' uro cripple and
brolion doivn inuu of all klnd.i iiiuoiii;
them "
llnvn you had nxpnlunco In tlmt
Yea. for years I bav been omploycil
In thu Chlncno trade Ultt h bum tlimi,
hull hiiviiiiilt tho mm Tlieso fellows
will llnvn mi nnnory with thtuii They
arn quurrelaomo mid daliK'i'roUH, mid lh(n
tiro iilwayH ami lawyer iilmiird to atlr up
trouble Thoy tell llm Ignorant coolie
thulr right, und If wo wcro not prepared
lo light at thu drop of a hat II would I hi
all up with tin and tin- alilp Wo on
urly nmniiBo to keep them under "
'What la thu rule of piiHHiiul" linked
a rcliorter who luipjiclicd to be present
"Twenty llvo ilolhin. a id whatt'ver wo
call Ket lor fri'l;ht '
"Aro you In for n fieight wart"
"Can't tell Know only what wonni
IoIiik "
l)oo $23 paHuifje money pay tho
Canadian I'aeltloon a thirty day voya;.
whim thu old lines could barely manure
to jinl iiIoiik with a $3U nit ot"
"I ahould mulle. Hut you ust klrmlHU
around nntl llnd out."
"What doe It rn.it to fivd Chlneso paa.
"I brought over l .'OOof them ono trip
at an average iiwt of four mid three
eighth reiita it day per nmu Yc. It was
little, pinched lint they had enough
Up toiluOufnlr iivcrngo tif tho coil la
ton cent pel head dully ahovo that tho
uvnrugo lowers I llilhll tho I'uclllo Mall
Ugtirun on twelvo eelitK, hul that depends
on circumstance "
"What kind of food do they geU"
"Chlelly rkn Wo tiilto twenty l.x dlf
fontul kind ol chows Wo take white
beaua, bmwii Ihmiii hlark beaim. red
Uana. Rreeii heani t'Veiy kind of beans;
orungu 'el niiu'ch ilrltHl hlirluips, drlett
llah, dried ahitlonti although I hoy get lit
tie of that Hut tin pnurlpul diet is rim.
Klvo pounds ot fresh lai-l will go as far
with 100 Chinamen at with live white
men Tliey tiike n blK mess ol ih-oaiidu
aiiiall iilii'onl liesh incut, whlrh they lift,
bite oil a small morsel and lettiru to the
dish Then the) pitch into the rlco with
their chopMU'ks and sampli tho Minces
They ore loud til salt nk and stilt meat
I'Yofli meat goes further Thuy ahould
never get salltil meal oi sirk "
'Have you over had truilblo with Chi
mwe paHseni'erHT"
Ofti'ii I leniemlK'roiii'o In tho I'ckltiR
we had a thousand of them, und they
klrkijl alsiut thell fixl I went down lo
Hud Alt what tho trouble was, and then
brought down thu chief otllcur Tho rliv
war not conked to thell liking
I will givu you ten minute lo begin
eating said tho chlel otlirer. 'after that
the rice will bo thrown overbtmrd.'
Wo could not move Wo wer aur
niiMded 'lime a up, aald I, calling my
In) to cleat atvuy Over hIio goes The
Chli .imeu ItHiktsI sulky for nmliiutoorso.
, 'UK ilieu nut down and ato thu rlco, aud
rtlia' as thu last of It
We iievrr have any trouble coming
tllU way until altei wo leave Yokohama
I p i) I lint tliuu tho chiIio l.i btuv tilling
tip tud by the tliuu lie real' lies Yokohama
, lie i- all swollen out with rlco, cutting a
i'i ridiculous ligiiro with Ids p!udlu
eP aud overhanging stomaeh Aflcr
u ng Jauiu he Is in good coixlltiou. and
.ul, :is w the liuvudlarv lalk of tho Chi
. high binder It u baoktil down or
euod In any way It would Iki all up
-will, us Chlunmeii aro a ImrdciMwdto
tun Do on shlpbomil "
) w liavi' only to give tho Chinamen
vnlfiil) lo eat ami yon havo no trouble."
wii.t an attontlvo llsiener "1 wu In
. i g Kong when the Ahysalula cume In
thr e iript ago, and alio had trouble ubout
'in l She then nil hit from Victoria
i le ithei voascla seldom havu any bothci
i i hat kind "
ion think that Ion conU per day
,w.f theewtot the food supplltHl on
sm 'smnl tc each Chinese mss,engert
Ui. I do It coils loss with caro,
wlt. il the iiiunUirs am luruo than hor
Ihere aiv tw on Umid 'llicin la vor
hi He waito, I asiiro vou It Is nut a
I wlug titide at (tAI hw htd."-Sai l-Yun
claii' Ivxauilutir
, 1'llllllX I'tHII'll,
U you know ' ked luo stuke editor
1I..11 i'li can be del eel ed by tlw loin W"
S ' eeplitsl Hie lion mlltw "llavo
leantitd IU arliouioT"
Nt all of It. but I Imvo laMVcd a In
i , .
I Uvd'"
I rill t. Ilw'icll I fool Meo '
( ai,J 1' !' '.U4
Hntitlln's (lift or "Horond filRlit."
It in almost nitoiilulilng- to n htudent qf
tho history of conjurlnjr to fliul. as ho
Htiirly will, tlmt thcro U lmnlly n tr;.-1
of modern porfurtncrH wJilch docs not c .v
either Its (.xlstenco oriniiuern dcvoloptiv n
to IlolM'rt lloudln. It vjs only n few ye .i
ngothnt writer In ono of our leadr.i
monthly imiffir'.lnes, himself ii-conjurer of
sunn) local repute, stated that ho I ad
learned "hocond Bl;lit" frnrn n 1 ollsli Jew,
who had also t itlj;ht It to Heller, utid t I
atiocryplial Hebrew was tnudo to ulflrni
tlmt ho lmd "treameJ Id," much n (Mr
Stevenson tcllHUHhodrcniriHhlsiiiurveli.us
lotimticc.i. Tho fact. I. tlmt Ilimdln v.as
undoiihtedly tho father of tills clover do
eeptloti, whl"h, for nearly Imlf n entury,
lins nuver failed to iimuso mid bewilder
iiudluuccn nil over tho world. It was on
Feb. 12, 1810, that tho following announce
ment nppean.'d Ui his programme for tho
Hrst time:
' In this rxtrformanco Itobcrt Houdln m
i-oii, wlio Is gifted with rt niarrcloua sec
c ml slirht. after his eves havo boon covered
by n thick b.iiidas;o, will de.ilgnato ev'ry
object iircsented him hv the uudlenco."
lloudin was llr.st led "to tho Invent Ion of j
this trick by obn rvlng his children at 1
titnv finii tlav. Thu vrjiiiiircr had handacd
Ids elder lindlier's eyes and mado film
gllesH the objects he touched, mid when
tho latter happened to guess aright they
elmlifrod places. Tho iUlck willed French
i."an. ever on tlio lookout for novelties to
b aldrd to hU enterlttluinent, haw here
I thu if Tin of n groat discovery, and lifter
I applving himself dllicently to working
' o'H tho iinihlen, stUTceilr'd In Inyliifc thu
foiindatioii on which Heller and other
siilneiptently e-i'Cted f.ioro ehilxjnite
struetutvs.-" iionieo Townsend In I'hlla
delplilii Times.
To I.uoli ul ricltiri's I'mperly,
Tho collector who hits hoeu Ids choicest
pilntu turned over by unintelligent hands
whllo ho has lieon fomil by courtesy to
1 coiicul his chagrin mid to roilst the lm-
pulio to soi.o tho precious plates mm con
Leezer & Kuebler,
Are Yon Protected?
Tho IftMeit aiel moil complete stock of
Drugs, Modicinos
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastern Oregon.
Despair) Block
coal them from unworthy uso, will appro
i Into fullv tho roroo of what wo say. .Moit
pooplo iniKht almost us well bo jrjven the
i latu fully tho forco of what wu s
.simple views with which comic almanacs
aro nuorneii ns seiiiowu looxaminuiipori
folio of priceless ntchliiKs. Indeed, (fi-ti-enilly
they would Imi Ixired by thu latter
and entertained by tho former.
Tho Kreiil uilstako mado by the major.
Ity of persons Is to Hiipixo tlmt no HKclal
truliiln Is 11111111! tohoo pictures pnijierly,
Tho reeepthiii of any work of art prosup'
, isiies pit'vious nun special iraiuiiif;, u is
I necessary to leain tho urllst's luDjrniitro;
' to Ir.tlli one's M'n'eptlnus to neiito uud III.
I stunt sensitiveness to tho means by which
1 It Is sought lo pHMluce mi Impression, If
1 ono Is to cN.iuilny photographs with no
other end save to decldo whether tho re
! seiiiblanci' In the nrlKlual obJiTt Is exact,
, perhaps no i;n-iitiinioiiut of special prepar
1 ul Ion Is needed, bill with n plctliro whlcli
i Is utivtliliiK uioiv than u ,'nildilc dla;nuti,
' spii'lal I'ducaliou Is u iKvesslty Hotv few
' persons over tal.o tin oiif,' raving and nit
; down delllKi-ntely toHtuily It, to endeavor
1 to discover why tho nrllst dliK)nil Ids
, IlLMires uud ru oenorles III it kIviii uuiuncr;
. viiy the lli;ht und shado uro dUmed
thus; why the oiiKinver has iikccI certiitu
lines In ivpii'diirliiix certain parts of tho
plate, und hi on for tho rust; and yet
tiverylsidv. us wo Mid at tho start, sup
isiies ho UiioU'i how to I el; at u plcturo,
Ikiilou Courier.
Cli Aimini; Hi" lllinlii.
' The iiijah win .'und of xuinklni;, uud ho
uiudii mi ni'liltr.iry lUitlticliou between
cigarettes end miythltij; eii-o that passed
his lips. Ho would have been horrllled If
' I had laid inv hiiKcr on Ids hookah or
touched his ilrlnkiiiK enel, hut to the
unclean hands that hud lingered tho
, 1,'yptlaii elpiridle tlmt ho was smoklnt;
1 ho ji.ild no hoed. Such exceptions to
' ciiHto rules urn rowlii; more numerous
every day. All ilriiu uud medicines Imvo
1 lout; been taken by Hindus withe. it blame,
, und In koiiiii pl.icei Ice und hhI.i watt r uro
ooliHUimil by ll.ijputn who would nut
diink wuti r drawn for thi'iii by mi Oil
llihtllUU flMIII the well Custi" preludl es
llnvn ulwiiys Ihvii capable of ucliytiii;;
iheiuselvos'to noivlllis or very ninaef
desire. If thev n enforced wlih n
rljfld rofruiil fur UuW. the fyHem would
. iui ImiMivdlilo iiinl would Imvo biokuu
down, but o:inii. In muiio iispects, Is tioth
' I iik iiiort Ih'iu public iiplnliin iimonj' tho
, lllii'lus. Konerully tyrannical niul back,
waul, but much mom capable of improve
ment tlmu a rltt'ld cislo of lilies based
, upon it pilnclpK). I'all Mall I hue t to.
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Kates;
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
go any longer without iiiHurnnce on their property, of whutao-
ever kind; und nearly everyone believes tlmt a policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
On Tho North American Continent.
U' l.aiKu PiiK'es unit HI l.onn (.'oIuiiiuh.
I'iiIjIMii'iI In mi'l ulven Willi uch I" lie of
the iwi'ldv eilllloli.
Ili'Ulnulnir .Mi . I, niul eonllnulmr I here,
iifli'r.'lh" World trill print with each liue h
riiiiipMo nofl by it popular author. Annum
llm u-rlii'i-M will lei
Mrs. Ale.xiiniler,
John h. winter,
iii'iir- wimmi,
Wittier l!i'unl.
Wllkle L'olllnn.
I Colli. Illllilil'lli'l.
II. I.. HtevellHOii,
II I. I'arji on,
TIiiiiiihm llur.ly.
.Iiillnii lliitvlh iriie,
V W. Iloliltlixili,
Klltlle (lltlHttblU,
Jules Verne,
win, niiiiVK,
M, K. Ilritddon.
Kloieeee Wnhlell.
.MarvlVcll Hay
llerthit M, flay,
viiiiIii KilwariU,
llhoila Kilwunli,
K.r. I'l.llllKit.
1'ln'i.i' nnvoN tf III be I lit lulcM torKS of Ihn
licit wi ileri in they are I'lllillHlirit-tlic IhioUs
which tiver one U I ilklni; ulioiit. NothliiK
lull Hie very In si will bo iiiliullleil Into tlio
Worlil'sr'liiU''iiril l.lhrury of llctlon,
This l.llirury or I'lrll in Will He supplied to
u't-crbcrt 'July.
No IMlft rorli Will lie 1'ilnli d.
No Hack Numbcri. Cun llo l''iirnlhvd and No
llivle ro le. Wlllbn Sold,
If You Wlih IhuHi rlMComplvie,
line Year i I umber). Ml
d Month" (.'ill numlieii), ;
.1 MoiiIIik 1 ii li 1 1 1 ! n
THE WORLD, Now York.
Mult U'linl. bill l.lllle Hole lutein.
i "eii, iiiriiior, now noes mis siiiiuy
weather suit jouF
I "Ikul. Corn's Is'lnif buriuil up.
wo intsi i a biiowor,
" ell. I j,'uw.s you'll havo It. A ruin la
pivdleleil fur to inorrow."
"Tlmt mi? Tluitliicot The corn'll Jest
bo drtiiwinl out us usual." Nebraska
State Journal
An Hiitlttkalile Meuuialilt.
Tim new Imuiin sleumililp, the City of
New York. Is wurnintnl by her builders
to Im iiindukiihlo That is, one condition
laid down In the contract ly the coinpikiiy
wtis that she should U iinilnkublo,
although him is of Iron uud has u capacity
if lO.SiHl tuns rhkuii Ilemld
i .itu uf t'uniirlea.
It Is said that ennarhw uud other birds
inav Ihi lived Iroui Iumh-Is by nlaclnir u
nhtlo cloth over tbo csko lit dusk Dur
I liitf Ihn nlfilit tho Itikcct will leave tho
blrvls for the cloth, uud In tho luornliiu
they tun Isidosiiiiyctl bv placing thocloili
In hot watir A icpotlilou of tho iirwvs
. will msiii elinr a ay tho H'sta. Chicago
Itu iliiS Ij'' inmv Cmillis
The lipp buby very otuu has a snow
omdlo. for when the inJulout mother
atteuiU church ho iiiukos a bolo in tho
now out-lUo and doMHtlts ihe youuj; Ijip
louder ihorvlu It is iu uiicomiuon ultfhl
to n a i Id le of Uteso i-U 'W' onullo In
' fiiiiu of a Upp chepol an ! now and then
i a jut of liorvo lookup i., aro on guard
i to Utvit 'lt i 'ie ui .! !ni,;ui uitHll
' Uto a mid . n tho bt'
, lp,t cnt.ili' in ti'iiti u i
I friun t liat i.-. l bv '.
t." e
' juut . , i l : :i ill. : ..i
' torue I 'tit ly buih S- .
U hum. io tnuid In I'"
UOt. .1 . t ttltJ tl I
bv t'., 1 ' bud I
..f ' . ' l.ro l'
I'UI. -I ..',,.1 luv
On anil ufler IliU dale, um inliiiiiililrator o(
the eolate of (he hue William llm. I oUVr
for iiileull the live Mock ownitl by the ilo
c'i'iii'il,eoiii,iliiu n
Tlittrotiuhltvrrf Jlcn-J'onl Hulls,
Short-lioni Vtttlv, draila Uittth;
! and (Ivnrml Stock Cattle.
ThoioiiiUbfid Spanish Mtftno
J tucks and Haw, Jti'tlsteretl.
Untile Hacks ami Stock Sttesjt.
AIo a luruc nmiituT ul Ilones niul u iiuiu
Illy or Hay.
Kor pai llculari, call on or udilm
Ail nilulslrslor,
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your business -those who represent none but
the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the office of
Clopton & Jackson,
Located in tho EAST OKEGONIAN building, Pendleton,
where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
"id :uria
Elegant Pullman Paac(
Kmlgrnnt Hlecplnit Carj run thm
Prcn Trains to ""A
Kreo of cttnrKa nd Without,
Close connections at Portiind f .
. clico ana l'ug8o'nVKiSj
Knot bound PaM(BKerarrlM...
Knst hound IrclghtnrrlvM V Sf
parts nt 6:00 p. in. 11 "mT" Jat,
WoHtKtund paMcncpf ii.u
West bour.d frolgh l Srrirei un8 'i
part nl 4i 15 p. m. m"MIIi,
Wnlla Walli and r.(,.
leaves nt 0:00 a. m. for Wall, '
riven ul 7.T3p. in. from Wwi!?'"
To Han Kri.ntl.fo, t l,M
State, August I ColnisU. I
Columbia, AURnH 8 (W 1 T.!
; oiumiiia. .uKut 3) Orfuon. Awi
Oreimn, Auxut2 HUit.itrS
Htato, Aiimi.t ffl CiiluinbK
(.oluinbla.Kei.t I () won i A.iS
Orcson.Hepti wflfaffi
nlahl.Ve Klcn"1",ll,w,"lf'',,of.lul,l
Ccave Hpeitr Ht. wharf, San Ttvtfo
lUten nf l'aiil(l,
IncludliiK tni-Hln amlbtnk
Cabin, . . . ,
Mlcerage, ...
UouhirTrlp, Unllmllr.1,
of tin! 'Company, or A. I. Mm,Q
AT,A I'orlhuul.Orciton. u
(Irnenil Maiianer.
W. V AI.I.nVAV,4rJ
IVhillttAB. OrJ
Great Rock Isli
A Nil
The direct ami impulur lint loroc
with the Northern Tariff h
rroiu i. ram ami .Minnnpoiii
To i:iilenni) null the Kant.
To Mt. I.oiiIn Hint IheHoalk.
To 1ch .IIoIiicn, l.ravraitrJ
i IrlilHOii anit KiiuiI
The Only Line d
ut Council lllulla, Leavenworth id J
Cltv for
I'a 11 in an Falace Sttqiltn
l'alacc Dtiitity Van!
Accompany all through KiprrurJ
una Home.
Tlcltciafor aalohy nil conntttliinJ
and connection mnJ In uutna M
Kor fill I Information rcfirJlrriwj
ctc.,iipply loany roupitn aimldttl
A N. or Northern racllle Rfl'sJ
Ticket AKfllhU. Ml
viiiii mmmwt
t. . irrr tiitnnir
..... : -. a n . kt n n fir
Cltlcutfo, III. . . H. KWTg,
j Notary and Corporation Seals,
! Tit 1iafi1 Inti-ti
i -
1 The u ui a 1 price for neala inu.lt by other
' parlle, lu Portland or the Ku U from tP0
1 o fT.OJ, h Itli exprci i lunKe n.Ulrtl. If you
ueeil it etit,ieud joiironli'r lo in, and uve
front J3.toiofi.rti tin ri'hy.
.'.indent Tlw
i ' . -onttelly
l i buby.
i . : a4iil
i . of
it: e tbu cnulltf
., e ef an c tii h
' . -i fe.it lien, left
; tO k.'fU-U tuo
' !.. .a urrwr -
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
muiidu Pcmlleton. Oregon.
Haul; bulMtiii'if'turt lrt,l'ouaiehm
Munloal Mer
rll .11 lis
r,it imi,
yv 1 1 k
I Utiiw, Or
fun, niul l
HiiutM .if .nu
I . i I 1
til. M'.i .
lit en i plan
It ifi well to remember that to be secure you must insure in
ono of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
i hi- Nnrtnnrn wanmr. nai.
. . . . . r ..... l.fTWIVG
I T KU .1 I.I.Tf, III
.Unnnlilernt Ihtu (XutSi! .
I H'iM JlrrtH tin 1
i w n ...I US.iMm'M
' r ram ureyuu aim
J in ihn East.
Via fit. I'uul and Mlnneaw A"
I II.... laiiiliiio 1 Itartt inyiMt-
TO HIOUX IJUVi ouc, t"" ciial
nil nnlutiitliroiiebnuttri W' "'
'"1 . " . ....nivnflB
Aro liullllil on resumi rr:;.j-
the entire length of in
t .... wniini. iiiiicilonSH
riiriiuiiu a - .
ceavo waiium jiiuv..--fave
forllanil 3 p. n
Mlnni-nnnlU or HI. Thui
rounn uay. ... i..u
olla to all point Kant.fioiUD -
m.. connecting wllh U. K.
, .... , ...... t ll.tniAn'
Oenerul Weatern l'""1'"
, . - . I M U A 1 a
innmrUTO lifll I
If , au j uchio niu
i wt. vuitiuiKijiiuu iitaiti tnii:i;. iTiiii mi riiititi ,1111 rtr .
' v iiuotuii , u.. and
They ilo Happen e"J";tlVW
i r ...811 .1... . . - ' Pr'nj'. y?;Vili
" o- viuui inuir oiuce is in tlio ,.,., '.. uioiinlUPk C
I KAVri tiiii nounHnw
I ll.Mi fjiVT A T 1...M.1! .11 .. ,rt
. .it ui minium 1 inn iti.n'W""".'-.., .nAriao"
W . ...... ... ........ lllfl.l
, JbAnwri.tven'r'a.r
1 ! Ihi'H acel.leuU cm l'rlr;tl"lSfd-!'
i nnivftlon In all it pc-lcle.
I . . l..i Tutl
; Ten Minions ot assci
I 01 SUrpi""
ClDOtOn & J2C15