East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1888, Image 4

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Work of Urn lAtgtm on I.I 11 In Mark
Crrrk A Vocation That la I)iiiirroiM
lit Time Cook and Their AnnMiintii.
Wage. '
During tho lant week In April hint spring
tho onow dlsBpiM'ttrcd from the greater '
part or l.lttlo lllack crcclc, una on April
m tho drlvo began. On thu morning nf
tho USth tho creek was running hank full,
which meant a depth of purhupt u foot or
fifteen Inches over tho rlftn, Thu mill
muu anil log drivers, to tho number of
forty, reached tho ground early. VVhllo
tho greater part of tho driver went UIh
trlhtlteil along thu Ht renin to break tho old
Jams loft when thu water foil a year ago,
ono gung went to tho dumpH near tho res
rvolr, and begun to snitku, an thoy mild,
tho logH Into thn running water. Those
logs llouted along, n lively opectucle, till
they reached llio lint rlltH. More thev
I along tho bank and on tho jams between
and I) o'clock In tho afternoon. Supper
wan servod at dark. It won really a din
ner, for tho men In addition to tho bread,
meat and potatoes got Homo sort of sauce
and a pudding. A look at tho quantity
uf food that an old driver will eat In
day would mako a dyspeptic groan, but If
tho ordinary dyspeptic could merely fol
low a drive, let alono lending a hand with
cant hook, ho would, under tlw Invigor
ating Inlluenrn of breezes laden with the
pcrfumo of J.iruco and balsam boughs
and of tlio Influence of Bunslilnonhd sprint;
water, get a llko appctlto himself
Without tfca Middleman's AM.
Every morning then comes to the doom
in which I live a One, bale old man, witb
the fresh scent of country lanes about
him, who brings an abundant supply of
vegetables, of s quality ono can only Und
In the most expensive greeu groceries and
'iruit stores, us makes a business 01
serving the products of his Utile market
garden across the North river to a choice
list of customers In certain apartment
houses of the better order Ho sells all
that ho can deliver, and tho prices ho
inits, wldlo reasonable enough to satisfy
his natrons, aro sufllclontlr liberal to
patrons, aro
other mon, I notlco. who mako a s
r-omnensste him handsomely There are
ko a specially
bn tuned nnd rolled over tho rocks till on' 1 of milk, eaan and othor fresh tablo com
lonir bdiiici). driven bv tho wi'luht of 1 modltlos. which thoy deliver after the
water anil logs IkjIiIikI, anil directed liy . . itumo ranhlon. directly irom ineir larmsot
glancing blow on u big Ixiulilcr tlmt reared
llH black lieuilafowlurhesitlHivotho wator,
was hurled end on Imtwocii two big tree
that stood eloHii together on tho ban!.
It shot ahead till half Its length w
nshoro and then tho cud caught unit,
tho roots of ablgblrrh. It could nnltlii
go further nor swing around with I'.
current, nnd In less tlmo than It taken I
vrrlto It tho logs Imliltnl wero piled ov r
nnd around It and a jam whs formed. In
u fow minutes WW logs were lodged there
A big, humpbacked man, dre.ised In it"
old slouch lint tlmt was on thu bank of
ooultry ynrds Tliey pay no tribute to a
I middleman, nor aro thoy under any ex
H)ii.io for a city shop They begin by
I drumming up custom In good bouses
1 snd, as they servo tho best of material
I t rt not long In establishing a protltabte
connection. After this it U plain sailing
with thain.
I ho business of putting up preserver
nnd jellies seems also to bo extensively
followed by rural housewives, who seek
their Industry In much the eamo way
Somo of thorn ndvcrtlso In the family pa
porn 'llio majority employ a drummet
brown trousers tucked Into tho topsn: i
long legged, nxi woolen uneKs, uiiil u pair
of shoos with sjilkes half an Inch long
ramo along, lie gavo one glnueo at the
lain, and then, dropping thn emit hook ho
had curried over his shoulder, went up
mo nircam anil cumn luieic witn an ax.
his head, u ml shirt njieii over his chest , to boat up custom in town. Tho fact that
uioy can auoru mo expenso oi aavcruso
inent or thn salary of an agent, and still
mako a creator nrollt than if they sold
their products to tho shops, may sorvo as
a siigni Hint or mo proportions or gain
that full to thu middle man or retailer. A
man In Fordham who has quite an ex
tnuslvo fruit farm, which, thanks to bit
passion for Improving varieties, producei
soinu of tho durst fruit In tho country,
informs mo tliut ho now gots nearly three
time as much for tho product of his or
chard, which he retails himself, than ho
did when ho sold It to a fruiterer And
still his customers got It cheaper than
thoy did from tho fruit shop. Alfred
Trumblo In Now York N'iws.
Then hu git vo ril no blows on tho upstream
hlilo of tliu long Hiirui'o log lust whero It
rested itguluU the trco on tho bank. Thn
log bniki), uud tlinjalinnf Jogs continued
rolling uinl bumping along over tho lift.
Tho logs that lodged along the edges of
thu stream went allowed to remain. These
usually lay with thu down stream end
further out In tho water than tho up
stream end. Ily Sunday night them was
witrt'o it md of bunk for twenty miles
wheni them was no log. Whom Jams had
Imh'U broken an many as a hundred logs
were piled along each hank of thu rift
within it sjitico of thirty feet, Sometime;
thu lugs would form jilles of thirty or
forty on each bank, whemthey would tin
almost as If ileidgiiedly dumped then) by
tho men ono on top of tint oilier, thu pile'
not being over two lugs long. These
idles narrowed the stream until an active
muu could eat Ily Jump over It, and the
water would linn up between thu idles,
crowning in I hu middle, and of dotiblo tint
depth of what It win uhovo or below this
partial dam. Thus hat might bo called
it natural slutt-owny, since It was not built
by muu, wus formed, mid the lugs, guided
by thu opining hides of the hlulceway,
would gohhiMitlng hroiigli llkoarniws,
Thu weather gradually grew colder, and
on thu fourth day thu reservoir was
ojMMtetl. Tim water canto down In it flood.
It had got don u to a Jam of perhaps MX)
logs below uhut Is known us thu old Max
tor mill, an uhituiloncd structure, and hud
lifted up thu mass, hut hud not cleared
Hioono key log which In this casu held
tii.. I..... 'ri... i i...
Itnre and Mioitil t)lou&
In an article entitled "Itaco and In
sanity," published In Tho American Jour
mil of Insnnlty, Drs. Ilannlstor and lick
tocti, physicians of thu Illinois eastern
hospital lor tho Insane, express thuoplu
Ion tlmt (hero Is llttlo doubt but thut
Insanity Is Inlluencud by niro. From thu
statistics of threo Institutions In which
iiiHimi H)mous am treated thoy draw the
tnllowiug conclusions, 1 That In thu
white) ntco thu dciircsslvo types of mental
dlseuso aro most frequent In thuOcrmanlc
anil Krandinuvlaii peoples, and least so In
tho Celts; thoruvcreoof this appears to
Im tho caso as to thu exalted or muuiacitl
tyjies. !i That generul paralysis Is not u
iixnrticr 10 wiiicu tiny raru is inimuno, but
y loir was IoiIl'o. end on "."".7... .""7. f'."'"v"
njfiiliiut. n iiuL i ii ii t.k 1 1 1 i Im iiil.lillii .f tin. "curouu 11 uivmiiais mi not ap pear 10 bo
... -.. . . renrcjteiiMHi. in iiiiu
ono that depends Uxu causes Indciicndeut
of racial or nntlouul iiccullarltlc.i II
That thu well known fact tlmt Insanity Is
much moru common among thu foreign
boru than among natives in this rouu
try Is not to any greut extent explainable
by tho shipment of tho defective clustios
of KuroiH) to America.
Tho "cranks" mid epileptics and
do nol
Leezer & Kuebler,
The Urgent and most complete stock of
Drugc. Medicinec.
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastorn Orogon.
Are You Protected?
Despain Block
ironort on oven
among tho foreigners In our asylums
Tho can ho of thu excess of foreign boru
Insulin In this country Is. I', cvoms proba
blu, to bo IwiUui i,ir mainly In the fact
that vipK)slng tho Immigration to In
riado only Its proirtliin uf persons below
tho avc mgo of mental strength uud tlexl
billty. thu change of st'uuo ami assoriu
tlons. thu dlll!eulto of beginnlna life
among them, disupH)iiitments, homesick
tiess, and all the other urcldonts and trials
tlmt befall thu now comers, together con
tribute ,o break down mentally a vast
I ...I I..- ...I..-.
in ...,..,. I iniiiiiwf miner inner circumstances
1 would Imvo rsrniKsl. uud Isrirelv con
must or lusHtilty In this
Htnsim, uud the other cud was xomcwhen
under thu lugs, hInivii and iiguliiht the
bank. One uf the Wall Ihivm ran nut on I
tho Jam when hu saw that It would not
inovu, and. finding lite key log. put Ids
taut hiHik on It and gave it it tttll. It
failed to move Then hu threw his nnlu
weight im It, and thu log i-Mlle', ,,v,,r M,
fitslly thut he ttitnblml ,( (lt, water, i
right under thu Imf n1(.v ,, nilllng :
and pluiiKlng. i!om. Twit companions !
md Marled mu to help 1,1,,,, m( m ,
,('Jlitl they slarltsl back to tho show
N lieu they looked uiiiund iiL-aiu Wall a
- nuttueni in sight lie had illsa
1....1..M II... 1.... I .1 1.. I.
i.Mi.vi i in. u'K. iiii'i uii'i iniiiiKiii lie wus i iji..,,, , ,i. ,
being gnmn.l to plmH us.u thu stones of I XaJ P"
thu lift. Ilu hu was not! He hud clung I ""
to tho forwanl cud of the first loir thut hu t
txiiihl get his hand on. and in it secoui' I
Hum) hu lsdilsMl iipU'ttvivu two hemlocks,
uud it little latter ho was Maudlng on thu
bunk and nay lug "Thu old muu will give
mo thunder for losing that cunt hook,
won't lint"
T'iu iwouiv,t of clvllUatlon, as O'Dotm
van Itossa would say, are. lessening thu
dungiit of lug driving Dt luimltu Is ned
not only to blunt thu incks from the Ih-iN
)f thu envks, as It will Ik umh.1 this yeur
"Jtt Utile lllmk enck hut when a Jam Is
formed In it lurge stnsun uud It Is plainly
fiHHt thut mm log holds the lulu, a churg'u
of dynamite blows the unlthenviis .mt of
that log. while tho leggeis l.xVt on from it
tutfudUtauiv, InsiiHidoi going down into
gorge by a ivjw and taking the chaucos
"'.rv wwuiul up after the Jam Marts
Ihu leg driters get front f'J to l a day
iindlsmnl. They work from ditt light ti
titiru. in icmi anil lislge tliemsous K
get thu givuttstt aiui imt of nrk frvm
Ihuin rtsitilres forvsiglit and caiv. Sl
fomforlable Miuntles wero built alonu '
1.1 1 Ilu lllittfk wk, lt'forv the drlvo Ivgan, !
Jn tho to fivo iiilloitttpiirt. The hhun
nti wetv manned with it cook und two to
llms) tiSkUlii'its eiifli. and Mocked ttlth
bti of i oniod Isvf. petk, ham. dour.
iot in ., ti.t and tvfi'eo. The iMk uud
lis i v. Kt it ihty mu lt HrouLfust wits
wttrvml by Uiitorn light to tho men who
lodgtsl In hemlock buuksslit tho kttuutieti.
Tliwu tho tneu uere oil, and thu cook uud
Ids help turned to and ismkisl thu rln.t
huuhtkui. It cuiibisUtl of bnstd and hut
lor. utest, iiiul tea sutd isrTe lju'h us
hlsiitut stmpiHsl it pack basket tilled with
brttd aud uteut to his back, uud tutd( it ,
hugo cu of wlfou in ono lutud uud an- '
oilier of leu lu the other. Tin cups dsn- '
glod i:i it bril piMiu.-iott alt over hllH. ,
One ufc-sUtant ' :;i the cissk with hU
load aud the . i , tt. As the auotr !
aventsl two i . .. ; i the swantpy
Uttouis aloug tlit crock. tiM tok of tho I
u'-i-tjiii nm not enviable.
W lu ll r he fi'ului it dllcr ho sened
11 t all thu I'si.l l.e Ustntid Hms l.f-t
1 ts.'tt was i-trvcil at u1' .! IH i
Ai.o".r Iiuo it was bimiU fioium
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Eates;
On Tho North American Continent.
1-' Largo I'tiguH and 81 Long Columns.
Published In and Klven with each lue or
thu wceklv edition.
II.... I.. ..I.... ... . ......
(lr,llll ,iu , ., Mini i-ijiiiiiiiiuiK uirri
afliir, I tin World will print with each Untie a
eoni ipi novel by it popular uttthor. Aiiiuiik
me writers win uei
.Mr. Ali-xamli r,
l.lohn H. Winter,
tlfvliry Wood,
.M. K, Ilrudduti,
iKIorencu Wurilun,
i.Miiry Cecil Hay
lli-tllia M. Cluy,
.Annie Kitwunln,
llhodit Kdwardii,
IK. I'. IMillllns.
TliI'Mi novels will he I lie latent uotii of tlni
lumt wrdvrs as they are puhllslied tho hooks
which every one Is tulklnu about. NothltiK
but the very bist will be iidmlllcd Into thu
World's Htiiinturd l.lbrury of Mellon.
This I.llmiry of Klctluu Will lie Huppllnl tn
Hui erllierH Only,
No Kxtnt Copies Will lie Printed.
No lluck Numbers Can lie Kuril Ithed and No
limit) Copies Will b Hold,
If You Wlkii thu K. rlf s Complete,
One Year tVJ numbers), l;
(I Months numbers), ;),..
3 Monlhs iiuiuhcr , .'.
THE WORLD, Now York.
Those who believe bo thoroughly in protection should not
go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatao
ever kind; itnd neurly everyone believea that a policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
Waller llemint.
Wllkle Collins,
mini, iinriiiinati,
It. I.. Htevriinuii.
II I, Kiil'Ji'on,
Tliomtis II u My.
Julian Hawthorne,
r w . iioiniisou,
Kltille llahorhiii.
.lilies Verne,
win, niai'K,
, I
t'lmmml lliinirr uf Cubit.
During the first duy of our excursion
our iiuest was rewnnlisl with nothing in
thu sliupo of deep wihh) sights or tenantry,
though tho verv earth seemed filled with
songs and culls of ncgrltos. raayltos,
fabrvros, torule.1, totlses, chluchlnguacos,
solvlros, piorerus, savaueros. canaries and
mocking birds, which frequent the mora
open districts and plantatlou trees and
hedges, but as wo neured thu denser
forests, along towards nightfall, we came
upon a llttlo settlement of people well j
worth going a long distance to know ,
These wero tho Cuban carboucros or I
, chsriHfll IttmiAf- A nil nf OiMisuitlnn '
and much of the manufacturing miulrim. i m'-' ,,,w "
1 heat in thu Oiban cities ure dono with
charcoal, charcoal luirnlng provides a sort
of a IIvcIIIhhhI for a small and picturesque
! class, who foil timber and burn charcoal
I ut will In the countless Island forests
1 These rarboneros comprlso some queer
iKiiple .Most of them aro InofTeuslvo aud
hospitable, but many are refugees from
; thu late revolution, for the Kpanlsh
soldiery t!in It wso not to disturb unv
tskly In these almost Inaccessible haunts
So aside from Insurgent refugees, tit
' nearly every rarUmero scamp will also bo
lound, if you happen to v In oompanv
with tluo wlnwo srmiMthles art) witli
a certain flag which wsvtsl dctlanco to the
hated Spanish rod and gold over the blood
ept ttetds uf ('ituiDKimy hero and there
a noted bandit who cvuild never ts taken
from among his swarthy friends blgsi i
U Uukwiimus U'tur in I'lulsdelphia
On unit after this ilu l , n administrator of
the estate of the late William Itoss, I olfer
for snli iiil the live Mode owned by Ihu dt
ceased, consisting of
Tlmroutlilireri Jfvre'nrtl Jtulls.
Xhnrt-livrn Vat(iet Oni'iv Cattl.,
una Uvueral Stuck Catflt
Twroiitlthreil Spanish Mevlnd
lluvkn antl Kwrn, ileyhteretl.
Grutle nucha nnd Stock Shrjn.
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
he indulfred in when it comes to takine out a policy. In the
Q U w
first place, pick out competent antl
With whom to do your husiness those who represent none hut
the heat insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oflico ol
Clopton & Jackson,
Located in tho EAST
OREGONIAN huilding, Pendleton,
insurance, whether Fire, Ma-
whore you can have any kind of
line, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
nl from...
Elegant Pullman....
KmlntlMPlnifCr. ,....
- U
rreo of chftree n,i wi.l .
CIoss eonneollons atTortt.o .
Cisco and ini. o""i
Knst hound nn.... .
. . . . ii ii r r ... ...
r.im Dounu truirhi ir.."",
parts at 6:oo p. tn
wesinound pwi,.,,,
Walla Wall a.d
Leaves at :( n. m ... .7"
.1.... ... . n . - r . iui nu ,
r hu u wu i nr..
. - . ....v,.v u, T ,,
(.niiiinniis. An.h.i a . "s
UIl'IUUi AUStlkt 11
Htnte. Aucoat in
Columbia, August 20
'jri'KUII, AUglKlit
iii-.. p
rMir. jirm.
Lcavs ntnamililswi..i t.. .
Leave Rnvnr Hi wh. ....
- -, u
lUtei of riuu
Including mtili tnam
a. in.
uoHim inn, un Mm tut.
Kor further iinrllcnlo.. u..i..
..ic i t,uiuiniir, or a. U M,
i A ari I lliLllillll . I Irftvnn
Gencrnl MntiAger.
IV. I A l lflWiii .
UIKril Ml K IS
with the northern rtrllt
iroin m, rani aua MlnDMMlu
To C'hlraco anil the Kail.
ToHt Louis and Ike Milk
rtn it a u
a ft- a
Tlin Onlv r.ino Conowin
ai council muni, LOVfntortj i
CltV for
..ff....... .1.1 . '
M. lffVO MfUHliU Vlk
Accompany nil through Eirrm
iiim itouio.
Ticket for lalo by alt rontwltt
ami connection! maji iquoioi
etc.. apply to any coupon tp
A N. or Northern lWlBe I
nnnlea. or to w. U
v a imrnnnnu'
'l'lii iiii.i iiu, rt. r. mi
chicttao.in. . . h. r.hitt
A n( MlnRrlt&j
41 " ' '
AWou larjje number of Horses and it quau.
Illy of Hay,
Kor aitlou!ars,call on or address
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Ponclloton,
Ft. IS wol 1 in
,v, Av.uviitii una lo uu aecure you must insure in
ono of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
The iimial price for caU iiiadf by other
purlieu, In ivrtlauit or the K-u u from H.CO
ofi.UJ, with cxpr'M rlmriie itddcl. If you
iitfl a oal,end yuuronler to tu, and gave
front A'-iOto J.I ix) lli. tt liy,
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
Pendleton. Oregon,
mhl Id (
Klli lliimhert'ii lact iu liouie tin ,
Qutriiutl cnutstiini '.'.IM) rtvuiu. only i
of wliirti un u.6up4nA lij tlie klnj ami liU
Areortllug to tho naturulUU, wasp. ro !
member the Kxrallty i their nesta Just 1
ninety iljhouni
Ilwnlt tailldlUKtCtMiit tn'i'MVinllt'ton
If you wntemplate insftnt.ice, call on them and get posted
ami u win cost you nothing, lieiuember thoir
EAST OREGONIAN building, or address
m wt m-r ue vi in n
DaniftA B
. ii . i a niiinu
Till: ONLY U.NKIIl.'','
IuUmanlitnceMttltntin! ,
xr,iufn.if iaiu lvwim
Jtlrgwt EmlaraHib'Ht
From Oregon and mmr
to tho h
Via 8L Paul and itlnneipol
(siemi 7j v"(
. mb m Ul4 I
C'oaat ver the riwn
Parine itaiiw
-ii i . . .
east via hi. Paul and Mlnnnpoa
Are nauiru 1111
the entire lengtu oi iu
r ii,1l..la 1nnllAnS:14A.tt
MlnneapolU or m. !-
IUU II UBJ. . . n..,U
i..,.,.,. ...... ... OArtih Ifii
oils to an poiiim fcii.r" ---
... . . inland dtl'J
m.,conncctlu wllhu.lfca"'
ail nniniann I'lieri nutitiji
Ofihernl Wntern PaiiI'
llf n il. , HAtlT
Hlfliix City. Council
niiii.nn r.avniroriD
is in tho
eydo happen erery .drn!ti
i iinib-uunu m -
oi .nnnlirO
pay at onro llt mo '"LTiH
for cotupllnieuti U doubt fu)
Miikleul Mer
rAM. IMvi
kep" In
STOi' K,
l'lmi.vi, oi
iu. and i
k'n u .if u1(l
Mr a I
ut ii'Hk, t
1 1
W"l P!4U
. .. - .. . . . w1AIL " '
recellil or ii imiiciorj i '"7
provIlons In all IU pollde.
-w tn f a ..aI Tmi
inn Miiiinns ni a&3uia
nf SlffD US.
CloDlon 4
larte.1 and bl N'?!??
Oregon. TIE