East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1888, Image 3

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    g, AUGUST 0, 1881
i'?t the KAMOBKOONIAN has
uonKj ". . ,,,, ln mo AUiuk"'"
PS? I Tin lock, lie will bo
i llnnier II' ii...,,ll,tnn. anil
M?'" V5fin Wrtiami. Ho will
UnJtr llVciH ui' ervici. in ui
the photographer.
II I.. l11r r-nlllllV.
lTiWlUgu" -,-
My tlicro IH no minimi .u
i tar.
iftv Centcrvillo .people uro uo
''UcvMirniHi.rlngs. eJruomflovcr l;;illlnK'B carpet
Zj to Jesse Failing.
' ' .... f...i,MiwivtAN direct.
Ufro,n your neighbor.
: .. ,ol,1ont of l'ondloton
Kt take the Dally East On-
wring drug business for salo on
7m. W particulars, In-
tiei left Saturday to join his
l0f0rU8lliamli" "
iUtb d I)ftV0 McDunnald nro
bo lie assessment roll of Umu-
bribe year 183.
Mrrh: fom xo-uuv - - "J
three ioih ou inu
Mr.toulu Kucblcr'HicHldenco,
Lie McDill, wife of J. IS. Me
lt her noiiiu iium u
iiriJAy I:wt, uftcr nn illncBH of
biting claim on ruilroat lanu
tbc twoiitymllo limit, Blioiiltl
J.fUtCrir. OI1CO, UN uiuiriiiiiun
ir.ivr nf Salem tiruirlo. cut
heJ eiclity acres of wheat In
the rcnult being !I,00u bushels,
iffljm Fititlerahl was the flrwt
it ntf nf thin year's crop of
te ikIiI the most excellent ur
cUto W. H. H.vern & Co., on
it cf rendleton Lodge. No. M.
will nieel in ineir nun
ini to work In tlio second do-
ttfmbcrd 111 giKiil muiimiiik nro
to be pres. nt.
Iruk ltMer. formerly principal
a!U Walla schools, and who hud
,le trouble tlicro linn in rort
bcen elected principal of tho
ii cul i IH.UI In town who can
he lUily K.IST OlIKtlONIAK ono
Every Ittiio noips. uoi ono
lor the Daily. It's publication
too helps tho town.
even reader of tho Dully und
:k!y K.wr Oiikuonian to on
ttturo one or morn campaign
u to it. S-'emi-Wcokly, to No-
i.Uy,75ccntHi Daily, fl.'J5.
frtnon and Mien Mattio Tabor
liried tm (iranlto Crook, Grant
or.e iljy hist week. Doth uro
alere, and havo many friends
i ttteni a long and nappy mur-
I'eatlon of the readers of thin pa-
(.wtotlio advertlsoinunt of tho
(ii awdeniv lit (IiIh Ikhiio of tho
raoNUN. This Ik u moHt ox
houl under the very boHt tiiun-
scan Ca-fllv. who HveM on tho
mw, found a rattlosnako under
lev il.iVM iil'ii. ItniiiL' ii
l! we and nerve. sha did not
A run for tho ncigliliorH, but
'Pitched tho reptile.
n, for Mver.il years u resident
, there lie conducted u storo,
(Dilleton Saturday. Mr. Adam
her. 1- II. Aihitn. uro now
J U'X'kvillc. Iil.ilm. whom llutv
;w in i no hi etc v iitmiiu'Hx
IVew tell tho following
s-itn MaitHllfld'H lato Hiirlmi-
Fit "Ono ltjIii of l)lmitiii
A man named Frank Allen was run
6Vor by An cnginn on tho Spolcnno & IV
Ioubo at Oarficld Saturday. He had ap
parently placed hlmflclf oil lbs track, on
a low trcstlo, with his arniH and feet be
tween the tier, und with his breast ucrons
the rullj und having on u white uletcr,
tho engineer HUpioscd it to lo u piece of
whita paper, an it wuh ruining, until the
engine Htruck him. The whcclH cut his
clicHt nearly in two, killing him Instantly.
Ho hud been drinking und had probably
tired of life.
John Slcbort, tho well-known merchant
tailor, haH received u full and complete
stock of tho latest stylcH of cloth, to be
made Into clothing on order. Tho lino is
exceedingly hundpomo, and persons who
wish a now suit for fall wear will do well
to leuvo their orders with Air. Slebert.
J. E. Granger, who mysteriously dis
appeared from Urownsvillo in 1884, and
was supposed to have licen lost and icr
Ishcd In tho woods, or clso murdered, has
lately turned up in Scuttlo where he luiu
been living all tho timet, following tho oc
cupation of a houso-movcr.
Tho wutur pic near YVniHon k Luhr's
planing mill is pouring forth a beautiful
spray to-day, owing to workmon severing
tho pipe preparatory to putting In a
water gate at that oint. All tho water
in the reservoir has to run out beforo the
work can be performed.
V 1'. I.athrop has accepted a position
with tho East Oiikoonian Publishing Co.
and, Clopton A Jackson's Iusurance
Agency. Should ho strike you for insur
ance, job printing or advertising, don't
"shake him," but treat him kindly, and
it will be appreciated.
(. 1). Uichardsou does u lino business
at the doK)t every evening at his brunch
lunch counter. Mr. Hlchardson is a
rustler und deserves success.
Main street sidowalks ate in bail con
dition, An even twelve-foot walk, on the
samo grado, would improve the looks of
the street fully 100 per cent.
Tho .Salem Statesman is insisting dally
that Col. J.co, of the Indian school at
Chemawa, is u fraud und u nuisance, and
ought to be kicked out.
A gumo of ball lictwcen two nines on
Humiuy resulted in u seoro of 18 to 10 in
favor of tho nine which was interspersed
with several ".Stars."
L. 11. Hanson, an attorney of Walla
Walla, died Saturday of consumption.
Ho hud Ix-on married only a low weeks.
J. W. lteilington, formerly editor of tho
Huppner (luzctto, has purchased tho
Puyullup, (W. T.) "Commerce."
Mayor W. F. .Matlock left Saturday for
Montana on a business trip. Ho will bo
absent piobably sovera) weeks.
Arthur Shurpstoin, who has been very
ill at Spokane Fulls, U improving.
Mr. Clark Wood, tho E. O. Itonw'Mh-
crcr, is u( Meaeham to-day.
A. H. Mattoon. the well-known rustler
of Ii Grande, is in town.
The Who Front, opposlto the Court
Hoiiee, for u lino cfgur.
At tho niuo Front, fruits of ull kinds
can bo obtained.
Mr. Tumor Oliver. o Union, was in
town yefitcnluy.
Mack McCullough has gonoou u trip to
Flno confectionery at tho Hluo Front.
Nmutl l'uwirit Iluvlu? Ilmi Apiirrclnlnl
l'cnUleton In to ho (liven I.urj;er Onra.
"rendleton und Ilaker City uro crow
lug over tho good iiowh of btsing tho end
of tho O. H. X N. division. Tho fact of
tho mutter is neither town will win this
distinction ; but Tliu Dalles, tho metrop
olis of tho Inland Kmplre, will bo tho
most important railroad town between
Siiokunu Fulls und Portland. Hrothers,
ol tho interior, bo content with small fa
vors." Tho iiliovo paragraph from Tho Dalles
Tillies-Mountaineer can bo appropriately
used as u text just now. Tho news has
reached this ollico, though not from uu
ollk-lnl source, vet roliab o. that Pendle
ton Is to bo tlio end of tho division of tho
O. It. N and tho leading railroad (';
....!.. ,...tut.l..r IWtl.m.l nnlhn nn. glllO, UIIll W I
The prcbent iluot building, which is u
largo and handsome one, is to bo trans
formed Into a p.insongor doot and used
.... utu.lt UI.lnli ti'litli. it u.ili.inilri lllltlllilllf
unit ' for a fruiuht deiKjt s to lw nrovided. 1 ho
vards urn to lie- extetuled, Ntvoral skij
tracks laid, and tho rouud-houso is to bo
enlarged bv tho addition of ten stalls.
Maehlno b'Iiqim nro to lo built at tho
"tnillun rrlhrrM" Tell th Itf mleri or the
Kant OrrconUn flow Time l'nc In the
With pleasure wo proceed to writo to
you in regard to our times here. Our so
journ so far has been very enjoyable. A
nunilter of young pcoplo uro at present
camping hero, who mako the air ring
with merriment. Every day brings
something new, und our cuuip-llrcs at
night lend additional churms. About
ono hundred people from Pendleton uro
realizing tho superiority of Moachuni us
u summer resort, und uro availing thein
relves of its pleasures. Some liuvo como
with tho exectatlon of staying hero only
a day or two, and havo remained much
longer. In fact, it seems hard for any
ono to get away aftor having once visited
tho place.
Everybody seems happy except a few
natives, who havo to work for a living,
und whoso rest is somewhat disturbed
during tho early part of tho night. Of
course a crowd of young people like ours
could not keon silent under conditions so
fuvorablo to their enjoyment. Last night
ii cotnpuny of us built u largo ramp-llro
and enjoyed It hugely until the train
came. Of course, wo hud to stay up for
tho train, und it happened to iio most
two hours lute. We just made the woods
ring. A number of the party wcro ex
cellent tigers, and of course everybody
was entertained, with tho best We could
give. About ten o'clock we woro as
saulted by soma ono whoso voice came to
us through tho darkness, bidding us to
cciiso our revelry, which almost struck
terror to our hearts. Ho was instantly
relieved from further remarks, for in a
short tlmo such u shout went up from
camp us would drown tho voice of tho
most obstreperous.
In this round of plcasuro, one of our
young men was uuuhlo to participate.
Ho hud been seized with u so vero head
ache, and hud been obliged to rctiro
to his couch early in tho forenoon.
At prcsont, however, ho is enjoying tho
company of u nico young lady, in u quiet
promenade on tho railroad track.
Ah to-day is Sunday, there has been a
lull und all nature seems hushed. We
ull attended Sunday school in a llttlo log
cabin about u mile from camp. Tho
house was of a geiiulno frontier tye. Its
only furniture were a fow benches, suf
ficient perhaps for tho accommodation of
fifteen or twenty young hoicfuls, if they
ucro reul good. Tho iiucrintondont wi
u lady, ami an earnest and devoted Chris
tian. Sho guvu us u nice little seech,
and thanked us very kindly for our pres
ence. Tho weather is delightful.
Huckleberries aro abundant, but wo
uro coniKlled to purchuso them from
squaws. Indian Piiinckss.
U. . 1 ..." ... . .. I 1 l..f.l. .. ..H...mll It. I
kiwi, even, neamiy muikh iowr win oi "i" v v" " VVr ' V ; sldored ono of tho mont -cupalilo men
I'tliat by actual measurement tho vicinity of Mr. J. t . Arnold s re. , , , . . onncc-iall v ill making
wrtoeix inches in length. , donee. Trains uro to stop lor i Inner going W,(U) ne('.0(W;iry.
I "i chili .supports 180 good, both ways. Tho dally train botween Ato,,ot,or jt Wasuu unl'ieky train, urn
wh and l.iriro. round hoiuU." Peud oton und larniington, via ,C enter- ,.,.?, i, with sln.'iilar fa
A WlicOt llrrnkn Xliv 1'nrler or thr 1'nll
until Cut Nhot, unit KriBlnrr t'armin
full- from III Jlnifiun uuil U Killed.
The passengers who arrived from the
East on iast ovenlng'H west-bound train
Kivo u .Wiliurunil thrilling account of a
scries of uccidontH to tho train. Tho llrst
accident occurred on tho other sldo of
Dcnvor. A wheel of ono of tho llrnt-cluBH
coaciios broko, and u pieco of it camo
through tho bottom of tho cur und passed
In closo proximity to tho heads of several
passongers. No one was injured, and the
mutter was soon forgotten for tiio tlmo.
When near Larumlo the jiorter of the
Pullman cur, whoso name cannot bo
learned, went into tho smoking cur, und
while talking to tho "peanut Iwy" u pas
senger of tho emigrant car came in and
began to leproaeh tho porter for having
called him a vile name, which tho potter
denied. The passenger, a young mail,
Ntipjioftcd afterward to bo insane, ut once
drew u revolver und shot tho Krtor und
killed him.
When tho train had reached a
loliit about four miles this sldo
of Huntington, the englncor, Jack
Carson, thought ho heard some un
usual noise beneath tho engine,
and btopiied down ou the outside to sec
what caused it. ino mcuiun saw nun
iiosturo on tho slilool tlio on-
hen ho looked U!:a III ( arson
was gone, but tho tlieman supioscd ho
had gono back to Ids iost. It was soon
discovered thut lie was not there, und
tbu train was stopped und backed up till
Carson was fo.ind liosldo tho track, buy
ing evidently fallen from tho engine. Ho
was still ullvo, but ho was unconscious,
and died soon after, having sustained
! concussion of tho bruin. Carson was
well known on tho road, iinil was con-
1 Wii thiovus. who ununited
r''1 i ni' then nkltiimil wii',.
' he in rhal und an- nun r
vlllu. Woston. Milton. Walla Wullu, Day
I ton and up country (whits, will bo put on
In tho uoxt two weeks und connect with
i tho tr.inseoiitinontul train, both F.ast and
llntrl Arrlvula.
ViiXAim IIolsk J C Wooters,
can iiit ii mi. i i in t t i "w . ii.iaii iiuLBr( u j
'o Hi-no meak ihU-u'u iv "est-bound, ut Pen. 'el0,,-.1lu'i'01 " T i Kells Uroa' Circus. J lwengart, l'.irt
iwn.ii:.. i. . i tnr.i tr tint liiiitilwir of ton will mako tliuir :,. . . i t ii i,..r.. i..ului,,n-
1 i.io mivn w no iipeniii''l . . .i.... land ; I ,i .iiiimiui uim nui ...... . .... ,
switniouser ImviiiK vi- ''"es in 1 'endloton. mid n io rt .fthom . Jolkl ioriland; Fred S D.i-
and intoi viewed the " ahtnidy hero, and tho Indn dls utU xU jA Haskell, San Francisco; Turner
ers, eight or i more, uro to, Ihi moved in ( ,. r , K 11 .Stephens. S M (iur-
l.hat onl ,Chliiainan from. 1 ,n,ttUlhl "n'l takWif"Vi i0i- !vl t la d.dtyj W P Leonard.' San Fnu.ebco;
t ventured i iio tlm t H l'"rtorH In Pendleton. If t ils is what - jj Hakes, Deliver, M Lurkin, Ci.wilon,
-5ittS S ,?1 ..' onlv 0 Times-Mimntalneer styles "simil " 1 , ,'vnrar. K j w,mr
thirty mi- t J 1 n Jh vori,'M I'en.lleton jh.-oP1o uro content ' ' ' F ,, , Hakor vity . Jll0 ( Jar.
. .! . 1 V.-""0,1! with them, and at tho wiuio time ex ond . ... u,illlamH. i)onVcr; J.d.n
. IU1 1 I 1.1,-U I l I
I n....l i. .
auu no wuiten not i n
JmB.,tnjf. bit just got up and
'''BJmeii ne. .1 .ippiy umoiu
1 1 rai-krr creek t iwnK.
'jhina is lining a row whh
iv ,i. mo j-.aslo Hays:
Mates Hut .Milton and
,Lli Hill h.l.l. mnor nillla
m Jl.iM.XC?i(iIIU
'eni , nra... .nut tli..r. 1 ..
2. fLM.-e ' in tuls inuttor.
", pe nllar man, and
i' il.v or not, he is hurdlv
- uai e says."
" & W T. r.llr.,.,1 I!... II
wound to Walla Walla, hat
tho most cordial well wlslies to ino, -j (ir. ,. jcoi1w)ii. Mux
Dalles, the metropolis of tho Inland Liu-1 , - Sa J r.ancUco: T J Whulnr,
pire." May her sha(lows never grow less , ;1(! ij M Slovens, W
while Pendloton grows largerull thotimo. ' jj J; -ortli(mi . A A Stevens, St Paul.
T r'TTTTTl , Bowman Ho bk. H A Jinova, WyoT;
SluiluuS.nl MMnke. I , ,r. , ,. n,....., ( .,... v
From IU Walla Walla Journal. I v mil , ,,,, PoVt 1 a nd : J It Hose. Wullu
A coiinirviiian ionuui
wuison around for several
.Irilinnv keit on vigorom
bell, l oinins awnm i" "'A , 1 Ilv
..... .. ..-.... I . ll... ...... ntri'in 111 liaitml '
pireuin, i iiii'ii'i "t n" j , ,
Wal . i: Mrs il T naKer, I'.iyioii; r
. 10 I wi.im K L H:ilov. P O Wild. Walla
p-ly ringing iiioi, :,..'!, n-n,irm. North Fork: A A
rd and wife, llartinan'H pur; i.oia
him un.l said: 'Mac -ti wli.it uro .you iop
lowing that outlit foe'.' Why don t jon
tell tho man what you want and ho II
dish It out." "Why." said the country-
.i til il.t.i ..n4tt tf iu
i man, innoccnuy, -imi i i ,"; "
sold ut auction ? It's just what I want on
with tho oihciuls I ,y ranch," "Auction" joggled his i corn-
HUM' IV U I iviti nn IVIlV Vfill TU 1IIU UillllVD w.
"' i"i"ti ; ...
i .i Tl.nj Mi at- T n h.
hmuii A'lii nriiuii : i hub i;u ui i
anon; Mary Allen, iiaker City; J W
Salisbury. I'iM H cki Thompson llros,
Drowr.; W DoIIull'. 'iho Dalles; Sam
Wolff, ltedding, Cul; Sain SKncer,
1 "tfic In u year or oti-. h a ever saw I That's the ice cream wagon
vj , reasonable. It Is
ciouiKN Hi i e I T TbruHher,AB .land ;
v.I (iAuthln. LJ Oatithln, California;
ii... Afn.i I'uril.iiid: Jim Stack. Hunt'
The combined harvcotor, tho property
and Invention of C. K. Myers, lately
brought by him from Stockton, Cal.,
for introduction into Eastern Oregon
harvest fields, is now proving a great)
success at J. F. Temple's farm. The1
counter-shaft for tho header attachment
arrived a day or two ago, and tho huge
niuchiuo was at once put ' to work, prov-'
ing, Indeed, a successful labor-saving.
Invention from the very Mart. As farm
ers are all interested in tho machine, a
full roport of its method of operation in 1
tho harvest Held will soon be given in
tue columns ol the Kaht Uukuoniak.
Vlllnril anil thr Orrcmi nillroml.
A Now York dispatch of Saturday
says: rrcsidont Unities l-rancis Ailutns,
of tho Cnion Pacific, was in New York .
last Wednesday. Ho had u short con
ference with Henry Vlllurd about the
leao of the Oregon Railway & Naviga
tion Company, which lias led to many
rumors on Wall street, one of which is
to tho eflcct that tlio Union Pacillu would
recall its notice of withdrawal from the
joint lcaso.
vuiaru said to-uay mat no learned
from AduniB that ho still favors the lease.
Tho Northern Pacific's notice of with
drawal docs not mean that it Is unalter
ably opposed to the joint lcaso. It de
sires eomo modltlcitions of the former
A iricim oi rrcsuicnt Adams said mat
Villard, before ho sailed for Europe, ap
proved of tho building of now branches,
and hud declared that they ought to bo
completed whether tho joint lcaso was
Nrfccteu or not. uno million dollars lias
already been spent and the contracts in
volve ubout f 4.000,000 more.
Villard ban accoptcd tho presidency of
tho Oregon Branch Compa.iy and was
qualiflcd; licforo tho Commissioner of
Oregon to-day.
rinty of Hoodie Yrt.
A dispatch of Saturday says: "Tho
friends of tho protective taritl are receiv
ing a visit from Muhlon Chance, secretary
of tho Now York brunch of tlio American
iirotectivo tariff league, who Is its travel
ing agent in tiio northwest. In
tho course of a conversation,
tbu results of tho Oregon election
wcro referred to. That proved nn inter
esting topic, und from the tenor of
Chunco's remarks, it was apparent thut
tlio protective loaguo had done somo very
effective work in Oregon. It npicured
that tlio league's oxeudituru was in
no w iso stinted, and the organization did
its work just in time to carry
tiio Statu. It is certain, how
over, that the protective leuguo
was by no melius crippled through its
experience in Oregon. The initiation fee
of tlio league is $100, and as u member
ship of over 10,000 is now claimed, it will
readily 1k seen that tho league is not
lacking funds. Putilotlu uutnufucturcrH
uro not disbarred from contributing us
much money as they reo lit. There Is no
f 100 limit in the game.
A flratrrul Suitor.
From tlio Chtrngo Trlliune.
"I inn truly sorry to givo you train,
Mr. Hunklnson," said the young lady,
"but pleaso do not nlltido to tills subject
again. I can nover Iki your wife."
"That is your final answer, Miss
"It Is."
"Nothing can induce you to chungo
your decision?"
"My mind is firmly and unalterably
made np."
"Miss IrenO." said tho young man,
rising und looking about for his hat, "be
foro coining hero tills ovening I mado a
lK!t of fW with Van Perkins that you
would say no to my prn)sal. I have
won. It was taking u risk, but I was
dead broko. Miss Ireno." Jm continued,
his voice quivering with emotion, "you
have saved u ilespuhiiig mail .(row il3
fato of u sulcdo mid won tlio lifelong re
siect ami esteem of a grateful heart.
Good evening."
m:ws iti:mh.
Ovor -1,000 men aro on a striko in Du
luth, und uro idle.
Two teamstors uro retried killed by
tho hostile Apaches.
Tlio Hopublleun Somite Tariff bill will
not lw ready undor a week,
At Stockton, Cal., Saturday, John
Chamhcrliu shot ami killed his wife and
then iiimseif.
The British bark Culrnsnuuo, Capt.
Stevenson, from Portland, Oregon, und
which urrlved at Dublin, August :id, wus
thrown on her h'-ain ends by u hiirrlcauo
on (iood Friday and lost.
A young man named Allen was acci
dentally shut uml killed by Harvoy M.
Iliukley while hunting in Iltimltoldt
coiintv, Doth had taken timber claims
in tlio samo vicinity, and weru fast
Hereafter upis-als from decisions of the
cotiimis.-doncr of tho general land ollico,
under tho timber culture, demit laud,
homestead, pre-emption und mineral
iatid laws, will lw considered and decided
bv First Assistant Secretary Muldmw.
I'xceptlonal cases will 1st submitted to
tho secretary.
Conducted by tho Sintors of St. Francis ,
will leanniH luilltiiH()teiiilici n.Issg. ,
School l
i lunc
1 Ql Ura
Don't Buy any Other
nut imk (or the
I S WAVERLY School Shoos,
K tr
Z 01 .Miulo of Mitlit d-iln Icullicr. unit wliolerut,
FC.lllll ni OIVK Hrlllll ror
Ladios, Misses, Boys & Cirls
The Peoples Warehouse
1 Y.
3 1 VI V 1
v- y
r ia.
Denier In
it shows how all GEN'L MERCHANDISE,
OiirMxItetlio Vlllnnl Home,
Wo are tho sole ngents for tho ulsivq
shiK's, and only store In town whew yoti
can buy them. Thev havo no canal. "'
( , i
Furniture, Carpets and Linoleums,
A Comploto Stock, covering live thousand squiire feet of.
Mooring. '. '
Goods Sold on Easy Payments.
iforbes & "Wheel ei
Association lhillding ......
rendleton, Or..
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Iloyonil oni'illiin, tlioTurlirU ttui Ikmuioii w-lilrli tlm coiiiliiif niinmlmi will ruiiuli t,
mil It ln'houvi'Kiivi ry Ittr.cu who hoiiIiI votn liilttlllKClitly to Inform hlnntlf upon u Mil '
Jcet which no flo'ly ullVclK IiIn tuiiitmrnl welfare.
The Protective Tariff:,
Homier wlmi U uminlly roiiklitcml a nut nlwtnlfAublwt inynf t-iimpreheinlon. It will
si rvii iihh Tiirltr nrliner for Ihu lrnriiern wull iisu (txi.tiook furtho li'iiriuit. .....
Thlx IkiiiH Hhows thn prm tlnil i tti rt or tlir rriHiTllVvyNlciu uiHjn lliecoiimry. i-crinii.
tho HtroimiilviioiiH fi-iiliiniiif IIioImmik U l iIiiii.iiii. Willi U'tl nuai' of l'rf h
lll'llt (.'luVI'lltllll. ., . ., . .. t...,..i.i
Tim iMMitimi or sir. iuhiiiii " i Hi'iny lears in imi!iii- i ihmhi ii, iu .-
upon tlicTarliriiualyi il.crllli'li'Cil ami loiuliMo (iinilli tnrlrmvn ri fiitatliin.
Ti'i tffWM-u. well im Iho sulliiiM C of Ihu l)ok T iiipyi nilinirhlili1, anil I havn m i ii notli
Miri'iuiilliir ftttrt.,v,,i ihi.isiiii: work, of .priliillnrHif Iriuli iimimir the iiwiiilc.
siirpaMiiir HIOU..T t tvj; ll)N si. flKKI.NM'.N. t'o'lioiisti-r (Kin-nil.
1 1 Ih nn iil.li. tiiid loulciil o 1 Iom ot .'J' JtU list )' mimI ili'l'iMoii nf (hit iinityi!llvi tlio
ory. ThiVwork U tl,i
I iiolli-p Hint HilHlHM !. Mi.TiMnc wiTlit niiiililiinillif'loii. '""VJ'' "'.''Vljlu 'l1,
inoittid trulliM, iiimI I wMi Hint tlir riu-umiil iirmiiuciiWiilii.vliliHT'ia .!' Jinjf ''' ''"''".Jl
i viry i-llliii ciilliil iiki.i t.iln yur io ;mv mum Hit Mpiii ofoimiiiliHi ,'.,g".,",,"i, !11V,, 1
niiilliirllt. nilN.JiiHN (,', IUV(,'i;,l'oiiniii.Uii.. i ' l'i'i'loit.
Wo hike iilninni' le r vlu.- HilW woilt our luiirl) liulorstnuv.l, mnj M',''i"i''V,f!,'",!Il
eul lommltU iu ami liil u-ii In rKlmiillrsrll 'inviliiHv'i WlVMlhK.YA1'
hi I I . 111'... Illl JL t III I. I. I ll.l. 1 lf.il.lll . i.l. I III. I in
Ami many others.
The SEMI-WEEKLY EAST 0!!IaN, One Year,
Hook llounil In ('luth in i V.!iit-W. M I 11,1 Oi-iu'iiyLij. I'm V. .!
ItiMik AIoiiii, In (.'liilh, )i'il l'il - '
..1.1 0)
, I 0
I r I .
Iloiikuiniil I'ltKi wull luiiriivil, hi null
Iral lniuilliM), not f.ir from ilm lmnlm.nn
purl nf town. ' '
AImi Iti.tiuirinit on Main kUil.uolne u )iil
liiitilmi, Tnt i roMriy will Iih miiI nl
lowllifiin. Apply ill win'" uj i
FRED GERBER. French Roslaurant,
Jy-Jl 'Jw il.w MMn Kt , I'cadlotoii.
Hurrah (or America!
Hurrah for Pendloton I
Hl'ltltAfl KOH ItlCllAHDHOK'H
Chop House and Lunch Counter
At tllH JX'IKlt.
Iliirriili for Wlilio C.tiboi!
Mculs I'av mill 'iKlit fruit v c lit- ii-
wunl.eiMikHil hy i'iiiiii-icnt wullu k
I'onlHvi'ly no CIiIih-mji Mnjoynl uiK.uMhr
imtiii... .-tn .
i, .i ,1 . " ""l "no
- .IU1L llliir r.m..,n.. i
, - " - .vl..'rtll . I
When tlio countryman
asivV ..r" l."at company
.W. IUl-o tlieir center
.iJeration tho largo yard
ren.!. i auiuu"i oi exien
enU being made."
io cu id riglUin liko aeliitl. u curbing ton ana
n- .but tlioy mado l.lm stand tho ice cream
IV nrm nilllliun & " -
"ifl rciwrtod Icisco; W W Hanna, country illeu Hogcii,
W.NoK- city;' Wm Uunson, Chicago; liter
I'brtland; U F Kelson, J irupper,
j ai aies, i-nj .
Cauyon; Frank Nurner,
w j...in..j. T M Hanson, ban r ran-
I1UIIU Ul'IIUh"! - - ' .
Ti.n ut.tr Ktur nf Hreece.
wrecked near Aaeiatuo iiarwr, nun y-f . n n
Hand. Sixteen Uvea were lout.
'ilil tmttltutloii hi mliintnl In otic of Dm
moklilellKhtfiil anil lumpily locaKnimof liio
Htuic, KiiowIiik how iiiiicIi Inijxi'luiire Imit.
tnchiil to th"i MlrcHnii of n uite for nil urail-
Clliy Of Hill ll". HlH HUtl'M WUHMtUllUf
tlit-Ir iiutron nil Un-insel ve on Ihf If hnvliiK
iri.iiri.il ull iho nn jlreninilmif ii rural home
oVis Pendleton Roller Mills,
tfvrrv riicill v U hrro nironlnl or thoroiulr ' ,,u ' iiuiiui iiniiu
mental, iitiynlcal and moral training. Iliihlin
of onler, Inilunlry ami iKjHteiie. MrektuUI
ounly liicuU-aleil.
I I lie r.uurBiiiuiHi iuuin ......,......-
I lueful and ornuuentul brunali nultuble for
i you nis juuie. jiciiuiii- iii"i
Term tnoderute. AIIIioukU pupil aro ml.
they .lioulJ upply ut Hie LeBlnnlny oHie
Xeyor urttier particular apply ut the Aiaul-
bub 6 J'endltUin, Oregon, I Flohr, tneul ,chop, feed etc, always on band
uiiuv Im ilmv
iCujiuoity fXiburrel pT iliiy )
W S. BYERS & CO i Proprietors.
I Munufucturvr f (jrahum, KrunuUUd ami
kAlr.rl.l nir I'lnii,.
! llighi-Mt 'li I'nrt- l'it for All
Ulnil. a.r llrulii
IViiilti'tiiu, Or-wn.
Established 1057. .
J . C. 0A.RSO3ST,
Muunfai'tiirnr or dim! liimlur In
Slll, loil'H. ttllll, WIlMllMl lV
, I'lfltO ttlllOM II II (I (lltilirrilr
BS iillfllnu Suppllv.
IhtliniitM Mini I'rh-K I.UIh on iipiillwillon.
Diiutiiry urilorH nspenlatiy,
I'i lory uud Sulr.tiKiio, V.'i'lilli r' Mill,
I'OKTfj.VN I) - OIlKlJN.
Jysiiilnw 3iii
Whitman College.
WA 'iV WMiW, W.T,
lull coitmi' foui-c A -o Hc-li-nililo mill
lat-nli folic..
Aruileiulr J)njiai tnient
nr puri'i for nny x'llh'Uri, or idiicIiI.ik or hu.
iiik. H-ii.t-rliir ' iiii rvii.'iry of Mimic. In.
k i ui lion Io AH, I.I'M-.iilon .mil .MimIi-i 11 l. m-
ir uu'. h. KIhvhii iriri-M(ir-Kin) iHiPhorn. W
Miuli-litn. IjiiIIhi.' liiurdoiK hull. VuOiiu
mi ii' hull IhiIiik luillt.
full Tri'lii iiiim h Hi'iliailir a, ifH
U'rlln lor (.'iitliliicuii In a. I. AN' Kit-
W"N. I'h, li l'i.lit-iit, 101 KhhI Mu'i Ht
WllllW WullU, W.'l J JUtUMTllIt
:oimHlrit, npiwltu J, II. Hhoemukcr'.