East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 02, 1888, Image 3

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    5t aMYQWva
,n.V. AUGUST?. 1030.
I. fkQtfia.
,)ffPni ,.,. Inn
flf."' !rt ami In tl'C Al"l'
hWl 1U I til lit I 1111 II 111 II
-.tflil llliwit ."." . ...lit I..
i a; no win iu
llom .lYonlf "f lViKllelon, aim
m y".r i Portland. Ho will
lt ''' .' . m J MTVlCO III lll
ntlef "K
t .i rec dent renuiuioii
.ndrtiglti"inuHH fomilooii
ierm!. rur ;irm-iu.D,
..it tl, o dlltltlVO oi rinmiui
'"'i-..ifl nf t ho noor iioiiHC,
.J.,.il i'a .IDOT,
t.ri .mi tin! iiiomiim n
L. Ik. 0 llUl.cniniH
(in ht ram.u, '"-'
of inlcrertin eoininunica-
V I ..I In.,t,ll llllll
00 111'
.- l I
lncr.m.lc(l out to.., and
dive low i"uhh";,j i
Rnticri? lm" received IiIh
-' many lieiiil will bo
..IM tinmioltoh.
u H. llciuleridiott, tlio far
njmtncr Uynftlio Kiiimalmti-
jn uihii '
(ffwcnl roMucntu.
tii.ui In town who can
. tt.. 1. . ji. f liifliiMI IV mill
Kverv little help, uci no
ktlie'1'.iHy- lt'H publication
n hell's tlio town.
tOcti!'iNis' will to-day favor
t n M:i;i IK I nut" ui nutin.
JmliUNWiigcr train roMci-1 weather ihohIIoii. IIic wu
. . m. Hum. "Ac-1 i.rcMJiit wrltlnir In all that
'i'viM.' - I i :. i i . . .i.i.i
M.MniiliiiH4." lurru iur i-tiiiuoii miii ni-nuiii
M'1M -
jnn. wlionovor tlioy arc cnH-
.. i.H,d j.i'iiffiiilluiafiii l'lin-
'iewalk'i.'oro jwtierully mtu'c
..... ilu f irt hv very nun-
(wwliiiK from utiiluriuMlli.
ererv riMilor of tlio Dally and
Ur fcisT Oiir.nosiAN to on
Aure ono or morn campaign
, to it. fr'ctnl-N oi'kly, to No
ISM, 7 if nt ; iwtiy, i.m.
it .......it... I it. tt fnlli
ihli mornliiK for Klparla, to
, nlliuul oxtciiHlon. A larao
, nmt I) cniiiloycd tl,oro at
in from tlio niiiuuorH tnai
through rondloton.
uvcn', tlio 0. It. k N. Co.'h
lih, cauio down on tho went-
.im ji-Hiortiay ovimiiiik aim
William Cavcndor has returned from a
trip of I'ldiHuro and exploration in tho
Catnas i)ralrlo,.Iohn Day and LongCrcck
countricH, golnt,' a far as Canyon City,
llocontlmm tho report that everything
Is prosperous in stock and agricultural
pursuits on Camas pralrlo, hut on leaving
this suction and procccdlti); on his Jotir
noy, tho prospect gradually (row worse.
Tho John Day and Long Creek countries
aru patched and dry, and overrun by
bands of sheen, making the outlook very
unfavorable for settlers. Work is pro
g.csslng on tho Long Creek road.
1). W. Sopsr, tho vclorlnary surgeon
who was so badly Injuiod by a hoio in
I'ondleton recently, Is ddlng as well as
could bo expected, and has probably sus
tained no lasting injury. Sopor appears
to 1)0 a gentlumauly (tort of a follow, but
is now wltho'il money or friends, lie
tells tho story that ho was once moder
ately wealthy, but was tobbed of all he
possessed in California some tlmo ago.
IIo is attended by Dr. Vincent.
It was mentioned in this paper a short
timo ago that there might bo danger
from a typhoid fover epidemic In Pen
illoton. Upon investigation it was found
to bo tho f ilscst kind of an alarm. There
Is now only ono case In l'cndlctou.and no
probability of any moio, while tho gene
ral health of tho community is remarka
bly good, that of children esjieclally so.
rondlolon Is a vciy healthy town, all re
ports to tho-contrary notwithstanding.
D. D. Harp was in town yesterday
from Weston. IIo roportH that plaro as
enlivening Itself a little over futuro proe
pects of splendid crops in Its tributary
farming country. The flouring mill there
will Koon bo ready for ojieratlon. Tho
very best Improved roller machinery has
boon procured.
A ball gamo was played yesterday
afternoon between Sells l!ros.' advance
guatd and a nine gathered from all
sources, prominent members of tho Stars
refusing to play for fun, after tho back
down of tho circus men. Tho score stood
live to four In six Innings in favor of
I'eoplo who havo gone to tho moun
tains have now no meat advantage over
those who remained at homo on tho
weather at tho
could bo do-
A drill of tho "Clippers" took iilaoo
last evening, on Webb stroot. They
made splendid timo with their heavy cart,
wound full of hose, anil gave full evidence
of futuro superiority in running, t,o bo
attained by steady piaellco
J. A. Dupuls, carpenter and builder,
has an advertisement under "Now To
day." 3Ir. Dnpiits has lately completed
Dr. .1. .M. I'ruutt'H handsome hoiiho In
tho lower end of town which is a proof
of his ability to do good work.
I. N. Maxwell, a well-known lawyer of
LuwIhIoii, Idaho, Is in town, awaiting tho
anlval of his wlfo, who is visiting In Sa
lem. Mr. Maxwell arrived from Tonnes-.-co
last night, where ho had been on a
business trip.
Conrad Klam has giowlng In his gar
i . . . . i .. .1 1 i .......
toto'ti'fdutvon tlio U':r.) "ens in ino upiHireua m ihh niiiiu y.v
retort ei'li'mlld llshlng and ' nourishing stalks of tobacco. J r. Klam
trn-iaaklna in the mountains. thinks tho weed will glow in this conn
. irNo,2of.Sellsnros.'com-.!r' 1,1 u ,,0,lt to 11,0 ull"'v,or
ili'.rti. IVnuiMmf itrt uVtil'lilHtlnL!
. 1 il... If 1.....
rjii'irmu uiuiiu uiu iiiiu. nun
tliM with il iuv )iir of tnu'ltH.
" . I . r . -Ill - . 1 .
II. t A l-
jmu iviu eion. now uiai ii
irn, w. i., tlio town lately
I .i ii . . I .
ne U' Uvoialily impressed, ho
IIjIT kffllilitili it lirnitoti uIaw tit
enurocirctiH, conHiHUni; 01
i mii ii:ittiu. win linuy riiriiiini
iculnlght to-ntglit en route for
mvU who would liko to 'Veo
Ill fUl hi 4 tiitifnwtv tutvnil nik 111
yicnua)rt- unpriHoninoiu iy
P. we,o put to work to-uuy
VllM nn-it 41. a I. - fli.Kn.
kvui uiu 14 in 1
"iS. in r-il tiK iwilM Ana f.n.
W.wethiH inado to earn their
wvices are proving of some
"try and (ioomo
, ntir III IUWI1
Mr. Aim Foster of Lander, Wyoming,
brothor-ln-law of Mr. Chris, ltanloy. Is
In town visiting Mr. anil Mis. ltanloy.
Mr. Foster Js well pleased with Pendle
ton and may Imjcoiiio a iionnanent resi
. 1- f il.- f..I1 1
riM, leading from tho main vo uK every nauuroiiuu irauvuim
tie cumily warehouse. Theso SomMNeokly Last Oiikoo.sian to en
deavor lo secure ono or morn campaign
HiibscrlboiH to It. Semi-Weekly, to No
vomlwr 10, 1888, 7.") conts: Daily fl.23.
At a mcotlon last evening of Protection
Company No. 1, live now members woro
admitted Into tho company, and C. Chap
man was elected second assistant fore
man, to till a vacancy a good choice.
Johnnlo, tho nlno-yoar-old son of
lloorgo Peoulor, who has been at school
In Albany for some tlmo past, came homo
last week, making tho tiip alone.
Tho suporinlendont requests all water
consumers to stop into his ollico and pay
their duoij, tho tlmo for such proceeding
having again arrlwd.
Friends of Mrs. Hagan will bo very
sorry to hear that thoro is no decided
improvement in hor condition.
Mrs. H. V. Sl.oemakor has a nlco fur
nUhcd room o lent at her resldenca on
Thompson sheet.
Mr. W. C. Allawuy and family will
loavo this ovonlng for their now homo at
Tho Dalles.
For good jiasturago apply to G. W.
Frantz, at Ills ranch ono mile- below
Tho Itluu Front is tho place to get all
kinds- of fruit, both domestic and for-
364 ,,ir EMU ulimvo.l nt tint nlim.
me ii sK.'clmeus of g,ild Ulchardson has 0110 of his charactorls-
rtlie Milium l.nu'u,i l).v.,,l,i. , 11 1 , t.,. a uiwl.tr " VW TiwI.LV."
... ....vti ' mi , C 1 iv 1 ttt-i ti .i...v. - . -
' Sad North I'nrV- Knmit nf I ... ... ...i.i.. vl. 11111
, v. ... . . : i u. v. iianna h rcrniuiuu uu
. av;,xv' s,s' hiv. I - ymv:T n?, !";::r , 0 "
A Vvw Trultiful ItcinarkH Which My
IToviiof Inlcir.tto IliikrrClty Hpmlcrit.
Maker City iooplo must lw either
Jealous of tho growth and Importanco of
Pendleton, or else are at a loss to till
their columns with news, and aro there
foro compelled to draw on their imagin
ation. Kvory now and then, and sooften
that it is getting monotonous, an item,
harmful and derogatory to Pendleton,
creeps into the column of tho llaker
City papers. Now it is that Pendleton Is
dull, and Us binlness men discouraged,
these papers probably judging Pendleton
by llaker City. Lately it was a hypocrit
ical littlo pull' of Pendleton as tlio "see
on. I city" of Kastem Oregon, Paker Cltv,
of course, being styled far In the leail.
Hut tho last, which in all recpocts "takes
tho bun," is a little item of sympathy
and condolence In tho Itevcllle, which
says that Pendleton people aro "greatly
exercised" over the expense of operating
their syMein of water works, and a lack
of a sulneient supply of water. It says
that when "tiaker City gets her water
works there will bo no expense of oper
ating them." Down at tho bottom is the
following bit of sarcastic sympathy:
"Pendleton Is out of luck with every
thing except baseball. Poor Pendleton!"
It might Ikj said for the cdlllcation of
these paicrs that no comparison with
llaker City will place Pendleton In an
unfavorable light. In tho matter of Im
provements of ovcrv character It Is far
suiKrior. llaker City hasn't a business
brick that would make a decent out
house in Pendleton, as any impartial
judge will admit. In the matter of now
buildings and new enterprises of charac
ter, llaker Clt v is not (uiullllcd to hold a
candle to light Pendleton on its path of
progress. In tho matter of advantages
and resources of every description Pen
dleton Is In tlio lead; and as to the char
actor, enterprise and good sitlrit of Us
citizens, a comparison of Pendleton with
linker City would bo n disgrace to the
former. Tlio foregoing rein.it ks are pro
voked by tho eternal nelting of Pendle
ton by tho littlo insinuating Items in
llaker City papers. Tho Fast Oiiiuion
ias has icached the point where forbear
ance has ceased to bo a virtue, and hence
has treated its llaker Cltv contemporaries
to tho foregoing truthful sermon. Ict
them profit thereby.
Siimi'thlni; Almtit tlio OrrKiin llnllillni;
I. nun umicliitliiii i.f I'riiillclou.
Tho first meeting of tho Oicgou Imlld
Ing it Loan Association occurred last
evening. The ilrst payment of ijoOO on
tlio Mi) sialics oi ino iihsociaiion was soon
loaned to aineinberof lliuussoclatlon,who
hid llfty-ono months Interest for tho use
of tho money. Hereafter, every month
tho directors will meet ami loan this reg
ular payment of $.'00 to tho bidder who
bids tho loiiL'LMt time, adding tho interest
for that length of tlmo to tho face of the
nolo. All tho shares for tho Hist series
of this association have been subhcribed,
and the Ilrst month's payment made. Hy
entering this association in any future
seiles, it will lie tho best kind of a sav
ings bank for -my laboring man, for tho
amount put away is not only saved, but
compound iuteicst is drawn thereon, and
the accumulation of principal and Interest
Is almost boyond tho jiossibllily of com
putation. It is mi organization which
cannot but result in ltonulU to any town
and its inhabitants, if any member
w ishes to borrow money to build for lilin
solf a homo, ho can obtain it on easy
tonus from tho association. It Is mutu
ally advantageous both for tho borrower
anil tho lender. Organizations of this
character have mot with success in every
place in which thov were started, and
never failed to result In Itenelll. Tho ono
in Portland Is now entering upon Its
twelfth scries, while that of La Grande is
well stalled upon Its lourlli, mil hi
Walla'H association is also prosjiering.
They havo every whore met with suceos,
ami tlio ono in roiuucion win no no ox
AN KIUTOU'K i:l'i:itll'.NCI.
on ,
Aim. fihr b. ltanloy is convalescing
from a sovero sjiell of sickness.
Mrs. Smith and daughter havo returned
from their visit to llaker City.
drapes at tho Uluo Front.
1 M now urrlvlnn f,ii- )
.... 1'i.imuin ui wii
irsi n, , .1 i . .
tim mil nnrw ni-i in i i.iwi
'OCT-iV, kidos IjolllL' fllllllll 111- i
-1 w lllliliuiliv KllMiriPIlI i'nii ,
8nml n ' 1 . . . '
I. . . 1Jt:uinr'iives tn.it now .
oe oi larirercanaciiv i t.i.. ... ... nr.e.iiiorii Mounmiu .uu.
mill It lle'ull.
II. L. Mam-
-itii on ti,o latest and moil
"r.7. Cillttf nf tlm 1n...1ln.r.M
Wment will present tho fact to
'U1S I'VPniri'. in l.ia cnml.
W tlu, ,t would k) wiso 1K)1
P Insimt and
ton have just returned from a visit to tho
Ureonhorn mountain mines In which
thoy aro Intorested, bringing wiin uioui
u.,...,.inu nf ntp. Thev ronort tho
?hu,.1.'' llf ("0,,on 1'oso for I Prido of Pendleton mino is now in courso
110 hire l)tl Llrtmn... tl.lu .,-!. .. ul...f. (iriv f.wt. lll'ntl
i iita. i 'I V " . oi ueveiopjiioiu, n y - ,; r
'aHter. Ills! us .lnr-.l.ln , . ' 1. !..,. 11,,. l,ili.t. wllll'll
.. '"ivii.no iiiun rutiixir lunfi. . i ............ L-,, 1,1,. wi. iiro:i:iiuv uiu uwk-i
inucni can pmv ..,,,.(.. nia. i- .... .i:,ul in lirpiron.
Ul-vi....T i .....r.., umj Ujji OOtiy Ol llllll"'' ll.rt.Jv.. ... .-.-n
""K-eable hose, and more is 1 1,. order to doflnUelv ascertain tho valtio
of ore from this initio, a half cirloail w II
"wninz. as Kult.i.1.,,. i.. . i. 1.....1...1 i.v loima to tho nearest
Hm..i . . :o r- . . .. i...i.ft...-
WiiVr. , r' 10 nj.1klng.11p tho ' shipping oliit togeuior wmi u '""
.wi t.ala. a iveeulhir i-'i.l.tnt in.,.i'frnT,i tho llulla o inlno.ownecl by. .
T o eilMro front u-n nnllo.l m l!.vt.rln nml o.hor l'enuieion lianius,
" W the fiPi..!, ...1 i...i,t 10ni in llonver for reduc-
lr..ij 1 -. 1 'B...v. ...v ,..w .l..i.,
i.hw 1 , .rucic, causing it to tlon. An assay is uncertain m uci. -
Poand with a crash. Further lug the real value of (piartz, but by reduc-
li . wa,9 done. l,,,t tion in largo iiuantiiies Its rienness, ii .
1 tv. wwu on its ciestlna-1 nossessea any. is proven uuj""u "
- BiMrrpil nn i.a ,
wool 1 rs. ,UUH fallen to
largo qua
AU 11 fl v Id
lteturns from tho samplea of ore sent to
Portland for assay soma nine uku u .
Marston liave not yet been received.
Hun rnmrUco llurliiB th Twirhor' Con
v.i.lmi. u Kwi'tt liv .Mr. I!ililv.
J. It. Hddy, editor of tho Trlhiino. has
lust rotiitnetl from u two weeks' visit lo
(irass Valley, California, taking in San
I' ruucisco in uiu 1 ouiMj . .nn uai-iiiphjii.
lie roiKirts that tho teachers' convention
at the metropolis of tho Pacific coast has
just concluded. Its delegates wore re
ceived with ocn-uriiicd hospitality by
tho liberal-hearted citiiens of San Fran
eisco treated tomagnlllcent free dinners,
picnics and pleasure excursions of every
character. lesides gathering valuable
fruit from tho tree of knowledge. Mr.
Kddy ran across all tho delegates from
Pendleton who attended tho convention,
who aver that thoy huvo l)con treated
like iiueens and havo enjoyed themselves
Immensely. Suuimoiis of the school
teachers fr.m every State in tho unluii
wore also wen by Mr. Kddy in Ids i ravel
along tho streets of San Francisco, all of
them wearing ludges, Indicating umong
other things, tho Stnto which thoy .epro
sontcd. Tho yf .ng ladles who repn;;
sonti'd Pendleton in thu convention will
probably tako a pleasure excursion on
the .Sound U-foie their return hotno.prol)
al.1v Intending u. v ijoy to tho utmost
their respite from duty whilo tho opjr
tnnity is at hand.
Tho Collwx t'lul. Uh to Hjr rrlendly
Khililtlt'ii liit.na will, the St..
The following letter has beon received
t this otlico, which-"Ijl"'"" JJ f Ms
Coi-kax, W. T July JO, 1888.
a'Asir'.-Oiir W.il nlno Is anxious to
meet vour club in un exhibition game,
and if you can give in a ilato, please
make us u proiwitioii ai U exnscs or
Zroof gate !eceips. We cannot como
than Aug. si 10, as wo have to
await the completion of tho 1 UpuiU
bunch'so that we can then como straight
throusli. A Sunday gamo would be
Srre I. In regard to tho Inancljil
.art of your profit ion, you can lake .Into
consideration a return gamo in October,
ing our iair n,
rpancctfully. HlClUBU T, COX,
respecuunj, IJageban clubi
He I'lauillily Clulins tluit ho U tho Victim I
of ii Onimplrnoy. I
rrom tli l'oillaiul .N. w.
The doveloiiiiiitnl of thn Movorul lihiiNeM
of this ease reveals a deep-laid plan to
besmlich tlio reputation of tho proprietor
and to Injure tho Dullness of this journal.
Indeed one of tho tiugleaders in tlio des
picable job openly boasted yesterday
that thev would soon down tho 'lho News
and its propilctor, but thoy have under
taken a bigger contract than they thought
for. The isows is llko the traditional cat,
it has nine lives, and Is ready to lose
eight of the nine In denouncing' murder
ers, notoilous aboitionhts mid sworn
olllcers of th" law, who refuse to arrest or
even to invcrtigato a minder, and this
oven when tho bleeding victim of inal
practice is found dead hi a socalled phy-'
slclan's ollico.
To show thu animus of thu attack It Is ,
only necessary to state that Tho News
dining thu time Joseph Simon and II. K. 1
Mctilnn were running fur ollico told tlio
public that it thought these men wore'
unlit to hold public ollico. This opinion
it still holds, though it inclined their '
bitterest hatred. J. no charge cl urlliery
investigated by the United States eraud
jury against McUInn, and his action hi
the hciincner case contirms thu view
taken of MeOluii. Tho police slatted to
investigate the Sehnollcr mystery, and
wore told to ipilt. Who told them to
ipiltV Tho linger of suspicion oltits to
but one man. Woleaoitto the reador
to guess who that man Is and In ninety
nine ca-cs out of ono bundled it's un
even thing that thoy will not miss the
right man.
ino reader win remoinucr ino .uorioun
murder, when a noor Frenchwoman was
hacked to death bv a cruel murderer.
Thu police la'gun to Investigate but they
were called oil. niiy and ny whom
were thoy told to stop.
Tho News Diluted an article which it
still believes is true about tho murder of
loor Murv Schncller, and an attempt was
made to '"'call It oil'."
Tho Ilrst attempt was made hy L.
Ilhimuuer. husband of tho woman hi
wIiiimii ntlli'it the bleedlni! cornsu of the
slaughtered gill was found, who took a
cjpy of tho Portland Dally Nous and
went around among Its advertisers and
endeavored to havo them boycott Tlio
News liccatiho It had tlaied to do Its duty
I o ward the public. Thu second attempt
is that made to connect Thu News ami
Its proprietor with tho recent alleged at
tempt at niacuiuaii on .ur. r. .m.
(iteat Heavens, has the corrupt ring
such power over our courts and people
that inuiders moxl loin uiiiuoi no de
nounced hv thu nubile nress? lias
ciiino obtained such a foothold In this
community that ho w ho sxaks of It must
do so wit f bated breath for fear that the
sworn olllcciri of the law may hear him
and punish him for his temerity? Such
seems to ho tho case, as tho plot which Is
now being carried nn by Nat I., llaker,
Harvey Scott, 11. Ii. .Mctilnn, nr. r. M.
Mm rav and L. llhimaucr would t-eciu to
iudicat'u. It Is Indeed a fearful condition
of ullalrrt in tho proud metropolis of tho
Pacilie ?tortliwost.
All havo a giiovuuco against tho News,
II. W. Scott, because this paiier is paying
and growing In business and circulation ;
Nat llaker. because hu was incompetent
to hold a situation on a lespectablo pa
iier, and Imjchuso ho is paid to do dirty
work, Shiu.li and Mctiinn, because their
actions were given too much publicity;
and .Mrs. Dr. Muiray and her husband,
because of tho Sehnollcr aHair.
The iiuestiou was often nsked yester
day as to who was pa In ; "at L. llaker
to get out an e .tra'i "'Jo of thu tilthy
sheet, which 1 has tho hardihood to
claim to ho i ullor ami propueior oi.
l'roliaps he was paid In advance hy II.
svott. lii,iitlniv liml a If mi' Interview
in Scott's ollico a few nights since; or
nerhans tho notorious Airs. Dr. I . M.
AIuiraFpald him for hlsdhty work. Per
haps lrs. .Murray, .Mr. Nat L. llaker
and Mr. II. W. Scott have concluded to
go Into business together.
F. J. Donaldson & Co.
Wo irry tho lri;r.t Hnkorlinetit of
Watches, Clocks,
Jowolry of Evory Description
KveiythltiK warriir.trd In ho n to prison t "it.
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Hurruh for America!
Hurrah fur Pondlolon!
House and Lunch Counter
the llaimt.
Iliirriili for H Mw l.nlM.r!
Mi'.iIm Day nml N'ulit from I'lvn cent ni
wuii. r kfy coinp-icnt white cih.Hn.
I'lUiuvt'lf in. i' i 'iuiloyt'J utiOiilllm
mi? Itn iliw
1 A, I.fl'UIS. t'Alti'KNTKK AND
.1 . Ilnlliltr. l,iHvd orilei ut riklilnir',
onirrl oiirt ami Tliompoii Mirem, iv lime.
tun. Country order mllclica nun pronipiiy
ultPiuleil in.
Dealer in Pinejnd Fir Wood.
Wilt deliver wood lo uny iart of town In
four.f,ot IphkIIih at l.'0 a rord, m.d (3 cord
for n wed wihkI.
Ij iivnnrilimat lho Ori L-on Keeil Yurd, oil
Joliiimn Btrcet. JyllUwm
Castor, Lard, Block and Golden Machine Oils,
A.t JBottom Prices.
owWo mm ran toe the nunllty of our rirkW to hu ui rcprvn?iiUsl, ill iirlecu thnlitrfy com
pi'tlliun. F. J, DONALDSON & CO.
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Ilfvonil illicit Ion. the TiirlfTIs Hip Inminoii wldrli thn rninlne iiiiiinilitii will ho fiitnrht
nml It holioovin uvrry ltlr.eu who hoiiIiI viiIk Inti lHucntly lo Itifurin liiliiM lf tipiin u Hid.
Jcct whlili.M. closely iiIU.-cIx.IiIk temporal wclfnir.
The Protective Tariff.
Itt'inti'i-H Wluil l llntliillv I'liliktiliTi'il il moil lllilll!( kllli ret vl'- nf , .lillili Ih iikIiiii. II M III
n'rve mi ii Tnrlir primer fur tin1 learner a well ns a text il: ir I lie ! iiined.
I IMS IHHIK MIOWK llll llllll'lll'lll IIIITI III llll' I llllrl HVr .VII'lll llllllll I III' I'OII llir). I'lTlllip
thn Micul i'iiiimiIl'IIoiih fi'iilmoof Hu- lunik Ik IIn exiirl nil jiin.i'iit with the iiii'Miiuk of I'ri n I-
dent ;iuvi'liiml.
Tin' Mwition or Mr, llliiliiKN "Twenty vuirN in I n-nn-.s" in ini.rn up, iuh iiKM ttintiH
lip'iii lliiTiii'lll'amdyxeil,erltleheitiini luiiile In furnhili llielrown r fiiliitlnu.
Tho form an well in thn Hiil.itiuien of the honk N uiiol nitmlr ihle, nml I hnvn .ecu nolli
I tit; Mirimndiii; It forinu In IhcKniii wink of Hpieiiitliii; Mm truth nmoMir the people.
' DON M. Ull'KI.Nso.N, I'lKlmiiHler (ii rnl.
It U llll ahln nml logical e.npoiltlon of thn Injltlen nod ilePllnii.H of the lirolerllvn lho
ory. Thn work U '.liiicly.iiiul a very valuiihlucontrlhiilloii mi the llternliiini.l t it 1 1 1 1' leform
It W. TOVNHi:.M)..M. C
I uoller Unit Ihlt iHMik In teeelvlm; (.'rent ommcnihilloli. II IkiIIoiiiimI upon fiimlii
liieiitiil IrilthK, nml I with thill thn fnetH unit urfUiiielilH miiy he In IIn IminU nml iiiIiiiIh i.
vcry vllUcii enlli'il upon thlx yenr lo votu upon Ihn ur id ei'ominileiu ctietl.iiix of Ntirpl it
anil t it t III'. im:N. JOHN C. lll.Al'IC, CouimlNKlonerof IViikIoii.
Wn Inlie pleiimire ll clvlmt IIiIk worl; our hcnrly liidoiemi'i, nml ttromuienil thiil lo
on I eommltti in nml eliihi iiohIhI In extemlltiK Itn elreiihillon nmotiir the voIitn of IlllnnU.
Ami miiny olhcrn.
Hook I ton ml III Cloth mid Semi-Weekly Ifcnd Ori-unnlnn One Venr
Hook Alone, In Cloth, pout pn'il...
..w no
,. I II
I'endlf ton, Oregon.
Now and Soconci-Huncl Furnlturo, S'dvos, Bedding, and
Conor.il HouBohold Goods,
ORO(!Ki;!tY. liLASKWAItM, Klf.
Goods sold
Main Strict,
on tho Installment F ion, on Enoy Terms.
A W. WO 1.1. u :av
I'vH'llttim, 'h'ffHH.
wM.GARDraco., i Q-raui Bags.
Sanitary and hpQ Engineois. j bnt-
MunuMetarer, j TW j N "IflS
Steam and Hot Water iun ui.hn, -ivm. r...x., i:t
Heating Apparatus, I
Printed Flour Bags
I',. J. Morton, iTuprieiur.
Main nml Itullroud Kii., rondlelon, Oregon, j
Flrt-claiei In every respect. Nfr the de.
pot und lin every conveiilence. 1 crm flu'
Uny, iiiii.
At my ranch, one mile hejow town, 1 have
excellent pawr in iw
growth of wheat,
au2 3w
fliur,r.. rakoriblile.
O. W, I'll A NT.
H)retncallomi unit oitlmutiiN fnriilahed for
houlliiK hulldlnwi In any section of tho coun
try. Cowiipiiiidciice fcoliclteit.
Portland, Orofjon. jms
Wasco Independent Academy.
Tho Dalles, Oregon.
Hpeelul prepnrutlnn for I nlverMltles In Ori
son or Windilimlnu, for I'nlvemlty of Cat
Iforuhi, llurvurd, YmIc und ollii rn.or
for li'lllli-. HtlliletilH not HeeklllK ,
i fOIUKIiilu I'liueiilloli muy Krail-
I nuto here In
Classical, Scicntilie or Nonmil
i COUltHK". '
Kent limtruutlon In KliM'Utlou, Mn.lc mid
Art. (J'Mid dlkclpllnn und kixmI inoriil tone,
Kull eoulpmeiiU, Write for riituloxiie to
It. II. Wll.l.lH. . !.,
J)UiUwltn I'rliiclpid,
A SHH:lult,V.
f!7 front 4t.
, ,l)tlW It
IMltTl.ll, Oil.
Tlie Truck Mauler Garden and Gymnasium Hall. HARRISON & MORTON
The Transfer Man, !
iabi oittoyuv joi sxrimiiiT i th
large. t and bealequlpped In IheloUou
Empire, Kutern prtcea.
B. O Vub. Co., Pendleton. O'tgon
Jlarvruu A Hlue, fropx.
Main Htreel Near I'ontolllcc
i Howling Al'ey und Oyinmuliiiii IUk.iii In
rmnnectlon. Jut the plueoto apenil un hour
tn exercl. Ing your luutclu mid utreiiKtheuluK
I your frame. A cordlul liivllntlon to ull,
I Uumbrlnui tevr6c. ukIu. Jyl '
CwlUol tlw (all In l (Oil. '.uIki. of UAh
Ui.r'ol Hindu lt,r,. Hint t,h unii(i.uilii,.
.III. Aw.( lb. Milton wl.l UI i, .1.. it .1 h.n.
lrr.Lk.uill.,. ItoUy Inc.l,. I till), t-ii
' t" UM.il., MrKi.Ur cl Olio, i II, c ll. Tn.llT,
Ht.fr Cta. Lcdif, b'l AUUlU, el Mk.ftci ft Ilk. .'IMS,.
lkiNil.M,f.cm. lk'.UL.,.'uf.li.ruJf, IHv
tftM. ftlWiru tar ll (if)yh. cli.tcr.. bnd M
miiUk iikIhui1i Uik. llMtlathea.ld or
Vltu.' I'll Mnk.Un 4 fccLI T.imt ...I (,c la ill.