East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 02, 1888, Image 2

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    TIU'K.SIMY, AUGUST, 1888.
daily and hkmi-wkkkly,
i:ut OrrKoiilmi I'iiIiIIhIiIiik ,'oiiipiny,
iiaii.v huiisciiiitio.v uatkm:
Ono copy per year, ly mull
Onu copy hIx month, hy mull
One ropy pur week, liy carrier.
Hlniflo number
ADVi;iiriilMi IIATKSi
(Dltlitii) Atl'rrtttrtnriiti.)
Oiih Ineh, or leu, lii Hcml-Weekly
Onn Ini'li, ir lem, In Dully jut month,
.... ffl '
.... a rn
.... is I
.... "
Tun InelieH. or li'ip. Ill both, pit month.,
Overthreuliichcisrieml-Wcekly, pel
..82 10
1 vi
it Inch
per iiionth I
Over three llicli, Dully, per Inch per
miinth I 1
Ovit llin ii ini'hcH, In hoth, per Iiil'Ii ih.t
iiiontli I "
One copy per year.....
Onn copy -Is month
Hlnttlu number
sldcrablo portion of Democratic wool-lily and thoroughly there Is no doubt of I Ti'pivapiii'JiV lnil?rMIiMnMt?', op'poilto
iMimnru ri'tiudlutn tliil ticket. iNUWork tin! Ikhiic. ....... ...ii. i...,,,iipiiiti.- I'mnltelnn beer on
is liable to o Republican by u largo ma-'. dmuitlu. w'lne. liquor nml oIm. of the
' li.rllf. A L'ood mime of tlimu! men li.ivn Mnnihiv I liizllv scribbled fllO fore-1 l" brand-, n Uc.
i .....r in.. I..7fi.t ulnw.ti n.K.li ti-lit..! v(a1.I .... ttf.ln'v.iulf.rrliiv fll tlln tnltn
I, I I'll I lull i" j n.t. . i,.vi , , i a,,.,, j 1V.1U ,.1111,5 ii 1111.7111 ii'-m v.... ...
about live iwiwlrf of uwl apiece, and moved westward, and u I bud llntohed r1
I..... until. till itlti.ln tt Lillnfn t,.tt tt-li,.t Id ilMni .tltMl'tt T lfWtLm1 111 1 t If ml I
' IIH ill 411.11111 iiiu'iu iv ir,i iu vi iiuiv n iittiy in liiuicii "' " -
'starvation awaits llictn If wool In im on ! it sight that, notwltli-!im(llii my rcnotvo
tho free lint. No niun can judge of tlio to attempt no "(lccrtptions," was ho en
; sb.o of this defection in a .State that easts tortaltiing to tbo vNlon, that I will draw
' a million mid a (piatter votes. But I , u brief pencil sketch ot It.
think bv flection tlino. if L'ood iniMHiriiinrv 1 Tim train was Passing soutliwesteilv
1 work Is doncuiiiongthesodark. benighted iust ttiong hero mom South than West
souls, thut It will not bo so very largo, along the Ycllmvstono alley, between ,
Then the capitalists, who liavo waxed fat Hillings and I'orsytho. The river llowed y
out. oi nig uiuniiiuciuring enterprises in uiong in an opi-wiie uirecuuii on uur
Now York, New. lersoy and Connecticut, right, and not far distant; the several
mo combining against the Democratic miles' breadth of valley lay beyond. So
far, so Mill, was inonxpanso, that, looking
towutd the Kiiiillulit tliroiili the treivlopM
iMitderitn; the Yellowntono, there wiw no
horizon vlidble only river, treeH, plain,
fky and cloudx. 'I bin wum to tho ilcht,
where (lie nun lay Just above tholnvlxible
li'iiinu'ri edo. I cay "Invisible." Iw
cau-e In the Hood of liijht yet a lltfht
mellow Mlbur than blight all Ketncd
one nllhtly Inclined plane. Farther to
tho left, up the river, between the dim
line of lilull, the dlMtance in the nioro
ticket ; and they liavo mcatm of extend
inn their iullucnco throughout all thoso
'J. On thuotherhandtberuiirecouxlder
able framentH of vnrioim claiceH In tlio.o
StatoH who will iiiinti tho other way.
I Ono of thi'fo in what the Tribune denom
inated and wuh evidently Horry for it af
terward "Sunday M'llOol polltiilatiH."
Tliey ulll nuiiiLer many liundrcdri, pi-r-luitM
thouHanilM. 'I hey object to tho ite
puiillean platform on one or both of two
Krooiidx; ItH IiIkIi tarill, and itn proiohed
free wlilHkev. Jlie.e men ireeiy conieHrt
,.fj t
.. i v
.. or,
l'rvtnliim piipiT free to yearly Htiu Iheri.
Kolhl nonpiiri'lt uilvvrtlxuiuiiutii In Hcml-Wi-'kly
or Dully, llml IiimtIIoh, per Inch,
II.UU; each HiiliHciiicnt IiixtIIuii, Hit:.
txu'iil iiotlci'N, ten conti per line each In-ortlon.
ah ni.rmn nri h 'rcln' notineil thnl on nnn
nfrrr l lil-i iIhIi no huiitliiit oi Khoollint will
hpiillowcil iii'on ihc Diniitllla Iiniliin n-(T-viill'in
wlilioiii a npceliil p-rmlt In trrltlmt
from me, nml i' no evciii will Ininttiu r
Kliootli.tr lenlioirocl tticrcon on Hmi'l iv.
Iiiittvl July ii, 181. tl. COl'7: V,
Itr.ltKAtlOUTS Ot-' KTttAY HOIWl-M
The wlierruljoutiof thn fnll'uvlmtiliM'rlbcit
liore iin-known lo Dili olllre:
Onn crny work liore, ho I nil rounds "lie
Iny horce, ulioil In fronli ono Imy horso inic
fiHiteil; mil' Imy Iioitp. mIioiI nil rmtti'l. Two
of llicunnlinals nru without bnuulninit thn
oilier two iirf hrntnlb'l. Onn Imy ' "De
UnrH, luiiuilcil 7 1, dylmr down ' on ilahthlp.
' Hie ttruy mure, tirnndeil (1 on right hlpanu
7 J on left 1 1 1 1 .
one iiruy Kctdlni:, hrniuleit V on left hip.
imp hiiy maro, hriimleil hlotteil diuinunil
on left uliouliler niiil D I. on rlxht hip. ,
One Imy imire, liranded with a clorn
brnnd on left nhnuld-T.
one Imy Html coll, two ycnl old, I nimlcd
fcloiM on l"ft Hhouldet.
rim rinrmr nf lhrh. iioiirii run lenrn of the
eiirlninit si
Roman Hippodroi
iMlinM.ilinuFi i.f II i.h.. Ii..rn 1.1
dim and nhadowv liglit, heetiicd illlmlt-. fur ench liorxound nddrcKului: this oillcc. If
nlilii nil If (Im i-lJln ifim mirtli unit iinmn the liori"-" wre not icci.veiid from the ltlffil
iimtioti ruriii'iicn mi) money win no re
turned. Addrena:
Iu2 reiiilloton.OrcKin.
that thev cannot vote for candidate upon
. 1 . I I f I , It.. ! I . t .-.. I .., ..I...
a tiiaiiorui which iineiiuivot-iiiiy iropoii; i niu huh iuv in a mmi oi cieurfKv , i
to keep up tbu mom than war-time taxeri above it two or tltrcu hiiu'h diamoterH
on tho iieeowarleH of life, and in order to : above lav a long bank of dark cloud ex
do ho propone to take tho revenue tax oil"1 tending well acroHH the wholo western
of whisky. There will bo a Rood many of nky, ItH lower cdao burnlHbed by tho
theno ".Siinday-Hcho)l itollticiatiH" in No-'huh'h rayn into a radiant and llery In II
vetnber, In WeHtcrii as well im IvaHtcrn I lianey. 'For a Utile Hpaco above tho
StateM. . cloud bank which lay at firnt llku a
All reronK knowlni! thcumclvet Indebted
to the iiudcntlKiied will plemeromn forward
nml mottle their nccoli uln by coili or note. i
I wUli lo bnliiiien tnv lnmlt liv AttEUM I.
Thi rnlltlinl Oiitlunk- A Hoinple "Arijii.
mrnt" - Nilimi't III thn Vi lliuinlolir Viil-Ic-y.
Ah I lounged foruu hour or ho at tho
dcHit at lJavenHiit,waitiii) for tho north
bound train to ntart, Mtvnral Chinamen
cuiiiu uloiin and entered the "Hinoking
car" of tho train. A fcntlvu druuimer
wlio ntood near mo Haiti kh they panned:
"There ko Homo mom HitrrlHou votcH."
One of tho Chlnainen turned about and
retorted: "llallihon ull lite." An intelli
Kent lookiin,' ni'Kro wan HtaudliiK bv and
liuHaid; "('ullud hj plu fob llarrlHun
too." I wild. "Not all of them; a kmhI
many coloied people in the North hcciii
to think Cleveland huIIh them pretty
well." From that wo had quite a talk,
irom wiiUii 1 le.irueil mat tlie iluikoy
. Tho 'MniHlneHt. elemtii.t" of the Ricut . uruut cunoo tdons the Hky-thc nkv wan ,3, Xr
itii-H of Now lork, Ilrooklyn, and Jerney clear iiKaln, and then wuh Decked with i M, .1. SMITH.
City, and other lure towns, outclde of
very wealthy matiufacttircrH, will Iks
moie HtrotiKly DemiM-ratio than ever. Im
(HirlerH, Jobbern. dealers, inert bants,
triideKiieople generally, know that lower
taxes on uccoHHaricH means greater pros
perity anions tho people, and coni-e-quently
a greater volume of hunim'sH. I
Uiliovo Now York City and Ilrooklyn
will five Cleveland a pcatcr majority by
Hovcral thousaud tliau foiiryears kko.
Then comddcruhlu iiumberHof farmers
and wotkinifiueu are Keltiiilf tiled of lids
liluli-luxulliiii Heheii.u, by which they are
plunde ed fortfiu benelltof the rIcli;cou
Hiderablo numbers are Kettiui; tlielr eyes
open, and will change their vote ttcord
lnly. So In lliese three doubtful States New
ork, Now .lerney and ( onneetlcul it is i h, but, htlll rWnif verv uruduallv .mil
ns yet onl a blind uness. Peiin.eiats t.-ntly above and bevond the strlnof Hand
many liiililer clouds, all tinted and mot- jyioimmiw rropriemrciiy imKnry,
tied with uvery coiiceivahlo color. -
Now the sun Unclf is just out of nudit, i?
I.,, I II, ., u,,,.n f , ul l...l.,,..l.. V
mil. niu n..tv.u i iv.il rrv , injini 11111 i.ui u 111.. . ... .n I.
retains almost tbo sun's i brhfhtnoss, and ' .1.'.J,!,.lJ.?.?f !! ,,.,,i'.,'!,i !!'ciil I.',"' m
the apparent physical continuity of the iw youmc men of retined tntm mid iron I
wholu Hcenu becomes Mill stronger. Tho ' tnt.lt-. htute In niiHwer price, mid whetlur
wliole plain, cky, and cloud, appear to
tlio vision to bo blended Into ono varied
conformation, partaking of tho natuto of
all. Ne.tr us Hows the rlvor. divided heto
into several channels, shaded with
Mauds, borders and islands clad in ver
dure, (irudually oxtenditiK the vision
now tlirotiL'h and beyond the ttectops,
wo see the broad ox pause of plain, then
what '.' Not Hiin hathed sky, hut a slightly
Inclined Htretch of miow Tor is it white
sand? Above that, behold now, not a
lived in Southern Missouri, in a town!""" "'puiiiieuus appear in no ciuiaiiy or snow, a sttetcn oi woodland, dark with
tliatluid ulsmt Hovonty-livu colored vo- , '"" , , , , " V
lets, lie saiii nil inn u lew weto HepuD-1 y . r i
licai.H, but Homo would volo tho D.jino- fl"l,f4f f ovural toiilT.lont Itepiibllc.ns h ,t Sum
unit If ticket. 1 asked him If they weto ,,lll'rl" wt ""I1 ( V1,u"! "IJ ! ! "I;"1
confident though I h.iw a man waving a
free to vote as they pleased where lie
lived, and be said they were; nobody In
terfeied with them, except Homet'imes
t hull- voles would bo ''Isiwght up." Two
dollatri was geni'ially Hie in ice for a negro
vote. lliiHuid he thought that a man
w ho would sell his Vole for ought to lie
hung. I asked him if he knew of any
negroes being pievented from voting, and
lio said ho did not, but be had beatd that
Mich was the case further South.
At Ih'.i same place I heard an "argu
ment" on tho main political topic of the
time, which ran alsiut like this: "Why,
don't you know that Cleveland's frco
trade (sillcy would ruin the country'.'"
"() pshaw, It wouldn't do any such
thing; you don't know what you are talk
ing about."
"Well, T tell you that if there was free
tnulu in (Ids country a person couldn't
net anything for anything, and them
wouldn't bunny wotk for auylssly."
"That's a foolish argument ; prices and
wages would I hi just as high as they be
"I know letter; I aiu': for no free
"Well, neither Is Cleveland for fteo
trade i that's all in your eye."
"Yes, be Is a (tee-trader, too."
"1 tell you be ain't."
"Well, I won't vote for him."
"Well. I will."
And thut; 1 thought, is a sample of
about niuo-tculhs of the disputation
among uninformed and misinformed peo
ple. Nothing but mete UHhcitions, no
fuels or atgaiuents, Neither onu knew
enough to enlighten tho other. "I'teo
trade" and "pauper labor" are more
bubbles, il is true; but so thoroughly are
hosts of (lie 'people blinded and deluded
by those false cries of tho monopolists,
that they cannot Im blown away bv imie
breath. The man who would enlighten
bis countrymen must know iiioio than
the mere fact that these cues ate a sham
and annate; he muM bo forlllled with
facts and llgures to clothe reason with
carry Now York, and the oiler was u 1 1 1
.'I. There Is room for some surprises in
the West. Indiana is the only Western
Slate classed as "doubtful." '1 hero as In
il "Miuincr veribir.).
the cloud has liroken h Hue-
ome ilukes nml patches of it
low n into the clear nkv be-
: nml I's ton ia lO'omo iinkcn inn
lagro: .i.nl her.' and the:o in its e.ttent
Irregular spots of the red-while nkv shine
through. What then is tlio vMoh now?
I iv it is still one landscape, all of earth.
me VioL-. Hum, ulll Im, il i'iuiiI il.itl I ,if i Hut on the Hlretcli of w i to suinl vim. it
jumping In both dhecllons, and for simi-1 must bo Hand, and not snow uru patches
lar reasons. Harrison lielng an Indiana , of sage; again Ihera are trees growing,
man, and Indiana being "clo.-o," the ml- Mimly or in groups; or there Is a clump
vantage would Heem to bo rather nn the ! of lone bushes; and across one portion Is
llepnblican side. Hut there Is tibutid- stretched a llock of sheep, and tiller a lit
ance of ovidenco that liariis.in U any-1 H? ' fi'o at Intervals homes and cat-
thing nut a tsipuiar man among tlio , ' aniiug or ruuiiiug coming nowti
masi-es in Indiana, lie must of course
have many strong political HupsirterH, or
he could not onco have been elected to
the Senate, and leeched tho nomination
for ('resident over such a man us
liresham. Jlut lie Is the choice of the
politicians rather than the is'ople. Onu
ovidenco is that he was rejected for re
election to the Senate, after u canvass
among tho people for tli.it purose. If
Indiana went Democratic in 18stl rather
than re-elect Harrison, it is not certain
that il will give him a majority in 1888
for ('resident.
Tho causes of Hanlsou'H uiiopiilarltv
among the iuaHr.es are not dilllcult to llml.
His whole temper and sympathies are
those of nil aristocrat, So intolerant was
bo of the railroad strikers in IA77 that he
was iv.ulv to shoot them down lik
beasts. I'otutccn limes in the I'nilnl
lutes Semite lie recorded him-clf against
from the forest across the sand to the
meadow. Then in tho depths of tho for
est I can nco several lakes, "clear as
crystal," nestling amid the surrounding
forest ; and on ono of them, after a little,
as the light becomes less blinding on tho
water's surface, I can see a sall-lsiat niov
log lazily along the lake's length yes, I
can even sou the Hails, and a Hug Moating,
and in the lsw u man waving his hat
toward us.
The further an I higher edge of tho
woodland now appears j.igged and
broke.; there are great chasms and
battling towers of rock, and giant trees
conspicuous on high ridges. On one high
but level crest of tho forest rldgo (for the
top of the cloud is now much broken, and
tho night breeze blows sluing) I can sec
men hurrying across, hundred of them,
as if iifbing to meet some deadlv fee.
And now little misty fringes tio all
Inritiil ti'atiiil rim It,. filmUlii'il. Addrci.
:; . t' -t oittiooxtAN oi'i'i
gTOt lCllol.DKltS' MKKI I.S'd.
Notice Is Iuti IiV Klvi'ii Hint u inectlnit of llm
MiM'khnldcrH of th Kiinnern' Cuttoiii Mill
rvinpiny will lie Held id tluiolllceof Ihu sec.
retnry, In I'cndlHnii, On-unll, on Thllrixlfy,
llmliith hay of AiiKii-t, ls.iit I oVh.eK ii.m,
fur Mi li lrponiMif i-leetliin a liourd of llree
t ii-n for ihe cnmilng year, ami to liaUKurt
Kirho'her Imsliies-n tuny euiiu' h-'fore Hu
nter tins.
Hilled July .VI, bs.
Hy onl'O ot thn premdetit.
ly.1l Id sw Mirrelury.
Six hriid of lnrire, will-hroKo w.,m lior-e'.
Here is a ehiineu lo KCt a K'sxl teinn o a lo.v-
ptlie. pplyto a. r. 'til t 1,1
Elevated Stage 5- Oonfinent Mena
I Jii1jIciiiIhIh.iI ltecoiil of Sev iilcen Sciimiiis. Its mime a Hynonyin of irtntrn
Will Kxhibit at
ly.ll 8w
IVlid.eloi,, . r.
In all Its Toirvt'ltiu and .Mlflity (.'ritntlair.
oni . .. .. . "
restriction of Chlnco immigration. He I "'."K " 0 1 ' f 'V a HP
favoied allowing Cbine-e miners till the "v"' "i"" me v.uiii
piivileges in this conntrv accorded t,, , 1" been tuinhig eastward faster tlian wo
Americans. His whole llfe-tind lhol,",vY ,Hn ''Mard, and the
.. i i i.i i . i shadows liavo I.01111 ilpiiwiliit? liiimliiML-
very e.puwion in inn roiniiciniiice in,;,,: - - ,. , , I
full of nn ..Kiir.iMi.inii of ill.d.ilo for .1, , I llO trees, IllO pIllllO. tllO Hitlld, 1111(1 tile
pour, or those who huvo not descended 1 '"'-artli and sky and clouds-are
ftot.i some "illusttlous f.itnllv" like him- Mierging Into ghsuu. Mi, Hlowiy.steadily,
self. His walk and conversallon-until i ;u,.f1,U:.in.,. "u; '"f1 v r! "I't'l,'llll "'si'1'
be was notnlnated-wete a constant lu the a ley of tho ellowstono-in tlio
Pharisee's pravcr "I thank thee, Uird, i ,ul,rt of 11,0 tontiuont.
i ii i ..i ..... .... .1 '. rr-
lllill l ttlll ll iiiiiriMi. nun iiui un iik-ih'
other creatures are." All this is well
known and indubitably authenticated in
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
llest sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
son. thrman & CO,
Portland. Orogon.
Alli:i,AII)i: ColtDO.VA, Kmitot bareback cxuvHirlotinoon earth.
VIOLA IIIVKItH, Die.hn g bareback t liter.
V.M.HHOWI.i:s, Champion iimlo Imrelmek rider of tho world.
DON JI:I11;NIM() lli;i.U (In atent of all Imrelmek rider. '
W.M.Hi:i.L,(ln'iitei. llvlint iHiatnlliur Jocky.
The iiImjvc an uii(iie.tloiinlily the I'lvo (ireiitest Living Itldors. Nono dire dtnjlL
W.M. O'DIII.L Hides nnd ililvot SI hornet on the llipp xlroine truck.
OILI'OKT IIUOS, Kx entnof Chimin Statuary I'ohIub.
IlIANO IIItOTIIKIW, Plieiionicnal Acrobats.
I'KTIT mid McVKY, Aloniihliix Aerial Stars.
HUN mid IIIINO, Wonderful Limber .Mini and III;h-klckliii; IlAnwn.
ASIILHV mid lIKSS.S'xallin: Kxperts and (IrotennueK.
TIIK SUNLINS, ftiiicttrliiusanil t iilmltiililo Vaiiltem.
CAUON llltOTIIKIW.'rliefaiiiileitClowiium Karth.
.MIILItOSK FAMILY, ll'eycle Kxp-rlH
And an cndleis iirniy of cqiu'ntrliius, cyiiiiiuMs, acrobiiti and general perfora"4 1
Roman Standing Racos,
4-horso Chailot Rucos.
Ponclorous Elophant Rnoos,
Awkward Camol Races.
Jockoy Flat Racos, Ladios' Hurdle B
Monkey Racoo,
Pony Racos,
Clown Hi
will Iki wotlh but little.
u few facts in
Mntuifai'tiiur of and Dealer in
Mailt, Doom, Itllmls, U'liulow &
IMuto Glui mu! iiiuriit
Itlllllllllg Sllllli('N,
..llliinte4 mid t'r.ce LUti on iippPeatloii,
Country ai-Jew a upechdly,
factory u-ul .submriMiiu, V, dler' Mill,
J 3. 1 1 1 y ;im
Hidaway Hot
W. 3t. H( OTT, ri oprletor.
Indiana, and wotkingineu are in aims
nL'.iloht lilin. How inanv of llieio will bo
l ernaps hiiiio oi my reiuiein would (Maxed anil wlilpvd lack Into lino can
like to know what my opinion is of the i not Ih foretold.
"t1 1,'" i'" Jl?TWA "T ,knii-U,m,1 haV TIiIm same feellng-iis well us moro
vjslted or iusksI through. 1 will try to or ,0lW of u n,,u ,m l0 ,,.ut ( .
give ittoyouwilluMit bias (;r prejudice, . flinmrH mt '.Stiudav.
IllOUgh it baldly, need I HI lidded that it I ...'i..i .mlltli.lnioi ." noticalil., tl.r..n..fi.
1 can Olilv htato nil., i.. tei i.. 111..1.1 ... i
mil liiiiii'1-.. il nuiii.i l. .iiu'iiiiiiii. mill
oiiiem c. nK .ew ai. uMeHu.iaswe 'nstied. .Many farmers and merchants
.tJ'.i .J o, 1 11". ,1 )"U""W -and Homo of thein leading npirits in
nUe,l as e Mi.i-u1ii .wi the only one. ,hotr n,,1H.otlNO U'alitles-im.dlssatistlcd.
V ,. - f , ' 1 ' '? 1,0 i!1'1 Hxivpl for the money and Inllueneo of
KHWsiou-Hla er.:copH'ili.ad ciy. No the lumber li.irons-the unm who. like
like Whltelaw Iteid tesort lo it. The 1
I'lesldent's ivuxlon volutin tuny possibly '
I.m.0 him a few votes, but they will lii
veiy few. The (i. A. K. bad Uvn made
a H)litlc.d machine, as nearly as it was '
iHisitiblti to make it, Uifoiv tbehO votiHis. !
1 T.i.l..rullli.l I liii' ''i, ii..,i.Ii iij II ii itu
'.., ........... , . .... ..... grc
. .... .. . . .. . . ... . miiuii iriuiF in nia II.MllIIW'tllllill lI lll.l IM.
Divans of M i patties in the large , lm(tmw ,,,,,, ,lirl,r. ,... olhor klok.
oi are a iMiwcramoiu: the Scandinavians
of .Minnesota, and there is no telling
what tho outcome will Im.
All through those Slates, also, are hun
dreds of iuthiciitlal and life-long Itomtb
licans who might not have revolted on
tlio higli tarill policy alone, but who do
Established 1857. ,
Tuene Hpi'.iiks rv I'ts.lltltelly
me iiiue .titiun uiuv. ei .ir
Aluvr. have made millions bv leu-alircd
plunder of tho Hiiile Michigan would
iiuwt cortalnlv bo tv Potnoeratie State this
fall, mid Minnesota ami WiM-onslu
would bo doubtful. Kuuto Nelson, tho
MMinliiMvlan Congressman front .Minne
sota, who lias served several terms with i not do tinter time vUit tit
at credit and who declined a ro-nom-' Accomiuoilatl 'i.i nr,
eitiitx mil, hull il.iilv lilM of lliiu.ii u lio uni I
leaving the opposite party, and joining
tjielrs. In the Now Yoik Tribune, for '
example, the names of tho.-e claimed '
to hao il.wnlo.1 tho IVinocralic wity
already nut up into tlio thousands. On1
the other bund tho Now Yoik "Star" ,
vies with (lie Tribune in lis'soflbosowlio
Nllunted lu
iiiIIlw Kniith.-u.t
of Alba, 111 Cillllioi I'ni'ri'.
ThU Summer tiooil will be open for the '
leceptlO'i of uilChtii on and . iter Julv l.t.n.i.i 1
perooiiM . iii.'iiip'.itlmr n Hiiiiimi r trli eouhi I
Hint, mid bv, r.. I
tl .lie i iHlll.f.irf.i. !
Therlimato l .1 ll.Ti'tfiil. i'u witter pure '
nml excelU'iii, ud liiiiniiu it'i- ln. i
Whitman College.
.l.l.. Al.l.A, w, I ,
Kul I Coll"i!H Conine. ALn Hclentltle pnd
Literary l'ourc.
Avmlemlfl Department
prepuri fur any inllese, for lenclitni; or Inn.
Iiiemi. siiiH'rlorl'oin.erviitnry of M title. In
mructloti oi Art. Klwiitlnii and Miid -rn U
eiuiirex. I leven pnfetsonnnd teuehert. 100
tildenU. ItdleH' boanlhiB hull. Yolllll.'
nien'ii hull belim built.
I'Hll Tei ni openii September ,1, 'f
Write nil' C-itslnzue to a. ,J, ANDint-
Wiillu Witllii. W.r JyllkUwIm
Court street, oppolte J. It. Shoemaker'.
Dealers In
Hardware and. Tinware
Ohiiiiiplon Wins, Trap nml raney Shot of the World, and his fmaom family of iwl 1
The Finest Menagerie in the World,
A proinliif nt mid undiipllcii'cil feature of which U tlio a'r of
Mule and feimile, for wlilch wo declined a proilur of iO,O0Olethanl'J,'l
Big, Brilliant and Bowlldorlng In Evory Dopartn
$2o0.000 ,'l,vllll' exiwnded la radlsnlly perfecting this to'verln. pben"""
' bliuit, in fur the prekcnt tour.
GO Minutes of Cirww with 30U .Moteoric Pcribrinei.
30 Minutes of Gludiuioritil Contests !
0 Minutes of Hippodrome R'.uv.i, wU" P'ttt
30 Minutes for tho Museum, wMh 0no TIT,um!ulatJe'curer '
30 Minutes tor the Menngorie, "Su'lMSe SS?S5
3 Hours oi Dazzling, Fnecimitins; Entertainment !
Torms Koosonnblo.
- Prop.
Jill J Jill.
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
liavo deserted the Itoptibticau ranks and
..in ....... 'i i..... i ii,.. i ,,,i. ,f .1
..Ill LHI'I.IIV I.MVOIIIU- H .1.1111 Ul .lll'lU i ,, ."
iMiH'rH are morn machine organs, ulterlv , 11 1110 i
uiiscriiiiuloiis and uiuvli.ibe. The , ,i,Uh0 l
Willamette University!!'
uluironr the public DiilroiuiL-H l cniiui
"World, "llorald and "limei. n ro
nton) c.iuikrvutivo and far uioiv truthful.
I'rom thcM, it would sooiu that tlio
dc-Hiiterti from the ltopubllc.ut niuks
most proUibly fully eiual tho.-e from the
IVinocratlc. "Tltoo wlio liavo left IVm
ocruey ar maitily inanufactun'ru and
wool-grower. If, and desperate otrorta
olaro that tliey will net stand tlio free-
wldsky clatiMi of that plank, and will
on that ground. That one
a-o the Uepiibllcan party
many tuousau.l votes in tho Mutes
1 III! 1IOI 1 1 r. 1 1 T 1 1 1 I ,,. r III.. I bllii.-fair.ita ' v. , ...
. .... .w. .... ...... ...w . -V ...1 . M.S. , I'.ll.Ul IUNU,
are likely to carry any of theso Mutes. (1 Hact I araracr anrl I oae Cnanelu , AIo Hestauruut on Main vir..oi.Hr,i., .
iltslactlon ami (to-. I ' -"" buslue The Property will b
Tho only c iniplet perfect nuU liivlthly kiimptuoun leproductloo of ti
Races, Revels and Gladiatorial Combats of AucW
MKiigltshaml Keiilucky Thorouulibre.U In Soul ntlrrlntf smigsU for wpto'
inoiu Ituej Turk four t linen around, one mile.
Heroic Olympian Camos and Caledonian Sport'
Classical. Llturarv. Scientific.
Normal, Businoos, Law 1 ,u,u' ' lot, wen improved, m ecu-
and Medical Courses. , ' "cai,oni " "r from tho bmine
l Niy that thoro is diss.ilisf.iction and de-
icvtlon on liotli sides, and no one can bo
certain ot tbo result.
Ut the good work of spreadinu the
uro liolug iimdo for that iurio60, a cou-1 Hglit so on. If it cuu only bo doue Bited
Iuitltutlou of Urulnslntheh'orttiwet, I lowdsure.
rroperty win
Apply ut once lo
be sold at a I
Peerless, Royally Resplendent Street P
Appeurlnsoii the public thoroughfare at 10 o'clock every morel"
I'Sl'AL I'Ol'I'I, lt I'lll. t i nv .,.i,,..,,.v .....r..,.., n.r t Cl,,,
- llll,ll,ll1(,l, 3 H-l
Positively and emphotteally no free ticket to anybody-
Klrt term bexlni 8enteuiber Sd, l(S. Ad- FRED GERBER. FpAnnh nl i
rei TUCW.VANbCOY,l'reldent. rn6U usnDln' rrencn KCStaUrailt, TheO. It,
Cheapest Excursion on Record.
JyJl dw im
BUia.Oreton. IjymwU.w Main 8t, IMndletou.
II. A V. I'm, ...Ill .... ....... ,,n,1 tflpWt
which ulo exhibit at Dayton August ad, La ClrandeSd. B' w
"hmmh Aiuogion Ttn.apu waua n