i'1 , I I .MONDAY. JULY IK), 1888. DAILY AND HKMI-WKHKLY, all ili''rvlnj cX'HoldiorH jicdhIoiih, iiud , ohjucliuiiri to frutKluIuiit will unilcHcrviiiK H-h-iiii'rf to Hwlmlle UnMo Hutu out of liin "mirpliiH." I-ot iih look ut tlito ihmisIoii biiMinuxH u moment iti u tjoncrul wuy, uud mm) If It mny not Iw roaionulily premiined ! that tin innuendo innotint of Midi Hwind ling I Koinir, on. In almost every kiiu nf tliu i n v Oruiwnlou wo road of ono or N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. IlKAl.KIt IN j MIIKU KEMt'EK, I' oprletor of the Flve-Ont liner Hull. Mnlli Ht..PI'0llo potolllc, Pendleton, l'enillfion l.ecr on dratiifht. Wine. Itnuors I iinili'lKiiri.oftliulicntliranil", imtocic. mcnnii . IlintCAIIOUTH OK KSTItAY HOUSES tVl.UTHJ IIVTIIi: Hint Ort'Koiiliiu I'nlill'lil'iK Cniiipni.y, I'KNDLhTON. mow poiiHloiiH nriinie.il to jkjwjuh hi urc- I t.Mil V OMmmdflll OS I per IIAII.YMl'IMOIIIITIO.V KATM! Unit ctitii iw.r v,.nr. Iiv mull UlliieiipV "I" riifintli", ly linill... One ropy perurck, hy eurrlur..., Milium MIIIIIIHTH AllVr.ltTIMI.NII It.VTIWt Ul'l'll)l .UI-erthrWtHh.) Dun hu ll, or lew., in Konil-UV'k!y (i i. Mil ' .V i iV.'m' iV i" Vii i I i'v iM'r liiniitli I 0" Tun hii'lii-N. or leu. In iMilfi. per month OvirilirruliH'liwsHi'inl'WiTk niiiiiiii over lliri-ii lnelie, D.iliy, per Inch per iiiiiiilii DviTtlin oliii'lii'Ki In liolh, per Inrli pel IMOIltll MKHI-WliKnA-HDIlHtllU'riOS HATUM Dim ropy per ycnr. i't j Dim ropy lx iiiiiiiDik i Hliitflo iiiunlieri. ' I'n.mliiiii imiior froo loycurly hiiuh lhrn. I I.I ,.... .1.1.. eon. itniiiiiL'ioii mm iiiuno. i rouuiiiy ... . . , i .. Homu oi lliciii uro (icwrviiiu: proiiiiuiy Huiiii! of tlietn uro not. I don't know liovv many Mich cihoa uro roporlud In that pa DlthODN. I ,,ur'M iliHputchi'H in tlio eoureo of a niontli ' or ii )uur, but proxiimo .bey will itveruiu ut lo.ist ono ii day In II it) to.-ritory nuinu.i. w i Now oxtlmalliiK tliu population of thin tor iVHritoryuUUJ.mWiind that of tliu lulled I ' i uiiM ut. i . . Hhi iiiii H.imo rauo wouni clvo mi iivuruuo of lUO tit'iinlotiH uruiitud j dally, or HID weekly, or :i,IS0) monthly, or .IM.IMO yearly, mititioi'lnn. CoiiitivM to In) incoMHion nix nionuw in ujcar. wi lomeo a oriido cKliniHto; I he nunc Iht inav bo iiiucb mom, or II mav bo lew but I liuvn't Ibu ollldal llKiiro.4 I pii-i uni" Hid Itopulilicans would objt-ct to their liuln priutuil, too. At unv ran,', mo ii'imoor m in-nMoim ( Krantod In t-ovurul tlioucand .vo.itly.und U j -riip p i"lAM AM itir't-otlut llif . Hill I DiIm nvnr twontv-lliieo " nc ouiTinii yoarH Klneo llio war ended. I think It is ! K. J. llorion. l'roirl.'tor. ii HUlllelent reaxon for watehfiilneMHon tbu 1 Mnln mul Itullnmil Ht., Poiulleton. Orciton. part of tlio I'rofililent that now u quarter i.-rt.liiKi lit cvry ii-nt. Near Urn 'lr of ii eenturv idler tbo purvleo wiih ren- ( pt ,! Iihn every loinrenleiiCH. Tcrnii tin ,l,.r..,l 1 1 I'lniiileniitM for duiihIoiih Hhould iliiy. lylliuw ... 1 . . , . , rhieli i (oi thin Ih only , .1 to I v, 1 7.' Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller MiDs Flour. i 1 S'J Oil A (lliiind FOlt VA H1HSG HOUSE The uliroiitioiltnniio fnlt"whi,ili,M,rll'eil liiim urn known lo Dili oiltcot ,. Vine jjniy work liome, itwil nil roil ml! ""o liiy lione, bIkhI In fronts onn Imy Horo irjro fo.ile.1; oie ImyliiMe, xtiotlnll nmt''. I i f lhceeliim'niirowllliout liratitl nntl Hie otlii-r two nr.; nrnmlcl. One Imy '' ' ht.r-M, l.riimlHl 7 L (l hut -town on rUlil . ini-iiniy mure, tirumleil O on rlislit nlpiom ' on " Kniy'liuDI I tur, lrti;ulpl V n l"ft )jJP; , One h.iy inure, tirilllili'il lilntled illiiliunil mi Irfl Nlinuhler nod D L on rlulil nip- One Imv tnnre, liramlcil with n oclnsorii linni'l on ff Klimihlcr. . line ImyM ml colt, two yrmt olJ, iriunleu fcIoimoii lfl UllllllllK-l. , , .,, The owner of Diem Home can leiirn of the wlicreiiootititof D.esehorM"i I.y enelo'lni; H for fiieli liorxoiunl nildro'lm: Dili mile' lle liornr.M tire not recovered from the inrcr uiiitlon runiHlifri the money will lio ic- '""' "o'.tlCDDNIANftni.CO.. Uliil I'cndloton.OlvKolw 4SELLS BROS GREAT CIRCUS FESTIVAL, I 1 nan iiippodroi evated THREE-RING CIRCUS, ap - 5-Continent Mena N Weekly or Dally, IIihI liiMernoii, per tl.OOj each MllciiHHit lnertloii,ie. Iieal notleen, ten rent per line eueh In Kertlon. AIIOIIT I'I'.NHIO.Nh. Tin Kolld nonpareil iidverilxeiiieiitt in ;t . ,111 1 , L.0iL, !,. constantly inureiiHinif I inemlierH, by tbu thoiiM.ind eaoh month, 1 and idler tlio jieiiHlou mill iuihih-cu itUHiiy ; nrlndinu out ponniniiH tbeco many je:,rM' A reasonable HUppo"ltlon would bo that jliy thin lime tliu number of honoxt ami uiirflivuoti cantH would lie eoiiiPitnitlvf ly , n.,srimlef!H', f Ifalt WOlllll belll to lllutinifll. ;p, ,t,, 7'" ' eoxHatlon or diminution In the I.ohIh .:dltorlM:or.eH)nde,,a,, whoareclamorlnuforKovo nment Imiinly. I notleo bat a very bo i ol.alo I.hiIj nrlny 0f x-0iilon Holdie.H, h.mever, plueo leeently hi tlio Nnato over sliat 1 hcutwiy mori) numerotiH than the army leemed to bo rather nn Innoeeiit I' l,'J4 j of Vemilon-elaltn iwntH, wliom btiHlne.srt lion, r-omo .S.na'or moved In have 100,-1 , , ' , ,, , tlro1IJi1. VuHhinloii 000 li'1.;' Hw I'nwl ;ml M w ,,,w bundled, if not thouKamU of men ir ..f tlwi "ilk'v" nf ikOiNlotm uroiwd tint vl.luiiiH Indignation of i-ov-. ,,,,,.,, for ,,(,r lollon,,0 ami worthy oral 1 iiiii ri'iim'iin, miii ! TDTICK. All neron knirwIliK theninelVM llnleliteil to tlio iinilemLriipa will phieroine forwiiru iind nHlo their iicvoiiiiIk h.v en"h or note. 111 I vt Mi 10 liiihiuri! m lxiokn hy Aimtit 1.. ptsx. All iircount. not M ltleil by. Dial dale will bo plnced In Iho liundM of n en llj-r to J. , Proprietor City llaki ry. 1 Jylfl lin d hw Wasco Independent Academy. The Dalles Dranrnn I uieguii Hperlni preimnitloii for I'lilvuiKlllei In Orc Itoii or WiKhhmloo, for tIolverliyof nU Ifurnla, lliitvurd, Vule and otlieix.or fur liMHliii-Mt MiinletilN not eekhur eolleKlat Im iitlon tuny urml. nine uere 111 1UANTKD. A mltnof two rooiim In prlvntedwellhiir,lt- I'M ' O'Oil, n ' Led 10 0,1 vlii wo lied", o.V luovonim liiu'i of lellned ni.lei "lid xood tn.lit. Mute In iinwir prm, and vvlrllicr or net bnnl enti he "i'nl;li7l, 'Xi&.. X., KAhT O KKDOM N Oi l l'"K Classical. Scientific (HiUltHIW. or Normal Hod lui-truetloii In Klrn'Ollon, Miile and Art. (Iii id diaelpllne mid iiimmI mot nl lone. Kill I eolllplneutn. Write fr eatatojlle to ' ' II. II. WILLI-'. . M... JjIIiIhwIui I'rlneipnl. paitleulatly pioim N-nator lllair, of .Now llmiii.hito. Now no ono Senator ban labored morn axHidiioUly to mpiander Ibu Hiiiphm in Iho Tieamiry Hi. in .Mr. Ill.ilr. ilo irt the author and wiih tbo eblof advoiMto of Iho htiiendoUH Htoal known iih Iho I'diieatioii bill, whieli pawed Die hetnilo Homo lime up), but which will iloithileeH Imi kllhil, an il moid ccit.tlnlv de-erveM hi bo, in Iho I Inline Niov vvliolhur It WuuldlieliiHtllioidoi'iir thiilu' In piinl lOJ.O.M ropier of tliei-o on- hLiii-vi'I.) ineHM.iu.'H. I dniiotH.iv. ror- or dlHbone.-t apilieantH. (lelthiK ikim- rioim has beeomo a regular bUHiueHH, and I in plied with (,'nul InditHtrv by tbeno pen nlon la.vyoiH, Ilia nio of wIiohu ineomo i .1.. ....... I a . lin. iiiiiulii.e . if et.tlnm IhoV ean woik through Cneiie-'H. And if I'h OHviiHuh iirr.llv eeilain that Iheno private peiihloii bill' l;o 1 1 1 r u",h ( oniavH without exam ination. A poimion bill In CniiKrtwi. una Mile, Ih like an ordinary iilll amoudliiK it 'town ebaiter in our l.o;fMaturi: it pi Grain Bags. unit HctrlrJ.'n L'tlrliril Oil IC. ll'.V. TWINES THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE Oi rnldeiiiMiul Heiord of H1V1 nteeu NeiiMiim. ItH iiiiuien hynonym of pntu Will-Exhibit at bnpH it wiih not iniendeil hi meiely throw I Utile iK'pper In the oyen hih ii eriiniiM it IIH throuyh tin a mailer of eonrco. That lid- muxt be ho Ih hIiowii liy the fact that u few davrt iijio, over a hundred of Hiteh liilln were pansed in tin -enato eoiiHeeutlveiy, ... .1... -.... ..f ...... n ...... I. Ill 1.111. lilt, Kill, Hrotlior lll.dr. If h i, It worked very ., ,,, . ,IIiltliM,t. ,,(,.,, n, pmHldiuii t . . . 1 . 1.1 r .... .i.ii..ni..i,u 1 'in mi - 11 - - - wen, nr id maun iiin. ii .m ..... . .. ",m4 a oi-oivo.l for hlrt Hinatnro many iw eould have Ihvii I-ImJ . ' )"",.,,r '"' ''' m nd 11 few of them, bilteient ...poi.eulH. o f nllv u Sn,iiiur.illwlv, ho has vetoed for reanoun the poHiti.n In which Iho le ub Ih -ins! J, , ieiMtlIU-it SenatoiH do n .1 found N.einHelveH pl.iee. b Ih. in Ir o- , , , , kiw A Now York diieliouof thin lillie ohoIuIIou, afew faetH, ( 1,,lll,n,I1,11,oll t,mibect, h.ivh liniht be lenieiuheietl. . . ! .11ui111t i... Mi.o v.-Iooh bun H.tved OI' ll !ilml. Toils I'liiHi IWc. Printed Flour Bags A Specialty. AMES & DETR1CK, ConUlnlt) i full iml compU'e ll of llti HARRISON & MORTON Ih. SiH inn ui.I tiit. IH il.vlih niimernnti w' r"" ItiIk. Am.ni.Mh. uilli iiwl.l l.mi I 1 1. r .ni' il'u. tan I'rrf.l la.i I..,. II 'lr. Illt. Jhn l. t-"l J!"'''' n.nt'i-l Mm., MKi.ilri.f Ohio, ilii en It.. Tnrltf, ll.nry CiUol Lo.lj. n I numli of cllxrtc.1 tllkt .,uih. mure. 1h miy JM . Cm ft V i Ht.SJt.Hlf.Cl. Hon lUln laml mgtlUIPMUf. Oiv uni.nalilnJtrinit iiiJ)f ill liticl.l il.'i:'i. fc""l VI citili In ic iiimin for outfit n.l U Hit flrt In th fltld. or mlt.tAr r.ill r'.l.'!A" knl Kp.clll Ttm..nll,.t In til. WINTER & CO..I,8prlnsnellaMaM. P KNDIvETO -ON WEDNESDAY, AUG. lit al I s Ton cflnti ami .! Gnniikur. fit Krot.l Nt. jlllO.Uw If I'OHTI, 1MII, OK. Willamette University! 'I ho I'nmiileiil li.ii vetoed ouito u birtfe iiuiuIkt of private pom-Ion IJIIh, lienide nn euormouH proporietl Hwiudli) railed it deHinilout H)UHiou bill. It in rli.irned that .Mr. I'lovol.iud hart vettK'tl moio pen niou liills than nil bin piedeeeHorH put to pother, mid probably the rilatenient in Iruo. out in every iiiHtauee ho haHifiven Ills reaHoiiH for the veto in a merino to (!onifrt'HH. In ii few liiHtuuiVM IhefO me Hairert. or doiIIoiih of them, have fouui the country iiIhiuI '1,0.10 a yiar,and riili culeH wllli" peat heverlly what it calln Mr. t'luvcIand'H InduHtry hi very Hiuall mattei-H. To ellect IIiIh paltry navinn lie ban devoted hlniHolf to perHonall v inven-' tlifiitlnit all IhcHe IiIIIh, which tliu N" ( ,..u York oilmii ohIcoiiim an very Hinall . neHH indceil. U niiutit Ih ho cnnMdered if Die inonev H.tveil bv theM) voIihw vvoro Whitman College. WALLA WALLA, W, T, Coll.'e Coine. A I mi Hell litltlo and Lltirary l.'onrn'H. Acmlvnilc J)r)irtment (Ill I)l)ATKHhTUlKN'TH IN-- Clnsslcal, Liturary.Sciortiflc, Normal, Ouslncss, Law and rvnodica! Coursos. j Oldest, Largest and Least Expensive liiKtllutlon tif Learnlusln DieNortnwCKt. hot Ii U not. Itv Ihei-e vehH'H. tbo preparen for nny.-o iietie. ror rl." Vf " 'V I'reHiileut, nt the rink of IohIiik favor vvilli "iVuc'thm leerintu voterH nan hiiowii in;u I both the will mid the eoiirauo to bo ban Hrforin John McGarry, -lifioeriu - GROCERIES N.. PRO VISIONS i I'lM-ola" kimhI only in httM'k. diuu U.unlit and Mild, Pro- their wuv Into the iiewHtiaiK'rH. Ill nil Huc.h c.oeH liie le.iHonH lie unpinned for the voKh'S vveio enlhely uilhl unit Hit Helen ; , . . . , .........rH. ,.,,,1 Ilo fou.nl on , liivejHiir.itl.iii Unit Hie hill f ,u, aM lilr dutv fearl.wly in Hinall wan it hw hullo, lie found hat Home din- ( , M ,t tomv t.,.r,a tmt he will hoiuM ihthoii vvaialteinptlnn lo obtain a . .. , . ,,,,, Th little plun.ler win e ho iuu.ii mw urn n, ,.,,... win ,l(lt , Ve!ubly rielier or! anil ne mi ipiy nam mo h o.n mnuu. .. . MHir,,r .e,uiHo of iIu-ho vcIih-h. but Con Ih. l-'miltleil iiud trave the faetn vv hicb 1 1 , , wUm Am kn uud illhlion- eoujdllu e.l Iho mound of bin oh ocllo. h j J vMmmtH ,MVl, ,ul lim, ,,,,,1,.,,, ,lllt to the bill. (In the other ban he has , of f ,(, xv lot.nill.,, ,! H Kuedll.oiiHau.Nof iH.itKion b llH-uiore , , , ttHriy alll .i.wrvlni; nob than any oilier I'reMdent ban bad occu i i ' nl.ui to Hlirti-an.i ban never by word or '"l rrt nu.l uppl net, illtilil Ite.l liny ohjei llou lo iKOlhloll ! lawn, either Keneiul or pilvute, except on i the ur.mn.l'.if fraud in the clahn 'I'lie Itepiiblicau pr.wH, ever rluee bin. Ilml veto, have conliiiually us-eiled that . the veto.H wen. iiujiiHt, lliat they ar.fe , from the ricldeut HiiuinioHity to Nuini i leKUIalion, uud that he wiih it hater of, IhoHiildierH. They have even H.ild and Home of Die SeuatorH have nrtrued that i bo had o o.led Iho p.mer iveii Iiiiil j by tlio.MiiHtitiili.nl, mid that be bad no I li'uht to volo Much inouMir.N at nil. In' fact, there ban lken no end or c.wiilion 1 of very biit-i eriiit-Um f 'bo l'liwhlent Ik'.v.oi.) of th.Mi v.'t.K.M. All tlii-t wu-i for it puriLMv to arniH4 auaiuxt tliu I'iohI dout tilt) iinmi.Miiv of the ex-H.il.HerH. and ' iHint blm llieir vote, riiumforti it oukIiI not to HiHoii uuitMHiinahle to let the l'iei- dent'H ic.i-ton- (or bin action in thoo uihjh be piinted and hoiiI out iiinouu the' IKHipl.i, ho that Ibev eiil. I jn.lk'o for IbeuiielvoH wliether lie vv.ih in the wioni; i or not. I 'or over Ihtoe vearn bo ha been iitvuHod of tloiu kio.ii wroiiK in j tliu matter of there votoo; whv not clvo , biiii a eliauco to be h.stnl ' Wliv not let the Kople, read the roaniH which he; lia Klven to l'ollKlV'', Ale the llepnb-; lie.in Senators foaifnl to let (bene cum Ki lufore Iho iHMple, and Maml uik.ii ! tlielr inerita? It would hcoiu ho. They are very teaily with aiv.iiut..i and do ' nuucl.iti.iii which lliey are very c.ireftd hIi.iII lKiHriid brotideiiHt lliroiiKbout Iho land, but llioy not only ohjecl, but W-i-oine tilled with ecee.lliii! ;tvil unitli when it in ptocd to niniply furnish the country with tbo IWident'H Ht.iteinenlH of facta and teauiiiH. A well known rule of law U, that if , luitv. in iho trial of a c.iUHo.mippreiwert material etlilenceiu his p.vHMWM.111, the pioHumi.tiou is that hucIi evidence would U against him. Well, the IWident U a.v.in.,1 ; lie is on (rial lieforo the votern of the country; his friends oiler to merely introduce as evi dence, for what it in woitli. Iiih iiuhouh for the acts wherein it is allowed, ho ih Kiiilty, and bin mviihooi lofiine to allow tli.it evidence to wine Udoio the kuiiK. The prvHiimptiuii thou is that it would Im ajralnst tluuu ami In his favor, the pro HUiuptlon Ih that bis tmvKiK0.s ive Hiif llcient ic.isoiih for his acts, and that bo in not truiltv. 1 H'MHoualile votem bbould, and will, di.itluvfuish Uitween hostility to ivunion leK'iHlation.und an ulniro to Kusion letfis latl)ii. I'liey oiiKbt to, und I think will, dutinirAiUh between objcctiomi to w'iviiiK urn. Muperlor t "iin'rvit'ory in of Miinle. Li Art. ICIiH'iilloii mid Modern l,u K.iiik.'i.. Kit' veil pnf.'Hori.iid lei.olierx. iw utiidenU. I.ii'lle' hoardlm: hall. Yimou' llien'H lo.ll 111' I n ir hull! Full Tei lll opeiiKht'.lemlirn, 'l1. Write rr llnlnlouoe lo a. J, AN'I I'.lt HDN, Ph. I)., rr.Nldent, IUI Kimt Ma n Wulla Walla, W.T JyhJ.UwIin Klml term l.eirhn. Meptetnlier :ll, Inv. dress Tlioi, v.V.N H'UV Ad- JUI iIhvv Iiii ti.....i. ,....( J I I , I 1-,1 IT-,,, ( rl.ih'lii,Olvuini. Beer Garden and Gymnasium, Kail. Iln.'v.'itu X Klne. I't'.ipM. Main Htte. t Near l'otoltli-e j l'KNDLKTON, DIIIUIDN, llowllin: Alley unit (lyiniiiuhiiii liooio In rouneellon. .Iul the pli,e lo upend nn hour hi I'XcivUlnu'yoiir uins 'le uud ktreiitiDienlui: , your friiine. A . onllal hivllnllon to nil, llilllllirhilis lleer.V. ii lfias, Jyl ' UUYS ami SKl.I.S REAL ESTATE. I'm. .Mnln uud Wfbl. HrrceU, I'K.NDLinDN OUKUON First National Bank, OK PKNULDTON I The attention of the trade is inviml to our NAVY DLUE, HOME RUN, CORONA IMPERIAL, AND LEADER CIGARS, Hest sellers in the market. At retail everywhere Wholesale only by tson, Ehrman & CO., Portluntl, Orogon. For Sale! Five or fiix Hundred very lat Mutton Sheep, 2 and 3 years old. rorp.ir.eiilaik,eumilraif ' Jas. A. Howard, I At III I. X. L, Oroeery. J-JI iLw lw i THE GRANDEST ARRAY OF CHAMPION ARTISTS EVER ADl.L.MDK COItllONA, Kreiilixt linivl.aek exiieHlrltflinoniitarlh. VIOLA ItlVIUIS, Dalih.B harelmel. rider. WM.NJIOWLIC, riiiimplon male harelinelc rider of Die world. IION.IKItlvNIMO liKl.l., flientel of nil Imrc ..nek rldvro. W.M.Hi:Ll.i.lreatel llvlnu' IioidhIIiiij Joeky. ! Tlio iitMive nre luniiieMlnimlily Die I'lvo (Ireutest l.lvlntf Uldem. NonotUrtilMflt. ! W.M. O-DI-.LL Hides Mini drives HI horses on Iho Iipp'xlrom track. ' (IILI'OItT PUO-4, I'.xponentsnf CliiH.leHhitiiary I'onlnu. Itl.VM) IIIIOTIIi:ilS, Phenomenal AcrolmlH. PKTIT mid .MeVKY, Ator,Milmr Aerhil Hlnrs. Iti:. mid ItKNO, Wonderful Lluiher Men uud HUh-klcklnx Uinrcrt AHHLKY mul HKHS.Skiillm; Kxpeitstiinl (!rote.pi''. Till! M UN LINN, lvlieliliilisnud Ililmltalilo Viiulter. f.MtON IIIIOTilLUSTlie runniest Clownsou Kirtli. MIILKOSi: FAMILY, llleycluKxp.rtN. And nn eiidles nrniy of ei.i'Ktrlans, u.viiiuiikIh, ucroliats and Konerul prfon I Roman Standing Racos, 4-horso Chailot Rucos, Pondorous Elophnnt Racos, Awkward Camol Racos. Jockoy Flat Racos, Lndios' Hurdlol Monkoy Racos, Pony Races, Clown l CAPTAIN BOGHRDUS, riiiimplon Wlnif. Trap mid I'uney Mint of the World, anil Ills fuuioini fiimlljroflWj The Finest Menagerie in the World, A prouihi' iU and umhipll: n'cd feutnro of wlilcli U tlio ni'rof llouCf.ii l six lot', well Improved, In ecu I rut toe .lion, not far from Die lnilncH part nf town. Aim) Iteslimnmt on Main kirrrt,diii: u Kood lualni'iK. The property win lt ixihl at u low Hull re. Apply ut mire lo Giant HIPPOPOTW Mat. ni reinnle,f.irvvlilohwoilccllne.luproll'erof W,'joO Ivm lln.naOJn I. XVI ANKKNY. President. JACon Khaikk, Vlre'l're!.! Httm 1. NtursU. Cnahler. Trautart a Kenrral lunklnr builnrM. On nil patuuf Die world HOUGHT AND SOLD! Collect Inna lla.te nt nil t'uli.tn an IteitNoiintilo lero.M. Estes & Guilds, Proprietor o Die CITY HVEHY FKKD A" SALE STAHLE. Balod Hny and Grain. Hpleu.llit IIIkn, Hluitlt. or Double, mud Wn.ldlo Huwh nlnnyn on hniid. llurBeHlionrded by Ihedn)', WreU or Mouth. All Klu.U of food Kor sale, In Small or Uirte lAita. CHARGES REASONABLE t ROBERT BOND OKA I. Kit IN BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DHIED MEATS, LARD. Court Hirvtt,oppurtte J, II, Shoemakei'a. inoti 10. 1vr SIGN OP THE GOLDEN BOOT, Big, Brilliant and Bowildoring In Evory Depart FRED GERBER, French Rostauranl, i.'TjOODO 'v''i'b 'xpMideHiiiinidi..iiDyperf.-eiiiiuMiiUiowfrhie.pii'B i V.eu,uuu hlnulloii f ir Die prexent tour. I GO Minute of Circus with MO Meteoric Porformers. iiO Minutes of GltKiiutoritil Contests ! :0 Minutes ot Hippodrome K-ices, w"" ''""'""rjiff " M Minutes for the Museum, wMh '''Siut'cu'ff A- ' os. - . ...... . . ki.Almt&t au .Minutes tor tlio Menagerie, '' hfc!uT.,t.rins"h.co Norihw..,, cmer Mam ,ind;court sIrff, j8 Hours of Dazzling, Fusci.uitini; Entertainment ! I PENDLETON, OREGON. Tlio only euupku-, per.Vct uud luvUhly hiimptuouii veprodoctlouof .Races, Revels and Gladiatorial Combats of Anl lySI iwd.w Main St., Pf ndletnn. Villard House. D.WK IIOU.N t'n.prletor. I CENTRALLY LOCATED IN NKAItLY ., YKAIIS. iDKnsllslwina Kciiliieky Thoioiuliiireds In Soul btlrrlinrStrursle" for P' niou utioj t ut -K four llnxni iirouuu, one IMtACTICAK BOOT & SHOEMAKER Mailt uud Wet.U StreL. Kjttter.t .Mudo Mooti uud Nlioen u Ntork. IVrf-ct fit Ourauteeil. i J Re-opened, Re-furnished Equipped in First- Class Style. HE SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL! MEN. 1 Horolo Olympian Camos and Caledonian 8prti i m! Peerless, Royally Resplendent Street Pa I Appearlnir on Dio public thoroughfare nt 10 o'clock every morsl" USUAL. I'ml1i it iMiirra iw ntii.viov itrr..i.ittirA at Co01 IVvsltlvely und cmphotlcaUy no free tickets to unyl1 U3T eixscmu ;:s tirixrsnrr u ih. iarKtiiuu Detieouipptfiiin luejalaod I niuiiv iv. vs. Free Coach to and from Trains. Cheapest Excursion on Record. The 0. It. A Jj C'ompiitiy will carrv vUltom at one fata for Die round trlpJ WblCh alhOelhlllltlint IViv.nn i .,,.., I a rir,.nil .Til. IUK" .J Dalle 6th Arlington 7th, nod Walla Walla wn.