East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1888, Image 1

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jl STW lMT V)ir WANT.
a ritr.i: i.i iiua uv.
rntrou'ft r the Dully or Neml-Weekly
KAST OltlUlONlAN ran freely limlut unit
of tho KASl OHKOONIAN lllirnry when,
over they n tle-tlro. The pulillr nri i-nr-illully
Imlteil lo vllt the oilier, it lieiieirer
n Incllneil.
ftlIir, nt III money orntnmpn will
""" i KAHT OltKflON-
f,omn"" .,...
- until lllirr i in- .. kiiiu"
tool. '" . . r
.....Inllfirilllll liny --nn iihi
k, i-m-v -
...ii.. IMS l wif.r.Mw.1 -..
itntth of !'" y
)L. 1.
NO. 127.
SrRAm'Mt NO. 83, It. A. M.
Mt ."' . ' ..I ...mil mmili. ni t.'hi
.(MCI nilUHIl. V i.w.v..
IN I"- ... II...UMULI MailMiPHftf
IV. M.! i t mi ' i "t 1 J '
... ti.iriiirv.
. . .Ant VII 111 A. II. II. W. MPIlll
Th.iMt.iiiv nhrht nt tlto Kiiuliio
'ptciitin, Ilt-conlor.
T. . nlillL' -.'ll. ! I. II. ( I. V. Meet.
- 1 b t uiiunin. Mfiprninrv
.... . utniUIIMI!NTK'n I? I n
A I II!. .111 III.? IUI.IJI... l.l.U II.I.L
it. in rmn
irrRMOIIK. I. I.J i I- niiiii.ieriup.
.-h mniilll.
otmVV I.O.KJE NO, 21. K OK l
f. mOt '! rt' mow- iiiiii rvrry iuo-
tK.V 1iIHlK Nil. A. K. UI 1'. Alt'OM 111
n.iin...i Ifnll in'iirv U'AMIi ni.it .-.
NUAKnr-l-.'t it iii iiihi
. .... .lit lutJ'K I t It a..-... ..
ffhtilrr'-naili'very Tiiurndiiy nmw.
. imii, IIIHHII NIL II. AM.nnlil.
.'Ml. renin? urn. .ri'Koii.
, uffln'. .thuK.'iulloii II lock, I'unillo-
vrii m U N. A 1 I I 1 1 f l. 1 M A'l
ul ill kind nltciiilt'il to Willi iTompt
Oiilrtllann n pt-lulty. ottk-e on
urci ii iiiv i iniiiiiiiiimriiiiiiri
i.otfrllie il (illk'o.
l7n Y FITZO BltA M), ATTOltN KY8
llU. hO 'III .No. A mill e, AhuocIiw
MrC-Mulli Mlreel, III Ttil)llllOli-
.M Itiil .lli.i. uv.. ii.a ml..
Sifrivip ll-Ml ii iiiii n I liki ii tr . I'.tn .
vrtiKiiiiir.uiriciiii. in uruiiiiL'O
promo ya icnaeu v.
iP.I.Nk I I'll I If r 1 1 . L .1 f I k II A'l'
(iniiritin. iiri'irmi. ilimiiiim n iiiiii
nfl III 1.1
I ' . t f,t . . . . . ..... ...
IU3MIII.lt IMIVkilHI t V A VII 1411
dintvtilt. I'llVMIIMA V AND HIIH.
K-n. Kiftm u AKtociutlon block,
-vi nurt, corner or juiiiioii iiihi
."'.vim, t . i,iiiiiiitti i-riinii,.
rnil ho m -i lien llio iiurrfiiie
- .Luj riirci uuiutf ill re.iupuce
un. n.u f i..... , . ...i.
,t ' vmi b iiivui, viucii niiiiri.
'bill., in.. fr..i.. ... r.
UMl ntsr Court lreet. Iielilence
Bnfie, by t-lephono with VII
-n Mprcim uiiention Klven lo the
' " "n(n anil vliiMmi.
and Corporation Sealsj
I Pendleton,
price for nenls niailo hy other
I. . .
ie r.aii in jrom !M)0
iprtw hiirgcs milled. If yon
'"'Wnilyouroriicr to in, nnd taw
:' to I' .ft). ,eret,j..
tast Oregonian Pub, Co,,
1 1
Pendleton. Oreijon
Has been tiiken ofl both
Woolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
it i
toway Hot Springs.
- iToprletor.
f. ir lieairlfnllv .li.,,.i...i i
is ,K"1" "flltlieu.t
' n will be open for tho
"J 'Un July hi, in 1. 1
' - u.s " r ir conhl
1 1 I' -e Klrlk..
s m i.l- hiuI evr
in mo.is lomfurt.i.
i 1 I'm. th wnler jmro
11 1 'II . fi M-olUfeS,
1 1 - Pron.
- i
1 T HE
' v?
' r I n
And thoy now oflbr their Lurge and Complete toek of
Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself
that the above are not mere assertions, but that thev will sub
stantiate what, they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
therelore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
meet competition from all quarters. They carrv a
General Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
VJXJ.JLXU.J. oxx o vu.uiiXixxj.15, jc ui xxiaxxxxiu uuuua,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
andjGrlassware,' Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Cheap News!
Tlie Soml-Weelily
Bast Oregronian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
1 Hon woitKs ii:stitovi:i. '
Held Ifp Nenr rirtlml-t'iil. llnimhiu 'x
Itiillrniul CiiiiiIiik Tliroiicli i:u.lrrti Ore
Kim After 11 While. !
iiLuuriuiiK 10 uiu murv, hmjk .iiihh a lira , : ,;r ......
. CJUwon.u former tmtlont of Aim. .Murritv. itllr Homily Litml WumtniH, inniiuil for
. into 1i!m roulldcnco utid contwlwl u bold , Tr7V0 wil,r.H ,,rlorl) ,Ma!oh '' m?
bliicknmillnu' m-licmo. Iwt WudncHdnv B"nniiral I ollceo Scrip, Ihhiici to tho
fair to pnjHinno tliut it tolmctloii bv tho
N'ouh would be n ttimlilu point for the
fair dootrexs?
C It. Mclmtui's, luimtt who hiw hereto
fore borno it jjood imtno In HiIh city, htiM
evidently been carefully eonHiilerlnu the
facts above related, ttt'.tt recently urrlveil
at the conclusion that Mm. Dr. Murray
could bo'worked" for more monev anil
accordiiiK to tho Htory. took Minn Alice
110 iii Ktietm III llouil Tliroiieli I'.n.l
ern OroRoii After Auhlle. lint nnl tin
iiieuinieiy. DiacKiiiaiiini; Hcncino. UM WedncHday
Nkw Yoiik, July I'll. Col. Donahue, of ';"NH "'i""1" vmltotl at Mrn. Murray'w of
8att Francinco, in in this citv. He In the 1 ,lco u,ul ,0''1 lUr that an ni ticlo,datnac!ni;
head of what lit known uh Donahuo'M t her reputation, wum to lie puhllHhcd in
Hugh, bolnn tho railroudn running from ' l"? J"WH """I that If $I,()Jil were paid to
San Fiancicco notth throiifh the vuIIcvh ,0hn I). WIIuox, nroprletor of the Newn,
that Ho cloee to the I'acllle ocean. Dona-' ul1" 0 iletectivcM who worked
htieV attention was called to iccent pub- "l the immo (ho articlu would bo wi
lirthcd articles, which utateH that his loii I preHjjeil. McIhuuch HubKeijuontly called
Htuy in tho Kast In duo to Ihu fact that ho . rH ufni.v "l dates were made for
in endeavoring to raise l,000,00i) to ex- '""nor consiucraiiott ol tliu inutler. ov
tmid his road throutth Oregon to lloise j t,rul iatorvluWH were afterwards had and
City. "I have had an oiler of sfU.OOCUkHI at 0, ,M",U or '"r ""i wt'ro so
in the Kast," said the Colonel, "hut Ihu j ri'd in i llio room, at .Mrs. .Murray's in
extension of tho road to Idaho is not ,,'mco V10 "Vurlieard tlio conversation,
my Immediate object. The de.lro is to These wllnesses say that .Melsaacs told
oxtend the road toward Kureka. and lo aoi" fntnkly that ho wiih tho duly author-
into tuu koiiwooii eountrv, where we
I.miil Korlm NnineM Vuluen 1 1 hit t'uril.
The various warrants, certillcates and
scrips which may tw used in the aciittiru
incut of title to public lands are known
under the funeral term of "Lund Sctips."
The most common of these urn Hnvnhi-
tlouary llouuty baud Scrip, issued in sat
isfaction of Virginia Ijind Warrants; Mil-
i.ed iiKent of John I). Wilcox, thai he
wauled f 1, 50(1 for the retraction of certain
statements against her character, and tho
sumirossion ol others In preparation. He
said u was worth more monev to V
would find iiiimedlatu business: then wo
illicit take up the extension to jtolso
City throuuh Kastern Oreuon. whom the
ninlii 1m tiorfi'i'llr fmmllilit 1 li.iv.i
r.i.wl.. mil. I n... ( iiu. hmii,. i .1...1 to attack her than to suiinri'NM iiiililteiittiin
.i....s ...i., inv iwuiu in i.nmi;ii I . . . , 1 1 . . 1 2 Y
through all iiniiortunt passes according to i ,tl,u mtlur, but In consideration of her
law." Mm; a woman, ho would make a bargain
I with her. Molsaacs claimed that he
Tim wiiXAMtrrrr. ikon wokick iu would not get a cent of the monev utiles-
wtihmkii. Wilcox paid him for servW Mrs.
.Murray wantod some evldenco that he
Th l'lre nf IncenilUry Orliiln A Tntnl
I.niiK-riirilHlly Inturril
j was Ilcox's agent and he produced u
IMitTiAN ul I,,l,,,r ...PonWh-l note signed Wilcox, 'wherein it
10UTI.AM , Julj Jtl.-Mio tl) , j ,. ! was stated that he would Ixj responsible
" transactions of the' tourer.
Iiollerhhoiisofthe Willaiiielte Iron Works,
coiner ol
Fourth 'and M streets. Tho
frame L'OOxoO
fcet, tilled with all necessary machinery
for the inuuufaetmo of boilers, ull iif
which wus very valuable. The lire soon
wrapped tho entire buildini: in a sheet of
(lames, and it was entirely destroyed
lesplte tlio most strenuous ellorts of the
lite departments. The loss Is estimated
at 100,000, partiully insured. It is sup-
posed to have been of incendiary origin.
IIKI.ll til N I.Alt fOKTI.AM).
Itolilieil of III. .Money !)
on the Wlilto IIiiiidh
Great Western Bakery.
Frosh Eastern Oystora, in Evory Stylo!
JY) Ntrt'f-t. iiritr PoNtoJJlrfi, I'ewtMon '"
II, K. Clermont
l'oiiTi.ANii. July L'll. It is lust learned
that at ten o'clock Wednesday night last
h. I.. Clermont was held up and tubbed
of $25 by tw masked men on the White
llouso road. Clermont was riding in u
buggy at the time. One man stoped at
Ihu hon-o's head and took hold of the
bridle, while the other drew a bead on
Clermont and made him give up all he
had. There is no cluu to the robbery.
Thai rurlliiiiil' Win.
I'oiiTi.ANii, July HO. Tliu gaino of base
ball on Clinton and .McCoy's grounds yes
terday between llio Willumo'tcs and tliu
l'ortlaiiils was won by tho latter, tliu
score standing (I to lit.
A llt.ACKMAII.I'.lt OAl'TllltCII.
A lleiie-nl:ille of the I'lirlUnil evn
CiiukIiI In tho Aet of lilnckimilllni; Jlr.
Ir. .Murrity.
I'oiiti.ani), July 2)1. Poor, jiersecuteil
.Mrs, Dr. Murray. Her name is again
brought before tho publlo: this tlmu as
tho intended victim of it bold bad black
mailer. Mis. .Murray, it will lo temeiii
tiered. I the woman nhyficlau in whoso
olllco .Mary Schuellur died not long sir.co,
from tho elluets of an ub irllou, criminal
in nature. Who committed the crime
Mrs. Murray pretended not to lie sallslled
Willi this and told Mclsuucs to tell Wil
cox to send Ills receipt or como in person
and make a vei lull promise that he will
letract what he has printed uliout me.
She was assured that Wilcox was too
smart to give a scratch of a mii In ac
knowledgement of money paid.
At this iMjriod of the conversation a
noise was heard behind the screen and
Mcls.iucs seemed to suddenly iculi.o that
he had lieon trapped, and remarked. "I
have made a f-xil of myself, John Wilcox
will have to put up tliu money to get mn
out of this town. I know I am gulltv,
but I was led Into It by Wllt-ox." Ml
Iwiacs was told that If he would go into
court and swear to what he had said
about Wilcox ho should not Is) prose
cuted. To this he replied: "I dure not
give Wilcox away, and will have to take
the consequences." Me Isaacs was in
rested last evening. Ills ImiikIs were
listed at $1,000 and were furnished by W.
W. (!oK'land, foreman of the News com
poclng room, and one of the roortorit of
that Paper.
Opinion is divided as to whether Wil
cox hud anything to do with Ihu matter.
And many liavu gone so far as to say they
believed tho whole rcliomu was coiicocleil
by Mrs. Murray for purMsei that can be
easily understood. Joseph Simon ami
Henry K, Mcd'iun have been retained by
Mrs. Murray to proceeuto Melsaacs.
Hotel ArrYuiL.
Vii.i.aiiii Horsi: Ci W llahcmk.MIss
Page, A W Ocobock and wife, Walla
Walla: (i W llahn. M .Milan. I. Kelne.
K bockwixHl, Miss Jones, Simons, 1.
Van Vleit, San Francisco ; Dave Frifouug,
Fred becrono. Sells llros' Circus: J it
Savior, I'u ; K II Clarke; I) Lyons, Cum
tllfa; J II Watson and wife. CIiIciil-o: J
M Walker, Stockton; J II Sullivan,.! (i
Pope. Portland; W W Urown. C S Mil-
lor, 0 HAN; Joo(iarroU,Suml(!arluhd, I
i ity; r ti tirosiieor, M ijuls; ti A
ticared, uud a very general belief prevails
that tho aforesaid nuwHP.ii.ers ilropu il ,
has never Ihjoii proven conclusively, but j uggonor, Lorvullls; Mark F Jones,
it is said tout one or to nuwspuH)rH in F N (Jllliert uud family, Salem; W II
this city had all thu evidence in the case I Jones, Maker Citv; II II Ohiens. Fort
looked'up and had prepared for publlca- i Steele, Wy; W S. Staluy, Kcho: Frank
Hon, articles voiy damaging to tliu wn-, O'llurrn, City; W I. Mullock, U-na.
man whoi-o namo ImH Isien iiiontioned. ioi.ni;.N Kui.i:.- Mrs H Shean, Frank-
It is ceitain that thesu uiticles never uii- (irldley, country; O J lutitia, I old
bpring; M nuns, ! w wo.Marxo, Atiains;
(ieo Washington, City; I D Mills, John
tho mutter for n lll.erul imuuiiluty coiuid-: Pinker, I iiiou City ; 1- llonvlly, Stix-k
eratlou. I ton, Cid ; T Akeu and llarr, l.eadville ;
Alwut the time o Mary Schneller'n ; M Wilson, uiugl reek; D Ilarlngton A
death tho Dally Kows of thU city von-1 Un, Ix-advillo; C Stokes, J Myann,
tallied an article in relation to Ihu matter .MountaliiHi AJ Puling, City: (J Wining
from which tho following is extracted: ton, Chicago J J K (iieonlleld. A Hudson,
"The sister of thu deceased wished tho U hinkos ami tiroiners, i-.ciio; Monro
warrant Issued for .Mrs. Sallio Diki (sup-1 Doimy, W cston, m ( oy, N alia alia :
iioHod to mean Mrs. F. M. .Murray, tho i A I- Uslion, Juiiichi lurlf, wyoiuliig; llev
notorious ulKirlloi 1st). No one knows J I- lirouillanj, J .M St John, U tirunde.
lioticr than .Mr..MetiIiintliutit Is in everv- ' ISowman Hoi sk l)iils Oli-olt, Ireland ;
body's mouth in Poitlaiidthut.tho woman i H lllack, II H Hervey, Will Devono,
has commiiied tiicsu nuiiieiei-s ciimes
several States to aid hi llio inIiiIiIIhIiiiiiiii1
of institutions (orleachlngagricuituronnd
inechanlcsj Supremo Couit and Survey-or's-tieneral
Scrips, issued In lieu of
southern private grunts sold by the gov
ernment. These warrants or scrips can bo used
in the purchase of lauds just us cash
might be used, and fees to iciristers ami
receivers are luiinitcil iin)ii the location
of all of them except tliu Revolutionary
llounty Scrip. They aie therefoiu actu
ally below par lhul is, w hile the face
value Is $I.2. per iicre, they cannot bo
sold for quite that much.
Another class of scrip, known us cer
tillcates of Deposit, is that issued on do
Hjiils for surveys. Tho face value is
$1.1V -er acre, hut ai they cannot now
lie used outside of the State in which thu
1 1 i , i i... .. , .i . .
to Wilcox I surveyeii is siiuaieii, tuey cannot ho
rvni mi null iiiiiuiiui, I ntTj lull IJU lini'd
only where cash would soive.
Several sci ins of private character net
locatalile outside curtain named States
Pilnelpully Flotilla have been issued,
hut are not constituted of sulllclunt gen
eral Interest to merit spcclllc description.
Soldier's Additional Homestead Certill
cates will lake any vacant unappropriated.
unreserved, public laud that has been
stirveyt.il. 'lhesu ccrtllleutcs were Issued
to soldiers, sailors, and murines, who had
made homesteads of less than Kill iicies
prior to .1 lino M'i, 1871, that they might bo
plural on an eipial footing with their
comrades who were by law allowed lo en
ter 100 acres. The Issuance of the same
was discontinued in lHS.'l, uud orsous
entitled to additional lauds are now re
quired to go to tliu local land olllco and
lake their additional entries in Peisou.
The law forbids the transfer of these cer
tillcates, but the provisions am evaded by
means of two powers of attorney one to
locate and another to sell thu laud. The
value of these ceitlllcates is 'M and up
wards per acre.
Thoio uro'sovoral private scrips, vary-'
lug in quantity from -III to 010 acres, that
sell from 'M to fill ier acre, anil one
(iiraid Sciip that will take only oll'erod
or iinotlered surveyed laud, because of
peculiar wording of thu law under which
It was Issued, is held at $00 per acre.
Sioux Half breed Scrip will take tin
surveyed public land. Itiipioveiiient of
thu land Is u condition precedent to locu
tion. A largo amount of this scrip wiih
stolen from thu (ieueral laiud Olllco some
yean ago after It had been located, and
whon one of the stolen pieces makes its
iipK!uruuco now, thu sciip is cancelled
and tho location declared void.
In numerous cases it lias Ihhiii ascer
tained that powers of attorney have been
obtained fioiu the I mil, ins through fraud,
and thu locati'jiiH have thus been tlu
feated. Notwithstanding these circum
stances it is worth from $:t.'i to ( I ) per
Porlerlleld scrip Is the only scrip that
will lake laud in an Incorporated city or
town. A decision by thu baud Depart
ment to thu ellet that It would t.iku lump
propiiated lauds, with Improvements
I hereon, caused tills scrip to bring very
high prices. Sales at $100 orueio have
Im'cii made.
Valentine Scrip will take surveyed or
uiisui veyed, tillered or unollered, uti-ap-protuiated,
uoii'iiiiuciul public laud gen
erally, and can be located on mineral
laud In Minnesota, Michigan and Wis
consin. Neither residenco nor Improve
ment is required, Valentino Scrip is
generally used to take uusiirveyed public
laud, la-cuuse It is legally ussiguublu and
freo from objectionable featuies. It Is
worth about too per acre. II. N, Con-.
tiiuu tind again, uud that she
long ere this should h:io Ikwii
sent to tho penitentiary. Pet
haps he docs not know that tho threat
wasniudoon the streets yesteiday more
"Wine' and Spirit Merchants,
NIAJf Ofllc
"0 . I
i; lioTi-o in
DIAN VAHL iAL VATCR, .'.V jfcrn aw, Wis i VEURE CLI
QUOT PONbARDIfl CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label,) j,. ...
than oncu that if tliu district attorney
not attend to bis duty hotter u vuil.ino.i
eominlttee would clear our a curtain nest
.if iiliiirilmiluia uilh ivlilith thUciti- is in
fested. The members, of this foul gamu ! Murph
ojionly boast that they can ply their hor
rid vis'auoii iinuiiui ni'ii iin iiiuj uiu ir.j'
teelod by certain ollicers of the law and
Mm. Murray has long Ixm-ii notorious and
it is high time she wag brought to j ihlicu
. It U not ttruugo that
Mrs. Dr. Murray i suHpeutod. A I xm at
bor faoe whilu lutifiug ixjfote tho ooro
nur'sjury wim oii'.uKh tu ooiiviuco thu
inoei k..plical, and ut Mr. MikjIuii did
Hot like Ui IiMtW w:ir-:int hr b"r rtrn-t,
irivini; UK an ox. lut il.e i."i.M p.
run away."
All other puixin in tho city wore
iili. i nil nt or iuiiii.ili 'cd in tl.,-ir ii".--I
ir.U -n- l!i4t Mr 1 in i -as itiui.-n'
. ( it... i i.'' t I . i. n . I 1
U I, ill. 1 U Hi I -. . ' . . I.'
i ' all i f ' H
V. M j i I ' l II 1 h I Ii
tHei I l'lr 1 1 111 Ci' i 1 1 it I -t
....I.. !.. II.. I. . i.
Karster, J H Collins, city ;) T Fero.Johu
1 Nelson, J J Scott, It Luke and daughter,
A (iottlmrg, Widla Walla; J A Horn,
Pilot ltock; Win Itlster. Frank Itlstor,
, W:u V, Wudo, Illinois; F it I. each, Ft o
' uiDiit, o i ; W II lieruiott, Alnett
1 Combs, Ogden, II i Townsetid, Hunting
I ton ; It Lorisouuil wife, Kcho; .Mae Smith ;
J llarrliigtuu, Koistrt I'oriner. W II
Harry Insull. Denver, ("ol ; .1 I.
..iliiru, ii.ii
Ile.eiileld, A Weber, Mrx Wallaea, Port
land; John Owens; A K Klndluy, Vrkan
sax; Anton Itelloui ; J V. I'.oam, U'o.lon ,
.Mutlla MeXuy, .Muttouvillu, Kim; J S
Himhen, I'll 4 lt.s k; K M Itich, ( F
Hk-b, Trinidad, Cul; I, JarvU. Iowa; F
K Davb-i, O It A N 'o; Anion l.hitfo;
Aiitw Aumin; W (.' HowuhI; W F Yuii
nor; I'uvid JolniMnn, Win Uutiunr; -1
I Uik. OmoM ; W II WiI.h)I.
Ilnli ieiiil)lll i .' ll u I j; I .
Km iii tin- l.'iilim Hcout.
Tho Maker City lllailo, u Itopuhllcan
iater, gives the following iufuriuatan to
its readers :
"Ihu I nlou Hcout Is now Douux-ratte
from wuybaek. It him claimed lo 1st in
dependent heretofore."
Wo will Just say for tho ixmolit of tho
Illadu and ullotbeiK who don't rcoiu to
know what the word "independent"
moans that thu Scout is just us indepen
dent us it ever was.aiid a littlo moioso. It
is independent enough to have Its own
opinions. Independent enough to rube Its
voice for thu oatiso it believes to Ik tight.
I ndeieuilunt enough at (his jiiiictuie to
advocate Ihu eleetioii of the Demo
cratic ticket because il Indices that a
ciihis is at hand, and that u Mmgglu
lias commenced between capital and
laisit Im-Iu oon the licit and mioi
iHiiwuuu a inoniisl, sh.xldy uiintocracy
and the Dumix.-r.tey of hoiient toil, which
if liMt lo thu latter, will mil. ill upon
thuiu a g.illiug ner.itiulu. Iiulc'i oiulent
jimugli to iiIIom every nun u voico in Uh
eubiiiius. Inilepumtuiit uiioiikIi, if tliu
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