B1)AY,JUIY28, .. I. lllllml. Iff"11" ,,,.,i,,uiax Inn WP'tl & i im in " AUillltlOII il'".r. under thu man 4Hvm '"'Vi.,,.i. Hi- will li uonier i . ivnuirtoii, uhtl i .tftmni .v. i "ih'v: ,Tn unu" i,rii,uii:. iio win . nimifUIlill'lis.- " i ft ifltifri 1L 1! UHSi I,f li from your neighbor. , tho warp, u""". " gibing W going ciicur t . resilient of roiullcton ot V.. n.llv Kaht Ok- ...i.it Mt tills forenoon on a ptoWwon, nn ' -" ... ... .i tt.uwif utattprt ,1 lliR 1)111 UII iwiuu ... Att City " ",U j... l.iw iiuHK lor sale on Icrmi'. 1 or punicum, m- Ollivr. .... fiofoiln imtn writes an 1 i-i .t .Mim whether uuv mil liu. I It nf tin). Howard are compelled to itir cntlio Mock of boots and the next thirty 1.i.vh. !il tluc Itopaln A Howard inllicluiKWofiiii attorney 3tn Atigtint iKt. 1 ratlin,: a piece of loathor it serious niistnku and ' I ,.f 1,1a Illll'nrM. III! i"t." idliiin.vii from his inggy .. I .t.. .it u.nmttlilll'r III tll iiifji i vi-sterday, anil tiled after from i.tn Injuues. 1' 1,1. ,11 II, Al' ll'IH II iHVlt ;jdi1 I'M ike corner of Main iffi'ii. ami vou will have no I-, ...tri-iiF ll Villi lllltmillZO MM, mil."" , . - v I lti'il l.nbuiistclti lum .i -J I lit Pendleton lor mo it.i. lln Inn iroue to tho itu.:i pleasure-seeker, but Dtl 4 lll.lll III lii, "iiv . iuilv la r Oin:osi,s ono Ewr'v HUlulielns. (let one n r in u i! in" ii. rwrv re.i'lcrof tho Dully and kfure ono or nioto campaign . , ii . i.i.. ... W II, reilllMtTUI.V l" " Ki. 7 I IKIltS DllllV. Midi i-Iilll-SIIlUIl, III1U III . ,. .1... !.'.. I.. I.. or uivm ill iiiu r-miu, in in 'll II I , U!. nlKr-n iii'kiiiiwlixlL'OM ii ll i.i, . tt. t ... .iK-i-iiaiiiu wiLiuiv Hum un . . . uisicBicnuv uvcnuiK ' iuro .It. . il.L (i nil aniMiu.ii co. niosi ui inn wm Lclnif abHont in tno llif MUJi gN.it ItitorcHt WIIB mill, fitiutcd on I'ovorty i hit Willi, hui liiirneil to tho 'jM. Imt it will bo ooii- . rv l :. . 1 . a. . IVIHMII.'l I'jlllt (IftV lywilil.t ll, ill ,ttmll. -- . .... "FI,U HUT, Vl.tlll- Vr,Mni,J i,iil ,ilu,nl lirnlt'i I ""h , M'l'. l"',. ll, II' THrt.e. North Pnrlr lIni? tho Uiuntorrtund flxhcrmmi. con- ,'m UiM... i l ii.. . I v I itt. F J I nuior uixl Mr. H lliwtl.lnj ,-.f Vl.i.n,l ,...,1 l.u .. .il It .t f 'Vim iu .'iuiu u;ivk an w m arm parno in prooi ii,. ...i . . ... , uniri I'l .UIB I. M . - IVIIIillll I'CIII.IIIH ll .ei eral travelln i(;ent .i . w . " viiui.ii itiii. nun i ur "ii i ii iit'r in ii . ii rv tinriinn wi . ... . - ' iuiu .iiiu .-uuiii, " Mie U faui'llar with Mroy.m'H i. t4 tufraturcH. 'wi amitU UUnt on. or of "rui,,u iKiiiiiiiir imp 1(1 'jeari i, .... t u ti i "uro arroste i tnin .Miiur iinil .Ml'lll ,l-l,il ZM. , U hmiiil iin .... ,1.. - fld Ulf luMI,.l t .... ..'..1 ..I. "u ugarueii t ho tru n. . -muunor cvneludi'il tn ii. ii.. ii . . . . - r """"un nnu nuvo tnein irniiies were i tlio M',A'l..Ki.ir tho out-It, feitt "Ililivn tho linn fnr ' 'n i. take . jio nf. Tbia , ""i-umw i-uiii-roij in t ip ' i.ecn ptisunerrt alto- "Iri.cr l w.iii.. tr..ii . " II Ufkil il i. . ... I. n . ii u , inuiuj. HI) ""rn'W.m it... ii.,.... 'l I't tllH Im iii. !... i -.. ,,,, mi,.,, .,471.(1 1 lie lilinni. 1 I.... I. . , . I 1 1 11.1 lit. if 1,0 rirUcl to u .ii' l'Ii. ,i .. .,: . i.- .11... . ' 'w "r un .Ujm'Ih',, uwttS?.rti,er d.rivere "over "Juans they don't get. Tho thrco tramps arrested yesterday, after being confined in Jail, nt omo began to look around to tea wlmt tbov could Btcal, true to their iiiiturc. Seeing H. M. Tweedy, a half-crazy ininato of tho ew tabllshuiunt, tho idea ntruck thoni thut bo would be a good mibjecr. for thioverv, und il was ut once put in practice. Iio wart Htrippcd of neatly all hit, clothing bv tho vugs, but tho robbery wan discovered by Tweedy h relatives, who emtio in to visit hint, and his wuidrobo was restored by tho J.dlor at their discovery and com plaint. Tlnk French and Al Despaln liuvu returned front th ir oxtended hunt ing, fishing ami mining ttip to the (trcenhorn uiouittaius, tho balanco of the paity stopping at Teel sprlug-i on tlio lutitrn tup, not yet being Hiirfci oil witlt mountain life and its pleasures. The boH created iiulto a sensation on riding into town, looking like u couple of desper adoes with their mustangs and pistols. Tltoy very uatiinillv ie)ort a lino time in tho rugged mountains, "far oil' from the madding crowd." A prominent young man wont to n hotel in l'cndlotoii tho other evening to engage a bed. Ilo also asked for a Blieat of paper on which to write a letter. Ilo liaptieucd to bo unknown to the night clerk, and was lefmed lxth without a "put up" in udvanco. Tho fact that ho wub suspected of Itclng u dead-beat nat urally aroused his nngcr,aiul ho departed in high dudgeon for another hotel. Whether tho Joko is on the young man or the nlgltt-cleik still remains in doubt. Five, soldiers from tho Walla Walla garrison cutno in on tho train yesterday evening, and left on tlio west-bound pas senger train for Vancouver, T. Tltoy aro men picked from etch company at Walla Walla for superior marksmausltip, and will contest in Vancouver with tho jlck of sovetal regi.tients on thocoast and In Arizona. After the contest, the four finest marksmen w ill bo bo selected mid sent to Fort Mugara, to take part in a national content. Tho upper Columbia river Is to Uo navi gated. iSleauioirt aro already on tlio river, and on u trial trip tho steamer City of Klloushiirg went from Port Kuton to the Okanogan tiver and up that stream ten miles, and returned, making the round trip In thirty-three hours. Tho country opened up by this now .-ile.iuiboat line ii a magnificent one, rich in both agricultural and mineral resources. It is stated bv th Oroiroti Made that tho Stars weio defeated In their gunio at Haker City with tho picked nines, coin posed of llolso, North Powder and 1 1 liiando nines. This is u strungo mistake on the part ol tho iiliule, and will lie deemed intentional miles u correction Is made. Tho Stain won every gamu In which tltoy contested. 0car Crau N on the programme for to-day's gauio hct.vceit tho I'ottlamN and Willamette at l'oitlattd, as catcher for tho former club. A rupnrt of tho umiiio and his work behind tho b.it will bo looked for anxiously in Sunday's Ore goui.iu by his Pendleton admirers. .1. F. ltoliluson has returned from Mcachaui, to remain In Pendleton to-day and tomorrow. Ilo has not yet ob tained his fill of tho pleasures of moun tain life, and will lucaiii depart for tho similes of tho pines on Monday noxt. As soon as ground aro obtained, a stock company formed, and ovorythlui; Mjitlxfnrtiirllv urriiiiL'oil. tlio Stars will ciiallougo the Colf ix nine, which appears to bo so awfullv anxious to cross bats with the Pendleton boys. Centervlllo Homo Press: Tho Pendle ton Stars havo Just caui-o to feel proud over their victory at tho basnball tourna ment held in linker City last week. They were given a grand reception when they returned bundiiy nlgitt. Mr. A. II. Hurler, who has been visit ing relatives hero, together with his two daughters, was cotncllcl to return to his homo in .Mlmuy last oventng, Having leccived word that his immediate pres ence was necessary. Robert I louden-on, of Silver City, Idaho, blew out the gas in a Chicago ho tel several nights ago, and when found was barely nllvo. It Ih thought ho will recover, although it Is a "cloo shave." Another "advance brigade" of Sells Ilros.' circus passed through town j ester- dav. It looks like tho elicits was com- posed entirely of "advanco brigades," so ireiiuem aro ineir visits. George I), ltlchlo, of Camas pralrio, lias been granted a pension of itf er month with about )W) back pay. Mr. Jllchlo is ono of the veterans of tho. Mexi can war. Drs. Kagan and Vincent visited Sam I lavs vctordav, and report that ho is do itig'siilendidlvi and is getting well vory rapidly for u man with a badly-brokon leg. Mr. J. .1. Worcester and wife will loavo on to-night's tndn for Cayuso, to si-end another Sunday on ft search for tho "sjmckled bcautios" of tho Umatilla. Chatles Wilkins is etnjaged to-nay In removing his family and Iwloiigingu to his neat now resldenco on tho hill south of town. It, Cotfev, Indian Agent, has rt notice under "New To-dav" of intoivst to per- sons gunning and itching on tho rjecrva-'Hon. His Grace. Archbishop Gross, will lee- NOT A GOOIt .MI'.OII.VNIC. .ilnlhou- Itt.rroli Wuulil llnvo llrcn (liven Work ir tin lint lirrn Cupnlite .Mc clinulc. PlINDIiKToN, July S(l, 1888. To tlio IMIIorot the Kn-1 Orroni in. Ill tesponso to tliearticle published In yourjiaperof Thutsday, I will take pleas ure in explaining the matter to vour renders. 1 can snv vou Imvn Immi "mli. Infornieil concerning' tho matter. You and tho general public know tho French mechanics, and know them to bo free and liiierat men, far above small ucllons. inoy never boycott any one, no matter who they aro. It takes niaons who know their trado to wotu with them. If wo need Mono masons we can eel thmn everyday In Pendleton.aMgocdwoikincu, or neiier, tnnn .Mauiow iierron, Imt tltov are not cupablo of doing the work reaulreil of tbetn. I wish you would got Mr. Iier ron a joii.il you can, FltANK UoiMAUOIJ.V. Ilntrl ArrlvnU. Viu,Aiii) Housk W U Calhoun, Cen tervillo;CV llansler, J J Scheliner, F W Husey, 11 M Parkhtirst. G II Kngllsh, J Suldar, .1 Garrig.iu, udvanco brigade No. U., Hells Ilros; T II Walsh. V S i-ord and who, l.a tirandoj W C Starr, San Francisco: Geo JI Saubert. Sulont: It P Klllott, St Paul; .1 F Clark, Denver: win .MiiHKciyno, naucr ttty: Thos II Cox, Island City; .1 15 Kecnev, .loo Gar rett, city; c M Campbell, O It it N Co; J II llottefiel, Santa Monica, Cal; .1 K iortli, O lUVTltltCo! F A Frisch I...... i n it-.. ii... n t ii tt "iii, i,iiuw,,u x iiiiiiun, iiitrvov Harris, Julius Ileilbroitiell, PortlandjGco (llHtl'lln. MltMllllfltl'll (-IrfMIU (iiii.iii-v lirii- s ll rViii.iiii ..id. ........ - - - ' Illlli, VII. , Frank Haniia, 1) .Murphy, Cold Spring; H Campbell, 0 Hardwlck, city; Mrs i.i'.iiiner, a umison, oyo; . u itennick, .innipor; Mison, itng crock; J II Ogg and brother. Nolitt; Frank Williams, Muuntaln; M Wild, wife and mother, country; T Seragg, W llrown and famllv, Montana, lloWMAS Horsi: K F unmet. Diilutli. Minn: Miss Sullivan, Mrs Cahnbach, l.a Grando; M 1 Mullory, Walla Walla; C II White, I.aGrando; Win Kobltison, Ar lington; MrsC W Gates, Haker i!v; J : Mills ami family, Kingsville, Mo; '.Miss i.ciniuoii, Kansas; .icsse urimcs, I, M Hi-own, C Gerald, 'II C .Muir, Trinidad, Cal: Pat Carroll, Cluirlio Shafer. Asnen: August Fessel. Jco Mack, Falrplay; C F urievo, k I-, upon, , lames i.it, Denver; Win McFtill. Cartlmifo. Mo: A McDon- i- noil, W.I (iihlaiii, Denver; D McDonald, a i A Campbell, Peter Welch, K O Town- semi, Collins, i.a(irande: .1 iv Meant, Weston: C II Nafienlto, Ilakor Cltv; C W Shank, J Melquist, The Dalles. "Si-i-oinl to linker lly." Tho Haker Cily Detnocmt man Is ihw sesfcd with extraordinary powers. Ho thinks Haker City comes first; Pendle ton si-cond, of tlm towns of Kastoru Ore gon. Tho 1?at Oiit:mNiAX of course iliil'ers with thu Demisinit man, but Is willing ti admit that it is in a position to bo prejudiced; so is the Democrat man, but Is willing to leavu it to the record of both places and the progress each has made in I bo last live years. The Demo crat enthusiast speaks us follows of Pen dleton and linker. "The last issuo of tho Kaht 0ui:aoNi.N was brimming with good cheer over the news that Pendleton within a few- weeks would become tho end of a division of tho Wallula branch railroad; also, cen tral division of tho 0. It, Si N. system, Wo aro glad of Pendloton'H good fortuno, and Iiojk) sho will reap every benefit kis slblo. Pendleton Is u live, progressive town, second only to Maker City in all the great Inland F.mplro, and is dentincd to 1h a larga city some day. Hy tlio wily, sHaklugof this divirioti iiuestlon, it is now strongly ninieii inai iiukoi- city is upoily situi Tlll.V Alti: CD.MIMl. Hi-ll" llrollirrA' Stioiv to Apiienr llrro an AuRimt Htli-l',,n( Aim ill the Illntnr)- or, tlio .Men uud Tlu-lr Kthlltllli'UK. Sells brothers wore inerclmntH in Co-i luntbtiB, Ohio, about twenty jears ago. They started Into the show business in u small way, but always managed to give n gocd ling i eifoiinunce. 'llioy mudo! monoy ino ursi season that was about t fifteen years ago and put the money , Into the show. Hvery vear thov improved I their menagerie and invariably beat all f competitors in thu iptalitv of the show lit the urona. They visited tho panto territory in tlio Mississippi vallev year( after year, plaxhig to tho same "jicbple and to steadily Inereailng business. While them were fc.ihi ns when l!arnum. ' Van Atnbiirg and (?ooier it Hulley, hail tho larger nienageriu, nono of them came up to Sells ltrothers' ling ticrfonnanccs. , That was tholr big card, und thev alwavs gmo what they advertised, llero was; the secret of their success. And un-! other tHtltit, tltoy always preient their, exhibition witli as much care und elabor ateness in. the smaller cities us in tho i mctroolitan centers. In another column i win uo iutiuii ii iisi oi mis year's ultra ti ll its. NunieroUB enough and fine enough are tltoy. What will pleato thu lieopio of this coast most will bo tho army of great buro-bnek riders. Tito Kansas City Titnos, in the course of u long and interesting article, contained tlio follow ing: "Ten thousand people cheered as tltoy never did before at Soils llrothors' circus last night. The great white tent was packed to suffocation, and still a crowd besieged the tlckut wagon, which the jHilice ordered closed at a quarter to 8, so fearful weio they that u panic might occur. The surprl lug merit of the Sells' show was full v known here, und all Kancus City was' anxious to pay homage to a management that has created such a stir throughout the country. Thoo who were forlunuto enough to gain admittance were abund antly rewarded. Illuso show-goer we ro dumbfounded to find that it is still poti-1 bio to proKcnt entirely now and thrilling I circus acts. Thu thrco rings and hungi stage blazed with marvelous and pctllous feats during thu circus proper. The! shooting exlilhtlon by Cupt. Ilngurdtis' und his gifted sons, tho twenty-threo I horse act in tho eclipse, and the "hippo-, drome race, wrought thu uudieucu up to: a delirium of excitement. Sells llrotliers scored an uiimistukahlu triumph hero yesterday. ;over befoio has a cir cus eslatilMtuieut given such thorough ' sutifluctlou in this city, and for tlio litsl tlmo Iiiu one roliglim-dy fullflllod all its promli-'cs. A Narrow i:iMii' Mr. Put ritt, the old gentleman who owns tho Bureau saloon in Pendleton, came very near "shiillling oil' this in irtnl coil" tlibt morning in uo very ple.is.iut manner. Ilo was ono of thoso unfortu nates who tiro iui-t sulllcieutlv late to bo compelled to nut to c.it'b a train; bo was nuccesslul cnoituli to cntcit tlio vwtiln Walla train, but hi') mannurof doinuso camu very near costing him his life. He caught hold of the liiind bar and at tempted to reach tho steps between the passcngor coacn and sicccr, nui instead wus thrown between the two cars, duni;- lint: there, and holding on for dear life. Just us li s situation becatno desiHiiilo. and ho was on the point of falling nil', be was icsciicd and hauled on to thu plat form by tlio conductor, ttcmbling llku an aspen. It wus u narrow et-capo from a lioriiniu end. MACHINE OILS! The Largest and Most Complete Stock of Castor, Lard, Skidgate, Pioneer, Black and Golden n Eastern Man Oik Oregon. We Guarantee Our Brands to Give Satisfaction. SAMPLES FURNISHED FREE AT LEEZER & KUEBLEtTS DRUG STORE, Despain Block, Pendleton. F. J Donaldson & C 'taul,1 Wo ivrry tlio Inrecii ii'N'irlnioiil of Watches, Clocks, An Jowolry of Evory Doscription llvctj lliliu- wiiinuit'il to ln in, ii'iri'M'iii'i, Watch Repairing a Spocially. F. J. DONALDSON'S CITY DRUG STORE, -IIKAIIQI'AIITHUH TOM- Tlio lli'Bliiiilin;. The chanuo of division wont Into effect yesterday. In tho ovening it mudo a very apprccianio diiiereiico in mo liveli ness ol thu streets. Mvuriiis ol icopiu went nbouid tho wcstlsmn'i train, yestur- lav uveulni;. and it was nuiiu eitteriaiit- ing to wut ell tlm dusty, truvol-sttilucd lassengurs Jump from tlio train and Hock or the hotels, tho stimulus of hiitteer milling great celerity to tluir movements. The good ull'ect of tint change Is already making itself decidedly felt, every tran sient pnssouirer leaving moru or loss ready cash, which finds lis way into the tills of the hotels und stores, und from tiicru into general circulation. protK'iiy situated to Iiocoiiio tho end ol a division, and It is very probablo they may conclude to inako it so within tho next few months. A liimi'lmll Ntm-lc Coiiipunv. Anotlior nieotlngof Urn Pendleton Huso ball Association was held Ftlday evening In tho P.AxT Uiii:ooman olllco. A (jre.it deal of informal dincitsslon was carried on about tho feasibility of forming a stock company for tho purchase cf grounds, in older that PoiulK'ton might havo full op portunity for n toiiriiauiuut, and liherty to iudiiliru its buKuhall fever in tho future to its fullest extent. Witlt this in view, a committee consisting of Mosrs. Turner, I.lverinotu and Carter was aptiointed to draw up nrtlcloH of Inconior.itloii for a baobal' stm-k company. J hoy were fur ther autliorued to see on what terms suitable grounds for baseball purjioses could bo purchased, Tho grounds now l,i iliiv ..irihiut nt tt unrtli.ti fif Hin nlil r.. f A fninL- tni.nllinv uttli tlii i.r.jni Hiilninllil i tin-' maintenance forever inoud, and every onjKiitunlty for specta lots to witness and enjoy the game, Mr. J. II. Turner has promised to mlwrlbe fliiO wottli of ftcok to the association to purchase thoso (.-rounds, und cptito prob ubly others will follo-v his example. The croat national gan.o nf America has found a firm footing, and many enthusi astic worshipper in Pendleton. MACHINE OILS, Castor, Lard, Block and Golden Machine Oils, n-Vt miiirniitco the quality of our b'mmN to Imj ih n-iir pi'tlllnii. ntcit, a' nrli'i'S Hint ili'fy coin- F. J. DONALDSON & CO. Protection or Tariff Reform. Ili-yninl (iicslloii, tlm'iurliri lln-1- ii on which IIiih-iuiiIiik i .i' 'IhiIvii will 1st lunulit mill It Ix'liimvc" iviry i lt,.i n Iio JniiM mii Inlcilk'rnll.v In Infiirin h'lii.rlf iipnii a will Ji'it wiili'h sorloM'ly ulli-i n Iik . inH,rii .rlfaii'. The P GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, tsve Tariff, 1 1 Can't Hi I iiiilt;il. It Is painful, wo know, hut the Itepub licau organs must really be held to their platform, 'tho freeing of whisky, says tho Trlliimo, Is "not an IminiMli.iio oolicv, to which tho purlyiis definitely com- j milled, but a step wlijiiijthu liupublicaus would rather lako man give up Itrmlim wluu m iikuii ,,,,.ti ,i imuosi nuirur siiojh i i-iwy of . ..in t,r lM-iinli till lirotectlVO SVSlem. MICU lO IIIU li'r.v imu inrill I irt ill l-l i n- uu- n-.iriii-i i. u, n iim-ik,iii. im-1 1.11 I'hiiiimi. toxt. Tho platform says: "Wo favor the ! iiHui.oilt "oioi" entire renoal of thu Internal taxes rather 1 limit t.iuvnliimi. 'than ll"1 surrender of unv turt of our ''!' iltiou of Mi. IIIhIiii-'k "Thihi hih in ( nniiriH," is title n up, hu iniitioiiN WHAT IT DOHS FOR US, Ii vdl rm I nil , rt.-. -I nt tin, I'ruti i'lli' -J t iu Ir mi llirnilllltr.v, l'i iIiuimi i.r., i,f i'ii, Imm.k I-Mk rx irt uIIkhi , ,.,tli 1 1 n niint(i, of I'ivkI- w ar tat ill'. It ciu't gled away from. This means thu ! "'"m of a 47 per cent, bo dislged or wrig- ,iiinl.iil, nrllli'lwi l Mini iiuiilu in furnish im-lr own r, ftitiitlon, INDORSEMENTS: from Cniijiiii City. : (no. Martin, wltn for soma timo has llwi'tt sojourning a ( .invoti City, hasio l impil. Ilo briiiL'-i lack tho n'iort that i His antra. Areliul ion uross, win cc-, , , f w u Uq ,, VCJ. . turo In tho Catholic chruch to-morrow at litlIo 1)llhlmH ,uiK transacted there at 10:80 A. M. , i,rc.,mnt. 'I ho inwcoert.hoiij there looms It Is now the dullest season of tho i ., on ., uttrucnv i i-tto, and Imparls un year in tho clerk'H olllco. a(r of rospectability to tho town. Tho I W. S. Ford, tho genial landlord of U iuv crop that 8c tlon will bo somewhat i (irando, Is in town. Hhort this season, this, together with a , iiittio mining ai.u MuCK-rutiniiK. dcihk nio The Hurteter on luTraveli. town's main do mdetice. Kmio little Tho combined harvester left Friday I placer 'and muru-Hiting :1s carried on afternoiii I for Temple's farm. Its , trip J near Canyon 'Ity and ' hig ton IthroiiL'li tho streets was a sort oi in- At iiouinsviuo. iony uuiun in.u.n, .. Hiiccuro Jim" and lln In (iHtllnir Muil, IVoin (ho New York Wotltl. The siucoru and earnest elToi Is which aro being made to render thu present campaign one of urgumuut und not of iiursoiiulltles uiu met witlt such discour agements us tho fol owing from thu Picss, j tho ureal organ of war larlll': j Tho man who hays that lieu, Harrison i is In favor of admitting Chinese lulsir ' into tho Culled ritutes, or who says ho i voted to do this, is an unmitigated liar, j And tho Iio is nono the loss a hu because ; tbu cowardly liar hides his identity lie-1 hind thu inystlo editorial we. The form ns witll in. tlio siiImIioku- of Ilo- lux tic U hum! hiIiiIII'uIiIh, mill I llnvo siiu tiiith lliXHiirHisltij forutu In tlu jiini work nf Miri-Hilliiki ( lit- trull, uiiiuhk Hit- ihopIi-. IsiN M. nicKINNUN, 1'iwtiiiiwtnr ihiii-nil. It Is un uMi' mill loflcnl iixuhltloii nf I lit liijintlic mill ilii'isliii, nf tlm ntotivllMi tlm ory. Thu work U '.Iiifly.iiiul u iry Viilutiiilorniilrlliiltliiii mi llir lllinilorc ,. luiltr inform It W. illWNHKNIl. M. C I notlitr Unit lliiK iMHik U K'CkivIiik n-ut i-'iiiiiiiiiiiliitlou, II U IhiUiiiiiihI iiimu fiiiutit liK'iilnl truth, noil I u'lali Hint Uu- fui't ami iir'iiini iil iiuiy In- in lit- lunula uml inlniU o i-Vi-ry ullivn tmllwl Hmiii ih yi-nr to M,li-iii)in Uu-Kruiit i-i-oiintiili'iil iiui-atlniiK nf suri'lil uml Itirlll, (li;N. JOHN ('. l.,A('K,('niiiiilssom riif IVtislou. W'eluki' ii-imiiii If Klvlnu IliU work nitr hnirly liuliirx-uii" I, n ml ii-piiiiiiiiiii Hint In nil I'lllilliillli-i-Hiiliil I'IiiImiiuisI In I'Xli-iiilliiix IN i-ln-iiliitliiii miinii Hi" voti-iKiif 1 1 1 1 tM .1st. HfATi: 1U..MIX ll TJC li.NTKAl, ( ll.M.Mini.i; Uf II.I.INOIti And iiiniiy nlhiiv. Tile SEMI-WEEKLY EAST 0FIE60NIAN, One Year, l , ii'irlv ill lull r ll : .. . . "A " ,. i.u T..,..trln.. moliiiis. of L.oitl. or itl.400. In live weeks. i i.LinrH iiiii!.ni tin iuiivin " i r . Sis horses were all that were necessary Mm tin Iitiurvlowe.l Wo usk every i cutler of thu Daily and i Sattil-Weekly Ktsr Ohkooxiax to (in deavor t i hccuro one or iimro iMtiipaign ' suUscrJbors to it. Pomi-Wookly, to iNovetuner 15, 1K3S, 75 cents; Dally 1.S5. " i Hook iiotiiut ItixiK Aloiin, I AND CEN. LIEB'S BOOK. ii (imli ami mmil-Weekly Kit (ireuoniuii Ou- . ur II (Jlt.lll, fNWl Addroiw CAST ORECONIAN PUD. CO., .1100 . i u I'm it 1 1-to ii Orctfou, to lltllll though tho machine twenty iiro t.. tin, farm, lll-illoli . cii nnis. " necessary to its HioriiF las-kwisKl i ii , .. ii- muruereii ii-iuiiy wth being airain in tho harvest field. , bjhlnd tho pris "i lx..s. inv mue uon nco struck terror to cfK.tedthe arn that lckjvcKl committed l iii-oimloof tho I sulfide, but wili swing all the sumo for nnimtilH tioil to tho hitch nc-rtick on Alta their crime street, got excited and twisted tho tongue j - - nirilm t,mfi. to which they were at-1 oaek every tuelip.l. Itoforo leavinc. tho huge ma-1 Seml- eckly chine was photographed. Kb trip across tho Main street bridge was a novcre to that-struct uro. trial reader of tho Daily and Kast Oauoo.NiAN to en deavor to secure ono or more catnialgn subscribers to it. Semi-Weekly, to No vember 15, 1883, 75 centa: Daily l.a. IKIKN. OUTCIIKIt M Komr, nr., July JO, Ui, to Hit- wife (if I. U. imichvr, u iTirl. Mother I uml child dolutf wi-ll. 1 ni:v To.ii.iv, All peniona are nr-ri ntniiiru inai on nun after llil date no liuntltiK oi nhootlriK will be ullowed Uxiu Hie UliliKlllu Intlluti reei vutlon without a apeclul jicrinll lit wrltm from me, an J In no event will hiniHiu or klinotlce be allowed thereon on HuiiiIhh, Bated July a, Una. II. COfVK Y, Aseut. A. W. SCHULZE, -DUAI.KJt IN and Socond-Hantl Conorul Furnlturo, Housohold Stovoa, Boddlngr, and Coocla, OHOCKEJiY, OLASSWAHH, I0to. Coods sold on tho Installmont Main Street, Plan, on Easy Torms. A.. W. SOI-IXJLZIi, ----- J'emlleton, Oregon.