East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1888, Image 1

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    ;D A.1LY.
, ST Wll iT
a rtti:i: i.iintAitv.
rnlrntm of Hip Dully or HciiiMVeeWly
r.ASV OlIKdOMAN tun freely imikn tine
ufttio l'ASI' OltlKIONIAN lll.rnry when.
7." L i'ml.Ukly KA8T OllKOON
roMr i ..rior Hie November
" .in. .lollnr "".I liny cent, win pay
T'vMj 'W "K"N,AN ,tr
.i.n.iii..ni'',i' m',"
over lliey no uVnlte. The public urn cir- !
tllnlly Imlteil to tl.lt the olllce whenever
it Inrllneit.
v m -- - -
NO. 12G.
i..ii ni iiiv- 7 . .
91 a f jtii Krldny of ohci. iiimmi, hi mv
I and 4U1 IT1"".- w tt V ft l!r nimiv.
Wfc J.t.
IfM til A UV A. It.
.... 1 I' 1411 lit li i'wt 7 . .
"&inn Ihw nccond miiu rmirin won-
r.,i , i. it art rim i ni mi) ii ii i ii u
tf .t m ill mi' . -i
.rIVt nl MoikIii.vh of pucli moniii ni
0tlW -. .. ..
it i I.0WJK NO. 1H, A. O.-U. W. Mrctit
'iw ' T un. lay ulKlit Ht tho Kimlno
i" t Tl'O nVMr. .1. 0. I.KAHOHK. M.
1 I. IC"""' """-
Imta f.OliOK NO. .12. I. O. O. K. Meet
HdlnrJny evening Hl7iS3o'el.-K.
ii i. Mcit Oil 1110 HCCOIKl Mill lust
f fHcli moiit'i, nt 7'TOoVlnck.
T...vt' IIUIIK.I.'U V 1,011(1 1: No. 13. I. O.
-..,i'ah month.
.'...... rtmni.' Ml) ii. w. ill.- i
Metmtl'l fellows Hall every Tile-
. .t.r.inir ,il . .
1-0D0K NO. 4. K. Or r. MeeW III
IUU h PI KiW 11,111 f".t,. l run J
fntwfc". . . ... ii
MTnAR-ON l'0-ll', . A. II.. mi'PlM lit
Whiirlff' lliiimvory Tiiiimuiiy iiihiii.
, Vi nrHr., toniiiiiiiiucr i iiira iis.
1MM.IAM l'AltONH, ArroilNBV AT
.Lm..lr lnilli'lml. tirtlfflll.
. t mm.... if..miw I . 'l ii (ni J a
I Hi Iiw vih v -i ......
i.,i. ni.u.1 Piniiiinrnit iirnnii-
. miiotitu trttt tu K Mvj ft n
U K.N til iX 1 .WillOl io
Uw, ltifIttion. Oregon. i.esiM buil.
A..U.II nnu it Kl.il1lll III. I IfTlftM fill
..in ......II. t..ul nm.i.t
a Kliti-dlMH ft 1 ft KTI ill V ViJ
1 1 I r i n iihi iitu
iB1ck, i'-ii'it tn, OroKOii.
. limrei-Maln HtrtM. in Tliommotl-
I, W iMf.lVI., ..-... ..a a.i(.
i oar-ivr Kir xl National llniiK. I'on-
I u, UlWin.
, Ctnttivlllct. Ori'Kon. il I iirmuue
tooru of on-iion unit iViutlilncton. Cm-
lormya i i,uw. uoohm aiinu i ixiiio
nt imiC'iotn," IiiiIIUIiik, corner or Mu.n
I Wetb .trfi't, I'ukIUHoii, uickoii
I Tll'liriUII. urvKUIl. twu,l(.OH(,u
mn anil ( nrnnratinn oa!c
9 I '
In Pendleton,
Tbf uiual price for eU inado by otlicr
IT.DLWlfh ft.vnrftHU . I.n..uu nAAnA If Villi
v 1 1 1 v 1 1
East Oregonlan Pub, Co,.
B.lliltl Ppnrllfitnn. flrnnnn.
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W. M.HVOTT, Proprietor.
kl6?, HP'!niI to lirmillfiiMy lluulrl In
J m liniinlalm, rliilit mllei t,omiiPut
"AlM.lttCamii. 1'nilrlf.
T.f Summer Itp.ort will be opi-n for Uio
Wioiufuu'.tHiin unci nfttii- July Ut.miil
C'i?", nt-inp atliiir a xumiiifr irli coulil
Mdobniertiun vltlt theBHprtn.
""'""Ja'IniiK urn iimplo uuU ever
Jwlll b done to make nue.tu coiufortu-
Ju.'Jir?41 'l-llulitftil, tho water pure
lMtl!eni, urtJ liunlln flrt.clu.
Terms ftoasonablo.
SOOTT - - Prop.
ticnlcrs In
re and. Tinware
NUMBING Promptly Dono.
'N rm:in", im.niim:ton.
'i)H, ruulippntronnso U (.ollclteil
Pendleton Roller ills,
'r 1 ly uutinrrolkii'rilur .
s- BYERS & CO , Proprietors,
tl,f et.r. p, ,f i rMii.un, Krunu!nteJ ami
lf n-t' e Hour.
Blkr.t I . . ...
ii . i-nm lor rti
Klii'U it l.iuill.
Has been taken oil both
Woolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
And thev now oHbr their Largo and Complete took of
Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourriolf
that tho above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub
stantiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
meet competition from all quarters. They carry a
General Merctiand
ise Stock
Consisting of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's B"oy's and
Children's Clothing. Furnishing: Goods,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and.Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Cheap News!
Tlie Bemi-WeeKly
East Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Creat Western Bakery.
-AND -
M.011ATZ, I'roprMoi:
Frosh Eastern Oysters, In Every Stylo!
.Uuln Street, near J'ostotllec, J'eii'lMon
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
QUOr PONSARUIN CHAMfACNE. (Yellow Label.; ja.Jdt.tvSm
UMATILLA (ll.TS ,,fiHI.5o.
The Hrhool Appiirtliiitmrnt Mmln liv Hip
SUti'-UnmtlllVn Nlmrr.
-i ,. ... , Sai.km, July 1!". Tim Hdiool (tttut iiif
lolr.iilc l rupllon.-t nacr ll 0.000 Hon.l. ,H)rtion.noiit of tho vtirlo.m coimtloK of U 0
-school Nup..rintri,.i..!,tMn,i-Ti.!hrt iStrt(o jUHt ,., R,VCH UiniMllla county
Mnrk"' ! 1,-1,581. L'j.
POIITI.AM) l'OlnTH. ' Tito Hrrrech oft lie lliizrnnl.
1 I from the Cotirlpr-Jouriml.
Myor l)cl.j..ln..i.tt Arl. I'ro.nptly-I'our, lho Hc,nlblie:in l'hltform HtlirtH Otlt
ll.in.lr,,! NulMrrllwr far l.r.llr.-Trot- , fuIH0looll, Nomityo( liato C.lll
Ui,riu.pVN,.vr Ki... f .rii.B s on., trulv honor tho uiumor.v of Itlm Iioho
-A IlrlnklliK Motl.r-IVtilloi, to .r!i ,nl))llc lf(J WUM uxcitlllilloittou of tho
street.. . I Hpitit of hlrtow lulcclitrutlon of "chiiritv
1'oitTi.ANii, Julys!,. ctctthiy .Miiyor , for all unit iiiallco towuri! none." 'Iho
iJot.iu'iiinuii ruceivcti u oii!rum irom four ure.it f.iiimluiH of Ihe Hu
HoHlyn, hlKiietl by tho t hivlrmtin of tho tv HumniT. liruolv. Sown
..!,. .r fi ...I...... ... ii.... .. I . ...... I " .. .. . '. . -..
ivuiiui v uniiiiiiivru ui iii.ii wiiy, niaiiiiir
tti.it tliu itooplo there uere In need
Htitnlo inwerleH. inotiov or linnlier for
building )tirvoHen, und especially clothing
of all kinds for ludieH. Immediately
tiiKin teeelpt ni thin iuushiiuu Mr. le
imlillean imi"
urd. ChiiMO
left it before their dentil, und if Lincoln
were living it nitty bo doubted whether
ho too would not bo driven oil' by ltn ox
censed. Tliey.whoure making tho day and night
ii'iiit tiotoitM unit lutitii'-tiu at l lilcago,ref
Luhtiiutt aiiiolntcd iicommltleoof three, i-onnnt li tit Mi (Itii uiilllHlitinud nf iw.ntitm
conHiHliiiKofO. H. I.cwIh.K. Khrinau and jior.inooim polllieM. I.lko tlto Angel of
1'runk (RlHoy, toHolieittlonatlotiH. IioiiJarkne.Hs, from whom tlmy tako tholr
1 cuo, thoy ato ready to nromiHo Ihu earth
uIho made arrangeiuentH with tho V. (I
t 11. I . t o. to collect Iteo ol cltargo con
tributions of groceilen, etc.
A eauvtiHrt of tho city for four hundred
voarly HtibseriberH to Frank l.et-lio's II
IiiHtratetl newspaper wtw begun ttvdav
by direction of the immigration board.
Tin LchUo rubllHliing Company win II
to anyiioiiv that will lo on- tliein unon
, their proponed crumido into Iho iHM'kets of
nonoMi poopio, wno work tor a living, re
lying on liod and their own ntout hiiutls
ami heartH, and who want of tho govern
ment nothing except that it Hindi mind
ItH IiiikIiickh mill tako cum nf tin, tuxnx.
lllMtratO tlllH citV in tho allOVO ll.tpcr. Iltld limit tin- Itunlf In tin, rimmmn uiftv inn I
ueeoinpany tho name willi 11 .two-column dofoimo, ami not hetling up for a (pluck
write-up, If tho four hundred tulwerlburH doctor and a wet nuno on overv provoe.t
ar obtained. (ion ami at every invitation from Cheap
At tho City Mow Tark to-morrow after- John Malo.sinon and needy profemioual
noon lucre win tio wmm gixxi ironing pairiolH.
racoH. biiHto . aim Kitty nam win trot
a three in live race. Iol.aihmutt'H Fow
ler, Stowart'H Charles Allieit and l'er
kltiH mare, Knox, will iiIho have a teHt
of Hpeeil
Tlieie Ih. Indeed, nothini! iudcciHivu
about tho platform. It in tho very des
peration of Impudence. It is Iho brar.uu
oll'ronlerv of tho most iireHiionHiblo men-
I daclly. Its authors evidently think that
Yi'stordav u Hchnoncr arrived in nort tlm rmmirv U ,,,IIiI.m1 ,,,, ,,r,w,,rv
from Tort Harford, Cal with tt cargo of and, having converted tho once tiranil
four hundred tons of bituminous rock, old Paity Into a bird of prey, they Hap
consigned to tho llltumlnotis Mock Com- its wings ami prepare tJHWoop'tfown UKn
puny, who will make tho llrst trial ( tho Held below In all tho glory of plunaigo
of this rock for Htieet paving purHseH. stolen from tho national euglo.llttlo dream
Tim rock is of an oily, gummy nututo and lug how, when thovgot there, thodiHguiso
it is claimed that when heated and rolled I shall Ixi striped Irom their mock eagle
it forms a mnootho, noiseless pavement ( and tho cheat exposed; and how, in place
free from dunt. of llio tirotid bird of liberty, there shall
Tho handsome new fotir-i-tory brick, . stand In stark ami shivering nakedness
owned by Charles II. Ootid, is nearly thu lank turkey-buzzard of fraud ami
completed. It will lw occupied by Ja-1 greed, scorned of gods and detested of
cons uros., wno expect to niovo in nuoui
tho middle of August.
Last evening .Mrs. WnmllcsM painted
tho town red in tho ncighborli'Mid of
Sixteenth ami H streets. Accompanied
by her two small children, she wan sail
ing around in a buggy behind a gay span
of horses. The mmlcst maiden wus hilar
iouslv drunk, and had to Is.) taken in by
tho police. .She put up twenty dollars ball,
but failed to apear in court to-day. Tho
woman's husband is u hard-working man
und is Ivlng sick at homo.
An alarm of lire was started last night
at ton o'clock, awl a liorso lielonging to
No. Il's Knglue houso broke out of tho
door and run down Sovenleontli street,
up G to Klghtconth, whore ho ran on a
trestle and fell through, breaking his
I.ast night tho Northern Pacific Tor
initial Company petitioned tlm ilty coun
cil to vacate certain strcetH in North Port
land, whore said company oxect soon to
commoneo construction of dojiotH and
other terminal works.
To Itn.trulii thf t'nmpiiny from llullillnc
llrncli ItouiU.
Nbw Yoiik, July L7. JiihIIco Van
Hrtint today grantod ti teinorury injunc
tion, anil an order to show cause on Au
gust Id, why it hhould not bo linido jntr
munnnt, restraining tho O. It. A N.
Coinnanv frXjm building brunch lines.
Tho objection is mado by Drayton Ivoh,
Kdwurd hweots iv t o.,
There is nothing tlaugorous, or oven
imposing here. All is trick, fustian ami
false pretjiino. No matter wliat ticket
thoy now nominate, tho rickety fabric of
this rotten platform will sink beneath it
ami leave it sprawling in the ditch.
. - .
Mini Oltlrn llli.llli'ai,
Tho following abstracts of tho business
of tho l.a (Iriitnlo laud olllco for tho year
ending Juno !M, 1HSS, lurulHlirtl the I .a
(iranile Journal by Itegister Klneliart,
InillcatOH that u vast amount ol land Is
being taken up in Kastern Oregon. Tho
olllco does probably the largest business
of any in tlm State, and tho largo areas
still unsettled lutlicato that tills huslmtss
w ill Probably lx increased instead of te
duced in tho fiituru.
U. S. Lund Olllco, Ia (iruuile, Ur.
Abstract of tho business of this olllco
for tho year ending Jmio .10, 1H8S.
.128 Cuhi entries, (pre-emption
Timber Umd, etc :W,(18:'.5I
218 Final I Inmestoad entiles... UI,t'.'8.:iL'
'M Final Timber Culture entries II.Uotl.Hl!
II Final Desert Laud entries 7,r)l.K8
:i l8 Homestead entries o I,'.';) 1.71
l(l.r. TimlKir Culture entries '.M,0:'(l,UD
OUcftcrtUnd l.tli'O.III
ComliliiB. mill Tru.L truliiR tli Wool-
Kroner, nun Cut' I'nw.
from tlio I'lilbiilclphlii Tlmr.
Who are domuuding free wool in tho
I present tlispute over taxing wool? Is it
I tho wool-growers? l.ct us soo.
I California is tho largest wool-growing
i .State in tho union, with 5,r)00,0,H) sheep,
and her delegation in the House i.i
nearly evenly divided on tho tpiestion,
with one free' wool United .Stales .Senator
just elected on tho tarili reform issue.
Toxai is tho noxt largest wool-growing
.Stato with 4.500,000 sheet), and for ten
I years past her people havu elected a solid
delegation in Congress in favor of froo
' wool.
, Ohio is the third wool Stato with 4,
1 100,01)0 sheep, and Oregon tho fourth
with :i,00i),000 sheep, and both tiro
strongly Republican States, and favor
high war tarili tuxes on everything, In
cluding wool.
Michigan is tlto fifth wool Stato with
L',100,000 sheep, and her delegation In tho
House Is nearly cipially divided on tho
tiiiestloti. i
Now York is tho sixth wool Stale with
1,500,000 sheep. She has a nearly cipially
divided delegation in Congress on tho is
sue, and Is noxt to certain lo voto for free
wool at tho next election.
Missouri is tho seventh wool Stato with
1,100,000 sheep, and her delegation in
nearly unanimous in favor of free wool.
Indiana ranks about with Missouri, and
her delegation is about equally divided on
the question.
Texas, whoso delegation in Congress is
unanimous for free wool, grows more
sheep than all Now Knglund, Now York,
Now .Jersey ami Pennsylvania combined.
California and Michigan, two of tho
great wool-growing States which liavo
usually given largo Republican majorities,
aro both accepted us doubtful States this
your beeausu of tho growth of turlir re
form among their people.
In point of fact, tlto wool-growers of
tho country, taken us it class by them
selves, would prollt by freo wool with tho
reduction of twenty per cent, on
woolens (hut freo raw material would as
stitu and give greater compensation to
both capital and labor In thu woolen in
dustry. A largo majority of tho representatives
of Iho wool-growing Stales favor froo
wool, while Now Kngluml, with only
I ,'J."0,()00 sheep in her whoio six Stales,
votes nearly solid against It. and Penn
sylvania, with less than 1,000,000 sheep,
voles nearly solid tho same way.
It is obvious that thu demand for high
tuxes on wool docs not como from tho
wool-growers. On tho contrary, It como
from tho representatives of extortionate
combines and trusts bred by excessive
tariff duties, and thu wool-grower is
made the foil for monopolists.
Tho jhjopIo want freo wool llrst, Ihjcuuho
llieio is little labor to protect in its pro
duction : second, beeausu it would double
orr woolen mills and double employment
in tlm woolen industry; third, because it
w ould give tbu whole homo market to our
homo mills and homo labor; foutth, 1 Mi
ca u no it would cheapen woolen goods to
consumers fully twenty nir cent, without
loss to either capital or labor, and, dually,
because It would add greatly to the gen
eral prosperity of Iho whole xiotlo.
Thu llouso fairly reflected tlio wImIioh
of tlm great mass of the Kjoplo yeslorduy
by refusing to strike free wool from thu
turlll' hill under discussion, There worn
many reluctant votes given against freo
wool under tho lush of Iho party whip,
ami there will Imi greater lolucluncn on
the part of thu people In voting to re-elect
t lies i reluctant voters next November,
There wore ulso llled
(i:i:i Pro-emntion Declaratory Statements.
It Pre-emption D. S. on coal laud.
I tlllt...... II... ...... I ..,..1 i,'..rr.,.,l
und Chus. ( .olby, , F,m,, Mnorui Litl entricH.
IIkniiv Uinkiiaiit, Itegister.
. - , . , , ,r, It .1,1,11 ,IIIIUI,I U,. .VO
who owns ism shares of tlio stock. These 7 Mnursl lMnA applications.
jiaiiicn mu nwuiK ivt ,t,.,ui. ,
tiou In tho Supremo Court. Tlio defend-'
ants uro restrained from building brunch '
roads from Kndloott, w. T lowuni mo
Cictird'Aleno inineH; from Furmlngton
to Hockfonl; trom building the, bridge
already begun across thu Snako river ut
Itipuria; from building brunch lines over
the old Texus Ferry grade to tho lino of
tlio Columbia & Pulotiso railroad, and
from building or furthering tiny other
branch lines, or extensions, in any of tho
territory reserved in tho joint lease.
The Knoll. h Tlitevr. Have Their KhhiIii
tlon uil Are I'lnreil lniler lion l.
PoitTMM), July '-'8. Frank Anderson
ami lienjamiu King, charged with rob
bery of leu thousand dollars, from tho
Paclllo F.xpress Company, wore given a
preliminary hearing ycctonluy. F.ach
prisoner I ioll in ten thousand dollars
bonds.both having mado u full confession.
Scleral Vllluce. l)troyeil ml .Many Liven
SiiAMiiut JulvU'7. A volcanic unii
tion ut IJantluisaii, ffiy hagues frnn
S'olcohama, dustroyod Hver.d villuges
and kllltxi IIioumiikIs i f porwuis, iucliul
ing hundreds of Minis at 'Ihnnsuml
.Springs. FkwIi crater have formod und
tho eruption Is still active.
Killed lly mi Oltlcrr.
Information readied Hakor City Tiiurs
day thut a serious shooting utfr.iy txk
pinto at Ilunlinglon thu day before. It
appears that ono Willliim llegloy und
John Cavunuugh, says tho llludo, hud
hud some trouble ami yesterday morning
Ilegley went to Mr. Cavanaugh's house
und shot Johnny, a lad of ulsmt 10 years,
withu buck rhot In his cheek, after
which Johnny's fathor took a gun und
thu two oxchauged several shots without
Injury to either. Mr. Cuvunaugh then
inudo complaint ugainst llegloy Isiforo
Squire lsjke, who issued a wurraut ami
uppointcd u special deputy (whoso name
wu did not learn) to arrest ISegloy, who
in tlio mean time stalled for tho bridge
over Snuko river. Tho olllcor having
caught imi with his man, called to him to
stop which it m.'ciiih ho refused to do,
wherouKju tho olllcor Drcd his gun, kill
lot' 11,'L'li'V. Thu InotiRst wus held last
f night ut Huntington, but up lo tho hour
I of going to pi ess no fuither particulars
woro known liuto. s,
Tin Wlirnt Market.
PoirrtANii. Julv xl. Tlm closing priew
of the Chli-agi marksi wero yiwlenljy
us1... HOJi ui-tl HoH- 'Iho Sn Francis o
n.aikt-t is hi ill In in uitli
i.iii.--i in vailiiii: 1 i,'l.t
Halli.W!U wbe.it an- ar.i.ing In IW:
laud, 'iho pilces quoted uio l.lu L1-.
i nd f ?lr iti ni'). ul.
iucetl,of ciileus in Hun
wnii i TTmomorial was iiravn
At a mass
Francisco rucim
for presentation to e-itigres-i, t-ottiug foilh
lharUJOO Chilli o havo Uion landed on
writs of halmuH corpus slncu 1HI, and
that Ihu violation of tlio Ian has Uou uc
ixiiiii linbtil lliMUgli thu agiup-y of federal
eoitfW., Thu iuumoil.,1 fuither churifes
that l hero uro now -I ) o Chliu-xa in Km
FranuiiMso wiiliMit onrtiiU-ato. wh' h-r i
laton 1 ind.-d .Mi'- ,f li.ib-j- ,ri'u-.
und wli.. uro i, i, a u .'. fit t nil In i ii' I i
l' I) the infill' I i.il deli, ai lis tho ion e.,i-b-
0lonlay iiii-ni and ieui"w,l c.( Iiri-li'j hawser
rei eilt- -f I i ,, i.f lint I'liPi-il -1,1 c iiic.il c .'irl
High v. Low I'niei,
l-'rmit the ew York llriulU,
President Cleveland has ono faculty
which he probably inherited from Ids
luvurumi father bo can stick to his loxt.
In his letter to tlio Tammany Society
yesterday ho shows u desire to havo tho
campaign fought on thu ono live Ihhuo
which Is Isiforo us namely, thu reduc
tion of thu turiH' In tho iulorcst of tho
w hole eoplo. He does not lly oil' In u
tangent, remorselessly ridiculing his ini
mical opponents, but bungs on to this
question us a farmer bungs on Iho bundle
of his subioil plough when tho shuro
SjIut strikes u root.
He got at the meat in thecocouuut
when ho said:
"Our government belongs to thu people.
They liavu decreed lis purisiso, und It is
llielr clear right to demand that its cost
shall bo limited by frugality and that its
burden of uxkuiso shall bo carefully lim
ited by its actual need."
His o!iM,siliou to tlio Republican olicy
of continued high taxes which lias al
ready proven Itself a patent Incubator of
inoiioH,lles, trusts anil combines is for
cibly sluted us follows:
"They udvocato a system which k-iio-fits
certain classes of our cllUons at Iho
expenw) of every hoiifuhohlur In tho l.ttul
a system which breeds discontent, be
cause it iKiimits tho duplication of wealth
without corruss)mliiig additional rccotu
Ikjiisu to labor, w lib it prevents thu op
jioituiiity to work by stilling pioduclloii
and limiting tho atoa of our nuikuts,
and which enliancos the cMt ofliiing
beyond Ihu lalsiror's liard-oarnod waps.'
iSovS lut iMcleuu "tit all tho nilil.Mi
isjntunalitlus, iiilolorablo yarns about
what tbl or that man said t,-uly vars
auo. bii'karliit'x, hiiui1Iiiu-i and tlm nitralf
( "ati!ii i.p'i.-- - Mrall , und Nitilaj
d All i. a l I ' l.i b ll. l 't llinVUMMi 'II of llu
ii' ii w i.. ii.. -. i.i ' i .en or i.t u-.eii
, i . nd morn pn.s
V'l.o us a sliil'or coui-
f II," III .Ml -i c.i'
U,tiii t j..u f t il
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C lo. II' i- l-i -in
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