East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 26, 1888, Image 4

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    TIIUHHDAY, .1 t-'IiY I'D, 1338.
mi:m ani .ikwki.s is a it i:.
pin.. u. IIP t i -r for
lliv'r ... iiiiit como fntn tliu .Mlnnil,
Wnbiiuli, Illinois and Kntigutnon rivers.
Chicago Times.
Chat trllli a Chicago .fnntlnr'a Clerk.
Rmrritldi and Itnlilr Getting Source.
A Io1ill An Uncuminun Mono tlriu 1
Dlatlnctlvcly American.
"DlnmomlH nro ntlll trumps nmotiR 1
Jewels," sultl n Joucler'a clerk InaStiito
ntntt store, "mill, In Hplto of tlio cIihiik
IriK fnihlous In Jewels, tlio illiimond ro-
ninlns tlio kliiK of precious stones u fnrns
IMipuliirlty goes. Turquoise, Mipulilrcs,
fineriiMs anil rubles nro liicreimlntr In ,
popularity, liowuver, and nru very export
nlve. TliuemeriililiiiKl ruby seem to bo net 1
tliiK Hcnrcer ami ileurer every year. Why, 1
n line three carat ruby Is worth $45 any
time, unit tho tinerald Is worth nearly us :
much. Some very common rubles will
brltiK $50 to 100. There nru fewer rubles .
IioIiik found every year. It Is tlio sumo 1
with emeralds, besides tlio latter nru m1 I
duiu perfect. I cannot recollect having
ever seen u llnwlcss emerald, and I don't I
believe any one elm In the More cut tliu
cither. In every one of them Mill bo
found n 'feather,' n crack, or n 'cloud' of
wiitiu kind. It seems as If every stone had
been struck with a hammer und stunned.
Tho ciles will bo all rlitlit, hnt the
center will look us If It had cracked with
out Hpllltlnn, or rise theru will bu a cloud
or llaw of some port. Itubles are apt to
bu tliu Mime, Millionth not M;iinrl' r) as
emeralds. Tlwni emcnihU on that cotton
thero nru 'iloiililolH.' Don't jou know
what a doublet M Why, It's a tuiitiu
factured Htono; that Is, It Is a Joining of
two stones. Uxik nt this cmeralil. I'retty,
Isn't It? Keautlful Hut of urecu. Now
turn It njiflile down. Tlicri, ecu that rim
of red around the editor' A doublet r.lways
lias that, no matter what tliu color of tliu
muliumatcd stones was. lint It only
iIkiwh when you turn tlio stono upsluo
down. See, they have even put a I'uw In
tliumirfucu to further Muiulittu kvuuIiio
nes4. They can make doublets of any
itones which will cement together, and
mnko them so cleverly that tho utipriic
(Iced uyu will never detect tho fraud If
you call It that."
"Do you not hnvu (o I'imril against
ipurloiiHiiess lit other enis besides the
"Certainly. TurqitnlfM H slmulateil by
uwel counterfeiters. Two smalt and Info
rlor stono will be 'doubled' Into a stouo
that will cause oven experts to cxer Iso
(ho (.-roatcst euro in examining. Or
they will bu pulverized mid mixed up
with forelitu matter In such a way that
tliu now Joui'l will have neatly nil tho
brilliancy of color mid polish of surface
fxHscuxcd by tho Konuluo article. Tlio
Ijjlit bliui I'erslnii luiiuolu Is tho raro
variety at present and Is u-ry exK'nslve."
"In tho window N u while Mipphlre.
How Is llmtr I supposed all sapphires
wero bluo."
"Then you mipiKiicil wrong, but you
nru with tliu majority. Most people think
that nil sapphires nru blue, but that Is fur
from tho truth. The ouu In tho window
(s puro white, as pure as u diamond, llu
tides t 1m iu theru niv violet, pink und
yellow Mipphlres. Tho violet and pink
varieties nru cry beautiful and considered
rxtrn linn Jewels. Tho yellow sapphires
partake of the nature of tho cliry.uibcryl,
which comes ulso In yellow and brown
ml palo (,'rcuti. It M a rather uncommon
Htono und it very beautiful one."
"What Is that Krecu stono on tho cot
Ion In tho rut'iiiTr"
"That Is another very unrommonjHtono,
They call It Alexandrite. It I nn nrlcu
lal Jewel, und theru am not many brought
to this country. It Is very i'Npeiilvo and
Is very hlghl prized by conuolithour, who
nro tliu purchasers of most of them. It Is
it peculiar stonr, ehiiuuluu it light. In
tliu day It is as j on seo It, a dirty green,
but by night it Is full of reddish lights,
It comes In various Maun, from one to
eight carats, ami Is hoiiicUiiiom nluio.it ns
expensive as a diamond."
"Aw opals poptilarr"
".Much moro mi th'iu they were. There
was a tune when you could hardly fell an
opal at any price. Now there is a (Mil
itant demand for them. The supersti
tious regarded them us unlucky, und mi
widespread was the hallucination that it
was Mtldotu you kuw uuo worn."
"Jlow about cnt's-eywC"
"I'iiI'h exes nro very hard btones, found
In various countries The bent como from
Persia mid tho cost. 1 have one of n
brownish Hut (hut is worth Ifflut) iwiy day.
A cut's eyo weighing thrcv carats will
bring $000 easily. Tiger's eo nro Inox
petislvu and very popular. Tho tiger's
eyu Is not a stone, as Is generally supposed,
but petrllled wimnI. It is found iu very
largo ipmntltloii n northern .Mlehlgau,
but mo-it of the belter kind conies from a
petrltUsI forest of Aruuiim. There they
Und It In Muttons as !nrgt as a tree trunk.
They ore iiuulit up Into nearf plus, rings
ii ud other ul tides of Jewelry."
"AVhleh illntinulvcly Amur loan stono Is
tho muni valnl!i'f"
"i can't ray that any distinctively
Atuericuu slouu Is wry wiltmWe, hut wo
pnitlueo i few illiiuimiiU. Tlioy come
troin Iowa and Wicuslu. They nro
kiujill and are too.yellmv. I do not think
tills oouutry, however, will ever produce
very many tlimiiotuU; aiill It is Interest
ing to kuow ilia i tfeiuilim btouoscau rually
bo nwt with occMvluiiully. Mow's an ihM
Hone, Mutt motlUsl crevu and blank one,
Tlnn i II It I'liroeilMbtf. Tlicy cutuu
fr'iu n.o ,ii.iu M kin mm, mikI tu that elto
iv veiHi ulvtil tflA Souuiliiwt thoy
mv iiiiulUsl and Uivid exactly llk til
nH i shell f u turile. and I cue uuul a
leurt pin i'i one m (m m, u n " m
I.m. i ul .in.l lu.nl ( nd'l Wt "'U
1 1
ipuie a
Hi.. I ll .
foil' ' ',
Rl.. I
Hi. i
pelvt I
bui i 1 .
f.. i .,n .
g- (
ii.(ilai)i;u uu
, i . ll is ((luie
U I'i.ltU Mill '.u
p, i .- No, ll. .1 s
l . n v. 'i. i 'v lie
1 tliiuk tlie ur iiuule of wus,
: iw iiiei'idi'd in in iWn :a ir-
i ,.ii i . i , . l'i ! pre
, u i. . '.-..... I th
I i, , l ,i f.i
The r)nenworth I'uplU In IteTlew In.
fun try, Cnrnlry mill Artlllory.
Ono after another they movo out upon
tho field, facing west, the Infantry on tlio
right and nearest usj then the battery, In
two lines, Its gun carriages to the front;
tlicn tlio long slnglo rank of the cavalry
bntlulloti, stretching to the far southern
cdeo of tlio flold. Well out to tlio west,
In front of tlio center, Is tho commanding
officer with his staff, nud presently, ns the
white plumed ndJuUiut gallops ilonn the
line, turns toward his chief on reaching
tho center, then halts and reins about,
there Is u simultaneous crash as arms aro
presented, and a long lino of steel -the
sabers of the cnvnlry springs Into air.
Then rovlew order Is taken, ranks aro
opened, the battery unllmbers anil whirls
Its block muzzled guns to the front; an
other present of tho lino to tho exalted
personage who receives tho review, and Is
balled with a nourish of trumpets and
tho simultaneous droop of all tho stand
arils; another movement, and the Hue be
comes an open column: another com
mand, and with a triumphant burst of
music from tho baud tho whole array
moves as ono man; the passage in review
has begun.
In (iilck time, the band lending, they
como jauntily toward ua, changing direc
tion at the unper corneraud swinging past
tho animated groups of spectators. Front
after front tho sturdy Infantry trudges by,
the student olllcers hidden as lllo closets
behind their companies and wishing for
this occasion only that thoy belonged to
the cavalry and could command and bo In
front or their men Instead of trailing
meekly uflcr them, ns required of tho In
fantry "sub." Well they know that thoy
cannot by any huiiinu possibility look half
H plcturcsiiuu In this position as their
rivals and contemporaries of tho cavalry
on their "prancing chargers" and in front
of their platoons. All the same, thoy
have their sympathetic admirers In tho
throng, and so they pass us by. And
then with champing hits and touring
manes come the platoons of horto. Tliu
battery quickens its gait on tho marching
thinks, and tliu girls wonder how those
gunners sit ho straight with folded arms
nud never muko hysterical grabs at tho
bars or at each other, as thoy would do
under llko circumstances. Tho cavalry,
too, comes around at a trot, the young
platoon commanders fully alive to and
making tho mint of their golden oppor
tunity, looking vastly martial and striving
not to look as though they very well know
Just where "shu" happened to stand
among tho groups of fair ones under tho
shade trees.
Down the long field goes tho glistening
column, olllcer after ollleer saluting as ho
pas.ici tho reviewing point, and then the
Infantry reappears, tramping up the east
ern ('duo. I.iko some perfected machine,
the long array wheels Into line to tho left,
tho r inks are drcsed, thou hiought once
more to review order. Again tho trumpets
nourish, tho standard droop, and arms
'clash to tliu prevent. Then comes brief
rest before miiiio ono of tho time com
mauds Is summoned to tho front to show
what ll can do iu the maneuvers of Its
particular arm, It may be a stirring
skirmish drill, covering tho entire valley,
by tho bright plumed cavalry. It may bo
a dashing series of battery maneuvers,
with much smoke, noise, and odor un
limited m "thu villainous saltpetre." It
may bo rapid evolutions of tho foot bat
talion; hut Iu each and all tho student
olllcer must take Ids part. Charles King,
U. H. A., in Harper's .Magazine.
flrtiiutlnnnl Neiripuper In KiicIiiikK
All tho murder gazuttos nro not pub
lished In this country Hero, for Instance
Is Tho Weekly Courier, of Liverpool. Hug
laud, which recently published tho follow,
lug advert Isineiit "Itomnrkahlo Murder
Trials Now Htorlea of Old Crimes.
Thoro will shortly bo begun Iu Tho
Weekly Courier a series of articles, giving
detailed nud grnphlo accounts of soma of
tho murder trials which huvo taken tho
deepest hold on tho public mind Special
attention will bo given to remarkablo
trials of local Interest In I.lversol and
Lancashire Cach nrtlclo will traco tho
crime from Its Inception, describe Its
methods and Incidents, tho ofTorts of tlio
culprits to elude pursuit and capture, tho
incidents of tho trial, and. tlimlly. tho ex
ecution of tho convict usually at KlrU-
1 t'.illnilii llrlm.
Pittsburg Wooer lardently) Drlght
mgel of my IIM You will bo untie!
tweet gill, star of my ex
Allegheny Maiden (dreamily) Eggs
It-, two eggn. ouu cup of Hour half a
pock of suit, a pound of cayenne ipper,
luvo pints of Inking powder (suddenly)
Jht p.udoii inn. KdwHrd. I quite forgot
.on. What wero you saying Y
An hour later Ivdwuid h body Is fished
nit of Davis Inland Duiu. I'ltthtnug
hlio Cmlhln't Ktuilo Mini.
A sherllJ was heurchtng n Ikiiiso. when
ws suppoMil that Mtluet had inncer.led
Nulmiulo hurucb As ho peered into 4
...ik closet the wife of the thiol ro
. irked "Thttt closet, sir. contains abso-
ily nothing uxcept my own wearing up
arI "
Tlmn, what's tlilsT" exclaimed tho slier
1. clutching ut the stolon proicriy My
i fo don't wuur any such Uvuietidoiis
kiu' tiggui as this " Detroit Ptv
l,riiliiK rimlt Uimnauci.
It Is cUIumxI that, getu'imlly srklug
in aptltud fortamdujj foreign language
l'i..Vatlre of low (togr ot lutel
ii. i u..i . wor. und rtwulu from tun eou
tuliUm th lower liitollei tual fftO
ultiist upou such niivliuiiuvj elTort with
it tlio Jitrciintrl'! U. 'in o ot the lab'UM
IVJsiUlllI pol i- lll.'t' I ,'lll.HT.lt.
Leezer & Kuebler,
The Iftrcert ami most complete stock of
Drugs, Medicines,
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastorn Orogon.
Dcspain Block
i guol, In tho presouco of vast amiti
es of people "Now York Tribune.
It Is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Eates;
On Tliu North American Continent.
11! Liu go l'nges und 81 Long Columns.
Pillillnlied In nud given with each Initio ot
the uccklv edition.
Iliuliinliiir Au . I, mill eoiitlniitiiK there
nfHT, 'I'll'' World will print with Mich Isnie
rniiiiiletu novel liy ii popiiliiriiiithor. Aiiiuiik
the wrlli'is will let
iVitllnr Ite-unt, ITIui;I)iiehss,
Wllltl" Collins, Mm. Ali-xntuler,
Until. Iliii'liiiniin, Jiilin S. Win er,
It. I.. Htcvfimon, Henry Won.l,
II I, I'lirJ.on, jM. I''., llmddnii,
'riiiililiiN lluily. IKIorelieo Warden,
.f ii I lit ii lliiwlhorne, MnrvOi'll lluy
V W. Kolilli'Oll, 'lliothii .M. Cluv,
Klillli' lintiiirliill, Mlilln Kdwiirds,
.lul.n Veruo, lllnMlii CitwunlM,
Win. lllaeu,' IK.C. lMilllliis.
Tin mi iinvi'ls will In-1 lie Intent worKs of Hie
het writrrn as they are iulilllieil lln lnok
winch every one Is I'llldiiK Uliout. Nothing
linllhii very l).t will lie nillTMileil Into tliu
Worlu's ht.in unt l.lliriiry of tletlon,
Thlt Library of Hull n Will llo Hoppllcd to
Hii'crlbers Only.
No llxtiu I'liides Will llo I'rlntnl.
No Itiick Nuiiibers Can IV) Kurnlsheil und No
limleCoilrn Will bo Hold.
If You Wish the Herles Complete,
HUll-t'ltlllK ATONCB.
Ouu Yrnr (W iiliiiihcru), $1;
11 Montlm (.'ul iiiiiiiIhts), UW,
a Months (13 numbers), 2c.
THE WORLD, Now York.
On nud after this ditto, ns iidnilnWtriitor of
Hie i'Hiiio or i no line William uoits i oimt
(or -nil ill Hie llvo stock owned hy tlio ili
ci'.iM'il,i'iin;iitlni:ot TluH'oHthbirtl jrovel'invl Jtulls.
Ulioft-liont Cuttle, divide Cattle,
and a t i uf Muck Cutth:
Tliorotiilitirctl Sixtnlxh Merino
lluekn uiul 1-Uvrn, Jlcylstetrtl.
(!rtiU Hitch u ml Stock Sheep.
AUoii litrue number of Homeii nud ipian
Illy of Huy.
for ptrlteiilnri,esll on oriuldress
ni):'l daw It lVnilk ton.Or.
Sanitary and biir Engineers.
Steam and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
HMilteallill Hint ellmtlM ruriiUhwd foi
liailnic tiull4lus Iu any "Ction of lliv ouuu
Mr, L'orrsiiuilmi) kolu'iioU,
Portland, Oregon, ihjs
Bter Gnrdtn and Gymnasium Hall.
Itiirv.wuA Ulue, frapx,
t i. ie t Nr lMlaMl
Uowtiiij At i'v 'd ti'iiiimii imi "aim In
lliui- ui.l J it I ill' 1 ' 1 M1 1 'll "
Are You Protected?
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
Is worth every time what it co3ts, and procrastination should not
be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your businessthose who represent none but
the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oflice ol
Clopton & Jackson,
Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton,
where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
It is well to remember that to be secure you must insuro in
one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
If you contemplate insurance, call on them and got posted
and it will cost you nothing. Remember their ollico is in tho
EAST OREGONIAN building, or address .
Tickets Tv,tt to J
and toro"1
Elegant Pullman
Emigrant SleeplnijC.
Pres. Traini to"
Clono oonnectlon at PortiMdi. J
- - n ooumf j
Kimt Imtind PiuiienfrrrlTn.
vn wiiiiii irniiriii .. m
piuMntOKXlp. in. """Ml
tcrv iioiinn namennr .rJ
VVn.l lu.ii. .1 Lfi-u??". TIi
tinru nl 4. IS n.
Wnlln Wnlln and
i-cnven ni :oo n. m. for ttv
riven in 7.H.' p. in. (rum Wallt
to Han FrnncWcn. :
O...... kf ' ."IB
Uri'L'on. Mntf in VWI
.i,iiiiiiiiiii, .imy-jj
Lit.. . n lnt. n.
Hliiln. Mn'll
Ori'KDIl, Aliiy V8
Colli in t)U,Juuo 1
Htulo, JunwO
iiri'uoii, JiinoB onii
Htulo, Juno 17 ni
P.?K.,',.'.Jn,it'2' . UliM
r-inii'i 11111111 iiU flfy
On'Boii.Jiilya Co?
T.fflVn atftiitnatittt wk.i n
nlKliT. u"",nr'
i,cnvo Hpunr BU Wharf,8iir:
n. lit.
lUtcn of laiiit
1IICU1UIIIK tnull IhlL
Mtoi'mge, ...
iioiinn rrip, unlimited,
. ... ...ii.iT-f t'liiuuumni inqiini
llio, Compitny, or A. U Aar
. . iiipiaii.111,
Ooncnil MBtiajtr.
W. U. ALU) Win
Great Rock
A!D -
Tlio direct uml itonutar I
wiin mo norinrrn rviai
(rum Mi. I'ii u I una JlliiMtfal
To Cblraxu anil thit I
Tu Nt, I.ouIn nud then
To llt'N Molnrit, I
'Pl. I Coo
hi Council liluffi, Lcavrnvittd
uuv ror
I'ullinun I'alace
J'aluce. Dlnlnft
Arcompnny nil throujh Up
nun iiuiue.
TIcttKtu fnr nln hv all colli
und conncctloni inaJs Hi
KorMII Infonnotlon i
rto., apply tOHiiy coupon
& N. or Northern iw
nnnltiM. ap in W.CJ
' Ticket AinX I
So. 3 Wiwlilnstoa HI., -
... . irir tmnnL
To. nn.l U.IK llLCH
nil i calm, i i i. H.f..
Ui'ii.T. nJ P. Af.i
THF NnrthRM Pacifd
r ... ii. . r.in'
-num. in '.' 'vv4'l
KlrytiHt Kmlnv
Oreaon and
to the
EtsL i
Via Ml. Paul ami Mln
lino runnlnL' '
ma . . rr-l ... m Kvir
C'outtl Over In'"
To Woux City. Counfll IK''
Molilon, Iveiiwv,
iiuriiiixtiin, uui... j.-
Are Imuled on ttmiy
the entire lenjth ol t"1
lAv I'orlland IS P. JWJ1
Mlnnmnn 111 or rit. rM
(ourthdiv, at fill
Counei-llon maite at
olU to all point Mt."l
Train will lfv rt,j?.
m., ooniif ctinii
nit poliitu on Pun! "i r
General NVVjtfrn P.wM"
Wutilnijton St., rWf,f J
' n.,i
Til TB. "-"S!
pav Ht nro "I
fl Hini HI '1 hrllll
Lniviloili In H IMF'
Ten Millions of Am 1
paid roucv lion i
i i . - C. n
in '
flT. Of K1l - I' 111'1 S
..f a ii a'. 'i
pu. In-, i I '
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