East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 26, 1888, Image 2

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    THUll.SlUY. JIM.Y 'M, 1888.
nv run
' Kitil Ort'jtoiiliiii (,'iinipftiiy,
Olio ropy pi-r ytiip, liy mull
Olio ropy nix moiitlia, hy mult..
Onufopy mtmcI(, hy I'urrli'i...
HUikIii number
, S
(Inn llli.ll. nr Ilka. Ill Molll .U'll( I V HIT
Onolili'liiirli'-K, III Unity tier month....... I w
Tun I ii'lii'i. or lex. Ill lolh, per nmlUli... ') U)
IWrrWxr. . I1.1I11..1 Hi.l.ll.U'ii lltV. ' lllc'll
per IMOIllll I '
Over Hiiro liii'in", Dully, per Iih'Ii ir .
inontli I
Ov(.Tlliri'liii'lii', In tHitli, ht I in li pur
moiilli I 78
Olio i'opy p'T yi-nr. 1 W
Oiioroiiy -lx tnoiitlix I i
Hindu iiiiimIici-n W
I'ri'inliiin pnp"r frvo inyturly hiidhc llwrf.
Hollil tiniiiiiiriill ntvi-i I Ihi-iiii-iiIh In Hcnil
Wei'ltly or li.illy, IIthI IiixtIIom, per Inch
li.uu; ruvn Miiin.'iiii'ii inxtTiioii, ir.
Iinil notli't'1, Ion cents per llnu iwli lii
(iKNKIIW. WlCKIMM, l)f Vlrtfllllll, ill
JIotnl.lV ill lllrt ollleo III Kli'lihinml, of
heart iIImciiho.
'I'm: inllllnii.iiru'H lio.irt opi'im mow mill
thon. W. S. Lilllll, of l'mllani!, Iiiih
Honl tlio liohlyu HiiHiinirri n rar loud of
A ill miiiv crow of Ituptilillwin pollllwil
plruloH urn iliiticliiK iiiouiiiI l.nvl I'. Mor
Iom'h li.iricl iiml ImuliiiK for u Ihiiik
ll.l.MM 'J', ('nl,Kl.N A Co., of Sun
I'runrlm'o, run my forty cciiIh on I ho
ilollur. I'loimlily Hint In uttiihtiluhlo to
till' Milln loll.
Tin. I'oilluinl hvl Hid otlii'i' tiny rtutcil
with t'.K'i' Hint lloraco Hhloy, of 1 1 wl i
cdor, N, Y.. it IViiiiM'inl, would votii for
II .-.: I It........ U'.. ......... ...1 1...
1 till I im'O illlil .il.illil. 11 11 )iiiTnn nui, iiu
Ih iloii'l. Tin- clmnu klllixl llllll.
Hi.svioit I'aiuvki.i. mill tliu editor of tlio
Owl urco t lint tint ltoHililiiiin iliitfonn
iIuoh not fiivoi-ftvo uhlHky. II I olitnm,
iiohmuii tlio p-irt of l''urunll, mill tuitlily
011 tlio pail of lliu Owl oilllor.
NkV.UOII Miri'llKl.t. plltrt IlIlllHPll Oil
rotunl ih Ik'Iiik In favor if turlU'runnm.
I'too uhlxky iiinl tolimvo, m Iniil iluun
In tlio ltopnhllnin platfoim, ncomm to In
uiakliiK lnko-wuriii Itupiililli-tihrf ovury
Tim: farmer ciiiiimt Ik inailo to Mlovo
that oxcchhIvo taxation Ih honollclul wlum
ho paH two-thlnlri niul tho other followH
I ho other ono-thinl. 'Iho iijuli'iildirnl
t'lafM'H lmvo In'cii iliiK'luniliU'liiileilloii)
enoiinh. If thoy will think u moment,
thoy will "ceo thu eut."
('. ('. Hiixvnk, of Now Yolk City, nulil
to Ihi Mirlli fllUKlO.tMIO, Iiu coino out
iiml HiiVH ho l annot vote for Clevelaml
iiml Tinii iniiii. Wo mo plml to hoar It.
Wo havo coiiIoiiiIimI all nlo 1 1 1 that Iho
Doinwrtitie ticket lt not Iho tli'kut of Iho
oxlroinely ileli, tho iiioiiomiIUih ami Iho
corporation. It I tlit tloknt of (ho poo
plo, mill H It will prove.
CiiNiiiiKKHMAN Mi 1. 1 ilurlnn hlx Hpooeli
In tlio lloiio m,iIiI:
'Tin- ii-xi urlli'lf tin I lie fiw llt vu tin
illn-VMi. Not u ixmiid whh pnNl
III ciiiiiiuy.
II II. 1 1
rut (Minimi iin iiniiHNMNi
ulvulhl. nioio'V In tli iMinuinnr. yet lliulr
uiNluii wit i iilli l fhn. tr le. Hull whh Hp
110X1. IUhhiMx h few ihmiiiI wt r- inlvr la-d.
(Iiftmiiiiiiill'i- n HuliuuiiilUi'il trim IihiIith
rill' pill linn 11 011 lli live lll,
trnJ ittitliK Hie niiwi of 11.''
If t lint ' few
Tiik eoiiHlntenl anil aivoinpliithwl miltor
of thu l'oilluml Owl U rioinoctutl to vnl
hU oMlc ami 10.nl tliU:
"Tho whlto ltopiitilie.uiH of tlio Sixth
PUltVt in AUIuniiu Im.IiiiI Ihh',iiim the
oouventi'in iioiniimtt'tl 11 notfiti for fun
griNM. Tlio n lic-.of tho 0. O. I'. tl.iwn
South I map no no for Iho nottm excopl
III U hewer o( mxxl uml ilrttHor uf wator.
Ami yot thoy havo tho Imptulomv tolulk
(I.VCi:lt.MMI IIAltl.KV.
In 11 recent Ichiio tho W11II11 W'ulln,
I'nlun Hiiiih
"Tho MIIIh bill, which Ih tho product of
( lovi'lutnl anil tho Demix'tiillo I;rco
TrmlorM in CoiiKront, reinoveM tho duty of
ten ceiitM a IiumIkiI, anil putH Irarlcy n:t
tho fruo lint. I.' tho hill ctiould heuo'tno 11
law tho prieo of Walla Wulla harloy will
he reilueed ovor twenty rer.tn 11 Inltiilreil.
Iliat N In cay, lli.it if harlev woro en tho
freo list to-day Iho prieo of" Wulla Wnlla
barley, lit for brewing, would bo 10 in
hi en 1 1 of CO eentM a hundred. I f titty
W11II. 1 Walla farmer donlrox to reduce the
piieo of bin barley i!) touts it bundled, ho
hIioiiIiI Indicate that denlro by KbotititiK
for Cleveland and tho handatia unit vot
u mi; '' I'omrjt'rmio iiokoi."
Wo bopo tho Walla Walla farinor will
not lmconio iinneeoFHarily oxeilud ovir
tho hailoy IK:m1!oii for Hovcral roacor H.
In tho lltft plaeo, if ho iicimIh protection
ut all aahiHt Canadian barley ho m ciin
a uroat deal hp 10 llmii UlccntH 11 bun
died. Hut ley of Ih'i Walla Walla grade
Ih worth, at .Mlhvatiko;), 4 1 .I'D a hundred,
and at Walla Wulhu.d cciiIhu hundred,
but tiH it cohtrf l() ceutH a Inindred to
trmiHport harloy from Wulla Walla to
.Milwaukeu, thoro Ih not a groat deal of
profit in raleltiK barley at Walla Wulla.
Tlio Walla Walla farmer need protection
ugaitiHt railroad freight charges and com
iiiIhi-Ioii of mlddlo men if lio hopes to
compete with tho Canadian and Wincon
hIii farmer in tho markolHof .Milwaukee.
A duty of about one dollar a hundred
would keop out Canudian barley, but
would ut Iho name time IncreaH'i tho iohI
of milking boor, or cuiimj 11 inoanor grade
of boor to bo put on tho market. Hut no
tiirlll' duty can protect tho I'aetlio idopo
farinorM' harloy ugaliiHt WlHconnin barley.
Tho breadth of tho continent and rail
road tarillrt protect tho latter 'igalnpt
Walla Walla harloy.
In thu H'cond place tho .MIIIh bill iIooh
not change tho duty 011 Unley.Ko Hint the
Wulla Walla fanner may continue to
hIioiiI for Cleveland mid tho bandana; hut
ho will not havo tlio cutMnclloii of voting
for u Democratic l'ltldeut until Wiich
Ingtoii Toirltory U iidiulttcd Into the
Cnloii, 11 n lew ho hIioiiIiI oiy wl'cl)
ehango IiIm ioidetico and l.ccotuo a citi
zen of the groat State of Oregon.
Tho Otegonlaii claluw that four yoarH
agoHix of tho loading p.ipern of liwlon
NipiMitted Clovoland ami two lllaluo, ami
thi your tin Co aro Hitpnortlng Cleveland
and live llairlxou. Ah iihiiuI with tho
"Owl" ItH Htatoniout in lmnolv untrue.
Tho fact in thoro aro not eight leading pa-
porn In llixttoit. Iho three ItoHlou papers
supporting Colvolaud this year and which
mipporlod him In IRit tiro tlio Herald,
Cllolx) and 1'osl. Thoso ato Iho leading
pa 1 its in llostou, in tho order mimed.
Tho Oiegonlau has this to pav of tho
"Tho llemld is a nowsnaivor of enor
mous ciiculatiou, and its opportunities
for Information 1110 IminohMV'
Tho (-ouihliied circulation of those
tlirco pajHtrs Is moro than -ViO.iHX), while
all of tho other daily papers in Hot-ton,
and by far all of II10111 aro tut supporting
Harrison, havo not a total circulation of
111010 than lOoaitii). ilieso mo facts
taken from Iho newspaper directories.
i'ho majority of tho loading newspapers
of tho ooiuitry mo for Cleveland, Thnr-
man and tmlll' roforin. Take tho dally
uosmpors of Now Yoik for instm.co
and you will Hint (hoso suptiorting Iho
Driinocratle ticket havo a combined ch-
ulatlonof l,l)().),IMH), while thoi-o advo-
eatlng tho election of Harrison and
.Morton havo not a circulation of iipuo
than I.Mi.OU). This is significant, and
tho "Owl's" editor should mako a note
of it boftxv lu publUhuM oHior faNohoods. I
If wo chiHild g-i f.nthor and tako the I
wtokly itupoiM of Now Yoik City tho
sumo condition of alfuirs. would 1m found
to oxist. Harper's Wockly, I'uck. '
Ia'sII'm Wiokly and moct of tlio others I
am tailoring In tho cau-o of principle and '
against the ticket of mouoH)lies. Judgo
iupI I'oid's World aro altoiit tho only
inlhiontlalwiwkly HK'rs and tho Tiihuiio
ConUln (w MI And complete Ue of both
the ct ttifntif.l teirff. HUM. with Bomerout luprh f'
liaiti. Amonif ttic authortwlll I foun-1 the namor Sn
ot Frye.Chindltr, Hley, IntralUt John t) Lnf jKt'11
i-pof nfMas,. MiKtnlejrof Onto, wrltet on IticTnrlfTf
l!f nr jr Cbot Ltnlgt, and a nuralei of otbert of a like toini
ncrtre. Ihe muthtnltt CamfitifH Jink, 1 ndor$t4
tkt A'j. Ktf, I . Ion'H-sn.lti(ttl tat any other. Pi
UncttiohiiiJernc feiwefajr alt frelflit Charcot. Send SO
centi In i' &tim4 for outfit and 1 the flrat In the fltld. or
write fif full f articuUrt Mnd 5ct Ul Termt lent free"
WINTER & CO..KU., Springfield, Moil
Yillard House.
IIIU. I'roprlt'tor.
Norlliwi-t Conor Mum nnilJCourt StriK,
jpiilKD. ICK.MPBK,
I' nprMor of I tin
Klvc-Oiil. Itoor Hull,
Mnln Ml., opixultc potttiiric, I'emllelnn.
I'eiulli'ton tccr 011 ilrnijitht. W'Iiip', tl'piors
unit I'Unn.of ttm Uvm brunili, 11 itocs.
yni:iti:AH0UTt()r KSTitvy lioasi-s
TIip wlicrfiilioilHof tlio fniwluiitrncrllcil
horiH iirf known lo oillce:
Unc itniy worls lome, I101I nil roiinil; one
my liorM'.Oi'Ml 'ti front J oiip Imj- liorno fmre
fonlmli omp liny hori', mioil nil rolllnl. Two
i.fll-.t' ii'lliml srf wliliotit linlliilnliil Hi"
OtllT tWO I"" Illllllllf'l. Din- Imv HllllltlO
linisc, iitiitiili it 7 I. (l.vliisOowiii on rlulil lilp.
'im- cru mure, iirHiuteil (I 011 rllit lilpiinil
7 J on Iff hip.
our uriiy Kflilltiv, liriiiuti'il V 011 left hip.
t ino lini-e, liniiiilnit lilotC'd illiinionil
on Iff t Kli'iniiU-r mill 11 l on rlt'lit lilp.
Uim bay mure, ImitnlH with 11 uptmors
briiiul 00 I' V slimttilrr. . .
iiiim buy Atuil roll, two ypius olJ, t mnuPJ
t in- iiu-iicrt of IIipko niii-'s run tenrn of Hip
ttlicri-iil'oilli of tl.eie liorn'K by cnclo'liijf ill
f'.r en -I linrsp nod mMr-mln-..' H1I1 nlllc . If I
li. lioiHfi nr' not tidivpiiil from the lufor
million ft I r 11 1 1 1 I tin; ioomcj will be re
Hirncil. Aiihh:
V.AWV OltnilO.N'tAN l't'll. CO.,
I11M Pc'liillctou,(jrt'Kon
nil i n iiiiiiiiri
rm mm jrm m a u Tl L VT1 I i 1 m v rilll 11111 W a m m mmm H Ji liri
A 1 1 pproii knowlni' tliptnsolvpi ItiilrblPil ,
to He tiiulcrMinieil will p. 11. c conn- forwnrtl 1
iiiih fpine iiii'irupcouiiiH ny p.mii or nine
I '.vlli 10 Ii'iIhiipd 111 v IiooIim liV Allllllt
AH mcieiiit. not K tllnl by tliiit ilntc
will tic lilnci it In Din IimiiiU of 11 rolli..'lir.
Jylfl tin it hw Proprietor City lliilt'-ry.
A mi tin of two rooniH In irlvHtcilwt'lllnir,itt
l'n. mhoii, no'l bi-il 10 011 with iwi IipiN by
I I. Mill.. . lilt- ' r-lllll'l .lttl.4 11.11 tf.Hlll
Intii.r . nut- In unw. r 1. ', .01 1 .:cibi'r
or nut b.iinl 1101 in- fu-iillu-'l. ,ililri's
i:.wr (iishoiiman oi't-ici.
ll'!-npono(l, Re-furnished
Equipped in Fiisl
OiiiHd 131 vie.
Klfly li'iul of Ikohi h for i;ii1 Anplr to
W. 1 1 l M KY.
I'l lr.t Nii lonal lt.oli, IMntb 111, Or.
BOOOIJookAfjontswnnlctl (ofioll
Free C'oucli to and IVoin Trains
one! fo imi brover Cleveland
, ... . Fill and orrrUl" from hU hl lo lit wmlnUa la HU
At Lqm nntcs on short or LomiTfrrc. u iwai 4UMtt, iut ai aatitt.
ni u vii '".on ui uujij I ill L 'rofuMi iiUtirtied with r-ttrfttta aM M tvcfivlH
. Tfc ! mMAlM mrttt Vortrtll ib4 a full al .(
, liyp OF MUH. CLEVELAND. tAMlhtr ltb rtPW
UMg'phf of ALLCN O. TKUUMAK. TU ! U atJtf
ulitti Li4. loa'l U t( ! M fttUr. Tbr ttl
iMt bo htaJtruf i M w f ftll rniporUllAi tUff fc
tOUU It), lUfBM m.i hm Ihainl In lb fltM, rtj UM rtt
I'libli'iii slii'il Itironl of i vtntcc!! SciiKotiK, 11m tiaiiin a Synonym of grcnlon.
Will-Kxliibit at
ileal Estate, lnsurnncs and Collection '
J. W. Swezea,
Formerly of Wnlla Wnllu
In nil 1H Totvcrlitfi and Gntnttenr.
Kolio. Ori'Kon,
Jy L'lam
11. U.l tiit.il. W.IU Uf fall ranUulai. tti rpUI I
hii ma u i at. An-u-4. wiNTbn Cu.i
prlngflaldi Man.
Tlie Pendleton Roller Mills,
(Ciipiipily reJ'iiirn'N prtlny )
W S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors,
IVmllcloii, Orf con.
Miiiuifnrtiircr of (Iniliiioi, Kniuuliilnl iiml
ii'ir-rininv ! lour.
llialit'Nt I'iihIi I'rire I'nlil for All
lilmlM or .iiilns
flour. iiiimI .ebon, feeil etc, ulwityit or. Imml.
Willamette University!
(iiti)L'ATi:s.xTi;m':.Nin t.v
Classical, Llturary .Scientific,
Normal, Duslnoss, Law
and IVIoclicnl Ccursos.
Oldest, Largest and Least Expensive
IliKtltiltloii of Iii.i In; n Hin.Vortlin'tM. I
l-'lnil term Ik-jIhk i nti mhi r I'l. liS.
THUS. VA.N M'OY. I'l t-xttlcill ,
Wasco Intandent Academv.i
The Dalles, Oregon, i
Hlifi'bll Kri'liiirnlloil for rulventltloii In Urn.
KOli or WiiKllitiiltoii, for 1'lilvi'n.liy otCiil.
Iforniii. lluivuril, Yuli' iiml otloTH, or
for liimliieiM. mihIioiik not mtIUiii; 1
eoiii'iiiiiii' won iiiioii miiy i;i.ni.
IIHt llfll' In
Classical, Seicntllic or Normal
lb-Hi Injunction In Elocution, Munle iiml
Ail. IIimiiI ilM'lni iiml uim Ml nioriil lone.
I'll 1 1 oqlllllliiullt. Wrlti' fur iMtllbullH lo
It. II. WIl.l.Ii. . M
J tl.w Im l'rluelHil,
Grain Bags.
Calcutta and Ditrlr.'n Vvtrhta
tt d i:. ir.v.
OIMII KHUN, Tciilt, 1'Iiibh, VM.
J:'. ilkw im
M.lll III, I'll Kdll,
I'l.ll ColloKr Ciur-i'. A No Seli'iillllc unit
l.lti'r i.y C .iri .
AadeinU: Jiipat tmnit
)iri'mre for iiuy collciii', for I -iii'IiI:i or bin
lni".n. Sui.erlorC iin nuimv nf Mul. lo
miliclbin III Alt, I'b e ii'oii m il Mmhih Im--kjhm.h.
I'.li'V.'ii irif. .iimhiiiI ti.icbr. Iiu
Kiml. ii. Uiiltiw' biumlliiK Iiml. YmuiB
no ir b.ill Ik'Iiij: l.ulli.
i ii I T.-i in o-ii -i..tPiiiiMr a,
Write lor C iHolotiu' to . ,i. ANJ'Klt
f.'. '.' I'.1.'.' " I'tf-I'l""!. tui Ki.t mh'ii si.,
W'bIIh Wnllu, V. T JylWKWlm
for s.a:um
lnipnwil, lii i-rii.
from thu liii.liicks
iHHKi.lonully' of ttm 'MUiuoMiion o( (lie jninl tliu Mull niul Ksprotw tin only dully
ooluuiil vote. ' i
( 'omimkmii .n .Mi i. bri iluriiif lliu Ol'll
In till, llolic! Mitiil :
"III wmiU iiiiiI Wi Mil-ui tlio rviloi'ltoo
bjNiii uiuwii li il ..'iiu wool on Lb- fivtf itl.
nmitiifiw.'1'irvr M.mUl ut'l frtV wool niul
lillirni. iiml i'IIuii. hi s n-r tt'tii. nun'
Uinu lit' leov M't; iiml l ll Uo'i utlil tlio lull
tru.i' nit'ikiirt'. Art in
WltM It ItVl'
iiii'ikiin'. Artixltui Miiiiiiin
tng UtHU.iui.iHit Iiml l en t.tmttl utt Hit five
IU M...IAi uu.....iili ... V.. 1 ........ k... 1
iffiil."il li n'lVwui hi in .alii... i .film nun
Imwii tin I'lilttf i ului't of llil tiiunir) j nl
tint Itt'iiillliikii Mirl lintl U It tut tttf frtt
1 1 k t: mnl tlii-y u.'r.. riitbi; bu' ltt-ii it mi4
jlllllMII.K.1 .l UI. ll UO.ll lilt ItMllW" Mtlt.lt III It
oiitim ioo nii i"iii nirin m
t rut'lt,
.iHjr liiiorini,' in thi intonwt of thu
ooiHirutlon jmrt y ami tlio inounpolUtic
iviiullilittotJ, llarriHiui ami Morton. The
irort in Kivurful iiml tlio PoinooratM urt
to Ih.1 tHmgretuliiteil fur having tho
Knvittir imworof the pums on their niile.
I Printed Flour Bags
! A SiHX'iiiliy,
I Ilmikpnnil hIx lott. wi lt
I tint Ino'itiou, not fir
jnrt of tgwii.
AImi Humiiiinint on Mi In itr't,ilnlue n Kogtl
buclupii. Ho- properly will Im miIiI u
low lit! in i'. Apply ul oni'e to
FRED CERBER. Fronoh Restaurant,
iy2l 2w.lijw Mnln st.,lViitlltton.
.Mil'.I.AIliK ('oItli')N'A, Kreiili'nl biirebiivk oMicitrlcmio on eiirtti.
VHM.A ItlVIIItH, lalilni; biirebiii'lt ruler.
WM.sllowi.KS, l liiiini'tou tiiitto Inirt'liiii'U rlilerof tho world.
IK)N .1 :KKNI.o 1IKI.I., (Ireutestof nil buirlmrl; rliter.
VM.si:i.l.i,(lri'iitfi llvlnab'iunillnKjoclcy.
Tlie above lire uu'iu.tloimtily tlit' Klvo (Iroutit I.IvIiik Jtlili'M. XonedaroilcnylL
W.M. O'lilil.l. Itbtoi unit itrlvet it liormM on tint Hippodrome track.
nil.roitT llltos, KxM)iKiitinf ('liimliistiiiuiiry I'oslmr.
ItlANo IlltOTIIiaw, I'lieimineiiut AirolmtK.
I'l' TIT iiml MeVnV, AHtonlNliInu Aerl il ,sinrn.
I tKX nod ItKNO, Woudrrfiil l.linbi r Men und llljli-klfltlnu Diinif n.
AKIII.I'.Y unit IIII.SM.Skntlmx llxperu und rinitewiUfH.
Till". SUNI.INs, K'lucttrliiiisiiiul Inliulliible Vuutter.t.
CAItO.V JlltOTIIItH-', Tho runiileuciowinioii liirlli.
Mia.ltosi: KA.MII.Y, lllryt-te Kxpi-rt.
And mi eiidli'M nrniy of eimoi-trlmi", ixymnulK, iiiTolmti mid Kcnrnd pcrfonnrrt.
Roman Standing Racos,
4-horoo Ghailot Rucos,
Pontleroua Elophant Racos,
Awkward Cnmol Racos,
Monkoy Racos,
Pony Racos,
The Finest Menagerie in the World,
A pmiiilni'nt mi,l tui.Mpi'tiv, fi uturo of which In tlio palrof
. at m m mm mrm mwiww
var m m mm---
Mule mid fi-iiiuii-, for wlili-li wodi'.'!iud it luolUrof SlO.Ctx) leu Hum 3)iUyMa
I'M l-'rniit Ht.
Jultl Uw If
I'tlltTliVM), Olt.
Mosoi-.it v it tho uiiHita.t of nil the
oniMiiiiiH of tho I'ooplo. Kill it, anil ,
iliMtro) uouhlKt unknown ami enormous
riehw wouhl l hwinl of no moro, hut
lHMiiv nutl iilonty weuM rolu'ii. It von
lhfy.uid: .,iiiiJiiii..iitiitii.' kunv Wiy iti many havo Uiroly luoa.l
A mw mviiUnit the Oroipinian imlt.j for their luontlts ami only raan for their
IIuhI tho follow iiiK in tlio form of n tliu- jtweks? Iteeauw. throuli the niil of
IMteh from AiumIm, t'allfoi nia, tho numojmly, a few am iiilitiB un us-oUvh
other iluy : million ovory yivir. U mhiius that ,
Calvin Hilirvrtou. an old UopublkMU. wwUh is IhjIiis rkvunwl without work;i
1ms otn oit for t'Itvtiml. lie Kiyoithat the lalnuer in no longer nhlo to jt
tho iiatly him heon earritnl over to hiuh ! !,( ,ri, althouah ho Ih woithv of it. It
irtuollon, ami ho iiumot hiiniKirt It. i . . , . . . I
hnllier: "l U-llovo the IVin.K-ratie , lrt "0,,,, miw ,,w th wwk of n,
uuty in its ur.'-o ami totuloinieH ami ' Iiit.'liwa.vin:n, who putrtaiiWolto your!
In tho diameter of its nomlnetv.s in, to-tUy, ' hea.l and fou-os you to htaml ami deliver.
neawr to the uvplo uiul moro In aeooul , Moni,h,iy ,lVH t,o wine thine althouL-l
with tho true thwry w our LMVornment i ,, ' ,,, . . r
H. FJohnson&Go.,
Prescription Druggists.
Requisites of tho Tollot,
Stationory & School Supplies
Fine Imported and Key West Cigars.
Opptutt villur.l llmuf,
j Five or Six Hundred very lat Mutton
I Sheep, 2 and 3 years old.
forptiriU'iil ui., euipilr of
' Jas. A. Howard,
j At lit I. X. I,, (irot't ry. jyj ti,w iw
1$. A. AValker,
I Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco,
i fine Import. d und imnuiii C".uri. hvav
111 kt.H'k
'ujJ'lin .Tr th Ur' '"'"th'ion.uroii
iMiny e.ppiiatM in mdl'intly iwrfi't'tlnis tliU limorlng, plicnoroeDm-
iiniiiuii i.irino proem uiur.
(50 Mimtto of Circus with .'100 Meteoric Performers.
80 Minute of Gladiatorial Contests !
ouiuimuesot Hippodrome Knees, w"" rra'fM,"3S'
.'50 Minutes lor the Museum, wU" ,,TS:!utJe,crUr,:,
lllliiln9 Cm AT with l.u. ir.,.ll KiKwInlPlll. 0MI&
3 Hours of Dazzling, Faseiuntincj Entertainment !
Dealer in Pine
and Fir Wood.
than tho ItvpuMicuu lurtv haaUvniiui u, "' " nuwrni, nut iar
tlio (loath of Urn'oln " imoro iviworful. 'llilnk inon. think, if
I,ook tho nmttor winarly In tho face'." ww "vo.
I tl... .....1 -...II....I !...., ,1.11...... "
uim iiiu hivt,. ...n.i... 1.VMUII.IW.II v.i.iiiui . ... aiti;miu mi Fnitnim i- ....
lnrKt'titudtMtriulppdln lUelulitid . Umlo tionom. Kur chuIovuc. mldrv
tviuturtl. Kiuivrii nrl.-tfu. t llw-lit nt.-.Tii it i t.
u run, (., fnui.ion. urctou i u ur Vttnconve r, W. T,
full to noo Unit tho lmocruUo larty U.TnPi
titiitrttr tit tint ttavtt ,1.,.
I Cornrr 12th mid II HU., Cntheilral lllock.
CliLu.es will rtstpi'u In (ha new building
I Nt'ptnubor 3th.
Tho Institution is empower! to confer act
Will deliver wood to any imrt of f.wn In
U'liveortlentutlho Oreson IVed Yard, on
Joliii.oii.trett. jyltdMnm
K. J. llurtuit, lroirl-tor.
Main and Itallroad Sta., IVndleton, Orefion.
Klrt-pla la every rvpect. ar the ilo
pot and ha every i-ouvenleuC;. Term. ! a
The only complex, perfect mid hivlnlily Miinptiioun icprotluctlon of tbe
rt r . .. ..n
rid KS. HRVQ S nn K hrt atnr a Pnmhofo nf Ann Rm n
IX ni: VUI.V '.,C0O YKAItS.
) Knsll.li mid Kentucky Tlioroiwhtirt- U In Soul mlrrhiBStruegtes for lIprmllry,
iifiir iiiiich iintiiiin, ooo tunc-.
Horoic Olympian Camos and Caledonian Sports I
- iidoci, iwy,uy jxespienaeni; b tree u
AppenrliiBou tho public thoroushfarcsnt 10 o'clock every mornlnf.
I'SITAL '0'l!U I'Hlcr.S OK AIIMISSIOX. Kirformance at Ca.tomar U"
rosltlvely nnd emphotlcally no free tickets to nnybody.
Choapost Excursion on Record.
whch'aiTiVA olll.c,,,xrrv.vl1'1 ow 81 the round trip i to thl tJ
which also exhlblta at Dayton Augut -id, La Orunde 3d. llaker City IW,!"'
Uallen th, Arllnstoa 7th, and Wallu Walla th.