East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1888, Image 1

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Jtr Wll "' VOU WANT.
A riti:i: i.iintAitv.
Patron of tlio Dully or Homl-Wirkly
HAST OlfHtlOMAN mil fri'i'ly iiiiiIip uig
or tin' I'.ASI OltlUIONIAN lllirnry nli-n
hit tli-y m llii'. The pnlillr urn cor
dially tiixtlrtl to llt tlio ollli-o ulicnevnr
O llll'lllK'll.
pent III money omtmiipn will
r,. sni-wruiy kaht om:aoN.
...... nnu ''" ,,r,rr "Noiriiiti.T
. .. ...I IIIW III iinv
Z ilnlly HAH ' OHHOONIAN for llic
t,nlh f l,y
NO. 123.
ULi. J.
1 feS
Has been taken oil botli
ooien ana morion u-ooas
Hot by Congress, but by
u i nvniLu ex demii
Ami they now oiler their Large ami Complete toek of
.TflW 'I K. A I ) HJ F K.I I J U S tnr ASH
. t 1 . . 1 1 If
..oiiiiin i Mini irniiuu iriir r mil iifiriiii nini iifiii lrnwii irninuiii i
i&llllllllW . k-wwi.vi b-w av awwi.t MVS T tltllUVtl
i .1... aJV Wt tkltllil tlHllk I... th.. ,...K
r iiui iiiiiiv i; hi i ii iij iiu:i i; uri;i Liiiiin. iiiil iiiiiii i.iii'v ii ii i nil ii
ii 1 1! i...!, 1 1 1 !
wMtui.ititinii fVmti till mtnitmu 'Plint mvi'i it
eneral Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
t 1 T1 T" rf-N 1 MIT . TTl Jl
n h h. hi kjwv itiiiiiim. ill h i niiv m h.iiii
Children's Clothing:, Furnishing' Goods,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
andGlassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
uneap jn ews !
THae Seml-Weelily
ast Oregonian
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
reat Western Bakery.
M.G It A TZ, J'topvletor.
PT.Wa v nM5 o ad r.n PUV'l'fi
Fifosh Enstorn Oysters, In Evory Stylo!
.Vu Street, nvnr J'tstolre, I'einllt'lini
' iin
Tff .
;;BIE r'j iiQN aho ryf whiskifs. m5. schlitz ORCWiNC
' ru"SARu,s CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) f ,..'!. Nw ..m
. M'I" ,t .Hi'' MiiMtnlu TomiilB mi llio
ami uiid 4lh I'rhtnjn of oiioli inoiith. lit Trtl
o'clock. .1. 1'. HU(illi:n, ii, I',; I", n. CLOITON,
K17NZIK r.OIKIi:"Nl7. 8-1. A. K. A A. M.
Mi'ctMon Mm kpvoiuI miuI fourth Jlon
iluyn of ni"li nioiitli, ut 7;M o'clo lj. II, J,
llKA.V, W. M.J V. K. I'OTWINK, Sl'l'll'tllty.
pKN tlf.KTON LOlioiTNO. M. A. 1'. A A.M.
.1 Mcetln till! MuxmiUi T.-iupIo online
Mint mm third .Mntiilu.tM of onrli nioiitli in !
.SI'l o'clock, 'r, J. Mit.i.tn.v, W. M.i It Av I
t,0t)(lK NO. II I, . o. U. V. Moi'tH
Tiny Mrt TIipui nlth .tny mill
Sir. Murphy, u Wiilhi M'ullu W.niiiiii,
llmlir Am ht-lli Klllril io liriittu-m.
wlili'h it Ih cotii'orned arc I l'cntllcton'H yotinn men who uro out with
that tlio whole lino will lu . tho 0. & v. T. mirvuvow Im1ow town.
!(;ittotiH in
ht'ttlud, unit
, clnuiL'oiI to a Ktuiulttni it.itmo. Tln worn in town Siiiulav. lliov urn nut
iSotithorn l'uctlk' lloinnnnv now own ruti- lirown in cotor. itnil us fitt us " Horlcslilrn
Ti'nr trolUnjf intott'st in tlic'l'oi tluntl Wil-1 iH. Thoy tuo with Oooiko MillorV
lumuiio imcy nmu. crowMH'tian lnrty, coining hum wuv.
Thoboly of n.MoinjolliinhlhblnilurwiiHt After they nut through tliln work, unrb.
foitiul llouthtK in tho tiver nt tho foot of llminiiry und locating party will ho or
Yatnhill ntivet yeHtonlay. The lloxh wu uanicd. und u lino t tin ulonn tho foot-
i itceriiieii to it oo t no i'oiihixiriiov ni
Onnrrnm IVopli- hftiillm; In ri., ,nl etlstiird liio. Utld WUrtllieO to lllllltllu. Volt
y cviry Ttmttlu: iniht lit tho'lCnuliiti I tiooplo met thuin with to:tr und duinon-
wi'S'St'TiiLiiM ii vr' ' 'KA",5,lK- M-lHtrulionMof loy. Munyhad had nothlni:
w.jl i.TuHiiK.lUi-onlor. to eat Klneola-t Sunday iiuoti. A carload
-IMMUIKA I.OIKIK NO. 3.'. t. O. o. if. Mods 01 PnJVIMOlIM H 0XK!tleil iroin 1 IlKlllia,
S'j i-yi-ry sniimiiiy vi-iiIiik Mt7::Mo'cloi k. lnii unoiiiBr trout Im-onia
i. j. .uii.i.i'i.t, .,vi,; r r Miiiinni, Hccrt lury.
I'rovl.loin to tin. )LtreiMtl,
Ki.t.rNsnuitti, W. T July 'Jl. When
tho lvlloiishurg Uelief Coin;: itteo learheil
HorIvii thlf inorninr, with it carload of
lirovifions und clothing, tho ilNtrcHHctl
ti. V, Mnfti on I Mi Ki'votnl imJ liitt
Tlilirmliiy. of mii'Ii iiiotiih, nt 71.10 oYlork,
Lot l,IVKIl.Mi)ttH,0. P. j K. Ii HltAlio.N,ScrllH-.
IDAITMN'K UKHI't'(! I.OIKli: No. 13, I. 0.
. O.K. MirtM Uio llmt anil thlnl rimrH.
uyM of each month.
.IiIk Iii 'iilil 1-VllfiWH' II Ml nvnry Tiif'
iliiy I'Vrr.Ini; at 7;HU oVIoolt. .1. ('. I.kahuiii:.
J. WlItTAKIStt.lC. of It.llllll f.
uy i'Vi
lAMOV 1.01)(IK NO. 4. K. OP P.
1 uni
M i.i.l In
l'VI ox-fc' Hull pvitv WpiIih'.iI iv
I'Vi'liliiR lit 71110 oVlni-M. M. MOIIKttl'.AIi, U,
U.i II. f. (lAlll-IK.I.l), K. of It. una S.
inuko urratntouientH for ruhulldlni' uro do
ing ho um fast uh lunihor ran he iroenred.
Conniderabli) htilldiug nialerial is now o
ini; In hy rail from nolK'liboiliij,' KitwmiliM.
.Mlf). MtTICI'IIV in Titoum.i:
know. It Im Hiippoxcd to ho tho teumiuH
j of u ('Iiliiainan who fell into tho river
last November.
j A uuw liell. weighing 'MM iouiuls Ih
being hoisted into the iiellrv ol tuo I'alli
olio C'uthedrul. Tho old hell wiiHerucked
reeently und Iiuh been pluying hoh with
Ivoiile'H nerves for tho past few days.
Tito Transcontinental Itailwuv Com
pany uro building u -UI,0;).l briek Htubl i
ut tho comer of S und Twenty Third
T. U. Thayer und Charles Tiiayor havo
I'onchuled that brotherly lovo cannot
longer continue between them, ullhuiigh
A Woman Arrl'il fur i:ntli'lm; n
Ariiy friim lliiinu.
W.M.t.A W.M.I.A. V. T Jlllv LM. To-
lilllrt from this end of tho Kurcka Flat
road through Milton, Woston, und con
newllng with tho Centervlllo-Wulltila
brunch of Iho 0. ,t W. T. Ah I behold
the protlfo of the Hunt HVKlum I noted
that tho jirojoctod line ftiukcH u clrclo
front Wullula through the Flat via
WultHburg, till it Wulla, Milton, Wes
ton und Contervllle, und hack to
Wullula, passing through tho grandest
wheat-prodiu'ing belt in tho world,
A. lv. Waning, formerly Western
Union telegraph operator, Iiuh just rq
colved an Intnii'itso tub. ongino, bollor,
wringer, etc., forhiMH'cantlanndryjWhleh
ho oxpects to havo in oHiration by Au
gust. This ntachinury will do awuv willt
they uro brothers hy hlojd. Charles had j tho old Chinese stylo of washing clothes,
P. O. uitcsted esterduv for bcatini: him
Charles K.iys that upon going to his
bmther'H house ho was met at tho door,
', ',. , lr V f,Vr.; O i l . , the !"""". 'I'liu urrcsicd brother jitstilies
to appear iietore the (iraud .lury on a i.im ,..m,t,i,. t... M ivim. fii.irh.f -.iu n.iv.
el.arg!, of enticing Neaola Taylor.' twelve " ' 1 , J 'i ', ,UB '"
vn.irJ.itii. iiwuv from l.oo.n fi.r i,.,ri " mo iuui.li attention to ins wife.
KIT OMtSON P0T, O. A. It., iiicotK nt
WIipoU'i' Hall ovory Thuniitay iilitht,
It. H. W'AfPl.K, CoiiiiuiiiKlcr; J, H. llllW'KN,
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Best sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
ison, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland. Orogon.
years old, iiwny from homo for Immoral
purposes. iM ism i ay lor is the girl who
I wont to I Vtiillot on witli Johnny Ham-
I tuond, where they registered as man and
I who.
Till: .M AltKIM.S.
Wheat In I'orthiuil firm lit IVI.I7 l-'j-Hin
1'rant Urn .Marliut.
l'oiirhANi), July 'Si. Tho Walla Yallti
product is llrm here to-day ut $1.1" per
centul. In Sun Francisco thnre is a
moderuto shipping demand, tho loading
licet steadily Increasing hy now engage
ments. Tho quotations aro.fl.ll') ( if 1. 1 JO.
Chicago's markets closed yeslordayut M)
cents for July; 76?6 for August and 78."
for .Septetnbor.
wai.i,a UAU.A i.i:rri.it
KiiiiU lllry Kills Two llrolht'M
Km iii. Mill ut I.urur.
Coi.vav, W.T., July 'Jt. On Sumltiy
evening Kmils llley, living near Kalila
tits, had a quarrel nlth Carrol and 1'cter
.Moret., brothers, and rcttlcd it by shoot
boll i men dead. Hley lied to l'uloiiw
Junction, and has not been heard from
i-oiui.ANo i.nri lilt.
Notary and Corporation Seals
In Pondloton,
Tlio usunl pricu fur kcuU mmln by other
imrtlex, In Portland oc Urn Ivh U from b.(0
it7.0l, with exproM Iiihkii ii.Mnl. If )ou
need ii nenl, ai'iiil your order lo uh, mid tuve
from ruo to tluteliy.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
mlilldif Pendleton. Orcrjon.
inniisuuii rigm
Ociilcn In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
main htiii:kt, i'i:m)i.i:ton.
vhuiunr tli public putnmnen U kolloltrU
of Tuhe l.anlo.' hariielerllli mid
lutrrrntliii; i.'iiiitiiiiiiilrut litrna.
1'oiiti.axii, July HI.
To-day marks tho date of another rail
road ocnt In l'liitland. Thu Hist train
from tho new depot of tho i'ottlaud and
Willamette Valley railroad company left
at 11 o'clock this morning. Sovoral hun
dred eoiilo witnessed the dupartiuo and
two coaclt loads of passengers went on
board. Tho train consisted of engine
No. 1, baggage and mall ear No. II, a lxx
car with windows In It, and passenger
coaches '.I and Ulti. Tho ouillt was not a
thing of h.-auty, exactly. Tho rear pas
ronger coach was about four feet longer
und a foot higher than tho one In front
of it. Then caino a cross lietween a box
und n baggage car, u foot lower und nar
rower than tho follow hit; car. then tho
mail and baggago car, which is dlllerent
III neiglll, wkiiii, ieiiitui aim cuior nuni
any of Ihu balance of the train. Hut tho
conductor thought she was a Illy, all tho
H.iuui, and tho way ho tcfused lo talk to
uii)hjdy, flow- around und did nothing,
was marvelous. Ills po.-lllon is a to
Hpousitilo one, and ho can't allord to wax
familiar with the common held. In the
hhort spaco of ten minutes, this morning,
In madii t lino couplings, loaded kivoii
trunks, put a thousand feet of lumber on
top Iho baggago car, rolled Mventcon
kegs of liecr into tho "mulo"car, inado a
tliniisiinil signals to tho ongiucur unit
aboatd in a low tone ol voice.
tder from way back, und
I no, Crocker. Thu balance
of tho crow- consisted of Kngineer I.d.
1 Watson, Fireman J. Ilohenlightenei',
Ilrakmuau (Jeo. .Martin, Mailing l letk It.
, F. Watkins and Kxptcss Mosengei' It.
;.M. Hunt. Thu do not from which this
train took its departure ami thomiriouud
lugs aro quite ulaiKirato much tnoro wj
than would natuially bo expected from a
ono-horho narrow gauge railroad in Ihu
hands of a receiver. Tho platform is
alsjut two hundred feet wide by II vo hun
dred feet long, und Is built upon piling,
from Iho river bank out over tho water.
Tho passenger depot is of a btIo jieeu
liarlv of "Dundee" Holds own. Hcotlatid
may have Hoinclhlng like It, but It lias
I no countoniait in urchiiectural leigi)
and t-ltupliclty of llnUh in this country
Hidaway Hot Springs.
XV. .11. HCOTT, I'roprli'lo-.
. , i. imiiv ki,...Mi " "'I'l wty of tinUli In this country.
Tl .r.n.ont may i.odwcrlhod
f aiu. Iii ram 1'ra'ri'. us Iho whtellioujio I an iuiiininso hid j-
Hi - - . .
Th.H Hiunmor Mcif.rt wll lo opoi for tlio !
rHw.iiiii i of uU k'i "" wli'l ''l'-r '' " ;; I
p. r-oiifcO ni nip iiiiiii ii""-. ' i" vwiimi
lint loh ttortlKIl vUlt tmp Un-k
Aei-omin ilu l u' mpl mid n-- r,--ihingiyill
Undone hi iiiiUh iuhcu eoiiif.irli
tl. Th"rHniit U 'I lU'-tful. On wU,rgiD
all I uxoilUn', mid hull liu ni'M
Terms Roaoonablo.
- Prop.
in M.K ' IN
wheel hleaiiiur. Ixiardtxl tin onthetiiiio
tivixt to the rlvur, tho low r half Ml open
on tho front where tho turn nloji. Tho
roof U entirely of tin. Tim iimidd In
MtipliHl with backed bonclies fur the
eouvetilotiee o! voao' traveluw. It U
uhtui tuunty fwt deep by Mtiitv feot
l 'lii', and teiiiiinaios ut either etui i'h
liitfe, tpqiiuie t.cxl..r l.uililiiigs, wbi li
Mervo tit ket und trliV'.i ll nll.i iM,
Hiri'.nlvi'ly Hot Wi nhrr drain II.ibh tn
Iik IIIkIi -I'arknr 'iiti lilii; It Ihu Walla
Wulla ra per Tln Suru'jom Strum
l.tiniiilry-St-rti'il 1 1 lilt ltlKht-Au In
titri'NlltiK l.ctlxr.
W.M.t.A WAM.A.Jllly ffil. 1883.
The heat last week wuh unU'arahle.
ami I hied myself to the mountains fur
telief. Hence my misting letters last
It is evident our farmers will again bo
forced to pay outrageous prices for gttiin
bags. They aro now quoted ut ten cents,
and by the time Iho thresher quits they
will, no doubt, go tiiHlill fuither.
In the I'uioii. pome time h.iico. a typo
graphical enor made thu editor say ''that
L'.i.imk) acres are in grain tins reason in
Walla Wulla county." It should havo
read 175.0110. I inuko mention of this be
cause many of mv exchanges, I nolo. havo
copied the item, and given thu mistake
wide circulation.
mi Inivn iilr.'nilv iiiuilo locution of tin.
disappearance of Frank Flitter, clerk at
the noil ten arv. .mv irieuit i;oi, raiKor.
one of (ho penitentiary commissioners,
receives mucli sllrilng lip on nils ac
count. 11 r. 1'atker, It will be leineiu
bored, had Mr. Thompson, editor of thu
Dayton Inlander, bounced out of tho
cleikshlp for an unexplained cause, ami
placed .Mr. Filber, u gooibfor-nothim;
young galoot, In his place. It is said
Parker used to go down to tho "pun" a
good deal, and whenever ho entered tho
institution, ho with great noito asked all
ho met: "Km I ete, you I Whoio's toy
clerk?" It seoiiis fioiu this that Filber
was Parker's dummy, and now peonlo
ask tho Colonel if be knows whom ids
deik is, I'ilhcr skipped out leaving sev
eral unpaid loans, hut luckily Frank
Parker did not lose anything. Willie
.Newell, another dudu, with oyo-gIasHH,
brother-in-law' of our Colonel, has boon
appointed deik. I would tuMso the
coiiiinlsfloiu'is to give the young man a
talking to about tho mils of gambling,
I i cad with much Interest the well
penned letters of your cditotlal cones
; 1....1 k.. iV. ......
H,lllt'llk, r-uililiui llllill.
Thu thorinometor during thu past fuw
d.tH roglsloied front 1M) to 1041 in thu
hliudu. Hot!
Harvest In the grain fluids near the
city has begun and toporls of heavy
)lehls como in.
Horn, lo the wife of Hurry Neville,
July :M, a boy.
Mis.4 .Minnie Daniels, for tho past six
years a comjxirltor on tho Daily Journal,
gavo up her case Hatutday evening anil
will travel oxtontilvoly through California
and thu Fast, and then attend some
Ksihtorii college. Miss .Minnie was a
''swift" compositor ono of tho Iwst In
thoeilv. II. hauler, formerly puhlUhur
of iho'Centervilllan, will lake chargo of
thu position made vaca.it by tho depait
uro of .Miss Danluls. ,
Ihu local wheat market is quoted fit)
cents a bushel, free of sacks.
Tho Idea of having a Dromon's tourna
ment hero during tho week has boon
given up, und vlgoious ell'ortH will bo
mado to havo the next grand tournament
of Iho .Northwestern FIiuiuoii'h Associa
tion hold hero.
I dosiio to return mv sincere thanks to
F.ditur Howmer, of tho Milton Kugle, for
to-wit: Catching a shirt bv tho tail und.
soaking it in water, and Hum banging it
against a fence rail about fifty times.
Our people should patronize the steam
laundry, and wu will soon get rid of ii
fuw of thu llto-top Chinese wush-hnusos.
Through tho kindness of Dr. 1). 8. 1 ta
ker, who willed $."i,000 to tho city, our
cemotei.v will lecelvo somu needed Im
provements. Ilcsidcri this amount, he has
left instructions that $10,00(1 be uxem1ml
in purchasing, improving and beautifying
a plot of ground for tho family's burial
Sunday evening, Dr. Clowe, was re
turning from a country visit in hisbuL'trv.
when ho wilt uuido aware of the prosonco
of a liorso-man who proved to bo a drunk
en soldier named Hughes. Ho began abus
ing thu doctor and tilriking tho horses.
The doctor got qulto angry ut this sort ,of
cutting ttti und suddenly turning his
team In a fence corner, quickly lumped
fioai thu buggy, pulled the soldier from
his horse und kut him unmercifully.
Hughes Is now In I hn ganlHon hospital
with two of thu blackest eyes and bent
nosu you ever beheld.
It was quite a surprise to learn of tho
arrest of Johnnie Hammond, ho well
known huro. If I had my say I'd tako
the mother of that girl and "cut her hair
oil" short"' and compel her to read "Sho."
Tho girl should havo a darn good thresh
ing, and If I were on the jury I'd turn
Johnnie loose. Tho mother of thu girl is
to blame.
The Union this morning states that
Col, P'runk J. Parker of thu Statusnmn
bus mude application for a tension. No
doubt on account of his deafness, tho
result of cracking a w hip over a six-iuulu
team while in the volunteer service dur
ing the No, l'eico Indian War. Wonder
whether hi brother Aaron, who is also
deaf, will maku an application.
Thermometer ut Ibis w illing, 11 o'clock,
registers IM), Wind blowing and rain ex
pected. 18110.
months and nineteen days old. When
hu was th rteen y -ars old his patents re
moved to Sheloy county, and a few years
after lo Hancock county wberu hu at
tained his uiajoiity, ami on February 18,
h;jii, whs married to miss rniciiia .).
ltainwii, who stirvlvus him. At tho ago
of twenty-four hu relumed to Hiolny
county, where In lHIIll hu emigrated to
Kilino county, MIssoittl. 'I bunco hu
went to I'latto county wheto ho lemalned
two years, and then located In Atchison
'county. Hero In lull hu lccatiie a miuu-
bur of thu M. K, Church. Front Atchi
son county ho eroded tho plains to Oio
gon In IH'j-.', with a family of seven
children, six sons and one daughter.
Hu Hitllnl In Mohawk Valley, l.auo
county, in tho fall of that year. In lhV6
ho united with the Chtlsllau Church un
der thu preaching of Kldar John Powell,
nccouiMpaiiicd in this by his wife and
one daughter. Hero ho settled on a
donation claim and brought it under
cultivation. In 18ii) ho rum ived lo Mini
county, where hu leuialned ten years.
Hu then removed to Um.itill i cjuutv ami
remained thuru to within a few weeks of
thu Katr Oukooniv.n.
I can't imagine- why our city pajKirs do
not employ corionpouiients in the neigh
the neat lltllo mention of my letters to Ids duaih. Ilo was of tip-class of sturdy,
indomitable pioneer. Hu wrung from
uaiiire u HitiHirt and o uniietuiiee by lit
lalnr unit energy, lie lirnuglit lot euPI-
tsjrlng towns, und thus glvu thuir rnadars ! yatlon f.mr farms or ranches. Hu was
Cl.'SeV, etc.
gr..in l ..r. Ii
Ii j
j t
i.i. lb
r -I-I
I .0
1 I III-
ll I II
.1 . II 1
.i.- 13 Ml
.III IWii l.l
h Wl-l H.I-
'i" Ii.tiik. i - .
.1 .. i i i
i ..i, i .i .
I I.
iiuwh of tho ouuidu world. As it is now
our ilallios aro hlltsl with Male por
HonaU, lulllngg4to tr.wh ubotit Puikur
and John-ton, and thu kturwtvKMl on
grammatical seiuencu of HiMHwitm,
hucUum iho follow lni,'Hauipli;
AO nteii on its!
"iissl man, 1xj!"
"liioad acruM tho neck, and narrow
between ihu is."
Wa n t ih.it eu'o'.'"
"!- Oil, Ul'lllll hill. II," t'tl
known an a quint, nuighb uv man. Ills
liahitti worn to uiiumi ftiicily lo his own
ulliiirs. He was IIim fathur of ten cldl
druu, thtee of whom, tuo som and nuo
ditutfiiier, urudu.nl. Pivo sons and two
daiitfhlent. with Ids wife sorwvu him, to
mourn thu 1 nwof u dotitid Ii iiam and
fa tliful, I niog f.itlmr. 1 1 i- hi.i1 at t Hons
and I ivulv diuglitei . rosii.tc ni and Ii ut
oid hv .ill wh k i'i.v ilium, si. ik v.il-
ii'iim ii hi i pr ii. Hi- ua li il Ii ,i.i in
i' k
-.1 'Ih ll
p .1
vi-ited that urt of ton ii f.r twi inoiitlis
li.iins v ill i .ii r r I in 1. in . I. -; -t
,.t ii t I . s !. .il . . 1 ii . i u . i i-
I ,.p'. lo ' M I ... I 'I III.
i I i I - " '
t i . Uj i r i s i i .i ii'.
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bad Ids inj'O il
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Mil. I I'
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Ii.-L'lii in his
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.tlr i - i. ii I r. d
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llnlh nf mi Orritou linimrr Oim hy
Tlmy I'a.s Away.
William Stallord.il pioneer of l8.V.'.ilicd
ittTacoma, W.T., JitnuJM. 18SS, after a
tin I illness ot twenty-lour hours. A
paralytic stroke was Ihu immediate c.tusu !
of his death.
William Hallbid was horn In I ratikllu
Co., Indiana, March 11, 1HI I, and was '
at his death seventy-four years, thren f
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.1 1 ill IdMiWI, twoil.