East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1888, Image 4

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    MONDAY, .11M.Y I8H8.
beforu they prepare to enpturu him. They
would not lo likely to attack a traveler
bltiiply on the chance of M-curlng iv roll ol
bllU and u watch. They luivu also,
HtrntiKo to say, u hltfh recant for Ameri
cans, fkc nil Cubana, they look to the
Unltuit Bmt"s til it poMlblo protector and
riili-r some dny, bmI, perhaps, too, they've
he.u'd of sl btiootuis nmt Yankee pluck.
Ait American cov.nlar ecnt wub cinglil
by bumll.) i. ,vi t'mu m:u, ami oh soon m
he announc'l his position they released
him lmtn (.. iiuly imd unololzeil for wliul
they mil. I was a mistake." Cuba Cor.
New York World.
Leezer & Kuebler,
Are You Protected?
flnmplo Cn of tllitflttnnltlnr.
Not Ioiik ago n man rrcll known In bo
clitl. business and clnb circles had trouble
Willi Ida wife, a beautiful and accom
plhhed woman, and they reparoled, the
Intention bcltiR to cventuiilly becotno di
vorced. So quietly woa tho affair man
aged that nono but their nimt In'lmulo
friends know that they had di-a.ireed. and
A Mrnnsrft flUlnof Things Within liuj't
Journey of Ihn United MultisHulf Willi
I'tmtuits unit Town lloilith 'I'm kin a In
Tulca of brigandage In Culm during tho
past few year havo reached New York
from time to time, hut tho truu situation
Is tint Known wivo to thoo who live on the
inland ItHclf, mimI it has bocotniiso fnmlllar
to these us to have lltllo iiou-lty. It U
largely the result of tho present Almost
bankrupt condition of the once proud and
wealthy Queen nf the Antilles. Poverty tho acnualntnueesof tho evt'te onlrknoi
Ih now almoit universal nvo among the Uiat tho wife was vlnltdi'j frlcndfl nud
planters and merchants In the cities, and, j relatives In New York. In r.D evil mo
uualile to obtain a livelihood navo by the , tnont tho young wife enip,"y 'd a private
precarious and acaicrly remunerative oo-1 dolcctlvo to nliadow her 'tisbawl, dally
cupatlons of cock fluhtlnn; and lottery; reports to buscnt tohrr. Theso reports
ticket sellltur. which nnoear to thf, tourist wuro out. mid the irifn w.ia iu.totilsheil.
to be tho main occupations of tho Cubans, I Bho didn't have any Idea before what the '
many of tlm half wild iicas'tnts of tho In- life of a club man might be. Then, wn- Dcspain Block
terlorand rnuuhsot tin- t'lwns have taken i man-like, she determined to win her bus i
to brigandage. They aro limit numerous band back. .Shu wrote him, the quarrel I
In the central part of tho IMand, between I was patched up, and the pulr lived to-'
Matanzis on tno north mid CioufiU'jiw on ' Kcthcr ugnln. I
the south, mekiiig their lain In tin woods , Their homo was a happy one. The
and hills of the center of tho Island audi IiihIi.'iiuI forsiwk his gay companions and
operating on the roads every place whero 1 compromising usDt'lni.ou of both wxea
The lfcrj(e:t nn-l moat complete nUic.k of
Drug.. Medicines
mil A I Ct1! Ifill
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should
Ti nls rt r- To on, l
1 Elegant Pullmanpa,,
not KmlBrH.,tHleeplnifer,r1IolJ
Press Tr.u.'W'W
u w
s Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastorn Oregon.
thcru Is any chance of wealthy persons
The eastern end of lliy lelatul has been
jilngular'.y free fr tm lui'dits, and travel
through its still ir4i11 foii-sts and lofty
volcanic iniiMiii'i.iiH is comparatively f.afc.
The (iiii til la t'lv.le, as tho Spanish
iioldlery I" mile 1. make periodical Incur'
kIoiis fii'iu Mr nxna and other cities
against Hie ban lit, but as a ruin thoo
raids hnvn little result. It Is more than
hinted (hat then1 Is an iiuderstaudliiL' bo-
tween tho Milulors and I lie liandlls. Tim,
Kpanlsh i(oi'rumeiil. Is always behind' 1
hand la Its piiymeut of lis Cuban soldiers'
wiitri.s. ntid fhcrii Is 11 I'Miii'ml liiiiiriNtnn
trlat the Mildlers make up for deferred or
unpaid u ages by a xha-o In the raiuom
paid by wnue wealthy planter for his ru
icitso frniu iviplivlty. Not that thu
(limnllii Civile aie always tuifaltlifull
a imi:.iti:i) iiandit ciiii;v.
"Afatavits," -ald our Informant, "Is
now thu bandit chief most feared. Ho Is
a mulatto and rules his followers abso
lutely. He chantes his loratloti con
(tautly ntnl l as been rather (M!i't of lute,
but wo may hear of him at any time. Ho
hns placed a price of $,10,000 on tho per
coii'i of Km .Messrs. Hlewart, who own the
well known sugar plantation, 'I.a Cnro.
Una,' near this city, and t burnt gentlemen
have been obliged to use much caution In
going to and from their pluntutlou on
their visits to tho city,"
"Tell us about Hunor Casanova," we
Well, Benor Casanova was driving
... ... 1. 1 . ! OMAHA. r.niiMmi ni,... I
m any longer without insurance on tneir property, or wjuiwo-i r uifsnK
J K,"clmrKesnJwltK((!
1 . 1 I? ... . . i. i! :.. 1 ...
over Kimi; nnti nearly everyone ueneves tnut u mun-y m a Huut,i;'0'WCH1"nfun'Mrort'.M.
Knst bouml liw.nif(.rii,
..J.1 ireliriit
west isiuml pnrwi,..f
! Walln WalU und p..j,..
riven ai 7.1s p. in. (mm u-.i '.?:.
Reliable Insurance Co.
and became domesticated. One night
there was a knock at the door. Thu hus
band responded; It wns n visitor for Ills I
wife. When tho lady entered the parlor I
shit recognized the private, detective. HIiu ;
or"',!r alirtiulr! 11 ls almost the same thing.
gether with copies of letters lie hail IJJn Promiuma'
written her concerning tho private llfu ol u -rx o1""")
her husband. The wlfu had prld thul
agency by which this iiiau was employed,
but this made no dlirereuce. What the
man wanted was a loan, and he got it.
Ilo has Hollclted xuveral loans since then,
anil lias never iieeureluseil. in the mean
time, the litithaml remains In Ignomncu ol I
the ilralus on bis wile s pure. but cheer
fully foots all bills. Chicago Cor. New
York Herald.
No Special Offers;
No Out Rates;
On Thu North Aineiicaii Continent.
Large Page's und 81 Long CoIuiuuh.
l'rri'iitii;o uf IIIiiihIps mill llrmintlr..
In the course of Dftccn minutes' walk
on llroadway the oilier day a reporter
counted '..'00 women, young and old, with
hair ranging from a nrJlum brown to I j
tbn iliirker similes wt 'n'l nil but artists i
call black. Only Ihlrt.sMi women were A POPULAR NOVEL
passeil whoweruof thepvououuceil blonde
order. Tlueeof theu wort; of tin- reddish j pui.iM.eU In mid given with .'iich h.ne ot
clasesand the halrof two had apparently 1 thiMwekiv illilnti.
been bleached. At the theatre, the same 1 ,,I'!1"I"A A,". eonlluuliiK Ibere-
iiv..iiliii. uf nrn- wmiii.ti .fiii,!., .. aftnr, 'Hi" World will print with cueli lstt 11
ovelillig, or Ul wi tnet within easj I ,-,im 10 nov.. hy o popiniir author. Ainoag
range, Mx had fair skins, blue eyes and I tlm wri'cis will Let
light hair. They sat surrounded by a I W'.li. r llo.aut,
bevy of dark women, who gave Its pre- ' it, Ji, t Vi 1 1 .Vim IT"t
vailing tone In the complexion of tho it. ,. Hieveimou,
j U worth every time what it costs, anil procniHtinutiou should not
I he indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In the
Hirst place, pick out competent and
Cottimtitii. ilnvii
U.n... M .... ...
num.', 1.1 iiy x
Oregon. .May n
Columbia, June 1
'"I ra.
Stale.Jen. fi
(in.'Ku... Ju.i. 0
(?olumhln,,iuuo IX
Hlate, June 17
Oregon, Juno ill
ColiunlilM, Juiini
Stale. .In nn'i
Oregon, July 3
live Hueat HL nlurf.a..
u'livy .rniini. r.
nlitliu ' ",WJH
a. m.
1 ttatr uf l'auCt
I iiieiiiailiK liieuUtnj
i t'abla
I mceriw,
lloumnrlp, I'allmliKl, .
roriunneriiari puiim nni
or A. Ij. JIUTftl
. .
of til" Coin puny, ,
A T, A., I'ortlunil,
houe. Interest In the result observed ll I. Kmji 011,
led next morning to a public nchool.
jnruiiK'i lo ii-iicK tuiiiiiry 0110 nnornoou 1 va r ,.ghly girls had eight blondes to
In a volante, over 11 rough nnd lonely I kl....ntv.iw,. .iv..i-,i,. imuviw 1 i.n,.
Another or flxly-llve girls had
fnlr l.i. I ... I imitl'.. In IKtf.llfi.
II1.1 yolanto m. quickly that he could do Mandard brown heads and darker. In a
(I 11 minim, (t ItMlill llllii lillU'l I ('(ttV'
nwii), wliru tho ImmlltH BU'!ttonly nppcnroil
from thu clmiitnr;il. Tlioy BHrnmmlnl slxtii'ii
Hut I'ttliititu tvn ttlilnMtf llinl li. swinl.t .1.. '
One .'! V'....
K W. Itolilnxiti,
Kinlb' ila'Mirlau,
.Inlt-s Verne,
Will. llllll'K.
nothing but surrender at once. They
ordered him lo mount 11 mule, and at hli
protrftatloiM that ho was milTering from
it bladder rnmplalat and that It would
Wll him to ride they only laughed. They
carried him olf tonlitllo hut In thiiinnun
tain nnd kept ti I nt tltero it week. The old
gentleman, from thu complaint above
'described, rould only subilst on milk, and
as Ih lunulas could not furnish this hu
nearly died beforu he was ransomod."
"How did they raiitom hlmf"
'"The baudlta had 11 noto couveynl
secretly to his friends demanding
fH.WK) for tits raiiKom within a week.
This his frk'iuH raised and sent by iv
trusted mcisfiigcr to a place agreed upon.
Hennr Caauura was prislured, tlio money
paid over and the bandit who rtcclvcd It
dlMippcarcd a i Midduiily us If the earth
had swallowed Idm. Casanova says that
ho was not treated badly during his short
captivity, but Imaglim his alato of mind
nud Htispetisu durluj; thu iluja hu wuj a
"Has no concortfil action leen taken to
apprehend theso bandits throiighuut thu
"No. It Is n sort of local option with
dllTereut plares whrthrr they ran drive
them away or not. We're all growing so
poor, bouever, that unless your gissl and
great Uncle Sum will pity nud annex us
the bandits will kism suppins tlmmselvra
for vnut uf prey.
"One place, however, has rid Itself of
tho pcit, nnd In this way. You know it
is I cry rarely that a Cuban becomes an
officer In the Spaulsh nrmy. Thu position
Is not cotif Idered worthy of nmbltlon iy i
Cuban, mid will not I as long 111 the two
is'oplt'ii dislike each other as they do now.
hit In this place 11 ton ot a well known
Cub ui family wasauoliicer IntlieOuardUi
Civile. He pursued and cuulit a body uf
buhdlls, Cubiius like Idnikolf. Tuon ho
read them lecture ill this wWet
" 'Vou know me nud ou know I under
stand jour porttlou. I rympathlM with
your poverty mid know thu wretched gov
vrumeut ha 1 made your calling pOkKlble,
tun 1 do not hympathlzu with your law.
lcsnc,Ni. I'll reli'iuii you now only on
your Hdeuin iKitli tlmt ou'll lo.ivo tltla
HlUtrict at once. If 1 hiNirot any of you
hero again I'll showjou no mercy.' lie
meant what be wald, ami that dbtrlct was
troubled no mine."
"How arc these baudlta aniKslI"
'N'ery iwrlv ns i rultv They have old
fashioned muskets and now nnd then a
rlllc It H not their weapons, but their
familiarity with the tMiintry and lis hid
third claH the propiatlons wen suven
light to llf ty muddy and dark. The htatc
ment may be haxariled that not above
M or III per ecnt, of New York women
lire blouiles (lo uuywhciv where pretty
girls ("iiigiegnte und you meet tall, HtrlU
lug looking llgurosulth dark hair and
big, dark eyes. Is the bloinlu typo dlsap
iearing, and If hi wliyf Now York .Mall
and Kxprcss.
Vml'iu Itullway Mi;iiiiI.
One pull ot tho Ik'II cord slgullles
Two pulls mean "go ahead."
Threu pliils mean "luick up."
Ono whistle signifies "down brakes."
Two whistle signify "off brakes."
Three whlMles mean "back up," I
Continued whistles Indicate "danger." I
Short rapid whistles, "a cattle alarm " 1
A sweeping purling of the hands on a
level.with tho eye means "go ahead."
A slowly aweeplng mcctlugof the hands
over the head aiguilles ''hack slowly."
A downward motion of tho hands, with
extended arm, slgnllles 'Stop."
A iHi'koulug motion with one hand In
dicates "back."
A red Hag waved up the track Indicates
A red Hag by tho roadsldo means "dan
ger ahead."
A red Hag carried on a locomotive algnl
lies "an engine following."
A rnl ilag raUed at a station means
A lantern swung nt right angles acrosj
the track means "stop."
A lantern raided and lowered vertically
Is it signal to "start."
A lantern swung In a circle slgnllles
"back the train." Scientific Amerlcau.
Mr. Ah'xiinili-r,
John a Win it,
Henry Woo I,
M. K. Ilraililon,
Kloieiiei) Wiinleu.
i.Mnrv Cecil liny
lii-rtlin M. Clay.
1 Millie KilwitnU,
Itlioiln Kdwimls,
,y.L'. I'lillllns.
'I Iiim' novels will l I lie lutest worits tit tin.
lest willed as lliey nre iulitllieil tb Pooki
wlueh over one Is lalkliiK uboiit. Nothing
lint tin- very lust will be mliiilitctl luto tint
World's Muii 11 nl Library of llrtlon.
This Mbmryof I'lcll in Will He Huppllcd to
f-uhHcrlliers Only.
No lUtlii Copies Will Ilo I'rlnteil.
No lliiek Numbers Can llu furnished mid No
limlet'opb s Will lie Hold.
It Vou Wish ihn H rles Complete,
One Year (W Mimbers), JI;
U Mouths (M niiiiilHrs),.'V).;
3 Months (13 numbers ,SSc.
THE WORLD. Now York.
With whom to do your husiness those who represent none hut
tho hest insurance companies anil go straightway und insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in tin; direction of the oflice of
Clopton & Jackson,
Ueaerul Manager.
V. i'. A I I nu'. v .
IB'Ui, '
MfnrftV Unnli I.
111 r.ni mill. iv
viuut nuu 1 Id
Tim illr.itf.1 t.ti.l ......Ia. II... ,..
wnii iiiu mirtiirrn rsriBr
rrom nt, rum mm Mintitapviii
To Cklrago unit ihn Kant.
Tunc. I.ouIhhiiiI thrH.itk.
nil r 1 nAHn..i. .
111 council iiiuiia, lravpnvTonn i
CHv for
Locatetl in the EAST OllKGONIAN huilding, Pendleton,
where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu
rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
t'iinrrit Ceremonies hi Vmtsi:cir,
The funeral observances aru very cere
monious, as mlu'ht Iki e. peeled In 11 conn
try where the worsnlp of ancestors has so
long been a pari of its religion, and the
graves and vaults are reverenced assacnsl
plares. They a to usually only shapeless
mounds of earth or stone, near which are
erected wihhU'ii (.takes, eight
high, w ith skulls and horns uf
or Impaled on tho wood, Thee are ob
Jecis of worship, or at least of neclal ven
rratlou, for they are thu heads of bullocks
f.'icrlllcvd In hounr of thu dead at tho
time of burial
It Is u, ul to Inter tho dead near the
dwelling house, but only families of high
rank build houses or rale any structure
over llivr toudis The llneitt tomb In t tits
lug itUweii and thu fuel that they have j country Is that of the prime mlnUler, now
rewttves mid irleniW ami sj inpaihneam In. pHnce wnsort. It Is Kttnatisl at Uotry,
On Hint utter this date, as inlmlnlatrator of
the estute of the late Wllllaiii Itoss. I oner
for leidl I ne live ktnek owned by t lie 1I1-
ueseil,eoii;lliiK of
Tufouhtn'eit Jlcrr'onl Jlulls,
Short'lHtrn Cttttlt; Oraile Cuttle,
ami G t nil Sti ck CiiIIIh.
Thorium hhnil Sjmnlult Mi-rlno
lhnhx uuil iUvrn, lleffhtrrtil.
Untile Hitch ami Stoat: Stii-ot.
AUou lurue uuuitier of Horses and 11 qusn
tliy of liny,
for particulars, call on oruddrrts
my'tdswtf IVndleton.Or.
,'hee are ob. WW
Miit'urui'lurer of
imt of the .Un;vs, and oven in t;ic
di'.iM, th .1 1.1 ika tue; 1 111 all loriindable
with the w .eielieil luh'.iery wo haw. A
nquad of Lulled 8utc cavalry eouUI
plMUhy rid tho UlauJ of tlwu in iwc
luoiiilw' tiiuv "
"I)t not their i-wn mnlto It unsafe
for A'ierlc.ms to u I'n'o.f"
"Nut in tho le 1, T ,:h) b.im'.!ta do
not itt.vrfk'.'o w it'i tin v. '.:.ul trains, ua
which u m .d of ! 1 ' .dttiij tr.-.vel,
jnoraimai.ii:;irof Mu thuu nythiM
cUe, and r..e l .ii i are not U 1 tearwl
ott t iv . 1 l.uM f travel. Uoxittaa,
thc .'11. t 1 . m wall Corn tourUl, TUey
u. ' or know all pisml iMt
in .11 v a und wneiucr uu fruuai
ne.ir the capital, and is very large, prob
ably the best pleee of native mnvonry in
tho Inland It somewhat reeiillles'tbe
monuments of Assyrian art, ahhoii'th of
modern const ructlmi. Ilea1 oiv luternsl
tU (sister nud other relative of the prlmv
conkott. Ik-uwnsstV Monthly.
A I lliAy l lnil.
- Wbiter I tun! a
CiiKtouter- Wuiter I tttHt a Imli In thi
Walter- Vc& I pwie U b.4ng
la VainhHhilt lOlW.'bf
rwKiiwMti Ik iluit as- Pnnr mm lui
if Lhiimi. It s -Thfc
U, . USM.U
Stoam aud Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
Hpu'ltloutliins iiml I'.tlniHti s furnUhed fni
liwillug bolldluvs In any iclluu of the couu.
trv. CorflsuiJeiie i.oiCltetl.
Portland, Orogon. juy
hs ehannesl
Kfnir ran by Job t KnU'ht
Ii 'iids.aii.t , now In.-
Who mb supply ifc'lh W noil n. caioti
m wilt ibe
ll-jt MUk In the M-trkot.
prumimv sod ui rsuwiisWe rutos. ju:s i i.
Tt is well to remember that to ho secure you must insuro in
one of the Thirty .Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
If you contemplate insurance, call on them and got posted
and it will cost you nothing, ltemember their oflice is in the
KAST OH KG ONI AN building, or address
tJllllJ,l4fl AND ALL VOHlt
J'ltluce Dining
mis iwuir,
ncaeisior sate ey nu coonfmoc
iinu conneciioni iniusinuowj
1 rle.. until v tiiunv rntiDnn imntol
n ini... nr r.i w. alui
No. a Washlmston HI., -
k. a. iKir.iittnntv.
l,i. Till nun l'ii. Airt. IL R.LI
Clilciuro. III. H. K. WVR
I tli-n. T. aail r. Al. Ji.
, Apft MliinMHi!
THF Nntthprn Pacific fl2i
Pullman Mace Metping Oin!
iftiniitlernt IKul Ountktt,
,1. J tu..l.,SI,MW
JitfUU"! ,(Fniur.mi."r
O tin ifTlsf r" s
From Orcoon md WmWjh
to the Eatt,
vm mu inui ami iuuti-. -
Iinu running rivr ":-"
(Sieun 73 ecum
Coaat Over the !rty
iteine KallfM
iv niuii V.11J, vuuu.i. r. u
linriinKion, uuinry. "i 'u,rivi
all points tlimtisintit the K;l
El u amuw.mi.'"'"-
the entire length of tli NorUitri
r ,, w. lli, In Ini,-llnnS:U.',J-
lave I'orllanu a p. Bn"y"
I Mliineunolls or Bt. Psul
flnnneisiiim nnuie HI nu ru'r..T.
oils to all points Kanl.noniu -PACIKIOPIVIMIOJJ.
Tsn 1 . ill 1 . litrr nil u)tj
m., coniiectlnit wltliti. it. f .s
11 riiAiu.''
(lenerul Wetern rsis'nssi
Wiishluston nu. i"-riinu. ,. v ,
W. C AI. ' ''
They Uo haprcn evrry va"7, h is
. nn
1nn1tLt.no inuuunii
rav "t nin e I Ik hi "".""Jx.TeJ'
1 inn Hist even in " z. 1. r
Imih aei'iilHiits en orms "'
."' 7 .1.1
I'lnlniM. u Hli, in (1 ncnlin' l'an'i
rr- . ipt ..f s II. ru- lory in
urnvislons In all Its p ucie..
Ten Millions of AsJs. T
of iu ''US.
I'Ain POLICY HOI I'K f.l'l
CloDton &
RtJldnt W
. waJM
Fast rrejoalao tiuimins.