East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1888, Image 1

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A I'ltl.K I.I lilt AltY.
. . ....1........ ..Ill
nir,"r . ,.L, 1-aht oiti:noN.
I'iOvoiih nf the lm! r Hi-ml-Weekly
HAST MlilIOOMAN, run. ftreely nmUe u 1 1 1
or the UAH OltJSIiONJAN lllirnry when.
iivi r Itn'.v ilmlie. Thi public lire eat- .
ill ill y linltrd Iw.vUlt Uwnnlre wltrlioTer !' f
mi IiiiIIiiimI, , f
, III"" "
' ....ill ofir llm Numlirr
,n ..na iI.m V.,i.ilill.ir
Hon. Wn .url.lll.nllv,ANfor .j..
n.iiy -' - ,,
NO. 121.
Hat been taken oil both
ooien 'mux ooxton u-ooas
Not by Congress, but by
V-f 11 III A PIFllhl
And they now ofl'er their Largo ami Complete took of
II la ! H
JL . MeetK n tlii Masonic Temple on the
lint nnil third l-'rltlny of eiioli month, at 7: W
O'clock. .1. I. IIUHIIRK.U. I'.j V. It. Cmhton,
K UNIK I.OlKii: NO. HI. A. A A. M. I
Meets on t tin kci'iitid mid fourth Mon
iliiyn of cudi miint'i, ut 7MU nvio-lc. It. .1.
IHian, W. M.j V. K. I'm wink, fccirtiry.
IJKNIIf.KTON I.ODOK NO.. '.2, A. V. A A.M. .
a .m't?m in
till Mllftiinle 'IVtmili. n:i lh.
II rut llllll third Mllliilin if uuttli i.
TM n'click. T. .1. .MILLION, V. M.j It. Al.-
n.xANitmi, HciTcturr.
ItUllltIK 'll
-IiivctlKnthiE Mnttrr In Kentucky
l'lituiuMc to ui In tlm Nortliwwat
Itiifluliull nt Purtliiiiil-KttlrilHUKwret
hih; ' 'K.A 1 3 hi r K,l( HS tnr CASH
lAulllllik ... v. I''fVWI VIVII I WtVV T VU1IJWII
it lintm l W4 Itt f 41 .Jltil l f t M 1 1 1 4 It it 4 (lintr ! 1 1 ... t
L llll illfU I- Hll IIVI IC I'lUlliJi 7l4b I'll III I III; t (Till Oil Ii
!..!.. ...lt.it ilwitf ilntiki 'IMiut i .i Mi Ui.ii. I... i.i.... H
IKlllT It IlilL 111V.' T Vlll I lit 1 IIVillQ lO llUb Ull J 11 1 1111 Lf 1 111 I lim I m
rcfore they have diaeardetl Protective Prices, ami will freely
ihjii iicuiiuw iiuiii (iii iiuiw ivm. xiicy rill J u
eneral lercliaiidise Stock
Consisting of
1 1 T1 1 ' a ar . . -
niHHiui r H.iir.v urv i-rnriii. mnns rsr-w-H nnn
(Ihildron's Olof.hinB. 'Piirnia'hinp' finnrl
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery .
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
mi 131 T I"' i-i a r,' ou n.iT (jnrnji? n.i ijaaimi!
uheap JSTews!
TIig Seml-Weelily
w uow until alter tne Jf resiaentiai election
in November for
111 .nmm u w
NI V lIMb I II 1 1 I ft U I
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
reat Western Bakery.
M.Q11ATZ, Proprietor.
n"osh Eastern Oysters. In Every Stylo?
j day and TsriasT!
Mitln Street, near J'oHtoJlIre, PewlleUm
6 daw
rine and SiDirit Merchants,
BrilOnnfJ Ann cvr imiiL.iirpj mo opui IT7 RUTWIVR
.lTPftlhi,nM'NERAL WATER, (Waukenisw. Wis) VCURE CLI
rvoARj CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) jtcsj lw 3m
While, ml NrRruoi llnr Tranlilx In
Koiitiitliy. mid llir (Irniicl .lury lmr-.ll-
St. Lottirt, July lu Crlltitnloti
........i.. .1... i t .
I KAWUltK M .""""Ji ni.'iuui h,, uiu Kruim jurv hum
" I boon InvuxtinutliiK tho trottMis bctwvuii
. ... i whitus una negroes, ami lliul llutt iiuli-
11'HKKA I.OhdV; No. xi. t, o. o. K. McN;teon of lite latter, iimonir llunn nemlv
h I Py !. ZiSZm
i the county by utniocl paitloM who lutil ro-
UMATtr.l.A KNCa.m I'M KNT NO. 17, 1. 0 I ecived unoiiytniiiiH eoiiiiniinle.illiiiiH to
1.ilVri,M.,''.'.,'.'V.M''''?'l:lJ,,V', luavo Hie eoiiiitiyj Unit tlicto notlceH
IXWMttl? Mi tiXZti: ver Hnt out by the .ounty clerk anit
1 jihljro who liitil been IiwIIi IimI by u former
jAtriiiNi'. Hi.iiKi ca i.niKih; No, in. I. o. Kruiiii jury tor iiiiimti.u urimuoiiiiDHH.
1TIH.A LIHIIIK Nil III ii u it' f,.(u !
ni'i.ri Tlititlin ,ili, til .it lm t...,l... !
iliiun, -n 11 ip irnwic, .1, V,
W.j ! I'.Ti;mtin, Hotorilrr.
l.iiilt(itia HyKtom cull lu found. 'I'liereforo
1 ull HorlH ami clasoH of iorHoiiH uro
iromihetl tlieno mlviintugeM, anil all HorU
O. I'. McrtH lln llrtit -uiil tlilnt
jiii.vji or earn niiimn,
HAIIMONV I.()l(m MO. it, IC. OV V.
Mi'ilo III Oilil KiiIIowk' Hull nwry't'iii''
liny nvoi.lin; lit 7;TO oVIoclt. ,1. l, I.KASUIU.,
u.t?.j v.J. '.VitiTAKKii.ic. or it.iimi y.
I-V AMOS' LODflK NO. 4, K. OK .
IJ ll.lll Ki'lMIH'ti' llllll
i'voiiIiil' nt 7::i(i oVIiick.
V.; II. m. (I aiikikm', K. of It. unit H.
h'oiti ItiillclnienlH bnvu bi en found. Ten-
lllllOilV lie fill I! thn imiiiiiI illrv lu lilitlilv
Tilt: lAt.ANCi: UFI'UUK't,
A .llrxtliiK nf l'Aclllr It.tllroml lliuntoV.r.
Mcctn In Arlilrli U Suucmtl.
ai''Slo.lSHl-Wy: -'". '' -S.-A n.e,tln of the
I thin i.ilv. 'lliov claim to ri'tucn'iit tliiitv
It IT,u,.'A,iM0?J.irit? '""'"."t , thoUHiind voted, ulileb, nsed lo Ibu rinh't
i WZfttt! X 'nWPtt: I mJvimtuKo, uill rIvo then, control of lV
iVUjiituiit, iHiuiioii on iiuuivrH ienuiniiiK 10 ineir
wcllaie. IIiIm power will l o jiluicd in
thu liunils of a few and used tothubenulit
of thu wliolo number of employees.
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Hcst sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
ison, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
la Pondloton,
The uauol price (or urnU made by other
partU'i, In Portland or thn Ka Ii from 16.00
o$7.01, with expreilinii;r nddul. If you
need it Neul, .end your order to tin, nnd tnvu
from i2.ro to 13.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,.
mill id if Pendleton. Oregon.
Dealer. In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
A nhureof thn public putrounija Ii Millcltcd
Hidaway Hot Springs.
V. H. MI.'OTT, Proprlnlif.
Toce riprliis ro ttaulfiilly Nlumied In
tlm lllua .Miiuillalnii. flallt mile nuuttltiut
of Alba, In Caiiiu" Prulrlr.
Th.. Hummer Ite.ort will ne open ror mo
recoKlio i of i!ii-KN mi mid niter July lt,nii
pr-ona nt-inp allnit iihiiininiT I rip could
not 'lob itertlltll Vl.lt tlie8p liu'n.
Aoi'onim"lii'lli' ft"- -mplB and vvr(.
lil re will bxdonolo m ike kiihI i-omf.irU.
'llifllinalu U tMltiilful. thn waler pure
iiikI excrlleii', nd bun lu-n . -clum.
Terms Reasonable.
- Prop.
Tlmy Pray Ommrr" tu Pukh No l.uw Pre.
vriitlliK Their !i.mliir to ThL (Toiintry.
riiti.Aiii:i.i'.iA, July 22. Two thonwinil
Iliiliitnu UHxembloil tliN iiftornoon to pio
tuHt UL'aliiHt thu htaleinenlM that tney
wuru a pauper class. KuxolntloiiH wto
tuiHMid pniyint; Coiitohh not to uhh i
law 0Htrai'lniiiK aKiiInnt their immigration
llii.nlinll at Poitliiiid.
roiiTi..iNii, July Ull. Two (;amiH of bull
iere played item ycNteritay. i no i n
lumottert bent tlio 1'orthindH. tho i-i oru lie
ink' heveii toJivu; and thu Wenlern Onion
nine wan vlclorloim over tho Dully Kcwh
nine, tho score Htundhn; nuven to threo.
Jtoth naiiien were well played, and were
witnessed by lare crovvilH.
Killed III. Nurfetlimrt.
Dkcathii, I i.i.., July L"J. Albert Fields
Hiiot ami killed I'lorenco I'ellimieK liu
cause shn refused touttend camii'tni'ellnK
with him to-day. Fields, is nnilcr aiiest.
Killed l.'lutit .Men
l.v.sciiiii iiu. Vaa July Ui'A collision
between trains to day on thu Norfolk &
Western railroad resulted In tie death of
, I . I . ,..!..-!...- . .1
ciKiii men, ami fccnonsiy mjiiiiiii; ouieis
Piinrulio luC'rop.
Wahiiinuton, July Tho weather
durinu thn week lias been favorable to
thu urouiiiK crojis of thu wheat und corn
region of thu northwest.
Tlm "llullnU"Nnt All of One Hort-Mr.
Ilitrrluii'4 llliBr4pliy-Tlin Oreat (Imun
of (I rali AmiDlytt'il l.lttle-Tlie C'lil-
vugit Trlbuiiu'a Podtliin.
KddurKI Currv.nuiidauco.
It is no doubt ipiitu appropriate that
.Mr. Harrison's campaign biography
slioulil liu written by a roinuiicist, anil II
is really fortunate for him that a romunc-
1st ol so great u ml weii-iioserveu u rojm
tution nn Lew Wallace should bo thu lib
ogriipher. .Mr. Wallace know h very well
how lo weave un ontoflaining romance
from a few slender thread!) of fact und
liistorv, and he will liavu u tompting,
though somewhut chcumscrllicd Held for
his tulents In painting .Mr. Harrison us
thu hero of the earth in 1888. It will
nverthelesH bo rather u tamo htory In
side that of "Hen Hur" or "Thu Fair
liod" for though like those It will be
"founded on fact" und will nurruto some
actual occtiricuccH, It cannot well range
quite ho far Into thu realms of romunco
and imagination. Mr. Wulluco, wu uro
informed by the uuthenllu publishers' ad
vertisements, is .Mr. HurriBon'H "bosom
Iriend," so it is certain ho will iiuiko tho
most possible of bis hero, who beforo he
is done with him, will bo tho most acute
lawyer, thu bravest soldier and ollleer.tbo
most pnilound una patriotic staiesman
they have dono the real temperanco , of sjieclous and sophistical iirgiiiiicnts nro
party nn injustice, and wo trua. to their j adduced to arouse their cupidity and nv
sincerity to acknowledge it." Again in uiie and all tho dishonesty and miUlsli
tho same issue tlie Tribune aillures Mr. 1 impulses of their nature. Hence tho "pro
I'uylor to "t on I he right truck. " Hut ! teetion" system, ni mioh, is essentially
the Tribune-scorns to ignore the fact that dishonest and doinorali.Intr In its ten
these men, or pome of them, denounced 1 dency. Thu inasseH of the peoplu iiinno t
tho Republican platform, not only nn long thrive uiiilei-It, eltlier llnaneially or
account of Its whisky plank, but, as .Mr. j morally. It Is to them a continual
Cuyler oxpresscd it, becmio that juvrty blight and curse, in whatever sieet it
had "become enslaved to the reactionary t may bo Wowed.
rule of those who would build up mo- 1 ipioteil some time ago extracts from
no)H)lies a' the expenuo of the people." I Hie Chicago Trlhunn, published I'M bu
Hut while these aro "bolln" reported I fore the Hepubllcan nomin.ttioiiH, In which
from the lteptibheun ranks, litem uro that paper very noverely condemned the
others who luivn been DemocratH hitherto very two men who were afterward tioni
whq uro deelurlng themselveH In favor of Inated Harrison and .Morton. It was
Harrison. Hut who urethuyV In almost i declared to luu combination of "railroad
o very case a manufacturer controlling and boodle." In fact, If any Democratic
largo capital. In every case it mun of paper should tell the truth wo plainly und
gieat wealth w ho want's more. ( ecu- forcibly, it would bu denounced as lit tor
sionally and very randy, I bollovo a I ing coj(orho;ilisui of the most violent
Democratic farmer with a few sheep, I sort. 1'hu Tribune, since tho nomlna
who imagines, contrary to all reason und i lions, bus finally given it pictcnt-o of its
all liistorv, that u high tarltl'is a hcucllt I "support," solely on tho ground that it is
to him, is sore over the free wool prop j a Hemibllcaii paper, and theo men aro
oslllon; but other farmers on the other tho Republican nominees. Then It bus
side, are also hcuinnim' to iiinulrew hum. go back to the war. and Ixiforo. It will
oi gran, tneir support iiurnson neeauso uuinoun wait
in all mis immense garni
shuiu of thu plunder Is to come from. 1
met one yesterday, a life-long Republican
and twice a member of thu Now York
legislature from this county, who openly
declared that thu "protection" system us
now pioposed to bo can led on by tho
Republican paity, was nothing less than
downright robberv of farmers, und ho
wanted none of It. So there Is Jiimpl.ig
across tho fonco both ways. Those going
from tho Democratic into tho ltenutillcau
ranks have ho far attracted tho nio-t at
tention, If they were not the most numer
ous, because, as I have said, they were
men with "iulliieuco," that is with
wealth. Of eotirso, thoy will take Homo
others with them. Those going lu tho
opposite direction, though not ho notice
tibia, must increase with time. and i nally
outnumlier thu othurs, if the truth Is
presented to them thoroughly, constantly,
earnestly. In this battle tho Democrats
have over thing to gain und nothing to
lose by discussion ami dissmminution of
tho truth. I believe that Now York will
lo found Democratic In Novemlior. I
bollovo that Hill will curry thu Htutu by
ut least .Ti.UOO, and Cleveland by 15,000;
ami Hint us iSutv orlc goes, mi will go
rsow Jersey und Louneciieut
After all. what an inimomo eame of
gran ii. is, i.vun on Its lace that Is all
thatiun bo mado out of it. r.voryhodv
is promised a part of tlm plunder. All
uro to shaie, In some slias) or other, by
some lnoxpl.inublo polillcal alclioniy, in
tho sisills. 'Ihe maiiufacturers aro to
have their lion's share, but that is ho
they can divide with their employes, tho
workinemcn. and ulvu them stead v em-
iiloyment, und pay them gissl wuges.
'ri.. f.. ......... .i,...t ...... ..i.. ......
iiu i wi miiiiiiuii iiiiii v (;i:v niL.iuy iiiii-
ploymont, nor nny very extreme high
wages: in fact, thu muuufauttirei'H never
divide; yet tho "woiklugmen" think
there must he, or may be, something In
tho promise, and go on voting for tho
party of plunder, Tho wisd-growers nro
promised u L'lsid-sized nllco of tho "hog."
und though thoy never got us much us a
lucou-riuo yet thoy have becomu ho In
fatuated with the idea of seeing an ad
vantugo over tholr neighbors, who don't
raisu wool, that they imugiuo wool of it
self has no intrinsic value, and that it
could not bo given away except for thu
turitr. Tho .'armors have u ho no, u
small, dry bono, from which thu most
ravenous cur could bv no iKisslhillty
obtain tho leuHt nourishment in tho
sbaHi of turitr on grain und vegetables of
which wu nave a surplus toexori, unit
which must find its market in foreign
countries. And theex-solillors uro prom
a Hcessloiiist ; because Cleveland was
not In the army; because well, hi short,
because of nothing that is at Issue or Is
the least pertinent lo any Issue at the
present lime, that has been ut any lime
during tho past twenty years. This mwl
tlou of the Tribune, I notice, has beoit
(meted with great satisfaction and evi
dent lellef by the Chinese organ in Oro
gon, without un apparent doubt
us to its sincerity. The truth is that
tho Chicago paper's "support" in this
manner is tho most transparent bur
lesque, und must be ho considered by nil
intelligent jiersons who tend that puor
before and after thu convention. Every
single thing of any vital iniortuneo, ev
ery isislllon that has not long ago been
dead ami burled, iim tho iptestlon ac
knowledged by till parlies and all pupom
to bu tho supremo question now (smiling,
and upon which nil argument and dis
cussion turns thu Tribune was directly
in antagonism to mo piaiiorm. Lately
It leaves Ihofii questions alone. It sim
ply says lu siib-taneo: "Tho Republican
platform wu cannot Indorse; wo uro
against it and Its candidates; hut since
wu am bound to keep up appearances, us
n Republican p.ior, wu will leave all
live und vital questions alone, and will
go buck and harp about thu war, and se
cession und shivery, and Jell' Davis, and
Calhoun. Anylssly with any sense
ought to s"o by this course w hat wu think
of this platform and of these nomiuuiious.
That is about the position of the Chicago
Tribune, and thousands of Its leaders
all those who have any Kineptlou of
thu situation must ho understand it.
Nominally, It is Hiiporllng Harrison, be
cause hu was u Republican twenty-live
or thirty years ago; ut heart it Is opMscd
to him, because he with his paity has
no deserted thu cause of I ho ismplo
which oncu they esisjii-ed and fought for,
J. I. W.
couuinos. aiki inoex-HomiorH uro prom- ,() ;ilk t ,
LHca V..0.n! , .."""i"?.- '!?..? Mt wfll ls determined by thu kind of
' U rT" ZZrZ : ". Uml is planned by thu .usjHjCivu
Hut tho conHiimurs those who
und wear und use metals
wood und utensils and Iiu
Plemonts, und furniture, und all Iho long i ' '"?., '" ".' " "
list ofal0iO articles of necessltv-thoy lj i liff !ho
urn knnt in thu backeround. Tho uiHlU"HWor ."'0
i .i" ...:.i ii : t: . ;. r, " .... ..i .... . ' very urumi. in s joi
iiiiii iiiu tvry iiiivni uiiu Miii:ni hviiuuiiiuii, iioui is uiuiiu uuiiruiy io iiiu iiriHiucur or 1 it.. ,T ,,f ,. l.l..l. .u.lt,. ,.1..,. ... 'i " i
who has oyer gmwn un In tlifs country. the workingmen 'whom ti.o prmhicers 1 Hf, ' ' . J" c ' . J h
inino-aro ulleged lo fced-nuver to thu con-: " " k ';, , '."Vi'.V. ?.,r,"i i".
A 'l i'.l of I'lulfurilia,
Judgu Goodwin of thu Halt I.uko Citv
Tribune, a stalwart Republican puHir,
gives utterance lo these very sensible und
truthful remark:
"A great iniiuv pooiiIo Predict a close
election this ear. We do nut. Wu Ikj-
liovu thu result will Imi u mighty victory
uml un overwhelming defeat. Wobulluvii
that either .Mr. Harrison will curry a
solid north, with iruhiiw two or threo
southern States, or that Mr. Cleveland
will not only carry thu solid south und
thn four doubtful northern htates, but two
or thieu Ix-sldcs that uru not couslduicd
doubtful now, Tho iMiint will bu how
the silent masses will siieuk when they
iv thu kind of cum
bv thu lusneelivu
l..i.l!..u It ..III 1... .. ..... ..I ..I 7if......
.. .. i i'M.....n. .. i.u u un. u i,iiiiii inn
Hind them will bo mom wtudy ami thought
1 . i Khva thuisHiio (his year than over hefom
snicu irmi. in nun year national niu
tho result and thu
IkiopIu gavu wan
very grand. This j ear it will Ui u iiies-
.i .i i.. i'.-"inu, mi.il id a iiiiesiioii oi naini) iimii.
uiu'ct of nsum HTA liS I KKTr
i bills. It is a system of wholosulo hiiU-ry ; .w, .V. V'1' .M.i f ?. .V.'.1 r.V. . ' h " ' . . w.n 1 or
n v.-n
Cn'mlmeoppo"!" J. H.Slioeiiialce-..
Furlsi it from ho humble u ln us mine 'urn nlli-ued
to uttompt lo detract from t.'iu inorilH of iHiiinersuHHiich.
ho estimable u trcnlleinuii us .Mr. Ilur
-Im.m .I,n,l.i Id I i-nnlil not ili nn u Hi i.iiiu li lu .. u..ut... ;.f wi..a;.u.:in iil..., i which nirmo iium is)CkuiH.
inuchcirectiflwould; und I would not, Us reprehenslblo. as deinoiiKtratiug, uh I ? I r'TT iT i "
without giKxl cause, if I could. Hut when legalized otu-buylng at Iho ikiIIh would " " i t.ZX n i , .Sj't "" "i
Mr. Wallace is 'painting with the ! i)u--.in.l lll0ro m. It am ea s solely to . ' , " l "rJ Hafo ''V1
pen of u romancist nil that is good und ; l0 cupidity, to the HellishncHS, In llio I "l,,.,iy,lt,SJV " "IU nM,uU fur
udinlralilo in his horo'H ehuructer und greed. to llm gluttony, to thu iivurice, to tt mmm or w" '"",
history, ho will fall to tell us what Isufier thu dishonesty, of tnoiij not to tholr I A decision nf much inloiost to settlors
all an luiwtant truth, that hu is really , honor, their Intolllg. nce, their huimin'hiiH cen made by thu hsvl land nllicurH
lurlanHm, or their p.ttilotlsm. Ihuur-lat Walu W alia lu the c.io of setlleis on
giimeut Is. Votu Jhis way, und you give I imlomnVy lauds, 'Iho di-ciidnn is
yourself an advantage over your neigh-1 In favor of Ihe sellleis and against
bor; you thus aequlre a inn lion of Ids ' the Noithern l'uciflo, on u ruling of t u
hiiisitanco witiiout un equivalent given ; i ueparimeui mat Hie iailroi.il ci nip.uiy
you gei Homeuung lor iioiiuin'. Aim in
tho cuiidulato of tho c.ipitilist-i uml jss-
lilleally un enoiny of labor and oi Iho
groat inaj-nity of working eoplo; that
Ids isdiey ban been, and is to still moro
Increasu thu Imineiisu Wiulth of the few,
and add greater burdens to tho bending
bucks ut iho many.
I Hsiko a fow days ngo of tho bolt from
Iho Hepublicaii party of u certain cl us nf
verv respectable und quite iiilluenti-l
gen' lumen, b.-cutiKO of too free-whl ky
plank in that turty'H platform -tilling
Iho names of Ex-Iayor olU Ut . and
.Mr. t-torrs, und Mr. Culur. That it
Is nf Homo oonxpqtiClH'O. 'Id meli.iee
smne ibager ti that party In .Sow Vmk
in.tv be iirenumoil wh.in the -w Vi rk
iiib u.e, thu uiMt radical aipi vindi Uve
make such a thieving Hxsteui tolerable to
li'innrablu men it h further pioiscd lo
help the poUhbor out by riving him
homo advantage that will comnonsalo for
hU I kih and soon all around tho circle, j
iiiv it neeiU no argumoiit to show to any
intelligent mind that either on-mf two
ihbigK must happen. If nil mo equally
coin iimul'iil ai-cniiliin to their I jhm then
IjIiuiu can lln.illy ha no ud an uue In any '
one, bo' them must lie a l mall I e
Cii i o ' f thu bpCHSO nf k-epilg lip 'lie
sbiem, or, if uny one ir any class is
has no iluht to lands in in-
dumnliy limits except hiiiIi lauds
us am iinuppiopiiatcil and vacnit,
'Iho cases on which lids di-chlm
was made worn those ef I bo Noniiern
I'ucit'u Company ugulm-l Sioi hen
I'eits, ThoiuaH Itowo. CIiuiIoh ( In,
1 1 o 1 1 r v do Iti-iiiiinont, Win Wood to
cum-h.) (ildeoii II. Kent, .losm
Walling, J. hu W. .rr4s1nl1h, C. H.
Isnwkiik, i'uiur Tavl'ir. Al it I,. aiaMi
env, lKi.10 Kiilghi ..nil 1'i.ink li.nl.r.
liu- d ! inn uili--i- a l.ii- iium .111. f
otlu-r 1 iisc si f a .imil.ir nut .ire.
, of all the protectionist organs, pleads . benolltleiU it must be ut thu disadvantage
with almost pitllul entreatleH with these ' of Homo other iKirson or cluss. If one
men to return within tho Republican I gains, some other must lose. This Is
1 fold und not desert theni,now. "We are ; iinoiiuuj!. therefore nnliist legislation. It
iti'M.liition, in piiIIh1i-1iUI,, oonlldent," sa.VH the Tribune, "that men j Is only by holding out tho inducement to
1 iiku uiu iiev. it. rinrrs, ine H0V. i;r. nils vuid. mai 111111 uiu inner pvrniui or
lUiyler, anil otners, who have hastily class, that ho or tli.iy will Do unequally
I condemned the Chicago platform, will unci uniustlv benutHtcit over another tier-
seo upon iiiituer cxuinmuitou tutu tnev Hon or ciush tnai Hiipport lor suen an in-
Have been mis-led by thu clamor of a few
partisan iiowsnapers. Thoe 1
men 1110 too intelligent not to see that
1 'I!