East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1888, Image 4

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    HA'li lUM, .MM.Y 'J I, IHH8.
The Htory im Tniil In fliurk I'iiMh -Tlia
Mimf nf Smut miiiiii Trmllllun 1 li
Ititalifiicti'x Hollcf .Mctf-firnliiRfr-it I'll""
IIOIIH-lllt rortTHAt.
The brilliant ipju'ii rario; unit prominent
color of tlm Milky Way have not fitlleil li
i;lvu rlsu to nmtiy curious tinmen stiil (o
iutiiy Iuu'piuIn n to Its origin.
Artonllii'.' l(i tin'' CI reek fable, it was
produced liy the milk of Hem (.limn).
Children Imni of .Iiij IKt'h llllrlt nniourn
could only Inherit, dlvlni' honor-i If wickleil
by Ihlx lawful mwiiimi of the (,'ient Olym
pian koiI. 1 IctciiIcm wis llnni Introduced
to Hid Kothhw, who became o iiui'tul
when idle tllst.-overtil the HUhitlttttu Infant
that Mm threw hltn from her breast, mid
tlmnillk Hew iii-io-m (husky, formliiu; the
Kiihi.y, IlylniiH wiys tho I:itln legend
Mih.illliited Ojm, HiiiiiM of Saturn, fur
Juno, (iti't the (ice inn wii'i thy iirchctitu
tlun of n Ktime to her for tho true child.
A .Sicilian lcucrid Hiiyit the milk w.yi from
tho Mndonii.i's hi-eunt, lost whllu uhu
Mnrchcl for ilc-tw.
A cumhis elum of legend accounts for
tho erea.lon of tho bright band of Mara
nercivt tho heaven"". One of these, from
Wulliicliln, relates that VeltlM iurlclni:l n
alien f of Mmw oni) nlhl from iit. Peter'
mills, mill In her hunty IliKlit toward her
ceh'Mlul i.liodo ittered It across tl'e !;y,
vluvoU' ceolt ti'iw on cloudless !' '.. i.
A D.ilin iiian tradition iikci-iIicm tlm lo . of
the Mnn. to !t. Tutor liln.sc.ll, inn. i ill
tho c iliixy "the Straw of 8t. Peiir." At
cording t ) n ('rutlaii le-jend, It win caused
by u ma. i who. h..vlnv: Ntolen a Mieiif of
nlrmr from IiIm foMer father, wan hasten
liiKiiivay with his liunleii, when the bun
din lirol.n and the Hlraw beatlered nhout.
To recall fur ever the theft, Ood iilaceil j
thu Mritw In Ilic he.'tu-lm, whero It null
clltteis. The name (tlven to the tmhtxy In
Herein and Allialila U ""(iodfittl-ur'ti ,
.Straw. " Similar tradition must have
Klvcn rlNr to n lines lieHtoweil upon It III
other ciiuitrl'-.. It Is known ns tho
"Htraw." In llo.nla; its thu ".straw
I toad" in Sardinian, In .Magyar, In Mm ft ti
Hebrew. Coptic and Kthlotilan; as the
"Itoadof thu .Straw" lit Aral), Italiyletind '
Syriitu, and as the ".Scattering of the j
Straw" In thu Mau'jar dialect. An Ar
Onlrlrli rnrmlng In Afrlru.
Tho chicken feathers aro first plucked '
nt nl 10 months old, and look only fit fo be
made Into dusting hrm.hcs. In tho cecond '
jc:r they nre u lltthi lllft tin? rutrlch
fi.ith'jrn of commerce, but Miff nod nar
row, mid It Is lint till thu third year that
they have attained their full width and
i ' .'I r.rs. Durliij.' tho flwt two yenr.4 tho
i i l.-nnd ft tn ilo nlrdiJ aro alike; hut at
c'ii'i tnoltlmr the male becomes darker,
until the plumule Is all hl.ick, except tho
vf,r. i tip-l tall, which rro white. In each
wl" ( there aro twenty-four loiijt feather".
Dir 'it,' tho breed. me Reason tho hill of the
Mile bird, tho l:it','o icalen on tho foro
' ptrt of tho lcf, ninl Koinctlmes tho fklu of
head and nct't:, itKstime a deep rote
col'f. After iv itood rain ostriches be-In
. to t.; il;e nests. At this time the mala he
I cniii.'H hiiviik; and their honmtni; Is heard
' In all directions. The bird Inllntes Its
I liiTlt liko a cobra, and K'vcs threo deep!
roars, tho two llrnt uort and Maccuto,
tho third iimlonucd, watunl.iy Ilevlew,
Loezor & Kuebler,
'Mie lne t uii'l inoit rumpled- stwk of
Are Yon Protected?
Drugs, Mediamee,
Origin f it riiriiM.
"It Is difficult to account for tho orlRln
of nUrent many pl.nn-e.s 1 1 current use,"
rciritirkcd McSwllIlj?uii, :r even to heo
tholr relov.iney.
V.s," replied S-illd!'.'.
last loan," meninii . . ndiw abmil to Dcspain Block
rial. It. nppio 'i i i ver lioiiiu
fill. Kor llistaai" a I-uiiwiroo Is ne.irly
always on Iih I.i i i i.i.t where cm ou
fln l a moroMrikiii ri'.tampli' of vllahtyr"
I'ittnljurK Chriinl I
' Toilet & Fancy Articles
Tlioso who bellevu bo thoroughly in protection ahould
go any longer without insuninuo on their property, of whatso
ever kind; and nearly everyone Iwlieves that a policy in a pood,
In Eastorn Orogon.
Reliable Insurance Co
I purls ut 0:00 i. in.
pnnx at -III.
riiyitt.ilnglrul l'(Tprl of MnMHgf.
Ill ii dlsrusHlon of tills subject by Iirlt
Ish physicians of einliieiieu. Or Kymoim
IVrli'x di'i'liiri'd, as the rcstiltn of his own
c.xfrlmi'iits on healthy peoous, from a
coin hi lint Ion of the various uiussiiro man
Ipiilutlons. that the toxturo of tho skin
U'iii. litiiiriivifl tin Mftfttm nt Ifwiilltv In.
crensed. tint muienil body tomporiituro No PreilliUlllSJ
was raised and thu freu mirfnco tetutMira-
tun) of a part under massago becamu
hlchcr than that of tho rest of tho body,
wlillu abdominal massa(;o decreased tho
nurfacu lempcrnluru of tho extremities;
a course of massago of ouo month's dura
tion Increased the body wol;lit. thu appo
tlto. museiilur strent'tli und ability to
sleep and work well,
l)r I'layfnlr expressed It as hla opinion
that massaKolsoiily unon(,'ont, uIoiik with
overfeeding and freedom from pruvlous
surroundings, In tho treatmuut of iiro
fotind euses of nervous debility or malnu
trition, tho exact character of which Is
not us yet thoroughly understood soma of
tho rases which went commonly accounted
It is almost the same thing.
No Special Offers;
No Cut Bates;
To Han frnnclaro.
Klute. Mar la '
Orenon, May i)
' Columbia, MuyU)
ruiliu, .iny x
I . OrcKon, .May nt
; L'0llltlllll.l,.)lltC 1
i ' Htalc.luncn
I i'r it'i" Juno!)
To IIUililn,.Iliiii' 13
I . State, June. 17
Is worth every time what it costs, and proenwtination should not i JWffiViViinVjfSMia
I . Htiito, JutiD'.'n
I Oreuon. Julv.'l
.... . . . ! X ill'"'
i he indulged in wnen lteonKW to talcing out a policy, in tnei
llrst place, pick out competent and
inenlau amiellatlon Is ".stealer or Htraw." i i,.i.nii,i,, ,t n rnrs,. tl,..lr
mill IVn.lnil titles tiro "I'atll (if tllU Car- I fnmlll.. .o.il.l I,., llii.nirbt. Ik, cured b
rlers of tho Cut Straw" ami "Way of Car
ryiiut t hair."
Thu peculiar wdiltem-Mi of tho Milky
Way Is aim uvldeiuly referred to In It its
Transylviiiilau iiamuof the"I'loury Way," ,
mill Its WcMphatlati titles, tho "Itoail to
Mill" and thu "Sandy Path." Thoro arc
other legends to aiinunt for Its apjH-ar- 1
mice. A Saxon tradition relates that tint 1
world took Urn mine ages ngoand burned ,
until It was consumed, (lod gathered to- ,
nether tho cinders and united them In n 1
furrow. They went out little by little,
leaving u whitish bnlll incy,.ln thu midst .
of which Mill burn miiiiii live coals. About
tho entile heavens are dlkperM'd other '
liiiriiluc umbers. Kometlmes a spark
about s from a lildileu bunch of them, bo- '
coming -i tdi'sitiiig star. .
Jliinhiuen Kay the galaxy Is formed of
nidicH cast there long ago by it young
woman, o that her parents might Ihi ixblu
to Unit thi'ir v. ny Inline Aiiotlii'r legend
assigns i illlTeri iii dilgln to II, A Juiiug i
woiiiiiii, angry with her tiling) mother be 1
cjuimi she would gU'i her but a small
quantity of a certain red nut to eat, cast ,
Itl.. It f.... 1.... I. I.. .lu
wnero It. becniao the stain and tlm Milky I l)'uur
tho.io means. New York Trlbiiuit
On Thu North Aiiiericaii Continent.
1'.' hi i go Pages ami 81 l.oii)! Culuuiim.
l.m.rn of dm Civil War.
Tho oxtent of thoso losses will bo bet
ter understood If compared with soino of
tho extraordinary cases cltisl In tho his
tories of other want Tako. for Instance,
tho churgo of tlm Light llrlgado at Ilulak
luva tho churgo of tho Six Hundred.
lm Cardigan took 0?!l olllcers and men
Into that action, they lost Hit killed und
lilt wounded, total, Vi 17. or 11(1.7 per cent.
Tho heaviest loss In thu lato l-Vunco-Prussian
war occurred at Mars la Tour,
in thu Sixteenth dcrman Infantry (Third
WeatplmUau), which lost -ID percent Hut
tho Quo Hundred and Forty first Pcnn
bylvnulu lost 70 Kr cent at (luttysburir,
whllo regimental losses of l!0 per cent,
woro freiuent occurrences In both Union
btidCoiifuderato armies. In the war for
tho Union there, wuro scores of leglinents,
unknown or forgotten In history, whoso
f crcuntago of killed mid wounded In cor
aln actions would far exceed that of tho
..l. n..,l,.l 1 I ,.!, H l .1 . ..,! . I..
tiiui ii iiiikvu i.iHu iiiiLwiu, unn uuu.ni 1 V,,.,,. V tiimilinm 41-
l.l t....l ..Ill.nSrlVV t.' I.V,. I., PI, I "l" ' I'UlllllPM), SI,
I'ublbheil in anil given with i-noli Nut- or
tln mm.(v i-illllun.
II-kIiiiiIii'. An . I, ninl eoiillnulnu tlin-
alter, tin- Wotlil will print Willi i-neli lut u
rofiiilto novel liv a popular iititliiir. Anions
tne hii'i ih win i.c:
Mr i. Alr.xiunlir,
John s. Wln'cr,
Henry Won.),
M. K. Ilrtuliloii,
Kloreiien Har.li'li.
MarvlVell May
llHitha .M. Clay,
Millie KiIwiiiiIh,
lltlnulit IMivanlH,
iK.I'. I'laillns.
Tin m- O'iVi'U will I if lint lulot wonts of the
, lie-l writers as tbeynre nhllstieiltln liooko
' wuieli eveiy ouit l I ilkltiK alxiut. Nothing
! lint Hie very Ii. st will lie iiilinllleil Into the
i Worbl's Man nnl l.llituryof lli-tlou.
ThM.llimry o( Kk-ll in Wl 1 He Kupidleil to
."uHerllH'tN Only.
I No llxtlii ( olden Will He I'rlnlcil.
I 'o lin k Numliers dm lk l-'urnlxhiil und No
ImibtCopUN Will lit) Hob)
WiiI'i r lle-iinl.
Wliltl" t'ollltK,
111. IliiPiiiinan,
It. I.. SliiVIIKdll,
II I, l-iirj' on,
TliimtiiH llif-iiy.
.lull-. n lliiwllirirne,
K W. KoMnwiii,
i-: 1 1 1 it- iin'ii.tiiiu,
.IiiIi-m Verne,
III, lllll.-K,
If Vou Wish tlm Ht rles Complete,
I.IKe tho ralulHiw and other prominent
celetlal appearaliees tho Mill.)' Way Is
iMiniieeltsI In impular trailltiou with
tjiftciirologlrnl phenomena. In Went
jilmlla It U tallnl thu Weather Stripe,"
Weather Stiwt" and "Weather Tree,"
and Is alo fcheu thu naiiin of "Wind
Treit." A Welsh 11:11110 for It was 'lloail
of thu Wind," and In Pit .inly It Is culled
'Knot of tlm Wind." T.ihitiansoall tho
bright baud "l-'ly lug Cloud" und "Solid
Cloud." It Is Hand of thu Aurora" 111
Maygar lauds, and thu "livening Itay" In
WYstphulla. In the latter country tho
galaxy U said lo bo In tliu middle of thu
world and the sun stops there reg ilarly
nt meridian. It Is also believed to turn
with thu sun, and hcni-u llrtt appears
from thu quarter Inuhleli tho sun has
net. .Similar notions of tho co.inoi,'i'aph
leal Inipoitance of tho Milky Way prob-
..1.1. .. 11 11., A ...I 1IM. .!...
111-11 HitlV II 13 Jllllli lllllliv ui'llivt I'l
ii........ it ... . t i .-..I ..ii... i . . ... moro slirn
Ill'UIII. illl Hill itlllll IIIH.-1. Ill lilies lO -..ill, V , t,u ,,t.r..f
It ns thu "Mother of the Confiiod Stars." I 7Jhvli tbf.??l
lilivivav UilU 1IHUU IV BVIWtlVt miwwti (
1'ruiluciliMi of Artlllcliil 8it-clo.
Though It Is not certainly known that
now sK-cles of animals or plants liavo
been produced urtllklully everybody Is)
nwuruthut. by means of Intelligent bcIoc
tlou, romarkublo clmnges havo boon
sought and accomplished for iiian's prollt
and pleasure. IVults havu been Improvtsl
lu bUo and itmllty, tlowers In iH-uuty, ami
anluuls In llosh und other products ami
In physical endowments
Mr Charles Morris now urges that euch
czK.'rlmuuls In variation bo inado for tho
bouutit of ttcicnru, bulluvlug that results
not yet dreamed uf might 1st obtained,
and tho problems of thu origin of spucloa
and tho limits of utiluial Intellect bo
brought nearer solution When such ox
truordluary results huvo been produced
by chunio'uiethods of selection of uer
tlclul traits so far practiced, tho adoption
of Hcleutlllo uiethotls and tho sclcctlou of
moro tdirultlcunt charueturUtics would
(1 Month (nil iiumberH), ftVvj
.1 .Muni lis (111 iiuiiiImthi, ;-.
THE WORLD, Now York.
iTip.kolc'rq niii fmm
I "ww 1 II Inn It. .. til
Elegant Pullmnn i...
I - UI
prem Train. T.
Kreo of cliBnrtMji,. .
Close connections ntrort'i-i.
elsco una i'ii,.r2.V.
- llnlla U' nl It miit
. . - IT
rives nt 7.n. m. J Eh
llfL... .
IjThvh nii'iiinn iitiwi.. ii-....
Ifc Ml
Illl-tlllllltlf IOL.I...I1
T oirsiailKIMf
Item i hi 'i Hp, rntlmlted,
Kor fill (li'TnitrtlrtiloM
"i1.!." v.iiiiiiii.iy, or A.uunn'
ii,ii linn, wrrson.
' W. II IKM;0)M,
; (I ell era I Mmiaictr.
night, proguostlcit
thins drawn from tho luminous way aro
not so iiuineniu as lu thu case of thu
rainbow, l'.tllumlans Judge by thu more
or loss brilliant appeuruuro of thu amount
uf Know that will tall during tho coming
winter If by tho end of September thu
northern end of the galaxy Is very brill
iant, snow will not fall until Christmas Is
past; but If tlui kuuth end is moro brill
iant In appearance, snow will fall long bo
i tin nil lifter this tint ', us iidmllilxlralor of
the vtatv of tint late William Ko. 1 oirur
; for ileull the live stock owned by thu ile
, ccocil,couiktliigor
! Tiiorotitliliri il llvvvj'nvd Jtnltn.
I Short-iiorn Cattlr, (initio Citttte,
) ami O i ml Slue,- Cittllr.
Thm-otitilihrcd Sjiaitlxh Merino
i 1 1 itch ami Ktvrs, (.
(hunltt lluvhs ami Slim It Sltefjt,
Also u Inrtfti number of Ilooes utul u qusu-
tlty t liny.
rmi-ili n-iil Iliilnfall,
Koiesta arc known to diminish cvnpom
t.on nutl preserve ui'lsturo, and this hu
Ik'OU i-xplalued by thu lower temperature
d greater humidity which exists mulct
i 'icu hliaduws. Thu most lunsirtaiit fac-
i l i. lu thu prisluui aii of tins utittu of uf
i.tirs Is, however, thu I'csWtuncu which l
fore Christmas. It the wholu baud It I
vur lirluht, snow will full before mid
nfli r Christmas. Icelanders also prog- I
imK'Icato thu winter weather from tho up
jwianruot thu Milky Way In autumn.
lu our own country, many jontlo beluT .
(hut thu udguof the Milky Way winch
is i no iiritfiiicst iiiiiicaics mo tlirection
front which I ho approaching alarm will
conio. P. S. ll.uett lu Itlol'i'-Denuvrat
o.'iereil to thu wmU by the wood. Tin'
fo'.cu of thu wluiu Mns greatly mlucoh
under thu trees, the air ii changed mort
-lowly, mm thu moisiuro less reauuy car
ried nwtiy Thu quantity of ruin Increase
iu tho vielutty of a forest. During the
rainy toflMui tho nios-i and htfrluiKo ol
wtMds htoro up thu moisture fur consump
tion during the di y Kelson, mul It Is lu
this way Mutt luxuriant forest growth!
arc pcriiilitiM to tlourMi lu rcttous where
It iiovcr r.diu exevpt lu tho fall and win
ter, as is tliu oaso ou tho coast of tint
Ciiriiu ma. (Jlolw Domooru'
rith whom to do your Imsint'ss those who represent none but
the best insurance companies und jro straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oiiice oi
Clopton & Jackson,
Located in tho EAST OKEGONIAN building, Pendleton,
where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu
rine, Accident or Life iimiirance. done up iu
I'vnn Unnb
' mmu ha l s nuii i
it r;ni .n
. xuaatx una. nu
. -T-lir. .ll..A, .....I 11.. l.
- ...III. 11. . ..
wwu iiiit .iirmrni rsrmt
ironi hi. ran I auu Mliinopoili
To UlitruBo unit thr K.
To Ml. 1,0 it Is unit the stilt
To Hon Jlolues, Uiuii
...i.i . -
I Tlm Dnlv I .imi tVoottlij
t .iv iirren
at uouncii limns, Msvtaiutiti
uitv ror
1...II Sft..f L, .-
k fiifffifiri j in f (ire ntirvf
inniltiliniiti ull llmil.-h Pllml
Tickets for sale by nil ronrfrtltt
unit connections iaajinoun
etc., apply to.iiiy roupou u
A N. or Norllietn I'lU-Ue
nimli-ii. (ir til W.UJt
.1,,. ,1 , Bl,.M,l N "
VVJl'll l.o Nliicvr Cliiil.in lluti li.
H U tilsted of a curtain niaunuer of n
nnty tloutro in IVorla, Ills., that over;
Mnudit) uubt wlu-iuu'oiiiKtiiy of now pur- MnUInu-t'lopi-r iiumiiiiv.
former mwn for thu wmU liu takes tv t-imt i yr, iMwortby U-IU-u inf. Clara, you
jiour it Isrgu coal stovu at t u lwek of the mvw , ;,M, l(, i,0 jtuknui 1 Uavo been
tbe ttrv, utul, whun the wrlo-eoiulo iiinkw ayvutcd'.) inw to um tnt ttVai tho
her ppurucv, listen-, utleulively te IKHHn0 to tho mle.
IiMHihow her hinging pleaes thouuill- Mi Va -v.r I t ke It then that I um
on -. If lw ImpiK'iis to turn out what U ( uWk8 j,iV i r iillnwauov for luugnetlo
known as ' tiueer" the utauiMnir int H. . varlultotm. I'uim Tuples.
m". st'io sn iter .,..1 pr-'oeeds to shake i
dOMIl tho ktou a-i t :- skty Hi poaslblo UOtll !
tho serto vie., btt t'.: : . I Li-r tutll. TDt
rc:iMit for tiiUu iwi.
- lhiru.i Vrvt
eel ii.
lkt.it ... i ii i
':eii.Miichl Is t'.o iiaiue of K
work t( i'l l ho .'cliuylk'll
11c !.. u lUorou.iUly All-
, f fur I lie I - c .
lii hi. t e i:' in .Uteni r'l
wm. i 'w t .it kin ntau
another, us a rive iiu.oii a -.i.tut uivideuu.
ChtcKuO IU i aid
I a
. . .
II l f
nn u do trull dat ouaw fruui er Hur la
koiter tuiuied.
Kor particular, cull ou or iuliln
myil tlstv If IVndlctuu, Or.
Sank; and hui Engineers. 1
.Miil'Udiclitivi' or
Steam and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
KoitmvKi.i.i.NfiNOK 1'iuti.io liuu.iuxot
HperlltcaMon ami etmiulf n rurnMuil rot
liiMtllni; bitlldlnvk lu uny pellutt of llm imiiii
try. Corrpiuiili-uo- Mjlielltwi.
Portland, Oregon, jus
It is well to remember that to be sccuro you must insuro in
one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of moro than
If you contoinplato insurance, call ou them and got posted
and it will cost you nothing. Bemember their ofiico is in
EAST OKEGONIAN building, or address
r. 4 jiuiiiiumJivt
Wllivnfc'lt IIH
I llnti I II nil 1 AF1. M.I
THF Nnrthprn Pac'fic
ISiUman tUhtc SUvJntf ton
u..,...fiA.if L tu fWArt.'
II if a nmiu in w
r- n - . A UttMtiAM
to the Eut,
r . . . t .. .I i InnAarWlttL
lino ruuuiiiK "'r-
(Menu J
P iiMri'ii ' linn m i-r "- . -
I'aelHn Hllr
n ... .. . ii DI.ft.IC
Itiirllnstnn. OlllncV. HI IjOT"!1-
nil imiiiiir"iis""i"
jnuf v-ii. ui l '.hi I and )llnctA
KMlUllilfl f nW'f'l v
. . . .. . ....mil
ins entire lenmn w i
rnve U'allnlit luncllon!-
i ... . .i...i.,...i n m.. aii)
I Mlaneupoiiii or m. i
olla to Hit K)lnl Kam, "
I.AITIKII1 lllll.-'iw.-'
. ' ' .. .... J AMI
Train will leav Hnij(fo
m connecllns with O, K-
A. IkVM"
Oetteral Wentern rM"
-n . II.OWHIi"
Koruiilv run by Jidfi Knkht. Ims ehanneil
Ii 'tnla.HitU . uow li tl hv
WhawH' iupply Uilbukl na I no' eu.:ojH-
f W llll IIIV
Jltst Milk I n tlto M irktt,
j pr iinptly und at rvutouuble rate. ju
31i I Pendleton,
rn. . t A..urV dT.
1 llfV llll Illlllllfll i.-
. ir"-
riit; i u i VKi.Kiif ri-uui'--
PIH ill nitre Mil' iini-i '.,.1 V
I .Iiii-i tlttt even r f'J1", t
hou uei-lilHiiN e it b"r,;r.:,vlwv
..i..i... ...in...,,, .1 ,-,iun' v. .:
.i... in,v tiniu". Jt
I- i 'III,,. F !,-,, .- .
pnivHlon In ell
Ton Mllltnns nf A.S ,i.
vil iniinuii. ui
1 1. -
Kat Orejonlon bulUIJ