East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1888, Image 1

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"j,,r H-ll T VOU WANT.
a mm: 1.1 nit ,.v.
I'nlrou. nf the llally or Hi- l-AVrokly
HAST lllli:(IOMAN tan Ho niiiku tie
f tin) i:asi oim:oon ian u when-
rvirllifK iIfk.i, 'III- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o urivror
illiilly Invllril In tUlt I Im iiMU'n whenever
mi liulliu'il,
..ii.lttrri'iu"' iiupi"v - i-
Ui"-w",kl ,:,VHT oUK"()N-
Kt'" n. iliVi,i,.ihli.r
. ..-- .. ..Ill
vfrom n" . " ,... .111
.,i..ii.llin,""""r" " ' .V. .. . .
M iMlty HAS r OIIKOOJUAW rnr inn
OL. J.
NO. 120.
i.onoi: i)iiti:cToitv.
Has been taken oft" both
ooien ana uoiton u-ooas
ot by Congress, but by
.f . M,;l'J.H.,,t. . V. lonlo Temple on the
Hint Mini tlilitt Friday of ouch inniith.nt Hi)
" " nvsiliili Hi I'.I ! II. t'LOITIIN,
Mt'PUllll Mill M'l'.lllil mill fmrlli Mini.
iiiijh in nion mount, ill ,!.) o'clnrlc. II
iika.-x, v . w . h. rpi wink, HtcrctMry.
pi-.N DI.KTON t.OMIK NO. tti A. V. A A.M.
J Ml'dlMllI till' JIllMlllIf Tl'lliplll l.il llll!
"H".' '"."I third MiiiIiih nf n il munili in
,SM oVIiwk. T. ,1. Mll.MON, V. .M.j II. A !.
v i nvniw x DCMiii
Anil they now oll'er their Large umj Complete toek of
T" . 1 1 fa 111 m m m m mm I iiili V n V
u u : v a rm . v - mm : t-v lb
Examine tkoir goods, get their price.-, and convince yourself
.i il. i.lmi'ii iii'd twit iti rtfk naunrl iiiiiu hit fli.it llwu. mill ...!
..ntliitu what thev claim. Theira is not an "infant Industry."
. .if.. ltii llfl't I lUrifl flti I l-t iril tfi itiwl !!
..t AAiitti.trltlftlt fit llll n llil tt niu 'Plintv nnimit it
K L LU11I lwllilull II will llll l UUIHUfi i. Ill T L(U J 11
"B I
H .
al Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
Ohildron's Glothinc. Ptirniahinfr finnda
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
andjGlassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Cheap News!
Tlie JSoxxxi-ATCoelaLly
ast Oresfonian
C 1
urn. uuw unui aicer une jrreaiueniiai eieciion
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
reat Western Bakery.
M.lOIldTZ, Proprietor.
FVosh Ea3torn Oystors, in Every Stylo?
Main Street, near rostofllce, l'ewlleton
W. J. V ATM firiPTTVTOI?. Rr HCl
chii:k .11 stm'i: i in.i.ia:.
I 11,
i..iir i.ifi iiymi :xii(i-iiui-fi.rt rit
In Mil lil:ini-'liiclo.v ll.il Snt Holil
lliii', the Niiwllvt, Di'H'l- lii' Murkrlm
I'otrri.ANi) i'oints.
VI'U.A i.oikii: NO.
every Tlnirnilny
hi i tt ii .. ...
nil . i. u. .1 .ut'l in i ' .- ...i.i '
lilifhl nl II... f., il... V..il
u" ,:r ... i i. ? v , iiiU .iuiiiii.'iii
., .; !" 1 '.' " H- i.kahuiik, .ii.
W.i I'. Tu.iTlN, Hfc-i,rilir.
TUUKtCA I.OIMIK NO, it:. I. o. O. K. .Mnots
.III, . very rintiiriliiy v-iiIiik utTswio'i'locU.
!' J. Million, N.u.j lc. i:. .siiiinni, H(cr-tnr.v.
1 Illi'il nr HiimlrnUi' I'lKHinurr t ! t
I iIiiiIkd lii-iuly l)i. I Itljtlil A 1'iirty of
SwriU'ii Nhtinw Ki'i uiK--i:nilrril
I It (,-: jiIhiih III I'lirllilinl
rouri.ANii, .inly U On lliu uHitikioii
oi oil' itit A. ruU-imm. mi umnluvu nl
I'UflllC IllllllllT til 1 1 1 . WilM
; ecoii coining up thu Htruct towiml IiIh
i loilalnn Iioiik', ftiit'ni'rliin iilmiu appiir
: oiitly ititoxii'ut-jil. It wuh found Inter
1 that liu u';i HtiHorlng from HiuiHtroku.
, Dnrliin Hit' iil-lil Uo uiuw HorlDiiHlvllluiul
l ii pnyHii'iaii wuh itiiniiiiuticii. All lomo
icr cvntiil. San I'ViiiicIkco pixit
Ikiwh a bettor tenor, tlio outnldo
bohiK l.:tV... Yutttoriluv'M Clii-
vugo nmikut dorieil ut 8:U4 for Julv, 8l)'i
for AtiutiHt iiiul "I),7., for St'iteinl.er.
A rupuhir NdTt'llit Dead.
Nkwiikiui, N. V., July SO. H. 1'. Hoo,
t ho ucll kuown novclit, dit'il tvulv (IiIh
niorniiiK. .Mr. Kin was a well known
author of many popular iiovoIh.
Nroit.llli: l'Olt MUtPl.ffi w ATI. its.
Ili:i.l IIAI'IMJNtNlls.
TTMAflt.l.l L'VKiilimi'Viti MM i- t ii
U o. k. Mi'cti. mi tin' mvoini iimf ini ! diiw fiillud to m of any norvit'o, and hu
riiurnlrtri uf ini'li in 'tin ii, in TiROii' I'li-k. illiil at -I oVIutk vostunliiv iinirnliiL'.
IrflT 1.IVI IJMuIll!. l 1. . IT Mil i mil Ui.t'ili. . . ... . .
I pAUtilNK lirilKi'CV I.HDUI-: No. t:l. I. O.
' I. O.K. Mi i-lt Hip Hint n ml llilnl Tlillti.
mi. vi hi euuii iniiiiiii.
I I AltMON'Y MIIHIK '(). !. If. 111." P.
n. ftlictK III 'id,! i-Yltow' Hull pvcry Tii-
i'I.iiik ut 7;:w iiviih'U. .1. c. i.kahuiii:,
,,!. WiiirAKni.K. ut It. anil H.
! Work mi tlm li'iiiporary p.iHKenwr do
I pot of Iho I). U. i. Conipnny at Fifth
iiud .1 htn-oti, near
tlio ttiriitiililL, cjtii
Noxt in order In tlio
"..MON t.OliOK NO. I. IC.
1.. Olit ruluttvn' Hull
I IK I. Mei'lxtti
ovtrv wriliii'.iluv
mi.nlnif nl T'!l(l nVlni'k. M. Miiiilmi ha ii. fV
CI It. it. (JAIIKIKLD, K. or It. mill H.
iriT CAIIWON I'OT. (i. A. It.. mcolM nl
.LV WlU'i'lof'-i Mull every Tlinrriiluy nlitlit.
II. s. U avki.k. Conimniiilcr: J. H
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Best sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
won, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Penclloton,
Tlio iixunl prlco (or uenU iiiiida by other
pnrtlm, In I'ortlnnil or III" Km In (rum JO. 10
of7.0:, ultli oxprei ' liutcvi a.hloil. If you
need iimiil,F.cii(l ynurnnler to , nml mvo
from i2.ro to f 1.00 tlu-reby.
East Oregonian Pub, Go,,
mini o u Pendleton. Oregon.
Dtulcru In
Hardware and Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
A nliuruof tlio public patroiuiKfl U willeltcJ
I ineni'i'd yvMonl'ty.
i .. .. i . : .
Vllltllll I I1IUII IUH)l,
Soini'llniu fliifc llu llolladay addition
t.:h cold on an uxei'iitioii to nattnfy oiedi
torn. '1'hu property in f.dd to Ui uortli
all of $'UK),(ii)0, lint on necoiint of no op
I pohltion it wan hid In for 4i'0i),00'i, For
i this reason u motion will madti to liavo
1 tlio nale net iihIiIo. Yenterday iluilo
1 Ueadv decided that tiiile."H the hid wuh
ruined (iri0,000 thomilo would l.odeol.irod
oil". Xehion llennett, of Tuconia. and C.
X. I.aralioo, of Ituttu, .Montana, weie thu
A party of twenty SwedoM. malo and
female, arrived in tliU city yenlerdav.
frenh from their native laud, and clothed
from head to foot In their native iIio.-h.
Thoy weie very Intelllnent anpa.irliiK
people, and ceumed to have plenty of
nionuv. l!y the iiHlxtauco of the Swodlnh
Viio OoiihiiI here, they Miicivodi d in jjet
tinjt eanhed ut the I'int National Hank
roinu larne draftH on ImukH In Sweden.
Thoy will locate in Cohunhia county.
Yesterday ufleruooii a hureu att'aehed
to an expii'fH wnj;ou, in which II. ().
I.iindlii, a contractor, wart riding, cainu
tearing down Staik ntreet at u frightful
Hiieed. Finding hlinwlf unahlu to Hlop
the horsu, and roull.lnn that hu iniist
jump or ho carried into thu river, .Mr.
I.iindlii spiani; from thu Wilson to thu
Hlone pavement, and miraculously
escaped with only a fuw slight hruiert.
'II 10 liorHn sped on down thu incline, and
plunged Into thu liver, the ferrv hciui; in
thu middle of thu Htieaui. Thu animal
camu ip tlio surface twice, hut wan drawn
hack h the weiuht of tlio whkoii, and
lioth am now at thu bottom of thu Wll
lainettu. .Mr. A. D. Stlllman, foiuierly of thu
K.VhT Oiii:noM.N, at rived in thu city thin
morning, direct from I'uudlct m, IokkoiI
out in an Indigo bhi llanni'l sliln, and a
Clevelanil and Tliiirmuii dicer. Ho
looked as fresh an a daisy and as happy
as. i clam. Iluilldthu projHir caiier liv
culling at thu Ivast Oiicuonhn hrancli
Tlio following Ktifitern OreenlaiiH ar
rived hero (hi niorniiiK: Frank Knapii
ami wife;.!. 11. F.ddy. and W. Kclfer, of
l'ndleton; Charles t'luvu, t'unturvlllu; J.
II. Sperrv, Hoppner: K. il, I Iurnli, editor
of thu Hindu, Huker City.
I'OllKST FtllK-i.
Tliey It'iKe li .MlrhlKitn, itml Much I'rnp.
rrty 11 llelnc Orlrj nil.
Daw Hiviiit, Mich., July "0. llouvv
forest flri'H uro rawlm; over thu country all
thu way lietweou tills placo and (iladivfu.
Timber of all kind. la belli? destroyed;
fencex and other projierty ilaninned;
many farmem have to fluid for l heir
homos, There, has been do rain of any
consoqiioueo for three iiioiiIIih.
tiii: w. v. t. ro. ih.nv it.
Jay (luiilil la Not I'lirrhualni; Ouiiinirrrlnl
t'uMn htoi'k limit Kim.
Nkw Youk, July '.'0. Thu Western
Union Telegraph Coiiimny olllcially Hiiy
that tlioro in uo foundation for thu ieort
published In Carbon City, Nevada, to thu
effect that Jay (iould hud purchased
.Mackoy'H interest in the Commercial
Cublu Company.
rill.l.KK CONrlKMKll,
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W, M. MOOTf, l'rjirietiir.
Tiif Hi-:iiK ere I eau-lfully Mlun'etl In
iIih nine Mm niulim. ekht lilllci Nullllieu'l
ut A I 111 Cuiiihii rrulrlc.
Th.B Hummer lle.nrt will no op n ror ino
recepiio-iof Kiinlirmiiml nfter .1 nl lt. ';
ii.-r-oiic lit-inp illniiifciiiiunpr ir p could
not lob tier Hun vUlt MieeHilini.
Aeromiii'ilirl'im nrn mnplH unit ey r
llilnc will Im done to iiuiko guenu eomfurta.
Thnrllmule Ii d ll I'ul. IIih wuler imro
mi I tc llfii', nd nun liu fl'H'-olBi,.
Torm9 Roasonablo.
The Itapiilillrim Condrnreinl itt .nt In Let
O .ml Mull llwvo it I'm II Inn on Ilia Hu.
lirt'itiH Court Hunch.
Wasiiisoton, July '.'0. Tho Sonuto Iiuh
eonnrined tlio nomination of AU villa
W. Fuller an Chief Jiintico of tlio United
States. Kvartrt, Kdiuiindii ami .Stevuirt
sK)kn in optiosltion to thu coiiflrinutiou,
and Farivell and Culloiu in dofunso of
Fullor. DomocratH took uo part in tlio
i.omh or i.ii'K.
I'r.iui tliu I'nit'ntnl Tt'li'Kiiinii
.Major i'owell, of the United Slates geo
logical survey, has a plan bcfoiu Coiikicsh
for thu pro vein Ion of Hiicli desttuclivu
llooiU an reconlly tlovustated porlloim of
thu .Mississippi valley that lum fie dou-
I blu merit of feasibility and ultimate
! economy.
Kxpoitoiicu Iiiih demonstrated that the
levee system Is Inadeiiiialo to piuvent
Hoods. In spile of thu expensive ami
laboiioiiH eiloilH of ttaten and Ihu federai
piveruiuunt the iiuprovumeiitrf on Ihu
AllssissippI hao jnovcd to bu unavailing
barriers against tlie frcshetn and destruu-
tlvo overllows. 'lids was demonstrated
not only by thu recent floods, wldch. af
ter thu outlay of millions of dollars, liavo
lieen as dovastutlni,' as uver, but also bv
tlio hieuklni? of the Father of WnturH iii
187- thioiiKlitho great tuy leveu,llflv-to
uillert In lungth, wliich thu Stutu o'f Illi
nois completed at a cost of loU.OOO, and
thu Inundating of b 0,000 acres of laud.
In thu early nait of I.Stcj unprecedented
Hoods occiiried In Louisiana and .Miss
issippi, and hundreds of sipiaio miles
weiu laid waslo. 'Ihu lliKided district
covered )8),H0d acies, nearly half cf which
was in Louisiana. 'Ihu I lilted Hales
issued iieaily '.',000,000 of lations, at a
cost of over ll'oO.OOO, to l'JO.000 of Ihu
must necessitous sull'ererH. 'Ihu loss
from this Hood was over jJ.OOO.OOO. The
overflow of tlio Ohio river in !8.s:ieiualed
hi iicstructivcncsrt that of thu .Mlssitidppl
thu year previous, and thu total damage
donu was placed at V-',7.iO,OJO. Twenty
four thuiisaud people weiu inaile home
less, and hot In Ihu Ohio and Indiana
IcL'IshitiiicH appropriated 4100,000 to
lolievu thu Hood HtilluiurH, whilu private
coiitribitti ins iKiiired In from all parts of
the country. 'Jholovcotysteni Ihu fulltnu.
Major l'ow ell's plan projiosus in gieat
P.ut to reliuvu thu luvees as tiroteetois
against HooiIh by providing it system of
leservoirs and dams along thu principal
western tributaiies of Ihu idissisHippI, hi
which thu surplus water can bu sloicil.
Such it plan has a double usu. It will very
much di crease the nrohabililies of floods.
and at thu sanui tiuiu providu water for
tliu lirlgatlou ot hiiudieds of thousuuds of
acres ot now arid laud.
Thuurid lands of tliu United Hates
compiles l,:i00,00i) sipiaro miles MH,
0J0.000 acros inoro than thirty times thu
ri.n of Ohio. Major I'owell beliuves Hint
nearly tlueo'foiirtlis of this can bo con
verted into fori llu farming laud by irriga
tion. Of Ihlri, l.il, KM sipiaro inllus, it is
Ixdioved, could bu leclalincd without im
palling river navigation if thu storage
jilan were used. It would gather up thu
Hood water ami allow it gradually to Iiud
lis way back into thu watur courses at the
timu of low watur, thus extending it over
a great legion, and not only dccie.tHlug
floods, hut increasing thu voliiinu of water
in thu river In thu dry season.
As Major I'owell only links for an ap
propriation of $L0,lKU for thu work, and
our government hkiiiiIs millions annually
on tliu luvees to no purpose, thu plan
should hu tried under government in
spection ; for many millions uru involved
in thu solution.
A NliW TAUIIT llll.l,.
Whlrli Will Cut 1 1 i'ii I ly mi Huk'iir und
In regard to thu work of thu .Senate I
flnaiicu coiumittcu, which is pieparingit
re ven no bill in lieu of thu Mills bill, Sen
ator Sluwatt says that a Hiib-coiumlltco of
thu llnanco eoinmltteu of thu Senate aro uu don't want to, nor won't ildu through
actively ongagud on u mibstituto for tlio twenty miles of dust, or chilling winds,
AIIIIS lilll. WHICH IS uxtsjclcil to reach tliomr rains, when wo can on to nllinr nl.iiuis
Soiiato tlio iirst of next week. Thu wltli thu facility that vim mi to Portland
Koine SlriiiiKly i:xprvniml Opinio ini.Alinut
IIimt'A Itiillroml and rrmtlntnii Intrr
Htlnic Nnti'D.
llr.u.v, On., July L'O, 1889.
To Dm 1 lllnrnf tlm Unit (irrKOiiliin,
L. U. IVnlutid und family blurted Wed
nesday forTeol Spiings.
Mrs. F. C. Ctiinpbell is hero from l'en
dletun visiting her brother.
I nclo Jack .My lick is busily engaged
on a now header-bar, which lias been
taxing tits ingenuity and patience for
over two jenrs. lie lias niadu many
models, and is now constructing it prac
tical niai'hiuu, ami it bids fair to Prove
successful In saving much grain which is
wasted by the onltnary bar.
The wheat prospect Is belter than for
Fuveiul years, Harvest is ccinmcnclng,
and thu supposed inUfottiimi of having
to id-sow thu Ileitis has proven iibi'iiulit
by destroying weeds and detavliig the
crops so that ilmv havo Heciircd thu liinc
lit of thu Into laliifall. It is possible,
however, for fanners to be deluded by
thu success of sluing sowing this season
into following tliu practice In tbivftittiru
(as many talk i f so doing), audihero is
no good leasnn to expect a fieiuent rviKi
tition of (Ids season's experience.
Ycsletday a train load of grading im
plements ariived licit), and wot I: is ac
tively pursued this iiioinlng on thu griulu
foiitliwest, pieparatory to lajliig mils.
If l'eiidlelon really deslies thu O. A W.
T., it should curtiiinly uo longer bo de
luded by a hope to recuio It without tliu
subsidy luked by Mr, Hunt. I certain) v
do not wish to constitute inyt-olf us an ad
viser of nnv of my friends In Fetullcton,
but I would like to leason with them,
for, notwithstanding 1 am cue of it com
munity ipiito distant from l.'utidleton, our
iiituicsts atu to a certain extent mutual.
I havu lalkctl with mveral eoiifervativo.
seuslhlu business men of I'onillotnn, and
all havo uxpiessed thcniselvcH unfavora
bio to raising thu subsidy, and I cannot
hariuonlu thu seeming itidlHcieucu of
those mo, with their usual sagacity and
cnlurpriso in matters iertalniiig to Pen
dletou's wulfatti in any other wav than to
assume that they I elluvu tbn'Voiid will I si
built I bciu without Ihu subsidy. If in
litis bullet they wuit right 1 would bu
very glad. Hut I could not concur with
Iheni in any reasonable hope to
recuio it without raising thu
Hiihridy in its fullest exlonl,
whether thu subsidy Is too much or not,
1 havu uo menus of knowing. Perhaps
tow nut tliu luaiiugers oi Hie roail Havu
for It is dlllicull to kuow how much It
will cost to construct thu road by wit
l'eiidlutou. This is not tliu luiesliun.
how uver. but will it pay l'endletnn to
secuiu thu tontl at such it cost? Homu of
my fileuds said, wu havu scouted now
terms on the O. It, & N., und wu don't
need Hunt's read. Wu can gut otirgiods
fioui thu Fast direct. This Is very truo,
but to whom will you sell them? (fibers
my, wo would nitlinr spend our nu ney to
iiioiir.igj manufactures. This may also
bu well. Hut niiiku your town it railroad
center und manufactures will flow to It as
leadlly as water flows from (ho mountains
through tliu Umatilla, and without sub
sidles. Hut 1 snppo.Mii soiiiu will say, whv do
you eoncuin yourself, .Mr. Shorlfuilow,
about our town? Is It any of your
business? Have you of Helix hoiiiu
Fclllsh inluiest in behalf of l'eiidlelon?
To both inuiilrles I must answer "ves."
Wo of Helix, Vausyclti, (.'old Spring
und Juniper havu greatly conduced to-
mil l'uiiillelou's prospuiity in tliu past,
and wo want to coullniiu to do so In thu
fiituiu. Wu arti i-muil of bur as it
county scat, and of thu nnlorprlsu of her
cltiuiiH. Wu want to go tiiuiu to trade
with those w havu traded with, and
with whom wo have formed nloasant ac
quaintances, Wu want to visit them and
havo them visit us. Wo want to go to
your theaiers, your circuses, your cele
brations, und H'iid our money there ;but
i.it ;
bill will iw u tliorougli revision, on tin ,,r Vnllu Wtilla. Hiiiiiiti'ki.i.ow.
priiitipiti oi protection, correuiiug inuc-
curacies and omissions which havu been iimv I'mieetinu Wurim,
tliscovuied In tint existing law and III- . Krom the New York Ilirild.
ctoaslng thu taiiiroii wmiu articles In "Sells' Dictionary of tlio World's 1'reHs'
Ihu protectloii ol wiilcli t:ouiK) nion at for iKH7 was vury kindly sunt us by thu
IIUUIU in nulllfU(IV 1411 IMU lll(niit,tnuil
which interior!! with Anioiinm lalwr.
Bl P nnilDnntl Aim nui- iiiiii.'Liir o . inc Cflll IT7 DHrWIMR
ffi i,, """""ui" Hinn ni c im ii i o r i u , iuj,.uih.hi.uiii.,
null cauk,,e' w, ) EXPORT PILSNER B0TTLE0 BfER. iRCA
uirS0PR,Nfi MNERAL WATER, (Waukensaw. Wis) VCURE CLI
PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) jndswS.n
Court Hlreel, opposite I, II. Hiioeuiuiter'.
iikUIU d.w
An i:ploln In u finiviiy of Tuir Kill
Keien VI ni.
Iiiiisvilm:, Kv July 20. A tug-lwat
couvov blow im twenty-rix miles nbovo
huro this morning. So von men wero
killed. Thu oxploslmi of tho steain pipu
that supplied thu engiuo with watur
caused tlio catastrophe. Most of thu luun
were asleep ut thu time.
ill'. HAS MIT hOI.ll.
Mni'kiiy Heidi lliwl lli H Hold IIU III
tcrmt In the I'uinuif rclul Culile Cu. In
J.iy Oeuld.
VlllOIMV ClTV, Nnv.. Julv 20. John
W. Mackuy einplmticallv denius thu to
port of llie'salo of hU cable projioity.
Wo auk every readur of thu Pally and
Soilli-Wltlklv HM OlIKtlONIAN ti Oll-
HieMurkuu, Idc.ivnr t hectiro ouu or iiuno cauiKiiuii
I roiiTl-AKii, July si).- Walla wuiia Howicriourr- ion. pouit-n cuKiy. to .o
wheat in this city in quoted at (1.1b vouiisjr 15, I6ii, 7jcjnt.i Dady,
They will aboil"!! tliu tobacco lax, us
has bcuu fruipioutly stated, and I is now
boliovcd that thuy will icihico thu tarill'
on migar lifty isir cunt. Thu duty on
sugar now produces 82,000,000. It
seems to bo thu opinion of ltujiublicans
that Inasmuch us thu tarill' on sugar is not
a protcctlvu onu, but more of a
lovcnuo laritr, that forty-cnu millions is
enough ruvunuu to obtain on an artlclu of
iiulvuisul necessity. Sugar has been pro
tected from tliu foundation )f thu govern
ment, und it seems impossible to materi
ally Incieasu thu production Thu sugar
cauu country is extremely limited, anil thu
quality of cauu prishiced is ho much In
ferior to that produced in tlm tropics an
to render it an industry hardly
worth considering. It is p sslh o
that sugar can I hi produced in this
country from 'orghuiu and Lcets, but lids
is to Ihi demonstrated. A Isuinty on Ihu
production of sugar from these ui lidos
would lert Ihu pioti n, and if wu havo
any means of producing sugar ut liomusn
that it will bu an Aiuericaii industry it
should lo protected until that fact I
iliiiin initruted. Il is right and pricr
that thu jieoplu should havo cheap sugar.
publishers from Loudon. Its publfuhed
julco is two shillings, or very ueitil) llfty
cunts in United Mates money. It is
clicap at the price. Hut just sue what
thu book has cost us under thu high turiH
system, so dear to thu Republican heart,
hi thu llrst place wu paid u duty of l.i;0,
or threo times thu published prim of tlio
book. In I bu second place wo paid ft..)!)
for brokerage fees an Item which ruully
scums exorbitant, hi thu third place wu
paid other fues on it am muling to suv-enty-ono
cuuts,thoiigh Its weight Is under
live M,unds making a total of til. 71 t ents
for thu lmHrlallou into lids country of
it fifty-cent book presented to us by I ho
publishers. Here is thu bill of costs.
Look at it ami wonder;
pur a kcon'rt yoiiKiuN kxciims.
N w Vnrk.JulyT, IMX
New YmiK lli it M.n:
Hliiteui' nl of i liiiriin. on on" pit'-kiiiiv from
Uiii'lo i (Itcfiiri'iicii miiiih r I Ulu i
"ii l tti
1'imlolil lIuit.K tot u
I'nliln, klnru ininiii. a ?
liriiKM iikiko'i a i wo .h'liliig h.ioltb . .. I U
'itui;e mid minOr- n
Total cwi of iimli-rlii'U 8i-nU
Ituaolvud iihv (in III, ImIv I', U-tl
1'irr.v o t .
- w
A lire In Chluagi on Wuduuadu last
iltrocd prosriy VmIiuiI at 27,000.
InHiiranco adiuatu. V
A volcanic eruption liasocrurcl in Ja
pan, by which 4U0 pumons weiu killnl
and lOJJ Injured. 11