East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1888, Image 1

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A l'UKi: I.HUtAHY.
I'ntrnn of the. Dully or Spnd-Wepkly
HAST OIlKUONtAN tun froply iiutkn una
uftlio I'.ASI (IIIIUIOMAN tllirnry when
ever they kii limit p. The public urn ror
dlnlly Intllril to vlnlt I lid nlllce whenever
o lnrlliipil.
,niy",r". ........ kat fiiti:il(N.
Ir'unlll ntfr iIioNovoiiiIiit
'rTin,0.I..Mrn.Ml llfty cent will pay
,, of tinmi'y ''"
- -4
I I. 1.
Has been taken on both
ooieiL ana ootxon urooas
Not by Congress, but by
And they now oiler their Large ami Complete toek of
Examine their goods, get their prices, ami convince yourself
it thu above arc not mere assertions, but that they will sub
iutiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
jrcfore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
,t competition from all quarters. They carry a
M1AY)Q ill ADHI Q 11 hfm Ufnlr
Consisting of
taple and Fancy" Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
We oiler for sale our largo stock of
. J . . 1 M
irnuure, Biore ana rixiures,
which muni bo illoel of bo' wren imw uud
September 1st, 1888.
ina I. it .... .... I i I . vii,...,..i . i . . . I .... . ... .. .1.... ....ii .........a ....
... '... . .
sale. A call at our storo will cnvinco you tliat
we mean to
of the Stock, Store and Fixtures.
Vattt i 4-1 a.z i A a,
need, come ana see.
PaiihI J I 1 J
vuiiau'HHr, - - rHllUlHMlIl. UI'Hlf Ull.
ij ira aiw
i.oixii: iiiti:cTouy.
Great Western Bakery.
M.G11ATZ, Proprietor.
Frosh Eastern Oysters, In Every Style!
.Vain Street, near Pontofllce, Pendleton edsw
New and Socontl-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Bedding, and
Conoral Household Goods,
Coods SW on tho Installment Plan, on Easy Terms.
. A.. W. SCI-IULZH1,
"In Street, . . . Pendleton, Oreuon,
A. M.
nil tlic
at 7::W
Meet at thp Mnsonlo Temple
tint ttnil third Krlilny tf encli month,
o'clock. J. I. IIU81IKK, II. I'.j V. If. Cm
WI LI Villi J
KUtYAK LODOE NO. 8.1, A. F. .V A. M.
.Meet on tho Kccotul mill fourth Mom
iliiys of cnli ltiontli, ut, 7:.HI o'clu. k. II, J.
I1KAN, W. JI.J W. K. l'ol WINK, Sl'CU'tliry.
.Miiilit S,'
iy a HiifTnto,
lli'roril llmltKii
Yurie Mur.
nl'KKAI.d. N. Y.. .Inlv IS llnv m.ir..
I'ortlnml Nftvi two Moil HiinKwil-l'iikt ' Hollo lllllllllll tiottcil tl'llllif-lnilo JOHlcr
llnlf JIlli'-Thn AiuirchUt. ArrulKncil I llity llflcrilooil 111 1 :0l'1..., 11 LW) (Jlltt. TIiIh
'i mi 1'iiri-or Wool nnil Wlipnt.
beulH tli world, Maud S.lnt'ludud.
a ritiriTY sroT,
Meet i; tho Minimlo Toiupln oil I ho I
Kelly Xot llrowiioil-HU Hull InrrnXM-il
I Tim llill.l r II,.. VI.,,......
Mrt unit thlnl MoikIii.vh of oicli nioiith lit ii,lln,, ..... m ii,. .,, ,aaa ...
-M oVInck. T. .1. Mtl.l.tON. V. M.l It. Ai. ' . 1JK11.AM), UK., July Mi, 1888. L II-
TIMLA L0IX1K NO. IN, . o. u. v,
t I'vury iii'iriiuy muni
IIoiikh, ut 7l U oVIork. .7. U,
lit I lie Knulno
I.UAMIIti:, M.
W,j F V. TtrsTlN, Hcriinlor,
IUltEKA LOIH1E NO. .12. I. O. O. V. Mint
droiM.itiB- ut SuuvIm Man.1, Mondoy, tlm tlistanco wl.len.
Pveltobo u hoax. Kelly Showed im ! .f? '"S !,"ld T
ycHtenluy mid brought witiiiumM with 1 i".Vi.t..Ki..ii
T. .f
O. y. Mi-el on tho Kt'conil nnil I tint
Tiiiirwliiy of ciiph miiiitli, ut 7;:w o'clock.
Lot Ll vi'.hmouk, 0. I'.j i:. E. MitAiioN.Hcrllio.
' No. 13, I. O.
thlnl TliurN.
O. K. Mtcti thn llrxt uiul
iliiy of each month.
AliclH In Oilil Kullnwh' Hull ovi'ry Tuoi
liny pvpt.lmt at 7;.Hl o'cloi-lt. .1, (!, LkanUIIK,
CO.; 'J..I. VitlTAKi:u,IC. of ll.iiiul
J Oilil H'liiiw' mill fvcry Wpilnrndiiy
CI II. . (lAIIKIKM), K. Of X
i Moumtr.Aii,
. mill H.
KIT llON I'OT. O. A. It., lncolH lit
Whciiii-r' Hull pvory Thumilay nlKlit.
ll. M. WAt'Ki.K, ConiinaiHlur; J. H. IIowkn,
And n llrlrf .Mputloii of Sump of Hi Cliur
ncturliillr anil Priiiluctlnnn An Kii nln
i.i'ti'i ir.
t .! il... IT .til. . I . i .
iiiiuninu inu i in iii ii i.i nvur, iMilwcoil
nuHllcton uiul tliu Loliiinlihi or :ilinnnt
widened into ti hiko, elcur
iivcriiuint; iilKitit ten
hen liihteud of tho
Imre unit broken blullH and tiiilandH.
ttuo itradiiully Hliiiiint; mirfaeo oneltluir
i) lake, llku an inverted roof
Itli vineyards, oreliardi, uraln
IntervalH tho
and niUTiMV
chutlcd doiitlw of which tho clear hrouk
water glide and ttetnlileM toward tho
broad Iiohoiii of tint lake. Dtttini; the
coimtleKH ugen of the ant the ivaooleHH
How 1mm worn deep iiIhIch In the roekx,
and not lnfreitionlly, owinir K3rhaii.i (o
Homo aiii'lent eoiivnlnlon of a partiiiiilar
Hiot oi earin, inero ih an abrupt pn-i
Ijiico In the bed of the Htreani, ho that
tno wuter iiiiih noisily down into dark'
him to prove that ho wan not drowned. "iro 1 ro?.on "UUM ipmn.irt, i.uv
tin Mtrnmr n ....... w i.,.l I.,u. i 1 a. riuiiuuiy mo iiiil' miriaeo on eilhut
ni.lTnv. nt iiU .,v,i..,i.i,iii,. ,...,?... i.... i... Hide of the lake, like an inverted roof.
. ii&vTlS:' ! "nlw '""""It Cliun Foo? that ' TiZ, x , vl,,0-v"r,Is' 'harl?, grain
..Mii.M.N,N.j.,K1K..Ml,,ir1..Hocrt.,.i. hH inm.,;w(1 t0 .t;, O0'Oi A jlcldrt, iiieadoWH,aiid grovoM. At freipieut
I . .... ' I , , , .. u.... I u fit,. U ll.UId llll I , V., ! It . . 1... .1......
I llllnilltlllll llililli.il I Hill I nun .m.l .i ..1,11,. i ...in ii.u riwi n mu uiimtH in uvu II
lllllll llllllioil nllilllim (!rll'lwl..rl..-llll,..l .,. ",1'. .ll.r,'. rilVlllL'H ir ttloilH, ill tllO
having Keen the Ktabbhig and Hwore poxi
lively that J.eu Toy was tho ncrnon who
did It. The interpreter nuid, after the
examination, that ho wax nut tailed the
Chlneco wltneHWH fur the proHceution
told a utrlnu of llw and that the whole
btiHlnuHH wan a put up job to get rid of
Lee Toy. Ho alsu Htaled that Chinamen
hud no roHpeet whatever for our method
onHliInri.il luuvwu v t.. out ,. ..UtrhnX J'ed i d ntuttiied by the H KH'k of tho
head oil' iii couit and Hwearbvthat ln. 'l, Hhlver, and ntopM, and eddlen iiiu
dead of tho lllblo. " tloiiHly. and h owly and iioiHolciwly hIct.iIh
Voulnr,lV iv,.u Dm linll.iut .1,,.. t ,. OII.IWII HmiUl 01 JllOIIhjr Kllt'll lltl OX-
,.-.v t ..,,. li,mvnv i,.i Jk U ...1.. M .... Hut ll.Ij ...I .1
i I'm ivjii u. iiiii iiii-i mill tllll'I! l III
I HtrcuiiiM are low and feeble. When they
aiu xioiig ami Mwixion nun DoMlcroiiH
ruxhlng tormntn they daxh down the.o
precipiaw in H.ivau'e glee, timbre nud
whirl in thu mmUeiiliiK inad-Hlrcam, and
riinh on Hwiflly an if Necking another
Itoiii tho lako'M beach you may eo of
tho opposite nlopo only fi Mtrlp of ier
liatM u mile or two: but if you tiro tin a
tulle or two b.ick from the nhoro when
(If view U clear, jour vIhIoii will take in
the oppoidto h1oh) hack from tho lake of
nix or night mile, porhapx. And If you
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Iicst sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
ison, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pondloton,
Tho umitil price tar eul mailo ly other
piirtlci, In Portland or tho Ku U from tb.00
aftW, with pxproh i liiueeit udded. If you
need ii hpiiI, ond youronlcr to uh, nnil nvo
from W.fOto $1.00 (hereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
HetiHon. ADoiit tno mliidlo of tho after
noon tho thermometer increaHcd to ninety-three
degrees In tho Hhado.
IIAKttllS WIN 1'IIHT (l.VMi:.
Tim IIoIup City Mn ItPittPii Di thu I'lrnt
(Ibiiip I'andlptoii mid North I'otriliir
Nlnr to I'lnyThl Afternoon.
Uakkk Cirv, July 11). Tho gamo of
ball played thlx morning, the flrnt of tho
touniatucut, between thu llukur City ami
HoIho City ninoH wax won cattily by tho
former in u ncoro of 7 to ll. It wax u
piiciicr'H gamu iiiroiiguout. iiawer Ulivn
nltchor Htrtick out ciit iteon men and I were nlttiiiir wliuru I am lliix Julv nveu-
thoroby won thu gamo. Thu gamu thix Ing, lieforu tho huh hax nuito reached tho
alternooii will Jo played liy tno rortli ' oppoxlto rldgu, you could
rowdor and I'endletou nlnex. I no hioik) up and d
weather ix very win in and millrv. A
largo crowd ix in tho city and in attend
anco on tho ball games. Much interest Ih
tiikv aim: to hi: ruNisnr.D.
W.D.Hansford&G o.
Dealer In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
A "liuroof tho publlo patronage U nollclted
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W. M. MCOTT, Proprietor.
TllPie Hpr'.ni; nr tipaiitlfiilly vltuiiled In
the lllue Mounlalii", eliclit inllei Noiitheast
of Alba, In C'aimu I'ralrit'.
Thf Kiunnier lteort will tiooprn for tho
recentioi of KiieU ' '"' utter July Ut, inul
nenono ntHinpitttlne o uminer trip could
iiot do beitex thiin vli.lt thee HprliiK.
Accommoitiitloii aro ampl and every
thing will he done to miike uueU comforta
ble. Thocllmato U dclhshtfiil, th water pure
uiul excellent, nd hiinilni; lliitl-flubK,
Torms Reasonable.
Aimri'hNt (tiider Arrrt lit Clilruk'o
to lir (IItpii n Niprily Trliil.
OiiiCAfio. Julv 18. Tlio courno to ho
purHiied in ptoheeuting tho would-ho as
sassins of . I iiclges (inmiiell and (iary and
IiiHoctur Ilouatluld lms been decided
upon. It hax been nnununcud that tho
anarchiHtH will bo taken about noon to
day lieforo thu Justice, mid their cases
continued ten dayx. That would give
tho opportunity for presenting tho mur
derous conspiracy with tho least ihjssIIiIo
delay to tho grand jury, which assembles
next Monday. A speedy indictment and
trial ix hoped for by tho authorities. Thu
object ix to make thix a lesson of Justice
and thereby teach other anarchists that
tlioy must conform to thu laws of thu
country or sillier tlui extreme ieualty
without procniHlinatlon.
The Condition oftlm Market In thr Old
nnil .rw World .Mrt.
1'oitTi.A.vi). July 10. Ill HJlitO of tho
fact that Hnglish tidvicex am of u favor
ablu character, all American markets
hIiow a weaker tono. Ycxterday'H closing
nricex at Chicago woro 81 for July,
77 for August and 7115b lor Hoptembur.
...... .1.1.. .....I....
, i mi viniiii ri'u nun lauuiu
sli)H) up and down a distance of erhapx
twenty miles, mat is, you nave within
easy ningo of vlxlon a ntrlp of country
facing you turned tip on edge just
enough ho that you can get thu liest ikix
slblu view of it a parallelogram of thu
earth'H Hlirfaco twenty nillox in length,
and 11 vu or six miles wide, and you are in
the midst of a scone thu exact counter
part of tho one Uhih which you thus
gazo; unit l.tceii tho two scenes Hostile
clear, deep, placid, limpid lake. Multiply
tho length I have mentioned by two. add
somewhat hero and there to tlio width,
and you may liegin to form omu plight
Idea of tho outlines of ono of tho fairest
re. Ions of tho world.
I have mentioned thu chief products
mid adornments which variegate thu sur
face. Vineyards take thu load. For Ihu
width of a uiilu or two eHjioelally, on
either xldo of thu lako tha laud ix chiolly
dovoted to thu cultivation of thugriiiu;
and tho choicest grapes grown in thu
United Slates are produced on (ho shores
of thix and another lake, lying live miles
westward. To my lade, thu California
vinoyiirdx producu nothing HiiKuIor, if
equal. Next in tiumlier and imjxirtunco,
nro tho orchards ajiplus, plums, peats,
prunes, eachos, mid clierrie.i. Iiosldu
these nro hundreds of acres devoted to
berriex chielly r.ixpborrlt'x. Do Ihu Or
egon children who read thix know what
thoso liorrlox aro used for? "To oat, of
course," hoiiio of them will K)rhupx Hay
but tlioy nro not. luoy aro Hlilpiil
hoy urn Hhipicd to
Chicago mid other cities, mid used fur
' ..l...l... C.....llt.... ...I
. ,. " . " i... t . .1 . . ii.iiiuiiiiu inn ininun. t?wiuuiiiiiun, 11 null
lunun i rauciscu rci.uii. ii .oi niiunv niu ,lri,l i luv i,r .. from twenlv to Iwentv
ncreaidng and thu marke x aro not ho vo ccntH Iimlmi. Tho KtrrioH um now
I rin though yaluex uro Mill unchanged. jll8l rIlK)lln(J( aU(i llQ Iwrryplokorx uro
At San 1' rancixco Lastorn Orugoti wool Kth who HoinetlmeH oarn ux
quoted ut 12 17 ccntH. In th xclty rmich uh "two Hhilllii' " u day and tholr
tho murkotH uro Htcudy to firm. rrlccH i.....i ii r ub.. .i. ,,,,,1 ,i
range from 1O01U cents, Including lioth
Eastern Oregon and tno niametio vui
ley product.
It Led Henry Kbert to Commit Crlinsi for
Which llnKurrereil the Ilmtli I'enitlty.
Jkiihkv Citv, July 17, 1888, Henry
Ebcrt, a wife murderer, wux hanged in
thu jail hero thix morning. When tho
trap was sprung the knot clipped uround
under tho law und disarranged tho can
ho Klxjrt'H faco wax hcoii, and wax ex-
iWHud to vluw ux ho slowly strangled to
husband had lieu
child, hut failed in thix. Ho then put his
wife into uu insane asylum, hlio wax
jwaches tho lest, and of them I had
many a lino feast last year when 1 wax
here. Hut there aro considerable quanti
ties of grain and grass rained too, und
much stock fattened for tho grant Maw of
(iotlmni. Tho grasses aro "liiiiolhy"und
clover, and I presume soinu of thu Oregon
children who road thix or who may if
thuir futhurx tuko thu U txr Oiikoo.ni an
hardly know what xort of grasH uither of
1 thoni ix. Hut If you uvor had passed by
I a clover Held In blossom in Juno or early
July, you would not only think it a pretty
sight, hut tho fragrance of It would Ix)
something ouo might wish to curry with
lives, which aro so often smotlicred und
choked out of remembrance in tho llercu
htrifo of u Hellish world. Hut tho honoy
Kburt married u ldow to o- S
himself of fl,600, which her tirflt . J '" u ' f '?-"?,.! ,,0Vl
tit Sid in HIS"1 Hotn put hl'x K wttd.1? Kloii'Sherc,!
;orlS.ilr;olh0r 1,611,1 ttMBh0lH TnT&TlTO
wax entering tholr Homo. .fragrunco of tho clovor bloxxouix ix
Court fitreel, nppodto J. H. Shoemaker1,
Illrhurd Corney Ilunevil at l'rr'hold, New
York, fur Inlllctlni; Itijurle to Woman
from Which Mm Itled.
Fiikkiioli), N. Y., July 18. Richard
Corney wax hanged horo to-day. Ilo wax
thu coachman who attempted u criminal
useutilt on Mm. I'urcull, whilo otnploycd
by u wealthy family at Klnoron. thix
Statu. Cornoy wax follud by hix victim,
but Iwat her savagely, and ho died of
her injuria.
Tlu-y lime to Olve IIoihU In tlio Hum of
HA, ODD Kuch.
CuiUAon July 13. Thu anarchist prix
ouurx woiu brought into court and ar
raigned. After a brief statement by In
swctor Honarield they were held ovvr In
bondx of d,000 each.
either end of tho lako onu of , thorn vis
iblu froniitny neat Ix a larger town, largo
onottgh for u "city" In tho West.
Hut it must ho remembered that uh wo
look across at thix fair slbix) wo perceive
frequent patches and strips and, stretches
of woodland, darkly green in thcmiol
lowed radiance of tho setting sum Gen
erally Ihu steep banks of tlio numerous
small streams I have mctitloucihuro cov
ered with treex, and frequently a farmer
hax lett n fuw acres ttnclcared4-a."wood
lot," whore ti ncoro of dlireront'Hpecicrt of
treed spread tholr brunches todtvorHlfy
and beautify tho scenoi In u half-mllo
walk wo will (liul oak, and iiiaplo, and
ash, and hickory, und chestnut, and wal
nut, and plnu, and Hycamoro, und birch,
and beech, und a dozen other less com
mon varieties and xotuo of theso species
two or threo vurietiex caitlii To those
glenx and woods tho crowx coino to
hold their convciitlonx, unit in tholr
recessex and among their brunches tho
nhnblo gray nqulrrelM giiihcr togetlier
the wluler'x xtoro of niitx, or dodgo tho
uplifted nitizitlu of tho hunloi'x gun. So
tho sun sinks out of night; thu midsum
mer heat ix tempered by il cool brco.o
from Ihu region of thu great lakes j thu
brightness of the summer duv Ix not onlv
inollowed by u dreamy haze, but now fx
beuinnliu! to bu dimmed bv Ihu bulelni!
disc of tho revolving earth rising between
tiK uiul tho Htm: tho muruiuthiu brook
down yonder babbles on its cntjlcss jour
ney to tho llttlo Hllvur. voiduru-frlntred
sea, ami tho silent summer night comes
on, and with it many thoughts of theso
scenes uud other scenes, of these and
other dayH, of the jieoplo who aro near
and far, of eaith, mid stars, that now be
gin lo twinkle, and oi tho mystery of Hull.
On a llttlo uiuiiicuct) near one of theso
glens, a llttlo round, Uut-topixd "huttu."
crowned with just treox enough to Hourly
Hhudu Uh mirfucu uro about n dozen rudo
totuhtouex, Um which tho Inscrlptlonx
nro yet legible, recording that those who
once Ixiru these million liuvo Ih'uii sleep
ing there some thteu-Hcoro vaarx. hoiiio
threu-intarterx of u century. Mora hoiiio
of them wvru laid to their last earthly
real before men who have since lived out
their three-score years and tun were born.
If wu could follow these llttlo beans of
dust hack to their early life It would take
ux back ovor u cuntiirv, when ovofi thix
region, now ho highly cultivated
and Humorously ixipulated, wax
'now" when theso slojies woio
ovcrcd with thu primeval forest.
through which tho Huvagu S'cnecuH
roamed, and where tho lako thu only
thing unchanged by llmu or art wax
stirred by thu paddlo of thu liidian'H ca-
uou Instead of thu steamer's wheels.
Uong theso hIoih'x thov built their coun
cil llron, and over yoiufur blull' a forco of
tno Hostile rod-HkiiiH wax driven lull moll
Into thu water by (ieneral Kuiliviiit. A
fuw miles northward thu llrxt "meeting
liouso" of thix iculon wax built of loux.
of courxu and Ihlthur each Sunday tho
pioneers resorted, Willi illlex In hutul, lo
jiruy or shout ux occasion retilicd. Hut
tho icd mini Ix seen no more on his old
favorite hunting grounds even hix mime
and race uro hum not only obliterated,
but almost forgotten.
1 no wilderness lias blossomed ux tho
rose, w lid and iiosolam no doubt it
looked to thoso who nresscd thllher u
century ago their westward way from tho
regions oi iliu Hudson uud tho Connec
ticut, hut now It ix and for many ycatx
hax been ouo of thu fairest scenes on tho
continent beautiful ux might ho a liout-
painter's dreamland vision of l'anidiso.
J. r. w.
Tlmy urn Trim Aiucrlcuua, ;
From tlio New York Herald. r
That long Inturvluw with Hromlov k .
IturiiH on thu turiir question which wu ,.
minted ycHterday wax mighty hunt read- L
lug for tho high protection ltepuhllcaux, I
hut extremely interesting to every work- 5
iugmaii in this loiintry. jr
Thesu gentlemen do u largo business, ,
muko fair prolllx uud pay good and steady !
wages. Such factx glvo u ihuii'h opin
ionx a degreo of authority. Thoy uro !
KupuhlicaiiHtoo, In isilltlcs, but uImjvo ull '
they aro Ainurleanx. '
Mr. nrouiluy drxisn't want to bo pro
tected. Ho feolx qultu abh) to tuko caro of
himself, HghtH his own battle with tho '
coiiiHUitIoii, Iiowh hix own road through '
tho woods, and rufuxex to plead tho baby '
act about Infant ludiixtiiex. In spite of
high tux on till hix materials ho can man
ago to slit) along and lay up a iKiuny for
u ruiny day. With a lower tax, mich an '
tho Mills bill ull'ordx, or with hix ruw
materials free from duty, he could inako i
things hum, go Into u foreign market und ,
undewdl hix rivals. i
If there Ix a man on tho planet who t
can do ax well ux anybody else or u llttlo
Ixitter It ix u bruiny, liiiril working Ainorl-'
can. You can keep your twaddle ubotit .
infant industries to yourself, ull ho askx (
of thu government Ix to tuko tho fences .
down, thu bit out of hix mouth, thu bar-
noHX on ins hack and give liltn tliu right .
worth, and muko thu most of it lieforu
tho farmer comes with hix mowing ma
chine uud "makes hay while thu sun
Hhlnex." So tho country la ull dotted und
diversified with theso patches of bountiful
and sweet uud useful growths, und on ev
ery fuw acres tiiera ix a neat whlto house.
with generally u neat yard und fence uud ' u wuy to do, uud if onu wu.v
Homo good out-building. .Souiethnex tho I another shall. He h is any quantity of ,
farinx oompriHo from ouo hun-lgruy mutter Htotcd awuy in hix skull,,,
dred to a hundred uud ilfty acrcx I and you needn't iilty him or HympathUo'g
prouamy oniy u low may leacn nn nun. .nisi ici iniii uiouo, iioiri in
of way. After that ho will not thank you
lorouiix. no can neut I'.ugiisii dogged
iioxx uud thu nimble lingers of Franco uud
(lurmuny by tho machinery ho will In
vent. What ho wiiutx to do hu will find
woik -
two bundled, but oftonor thoy uro llfty or , torem with him, and hu will render alt :L
Hovonty-tlvo, and ntlll moro fruquontly j g""d account of himself. I'lacu him onkt y, Wtt
whon fruits and hortiua uro thu chlof an wpial footing with othurx, and if haL.
productH thoy are Jmin llvo to twonly I oan't do bot'or than thoy that Ih hix hiiHrnf ' t' J
ticrori oncli. Then at Koveral pnintsin tho i iioh.
a run (iacri'i(Mi vimi may imo one or two nut cuargu mm a lilgli prlco lor Iii!
village itiiiircn sniion rising out oi um row inuwriuw, lux inui lurovoryililng liu
..n i i, . I . ':i . . . .1... .. .1.. 1. 1.. l i . . i t . -. i . . . 1
Hurrouiiuiug iDiimje in inainos, wimk, m, uu hi iiiimm null vm, unit (Hills,-
or mine, uiui in uiu eunii' tiuinnv u mu- mi nun iuii niu inouwuim nun null. IH7i-
. . 1 .... . 1.1 I. .. . !.l . I . . , , 7. ! '
tur oi (woniy r uny or anuiKiriHi iioiiiKiM, iiiaw noi wain, w no proiecicu in tnai-
a rural Kow York village whilo at I way.