East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1888, Image 4

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    vi:i)nj:sday, jtly 18, iw
II wai a gwlncherd, ao the atory rum.
Uncouth ami and, but vita n throbbing heart)
Who, when bo uv bin- isus along the tray,
Mlroln, the king' chllil, Jniout and fair,
Could tint but fall iirsm her atli ami cry,
Fair lady 1 may look upon your fawr
And no hi rudencw vaolsh't, and the inan,
Krnlttrn to life, M by the hand rf Jovii.
BourK'-oned In thought) lost all bii former sU.
TIium, Id rv trice, tforo hrr kunty's apfll,
Ilccaine a Poet' 'TU ft legend old,
Writ in the chronicle of Moiinknd.
--OHU.'ft 1'. Knapp.
I.ttnyrr I.oiUlnB fur l.llwts.
Thcro I nnothcr nnil not 11 arnnll class
of lawyer, who indnatrlonsly portiao tho
column of tlio prs In fjucst of oppor
tutdtles to ndvlno thn brlnlm? of Ktittrt for
libel fiffuln.sL it pnper tlitat iniy liuvo men
tioned Homcliody'M ntiino In nil uncompli
mentary wny. I know of n recent caso
where 11 paragraph apoko somewhat dli
piiniKi'iKly "f f rieml of mine, Tim next
iiKirnltift when lie III" olUca ho
found n dozen note-) from nn many nt
toriifyw lyliiK upon his, desk. He opened
thorn, m il eneh contained 11 blip of tho
pariiriiii In itietinu ntul nil uritln'j Mm
to brliiK unit nnil ollerliin tlielr K't'viu'H.
lie hitil not rend thu article, imd knew
nothing of It until liu npcneil the bids,
each nml every ono of willed prnniitinteil
thn put "rnph 1111 oiitr.mo. Ilefme hu
li rati rend Imlf of tliem lie wim boillnu over
with intUKimtlim n;i!iiMt tho publisher
VIhIoiis of aivi'-, ii'vcnuo and heavy
iMmiigoH fairly danced before liN lur.'M
viiled vyvr Ho linmcillnlcly determined
tiiwn brliitfliu. Milt nn I r:im to me 'or ad
vice nn to whrli 'f tlir hlildom lie nhould
HOlrct to lienl Mm wounded leclliifH mid
fill lilt not ijv ily plethoric pume. I ex
plulued (o Mm the I'ioriou uncertainties,
of tho Ifiw and dissuaded Mm from Mi
contemplated course. Philadelphia New.
The I.IMIxniM of Mnn.
Tlioro nro ,400,0(10.000 peopln IIvIiir on
tlio planet whleh w inhabit And yet
thorn In now and then a man who won
ders what the lent of 111 will do when ho
dies. There me people In "aoelety" who
honestly think that all thu world close
Ita eyes when they I hi down to (deep.
There me men u ho fear to act iirriirilltiu
to tlielr own convictions, hcnuise perliapi
tun perron In u crowd of 1,1(KH)00,00)
will lauuh at them, Why. If a iiinn could
only realize every taomcnt wlmt it bun
llliiK, busy, fussy, Important little atom
lie Irt In all thh (treat ant hill of Import
ant, fiiHiiy llt.'lo atom, every day he
would regard himself less, nml think Mill
lev, of tho other moleculo-t In thn corral,
Robert J. llurdetlu In Now York Star.
A (Irent I'lern of Lurk,
"All I how d' yu do, .loneif I hud
Kreate.it piece of luck hint ulifht."
"Why, you ace, one of my tenement
house burned down"
"You don't mean HI Did thu families
Kctoul in wifely?"
"No. I beliuvo n few of tliem woio
burned to death. Hut that' neither hern
nor there, I win koIiik m tell you about
my Kood luck, I bad Intended to put In
n ilro ecnHi thla very week -ihu paper
are iiwiUlnit mieli 11 fuss. ou know and
It would hao cost iiiu $100. I've nnved
that now Ilow'n that for luckr"
lloiiluu Traukcript.
rushing Trnilii Tun fur,
"You mitat push mutters a little,
James," wild thoilruh'Klst tothn new boy,
"lly calling a customer'! attention to thin
article and that article you can often
effect Mile,"
'Yen, air," resoudetl the new boy, and
then liu hastened to wait 011 an elderly
female who wanted a Mamp.
"Anytliln' else, muni" Inquired thu
itmhlllou boy, politely, "hair dye, con
luetic, faro powder, raeumatle drop, twl
ladonua, mole iletro)er"
Thti elderly female licked tho Htamp
vleloiiNly and left the door oeii nn nbo
went out, 'IVmii blftliiipj.
The ( I it 1 M t fiitlli;ein .
School filrl Mamma, my head itches
no 1 can't m o the tluurcHiiuy more. Won't
yoc. do thu Hiimf
Mamma (ImikliiK over tho problem) I
don't know how, dear.
"Why, KMiidma aald you KOuliiatcd
with thu liuhtvit houorri."
"Yes, I did, I could have answered
any iiiestlon In thu book then; but I
can't now."
'Have thu Iwoka chaiiKeJf"
"No, but after leaving school I neU
gently alloivtsl my head to Htop aclilnir."
Unuilia World.
Tl Sikh ft Btalwart Itaee.
Tho pcop'o fr0,n Henif 10 north ol
Delhi are much more atnlwnrt and mnnly
tbnn are tho UcnRftlcse, but they In their
turn are Rrcatly Inferior to tho men of
th't Punjab. This wood means and ex
presses tho country lyinn between tho
!,vo prcnt branches of tho Indus. In this
country is a magnificent rnco of men.
Tho Sikh soldiers in tho army nro the
h ,idomcst body of men I Imvo ever feeu,
U i I indeed I havo never keen any Euro
ii' an or American wlio came nuythlnu
iiku being a perfect model of umnly
be'iuty ns noveral olllcurs I hnvo recn In
t!io natlvo Hlkh cavalry. Today we wit
ni -H'dtlio practlco of n imtlvo roQiment
a' eompnny target ahootlng.
Tho olllccrs on horseback are "Imply
Hiircrb; afoot all show ono universal do
feet among tho entire peoplo of India an
nlmost total absence of calf to tho leg.
Uvea In Punjab men and women havo
none. I can say this
cause up here there nro
ant nodal to our custom).
what necm to bo skirts mid the women nil
wear troti.scrs nml very tight or.cj, too, I
below tho kneo. Tho other singular thing 1
Is ono sees hundreds of men with oeards
dyed a brilliant red. A gray beardcl man 1
Is rarely reen from I,ahoru to Pet.hnwer, 1
for they tnl:n on ii brlrht Vermillion, evl- '
dfiitly not for the purpooof concealing I
ugc. but as it Mirt nt beautlller, Thu men 1
of Punjtb proved themselves bravo by I
giving Kntrland moro troublu to cnbduo j
them than perhaps all thu bnlanco of
India. Hut when once they acknowl
edged the supremacy of their now rulers,
like bravi' men they havo shown them
selves true. They havo none of tho er
vllo ileiiicihor of tho Jleiigaleo. They
look a foreigner straight In tho faro ro
speetfully, but with an apparent con
kcIiiu les.i of their own dl'snlty. CurU-r
Hai-ri'.on'o letter In Chicago .Mall.
1'inelimtlni; but Diiti-rrmin Sport.
Tho moat Intensely fa'iliiat.'ng and by
far tho most dnngeroti'i wny of hunting
thu Hengul tigers Is tno wny most of tho
natives do It, They collect In throngs of
hundreds and go to tho wooiIh, with halt
bred bull nnd terrier dogs, rlllcs of -10-uallbcr
nnd liiuumerablo spears, nnd drive
tho tigerioui of their jungles. Tho vicious
dogs go In and hound them nnd snarl and
howl threaten n:ly. Tho tigers aro grad
ually driven fiom point to point by tho
howling dogs ami shrieking natives, and
aro Dually worked Into 11 gigantic and
strong netting 11I110 or ten feet high and
with Interstices i-cvcn or eight inches
wpiare. Then tho chettles, ns these iucr
natives aro called, range themselves along
tho sides, and when thu tigers lungo at
them thoy uio met at every point by
gleaming rpears. Such howling nnd
snarling, combined with thu shouts of the
natives, sounds llko tho walling of tho
damned. Thu natlvu women aro on hand,
too, and lend their aid, nnd when the
government olllccrs Join In tho ICuroper.n
ladlea are perched conveniently In tree .
to lend 11 bit of life to tho scene. S;;li
KruiieUco ILvnmiuur.
Leezer & Kuebler,
The If.rtte'l and most complcln stock of
Are You ProtecteP
!Di Medicines,
s!t& Fancy Articles
In Eaatorn Oregon.
Dcspain Block
It is almost the same thing,
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Rates;
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
go imy longer without insurance on their property, of whatso
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a pood,
Reliable Insurance Co
, Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
j be indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In the
, ilrst place, pick out competent and
Elegant Pullman Paaft
Kmlttrnnt Hlni r...
lre TrRln1tai'
Krco of oh.ir30 .ind vithtr J
CIono connection at iw.j, .
Kant boillul oiiMenifcrarrltM.,
.ui minim ireiztitnrrlfM u .J
pnrtH at 0:00 I. 111. '"""
Vt'csl lion nil pii'senirpp
Wnllu Mull-i uil V4tu,
Leavca at 6:00 a. m. for vrm.
rive- I.I7.VM-. ni.triimWall .
1 rw U a . nt.
u nun c nilirilICO,
! Hiuto, May 12
OrcKtm, May in
Coliimliln, .Mmv M
i Hialo, May 21
, Oregon, .MayJ8
ColiimliU..Iiini( 1
Stale, JutinA
Columblii,.iino 13
Htulo, J111.0 17
Ore,!oii, JuiiuSl
Columbia, J11110U
Htule. June 211
Ori-Kon, July 3
A Curd or n rhntocrapliT
"Would you rather havo my card or my
Two younn men who hnd Iwon dlfctnu
liu: n liottlo of whin In an uptown plctmo
Itallery wero rc:it-:ti to jiart.
"Your card will do; I dout want to put
you to to much tumble."
"No trouble at nil. K you llko I'll put
my portrait 011 tho back of tho card."
He thereupon drew from his pocket 1;
Hiuall rubber Htamp uml Imprinted on the
back of IiIh card a very creditable llkciic.
of himself.
An lii(Ullt!v reporter, who ovcrhcari
tho dialogue, took pain tho next day to
learn to wlmt extent tho fad had now.
Ho found that there are several coneeriiK
In tho city where portrait Mamp are
made, similar In style to tho rubbei
Mumps, containing oiio'm name and ap
tended to It n Hcket lead pencil, Thet.e
iitampi eiwt from $3 to $3 each, and are
from ono to three Indies Kipiaro. All the
1. tamp makers rcijulro hi a tlutypo por
trait of tho cuatomer and a money order.
Tiio Mamp'i w ear well and nfo much ai
fee ted by youuit clerkH and DistHldo busl
1 1 ess men. New York Mall ami Kxp.-is,
On Thu North Ainorlcaii Continent.
l'J I.111K0 Pni'H uml HI I.i'iiK C'oluiiniK.
I'ulilMieil In and xlveu with each Utile of
thn Weeldv I'lllllou,
Iti'i'lnnlM An . I, ami eoatlnultitf there
idler, Th" World will pr'nt with eneh lue a
complete novel liy a popular mil hor. Aiiioiik
lie wrners win 1 e:
1 lio-I)iieli.i.s,
Mrn. Alexander,
John H. Wlnier,
Henry Wood,
M. lv. Ilriulilnn,
Klorenen Wanleii.
MarvlVell May
llfitliu M. (,'liiv,
Minle Kilwards,
Hlmilii KilwiinlM,
r, 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 p".
WnlliT lteanl.
Wilkin Collins,
Unlit. I'ui'liiimin,
It. I. Hli'Vetison ,
11 1, l.'nrl.,,,,
I Tlifiiiifts ila-.ly.
Julian lliiwlliurne,
h'. W. Kolilnxiin,
I" 1 j ! 1 . - itati'irlau,
Jules Verne,
W ill, llllll'K.
Tin i) iinveU will ! tin? Iiilest viirH nf llni
hem writers us they are published the hooks
wlileli every one Is I'llkluc alMiut. Nntlilnu
lint thn very hrsl will hit nilnillleil Into the
Wiirlil'shtiin ard Library of llellon.
This Library of Hell 111 Will lie Supplied lo
iihucrlln'M Only.
No IMia foiiles Will lie Printed.
No ll.iek Numbers Can lie Kiimlshed and No
Initio CopUs Wllllm Hob).
If You Wish the Hi rles Complete,
One Year (V.' numbers), 81;
1) Months (.VI numbers), .'').;
.1 .Months il l tiumliers .'Sic.
THE WORLD, Now York.
With whom to do your business tho.se who represent none but
the best innuranee companies ami go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the office of
Clopton & Jackson,
U'rtn IJ
Imivo wteiiinnlilnwh.rf ,
Ceavo Spear 3t. -harf,SUarfu
Itiitcs nf Phiiu.
IneliKllnjt mcRlt nd VjJ
Kteenite, . .
lUiuiid 1 rip, t'nllnillril,
111 uio uonipRiiy, or A. U Mm-rJ
1 iiriiiuiii, urejon,
a 1 l. m
... . IFl.t.llJlH,
Oenernl Monngtr,
Great Rock Is!
The direct and popular lln liJ
wiiii inn .-viirinern rarllt
I10111 hi. Paul and Mlnnupoiu
To C'lilragn nml the Kut.
Tu Nl I.oiiImuiiiI theNiiltl
To Iih 3lolnrs,LiiriJ
A telilsonanilKiiJ
:Tho Only Line M
iu uouncii muni, titnvcniri'no 1
uiiv ror
On and after Ibis ilute, as uluiliilslralor of
the estate of the late llllaiu lloss. 1 oiler
for 'b ill 11. e live sloes: owned hy tue ilf
Located iu the EAST OKICGONIAN building, Pendleton,
whore you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rine, Accident or Life insurance, done tin iu
'Jioronilitircrf llvrej'itnt Hull.
Short-horn Calttt; Orlu Cuttle,
unit () limit Stoc Cattle.
Thorouihlireil SkiiiIhIi Merino
Ituehs nml litem, Itenltitereil,
I h'nile. Murks uml Slock Shee)t.
I AIo a lante uuuibor of Horses and a ipmn
1 lUy of llu.
i:o Urmr llm I.Iiik.
MlnUtor (dleiisiu rolliiloiM matters)
Of course, Mr. lleudriekM, one eon lv
too narrow in his bleint riu;ardiuK tho nil
M'lvanee of tho SMbbaih. but thero In
llbhlnt;, for Instance. Do you think It U
ribt to lUh on Hmidnf
jlr. Uoudrlcki (ovaiveh) Well vr
I think 1 would draw tho line at rishluu
oil SiiiiiIhv. Texas SUttnta.
fler tlie Murm.
Jltil; (vh hss just clipped and turn
bled down t no front stop) Nover mind,
old follow. tluMi I'm not hurt much,
llowdi 1 Uikr
lilluk Never lookinl moro natural In
your lit.
,liuk ImponMUlol
lllhdis -I tl rim It it so. Yim Kxik
Jut likj yo.ir ixrtUil Half.
A Onrn Nnlrd Ouviilrynmii.
A mnnll man, with n gray muatacho, a
vloueh hat over Ids bluo eyes, and a walk
no longer as chipper as It ouoa was, ij
ri'coaulited by few p. oplo hero when he
inakoo his occasional visits from Waali
ltiKlou. Ho Is Gen, l'leaaonton, whom
many think ono of thu greatest cavalry
commnuderH of tho war, and who un
doubtedly fought nnd won, perhapa, tho
Kreatest cavalry eiiKaKemeut of tho con
teat between tho states. It was at llraudy
ritatlou, where eighty renlmeiits of horse
men contended on one Held with no In
fantry or artillery nearer than ten inllea i TpniiP Tn PlllT DIIDnU AOCDC
away. Sometime tho battle ilapa of tho , ' tlilTIO IU OUII rUnUnAOLllOi
rontcmliui; lU'neruU were not further op- ,
arated than tho two sides of llroadway ! r'or purtleulars.ciill 011 oraddress
Pleanonton, Kllpatrlck nnd Ciuter were! TUftMncnii
Iu a iilnulo (roup. Detecting a crucial I C. THOMPSON,
olnt In tho oppiwlti line, l'leasoutuu
cried: "CtiMer, ko rlht In therel" Cus- I
ter'a mounted band nt once atrurk up m;'l ilw If
"Tho Star SixiD'TU-d D.niner," and tit teu
inlnuloa ho had etrrieil tlio position. Cut
ter unit KiU'"'iru:: ate dead, l'leuaouton,
Iwrely 3D vntn uf mtv, aeoius to bo out of
KMtr with tho world. Cor. New York
Pendleton, Or.
' viUleixl bjr Klenc.
Selenev b.u ut hist fndlml IIU UU
niiswei ih'e 1 .m why vory yvtttug UWU
kre w 111. 111 ''i'sq old omw. The
lir.. iv iU'.'r' 1 . . 1 i ,lii wiUt . It i
hei 1 ohuvlu .ju hv f 14 aud CO.
The dil ttenilemeu hIhmiUI now net off tbo '
Iwiul wi-oiK us isriuvliilly tw tholr 00
Will IK'i in. t --l)e.ler K t'.iUuau 1
.. 1 u. "intcnii .
fillln' . i;n 11 !sv 1 '. the list o( I
exi 1 1 11 1 1 rtMk '
one 1 i w Uuvr win lw nvwriy ',
burst w lien ho tep on a UtiW Uutou '
'the l iirglur l it iiiiiiiihii,
"Tho MpuUr Idea of tho avorneo Imrj;
lar U all wrouj:," kjiIi! a deteolivo to a ro-
mrter. "llo Uu't a man with tt dark
utem any moro a nuuth and ready
brut who delights iu killing puople. Tho
burglar of todity will do everything In hut
luwor to vcmw, and tho tukltiK of a
man's life is his last retort. 1 havo
known many bnrhra tu my time, and
thy wero tho moi gvutluumuly men I
ever met. Nertyf Yoa cuM bet on
that. Thoy have to be, hut they will not
taku human lit " CWcafo Tii'juu.
I :vlnl Quito llnitrntmntl. 1
Tobiire.'!t!t ftisiomer Tho 6tTur of '
the lad 1 111 U nil 11 and tnu i uuturt,
but I don't i-.tuUi-M. utl why yoi, pat that 1
iiuttt of voni :;i uts nana.
Sanitary and kk-
Mm nfn. Hirers of
Steam aud; Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
KOKDWtir.l.lNdSOlt I'tMll.IO llUII.HIN(i-
Kp-uli'sil nn Hiul e-ilm iirs fnrnUluHl for
liMUlim luui.tiiix - la a.i ellou of the conn,
try. CorrspiHiliiee ilii'tal.
Portland, Orogon. ma
It is well to remember that to bo securo you must insure in
ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of moro than
If you contemplato insurance, call on them and
and it will cost you nothing. Kemember their oflico is in tho
or address
CIIICAfJO ASlt At-lil'OliTl
I'utlnmn l'ulitce SlttpM
J'nluce Dining CuM
Accompany nil IhniUKh tifmtl
TIckoiH for sale by nil connwtiiil
ami eoiiiieeiiiina iiiiuiobu
Korfull Information rlrllft
ete.. apply loimy roupon pm
J. ir Nnrlliprn I'uflfle Rsi'
Ditiilrs. nr In W. CLAlXI
Ticket Aenl,0. II
No. 3 WnshlliKton St., - IVl
1.- a iifr.imnni..
"(lmt. 'I'lif nml I',IH. .U1P. (Ill
Chlcaitn.III. ,1'J''!l
lien. T. nnd I'.Atf. 3UI
,Vn5 lno
THE Northprn Pacific
tollman lilaee Slen'lng m!
Magnificent Ikig OMtta!
Wit A Hrrtb fmi
From Oreoon and Win!1!
to the Eut,
VI.. ci 11,. ..I ,.n,l MlniiriiuKa
line ninnliiB t'lfce l:1
(dienis m iuki
. . rr ...... I. .... r Ma4t I
:oat Over the .ViWl
fr" . , t , . f 1 . rrv.inll KIDB.
A tolilson, Ietvwiwona.
HurllnL'ton. ouliicy.Hi
..11 iu if.miii-limit lh M:!
rust via Ht. I'aul nnd JllnPJ
r!MIilIlANT8LEEn:u 1
Aro hauled 011 reyular
the entire length of tb Mv
1 Itallroiul.
Uave Wallula lunrtlontMI
luvo forimii'i a ft I
I Minneapolis or Ht. lul IJJK
iiour luuv. ...., pujuJl
i.oiiiieriion iiiim" ;z :,, a
oils to nil points Kan, 1
train win leavo .n;;"--; v rii
m connectlni; wltht). It-,4
all olnls on Pnaet "cHi'l
Oonerat Weatern PwP'
WashluKton Bt., ini wiT,
dti s-- ipior attckou rou'e
vu it U Itijuu, boa. TW Ui
TheM aid vviit
lCatibthd ' lu itmuwa
eivawi'ioii, ut
amd UNTU m all
A pi 1 1 Kk'I ihoiu e
r a) ut the year.
1 Vormerty ran by John Knlht. haw cuancshl
I binds, and U uuw toasvtl hy
, Who wtll siiiy bnlh old and 11am ousvihii-
vni wiiu lat
if,s Milk In the Mu ki t,
limptly and ut reasonable rules. )ua n
. i .iort iITi- 1
1 Impjviu I.. you y ; V 1 y I
! I'tl R 1 H VKt-KKS' I?a?i,
pay nt nee in ' " , i
eiMiius ill'il i ii .- .Vis,-)
bosi nei'Mleiiui e n W'-
olalnia. wpb J' u" . i
reiptof a ttsf-i loi-vi?'-prov.lonn
lu nil It- 1' "fle
Tnn Mlllinnc nf Af.SClS. T"
ol .u pi"'
iiiin inf n v linil E 'Kr1'
nionton h
East Oieonlan bulUIni lvi