East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 16, 1888, Image 2

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MONDAY, .1 t'l.Y II!, 1888.
Hunt Orrtforilnti
1' iilit t li I ri tr Ciiinpnny,
Olio conv hit Vftur. lav mnll , .. L"i Ul
Out, copy nix iiiiintlii, hy mull 2 fin
thio ropy per week, hy currier IS
HIiikIci mimhcrM U'
I)lnitii)l ,Mwrtlrmrntu)
Onn Iticli, or I (, Hi Heml-Weekly per
111111111 ti II
(Inn Inch, or hm, In Dully iter month I fid
Two InclicH, or lc, In hot Ft, per montli...a:i fit)
Overthrew I ache, Heml-Weekly, per Inch
per 1 1 1 o 1 1 f 1 1 , 1 al
Over llirco lhclio, Dully, per Inch per
inonil J V
Over tli -( Incite, In Ih.Ui, per Inch per
inonlh t 73
Onn copy per yntr. 12 ft)
One copy lx month I i"
HIiikIu number ur,
I'rL'tnliiin paper free to yearly nuo limn,.
Hoi Id noiipiirell iidvcrllMincnt In Hetnl
Weekly or Dully, tlrxt hiKertlon, per Inch,
ll.on; each HUhciii-'ut Imurtlon, fine.
Iiciil notice, ten rent per lino each In-Korllon,
i:iitoiiiai. cokui:hi'om)kn(!i:
High Tim-il ('liitliliiK uml I'rcn YTIiUky
The Wool Induntry Hiul Oilier In
Tim I'ortliiml itiiulri!iiiiiiil protection
organ ilnuHii't lllio tliu lfoiiihllwin jilat
form (ixuully, lint pmforH it to the. Demo
criil ic platform, Ih'chiini tlio latter doon
not tiroiioHo to uIhiIIhIi wholly hid t ut oneo
inu miiy on Hiiar nun rieo. hid rott
liiiul oru'iin of C'IiIim'm) lalior unit motion-
oIlc'H vvlueoH ut tliu fuel that tlio ItcpilUI
can patty Iuih rcaelicil tliut tdtiim of until
ilenr ami nlory mIkmc It propoM to h'vo
tliu people frcu ulilnky und tobacco rather
tluill cheilji i-lothlng uml food ; vet it pin
fern that to the democratic platform, Ihi-
eutiw, Hm dximiko Im (ho lutler iloort lint
malm HiiL'.ir uml lice lice.
llicru It nnilo ii Hiillieleiit ichhoii for
iimliiluiniiiL' Home duty on HUgur, ut leant,
nince revenues iiuiHt () tali-cd, liccmii-o
only u very hiiiiiII pmMrliiin of the Hii.ir
i.'oiiKiiineii in tnirt roiiniry in produced in
It, mill t oiiHciuiontiy tt Imp proHirllon of
the HiiL-iir tuv p;iid l'oiw iliicclly into the
iMtUMir.v of the government. Ucldo the
.Milln lull provided for u Inure (ikIiicIIoii
uixm Hittrur-over twelve inlllluii dullitrri
uimiiully which tocuy the leiiHt, miiNt he
ucuiiDWicdL'cii tiy uny person wincerely In
favor of "flee IikmI prodiieln" in u bten in
the right direction, The Orcuonlun
clamoro for freo "food proihli'tH." Tho
I Viiioenitie platform iroMM'H to nuiko
food piodiiclH iiincli mum nearly free than
they liuve Ihhin ; the Itepiihlleun pliilforin
proH)C('H to Leep tip the tux to the highcht
uuttli; yet thin foiiHiHtcnt organ Mmln tho
liopuhllcmi Pliilforin on thin null eft the
moHt preferuhlo.
nut Why clamor lor lice "IimmI pioilucta
uny tnore Hum for tree "clothing pro
ductrtVAre not iIoIIichuiiuiic Ii a neccn.ly
iwfoodV Ih it not tin iiincli the duty of
the government to lake the cnornioiiM
vv.ir-tuxcH nil' of clothing product na of
food produclH'.1 The tux a Nxir family
p.i)H on all the migur mid rice they con-
Hume a year will iirohahly not aiiiomit to
im HepulillcaiiH who ate opposed to freo
trade and freo wliinky, and yet are. utren
uotifly in favor of reducing the parent
otitruucoiiHly opireHlo tarill', nhoiild fol
low Ids example, tho 'woodn' will 1x
pretty full hy next November. Tho Im
inetiHo KiirpliiH in the National treamiry
Im fraught with increaHlni,' ovilg utid
datigern. There lit tt (jranhiK discontent
unions the intelligent working cUmcm
dlli IiIIi tarllfoii the nerenKarieH of life.
The many are now hiudened for the
beiiulit of tho few. 'I liirtv vearH
utpi I iifed my tonge and pen zculotielv
for tho Itupuhliean party in itH carlv
i-onlllctH with tho mounter of chattel
fluvciy. ItH name and fame are dear to
me; and I had fronted that it would not
now become itself enslaved to tho iu
aetionarv rtilo of thoMi who build tip
motiopolioH ut tho oxpeiiw! of the great
maHh of tho jieople." ,
Aualn, in 1 did it few dityn ago, 1 unk
readerM to temember that It n not I who
tinert UiIh langituL'o; neither Im it any I
Democrat no traitor rebel, or copier-1
head an of eoiirce all DemiNirutu are
but it man, who Ii.ik been an ardent and 1
Influential ItciMthlUaii ONernluce the Unit .
orgaulutiou of tliut party, mid im lie
has Undo Sam's domain for Ills raiiKO I
cay I believe tho wool growor la ntlll tho
better oir of tho two.
Hut I have only considered ono class of
non-protected 'individuals. Umatilla
county contains alKitit 1 -1,000 people, and
ut the lowest possible estimate over thi
teen-fourleeiitliH of them arc entirely ,
without "protection" and paying ah !
averauo war tariir tax of forty-seven ter
f'.Mit on tho pretext that thoy uro helping '
out their good friends it d neighbors, tho i
wool growers i while In reality thoy are
wool growers und all paying tribute ton ,
glgantie combination of monopolle), cat)
italists and trusts, which seek to gain
control of tho country and Kiibvcrt tho
liberties of tho jieople. J. I'. V.
We ofibr for stile our largo stock of
Wasco Independent Academy,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Hpeclnl prepiirntlon or t'nlvrrnltlp In Ore
gon or WikIiIiikIoii, for t'nlvrrnltyof Cnl
Iforiilu, lliirviiril, YhIi ami otliem,or
for liiiHlnedi ftudcnls not nculclhtf
colli'Klutn eilueiitlon limy grml
unto hero In
Monday, July 16
Mr. Geo. Wessells,
.yupporteil hy lilt own c.ircfulty celcctcil
t:omp:uiy of UomudlniiH In
uiivJ m iiii uii! Jia u tii rf fil.rf7i ...r.M, SiW8icaL SweiitHie or rorinnl
NovemlMir. 1 see boasts almost daily of fOUItMRS.
accessions to tho monoHilIsts from the "o1' l"lriintlon In Klotutlon, MiiMennu
l)eiu(s:ratic tarty: lint tliey who tire
leu dollars ; the tax they iuv on tlx
cheaper grades of clothing, m lib it are
taxed the highest, will iiiuoiint to iiittch
crossing tliu lino are not all going one
way Hy Novemln;r f believe the ntimlsjr
of those who have forsaken the frco
u Jilnk y and dear-clothing patty will far
exceed those who have gone to it. Seri
ously, candidly, honestly, thete must bo
thousands of old-time ltepublinins who
have lead that "plank" with strange sen
nations of regret and pity. This old party
that whs once so useful, so noble, so lofty
in its aims, so "t!raud"in their eves, now
I lays for tint chief corner stone of tlio odl
I lice it hopes to re-erect on the ruins of the
1 past this
Itather than nliolish uliv utotn of tlio
war tuxes on tho neccssttrfes of life, w hlcli
enure ehlellv to tint benellt of eatiltullsls
I ...liuiu ,..i.. ..!,-.. ii... I
iijiii niiri n, iiv 'iin.r; 11, . u nv
people of this gloriotiscouutry free whisky
and tobacco by alsilislilng tevenue tuxes.
How have the mighty fallen I
Hut on this subject of Indited taxation
every man, oory locality, every Congies
siotial disttlct, every Slate, every "sec
tion," Is, or is made to believe that it is,
looking out csccially for ilself, and for
its particular "interests." Kucli would
i uiu the other to protect Itself, but this U
not done because all must combine In or
der to Htucessfully grallfv Individual greed.
All sorts of "intcif'ds" Imagine them
selves bcnelltled, and so Join the "com
bine," ultliottgh they too uio plundered
lusteiul oi assisted.
Such is the case of the I'ustern Oicgon
wool-urimcr. lie is made to believe that
a high tariir on wool is of great huuollt to
lilni. the proteelionits declaim that
they me protecting the gieat "wool in
dustry." I'orone, I deny it. Iliuvo ie
H'aledly given my teasous for that bdief.
I have also given historical and statistical
proof of the correctness of that belief.
I'o this tlieie Is but one answer: We are
protecting the wool industry, which you
are trying to destroy. I don't know why
I why any man, esscially u man living
whcio that industry is laru'oly carried on
should deslie to destroy that industry. If
Art. Good illNclpllim mid good moral tone.
Full CMtilpincntH, Wrlln fr enlaloKiln lo .
, , It. II. WII.MM, . M
yU dnw ltn Principal.
Yillard House.
IIAtB IIOKW, I'roprletor.
Mrlteerved HcaU nt KlctcliorV.
Furniture, Store and Fixtures
which iiiut ho i!lpoetl of bo: ween now nmt
September 1st, 1888.
The Furniture will be ollered daily at prices that will nmt'
sale. A call at our store will utiv inco you tlmf "
we mean to
Dispose of the Stock, Store and Fixturea
Now is the time to buy what Furniture v J
Northwenl Corner Mnln anil ;Court Htreet,
H. J. Ilorton, Proprietor.
Mala nnd Hallroiid HI-,, Pendleton, Oregon.
Klrst-cliiw la every respect, Nenr Hie de
pot anil Iihx every convctiloiicr. Terini II a
lay. J 1 1 dnw
rnprletnr of tlm
Klve-C'ent lli-rr Hull,
Mnln St.,oppoiilto poitoitlc;, I'endletoti.
Pendleton liecr on druiiulit. U'lnci, lliiiiiim
anil einurn.or tliu bent bratiil, u Mock,
Court Street
Jli2l I 111 dxw
and see.
3E3CO"WE331.1L tSa OO,
Pendleton, Oregoa
ltc-opened, Ro-furniHlied
Equipped in Fiint
OliiHa Style.
Free Conch to and from Trains.
Wm:ai:.vtiouTs ok kstuav iioiihim
The whereabout of tho follnwlnydf-crlliod
liorneo are known In thlt ollleoi
Onn Kruy wi.rlc hor-e, pid all rouuil; into
Imy liorxe, nliod In from; film Imy hnrnu nntc
footeil; onn liny liorxe, nIhuI all round. Two
of IIii'ko miliiiam nru without hrundinnd Hid I
other two ii r" hranded. Hue l.iiy Huddle!
! iiome, nriiiiiieii 7 1. (ivlimiliiwn on rUhl hip.
I uniiern mare. Iiniudeil H on rlitht hlpand I
, ( oil iril nip.
One umv ueldlinr. hniiiilnl tfnn lefi liln.
I Olielny mure, linuided lilotlnl riictml
1 on left Hhoiilderand Ii I. "ti Unlit lili.
iiii imy inure, nrmnleil with a Mdv'iirt
hrand on left shintlder.
Dm hay Htud null, two yentK n., 1 randed
KCN.OII. OH f Nhllllllll'l.
Hie owner oMlu-e noreneiui leiirn of Hm
whereiilMiutsof II liori-4 hy eneloililit l 1
for ennh liorHonnil nddrcNiinu ihln oilier. If , .
Hie lioie lire not reeoveted from (lie lufor-'
million fiirmnlied tliu money will U re-1
turned. Addre!
I n5 rendition. Oietfon.
miim, Carpets and Linokiq
complete otooic, (.ovurinc live tliousand snuure feet
f 1
'aickn nr.
Goods Sold on Easy Payments.
1111110 tliun UiIh: why Htirlij an outcry for
lroi "liMxl ptoilin lN, ' uml jid unlliliiK lait
tluniiui'lauou for tlio iN'mcniiic .lomanil
for i'lnui rMh iimIii'Ih?
Tlio ii'UMoui an olivioiiH-for thorn uro
two. Dm lit that certain Southern Hutc-i,
liasliiH hail hih irtcctlon for many
yomx on ctitfur uml rice, uoulil not In
wllhnu In hiiciIiIc tin whole at mie hlow
aniomitiiin 11 m It iIocm to Home twenty
lllinw the whole mhi tarill' ami the
I'ottliiml oruau in KlinlNnl with no litiH
latloit 1 1 nit ilmw not anlai(oiiie ami mixer
tho "reln'1 MuttM." 'I'he other ivuhoii
that fieo ' 1 f 1 h h I tir.Mluctn," v. itlt tuxcil
clollilnu ir.nlui'l, uuiilil ho u hlnw ut the
iiKrU'iilimalixiH alone. The plan Im to ilo
Hthiy the fanner' mailet utiniml.Mi an to
uuuiel them In hoth Imy uml Mill at ihe
mumif.irtmerw' uml iiiilllonulii' rieoii.
The I'otlluuil oiuu ileiimtiH, or pietejiiln
toiletuaml, "free fikxl imiut;' yet ih
lioinuiw a Hinall fU' Himuelcil towiihl
(ii'Oclutliliir.iloi'U. Whit ouiHitetiev 1
Anil in aililnluii t thin, ii i now olilimnl
to iiilm'atc u ila' form thut piihim hoe
whULy amUnv t Imiv 1 in prefmemv to
tlllhtir elmaii f.mlor cheap clirthinn. To
thin iloplh I nut the Itepiitihcuu imrty ile-j
y WHOiitt'ii. tun i uu tte'iMii, or to uuv
i& uml, the I'ortlaml otxau of l liiiu clti-
w 1.1.. 1 11
ximniii win iiuiow.
Ah olio example out of many mte.t.
of "old lino" lieKihllcatu ujr.iiiHi
thin fiee-liik-auil-iUim-i'lotliiiiK ihOicy,
which I hiivn not teail Miicethe I'liicaiio
i convention, 1 iniote a few M'litena ofu
-letter written hy Itev. T. I., t'tiylor in
! the Now Y01L i:uuKeliNi .
i "l claim," wivh Mr. I ' Ki . "the juiv
"'llef,' of ait olil l.iinsilnite Ueptihlieun to
miter my orii.t piiit MgahiMt llii-i
, louctloitary pl.inl on the moot contio
'1 viiiIimI inieMtiou of the hour, lit I 1 1 u
IteimhlU'iiu c.iiaentiou wUely itixlaiml
In favor of the iew.m of tho tarill, ami
the iisliu'tinn of the enorineiiHaml ilau-1
Kormw wiri'lm. Itut ihlit year's iiuen
(Ion liax irtruuiftil) iUvUihI in favor of
tho rncticai uiainteii.iiice of the tMut ,
oxoihituut uml oiiMiie war turia,
. uml lu onlor to (irtivuUt ttisuiuHl the uccu-1
- mutation of a miiihu, It euiuealti a iep'al 1
of the ttuofl on uhinly uml lo-1
haceo. Inotwnl of titkiiikt oil the Imuleun j
from the nccwuiiiM of life, it would vc
na five I'iiK'n uml friH) whUk . i
I nut not the only iliouiioui attiiunt the '
oMivme hilt tarill heuviiM ot the late '
invention. Many of the nuwt jKiwerful
lteiuilillciinjotirualrtiireiiniUvitinj'apiiust i
them, and Mich staunch ami thoughtful
Koimhlloanii tin IN-Mayor Seth Aiw
uml Kev. Ur. Stern, uml many othorn of
our llrooklvn cltlrens. are in iiumi mvolt
iT.iiust thorn. Ur Storm saul to mo in.
there Im to ho it plunder all around, 1
would wMi tho wiHil-urowcrri fount their
Hhare, certainly, for they uiu 11 very
iiHcful clunrt ol eopli) In our country. I
only nay that they don't net their hIiuio
they pt nothliiK. If wool had heon
placed on the freo lint (utility yearn uko,
ami kept there, und nil ideu of rcHtorlne
Hie tux on it ulveii iu, can any 0110
dotilit that wool would Ik, worth more
than olnlit or leu cciiIh tt hiiiiiiI to-day in
iviuiieion : ou t there not have icon
moie itiauiifactiireM, it liroader market, a
meiiter mid iiartlculatlv it more Htuhlo do-
imiml and price? 'I lime can Ih, no doubt
of II.
Hut the earth unit the fullncHs thereof
was not made for the wool-rowur alone.
I can ji'icclse no pound rciHon why the
man wuo rai-cM came or who rui-t-.i
wheat hIioiiIiI not have an eimal chaine.
under the law , to pluudor with tho wool
Krowor. To fay that tho wertein wheat
uiUei or c.iltle-iu.ui o a No jirotccted U
iiiMtilt uildcil to injury. They hae 11 mir
pIiih. which iniint ilud 11 foreign market.
I'he price of that Hiirphl in thai forcii;u
murkul ciiuthiU the price of the whole
iimuehMi pioilml.
Let UN look over t'lnatilla county
I'lKht at home. We will Hiippoiie it pin
ihuM far eximit a million potnuU of wo.i
uml two million luiNhelit of wheat a up
lwitloii mie whore near Ihe f.iot. Sup
fatther, thut the uveruue IIlh'U
ownwl hy one wool flower in l.'tKi head,
and the uveruue vleld of wiml iht head
eiuht ikhiiiiIh, or IJ.O.KI NiuiiiN of wool on '
tin uveniKe to (melt tlock-maotei'. Divid .
Iiik tho total product, ono million potindK,
hy Ihln imtulKir, we have the pixiUil le '
uumiwr 01 meu ennaueti in wool-grow tut;. ,
namely, eiitlity-ellit. 1 don't pretend
thin l atvtimto, hut 1 iuiipo, .m u mat
ter of fact that one hundred would mint
Ikt nil the men in I'inatlllit e unity own-1
inu coii-iderahle IkuiiIh ol hheep. I will !
fiuthei Mipporo that ouch of thorn em-1
plovH two men uml has 11 family of four
miim. making a total numlHj'r of ivr-
wain directly de endont upon wool-Brow-
I hi; Keu hiiudicil in tho eouulv.
i . 1 . .... t .
10 1 Tim uue 1110 two minion tawiiolrt id 1
wheat nx pill en nay lAUKkl uoiw, owned I
hy MHI men. Kach of Ihot-o ali., han it
familv (o piipimil, makliiu u total entfiiml !
ut wheat raining id l.iXK) iotplo deH,n-1
U)nt iixm thin liulitptry Kitwtvn live
ami d iniien an many as uro ontKiKcd in
wool iHuvviiiK. I iitiuht rtop tlKhl horn
ami ask, il it in light, or jiiht, to enor
mouslv tu there l.iHKi jHHiple ami gen
erally tho Hxirer chu of thorn, to.,, for
the Kmorlt of the 700 gouor.tllv tho
mom well-tiwlo elmn of tho two'.'
Hut we neel not ntep heiv. Wo might
go 011 to immiio into tho relative co.-t i
the prtHluciug a umdiol of wheat mid u
vumd of vviwl, to aM-eituin whether tho
wrol grower could not an well produce
wool for tho tinual market nricoanthe
wluvit growor can iuxkIiuv w heat for its 1
HllCCenkOn, Ift
MA ItS 11 A f.L it' .N'A'
t'orner .Main uml Wilier flt,,
Pondloton. - Orogon
All kltidn of lllackiimllhlnK ploiiK In Iho
lientiiuil prompt miimier. WiiKoiin, lluKlck
and luickH made loonier.
lit'imMtm ti Spfrhilli.
I'arlU'iiliii iittentlou to home bIiocIhk
iiniuiimnnuti u
Hank iMilldliijr.Coiirt Ntrecl.lVudlelon
Milkleul Mer-
kept In
llniii4, Or
t'liux, und all
Kliutu of uiu-
lea I Inmrii.
menu sold mi
mem pl ot
I III. I I'.lllll.. I.M 1 .A I..I.. ..I ... IIA.-.I
... ,..,,,, iiii.i i-, riKlll. Ilinilll J IW
pound, Willi eolt alioiit two iniiiitlm olil. uml
oneuriiy earllnif, ht huiuinij R.r: none of
Ihemi Imvi, lirHiid- or hint. AImi onn uruv
hiime, 1 wo jeiun old, with 11 dim hrmiil
HiuielhliiK like (he letter i, lylm;
ilown, eurvo up, 011 tho left Minufder.
wnpereiin n-enver niiuii, ny eiillini; 011 the
miilernlL'tieil, ut hu much, .lulu miles north
of liixiii.iiiiil piiyliu; I'hiirKeii
Aildrem! M. , IIKAOI.K,
JuIOIiimInw VIiimiii, t,r.
CTocKiioi.iiKif.s .mki:tino.
Duo nollee In hereliVKlven Unit 11 mei-thm
of the MiK-khi, dern of tin, Oreiion lltllldliu; a
I.OIIII Akuii' ill nil will I1.1 In. 1. 1 ni 11,,. ..in...?...
he IMiuitllht Heal Ivthitit A U,nn Agnelli
llim. ln I'endlel'in, llinut ltln eiuinty, ureaon,
11I 7 o'clock 1 f July -Jiili, isis, for th
pnrpooof forinuhilliiKiiiiil uloptlnir 11 eon
lltiitlon und hy-HW, mid rleetliiir neli ill
jerluM und committee 11 win conform to
tliu hy-hiwi then udop ed.
J. II. ItAI.KV. '
I". Jl. ;i.ii-ii.n-,
. , . It. SAIIOKNT,
JuKlmil J. .M.I'llUKTl.
F01 lDes & "Wlieeler,
Axiioclation lliilldliiij
Pendleton, Cl
Protection or Tariff Reform,
lley.md iplotloii, IheTiirltrU the lMieon which tlio comlnircumimlim will k fucitl
2otici:to coNTitAtrroitH
llliN will ho received up to ''i
or .Moniiiiy, tlie H.lh day of July, K,for tin.
was .
E he protective
tiuiLViJ .1.. .'" '.VH 'r.' V.''Var 'criis well iihii tcxt-Unik fiirlholeariml.
nil I lit. ivirimi. .f Mul.i .....I i ..'. .''1 Tli. iuu.l, . a. I
VeillN III I'lilmresK" In fiiken nil. Idi UWItiolfl
num.-10 iiiriimu nieirown rriimiiniii.
011 llicvnriiaror MmIii uml WHter reu, Mi l l",?Hm of .Mr. Illnlne'ii "Twenlv
hiMownof I'enilleton. I'miilllla rnmily.'orl Hu lln- Tarill aii.ilyed.crltlclvH ,, Vi,
eiro 1. t'oiitriiotorlofmiiMi all material ..x. 1
cepi urifK. 1 anmiiiil pf(. tliiiitloiu cm tie I lwnnniM-i..i-
neeii at he. olllee of llnlley toi -. In l,7 INDORSEW1ENTS:
I"?'.?' "" "" "ii-eiiiiici in (-:-,- 1,1,1 Thfiiiiiiiiwil u.11,. , ..
,"s"l,r'H llf''r"'''''H'r,tworK,Vfpre,;dln?h::t
"J,i?li"'B,,".""",.,'"e'1 w" M ""llhled ellivk
m so , iir ' n 1 roiiiininneil Unit If .i
neiwi:. d hldilerwlll Nl;;ii 11 cinitniel to luilld I ,. ,
i ill I".,',1'' '"rdlim m the plum, und 1 ,.r.. ".e,"1' " ' '".' 'X-ltloii of II
lenilleliin,(lici!ou,.Mln Ml., near Wehh.
a ii.vt-: stdcic or goods
Jiut re. eiveil.
Sntisfnctton Cunrnntoocl J j
In cverv purti 'ill r
Echo, Oregou.
prAi.ru IN
r kpreiiitlnir the truth iiiiiouk Hip Iwopw. ,
DON .M. DlflCINiSON. llMtiiiiwUT (ifneril
i nil nine and Invent .iviu.iin.... 1 .. ... . ' ... ........
" -He .llmm i.ren .r..l 7rV. ,V, . 1 ViU" l ". Thf work I tlimdy.iind . v , " . ' " " " ' ' "? VI"
Mlll.llllll. II,- i.r..l.,,-. f 1 f. " vw, .,,,,, i uiu im-iiiiiii.-..........
. u v 1 .., i.i..i. ......... I . . . "'I " II. YV. TOVV.rtK.M
...ua.l I 1 IIIIIIIU. Illtll llal l...l. ... . .
.,,. , ,, 'n'., 'T"" .l',i," limit eolllllleliiliill.in 1, Im Imllmnn lov
rV a V. " a di and tot
Hllil larlir '
f.,!! exiepl l.rluk, uml will furnUli it uuod
I.I..I .uit,.i.t lH,. ,i tho mn of i ojwf for
fiillhl 111 i.rrfoimriii.vo .,r ...1.1 ......J.... ! ; .
fr.'" m"mWr Tt
""k ."oiiiniipi., or ii, ui xt'relHrv.
V. ('. ,1 ATI.OOK,
I I lit, i ... r" M- W'HKKIA'H,
J.J. UAI.I.KltA , Jiultdlnir fm.
Necretury. J7 tl
Grain Bags.
ami DvtrlrL'.H
tni i:. ir.'s.
,'l''v0lV!',".,lVlr,'ll, .eonninlcul iiuestlmu nf wfp"!
'.. tui-.. , i a . . i, in,. i iv, .niiiiuiioiioiivriii in"- m
And uiHiiy oth. r.. h " ''"" " 1' I'l-'TUAI, fo.M.MHTr;!-. OK ILLINOIS.
I Kl'K '.TfUi1 ! !3H!' ! Neinl-Ww Uly Oivm.oi,,,, n v..r..
I'fhbva- I M,H"'"1 ni. H,t pu'd . . .,
lViidlcton. OrfS
i or aii Kn .1., T,.t,j. r'in, ijjf.
Gen. Merchaiidise;PlliraD PM" bags
A SiKliiH.v .
Bollei' Mills
Flour. ;
SI OH AO Kami FOUWA 111) fXO
Now nnd Soconcl-Knnd Furniture, Stoves,
Conoral Household Goods,
C HOOK 13R Y. (ll , ASS WAKE,
OK VI. Kit tN
Mlllc Cri.He
usual market rUv, uml I lutvo uutUmlit 1 USnQlGS
too tvuii vvouiu Miovv mat vviwl ut ten
conU it ikjuiuI ami wheat nt tiftv is.mm ,1
IiuhIicI with mutton uluvi, ut (wo voarn' ! al
olil worth f J.i'j on tho ntnyA,, ttfter iliear-' jiji ",? ,i
mil, mm Willi tlio Illilli Iivliiht nitoonl -
ytwtonlay (hut im ho wulil not turn IVtn-1 w cvuifiilerint;, too, that (ho vv hca( T I'lNKS.
ocntt, ho Bhouhl liultato tvimlio in tho , Broker must Imihl, fence, buy Imt.lo-i More ihn two huudred formi of let
utory, uml 'tako (o (ho vvixxla.' lUllofl'w.tniltivato.aiulthatthowoolijrovver iUni at mn orn.. Luwyen nd otiin
mwdluf tptclml fonu emu t nuppUeJ.
Vine ImH,rUl and IHmie.llo Clur alway
III ktlH'K.
near the brldse, IVmlletou, Oresou
w I
Goods sold on tho
; THE SS? 1 a., w.
Ws, tlie PhotoiMDier.
Installment Pan, in Easy Terms.
PomllttHtu OrV'
styeknowntotte f 2tc Bl1sPv He takes pictures in every
yxv ii-uownto tlie art, and absolutely truaraiit.pft n.isfaction.
Over the Postofflce
Briggs, the Photographer
Pendleton, Ore