East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 14, 1888, Image 4

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a i' aii ciiv to iii:,vi:n.
Wbatt dot thou prf that th outgoo Uda hi
rolled back on Dm strand.
Ths flams be rekindled that mounted swj frota
lha smoldering brand,
Th pout itiminrr hvmt flow golden through
stubblo Und naked and sear,
Th winter jri-sjr wood upgttbcr and quicken the
Imtm of lut year!
Thy prayers are a cloudi In a drouth) recardJau.
unfruitful, they roll;
For this, that thou prayest rain things, 'US a far
cry to tiraten, my soul
Oh, a far cry to beaten!
Tnou dreament the word shall return, ihot arrow-
Uko into the air,
The wound In the breast where It lodft-ed bo
balmnd and closml for thy prayer,
The ear of the dead I) unsealed till tbou whisper
a boon onco denied.
Thy whltohourof lire be restored, that passed
then uiiprlied, undoncrledl
For this. Uiat thou prajrest fond things, thy
prayers shall fall wldo of the iroal
Ood blowrth them bock with a breath, tU a far
cry to heaen, my soul
Ob, a far cry to beaten I
And cravi-.t thnn fondly the (julTcringiana shall
bo firm to thy feet,
The brackish ol of tlio waste to thy lips be
mad wholesome nnil sweet t
And crsvct thou subtly the bane thou deslrcst be
wrought Ui thy good,
As forth f nun a poisonous flower a boe conreyeth
safe food I
For this, that thou prayest 111 thing, thy prayers
aru mi nnjcr rent scroll!
ThochamlxT of audit Is closed 'tis a far cry to
beaten, my sotil-
Oh, n far cry to heatenl
Edith It Thomas In The Century.
Leezer & KueDler,
Tlic Ihrgcit aii'l most complete slock of
Drugs. M.G.iu,
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastorn Orogon.
Despaln Block
A Newspaper Man's Varatlon,
Sovcrnl newspaper mo worn speaking
of how generous tlio proprietors of ibclr
papers wero In granting them vacations,
whun a follow tiaimxl tihnfjvn remarked
"Von, I worked for onu of those folio?
onco. I asltud him omi day If ho woura
glvo mo 11 vacutlon. Ho replied that the
granting of my request would glvo him
great pleasure. I went away aud stayed
threo weeks."
"Well," soino ono remarked, "was Ihcro
anything wrong about Ihutf
About tlio vacation Oh, 110. Tlio
Tarntlon was all right, hut tlio proprlotor
mado It too long When I went buck ho
told 1110 to lot It run on. Thnt waft llvo
yearn ago, nnil It In nt 111 ruuulitgon. Very
Kind lu him, I niiiHt tiny, hut 0110 trouhlo
arose, llo stopped my pay." Arkansuw
W'rrn It Out Its Nnlile.
Many persons hnvo wondered hotr doing
a lively i;nlup j,ol to Iki railed "danclntf
thu racquet " Mm. Simmons, 11 well
known young lady of Washington, com
K)hoI n low years ago it galop mid was nt
a loss to glvo It 11 inline. Onu day, belli);
disturbed by childreii In thu room, aim
called out. "Don't mulm Hiirh n rnrkct,"
which was ciiuglit up und repented by thu
children 11 they went out. It occurred
to her that It wiin a god nninu for her
plrro, und mi, with a touch of I'rcneh, she
A Trie of Cola Tossing.
A man walked Into an uptown saloon
the other day and called for a glass of
beer Ho fished a now silver dollar from
his pocket, spun It ou the counter, and
offered to bet tlio bartender tho beer that
It would turn up heads Tho bartender
took the bet and won It, for tails were up
when thu coin sottlcd. A well dressed
countryman by tho bar looked Interested,
and the man exclaimed pettishly that he
would call tho next spin for a dollar.
"Dono," said tho countryman. Tho
man spun tho dollar, called talis and
"Mere luck," said tho countryman, dls
gustedly, "or elso a trick. 111 go you an
other dollar on It If you let mo spin It.
Tlio man assented, and tho countryman
spun tho dollar Tho man called tails,
and tails appeared As tho countryman,
with an oxclamatlon, turned to go, the
man said, In a patronizing tone
"I bet 1 can call It four times out of
"Flvo dollars on It," said tho country,
man, hotly
Tho man put up tho money with tho
bartender, and, as tho countryman spun
the dollar, called talis flvo succcsslvo
times Tlio dollar nettled tails four times,
and tho man pocketed the bet. Then ho
"Look hero, greeny, slnco I've won
Buven of your dollars and don't expect to
work till city again rcry soon, I'll tell
you something you didn't know When
you spin a coin tho side that has the
heaviest markings will sottlo at the bot
tom nlno times out of ten, provided tho
Btirfoco you spin on Is perfectly level.
With n now silver dollar you'll win by
calling tails lust nlno times In ten on tho
long run Other coins don't havo such a
tlllTorcnro In weight lietween tho mold
lugs of tho two sides, und ain't no certain,
and In old silver dollars tho dllTeronco Is
lessened by tho wearing off of the Inscrip
tions You stick to now sllvor dollars,
work It gently, and you'll havo your (7
bock before night. Good day. "Now York
How to Make llnntl Kmiinlss.
Tho Iloshklrs are renowned for their
skill In making koumiss, or fermented
mares' milk, which Is now extensively
consumed by patients suffering from dys
peptic and wasting diseases, and so easy Is
It of digestion that Invalids drink ten,
fifteen, and occasionally oven twenty
chumpngno bottles a day, while n Ilashklr
Is ablo to overcome a couplo of gallons at
a sitting, and In 11 hour or two to bo ready
for iiuiro To Insure good koumiss It U
tuMitnt int flint flu, mnt-utt Iia nf thu ilpnns
brood, and fed on steppo pasture Thoy ) li! I-urgo 1'ugon unil 81 Long Columns
are milked from four to eight tlmosnduy,
tho foal being keptapurt from tho mother,
anil allowed to surii only ill too nignt
tlmo Tho mure will not glvo her milk,
however, unlet s nt tho tlmo of milking
her foal Is brought to her sldo, when such
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Rates;
Un Tho North American Continent.
called It tho "Itm'ouot Oalop," and over
1:00.000 coiiles of It hnvo hcou sold. Phil
adelphia 'limes
Didn't Quite lliiilerstiinil II.
Johatin Kchtiell, a new mosnenger In the
navy department at Washington, Is ex
treiuoly nervous regarding a telephone,
never having seen 0110 until a few days
ago llo was obliged to answer a call
from tho Instrument recently aud his In
coherent answers itxaHerutud tho speakei
nt tho other end of tho lino "You must
havo been drinking," Hclmell heard tho
angry Individual exclaim "No, I
haven't," said tho messenger, gently
"It must ho tho string tobacco 1 am
rhuwlng that you smell." Now Vork
A ('urn for Sritmlitl,
Mrs. llusenlicrry What queer wnys
they luvvo In homo eountrleil This paer
navs that lu Morocco when tho women
tulli scandal their lips uro rubbed with
cayenne pepper
Sir OuHeuWrry An odd custom Indeed
(Half an hour later.) Whuru are you
going, my dear?
Mrs Dusenborry To tho sowing circle
Lot mo seo, I've got my scissors, thread,
Mr l)iiseiilrry And tho eayeuno pep-
peri iwiruii I'Too rress.
Cheap I'Hlut lor Outbuilding.
Tho Amerlcun Cultivator recommends a
mixture of hydraulic cement mid skim
uillk for painting furiu buildings and
fences. Thu cement l.t placed lu a bucket
and aweot sklin milk stirred lu until tho
mixture Is of tho consistency of cream.
Tho proport Ions uro about 0110 quart of
cement to n gallon of milk Color may bo
added If desired This plan Is cheap and
durable. I'Vunk Utile's
Is tho toy of reunion that after sundry
acts or loving anil smelling una Kissing, '
tho maternal feeling shows Itself by her j
sometimes giving milk from both nipples 1
at onco I
Milking Is dono by tho Ilashklr women
who. taking a position close to tho hind j
legs of tho mure, rest on 0110 knee, and on
tlio other support a pall uirecuy under 1110
udder, pulling at each nipple In turn, aud
receiving from threo to four pints each
tlmo of milking To muko koumiss tho
milk Is beaten up In a churn (but uotsulll
cloutly to produce butter), and by fermen
tation Is converted after twenty four
hours Into weak koumiss, from which con
dition after twelvo hours more It passes
Into a medium degree of strength, whilst
strong koumiss Is produced by assiduous
agitation of the milk for two or threo days,
aud It Is then said to bo slightly Intoxica
ting Henry l-anadell, D.I)., In Harper's
C'lirloim hiiiI I7iiliiii. llrrnruUoiir.
A lady riding In an elevated train re
cently was uttracted by tho singular
beauty of a hand bug carried by tho lady
sitting by tier sldo Curiosity overcame
reserve before long, and sho remarked
upon tho beauty of tho bug
"it was muuo mini too skiii or a rat
tlesnako," said tho owner, calmly.
"How wonderfully pretty It Isl" ox.
claimed tho udmlrer, leaning forward to
examine It more carefully Tho owner
looked pleased aud surprised.
"You are tho very tlrst porson," she
said, "to whom I havo told what It Is that
has not shrunk from It, saving. 1 don't
sou how you can carry It. I This was ono
of Itanium's big rattlesnakes A friend
of mine Is employed In tho circus men
agorle, and when this reptile died ho gavo
' mo tlio skin 1 uavo a small rug mono or
It, besides this bug, aud It is bordered
with tho skin of a leopard that also bo-
longed to Harnum. 1 liavo tho skins of
sevoral of H.irnum's dead animals aud
they mako beautiful articles. That of a
' glrullo mado Into a rebo bordered with
tiger fur Is greatly admired. I am long.
1 lug for an elephant to dlo now, for I have
a chair that will bo fiuo when It Is up
holstered with tho mouse colored hide. It
Is a great advantage to have such unique
decorations that u 0110 could imitate
! them. "New Vork Cor Chlcajro HraJd.
Published In and ulvon with eacli Initio of
tint week I v till Ion.
lleulunliiK An . I, ami cnulluuliiir there
after, Tim World will print wild eacli Issue a
complete novel by a popular author. Among
flu, u'rliii-N will bel
1 ui';ijucnt's,
!.Mr. Ali-xauiler,
John H. Wln'er,
llleiiry Wool,
jM. K. Ilradilon,
I Florence Warden,
1. Mary t'eell May
Wither lle.mil.
It'ihi. IliiPhiinaii,
It. I Htevusiui,
II I, I'lirji cm,
TliimiiiH llii'ily.
.1 1 1 1 11 1 1 Uiiwlliiirne,
K W. Itolilllkiiu,
.liih-s Verne,
llMitha M. Clay,
Annie I
Ithoiht I'Mwanls
I'M'. I'lilllllH.
I lia novels will tin the latent works of tho
let willers us they are published the hooks
whleh every one N tiilkluit about. Nothing
hut the very tirst will he mlmlllcd Into the
World's Mani.ord Library nf llrtlou.
This Library of I'lctlon Will He Huppllvd to
KnbterlUert Only.
No Kxtia t'oplps Will lie Printed.
No lliiek Numbers fan llo Kurulshed ami No
liiKle Copies Will ho Hold.
If You Wish the Series Complete,
HtmsCltlllK ATONCB.
One Year t!2 niiuiliers), Sit
U .Months (.'si iiiiiuhers),riO;
.1 Moulds (1,1 numbers',
THE WORLD, Now York.
' On aud afler this date, as administrator of
Mhe estate of the late William I toss. 1 nller
(for it'i-all un lvt aliH'k owned by the tit
j censed, eoiuistlug of
TlioroutItftml Jlnrtftml Ilitlln.
I Short-horn L'attlti, Grtute Cattle,
ami G tn ril Stock Vattlr.
Thoronihbrt'tl Snunhh Merino
Ilitt kn nnil liwen, HrfiMerett,
! Gntilti Murks nnil Stork Shfcp,
' AUo a lame number of Horses and u quan
tity of Hay,
1 For particulars, cull tin or address
Mnimcnllait riistuunts In Oriitii, '
Tho farmers of Willamette valley, 1
Ore., complain that the Monogollun
pheasants lutUHlucod a few yeurs ago and
protected bv law are Ufomlug ttni numer
ous lucohl weather they crowd Into the
barns among domestic fowls, sometimes
whipping barnyard cocks on their own
uuiigmlia, t'.uu making iiiomscivos as ou
; iiiy'.'ltlsw tf
IVmlletou, Dr.
noxious au tho
ton lludgot.
'heathen Chltteo." Hos
A Nt'lithlinr C'tirrectrtl,
Tho llloomington Telenhono makes tho
thrilling onnouuoement tltut "I'ph Hughes
has aditiHl a bathing department to his
toiuorlal ostablUhnient.' "lUihlng do
partmont" Is very ordinary lauguaco for
u iitvgrosstvo iiowpapori It should havo
said "ttblutlonary auuoJt." UullauajiolU
Almott Ahaiittita Alcohol.
If golatlno Iki MispendiHl In ordinary
alcohol It will absorb the water, but as It
Is lusolublo lu alcohol, that snUtanco will
remain Uddinl. ami thus uoarly absoluto
nloohol iuy In nbtainutl without dUtllla-tlwi.-
l'rauk IaI1o'.
IVorn oltsornttlons on tko Coiuro, M.
PtiptmU of tho ILrutHwlti Natural llUtory
imiMum. U oouvIiuhmI tlwt tho waters lu
tho liitorttir of control Africa ouco col.
leottnl lu a great lake, of xthich Stanley
pool Is tho last tviuuaut.
1 ClrrsstUit In Itsttlo Array.
Were war to embody Itself In a human
shape It could llud no better Incarnation
than tho flerco. tlgor Hko beauty of tho
Circassian in his battle array, with his
shining helmet and ringing mall, his saber
clanking at his sldo, aud ids long moun.
tain rills ou his shoulder Hut even In
his more peaceful dress of embroidered
white tunic slid sheepskin rap, loose blsck
velvet trousers, and sash of crimson silk,
there Is something barbarlo aud warlike
about his whole uppearunce which harmon
lies only too well with tho Hush of his
eagle eyo and the stem compression of
his musturhed lips You can seo at a
glance that war aud peril and bloodshed
are this man s natural element, and that,
when tamed aud clvlllze.1 ho will lose not
only his native ptcturvsqacuest, but oven
tho verv maiusiirtug of hut existence
David ftor In Thtt Cosmopolitan.
lur Ahead of Pit ruin.
i A Chisago umn Is lecturing on a theory
' of orolution that annihilates lKirwtn. llo
Miovs that man I a development from
plants through the bruto kind. Tho
Chtuatuau. he says, sprung from an alli
gator, tho alligator from a pluo log aud
tho ptno from ulectrlclty In tlio earth Tho
negro ooaio from the gorilla, tho UnglWi
man from tho bulldog tho Irishman from
tho terrier aud tho Uermau from tho
gooso. New York Evculug World,
Saoilar; mi Im Engineers.
Mapulacturers of
Steam aud; Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
Speelricatlous und etiuiutes furul.lusl for
lieailui; htllldlims In any ., Hon of tlieeonn
Iry. CorisMiudeiioe Mil.cll. I.
Portlnnd, Orogon. )u
Koimorly run by John Kulitht. has oluiusetl
limiiU, mill Is now ItutMtl hv
Who will supply both old and new wamw
ors whh the
i.V.sf .Milk In thr .Markt t,
promptly and at reasonable rates. jnii lm
Are Yoh Protected?
Those wlio bellevo so tlioroughly in protection should not
go imy longer without insurance on their property, of whatso
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
he indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your business those who represent none hut
the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the ofiico of
C cpton & Jackson,
Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton,
whore you can havo any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu
rine, Accident or Life insurance, dono up in
Tickets Ttos J
Elegant Pullman pa
Press TMini " 1
Kreo of charge and withal
Closo connections at l'ort'.r.j 1
elsco ana IMimffi'S-N
' 1
Knst hound passenger ...1...
Kast botiml iralohi .V...r.r!''
parts at 0:00 p. m.
tvvsi iiounii pa.ncnirer .-1.
West ho.u.d freight mUniV
parts at tildp. m. '""""WU
,,vn ... u.w 11, m. ror Willi
- ' nsiisw,
To Hun l'mnrl.f-n . ..
Hlnte, Muy 12 0" r
Oreuoo. Miiv in i'',??!
Columbia, Mnyso
Hiale. May 21
Ort-Kon, Mny?8
It is well to remember that to be securo you must insure in
ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Olopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
If you contemplate insurance, call on them and got posted
and it will cost you nothing. Kcmember their ofiico is in the
EAST OREGONIAN building, or address
I , n I
State, Juno 5
uriKou, jiiiidu
Columbia, Juuo 13
Hlntc, June 17
Oregon, June 21
riM.it;, j iiiiu
flrntrml. .lull- 4
i,eavo steamship wharf, rorJttil
Lo turn..!
nlKht. ---. ui
Leavo Spent Ht. t7harf. Sin FruJ
Hates nf l'siurt.
Including menlt andbti-.J
ltouini '1 rip, Unlimited.
Kor further narilmilsn I
of the Coiiipiiiiy, or A. U MutULl
Si V, A,, I'ortlanil, Orrgnn, I
i. is. spi.iv.FJin,
(lencnil Munojtr.
Great Rock Is
The direct atnl popular lint Utl
tviiu tue ntirinern rsrinf i
from Ht, I'aul and Mlnneifxillt
To 'ltleng nnil thr Hast.
To Mt. Iioulsi unil theHoittl
To Hen .llolnrs, Lrsuiii
A trillion andKu4
Tho Only Line M
at council in u tin, Lavenwonn i
uitv for
!IIIU.10 A!Mlf AH. POUT!
I'nlltnan I'nlace StitM
l'alace Dining Van
Accompany all Ihrtatifli Kipnol
tins nome.
Tickets for sale by all connrctltH
and connections muje inuums
fnrrnll Information rmnltmr
etc., apply to any roupno srMlfll
A .v. or Northern tftrHs
paules. or to V. C. ALUI
Ticket Acfnl,0. Ill
CII.1H. KKNKIIV. Urs. li
No. 3 Washington St., ratal
t.. i irii minnl."
Oen, TkU and I'ass. Alt. G Jl'l
Chleaiio, ill. ,".'''5vil
Uou. T. and I'. Act- I
Al5 MlnnwiJ!J
THF Nnrthprn Pacific
IWlman Itoluce fileri'ing tvru
ilagninernt Aiv CIxkM
jitni'Wt KmtaranlSlfrr
u Wili lltrtki
From Oregon and WaslilJ
n thn Fast.
Via Ht. I'aul and M'nM! 1
line running l'slnce l' Jl
Kawtest Tins Kvrr ''.JJl
Coanl Over hr' .rU'
faeinr s
To Hloux City, Council niBP.N
Atahlsoii, Leavenworth,
llurllngton. Oulncy. HU I1Y1
all pointstnrouKiiouti
rasivla Ht. 1'auland Mlnnll
Are hauled ou "fEJiSl
the entire lenslh of tb ,J"
iiiiiiruitM, i
iave Wallula lunctlon8:l(lj.J
lA'uve rnrnuiiu a h
Mlnneaitolls or Ht. I'aul
fourth day. , , jv.-i.iJV
Conneeflon made atSU ral'
ollslo all points Kast.hoalh o
Train will leave .Port land JW
m., connectlnif with O. It-
all points ou I'uset bAui cn.tKl!
neneral Western rMntr
Washington Ht,, )WAr.J(
They do
i .-.rv itsr.sai'l
you were insuro. .-
Til k 1 it VKLEits resoiirrrt
pay at once the "'"J1 JTfisS J
ebilms tliat even Bits '"SS s. i
lioat acohlents cm '"."JlUJ'
claims, without disc.un' lnr1,fl
ret elptofs llsfai tory proof.
provKrons lu all Its pollrlf.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two
of Surplus-
Clopton & Jacis
Resided V
EastOreionlan bulidlnr. f4