East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 14, 1888, Image 2

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    MtHUV.jriiV 1.'), 18H8."
Km I Orngniilmi I'iiIiIIiiIiIiib G'oinpntiy,
One. cony neryenr. hv mull
Onocoiiy nix month.. I iy inn
tiiui 'iij ,m-i ..run, ifj m 1 1 11.1 ....
Hllntlo iiiiiiiIw r I moliliood.
Ill tin1 two fldoS
by tho wondiippcrH of Mammon, wlio
contended Unit tho iiretratc of weulth
wan Hid chief tent of prosperity, Unit It
wiiH Iticvltaljlo that come. Khutihi become
very ilcli mid othero remain very tioor J
ithat HiIh wiih not only natural but Ixmt,
tut tho irreater portion of iiconlo were
, nctwurlly dejiondcnt iiikiii other for
lulior und lUelihood; only tins fow wcro
calculated to niuniik'o wealth k uh to
i calico Itri inercnfc, iinil therefore It wiih j
I bettor in tliulr IiiiiiiIh than eeuttcred
i ciiially anion); all Kortn of tcole to re-
main 'without lin'rciico; and that thene
I iniinairorM and accumulator of wealth
I provided lalior and livelihood for ureat
: i ...... ,.t i... t... ! i...... i.i
to favored and ulrcady fattened and nrro-, WllBU. KEMl'EK,
gant lndiiHtricB. A loprlctnr of tlio
l nave Hum an UKricitliurai mate, wncro nvc-Ccnt llcer Hull.
'"' I iiuuihcrH of men who by tlieuipclvcH could
lcr.!.7."""M.'" is 1 ''" " ''ot,ur u' t,HJ'r '"jr to mako
lllnplilH Ailirrtltrmrntt.)
One Inch, or le, In Heml-Wcckly pit
mon Hi. .. nw
()niilii(!li,orl''H, lii Dully per moult I to
Two Inchc, or Ii-., In iHitli, per montli... .1 to
Over tlireolnchcii.Heiiil-Vv'ieftly, per Inch
plTIIIOUlll 1 I
Over threo llichni, Dally, per llirli per
montli I
Overtime, llichen, In Imlh, per Inch per
mouth I 75
()iiuroiy jut your. til to
Onn ropj-Nlx moutliH I Vt
Hlllifln II II in Iht th , ........ U".
Premium paper free toyeurly mum lliurn.
Hollil minpiirnll iiilvprtlncments In Heml
Weekly or Dully, Mint IiimtIIoi,, pur Inch,
tl.W; each mih.crpicul ltiurtlu, toe.
Iinil notice, ten cent per linn ciic.li In
What l "l'roierlty?" Condition or the
Aurlrultiiriil Kiltie Ctrim-rii In lie the
Victim of the Oreitte! (.'iiiniilriiey liter
Traveling u few dayn into upon a train
I had a conversation with it well-to-do
gentleman, who had lately vlrdtud the l'u
cillc C'oant. I could fro ulmoHt at the
llrctthat ho wiimii wcallh-woiidilpiicr. A
man wan 'Vleil-up" by hliu Jtint In pro
M)rtiou to tho uinouiit of inoiKiy ho wax
worth. A city was Important In propur
lion to tho nutulier of great fortuncHi
which had licon iiuulo within llH hnrilctH.
Ilcingu 1 anker IiIiiihcII, Him .nan had
matin a number of ai'ua.nlauceH in l'oit
land, among whom ho had an exulted ud
niirallnn for V. S. Ijidil iinil I). 1.
'ritmiif Mnti. "Yet," he Hald, "IIiiiho ini'ii
would only be riMiH-ctalilo pauperx hi
Now York City." ilo had been nuuu
whal iH'iiiImIiciI at the piogieHH and in
Kourci'H and Inli'lllgcni'Dof llr N)nplo of
tho I'mit j vctM-emi'd In legard 11 willt a
good ileal of disdain ; but I illxcovuicd
that ho al'oicuterlalned tlaiKiiiiio Hurl of
opinion of the people of thn Yct geuer
all) - cHpeclally thn ratal Went. In I iIk
tiyoHuiuau whowiiK unl "worth" a mil
I mjii or iiioio wuh of mnall t ouHeiUencn;
mid the Hitino opiiiluii wiih held of tho
country or region which did nut produce
nidi men. Mid cuntciHution ualuially
drifted to tlix Hiibjcct of the ilitiibutiou
of wealth and how UiIh wiih uH'ccled hy
legiHlatinn hi the IntereMl of ceilain
ClllHPCH of illllUHtllllH llllll CClt.lill cillHH'H llf
H)ople, "No Slate or region or nation
can Im proHiKiroiiH," Mild thin dihciple of
Mammon, with nit nxtciihivo maniif.ii'
tuieH. Your Wc.xtcrn coiuiiiuuIIImh am
HHr compared with New Yolk, reiiiiHyb
vaula, and New Ivugluud, bccaiifo exteii
nlvo mauufacluriiig euterprlHCH aro not
niaiululueil. 1'robalily fiotn the iiatuio of
thing they cannot be I'MaMMicd and
uiaintaiuoil uh Kiev me along the Allan
tie Hoalioaiil; but If that in llieir liiixfor
t no, hucIi StatcH and Im-alitloH can inner
Ik'Coiiio very wealthy ; cannut enjoy the
proHHritv that great iiiaiiufacturiiig In
ililhtiltirt bring to tliefit Ivaxleiu StatoH."
1 do not iiiinto IiIh exact wordn, of
courrOiliut thin wan the Idea. "Hut," I
of this little frioudlv
iiM'tiHHion tieiwceu two men wlio Had
never met before, and probably never
would meet again, lio tho factorH to
many confttfcil, contradictory mid par
tially concealed of u great problem. It
la Indued run great problem to be worked
out, If pohhIIiIo, in the )litlc.M of tiie fu
ture. The tendency U toward tho con-
trall.ation ot wivlth In the liamlHof a
the wealth, though not ho great iu tho
aggregate wuh moro equally distributed,
wan tho moro proHpcroun; and have hus
talned tho theory by Mating t lie fact that
in Iowa, for example, theiu was Iohs
extreme ttovcrty than iu a manufacturing
Statu. Vet tho further utiiteinont uh to
tho Hllght Increace of vuIuoh and tho great
incrcafo of iudubtoilneH", in agricultural
HtutoH, nhowri that thero iniiHt Ihj Koine
where, Hotneliow, houio Hccret, Hteady
outllow of wealth from thenu StatcH, mid
that even the degreu of pronpeiity lilther
to enjo)ed cannot contlnit. "Hut,"
Home may nay, "tlilrt Ih junt what Ih
needed lit thiH-o States KunnaH. Ne
bruHkit, (California, Oregon, elo., Hiillicicnt
protection to enable them to build up
mid maintain inanufactoricH for them
HclveH." Hut, uh wo have Men, though
tho aggregate wealth might bo iherem-cd,
the equality of itH dlHtrlbut on would lie
sacrificed, mid ibo great iuiikhch of the
people will nil bo oven worno oil' than
now. ,
Hut right hero I deny and rccl the a'
Mnln .st.,onpollo potiillo, Pctnlletnii.
I'riidtPlmi deer on ilmuzht. Wlnen, llnuor
nml eliin.ontie bent lirauds, n stock,
r It lilt IIA1I0 UTM OK K-iT II V Y
1W 11 (
Tim wlierfiiboutof fliunllowliiuilrocrlbcil
liornet urn known to IhlMillleel
One K'ny work liorne, ulioil all rnund! one
Imv ."iorp, lio'l hi front; one.lmy linrne imre
foiiteil! one liny liorxp, Uol nil rimiiil. Two
nf theif niiliimm are without liriiml" nil. I the
olli-r two an" branded. One tiny hiiiJiJic
hor-, lirnlidul 7 I, (lylinrdowin nn rlirhthll'.
mie fray ninre, brmiiled l on rlnlit hip mid
' Oneirrny i!el'dlnir, liruudcil t; on left hip.
line Iihv marc, lirauileil lilotn d di. nioiiu
on left Kiniiiid'T and D I on rlirlit hip. ,
One bii v noire, liratideil Willi a olefors
lirmi'l on lif 1iouIiIt.
i Mi bny Mini colt, two ysmi oi l, I rinided
ftciot on 1 -f r Hhouhlci.
I In-owner of thMo horses enn leiirn of the
wherpiilioiili of tl.i)e horjei by encliilni SI
f.ir eiich horfeand iiildreniliiir ihN oltle". If
the horce Hre not recovered from the Infor
million fiirnmheil tho money will bo re
turned. AddtiBM
JuJfJ Pendleton, OrvKon.
few peoplo. I ntil laUly thin tendency 1 fioii mm ino tncory uu i agricuuurai ,UKKJf ,..
..,.1.1 i. ...... ..).. r.......) ....).) uii... i latmrcrH cannot maintain thuniHelveH n I I
l.lHlli 11I..U PHIHVII IIIIIM IMllflll ..,.,- . l f, .1 I t
. i - . . .i! riiinliirt tititl ltiiliti.,ii)ftt.iit if Him o ro ' iltir vrmilt lirnwn
glum m hi ci a npio ih, in cam among lion- ...., v......, ... ..v.-
Vi i .... .. ' , .. . i... " i i. I rinlt- iflvmi n lull- ltiir(nnlll to il.i u,i If POIind", W 1111
uciaiiH. inoy navo lougni Miy oi k ' , V ' i i.i lotioitrny eiirllnit, bei
l!nt ui iii ii tit I limit lint'it lnlili Imiiitmi luwH, lavorim; ciinitm ana nowernu in- n.r imvn immi. or
miHweii'd, "you hcoiii to imiiiihiuiiiI
wealth willt piopeily ; von iiho them as
HynonyiuuuH tcruiH. And )oix'. you
Hconi In coiiHidcr gicitt wealth cullcclcd
Into a few liH'aljiiiMniiil a few h.iml" prw
Krlty fur the whnl Statu or iinion. I
cannot Indlovo that hucIi a condition
one of pionpniltv for tlm majority of tlm
people. Acciirditii; to your iluxirv. I'niin
Hylv.iulii In a very tidi Smte.b.H'itUHc theio
lull largo uuinbcr, though coiiiiniiihI with
tlio total Hpulationa very hiiiiiII uiiuil or,
of very wo.ilihy num. hii cjII Iowa for
example a poor Statu, Ih'imu ilium ar
within Uh Ihinli'tH fow largi cltlcn, few
imopln comMi.itiely witlt gieat (oitnnci.
I hold JilHt llii ti'vclMi; lli.il nuniif voiir
I'oniiHylvaul.i men might gain an Im
nieiiiKi foituno, a hundii'd or a tlioiiMiml
men liae I ecu kept hi kiveitv. 't ho
wixillh not normal, natural, nor jiini,
liccaiifO Ih aivii'iioii Iiuh Imu uirtly 1 1 in
ivawM of diHcriiiilualiug legiiilallou hi Iim
favor. Thiw the men who itr abimr
inally, unnaturally ami iiujunlly Knir
than they (Might to tie. have a ilglu to
iMinplahi, They do int attack woulth,
nor uu'ii wlm niviiiuulato moio tliaii they
thoiuMilvi'H, if it in done under equal
lawH If the law-nutlet huvo given iwli
a fair Hlart nml u fair ami equal clmmo.
Hut the greater your rich mau' fottune,
thn ineio yon aKlht him, tlio p.mu-r
tho common I.iUhoi-h Uhmiih, the j
lianlor yon kick tliein. lli. ii U-1
caiiHO tho ngiiivgate wt.ihli incrviim'x '
moro rniiidly iu IVnm.iinw than in
Iowa, lliough iu ciiuiparuiivoli fewer '
haiiib), you I'lmin llnimtiti'r pr.n'rity f.n
the former c.iiuuiotiwkattli. iu tin' con
trary It nppoam cloar lo iue tli.it whorv
tho wealth in the unwt nnailv miiuilly din
trlbutod, though not mi grv.it in tlio ng
givgato, U the moio pripiii niuiinuii
Ity. A thoiiHauil mon, e.u-li worth fi.ttdu,
in in my it-tlmatiou a now piK'rou
community than mnglier IIuuihuuI
bold enough to ncknow ledgo that thin in
(ho n-Hiilt of legiHlatlou of the past quar
ter of ii century, and to juMlfy mid oulo
giu that ruHiilt.
What Ih to bo tho outcome, if not mi
urlHtocraey of wealth, and u tuition of do
iiendeutH iiHn tliln mighty .Mammon V
There can ho no other outcome. No ono
Statu Iiuh received ho much of tho advan
tages of thin Hort of Icginlutlon uh I'oiiii
Hylvania; in no other Statu Ih there ho
wide it gulf between the rich mid the
poor; in no oilier Statu Ih thvre ho many
men In extreme Hvetty and working for
extremely low wageH; In no other Slate
during the liiHt twenty years have there
been as many Htrlken, uh much ill-content
and HUlIerlug among wnrklug'iicii, as
much destruction of properly, uh great
a decllnu among the poorer, lulior
lug clashCH toward the degradation i f
ubsoltito mid abject serfdom; in no other
State is there ho much Ignorance upon
thu Hiihject ; In no other Slate is the vole
absolutely controlled by the million
alrcsand protected cupltull-ts sostrongly
Iteiiublicau ; mid my filcnds, tho banker
anil non-taxed hotidnolder calln this pros
iKirity. Hut levurliug again lo Iowa, for
oxatniile, because it Is perhaps thu I
Male to mention lor Mm putHise id con
trast we Iinil comparatively few nieii
who me immensely wealthy, but (
gieat cities, hut few paupern, little dis
content orHiiU'ering, simply becuiisethcie
Is iiioto cqiialltv In tho distribution of
wealth, ami this my friends, the banker
mid noii-laxed bondholder sneer at us
ii plebeian ami rude condition of society,
not yet become prosperous.
Theiu wuh published some weeks ago
In llio Kahi' Din human mi atticle show
ing fioni olllcial statistics the diHerenco
iu tho inctcasu of weidlh In mauiif.icliir
lug nml agricultural States. 1 do not now
recall miy of the exact llguies, but they
diiHlricH" did not indirectly, but uono the
loss Htirolv mid falallv huh und absorb all
agricultural proHpcrity. One great factor
in (his system ol plundering tlio farmers
of thu whole country, and of tho West in
particular, Ih tho destruction of the
farmers' tnutkot by thin class legiHlatlou.
The chief aim, ostensibly, of tho protec
tionists, Ih to "check lmjiortH," in fiict, to
stop Imports. Hut nil tlio farmers' sur
plus muet llnd a foreign market, and to
tho same extent that these InqwtH tiro
checked Ih thu fanners' market Injured.
Thu bread-studs cximrtcd in May, 1KSS,
amounted to only f7,IO-,0.)I. lit May,
IHS7, tho amount wuh $i;i,181,8"7. ''ur
the llrst six months of 1 K8.S hread-stitllH
to tho value of fl.'illl,'.'!! wctuoxKirled;
In the same puriod last year the amount
wuh $i7,H0,lH). For thu preceding
eleven months thev ueie?U(l,liil,U'l, as
against 4 1 1-,-tO(i,:J.)l for the lltst eleven
inonths of the preceding Ihcal Near, a loss
of ll.L'M,'J:::i. As Is leumrked hy the
ow ork World:
"Thin decicaso in Hie protlt of the
American fanner ought to make the Iti
publicmi prolcctionislH happy. It will
'check iuiHiftH' to the same amoi.nt.
r.t li'ittfii. u.t,l ,v i-nrfnil tint ,i,tii,t.il
'CHt .. ,. in I, ... 1 ' ... ,
I .- ,, n ii'iiu lll.:ill. Vllll'wiin
I for it. The present Itepiibllc.iu tit i III'
wish s t-i chci I: till cNpo.ls nf lucid-
, tti' s. und lluiH I 1 1 1 in deprive tlto fann
er i. Mils piolilH ami tlio consumer of his
, cheap giMMlJ.
mnrr. uetuht. nhotlt 110O
colt about two moot hi old, and
in: im to her: none or
hints Alxo one amy
liore. two ventK old. with n d III lirunil
oliieihliiK like the telle D. lyltiK
down, curve up, on thu left Minimicr.
Owner enn recover mime, hy eiilllnir on the
nti.ierxlKiH'd, lit his ninth, lulu mllen north
of Vlti-on, mid pnyliiK elmrgen.
Adilrrmi M. A. IlKAni.K,
JnI6 1 tn il v Vinson, or.
Due notice Is herebvulven Hint u tnectltiK
of the Mockhnhlerx of tho Oregon llnlldiiii; A
Umu Aoelntlon will ho held ill Ihe otllce of
the (Mniillllii Kin I Kitiile i.V Loan Aoclii
lion, 111 Pendleton, tlimitlllii county, Oregon,
id 'o'clock p. in.. of July Sltli, IfW, for Ihe
piirtoe of forniiilntltiK and nitoiitlni; a con
Mltiillon nml by-luwn, mid eleetlnx Mich di
rectors and committees in will conform to
tlio lii-hi w then adop'eil,
V. K. AtATI.lK'N',
K. ll.t'LiHTON',
JiiSS Imil .1. .M.PIlCKTr.
llldx will ho r,eelveil lit) tr, C'liVtork noon.
nr.Moiiihi),ih in'luliiyof.liily, lsss.rur the
n,iliiriofiiili nf flu, lli...htitr. l,rltU holf.l.lll
I Ih eiecli d hy the IVinllet' ii llotel fuinpHiiy,
' I. .....Tu ..I .(.. .....I .1....- .., u I..
m u' ui r hi ' i ii h'mi n wirr p i'ti., hi
ihe town of i emlleloii, I'miitlll i county, Or
ukii I Vint reeior to fiinilMi nil muter. nls, ex
pi lull k. Phiiis nml fp ellleellotii emi ho
i ell 'll Ihe oilk-eof Hill lv) A II llleti.) , 111 Ihe
A.N.iehlllon liloidt, III P.-idtet Ii i:veiy Id I
mill' hocecompnileil wl'h n certlllnl check
of ilKM, or ii li"i. conditioned Mint If hid H
Hceiqiled, bidder will slim u eimtliiel to hiilld
thesnhl hiilldlliK, iicordlnitlo tlie pliuii and
si eel (lent Ions prcivirHl thmfor by (leoive
.MiiiMiall, the ari'hlti el, mid fnruMi all Inn
len il ex ept bllck. llllll Will fnrnhili ii uisid
ami Milllelent Iki'hI in the sum of .n.oo'. fur
Thill this Is tlio nviiuml tin) lev nf tlm 1 faithful perforilllllPCt of mild eotitrni'l. llldx
... ..i n . .. i . ..I ' .! ,n? . t-iill be h'ft with, or sent to nny member of
i nn n i iiiiii. ii if nvjy
Aro offer for sale our liirgti stock of
ruilllluiG, uiviu uuu i my
September 1st, 1888,
The Furniture will be oflercd daily at prices that will in-...
i. l ....ll .. i 1 1 --".cure
SHll!. 13111 ill uui ciuiu ill u iv lllUJ f) I
wo mean to
mb k. u an m n bbi 1 ir
uiouuuu ui iiiu uiuuiij wiuiu uiiuriA I UI
Now is the time to buy what Furnffii .
1 f4 t V 1
Court Street
Jn21 Im chw
need. Come and see.
bjk HKW mr viBB Bay pn m MaBaaaj j
Kepiililieaii IHuv.itlon paity cannot
lie denied mid "ill not be denied by tin v
Intelllgent ineinlier of that party. 'What
do they proNiM) to do uith tho farmers'
surplus, their,' Why, they proviso to
lncie.i"o iniiuufiicltucs, mid'conseiiueutly
decreiisu the iiitmber of nien engaged in
iigticiiltural pursiiilH, until there is mi
equilibrium, until vu shall produce no
more iu agricultural pursuits timn wu
, : : . . . . . ' ,..i'i. ii. i.ti . iii.iii iniiniiiin iiiuii nu l
shoiieil Ihe fact that tho inatiiifactiirlng ,m consume. Hut thuro is ulrcady, ov-! Calcutta
States Imil far out-run thu ugilctiltural
Mutes iu the uggreg.ilu accumulation of
wealth during the lust ituirter of u cen
tury. That istosaylhe innnufuclurers
liiivu become wealthy very fast, while
the fatuierH luivu increased llieir posses
sions vciy slowly, if ut till. Two lniMir
hint deductions ate to bo drawn from this
fact. (Inu Is that legislation is calculated
to favor these inuuufactuiiiig States ami
maiiuf.icliitlug industries at thu
I'MH'tiso of iigiieiillural States.
and agrieulliiiui iudustilcs. is I with
not only unni'ivssaty.bnt radically wrong 'even
a sillileal outrage upon the agricultu
ralists. Tlio other is that unless with
lids rapid increase of wealth in manufac
turing diMricW thcio has lieeu increased
pnl'tity among the isstter classes of
jmoplo, ll is not n soil of ptosH'rity
which can Is' ultimately honollclul to the
coiuitiy It is not "Hid greatest gisul lo
tin-urealest niimUir." (hi the contni'
Ii is a iswiilve I'vil. becaiiM) it has m .di
a tew
many oIIuiih in some muin slaves. It
bus added to thu tyranny of tlm gnat
nvullh-MiHtir, ami has made weaker
llioo who lack the weullh-isnver. ll
liaslnHMifeidlngMamtii.il; it has been
raising his throne a throne of "ro.Mil
sluio, " ulnuilj striving Imiu the lalsirof
the iiiasMis to outshine "the wealth of
Urnius hi nf Ind" h throne occupied too
ery fow inonths, an excess of manu
factured products, causing shut-downs,
mid strikes, mid idleness among
nil classes of workingmen; what then Ih
to Is.) thu result when u considerable jHjr
lion of those now engaged iu ugrleulturul
labor are forced into manufacturing labor?
mid It must Ih) remembered iu this con
nection that they do not propose to Mud
any foreign markets for manufactured
tirisluits. Thui' lickiiDwIeilLDiiiiiiK'iiiii.n.
without a trial, that we cannot compelo
loreigu countries, ine tunic !
our American neh;hls)rs Mexico.
hid i enirni American Mates, ami the
South American countries Is to lie has
In fact Isvn already resigned to Kngland.
Wu are hencefoilh tohea national dam
an oyster, shut up in our shell. Audit
must also bo remembered that thisjiollcy
of restricting ngricultitnil Industry mid
completely destroying the American
fni mors' muikct is to Ihj pursued when us
u'i, us im uneven, only iiooui one-e i; i i
Ihe llulldlm,'t'ominlllee,ortoihi' necrrtnry.
11. s,Hiii;,M-,
.1. KAII.IMi.
J. J. UALl.KliA V, IhilldlnK Com.
Secretary. Jy" td
Grain Bags.
unl J)ctrlrl.,H VrMmt'
tall!. W'.V.
and m
Complete block, covering live thousand smnire fet
Goods Sold on Easy Payments
UJn,.l,.ll,l., H.,11.11.... II H ,
irrv iuiiimi ijiiiiiiiiiLi ivni .iri
or Mi Kludi, Tunis, rings, Die.
Printed Flour Bags
A peelalty.
I I'rimt Ht.
; jmoiuwtf
I'uuriAMi, otc.
Of Ihn Pi ndleloti Nutlomil Il.ink.nt I', nille
lon.lli Ihe .Millie of Oreiton, lit the cloni of
hinduo., JutieUi, Iiai.
men In s.iinu soii) masters, and i ;,f iho arable l.iu.l lif the country Is tiiulor ! overdlft.,ll',',ml,,""
cuiiivaimn. .101 onty is inu oiner seven- ; u. . rsmiu to.eeure eirenlatlon
hut u cousldeniblu 1 sir t ion of the other
eighth Is to b. abandoned, and Its ixtii
puiits fotciil Into uianufucturos for what
Straiiice that miv reasonlni man enn
mistake or misunderstand the purpoKO, or
iitiiiiiui. .1111 tuny is inu inner seven- 1 rsniiis ioneiire eireillatlon...
Iiths of the soil of this great Kepublio I'."1"'.1"" )-. Iiomljiiuil morntme
Ih, loft to the brush mid thu thistles, I itwi t'."!.STn
1 urr..in exieiii.eH unit nixes iihi
I'r- iiiliuni paIiI
n in sumo uiiiitwtv. c ml in iMirn e ami hit hum) 1 1.1 in.ivii,ii.i.. r.wi.n 11 iu .)...
gold mid Iimv, aiid dlstfiUMH I as "riotec iconsniuerHinav ls ohligo.1 to imv unor
lion, pictured by tho hllnd Utnl. mrnis pmlits tn'ilie few inilliunaiin nianii-
I hit I lute cliiinusl that the ugtictil- factuiurs their masters. Tlio farinorH'
lural Mules worn morv pnisponius. not-1 loreigu market, iihoady weakeikil and
Oh Hn nml oilier eimh Item
nun. or inner ihiiiks
rrnclionul paper currency, nlcKcU,
snd chills
Leiriil leinUr note '
lUiloiiimlon (unit with ll. s, Tnin-
nrerlApur edit, orelrunlatioii)..
Duo rom I', m. t'rensurer, nthr
lliiiu S per cent, reilemtlon raiul
.. 4S.IIIU .11
4l Ml
MMu to
2.sai 'X
1,1711 III
sm to
.1,1,VI If,
fi to
Protection or Tariff Reform,
'"J u i;iHHvi-piivjay rlilzcn who v.uutd vuio tiuo1Ilontly to Inform himself upoa i
The Protective
i'.Hl". ,l'rx,1m,,1.;.,luiilly eoii(dereit a moot iihtruse stlhjcet easy of comiiMlifwlon. I
V ,u 1" 1 1 ',r"Vr f"r ""' hiirnerii. well ns n tcxt-lsiok forlho lenriicl.
1 III In ink . lull. 1)1.. ii-m,.i I....I r . 1... -.. ..... ...l.
IIIH IllOhl I'lHlHll 1'IIOIU ri'llllirillir t ll.. I..W.I; ld u ...... ..II....... ..til ,. fif
Uelll rievelnnn. "
iiiy.'!?ViV"T'.lVir' V' iM.r l."",!1.V''! "Twt,,,v VeursJu UmgrtW Is Inkrn uis liU
' ,, i mi ii"i 111111 inline 10 inriHHii tiieir own rt-uiuuiou.
Inn .iimu..i... 11 , . . .,, in.- iiinm in mum iiiiiiiiriiim'f iinw . n
uu.Miri..uii: a forum hi iheKnui work of kpn iullinr tlm truth iiinoiur tlio lxopl'. ,
IM)N M. DICKINSON, l'oit muff r Ow
Tii u'. riT 1 !. 1 eNpoHlllon of the lujitnllen nml ilepndonii of tin) proWini
. 1 tie work l Inmlj.iind very valiinhte eoutrlhuthiii no the lltfrntiimnllartf w
ni. ...v.. iv....... ------ ,
II, Y. TOW.ri'.'
7 U
a us
.'AS to
ko ru
Tohil j Ki.s.tl m
Isii.i.msI, ami then the inonos)lists' cm , i!!!,,,",l,,,u)"oki ,M,J '"
nave tilings their own wax. thev 11111
ivt only arbitral II v and abso ntelv tlx tho
Siirntnt mini
I ITmllvl.l. .1 ni...illk
' ' 111 1 11 1 1 h I I til 11 k 110 1 is' i'S ii j j ii'i'.
1 ptice 0 what they'have towll, anil which I Jj'avldimlilii,usiihjeettooheoi in,
I lai meiH must Imv. but thev enn .11... 1 1',". !,.!u".l..,Tr!1.tl1'"'' f" 'lepu'lt si
' i... 1. 1 1 ' n , , , ion- rrriiii rim oi iiikmii
lutely ami arbilnirily tlx the nr iro of Dae to other Nntionni rtnnk
lino 04
( vMiai ine i.irnii'r nus 10 m, tun uuv
one doubt that under theu c uditionstbe
mil nl iilinin 11,1a I .ilkl Ikkl nii.r fli.i
oliuir nine hundiml und iiiiiiHv-niii only I'tly uu
uiicii. vt tieie tnow im a uigi" iium-
lvr of gioat foiluiuvs, I hero U 11U0 muv lo
Im 11 gio.il nutuUr of vury .sir iiiiple.
Whoiv theiv iiiv few itniueiiH) fortunes,
theiu will Ik' iMtiipiirutiMily few pimple
who mi in giout povoily. The grouted
pnv)oiitv is iu that iMinuiiiiiiiv .that Statu,
that nation, wlnuv weulih Is the nnot
eiiually, the imt evenly distrihuted.
Tin) least prosvious is that coiiiiiiunitv,
Statu or nation, wherein a few pooplt)
i.i . ..1 ... .
11 ill, Hl'llllirilll IIIIMI 111 llllk lAlkllllll llllll I .ii.' I
left thu other In povoity. While laws' "''J't dovndeiui) iiikui the rich, their
cannot maintain this etiualltv of wealth, 1 iuaters, w tho inoyitable, natural, ami
thev tit least should not oiuimraw in-1 Yr lot und. condition of agricultural-
i jiwllt v. Tho oltbrts of legislation uliould '"V1 f;lr,u laljorors.w hum wo omiiloy."
Iw rutfior to Pivsenotheooualitvofthui l'' ""Iy "W tendency, but wo
Miilistamliiiti thev luivo not iucieasml in grievously Inipaia'd. nneo iMinnletelv do- i.iaiiii.itikm.
wcauii so rapnuy us a wimie, ieeaiire
1 1 mm Is In thecii States a morn iMuabl.
distrilnitioii nf weulih, mid Ihurufote jl
may U said that thie SintiM und the
ugrlciillural cou.muuilies, anil nuticub I latineiH must buy, but they can uh uUii-j tT;p ,iinM-!
luraiwH in'iii'iKiii ' no iiuni in cu i-
I jiliiin. I'nder low tin Ill's, before the war
I hiriii lilacs incteaccil in one iliH-ailo mm
jhuudrtMl nr cunt. I'nder tho highct fanneis of Ihe country will rapidly bo ro-j r4liiuiy V.)
Iliiriils kv,.r known oxivpt sinco diniiiL' hiced to tenantry, to iuuioriMn. 'to time-' I. liu'i
the diH-adi) ending Iu I KM I. farm values tlcul slaery und the L'ovurninentof.bv. 1 " " Viuw.
1 inemiMKHl only nimi jntr cunt. Worn- mid for thu noplo in tills country will (v
i man hum, inu increase m inueiiieiiiivvss uono. , LKtnt N in om
i .s in imilur prpoitiin ti thu iliviiviis.' , I ask nu inaii to voto niv iKililics. Ii ' Cnihier
:.. . 1 ....... 1.. i.. . ..... . 1 . ....I..... ... ..1 . 1.1 . . .. 11 . liiiu.ii..1 . . . .
111 uu- t'r cuui. gain 111 UKKrvgaio value. , nu iimu miiinuno ins (iiiriy iiiiuereucu 1 ,.,J 'r , .' , ?awl"" ."' "mre m
line me vr cent. 01 ineivaso 111 values , "iu any oiuur groiiuii iitaii unit ul the
had Uvu constantly and rapidly ilitiiiu- internets if the greatest numlcr of- iho
ishing, ihe ImleiiU'ilimss had li-en con-J I'le. 1 only ask men to consider theso
Mtuuily and rapidly incieasing. Can miv 1 fads, Uiom) llguies, these argtttuents,
Miu', reasoning man fail ta mi that Uiesu iloiluciions, und deny or disnute tUrecton.
I K 'tnelhinif inusl then Ui radicallv wroiiL-? 1 them If ho can. .1. 1. V. ' - --.
v u cinnoi tiie t.irmers w no aru nrac-
r.iuii ..
lul of Or von. 1
1 lll.li 1 1:1. I
Leltiii in it mi. .a.lin i- i,r i,B
1 y wear that ihe
I. )nu tu the l,t f my
1 orreet ,VtlMt:
. llltHWVU
Ju lleforOretfon,
nr.si. kllinci.'
Wasco Independent Academy,
The Dalies, Oregon.
lal invpurHtlnn for l'iuverltle 111 Oro-
or tiniinmon, inr 1
prgecUil."anil who for them-
miIm do imt ask "piotivtlon" that is-
cla.sM-U'gUlaimn in their favor why can
thev not keop somewhere noarlv" even
with the iimuiifuciureru who ilumaud
"lngovtion" in Uieir Innisttsl advauct) iu
wealth and "prosperity ''" The answer
now iMines, detl.uttly, insultingly, mock
ingly, from Mr. Swift, from my friend
the Kiuker and uon-taed iKiudholder.
fnuii the actions, speaking louder tlmn I Classioal SiMPiitWit' or Nni-nml
wottls. of ihe Kepublican urty leaders- r "1K,U' . , , ?L 0l
tho unswerwines: "IttH'ausoiiovertv and ., . coituks.
...a.kllv.lUll IklllMllllf U, l,lll
Arl. (IohI illtripllne unit ikkI monil tone,
t oll riiulpmciiU. Write r-ir cutuloiiiie to
, , , U. II. WIl.Us, . M..
iy ilnw Im Principal.
F"I 5"3??Ua P4S?5!t? h th
Km,.;;- luuieiuhi u
......... ..in . ... 111111 iiruuiiiHii ih 1 1 iv nu in mr iiiiiiu " r
n nil i.irlir """Jnr lo vote iiion the ureal eeonom cnl nC'""'
anil tnrlir. u1.:n . N .. i,iA(.i.., ivimmi,umirot IVmh
cnl wimSiSi 'vln this worlr iiur ln arty Indorsement, anil renu.inw ;nl to
mil eoi.iinllt.eMiml elnh. iimI.i extendlm: Its elreiiliillon aiiiontfthn voter of I
A,t ,,.,. Wl'ATK DKillHH VMC fr.NTUAIi COMMITTi:.. OK ItUW
Hook llotind In ctiiiii ,111,1 , ...... 1 1.. 1. . ... .....
fc"fc Aionis in riuii;;,
IVn.lletun. OKI"
New and Socond-Hancl Furniture, Stovos, Bedding.
Conoral Housohold Coods,
Coods sold on tho Installment Plan, n Easy
rfi Strict,
nlv. -n.il v of 1'nt.
ifnrii'ii, tliuvitni. V tie ami others, or
for tiiiliu ri.inteuu not oeekuij;
colli i;iit i-ilii. atliin may erad-
Hal-. Here III
jhwpIu than to 'filter' linviualltv and
extremes of conditions."
The Ideas wcro somow hut comluttcd
cannot rslst tho conviction that it Is
dually thu aim and intent of men who
havo resolved ujon oxtromo "protection"
Mora thmi tu-ll huililril fiirtns nf Il.i I
Umikii at thU ortio, Ijtvryent and othen
u ted Inu cliit fonut cau U tuppllett.
Briggs, the Photographer
"D1 r4- d-te.H 1 v
i 1 1 1 1 iii '" 1 1 ii o ry 1 a 1 -h . .
- ww iVkUO Oil W M.UM ITn -f-r U.-. t"W 1 . M DV
style kiiowntn tiVo n "itfssa. ne taKes pictiu-ea xu-
...u tVi Ut lum ituaoiuuei
Over the Postofflce
ely guarantees satisfaction
Briggs, the Photographer..