THUJt.Hl)AY..nW.Y 11!, 18-:s. DAILY AND HK.MI-WKKKI.Y, 11V THF Kint OlriUllnn I'uliUdllllijc CmiipMiyi I'KNDIjKTON OKI'.OO.V. JlAtl.Y HUIWCUtlTlO! ItATKHI Onn copy per yi-iir, li)' mall...... Onu ropy nix iiiontli, liy nmll ' Ono copy per week, liy rnrrler ' Hlllljlo number " AtlVKIlTIMINO IIATtirlt (; Athrrtltrvimlt.) Onn Inch, or Ich, In HemlVeekly ver ItlOttttlt . .. ' Ono Inch, orient, In Dully imt month....... 1 M Two Indie, or lex, III lioth, imt month... J BO Ovnrtlireiilnehe,pemiWeekly, perlnch twir liitmlh 1 Over three. lnclie, Dully, per Inch pi-r month ' ' Overthrew Inched, In ImiIIi, per Inch per montl I 75 HBMI'WP.KKI.YMUIWCHIITIOft 11ATKHI Onn copy pt yeiir. U to One ropy lx iii(iiitliN I ' Mlii)iiiiiiinlHrn W Premium piipcr fret to yearly niium lbcr. Hoi Id iinnpiirelt ii'l vort l?iiM'ii tt In Heml Weekly or Dully, Unit, lnertloii, pur Inch, $1.00; tuflli Milnei'iionl liiuirtloii, Auc. lineal .notlcen, ten cunto per lino encli In dortliiu. icm roitiAt. noti:s. Wlilcli Jh of thu inoHt liiijiorliiiifu lo Poiiilluiou, Ilunl'H rullroitil or woolen mid jnit!r iiiHIh? I jinlno fioin coik'H of Ilio Kamt Oui:iionian luttily rocolvctl Unit Willi it "lioium" of flll.OOO Imtli u pai.-r mill ami u woolen mill roiiM lioolilulnuil. Mr. limit wiiiiIh f'W.OOO to lirimr in IiIh ntllroiiil, lii(lo tlnlitofwuy ami (loj'ot groiinilM, Wldrli will font K!rlmi!H $10,000 morn. For om1, I woiilil iitufcr lliu iiiIIIh, ovum at Hi" Hiinio iiici). l'mulleton in already a eorailili.'al and coiumtm'lal ronlor. II alroady IraiiHauIrt a IiiihIiichh which no nilliosiil, if it In a li'lliiiiato IhihIiichh onlnrjn 1hi, can aluml lo Ikiioio. Oni'u lln'Hd iiiIIIh am iwIiiIiIIhIumI, Hh law lllCHH, ilH IIXpnllH llllll lllllllH, IlH Mlll. latimi and pawiini'iir uml'tu'lulit trallh', would Ini luiK'iy Ini'iiiaHi'd, and lliu rail .load wliitii would not tuaili out after hiicIi a InixliH'FH would Im diiiuu u IohIiik l?anw an lliu O. It. ft N. Im liecn over hIiicd it Imilt Hm mail IIiioiikIi I'yloe.m you to fiilo I'iiIoii. I liuvu ttreat to Hn'd for .Mr, llunt'M mili'iprlfo ami luduHlry, Imi hhiic of IiIh principal ml Ihith In I'omlliilon am not hiicIi iih to IhHpirti ninllilcncii In Ilia m'1iiiiii. A KimmI iiiiiiiv ini'ii hi I'l'iiillnton.iirii jh'i Impri morn HUHpicioiH and caulioim than thuy would Ihi tiniU'rHomiMitlicrclrciiiinduncuH, and not without ijnilu HiillUiont icucoiih. If a "honiirt" In to U) Kivt'ii, tlioHo who contrlliuto It will waul to know that It in for thu I'i'iKilH of thu cnli'iprlM', or at leant of hoiiiii ilcwrvi iivx man, hiicIi iih wu pti'Hiiimi Mr. Hunt to Im individually, and not in llm loam, directly or indirectly, for tlie hi'iiullt of any tliluvlni; Hcoundrel. 'I'Iid laical ii'xittM I have wen from In dlauii am not ho n -liunl for the Itepulh llcan eaiidid.tte for I'riwidenl an iiilhl ho wihhed by hi anient patty HiipMrteiM. .Mr. Ilurrlxoii wan known lo l one of tlio oxcIuhIvo IiIuo-IiIikhI, iiilllciMiirt Hurt of Uonllomen, whofo uctloiiM Hceuied alua.VH to nay: "I thank thee, () Lord, that I tint not an other men am" hut one of IiIh Iiuiuii wiH'in puIiIIhIhw a hit of hlHtnry, that If eoneet, will he apt t" Ioe him, it FeotiiH lo inn, alxiUvall tint oivanUeil "la bor vote," If Mr. Ilarrinon, in 177, took tip ainiH to protect prtipeily from lauloH UhHatiltM hy urnied iiiol. he did no more than what wax il(hl and imlriotle, and 1m nut to In condemned for that; hut If, in addition to that, he look occindon while acllui; asonn of a eoiuuiitliH of arbitra tion to throaloii and dcuotiniM all lalmr orK'anliiilloii and infuientially all atluiiipU of laUirerM upon railrsidH to maiiituiii their rlhlH, he cannot now complain if labor oinaiiUilloun Hhoiild not doxlto him for their 1'ieMdont. I "celebrated" in thin ipilet vilLme very nightly. I lii'tened to an u,vtnitfo Font tli of Inly HpiiH'li, dellvetwl by a McthedlHt picacher. who could not mnUt tho opNirtimity to Improve the ivoncli'ii by inaklnn somewhat of a campaitiii Hpcccli, wlndliiK up with the idutt that the chief ica'on for celebrating wan tho conltdetit exiHVtatinn that Harrison would Imi electeil lWideut. It did not nviu to me to U iu very khh1 tacle, for 1 thought iih though 1 hud an much rittht to fed patriotio an any Methodist prutchor on earth. Yejiterd.iy while iu Wat kins, near hero, 1 went into a hotel, and navv a man read ing the I'ortland OrcKouiatt ipiite attoit tlvely. It wan Mr, A. II. Morgan, of Portland, who e brother died hem lately. Of eource an agreeable vli-lt lo nu en Hiiod, an one don't often run aenvu an l)te;onian iu thin tejjlon. J, 1', V. Vkktkiiday tho liepitbllc.tu canii.ilnu cotiiinltUH) was elect in New York, Itotlt nidoH aro now a'.nly for the j!tvatent political Htriifsjle of tho ae. Ono, two, tlireo; tol An I theiv, Orovor Cleveland I Stay there I TIIK I'OllTI.ANI) l'HVHIOIANS. Thnro HcettiH to Ijo u preconcerted ac tion anions tho I'ortland male physicians to cotid -MrH. Dr. Murray, a well-known female phyHician of that city, to tho jicn liniitlarv. On Kovoial oecaHiotiH tho med ical fraternity of I'ortland, with a fow in-1 dividual exeeptionH, havo attempted lo ' place a crime at Mr. Dr. Jlttrray'H door, and Iiavo as often failed. Tlioy Kcem to tm lealoiiH of her miceeHH. and have iui hucd theuiHolveH with the Ignorant idea that a woman hat no rltfbt to bo a physi cian. These male proHtltuteH, had better look up their own vlrtucHiind fatiltn and take an Inventory of them beforo they deem it neceHHury to faHlon a crime iiikju another perHon, no matter if hIio Ih a wo man physician. Theco I'oitland male iloetorn, through tho itKniHtaneo of tlieir hired agentH, aro attomptiiitf to convict MrH. Dr. Muirav of a erimo which, doubt- Icsh, they often jierforni thoinaalvoH. To an outnldcr the actioim ot Uicmj roriiatm lihyHiciaiiH appear Minall, dotentablo and outraneotiH, with an air of iierseculion nboiit them. In our opinion inoro ih a reat Hold for women phyHlciatm, partietf larly iu treating the diHoaneH ol tlieir own Hex, and they nhould bo encouraged, in ntead of being harawed and perHocuted. DoitbtlcHi if all of tho profeHnional ac tions of women phyHlclaim could bo taken nx a whole and placed alonuHldo of tliono of male phydlclaiiH for eompailHon it won (I Imj very favorable to tho women. They Hiirely Iiavo a riglit to practice medlclno, and tho Hoonor tho miiHoniiiio profoHHlon compruliendH thin, tho wihoi, greater, more capabio ami more gentle manly will tlmy apjiear. A roOI.IMII (,'ltl I IUISM. Tho Trillium coiiioh out to-day with a long ediloiial which in ecHonllally a charge agaiiiHt Mi. llartmanof tamperi.ig with tho b.illolH eommitled to bin charge It alno acciiHert Mr. Ihoii, than whom no jinlgo over known iu thin Miction ban been connldeied more honorable, with entire n.trtialilv towatd llattmau, and Hiylen bin iIucIhIoii "pleading I lartnianV c.iye." Theno Hwcoplng allegatioiiH will Ihi received with thu iucreduloiin iudiller unco they denerve. Tho H'oplokuow why tho l onlent two wan originated, and iln every point from beginning to cnili they know alno that each nian'n hlory, Iln mei Itn and demerltn, wan told, and heaid and diHcunned iMiforo a judge whoso judicial character in miliiipc.uiialile; that lie, giv ing full reasons for bin deciHloit, and weighing caiefully every oint in each in iii'h favor, ban decided tho case to Ihe bent of bin ability ana judge of law ami ofovldeuce. Men who know Mr. llatt mau, know that lie in a man honora ble iu every hoiiko that he would not H.tcrillcu bin honor for a thousand olllcen. Men wlio know Hon. I.. II. Ihoii know him an a jmlvjo of tiniuicachahlo Integ rity, unbiased by any consideration Iu bin imp.titlal iulerpietation of the law. Knowing these facts, the TribuiioV ineaniuglesn accusations, weighed against the eliaraWer of 'the two men whom it attacks, will bo but an a feather against a mountain. TIII'.N AND MMV. In 1'eudletoii iu 1K.1I, when thu town contained lens than 1,000 nop!o, 1 1,000 wan MiliHeulH'il towaid paying for depot privilege for the O. I!. N. Co. Tldn largt amount wan talked without great trouble, every pro;orly owner, witli tho exception ot one, KiilMCiihiug liberally, Now, when the town ban four Union Ihe IKipalalloii that it had iu 1SKI. it in hard work o iii'ho $10,000 lo encourage the huitdiiitf of a woulou and paper mill, when the construction ot thee enter pilsen will add to the value of teal estate a tfriHil ilwd mom than wan done by tho completion of tho O. It. A; N. to l'oiullo to.t. It in ncedloHS to point out to prof otiy owuura tho advisability of building lhei mill. It must bo apparent to tlmiii, and they miii-t know that their imiporly will decrease iu value if miiiio kind of mauiifaetuiing entei prison ate not oslablislied hero and that right ipiick, If a woolen mill ami paor mill aro built, a kHip factory, a Hcoii'liig establislimont, a tannety, a bnHiiu factoiy, other Hiuall manufactiiiiu eulerpien will follow. Start a ball rolling and it in a compar atively easy matter to keep it going, l'rojvrty ow novn, it in to your inteiostn to Ih alive to the ttccivsitien of the occasion. A sTUAMtu iuuldeiit ban happened iu couneoliou with the Sehtieller case in 1'irtlatid, John Mebun wan arrested, charged with criminal intimacy with Mary Schneller, w hich led to her death. Tho now of the attest reached tho father of John Mobus while the old matt wan engaged iu digging tho grave in which the remains of Mary Schuoller were to Iks buried, it allWIed him a great deal. Is it not a Mraugo coincidence? Tub New York Tribune stieeni at At torney lionentl tnirland'n movement against UioSugarTriist and calls it a Tam many plait of campaign. To thin nueor the Now York World kiv; "Well, If all campaign material is of Bitch practical value an the prosecution of these monstrous ami baneful mouopolicti, it would lo well to have an election on baud all the while." TfV.tKD. KEMPER, x p oi-lelor of tho t'lifUi'tit llcor Hull. Mnln .ft., opposite poitmllc, I'cinllctnn. I'emlloton beer on .iMUitht. VVIne. liquors nmt rlKnr.of thn lt'nt hrnnilK, n utocif. mrnflil - riIKKI-:AllCUTM.OI',fIvSTIt,Y ItOlWia I TAKE PETER SMITH. Dealer in Pine and Fir Wood. Wilt ilollvcr wool to any part of town In four f-HitlnnstlnntJI.Mnconl,ntia IS a cord furnawiM wooil. ....... lyiivii onlnrs a' tho OrcRon l-eeit. urjl, o n JohiHon Mro I. jynimwim IF YOU WANT THE EARTH vilgcra If IUU Ilnll I I III. -nil I II "'(jfioKiiiy o liimc,nlioil nil Irniinilj ono liny on m nm.i , f.Kilcil; onp hny hone, shod all round. T of theV,' iHilniali are wliliout IiiiiikIhiuhI i n other two nn- lirmiilfl. " ''")' f'" f lmrp, hniiitli'il 7 1. (lyliiit down) on rljtlil i ! una sray nmro, hrnniled Q oa right hip ami 7 ono'gnly Kci'llntr, bmmliit U on left hip. Oni'b'iy mute,'il hlolti-a i inmoml on left "hoiilili-r ami D I, on rlKlit lilp. One buy inure, brandeil with a hcIk'oih briind nn left Klinutder. . . oiiebiiyslinlc ilt, two ycnni oi l, tranilcu nclsiois oil left Nliouldei. . The owners of Hie? o noises cnu lenrn or il'e whcrenlKMltsof tl.e-o .hoie.i by enclo'lnir il for I'llcll IHIIlU lino numi-naiim tu.n y,,... the lio'Ke nin nol reeovcred from Die infor million fiirniKhed the money will bo re turned. Addri'M! rwvni unnuuniAii ft jnM Pendleton, Ort-Kon. THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums ; No Special Offers; No Cut Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tho North American Continent. 12 Largo Pagon and 84 Long Columns. A POPULAR NOVEL Publlnlied In nnd itlven with each Initio of the weeklv edition. Ili'Rlnnlmr An . I, nnd contlnulnir there lifter, Tim World will print with eiieh Iwaio a romnletn novel liy a popular author. Among i..,, lilt MIIM'in ... i iir;iMit;iirp!., l-iillur Ititiintit. VIIUIiCollln, Hoht, IIURliaiiiui, It. I,. Htiiveinon, II l Kiirjeon, Thomnn Hard)'. .Jiilbin lliiwthnrno, W. Itoiilnnin, KiiiIIh (liilHirhiu, lilies V'crno, Win. Illacx, fru. Alall,lif.r. John H. Winter, lienry woou, M. lC. llrilildotl, Klorenco Warden. , Mary Cecil liny lierimi ,ii. unir, Annie Kdwnnls, lltiodii Kdwards, r. t . roiinpi. Vlllt lllllCK, ir. V , i iiiiii,". I lien" iiovi'm win ii" ui n." "" ; ".' hml wrllers us they lire pilbllltcd-tln' booKs which evory one l inlklim about. .Not h int hut tho very bi-st will bo inlmltti'd Into tho World's Mini iird l.lbriiryof lletlou. This Library ofl'lellou Will Ho Hupplled to Hiiierlbon Only. No i:tinCorles Will llo I'rlnled. No I lurk Number Cnu llo I'urnlihed and No SI iiIp Coplos Will li" Hold. If You Wlh tho Hi rlet Complete, nununttiir. ATONCK. Due Ven i' ( VJ tiliiiibt rsl, SI: 11 .Mantua (. iiiiiiib,'l), ril".; H MontliH H I iiuiubeno.V. Addri'-t THE WORLD, Now York. N. W. HIESTANO; Echo, Oregon. IlKAI.KIl IN Gen. Merchandise Pendleton .Boiler Mills Flour. S'l OlSAOIiaml 1'Olt WAltlilXO I.I'.AWNtl MERCHANT TAILOR, l'endleton,Ori'iion,Maln Ht.,iuur Webb. A FlXli STOCK OF GOODS Jat reeolved. Satisfaction Cunrnntood ! I In c.-. ly purlii 'it r. Villard House. I.v K 1IOKN I'roprletor. Northwi'Ht Corner Main and ;court Ktrret, PENDLETON, OREGON. CENTRALlf LOCATED ABbuLUTlSLl A m We oflcr for sale our lttrgo stock of Furniture, Store and Fixtu which tnut tie iIIpoeil of between now nnd September 1st, 1888. MM.,. I ill 1h nHfjred ditilv lit nricact Mmf will I1C I tlAIIlLVV " ' 1 J , lllTlk. . . . Ml . U F sale. A call at our store wm ctivtuca you that we uieuti to 1AKHN 111'. One yonnif brown marr, wcikih. nooiu nw poiintm, who cuii iinoiii iii.i.Mi,'. (incitriiy jenrllnif, belonuliiK to her: none or .. -...i - nm 1,1,., n Akn unn druv horne, two yenm old, with a dim brand noinelhlnic like Ihe lettc 1). ly n down, curve up, on tho left Khoulder. Owner ran recover unnio by eulllnif on tho iilideriilKUed.ntlilHriiuiili, liclit mile north of Vlnon,iind pnylnj dnw. . iiuiiri-nii .... ..i,..t Jalfl 1 tn d w Vlinon, or. Un Otnnl 0 nrn nn rl PSul... in viiisxr? iu lEir: iiniiin. mill n nun riiiin Now is the time to buy what Furniture IIUOU. ixxlvl HUB. dBs OO, 1 CS4-vtrn4- - - "Ponrllaf-nvi A Ja21 lm itsw QTOCKttOLmill'H MKKT1NO. Due nnllco l herelivclven Hint a meetliiK of the KtookholdelM of the Orcirrin UK .V Iiiin AMOflntlou will bo held at the ofllco of the tlliliitllU Ileal lvdiite & lail AocIh Hon, In IN nilletui, Uiniulllii rounty, Orecnn, it 7 n'plnclc p. in., of .Inly iltli, 1, for llm piirpoHuofformtilntliiKiiinl mlontlnj; a con flllulloii unil hy-liiwa, mid eleetlnif i'llcll ill icctorH and roniinltteeii n will eonform to tho hj.laWH Hit,, adopVd. M ATi oc J. II. ItAI.I-V. K. Il.fl.olTuS', It HAIKIKNT, illtJImil .I..M.IIUJKTI otickto contuai:tu UH. "Illda -lll I in reeelveil mi t, 12oVlnelc noon, of .Mondity, Ihe bull day of .Inly, liy. for the roiiH.rnetion of Ihe Ihlee-nliirv brlclt lintel, 10 boeieeled by Ihe renillelon lintel t'oiiipnny, ,,n (iiit.,Mi.iini-iir Mnln iiml Wulrr lreelii. Ill lliclowuof I'endlelon, I'miillll i enmity, Or iwiii. l.'nnlriietor to finiiNh all liinlerlalN. ex cet brlelc. I'Iioim and npi ellle.illonii cull ho een III iihmiiiicooi iwuryu iuiiivim,i , in A'MKiliitlon block, I'l IVmllet ill I'very hid imwi linni'roiiiiinnliMl vl II II celt Hid cheek of IUO), or a ImuiiI eondlili.ncd ti nt If bid IKVIneil, oiiiner w I i ni-rn n rniiim 'o miiiu Hi., hm hi iici'iii il ' i j o tlx n illl i uud U......I fin.,. .rl,.ll .,,1 I StfltP 1,1 filllll'l. MiiihIiiiII,' 'I fnrnl-li nil mil tcrinl cxrepl bilck, nnd III fnrnlili " uiki'I nnd mllU'li-i't ho'id In thu sum of HU'. for fnltiitul iierformaiice of mild cuiilnu't. IIUIk cnu lielcfi with, or eut to miy tneuilier of tho llulldlnif Commlllee.or to ilm n icliiry. ii. A"iir;.M, W. I". MATLOCK, .1. I'AII.INtJ, K. M. WIIKKI.KII, .1. .1. ItAI.I.KItAY. Itullillni Com. (Secretary. Jy7 td WIYI. GARDNER & CO., Sank; and hiing Engineers. M.imi'.icturcr-iof Re-opened, He-furnished and Equipped in First Olass Stvle. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Fice Couch to and from Trains. DUTCH HENRY, Tlie Truck Man DUTCH HENRY, The Transfer Man, VVRHH KTHKKT l'KNnr.KTON JKOAl! 1U.ANK3. Mora than two hundred formi of lentil bUukf at thU offloo, Lxwyera and othtri ueedluij nxlal fortut can Imi tupplled. Steam and! Hot Water Heating Apparatus, KoitnwEi.iiiNdsoiti'tMiiiiciitJnitiiyof- HpeeltlciitlniiR nnd t'Mlmntes farnlilied for heatlni; bulldliupi In any neetlon of Hih conn try. Corrtpondeneo Kollclted, OFFICE: 1 34 THIRD STREET. Portland, Orogon. ju FOR SALE On nnd nfter thin date, as ndmirilnlriitor of the eiui,' of the Into William I:in, 1 oiler for' i tho llv ktock owned bj the ile ee.iM',1, i i'li. .tun; of Thoruuuhhreil JU'vtft.nt Jliills, Sliort-linui Cattle, Gmilv Ot,(le, ami Gtaeiul Stuck Cattla. 'J'huvoHiihbreil Sjiaiitslt Mnlno Jlnclcs anil Kim, Jliylslered. Grtuli lUtvhs ainl Stink Suri, AUoa larwo number of Horse ninl u iiian tHy ot Hay. TERMS TO SUlT PURCHASERS, Kor partlcalnm, call on or nddreht R. C. THOMPSON, A dinliiUtr.-itor, inyildnwtf I Ueton.Or. VV. D. FLETCHER7 WATCHMAKUR JEWELER, llank bulldlni;, Court .Iicci rtiullcton Orntfon, HERB TO STAY -DKALUHS IN- Furniture, Ca i J 7 ' L OIL CLOTHS. SHADES, MATTINGS FTC nooring. rl n .1 .1 T71 T i Forbes & "Wlieeler, Atisoi'Iallou IlllilillliK' Protection or Tariff Reform. Ititv.iiil f,ii.,ilmi. llm Tnrlil'U flu, I. miii, mi u-lilidi llm roiiiliiir riitntmlfln will n llllll II ihjiiim, i u 1 1 1 j i'lll'll ,,llii niiuiu ,iiii, uiiuiiiHi'iillJ iu iiitwiii. ..ii,.... Ju l which soeioM'iy uneviH um ieuiMirni weuarv. Muiloal Jter r-v Mnno. Oi cM k tj :ia,.",i'o,r,,,;,u'! uepiu, .,,e,,'u GEM. LIEB'S BOOK, mi bji . mm WHAT IT DOES FOR US, UendcrH what I uminlly eoiuldered a iiinut iihMriuio mibjent eiuy of coniprfhniln. i.erve iih n 'I'll rill iirlimr fur llm liiirm,r n ui,.i ny n fur thn lenrned. ii'i.ij i. . i...... . ..... .... . ... , .... . . .,.u,H,i,nlrr. .i , . ...iii. ,rtM,..i d ,u. nit.., iiiii.iiii'iiuui, ,1'iiuirv oi ine oook im iih eAiici iniiiiimuiu wiiu iuw hi.- - Of III i lUVVIllllll. The Hltion of Mr. Illnlne'a "Twenty Vriu h Iu ('onureKH" la Inken up,liu upon thi'l'nrltrnuiilyxed,crllleUcHl and made to fumUli their own rrfututloo. INDORSEMENTS: The form n well iih the Mibitnnce of tho laxilc Ih most ndmlrable, nnd I hl lue hliriinillii2 It for like In llm mini vtrt tt k,,niilliur llm irnlli ninoiiK till) !?' IFU. . llll Hl,li1,'l i '", II Ih nn able and lotrlenl pxihihIHoii of tin, liiiin.ilin mul ,leliHlniin of tlic VW "u . i iiv it ih iiiiil'iv. mill ii viirv vni on inn oniiiriiiiiTion ko inu inriiii"'"" '- - It. W. TOV.w.',' I itntlAa tli,.l tl.l t. I. ! . . . i ii I j tilliiirtMl VDOi inniw iiiiiv iiiiii ihmik. lit ri'i'itiviiiir L'nmi fviiiiitiitiiiifiiifiii. il im i"iiitii. i t'ViTV t'ltltill (Ui 1 1 V I lltuiii fill. CAill- til Viitii lliwin llm irthiol iw--tinill imi miifdion' w III'.., ,IUH. l . Jlli.M. l, loillllll"".".". - t.. . . . . . ... i I .unMRIIM mni' in iw .11 1 1,. vi vi im .ills . ifif ,,nr,., iminm.inmii. nun inwu." v.; 1,111 IWlllllllltloiu ..I.. I.- ..l... ... . .... 1 . . . " ... ,i . I.u ...tlAJrabl l.,- And many others. The SEfil-WEEKLY EAST OREGBSIAN, One Yell, AND CEN. LIES'S BOOK. Jtook Ilound In Cloth nd Seml-Wtkly Kant On-ouhin Ono Year. - llook .Mono, In Cloth, wt hi M - Adi roriri EAST fiRPrONIAN PUB. W A. W. SCHULZ i)K.u;tt in Now nnd Socond-Hand Furniture, Stoves, eddlngi Ccnoral Household Goods, OROOKliRY, GLASSWARE, Etc. . . . .. far uoons soia on tho Installment Plan, n ' - A.. W. SCHULZJil, Main Street, - j'emtleton, Brigs, the Photographer. - Ul X 11 U LULL 1.1 1 1 TI -! nitTTOTTO rvi-. L w. i i :.i.,aa mi style known to the art, and absolutely guarantees satisfaction Briggs, the Photographer Over the Postofflce . . Pendleton,