East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 09, 1888, Image 3

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    AY, Jl'IA' V,
ton "I1";:. ......
"...1,0 ltWTUIlMi5''V!"V:
d"" in r. tiinlt-r the iiiiiM
.n1i lull (' 5lu ''V
'il"cr,'. .ntV I'enillflcm.nml
M f Vt mi. II"
'r'Mmiiiijrwrvlco ... ...
,n kcr 5 cents 11 b"4'
Suaml her t wo daughters
f.,r Pi.rtl.Ulll.
are I to be deputy prosec-
v under j " ""
. . iKin-uiriH ut Ilusheo's
'.XL., In l'u ill! elicap ami
. - V.itnrvlllll'S "rlsltnr.
unie down on last. oeionB n
i t .t.t1 tt lnut
. iinuitui .i.'-i-" - . .
i. f.ii- llll CKlUlllluu lion iv.
i rw,.rvllte's renrcsenta-
Indiullnit Hon. T.J. Kirk,
f ! it
r ami l.ri.lo have returned
' .i m MHtlv liiir tlio con-
of friends.
iln eoll luicklo riiiR. flO re
..ilforltsrciwory ami no
.vl. Iinimroai uiihoiiico.
...... ( MniicU to whom ro
.,fr KiriM a wun no ropy oi
It..., -VV.ink V I'.AST Ultimo
shAm left Saturday ovoiiImb
. relatives In louneu minis,
.111 In ilnrltlL' 1 1 10 Gtltim
Kill Iv-mi..." n
l...t Similar eouilelled
BthcMrecttowcK ti siimiy
ne ton n wiw as quiet uh a
in cuiipii'tuv.
the court-house yard, on the
t fmall Ja.lies silver wuteh
yn attached. Milder will
u rillisl (if tlio Alert IIoku
. KA l.tr..ni.in'il Mull tllbl ItVIt
1 UiU 1 Iti ill.,, n ' v..-
,kik, Every incnibor 1h
,'JftnltO Ih) piVM'llt.
evens ono of Alba's enterpris
n'.i. but whit always seems
r!vbljiik'to Pendleton, is
iking liamU with every ono.
'.) Wt-llAl.tll.ttl Tit., l'ltlllllll
in left for homo mi this after
n. Tliev aro a lolly hot of
awe many friends while hero.
.I .. in t it ii..
f mm uiii ii.;ivii iniiii i iiiiiiiii
. I .1 1 ... . 1.. .1 1.
t' . I I.l l-.l.l..... I
nomcMian mill riiu.i,w, nun
n Juniper twice a week, on
rery reader of tlio Dally und
.!r PihV I lit in 11 I vi t V tit tfllta
fure onu or morn cam uik'ii
KituMayV Ihhug It wart orro
i.ltl... i.l I.. 1.1....1. I ,.f
tihuIv. una luiri'linuml
nVndloton. It hIiouIiI 1uivj
Urt .National Il.mk of reiullc
J tky ycMenlay tlio moiubcrri
i'fv Iniiutinj; a numlwr of
' rif 7na Intit tint in vat irlita
"viv'ivruwiiniM run
Lit i,W
toon and Dr. Whlttakor
u-ry wte vwiul lishinu' ox-
a'ficnotth fnrk of tho lliiia
" re rirmsl with -MO of tho
to prove their lirouuHX.
ii i. ... .....i ii. ii i .
mm'i i i' ti-vihiiik dll-
i Ham! are In town to attonil
In will prenldo over tho
t.t ii... i .
.mi .i.ii iiniiii iiiiu i uiiiik-
iix iietiiiica the (lllllonlt
i I-' U m, n.i.ul In. I ....I
w "111. bs. flM IIIIILIIII'IIL Illlll
' n in lijtiu" Saturday
I'i'ivt mill lias licen very
u ii" ,is ii,i'iieii to tlio
atulu I cturi'tl. ami han
"imui'H Hvnilia'.hv anil at-
' ' ' III. 11. rf Pil th.MUTI.ItUir
Ji-P 1 in. i. I . i -
-, . n at .in mi' ira.ii vo
l .n.l l, r I . iiii.iiui 1 1..
u. I lv inn wiii, umi is go
" " U' iH'-t nu'iUiml
-la'jl t. rli. r oven, whluh
1J1I1I IT . M . ...... ill. ....... i.l
...HIT lirv1i(Ul
4 a' . .all ure nlavoil mi
it 11 . leun jnw or it
''nine, la t ,,ti, f whieh tho
VIC.oriiiUM with ti
, i a Hinjjlo error.
4 ! lain in m '.... i ii...... i.,
III. r II .... . .
.vuvju ...i rt rruiH lO III.-
van i0 was attraeted by a
. JJ "J "'.c ' h-aisu to-.lav
K"ar. i if ti u ,i ... ii.. a.
ui i " i"t i ai j it-
IVntviriw. It... .... i. it
i - i.r . , ""' inuian,
Jailor Itolwrt Lock-
'Uli roiii.it in... i- .. t
... Mint JllUlltt LTIMHl
i in ntliv reimrtp.1 tlmt
,T "red.
' mA 1 I'. ii.ii.,.,
I If ml r.i.,,1 I
it.. -i coinu uacic
---.tML'o ut webfoot and it
m .rT,.'"",' Hiiiuon,
aVrf .r. .. '""'eranco of
i utt I. I nn An L...r.i-
, JOckbOtl lr...o,.,. ..11
:. ' . Ue fltl':lni..tl..
Mr. William JIcRoynoldH, of Catnas
pralrlo. Ih In town, llo brought down
with lit in ono hundred pound of cream
ery butter, whleh Ih tho (lint produet of
tho McHoynold'H ereatnery IuhI con
Btrtieted having tho latest improved
machinery. Tho butter in of excellent
quality, and pernoiiH wishing to ut a
i;ood article can cccttto it at the City 11a
ccry. IJcorgo W. Hcadltn; Iiiih been in town a
day or two from tho Greenhorn moun
tain initio, of which ho Ih ii part owner.
Urtorgo letmrtH that tho ptoHcetH for
future development ami prolltablo work
ing of thin initio are veiy encouralnt;.
lie and his "pards" may now wako up
fomo tluo inornini? and Iind tlicniwlves
rich. Let foituno bo not backward.
Mr. J. Ii. McKulin. who nliot lilmeelf,
in improving womlerfullv, all bad Hyinp
toniH liaviny diHappcared, and hi a niiort
tinio will Ihj ablo to return home. IleJ in
at present engaged In writing articles for
IiIh paper, tho long Creek Kagle.
At Uichardson'H chop lioimo there Ih a
flrHt-elnHH cook. IIIh naino Ih Frank
Kinney, and ho Iiiih occupied positions an
Htowarton Hoveral l'aeillc CoaHt and At
lantio CoaHt HteanierH.
The HUperintcndent of tho waterworkn
waniH all water coriHtiuicrH to ntop for
ward by to-morrow and pay their dtiCH,
or their mtpplicH will bo out oh".
Mr. George Ash, of tlio firm of L. Du
Honbery & Co., Ih making a tour of tho
Sound country for tho flrnt time. Ho
loft hero last 1-riday.
Fred llendlov. J. II. Koontz, XV. K.
Ilrownell, and V. A. Crayne, prominent
clti.eiiH of Kcho, wcro In town yester
day. M. G. Morgan, representing O. G.
WiekHon it Co.. dcalerH In modern dairy
machinery, of Portland, Ih In town.
Mayor XV, V. Matlouk and family lcavo
to-tnorrow for a trip to tho Wallowa
country, to Iks absent wjvcral wcckH.
For nalo at cohI : A lot of baby carrl
agon. boyH' wagoim and volocicdeH, at
Falllng'H carpet Htoro.
Tho foundation of tlio iiHHociatlon hotel,
in itself a iiiuhhIvh and costly Htriieture,
Ih completed.
Tho woolen mill and pacr mill Iioiiiih
Ih 4!15 larger to-day than it wan Satur
M. A. Maker and II. McArthur. men of
prominence in Wentou, aro in town today.
Mm. llexter ban n front room to rent
at her residence, on Court street.
Father DoKoo relumed yesterday from
u trip to Portland.
.1. II, Turner, Hwj., wiih in Walla Walla
County Commissioner Clark Wallern Ih
in town.
Hotel Arrival.
Vii.i.aiu) lloi'si:. Dan Illll, Charles
Kennedy, Joh(. MauadaH, M S Morgan,
Mm Ca'rlvle, 1'ortland; A J Knapp and
wife, W I' llutchor. Charles Clove. II C
Vaiighati.Centervlllo; David I. I.ezinxky,
.1 II MeNtitt. A V Hosendalo. W I.
Whltmoro, N H Greonfelder, .1 Jovco, C
C lllakesleo, H. II Clark, San Francisco ;
.1 S Thomas, l'omorov, W T; J A Mac-I'hei-son.
J W ltowland, N X A Cohen.
Tom Andorson, Jan Brieve, Chicago; M
A Uaker, u AiuArtiiur, wesion; .itn
Cliim Klrkwood, G 15 AdaniH, Walla
Walla : .1 I. Itand, I.uther 1! I son, llaker
City; C (iwitehell, Joh Malso, Concnidia.
Kansas; Jno J Ilogau, Vinson; .las !
Stoano. Simkano; J Itslohusou, I.lncoln,
Neb; K 11 JohtiHon, Oskalossa, Iaj A It
Kelsav, AnleloiK), Or; A Martln.eountry ;
J Clovcmcll, J II Clillbrd and wife, II W
StovenH, Alba; J W Drapor.Oregon City;
.Iiih 11 Uoontz, W K lirownell, Kcho; C
M Mallorv and family, Heppnor; T II
Walsh, city; Will C Stlmson, Pilot Hook;
Jno F Miillius, CamaH.
Got.nns Ui i.i:. J W Sullivan, Miss N
Morahn.C II Campbell, Cold Spring;
Win King J Nelson, C K Welch, City; J
l.iinil)i'il. Seattle: Mrs Clark Walters.
Weston: I C Jacks and family, MIsh
Jacks, Centorvillo; Win Kennedy, Hunt
ington i J H Ada'iis, Pilot Htx k; T M
lirown, Tho Dalles; Kt Waulker, St
Louis ; C Stokes, M A Fa'cman, Portland ;
W Furor, Hoppiier; J W Ilaldwln,
Camas; Fnmk F.llis, (i Phillips, Alba;
(! W Handon, Moso llarvoy, Vale; PJ
Hose, Win Hoso, lai Grande.
A ScrliHK Ari'lili'iit,
Hccontly, on Jacob Fnunr's ranch on
lUicli t'icek, a man named Sam Hays
was very soiiously injuied. In dismount
ing from his horro to oim a gate, ho
through some means fell to tho ground
tmiliir tint imitiml. ulili'li vlclo.ihlv train-
pled uiwn him. It was iliscoveied that
Ills log was broken below tho kneo, lioing
a compliealcd compound fracture, Isith
Uones protruding from tho llesh and bleed
ing profusolv. Ho was veiled by Dr.
King, who dressed tho wound as bust ho
could, tho man bleeding horribly. II'
savs that considering tlio hot weather,
and tho dangerous nature of the fracture,
It Ih u vory doubtful caso.
From 1'lliit Itml;.
XV. C. Stlmson, Pilot Hook's aceoiu
pllshod rustler, was in town for a short
upaeo yenterday oenlng lu so.neh of
witnswo.' Ho iosrtH only four law
suits tit present to. Iw tried In fai-away
Altu precinct. Some of Pendleton's legal
lights should omigruto there. Tho real
estate businetiH, howovor, ho says, is
shorn of its accustomed profits, and oven
a real, live agent cannot ii.aiiufactuiii
a laud bnvor, there not bolng ono this
sldo of Jericho. Indeed, fanners between
Pilot Hock and Kcho aro hitchliig-up to
their wagon-load of iKslongings and de
patting, leaving farms and homes a sad
The CoiiU't Cane.
Tho contest caso has li'en on trial all
this afternoon, Mith Judge Iron on tho
bench. Tho tinio has Isjen occupied in
1 discussing a motion of Mr. Lcasure's,
Mr. Young's attorney, asking that tho
caso bo dismissed on tho ground of tho in
sutllciency of the iwtition for a recount.
1 The court rnled, however, that tho peti-
turn was sulliclent, and tlio caso was con
tinued until to-morrow. It is exciting in
tense interest.
Send us names of friends to whom we
can semi freo of charge a satnplo copy of
the Dally and Semi-Weekly Kast Oueoo-
NT1M. IT (lltOWH.
Tlio fliml IIoIiik ItriU'lu-il l.vrrylmily llll
cuurnKlnc tliu Kiut Orr;ti.iliiii's i:ilbrt. i
The Kast Okkuonia.s Is eonlldont that I
the tiro.Hirtv liunrix of l',.iii1l,.ir,ti will '
glvo slt),000 toward encouraging parties
to build a palter mill and woolen mill in
Pendleton. Already tho fund has
reached and Is now past the JKjOO point,
and only a few of tho main property
owners hao been seen, livery lm.n ap
proached has given liberally aiid cheer
fully to tho fund. All of them admit the
inipoitanco of it and express themselves
as lielng certain that It Is absolutely nec
essary that the mills be built to Insure
tho fututo prosiierity of Pendleton. Tho
growth of the fund to-day Is JjM.'l.".. ISy
tho Hist of August tho entire amount
should bo pledged. The Kast Oitnoo
.mas desires that all property owners
should bo represented among the sub
scrllHjrs, and makes no special appeal
only to proiteity owners, as they ate
solely alone in receiving the benefits to
bo derived from tho building of the mills.
Properly owners who do not give stand
in their own way and biing iulu upon
themselves. What v ill you give, .Mr.
Heal Kstalo Owner? Don't be back
ward. Tho money Is all coming back to
you, and in giving you aio only helping
yourself. hat did you say you will
glvo? Who will be tho next? Hero aro
thoso who aro foremost in the tight:
h. Ilium sflioO
Jesso Falling 150
Hast Oiiuoonian Pub. Co 160
Dr. G. W. King DO
W. F. Matlock fHK)
Stuigis & Wado 'J..0
C. S. Jackson -5
11. Selling r,0
Frank Duprat 1U0
P. Sargent 100
Mrs. N. Ii. Despalu 2(H)
Miss Flora Despalu 100
J. II. Turner MO
Mrs. J. H.Turner 100
John Gagcn 100
John Stanlleld r0
K. Keith 100
M.Mausell DO
J. P. Kester 20
Dr. F. W. Vincent '.
L. Heitl 100
Johnson & Diack r0
It. Ilond f0
Geo. W. Sweeting 10
II. I.. Ilexter 'JO
II. F. Johnson fc Co r0
W. Ii. Crows '.'0
F. J. Donaldson 'J5
John McGarry fit)
.1. II. Ogle 10
T M Col l ey KM
J 11 Haley 100
DCoH'man AO
W W HojKjr. W)
J 1 1 Shoemaker 'Jo
H J Slater. L'O
J 1) .Murphy 100
It Alexander 50
Peter Carroll 50
A. Healey AO
Chris Hauley 75
Charles I'nu.ier 'J')
Mrs A llealov 10
S Hothchlld AO
WJ Furiiisl tlA
M'nirti Illili'iH'lnli'lll At ililt'lily,
This excellent iustlttitiou located at Tho
Dalles, is now entering tiK)n a new career
of usefulness. Prof. T. M. (latch, so long
ami favorably known as its principal, was
last vear called to the presidency of the
University of Washington; anil under
his successor, Prof. H. II. Willis, an
accomplished and successful teacher, the
scojh) of the academy has been greatly
Four of the present corns of teachers
came recently from tho hast, and aro
eminently distinguished In their several
departments. '1 heir educational work is
carried on with enthusiasm and with a
sn rlt of limitless, and it may be conil
ileutl v stated that this academy is now ono
of the very best schools in our land,
liverv parent should consult Its catuloguo
and Inform himself of tho merits of this
deserving Institution before sending Ills
children elsowhero.
Graduates of tho academy are admitted
to the Oregon I'nlvoi-shy without exam
ination. Tim standard of scholarship Is
very high and Is attained only by ener
getic ami faithful study.
Tlio Ni'vr IIiik Titani.
Yosteidav evening a hoso team, com
jsioed inainlv of tho nioiiilHjrs who went
to Walla Walla, was organized. It bo
longs to Pioteetton Company No. 1 of the
Flro IVipartniont, and its inoiiibors will
bo known as tho "CIlptHJiH." Following
are tho names of its members; G. I..
P.urgv, caiitaln ; w. A. .tinier, niauagor;
W. P. Wells, J.X) Ull, F. F. Wulllo, C.
Chapman, George Claik. Hen Hagtui. II.
Stlllman, Phil Gagon, Charlo Sharp, A.
J. Giliaon, I.. Cillp, I., (i. Fnulor, D. H.
It will bo feon from tho niako-up of
this toiim that th natno of "ClipiW
will U a liiBaiilng one. It Is quite pi-'-ablo
that thov will oxeel at home, and if
oeoaidoh over calls them abroad, as ft did
recently, thov will doubtless return
crowned with honor, ami do credit to the
town of Pendleton and it Fire Depart
ment. Aiiotln'rUiifortuiiiiltt.
A man named Siooert is at present
lying veiy ill from t. plwid fever at the
boarding homo of Mrs. Curry, on upinir
Court s reel. lie is a Norwegian, and
was taken sink away from homo and
friends, and hence has not received tho
..miiittt imiitiuei.t. nourishment and
, medical assistance necessary for tho
i suppression of tho malady with which ho
i lu . iillcted. Two or theeo kind-hearted
lerson havo been doing everything in j
their isjwer to alleviate his sullering, and i
i. i..:., I,..,,.. n iiiutftr inmlicul euro, but j
iiu nan iiw.il i ' ;
his diseaso has niado too much progress
and cannot bo checked, so the doctors
ti.,. ...iw la ii tuid one. and the '
r-u , i-v ... 1, i
man should receivo sympathy and help,
not only in words but in actions. Later
it is learned that tho iwor man is now
bevond tho reach of all earthly assUtance,
having died during the afternoon.
We ask every reader of tho Daily and
Fonii-Wccklv Kast Okkoosia.v to en
deavor to get ono or more campa gn
subscribers to it. Peml-Weekly, to No
vember 15, 1888, 75 cents; Daily,
A Suit Mlnfortunc.
Almost every ono In Pendleton knows
i.co ileum, tlio genial lime nniicenmn
and basolitill player who soon became a
general favorite' hole, and this story of
his misfortune will I c received with sor
row. A short ttmo ago ho loft for Mon-1
tana to take a position onstho Northern'
Paellle. A brakeman carries his life and '
the safety of his limbs In Ids hands, and I
all too soon did "Saxlo" learn by per-!
sonal experience this bitter truth. Mr.
Allaway received a telegram Sunday
morning stating that at seven o'clock
thu night before, at Heron, Montana,
I.ee Beam was run over and his foot cut
oirat the ankle. Thus unkind fortune
has put an end to Saxio's heretofore ac
tive life. There Is no more brakeing, no
more baseball playing for him.
I.fi'lurr mi tlm Cliliii'nr.
Miss Mlnnlo Huzzcll delivered ti very
entertaining lecture at the Baptist church
Sunday morning. .Miss Buzzell has been
laboring as a missionary it. China for
three years, and lectured on the manners
and customs of the celestials, who are
seen on this coast all too irctpienlly, but
of whose homo life so little Is known.
Miss Biiz.ell was of course possessed of a.
thorough knowledge of her subject, and
this added to her pleasing address and
descriptive power, inado her lecture In
teresting In the extreme, and won tho
plaudits of the audience. A social will be
given at the Baptist church Wednesday
evening, and Miss Bu.zell will appear In
tlio (plaint costume of a Chinese lady for
the edlllcallon of all who wish to come.
fUc sif ii son
1 lEaF
Stiiiii-tliln.: About Itnllroiitli.
Prom Hcrlliucr'H MiiKur.lnc.
How many miles of railway in the
ITnllml SHultw? (inn lilitiilrn I unit lift V
thousand six hundred miles; about half
the mileage of the world. How much
havo tlioy cost? Nino billion dollars.
I low many people are employed ny inoni i
More than one million. What is the
fastest tinio made by ti train? Ninety-two
miles In iilnety-tlneo minutes; one niuo
lielng miulo in forty-six seconds, on tho
Philadelphia ami Heading railroad.
What Is the cost of a high-class, eight
wheel Passenger locomotlvo? About
eight thousand live iiuimreu i.ouars.
What s the longest mileage otierated by
a slnglo system? Atchison, 'looka and
Fiitua re sysiom; auoui e.g.ii iiiousam.
miles. What is tho cost of a palace sleep
It.L' car? About llfteen thousand dollars,
or seventeen thousand dollars If 'vest!-
billed." What is tlm longest railway
bridge-span in the United States? Can
tilever span In Ponghkeopslo Brldco, live
I.. , l1 I !..!. .... tlM..., I..
iiunureii ami lonj-vinin icui. n in
thu highest railroad bridge in the ('tilted
States? Klnzua Viaduct, on the Krlo
Head, three hundred and live feet high.
Who built the llrst locomotlvo In tho
United States.' I'etor Cooior. What
road carries the largest num
ber of passengers? Manhattan Klovated
Hallroad, Now York; live hundred and
tweiitv-llve thousand a dav. or ono hun
dred and ninety-one million six hundred
and twenty-one thousand yearly. What
(s the average daily earning oi an Amer
ican locomotive? About one bandied
dollurs. What Is the longest tnerican
railway tunnel? Iloosao liinnel, on the
Fltchburg railway, four and three-quarters
miles. What Is tho average cost of
constructing a mile of railroad In tho
United States? At tho present time
about thtrtv thousand dollars. What Is
tho highest railroad In (ho United States?
Denver und HIo Grande; Marshall Pass,
ten thousand eight hundred and llfty-two
feet. What are the chances of fatal ac
cident In railway travel? Ono killed In
one million; statistics show that more are
killed by falling out of windows than in
railway accidents. What line of railway
extends furthest east and west? Cana
dian Paellle Hallway, mining from
Quebec to tho Pacltle Ocean. How long
does a steel rail last, with average wear?
Almut eighteen years. What road carries
the largest number of commuters? Il
linois Central, four million eight hun
dred and twenty-eight thousand ono hun
dred and twenty-eight In 1887. What Is
the fastest time made Iietween Jersoy
Citv and San Francisco? Three days,
seven hours, thirty-nine inlnutoH anil six
teen seconds theatrical train, Juno, IHStl.
Ooi ll:irrloli Curry It'.'
I'nim tlio Jtu-lc koiivIIIp TIiih h
While tho convention at Chicago was
balloting last week a Chicago hone lor.oi ig
luaily from Fort Wayne, asked the fol
lowing; qiiosllous:
When 'lid Harrison carry Indiana?
When was Harrison elected loan olllce
on tho votes of Indiana iKuple'.'
Why w us hi ili'l'twtcd fur i;ieiiiber of
the eltv council ff Iniliunutiolis?
j Why was ho defi-utfil fr -prosecuting
I attorney of Marl n t .unty, Indiana?
Why was h ilff".iied for governor in
the faiiious "!'-tu J wns" inmimlgn?
; Harrison Ii.ih '"tin defoulml in Indiana
at least ten time, und the only oIIIcom he
, evBf livid wure bv evecutive or legislative
aiiiMiintme.il. If ho eon id not curry
: lintiana whan It was imiiuusilonably u
i.etM.blinm StHte (IH71' to 1882) what
Iim is thuro for him now when the State
is guuoraliy ntoognUed as doubtful or
Dotnoc ratio?
We usk ovoi v reader of the Daily and
, Honii-Weekly Kasi1 Ohkiiosian to en
doavor to secure one or more campaign
i Kiibscribets to it. Sonil-Weekly, to No
vomber 15, 1888, 75 cents; Daily, if I. 'St
Send us names of friends to whom wo
can send freo of chargo a sainplo copy of
tho Daily and Semi-Weekly Hast Umh-
Fortorhousu Stonk OOc
Sirloin Stonk 35
Round " 25
Pork Chops 25
Mutton " 25
Ham and Eggs 35
Eggs in any stylo, onch 5
Milk Toast 15
Dry Toast IO
Half Spring Chlckon SO
Cold Spicod Boof IO
" Boilod Hum 15
" " Tcnguo 15
Two Horrlng . ..,.5
Smckod and Driod Von-
icon Hamu
PIcklod Pig's Foot with
Crackers IO
Imported Sardines, can. 25
Dovilocl Mom, can 35
Shrimps and Lobstors 35
Salmon, can 25
Coffoo, Tea or Milk, onch 5
Bread und Buttor 5
Sumlwichcs IO
Oysters in any -ty!o
Cold Lunches from O conts
Bologna SmiSttgo.
Overwhelming Reductions !
Bargains, Bargains
w '
Sweoping Roductions in our Dry Goods
Sweeping Roductions in our Fancy Goods
Sweenincr Reductions in our Notion Goods
i Department.
oweopmg teuuciiions m our uiobuixiti' j-o-partmont.
Sweeping Reductions in our Hen's Furnish
ing" Goods Department.
Sweeping Reductions in our Boot and Shoo
Sweeping Reductions in our Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Matting.
Owing to the bai kwanlness of Hm ttade this wason, wo have an accumulation oi
hhs'k which we do not priini) to curr) ovi-r.
In order to get thU rsn.i, we have decided to iuforiu tho public that we will
soil for Ihi' next ri.-.t) days our Kntlio Sts k at
Wo guarantee that gotsls of a similar quality cannot be puichaM il its4iw)itiu
Purchasers would do well to Fxuiiiii onr Ktisjk.
saw t.i.v.
Wasco Independent Academy,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Hprclul preparation for l'nlvcrltl'- In Oro
Boii or wunlil.iKton, for Unlvcmltyof Cat.
Ifornlii, llurvitnl, Yalo aail otlit.ru, or
fur Ijunlness KliiUnnli not Kfeklinc
colU'i'loto f ilm nllitii may t r-d .
note litre In
Classical, Scientific or Normal
co im KH.
Beat Imtructlon In Kloc-atlon, SIulo und
Art. Good dltclpllne und food moral tone,
r'ull etiulpinenU. Wrlm tur caliiloae lo
11 It 11 WJI.MS. . M
Jy9 diw Jm Principal.
Hkniiv Hiovkh, 1'rtwliUi.it.
J.HOUMKUV.I.LK, Villi PrCKlllcilt.
Kiint I'Aiih-TrsriN, Ki-i-rniHry.
Jaioii I i;.zi:ii, Tii'iimiritr.
The Farmers' Custom Mill
This new mill Is now manufacturing Hour l.y the latest Improved methods
Flour and Mill Feed Always on Hand
We solicit u share of publlo patronage.