East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1888, Image 2

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    TIiriWDAY. JULY 0, 1888.
Knt tri-Klnn 1'iiltt lotilntf Cmnpiwiy,
Kvery pernon lntorentcd in the lroH
twrlty of thl (section of country, and tho
cost of getting our irlnco to tidewater,
Khoitld read tin) l'ortlund totter In thin
i Ihhuo of tlio Kant Oiihoonm.v. It will
Tim Wheal ltul.nl Knal ot the Mountain
to k to Taconia t'orllniiil' I'oiltlon In
1'oiiti.ani), On., July 3, 1888.
A very nuecr eltimtlon han dufclojicd
In commercial circles within uio pant
akiM irnn n AIM
U u in y utrtoi r m 1 1 n .
tun I
probably furnluli Information which In d.ijH, which goes "to oint u moral and
... fiiiitrti ii mini" it KiimiM nun iiiij miiiiil iii
Olio ropy pur year, by mull
One copy nix iiioiiIIik, ly mull
Olio ropy purwrrh, liy currier.
Hltili'lo iiiiiiiIktm
(;' A'lrrrthnnrnlit)
lliell, or IrnH, III Krlill-wwKly
Ono Inch, or Icm, In linlly tier mo
Two I ik'Iii'h, or In IhiIIi, tii-r li
Ovrr lliri'oliiRlii'KiHciiiPWii'Kly,
...... XI W
cr montl 1 ft)
miiniii... a w
, purlncli
tier iniiiitli h ,
Over thrio Inches Dally, per Inch per
month I i
Ovrrtlireiilnrhen, In lioth, per Inch pr
liiontli To
Ono copy per year.
One ropy fix innntlm...
Hlllitln mnnlicr
joHHuntlal to tho wclfaro of
iinil tho pooplo in it. It trentH of
tor in which wo me nil
Portland eorrcHpondonl vouches for
tho truth of it eontuntH, and prom
IfUH to follow It up with eov-
oral otherH of like importance
land dallicH have reftiHod to publish Hiuhu
letturH bceaiiNo their canli account
would bo uireuled by tho publi.
cation thereof. liven tho Htrong and in
iluentlal Uregonlan Iiuh rcfuxed to kIvo
thoHu lottorrt circulation, hecaiiHO it in
inoro or lew wibwrvlent (o railroad in
lluuucu und li;e.t not winii to
wiurillco ItH railroad patronagu. When
ii pajHir getH In that position
tlw. .lllll-.
I .. ..tit. Iu nl.i I ..i.l.ln.it ii. 11 ullli.'
II IllUl- i ,..,.(,., ... tlui nillrriLiil nllirnroliv. luif
intcrostod. Our , ,iurl. u, taWo ltd voico for rhihtH pmin-
ked it, and tho dally papern, which
should bo llrnt to tninict tho elty'H dan-,
iter, are muzled and rufiico their colnmnrf
to ventilate tlio grievance.
not long
VI fin
l ii
I'rrnilum paper free lo yearly buom llicrn.
Kul lil iiiiniiiiriill lilviTllKinii'iitn In Mi'tnl
Weekly or Dally, II ml Insertion, per Inch
tl.uu; I'licn HiniHeipioni invruon,iuc.
Iical notlrcN, ton ceutH per lino rncli In
i.irr tiii: votkii oiioosk.
At IiihI the Ihhuo longed for by tlio peo'
plo Ih clearly prtwenled, nharjily dellned.
Tho DotnocratH hiivu placrd theniHi'lveM
on record. Tim ItepiibllcitnH liiuo like
wleo llrnily coniuiltted tlioiiiHclveri. Tho
Doinocratlu iiaity Iiuh taken ItH Htaud for
"tariU'teforiu," and I bo reduction of un
just, unnei'oHHary and daugeroiiH taxa
tion. The Republican party him llrnily
placed JtHidf in defeiiH) of tho present
and higher taxation, and bellevcx In ox
pending tho latpayer'H dollar in various
pliitiHliito (clieineH enorinotiH ikiiihIoii
rolls, UHoluHri public iiuprovt'iueutH, and
anything that can mmkIiIv Mirvo an an
excuse for thooxK!ndltuio of tho pooploV
cuhIi. TJioy helioM) In "proleellon."
What Ih tho iiieitnlng of thin trim if tho
dullnitiou Ih not Himply cluss "protec
tion," l'rolection of Jay (iould, tho
VanderhlllH, tho ("nriicglcH, tho lruts,
tho inonopolieH, tho rich iiiuuuf.icltiier
thai Ih what It ineaiiH. AhIc Hie lalwirer
In thu coal mine, in Iliu manufactory, tho
farmer In thu Held, tho iiiecliiinle at (ho
anvil, if ho iri "pro! cried," and
wheio IiIh "piolertlou" comeH in.
Ank tho man nlm lolls anil laboiH with
IiIh IimmiIh to prodtiro tho wealth of our
country If ho In "protected," and how ho
Ih "protected." The question will Ihi a
haul one to niiHWer. Thu term simply
meaiirt tho protection of a favored class
ul tho tixpoiiro of an Immense army of
t'oiiHiituorH, of a host of producem who
iilsiiroiiiiume. Wo mo nil consiimerH. If
a Carnegie, a Jay (iould, builds up bis
mlllioiiH out 1)f tho protection Hystciu,
wheiu do Ibo ilullitiH conm from V There
must bo a iiupply, and it i found from
tho Atlantic to tho l'acllie. Ilveiy man
who buys a yard o; cloth, a pound of
food, conlilbiiteH lo tlinse princely mil
IIiiiih. And IIiIh Ih Ibo glorious Itepuh
llrau ny turn of "protection," tlioHyntuiii
of Ibo rich. Tho Piiiuoerutle paily, tho
parly of tho itoplu, Hay "Halt, o will
lofoiui thono aluirt'H Htep by step, care
fully and Imimrtlully ; will ictlueo Ibis
drain iimn Hie jioclaits i f the pimple."
Tho Itopuhlieau Kirly kijh "tin on ; let
iii havo inoin proleellon, more taxation;
if thu many Hiiltor, the few will gain
theiohy, and wllli tho mighty Mronglh of
' I bow fijw to bm'k it, tho Itepulilicun
1'iitty will IvctHiio a imwur In the l..nd
T bin Is tho Ihhuo, the allltudo, of tho two
Nirtkx, nml tliore In no htwitntiun In tho
i-.inU of ollbor. Lot tlio voter cIioomi
Thoroit-! It will bo remembered that
ugo a couiinltieo oi nvo tupruomnuvu
citizetiH went to ev York on invitation,
to confer witli l'les-ltlont AiIuiiih of the
L'nion l'acllie, on mattorH of railroad ,
concern to lmth nartien, and notably the
joint lease. While thero tho committ'C
of live forcibly tiortniycd tho difiidvan
tat'e i'orllaud lalmred under as a slilt-,
iilng center, iih compared with Tueoina,
by rcaHon of tlio excessive cost of getting
ships to tho ocean, ox thu Columbia
river vcntim I'uget Hound. At that time
thu oxtra cost of towage on river and bar,
pilotage and lighterage, made it cost not
less than from fifteen hundred to three
thousand dollan (in proortion to the
hIzo) forovery whip loaded in tho Colum
bia river, over what tho same clasHof ship
would cost to thu ocean from Tacoma.
Tho statement was u revelation to Presi
dent Adams, and ItH Injustice was so " Proprietor of tlio
manifest, mat lio at onto promised tlio I FlvcCrnt iicrr Unit.
ovil should bo corrected, and that rateH MnlnHtMoppoMtepottoitlcPcnillrtnii
by thu way of tho Columbia rivur to Iliu 1 pcn,nBtoii tieer on ilriumtit. tt'lnrn, limmri
Hea should Ihi niadu uotlallv cliean with I nml claim. of tlio lct brand', n rIiick.
of llrooklyn, Now York, will HUjijKjrt I those from Tacouia. 'this promise of I""'1"1'1
Cleveland und Thurman becaumj ho Iki- 1 1 remdent Ad.unH was tulegraphed back
anu iriimpciuu wiin great "cciai" as mo yy
dawn oi u Delter lay lor our commercial -7- , . . .. .
.,.,,, ' The wliorealmiit(of tlio follnwlinrilescrlt-cil
prosK.Li.i. . home are known to ilihmilre: .
a lew iiiiVH ago, alter 11 great upheaval 1 uneurav woric iiorrcniHsl nil mumi: 0110
longer thu jicojiIo'h friend,
It ilepcndH for ItH greatest ui-
It Ih no
on whom
Tin: Into James Freeman Clarko of
lioston ouco emboilled a Hrtlucnt truth
In a fuw words, when ho declared that
"thu politician thinks of the next election
and tho statesman of tho next century."
i;.v. .Ma volt Kktii Low, a ltopuhllcan.i
X B B (7 3 2 2
Mrs to f w ."3
Kens 2 . y a -
0 O e 3: IK p?
H r e I ft
giS! & HI
O ; P m
O 1 to ' 8-
3 H ? g o 2 S
"OR 23o" 0
-b H to XL o o
; tg s -
lti:t). KKMI'HIt,
IIovcm III "Tarlir lteform."
A MiciiiiiAN Prohibition Hjicuker Htig
gestH that thu Republicans mako"Pockut
book and Pedigree" an thu (. 0. P. bat
tlo cry.
Oavtos, W. T. Ih trying to raise L'O,-
(KK) with which to build a llrst class
Tiidiii: Ih a ttirlll' on tin plate of ono
cent a pound,
A I'ni.iiicM, plug a plug hat.
corr's i.an i iti:vii:w.
of thu elenientrt, tho railroad inoiintuln ly liori.r, ulni.l In taint; 0110 Imy liorxo tmn
lalKired and gave forth tho tarlir, ho long I WZ ". ;y ' lmia? ;;; '?" 1 '.V,',!
auticiiiated, hut Instead of it being what
President Adams iroiniso(l, it Is a rate
that still leaven a charge of from four to
seven hundred dollars jut ship higher
by way of thu Columbia river than Puget
In thu councils that preceded the pro
mulgation of thu rate, tliero w as not found
ono man to insist on tho futllhrciit of the
promise given, but tho shippers uere told
"if this rate did not stilt thorn, the rail
road manau'en would bo compelled to I
1 iiiifiir Ititi, iiiM.iitfiittiitiu In .niri' fli. 1 ii'liinit 1
U'nmrn'M KlKiit I'mirr thu iiiitininaii I from Poi Hand by tho Northern l'acllie lo j
'. , Tacoma for ici.in hipinonlH." This
IJnuiarried women, wIiIowh. mniiicnn 1 stupid threat having been actually nuulo 1
mid deserted wives, who aro over the ago by .Manager Ibili-uilii, mi" individual
of twenty-ono yeais, am enlilled lo all , rushed hysterically Into print in the.
tho riiihtH. piMlev'eH and henelllH under t'regnnian who showed tip tho matter in I
the homestead laws that can bo unloved I 'lrt Irl;u ligldi but bis communication was
- .1 . 1 1
oilier two urn linimldl. Ono day niuIiIIo
linran. Iiriimleil 7 I. ilvlmr iliiu'lil mi r tfht lilt)
ono urny in arc, tiramli'it (i on iliilit lilpnml
7 J on lert mp.
I Inn L'rnr irelilliiL. Iiniliileil IT mi left lllli,
Onobav luaro. Iiranilrit lilotted iIihiikiiiiI
f nti I4.fl. HlifitiUter nml II I. tin rluht hln.
I Ono Imy mure, lirnnileil Willi n rlorn
I liriiinl on Ii fl olnmlilrr.
(inn liay Html colt, two yeais oli), I rnllilixi
helHHIirN llll rtl. MhnnhlM.
Tin' owners nf llif ( norxes ran liiirn of Hie
wlien-alsiiit of tl.i""" liorM't ly riiclntliiu M
I f.ir Midi liomoanil inMri'Mlmt Mils oillre. If
l llii liornpH lint not rrrovereil from tne laror
I niatlou filiiiMlit'tl tho Miolioy will lie re-
1 tiirneil. Aillr':
Jli:il I'PtiillctiiiiiDirKiiu
AVe oiFor for sale our largo stock of
ri I I 1 1 1 1 III r IIIIIIH llllll HI
which inunt lioillpoeii nf ho'wcen now nml
September 1st, 1888,
Tim Furniture will lc oflcred daily at prices that, will
sale. A call at our store will convince you tint
we mean to
umm ui lira oiuun, oiuic aiiuriii
Now is the time to buy what Furniture
1 V
Court Street
Jll'il lm ilmv
I I lit fONlllNT DASH.
.Mu. A. It. .Maitkon luti llled notlco
that .1. II. ltultyV election as Souator
will bo ooutiwlotl on thu lloor of tho next
I.egislatuio, lie ttllegoM an leuitons fur
tho conliict that Haley wiw elocliHl by
imuitiH ol illcKul votlim, and that vol oh
woiu mist for "('oUuiel ' ltily, claiming
that huoIi a ponton wan a cttmlhUto
far us illeiful mjIIihc in itiuvnut ', It Is
doubtful If Itaioy could pomibly obtain
any udvuutuuo over Mattixui In tluil m
HHet, oen if ho woiv mi dlspoed. .Mat
tos)ii, hoovor, hun iimde IliU Hlinsy pu
bvxt tlm Iwoin of a tMiUai, nml in lolying
on the largo numorieal suHulorily of his
Itepubllutn friumU in tho I Mature to
lKxw.t htm into oillco. lt U very doubtful
that ho will succeed, and It Ih plain ho
cannot, if tho l.ojiislatiiro will take an
Impartial utid not a partisan lew of the
tioVHUMlK SrKVKSSoX luw liotilled tllO
doimrtment at Wilmington that ;UX) In
dlaa ate in Junltvr mountain, near
Hiker City, killing; cattle and tiithuKI.xt
ing cettlerH. I lo asks that thoy Ku'oui
IH'llod tu return and remain on.their res
ervation, tiovernor rJloveunon'H prompt
uclion may kivo tho lived of IhUi tho
Indians ami tho nottlcr.
Oitwuo.N gave Seymour 150 majority hi
lBtkS. This in tho only timo tho State
t)vcr wont IK'iuocmtlo for lnideut.
liv men
I lie motlier ol a Ilvlmr cli ilorcli
drcn, whelher widow, deM'rlril wife or
uiitoilunato sinulo iH'rsiin. mav amn io
into 10 laiiu as mo ncau oi a family,
though under the ago of twenty-one,
WiiloMHof deceased ontrvmen Hticceed
to thu rights ot their husbands ami may
miiKo imai pi cs 11 anu iiiko title in tneir
own iiiiiues. it is not absolutely neces
sary that they should resldu nixm the
land after thu death of Iliu husband, as
lesiilence or cultivation for the prescribed
timo is all that Is demanded ot widows
and inluorheirH.
I ho widow of il nerson who nerved for
ninety dayH or inoro during tho war of
Ibo lels'lllon in tho I'nlled Stales Armv,
.Navy or Marino t'orpn and died without
making an entry, may maku an entrv
thu same an her husband. If HvIiil'. iiililit
do, and In making limit proof receive
credit in lieu of lesldenco on I he land for
the poilod of the husband h service, not
to exceed fotiryearH.
I ho deserted w ife of a homestead en-
tryman may make 11 mil proof um IiIm timMit
and havo patent Issue in the iiauie of her
iiustiiiml. or Mm mav con est Ids entrv on
the guiiind of abamlonmeut of the claim
and after cancellation, enter the laud In
in her ow n name. Tho latter Ih the w icr
eouie, for many leasoiiH.
An iiuuiuriicd woman (widow or
olherubo) having initiated an entrv
may mairy without atlei'tiug her riuht to
tho land, jirovlded she complies with (lie
Ic.il reiiitlieiuent!'. Should she niarrv
prior to the timo when she might make
her Proof and peifect her claim, and leao
the laud to l eslde wllh her bilsUttid oUe
wliKro.Ihe entry vuld Iv liable to cancel
lat on for tibatiil 'iimciit hut not i.n ue-
count of tlio uuirriago.
Where a man and a woman each make
a homoMeiiil entry ami marry kif.ue
making Until proof, one of the. entiles
inunt Ik' ivlliiiiiished, or commuted, at
their choice. If they live together on
one homestead, tho entry covering Hid
other homestead will Iw liable to contest
for abandonment, eeu Ihotiuh the laud
I... ....111... .....I I l I MM 1
i niiiii"i iiini iiiipnueu. iiieuoiue-
nto.ul law require thiet things to give,
Hnal title, lli(. honest lesldenco: neeninl
Kmh1 eiilllvallon, to ero or otheruho,
and Ibinl, fair ImpMV.'iiieiits in the mat
ter of buildings, fenivH and tho like,
t'ouipliaiav with only one or two of thero
iK' i ii"i'iiieineiiis win not wmi-iy tuo inn.
VkII'iiII compliaiuv with all thiee ixsiii-
me ih must ho natUMctorlly sliowit for
i he entire period at the date when tho
Ihiitl prtMif Ih made.
Tito damthter of a diveaHeil noldier,
Mailer or maiino, if otherwise ipialilled,
nmv enter laud hi hor own right, not
w iihiitaiulhiir an entrv mav have lieou
made by her guardian and iorfected for
her Umelll, during her minority. She '
can thereby Hivtito two hoinilwidd.
A w Mow , as tho legal i)pre.entatlvo of
her deceased htisliaml mav continue to;
ctilllvato bin homestead and at tho iaino
timo take an entry in her own name, A
woman has this advantage over a man.
She txiii thus t-mnv two hoiuestoadH
while ho is allowed only one.
The widow of a deceased entrvuuin
may purchase, undor the act of Juno 15,
lN.su, tlio laml omliraciHl in a hoinestead
I llll J inline liniwil lllllir, i'ikii'. nitim. Kinr
poiinili, with co It iiImiiU iwnniiiiitlii nlil, nml
nun urny M' lrllnu', lielonnlnit in ln r;nn" ur.iy
hore, Iwo years olil. All Hie iilmve ile
"(TIIkmI linrneN are wltlmnt liriiinli or liliits.
Owner ran recover sainii ly rallltiK on Hie
uii'lerslKiii'il, nt Ills rnni'li, i llit miles nnrtii
Dim iidtlre N liereliviilven Unit n meetlnu
of thu utoekliolilers of tlio Dreuon llnll'lnic
linn AH-orltitlnu will lie livlil at tint olllcu nf
thu (TiiihIIMh Ural Kitnte A- Loan Aneln
Hon, III IViullft'in, IJiiiiiIIIIh ronnly, Oregon,
at 7 o'clock p. in., of July Jltli, JfW, fur thu
pnrposuof formutiitlliKaml ntloptliis u con
xlltiltlon ami hy-lnws, ami electlin; Midi ill-
ill ronrorm lo
' slurred and Its columns refused for a sub'
rouuent epistle, lbus. wo see liow a
gteat city can Is) crtlshsd and cowed at nf Vlnwui, nml paylni,' charum,
tho dlclatlon of a railroad conioratlon so , ln 1A,l'1lr""" M-A
that itH pamuH, lis Ismrd of tnulo, IIh Jo n.t
merchants becomo thu truculent menials
who accept the yoke as if liorn to gyven
without a murmur. This stupid acip'ilcs
cence on the part of the city Ih fraught
with coiii'oipicnceH that llxes a seal on
tho secondary hiatus I'orllaud will now
bear to all its former tributary country
tu ,iiut..rn Mriiiinii Mini Wiiulitm.l.iii rl,r.
ritoiy where l.niH rssiblo to meet tho ISSXr wl
rival lines of tho .Northern I'aeille. v. r,
Portland Iiuh given meek acqulescenco
to tho dictum of thu railroad company,
that freight occanwaid shall go cheaper
by way of Tacoina, ami ll Htauils the city
of I'emlletou In hand to meet Hie liberal
proiiosal of .Mr. Hunt to connect itself
with thu car of progress as Walla Walla,
Kureka Flat and I'untervillo havo dune,
and put herself ourupport with tho new
order of things. In tlio existing state of
..11..1-. ...i .. in i .i i i
iiniiirn, iieai niu uu norm loiisnieraoiu f(,r.,. ,
iiiuiu m iiicoimi uiau ronianii, anu iw ; t.uiuwl,, .i,tlniof
riiii'iai un iiiiuir limn inmii inn, ileal
will gr.ivitalo t ' tho highest market, It I
Ih Incredible that a grout railroad corr-'
at Ion should i-eemlugly go coolly to work I
to commit suicide, hut that Ih what the
action of tho t'nloii l'acillc Hirteuds. ,
It can Ihj abundantly iluiuoustrated
that the cost of towago and lighterage t
AMoria will iwt tho I'lilon l'acllie less
moiiuv than tho excess of cost tlio Ninth
em l'acllie will bo to, to get an eitual ;
amount of grain across the heavv grade
of tho ('.ivcailu mountains to Tacomu, i
over ami alovo Uio cn.t hy the t). It. it
fullll his prumlho would not glvoauv ad
vantage to Ibo Northern l'acillo as to
cost of carriage fiom tho interior to tlio
wii. With ptices adjusted ovonly hv
IhiIIi totites it would bo found this heasoii
that the .Northern l'aclt'.e niilrcad will
carry half Uio ulieat of lliegon and (
Washington, one! of the Caseados, toTa-l
co.ua, but with thu siib-lliiig tarlll' that 1
road will dump at loat Ihreo-fotirtliH of 1
Ihe wheat crop into the lap of the Citv of
I'Ofciiuy, ami rorinuiu win for tlio llrst
lime hi lis hixtory know what it into take
a back coat and suck Its tliiunli in Imlo-,
lent ease while ItH rival Ih pulling the fat
i iiesiiiiits oui ot me ure. j
A city wluifo H'oplo have no more en-1
orgy than has Uhjii displayed In thi,Sfonm nnrl
matter in deserving of no lietter fato. ' VlXUX UUa
It l: I.iSK.v
Vlimmi, Or.
fcr wholeii!i
If. i yxZZl a:
Don t Buy any
But mk forth
Ifc v. -
w... : ... ;
Xfii,!n Mt k.itl.l ...I. I .1 . . .
avu 1 1 1 1 oa k jrai n for
Ladios, Mlssos. toys I
mu. r. i ttt i
i iiii i iiiiii nr. ii n
npnlom In
7 "KCVo riuVV ALL It P. IV I. 1V1 JliKUrlAN
it r:-;cvs now all
s , ARC
Oppniltotl.o VlllarU Hoaw,
. ijiir, i u.i i
Wo uio tho Hole lieentu tarih
..i. t i.. ... i.. . . i
can buy t hum. Thoy havo mtpi
, I". .MATI.OCK,
J. .M.I'ltL'KTI'.
Protection r Tariff Reform,
ll.'VOIlil iillUHlliill. tlioTarltrU tlio Ihmiikoii wlileli tlin i-onilinr riiiiiimlzn will b
unit It lirliiHivrs every eltlen wlm aoiiIiI vote IntelllKontly to Inform lilmitlt apoa
ji-.i niuvii r.fi-itiivi iinrt'in not ieiiiHinn ivriiaru.
On nml nftrr IliU ilnte, n lulinlnUtnitor of
the estate of the late William Itonn, 1 oiler
(lie live flock owuitl liyltin Ui-
Thnvoiifilibirtl Ilcieorrf Hulls.
Shovl-lmvit Cattle, Grade Cattle,
ami (Jauial Stock Cattle,
'J'imuiiiflitnrd Spanish Merino
Hiteh-H anil limes, lleijlsteretl,
(Iratle llaelis anil Stoit; Sh ;,
Al-on lamr iiiimlii'i' of Horn mill u ipinn.
tlty of liny.
ami aiiove tno c.n.t ny tlto i. H. iv !
linen t lwtlan.l. So ovon from a TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS
iicial view, for IWdent Adams to ' U,,m ,U 00,1 ru'"oLnOi
I'or wi ilriilnrs, rail on or mlilreM
inj jlitiiw if IVmllet.in.Or.
Sanitary ui hw0
n mm
Krnilorh wlmt ih umialty ronshlcri'il a iuot alxlrutio mibjoot nmy f comnrehfniloa.
klTVll tlH 11 Til Hit' llt-lliliir llii. I. inn ... I .. i.l.ll. Il.n lnnMid.1
' . nil mm iiiv mu iii i ii- m il un ii iuAiinn n iiii iiiu iv i nim
I lllk Ikililr khiill'y tint .n..,tlA..I ..II....I ll... It-. 4J..,. )l,UMnn Pf
tlm iiii ik i iiiiuli.i ... ...:. i i. i . " .... . .r. "... ...iii. .....aM tt
i ' - av mii v w i nnrr n in I llllUIIIIIUiiv mill uiv in -
tU'Ut ( It'V.'llllHl.
J 110 ihm Mull or Mr. 1 ImIiio'n Tivnnlv Vmim Iii fVini'i-nkk'i U Inlton tin. til
upon the Turiil aimlyid, urltlcUetl and mutluto funlli Uivtrown rffutntlon.
iiu iiiiiii ii ni ii ii inn mm iiwmiii'ft nr initiitti w ittnut itii it rfi ii. nnn i iimi
"iiniiiik 11 luniM' hi uio lrrwii work of Mtrnul nir the truth nmonir me prop
-M' !!' ii'diriu t'AiKiiiiiiii 111 IIII I I1J llfclH'fi llllll llC'I'inilllli III t"-"
orv. i tin wiiri: u iinuiii timi .! 1. 1.. . .:...i. ii . ... un.r,iiiimnruni
-..-.,.,, ,nn(, in IVMIIIIIU UIl'llL llllll IIII'IIIIIIL 111 II. II ! lii'. -I -,
...... J.. " mm iiruiiiiiuiiin 111113 iu 11 im nwn'v. "
"v" mm j cur in 111u lUHiii 1110 uruiL rcmiomiriii iiiich'- -
...... ii. 1 mt iu;...IUH V, HLAt'K. 0)tiiuilwnnrrui
n Ihkh liliwiwimi In iili-luo II. 1 .....i. 1 .. .....1 rAmimntrM
V, rv7,,V fm V. " 1 s 1 " in hi mi i 1 iiiiiwiih "V.;. .ii. 11 1 lYi
.,, nHi. J'l,.iut.ll. i It V l- l l,Al4 lUJlillHlWiUf
nni lining livnt
iil'S 'w".1."1 !'.' !'!"!!' ' "'I-Wc lilv i:iik Or-Kmluii One Year...
IIimik Alone, III t'lotli, Hit n i .. .
entry in caseii where that act I aiilieallo.
IIk-skv X, Coi l".
Wo ak overy nader of tho Dally and
SmlVivkly K.ibt Oukoonian to on
deavor to KH'iiro ono or mom camiviL'ti
BuliKTiU'ra to it. tHiiuUWeokly, to No
KHiibcr 15, 18SS, 75ivnt8; Dally, jl.U5.
ScMid ua naniea of friends to whom wo
can Mini freo of chaivo a mimtlo copy oi
tho Daily und &tulVe)kly East Okkuo-man.
ll,HltlsoN-Vv,KN-()ii TuekJny, July
J, iw.nyttiV.J, Kliliinun. hi thr Mull...
ill.l umonnu(,.Mr J. II. tlurrlton nml MUn
Olive alilon, both of I'liiiitiiliicouuty,
Murdock's Wood & Feed Yard, '
.enr KuHt Orcuuitlun IIuIIiIIiik,
I'KNDLKro.V, Oil.
Mountain mixhI of every variety on liaiul.
Spiclul riiti'n given on car-l(m, lot. llore
fed by the ay, we ek or laontb. llalej Imy
for ale.
if. T. MUltnOCK,
Jut w Proprietor.
Henry Eopittke &Co7,
Jliiniifu.-tiuerii of
Hot Water
Houting Apparatus,
I SixTlflcHllons unit istlmale fiiraUluol for
hwtlni: biilhlinifH lt any wllnn of the conn
try. Ciri-"w,!i(lt-!ic Miliclteu.
Portland, Oregon, ms
.it? 1 &.-n$mwmmJSmm&BZEM
''""Hi ICmC
111 . "V I 111 fill X.T 4LL1 f If Ii rVIt. :.
For sale by JESSE FAILING, Pendleton. Or.
Brigs, the Photographer.
For Photographs always go to Brig
rn TT J 1 .-.na in H
style known to the art, and absofuleiv nteGr8atis
Briggs, the Photographer.
Over the Postofflce