East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1888, Image 1

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a i.iiutAitv.
Patron of tlio Dully or Semi-Weekly
KANT OltlXIONIAN run freely iimku lino
of the HAST UltCdOMAN library when
ever they mi ilclrc. Tim public urn cnr
illully IiiIIim1 In lnlt lli iilllee whenever
o liirltncd.
n. r rent In money or -.tump will
until after tlieNovciiiber
' 1 llf... -...I. will tmv
OL. 1.
NO. 106.
Has been taken ofl both
a .m m m - . . m -m .
ooien anu -00x1011 ltoocls
Not by Congress, but by
Ami they now oiler their Large and Complete took of
nil 1AATV0 fl AfHTTTRTn 0.
n ItIEIII in I il Jl I n I WIt 111 I".
mm m m w I
YOlimil 1 1 1171 1 1MIUWB LI U Li LllUll UlLUfl. tlllll IU11 V1I1LU vuu inun
i1.wiLAin nvn nnf nwirn uacnH intia mil rhnf-. tlinv will anh-
i 1 1 II' ll I III lk UIU lii;v y iw.iu virii;i j iiiiv . v. j 11 i v
otiutc what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
wfnrn tlwiV llllVO fl Vllpf 1 PmtnMvP Pri(P. 1111(1 Will fYfV"! V
t AAi.nt,iriHnti fttn nil nimrrnra I linv mmm' it
eneral fflerchand
ise Stock
Consisting of
Vt t J 1 Jl
unnaren s uiotmng, n urmsmng; uooas,
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
rii tltt i
uneap iNewsi
Ttio Seml-Weolily
ast Oregonian
om now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
reat Western Bakery.
M. Gil ATX, Proprietor.
Fresh Eastern Oysters, in Every Stylo!
Vilie aiirl R-niVit, Y Trn .ants.
I.OlHli: I)llti:CTOItY.
JL Mi'i'N ill (In- Mnxnnla TRiniiln on tlut
nratniHl llilnl Krldnj H nf chpIi tiiiititli, ill. 7: M
oVIoolc. J. 1'. HuailKE.H. l'.j K. II. (H.01TON,
TrUN.IK t,OI)OK NO. to, A. K. .V A. M.
xv Jiecison uts 1.C00111I una fourth .Mon
diiyM nf nirli month, in 7:30 n'olodc. II. J,
Hkan, V. Jl.j W. K. I'otwink, Hicicliiry.
fOKNDjKTON U)I)(1K NO. f2. A. V, A A.M.
L , McctH In tlit. Mn.onlc 'IVmplu ntt llio
llrnl iinn thlnl Mntnlii)N of i-h.-Ii inontli nt
7sw itvlock. t. J. Million, W. M.j ll. Ai.
ITI'II.A r.ODOK NO. lll.A. O. tf. W. Mf.pf
V every Tiiun-iliiy nlulit nt tliu Kinjlno
!.I."ll?r..uL7, "''l'",l' ' C. I.kahuuk, M.
W.i V. V. Tuhtin, llrtontor.
IUitKKA I.OIXJK NO. m. t. O. O. V. Mod
It pvcry Siitiinlny i-vi'iilni; lit 7:SHoolook.
T. J. Million, N.U.j E, k, Hininin, Hi-crttury.
O. K. Mori on tlni kl'coiiiI iiihi liit
Tliumtliiy of I'lich moiitli, ut 7i."M o'clock.
Lot lilVKHMoiiK, V. V ; K. K. HilAiioN.Hcrlbo.
O. I-. MwtHlliu llrnt mill tlilnl TliurH.
tiny of ouch tnuntli.
.Mci-I In Oill l-VllnwH Hull evrry Tiipk
iliiy nvrr.lni; nt 7;TOoVlool(. .1. (,'. I.kamuiu:,
CO.; C.J. Viiitaki:,K. of it.iinti h.
DAMON !.Ona5 NO. I. K. OK l. McotN In
(Mil Kellow' Hull ..very WVdnoMlHy
even I UK nt 7:30 o'clock. M, Mohkiikaii, U.
CM II. . (Iaiikiki.u, 1C. of It. mill S.
KIT CAIIMON rOT, O. A. II., mod lit
Whculor' Hull every Tlinrmlny iilulil.
Ii. M. Wakki.k, Coiiiiiiiuiilorj J, H. IIowkn,
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pondloton,
Tlio initial prlco for iciiIh iniuln by other
pnrtlf, In I'ortlnml or tliu Kn I frum Sd.00
o J7.0J, with cxprot i hiiisies uddcit. If yon
nci'it a miil,oml yotironlor lo uh, mid irnvu
from iS.ooto 81.00 Ihcroliy.
East Oregonian Pub, Go,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Hest sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
ison, Ehrman & CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
Deiilera In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUM1INC Promptly Done.
A Kliureof IIih publlo pntronnKe I willclted
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W. M. H:OTT, 1'roprlPtor.
1 If.,, It uliuit.wl 111 t
.1.,, in., Vinnniiiiny. pluht mile xinittieint i
of Alba, In Catiuu I'ralrlc ,
ThW Hummer lteort win ou opeii loruiu
reccptio'i of Rucsuonuna ulUr July Ut, mid
per!iii0"iitiupitttlnirii.uiumer trip could i
. ... . i. Jt.. ..lilt ll.i..uUiirliif'M. 1
001 uil ueiicT inn ii.ii ,.v-v.-, it
. 1..... ..n.ttfl nllll ftVil fit i
Accomiiunniiii'ii. ,".
lliliiBwIII be done to umko gucM comfortu. j
. .. -i. t i.. .illul.l.nl fliA u'ftltir nnrH i
1 ll" Clllimio i". nr.. ......... ;
und excellent, and liuutlnif flrt-fIuj.H.
Tliu AilvpiitiiriT. Si-nd it Nuti by I'miy V.x.
priM Sihmt, Wind mid Hull.
1'oiTLANii, July fi. A inuHHiiKu by jiony
oxpresH rciicliud horo from tliu .Mount
Hood tmrty nt llHIO hint nllit. ilntcu
cdi;o of timber lino, July 0, n,iyn, "Hum
ruined ovi-ry duv citico'wu luft I'ortlnml
and Ih ratniiitr lmtd now. Wo tried to
inaku Crntor rook Monday, but worn
caught in a povcro utorin of kudu- and
Hluot, anil iitado but a Dart of tliu i n
tarn.0 with tliu grcatoRt dilllculty and
daimcr. Tlio intent in to uiaku the uh-
cent to-uioirow at all hazardn, If (lie
weatlior clearo."
Tin: i.ioiiT hi:i:n.
i DalleH, ahead of Haker Cllv. I do
not want to bo perHonal, but I
could mention men and tlrniH lit l'etidlo
ton who otiKht not to bo very Hellish about
i mieli thiiik'H, who oitubt to Iks liberal hi.
iiHHlstliiK Htich a valuable uld to tlio town
, uh a paiver mill, even if they were not
Htiro of receiving one ier Oent. a month
from tlio very tlrnt on their InvcstineulH.
1'liero aro men in l'endleton who bavu
corporation, every phuuler-imired million
airo, every coiiHideniblo "eomblnatlou of
caiiilal" ih the country it for the Repub
lican party, and Ih a partner of that
party. Except for the.o "conibinationu
of capital" IIiuHhou would have no mora
chance of election than tlio Labor candi
date Iiiih. Then with, if potmihlo, still
more anuuini; "pill" thoy alliido to the
ptilille InndMi" nut no longer oven prom-
Mount lloiiil Sui'i'i'Kriilly Illiiinliinti-il
1 1i" Light Si'cii ut Mniiy I'lnrr.
I'oiitlani) July 6. Tlio red light from
the top of Mount Hood wan hccn hint
night at 11:07 o'clock, and it binned
brightly for two mlnutcH. Jimt an it wan
dying out another light further down (he
mountain blazed up and wuh visible fully
one minute, llio light were neon at
many pi aeon in tlio valley, and there are
many otiierri who taw it to near iroin.
A Ilrntrtl HIiowiiihii Oder Ml, 000 Tor llm
llody of Murdtirnr,
Sax I'iiancimco, July A local nhow-
man oMerH young GoldoiiFun, noon to be
hung for tliu cruel murder of MIh.h Mamie
kullov. fl.OOU for IiIh body with nroiniso
that he will return it in good order after
nix weekH. lie wmln lo place It on uxlil
billon in .San FrauciHCo. (ioldeiiKou Iiiih
no obJoctioiiH, hut bin mother Iiiih nud the
Hhowuuiu won't gel tlio hotly lor IiIh bane
A Onuiil 1 line A I.H'Ke Crowd and n
Complrlo l'riiKniiiimc.
I'diitlasi), July 5. The celobnition in
thin city ychterday wan a great miecenH.
The day wuh delightful, and the pro
gramme wan canied out to tlio letter.
The attendance wuh very largo. Nothing
humiciicd lo mar tlio pleasure ol the par
tle.pantH in the leant.
liuiuc of llunn IIhII.
I'oiitlani). July 5. Tho WilliimettcH
won tho game of ball played with tho
Portlands yentorday on Clinton it Mc
Coy'H groundH. Tho ncoro Htood ! to 0.
Umtrlcn lluriicd.
Wai.la Wai.la. Julv 5. Troon IPm
(piarlcrH at tho Walla Walla garrlnon wan
burned hint night. Tho Iohh Ih fully
f5,UU0, lnniired.
Terms Reasonable.
Jut2 Sin,
Mi.V"Mee. YYIS F X PflRT Pll NrUf- H Hill I I fcll Htttt. M n lM
JoTpnw??n!?,NERAI- WATER, (Waukensaw, Wis.) VEURE CLI-
Ul P0NSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) ju23 daw 3m !
1) KA I.Kit IN
, Court Htreel, oppof lie J. ll.KIioeniaker'.
Tliodrnut Imporliiiiro of Encouraging In.
ilinttrlr In I'eiidlctiiii Who Oiik'ht In
Help Tlii'iii AlmiK A 1'xw CnininciiU on
the OreKonlnu und tliu llepubllciiii I'lut
forni. I wan nleiiHcd to read in tho hint Kant
Oiiciioniak received tho earnont call for
anniHtanoi in building a pajntr mill and a
woolen mill in Pendleton. Of coiirno tho
tmbject in not now; indeed it in ho well-
worn in the columns 01 mo iakt uiii:-
(Ionian that it may bo ohuoxiotiH to noino ;
yet, I believe conntant argument and urg
ing will liear fruit after awhilo. Wo have
t-con tliu timu when a good now noliool
bu Id in: Heemcd as far oil and an Improb
able, or at leant an dillleult to Kcctiro, an
tliono maniiiaciuring imninirieri ate now.
ou have neon tlio time and that but a
very few yuarH ago whon a Hyutom of
waterworks Hcomed an inionHlbllity;
when tbu nrenunt falrlv-Imnroved condi
tion of our HtrcelH would havo apeared
ahnont a mlruclo; when It would not
liavo been bcllovcd that rondloton con
tained private capital and entorprli-o nnf
Ilcleut to coimtruct tliu IjuhIiichh bloekH
which now adorn tho ntreetn; when a
now court houno, ho hooii to Ih a reality,
wuh only a dream of tho far-oil futuro. '
Much of thin Improvement ban been
duo to tho public niiirited action of county
or municipal olllcluln; thoy naw tlio no
iVHriity; thoy had tho authority j and no
tho work wont on. Tho now improvo
mentH now most needed tho manufac
turing induntrlert cannot bo built up by
nubile authority or public aid. It mtint
bo dono by piivato capital. Thoro Ih
enouuh Htich capital in l'endleton: nultu
enough, if a couniderablu nimilor would,
join together in tho entorpilnen, ho that
no one would I hi crippled oven if tho in-'
voHtmentH did not "pjy" at once. Ah 1
have naid liofore, tho one indtiHtry (Iiuh
started Ih not all. Kven one a paor
mill, for oxamplo would bo of great
value. It would at once add conniderably
to our population. It would conniderably
lucreanu our wcaiin ami C'liimerciai im
portance. Hut morel than thin, It would
attract othor ontcrprinon. Already wo
have our Homing inlllrf and our machine
nhopH ; one or two other imixirtant manu
facturing entorprincH in'iled to thoho
would give uh hucIi a prcbtlgo that thoru
Mould thenceforth lw but one real city In
tho "Inland Kmplro" I'ondloton.
That now in tho timu to Kecuro theho
improveineutH, lioyond doubt, ought lo
lie ovidont. Thin year I doubt not tho
immediato proniH-'ctln not ipiItoKo bright
an it has been at time, uh it wan hojied It
would bo. Hut thin U tho Jabt year of
HorioiiH trial and tent that our legion need
exjienenco. ivoxt year ought to hs, and
with public HpIritednenH and entcrpriro on
tlio part of our jieoplo will lio, ouo of
greater progresn in and around l'endleton
than any year of tho pant- Tho reserva
tion land will Ihj bold, and our inclina
tion will largely increase. In 1S!X) wo
ought canity to have OOOO Inhabitants and
bo ahead of Walla Walla, ahead of Tho i
inado a good deal of money that i, ajico to rentoro any forfeited land grautH,
"good deal" in a comparative coimo, liy Thoy inadn Htich proiuineH in 18SI, but do
not tiare quite Iiihiiii tliu nomu-K'OKerH ol
tho country with any moro proinlnoH of
thin Hurt. After Hiuaudering Home two
hundred million acren of the iublie do
main upon raihoadn and other corpora
tlonn, and after reftmhig, uotwllliHtaud
lng i'eKated promlne1, to rentoro an aero
to the people, thin grand old party of
"memorlen" ringn out on a cliOHtnut
bell ItH declaration in favor of homo-
BtoatN for Hotllern.
loaning money at a very liiuh rate oi
intereot. It wuh a perfectly legitimate
btiHinenH, and wan often a pernonnl tic
commodation to tliu borrowerH; yet it wan
a Diininosrt wnicii inuired Innteail ol lin
proved tho town and country an a whole:
u biinlnenn, which, on tliu whole, ban
dono a great deal of damage. .Some of
thene men have invented their prolan, or
a iwtton ol thorn, lit real cntatu. wine
law greatly increaned. nerhaim doubled
or trebled in value. Thoy did nothing
moro man other good clll.eim who had
no real entato or money to loan to in
creano tho value of tho ground j it wuh
brought about by tho toil, tho ImltiHtry of
a cotiHtnntly lucreaniug population. It
would of cournu Imj too much to tupiono
that any of theno men aro going to con
tribute any part of thin eanily acquired
fortune for tho public good. " They aro
not Hentimentallntn, by any meaun. ' Hut
perhapH a few dollarn contributed by
each, not uh a gift, but an iuventmeiit,
with even cIihucch at leant that it would
at tlio end ho fairly prolltablo, might bo
Junt what Ih needed to put ono or two of
llteno entorprincH on their feet and won
deiftilly uuhaiico and lucreanu tho bun
inenn, tliu K)pulation, tliu wealth ami the
iinoitancu of our town. I could mime
leu or perhaiiH twenty men to whom a
tbounaml dollarn each would bu a Hinall
Hinn uven if it weru lent entirely a mini
which they havo made frequently in a
fow weekH, and probably will asa'in, re
leatcdly. Thin ten Ihotmaud dollarn,
when Invchtcd, would no doubt attract
other thounamlH, until the untablinhment
of a paper mill at leant would bu a very
cany matter. And it need not Imj money
thrown uway. I know of no reanon why
it Hliould not lx) a nrolltablu iuventmeut.
Tho country ftirninheH an ahundaucoof
cheap material. Tho Hiirroundiiig coun
try already furninhcH a largo and con
Htantly lucreaniug demand. It lnanHi
cIoh of manufacturing which ban paid
well elnowheru. whv not in l'endleton?
Then why not help It along, uven if tho
IMj.mlhlo nrolllH on a town lot or two am
Hacriflcod? I think wu aru right; wo
miiHt givu the matter no rent until it Ih
I wan ntlrrcd ahnont to team thin morn
ing on receiving the Portland Oroiioiilnu
of Juno '.'ltd to read that the ltoimbllcan
platform "Ih inntiuct with proud memo
rieH and patriotic appoalH" that "it fairly
talkH with that mimic of llio Union to
which gallant beartn inarched to battle
and fought and fell at tho front." And I
road witli nomo pain that whercan all tlio
notable doad of tho Republican party left
moinorloH without ntaln. tliu departed
Democrat!) constitute n "nolltical In
ferno" inon who aro "nbnolutoly infa-
moiiH." It InthiiH tliu great daily of tliu
Northwent characterUoH Hovinour. Til-
don, and IleiidrickH and indeed overy
ami an men Who oven voted a wcmocrutlo
ticket. I havo Hiiponed, until lately,
that t IiIh most ancient, ntale, mouldy ami
Htiuking political rubblnh would no longer
havo any forcu or cU'ect in aid of tho nrcn-
cut phiiiderlug Itopubllcan party; but
hIiicu tho Into election in Oicgon I am
not ho Hiiro of it. Men who will l-ellovo
that thoy can bu made rich and pronj-er-oiih
by oxcohhIvo taxation ami nroiilgality
miint bo in a condition to bcllevo any
thing. If they wero told that l'renideut
i loveiami wuh at tho head oi u movo-
ment to OHtabllnh another .Southern Con
fodoracy. I doubt not thov would Ih Hovii
It. If tlioy wero told that t'loveland'H
election would bring )OHtiIenco and fam
iuo, murrain and lieu, blood ami death, I
doubt not thoy would boliovo it, and ro-
liglounly and tremblingly cant their bal
lotH for thin partv of nuru and Patriotic
HalntH. It Ih hucIi men. Htich tiolitie.il lin-
bccilcn, Hiich croduloiiH diiK)H of a party,
led by political plunderorH, to whom tlio
Oregonian addronnCH itHclf wheu it an
minion that tho war in nllll raging, that
ItepublicaiiH aro tho only patriotn, and
that all DomocratH, of high or low degree,
aro traitorH.
Hut wherein dooH thin Itopubllcan plat
form break forth Into Htich nublime und
heavonly iiiiihIc, In twoortbreo placcti
it touchoH ujKjii live HtibjeetH, and upon
every ono of them tho Itopubllcan party
nut ihiuii irunuruiin 10 uiu iinureniH oi 1110
)coi)lo of thiH country. It Ih "uncomiiro
mlnlngly in favor of protection," Pro
tection meaiiH unequal taxation of labor
for tho lietiullt of capital, tliu building up
of luoiiojiolIeH and truntH, and Dually an
arintocraey of wealth which will Hiibduo
tho liliertfcH of the jieoii.u. With all thin
tho JloptibHcaii jilatfoun "ringH." It
declaroH ItH opjxjnition to 'hlneho lalwr
in thin country, a mont tiubhinhiui; lie,
for tliu Itepublican party Iiiih llrnt. lant
and continually favored and anniHted
t'hinute immigration and tho importation
of all Hor h of foreign client labor: ami
standing upon thin very platform it Iiiih
Then thei want a "rehabilitation of our
merchant marine." Thin in in keeping
with tho rent. Thu Itepublican party
policy ban dent roved the merchant mar
ine, ruder that policy it can never bo
rehabilitated. In fact their favorite
"homo market" policy In of itnelf utterly
antiiL'oniHtie to anv merchant inarinu. or
any inmlncna for one. They nay wu miint.
make all wu coiihikiiu, mid coiihuiuo all
wu mine among ournelven; then of what
tine Ih thu merchant marine. According
to tliu protectionintH. a merchant marliio
can only lm a eurpo; it taken away our
prodtictH, and hriugn in thu product, of
other cotintricH, which they nay nhoiild
not bo dono then why want tho mer
chant marine "rehabilitated," after your
very "protection" cuinu Iiuh destroyed it.
ThU in another biilllant "ring" hoard In
thin platform of "inemorleH."
When thu editor of thu Oregonian
wrote that editorial he doiibtlunH chuck
led to hluinelf: "Wo Hcein to havo Im
fixtlod the peoplu of Oregon ho completely
by the 'ireu iraiiu' racket, mat 1 nenuvo
wu can even ntuH'thin old 'party of mom
orien,' gull' down them too we'll neo
how big a dono thoy can ntanil ; ho hero
goen: 'Itobellion, Slavery, Saved thu
I niou. I reed thu iSocrocH, ueiuocratH all
CtpiH!iheadHiindTraltorH,ete;Wo thought
thin old vein wuh worked out. but judging
from tho lant election nothing Ih too
mouldy or rotten to feed theno fellowH
withal; they'd oat ratn that died lieforo
tho war. hgad 'What fooln theno niortnlH
bo." J.l'. W.
1'nnnvr'rt llrlp.
before tho A mhcrnt, Mann., (irauge, de
clared that uh a rule farmern do not hire
help enough to get tho mont prollt out of
tho farm. 1 lo llguren it out tliun :
l or Inntanco. a man with a farm of a
hundred iicren. worth 1-1000. and ntoek
and toolH wortli another thounaiid, will
employ ono lilted man for eight inonthn.
Their lalior ban to prodtico enough to pay
the IntereHt and taxon on o(H)() nay
:i"(l; tho hired miin'H wagon, nay 1(M);
f 100 for commercial fertilize, ami thu
fariuer'H nalarv. CoiiHldeiiiig thu number
of hoiBOH ho woikrt, nnd llio nklll anil In-
telligoiico ilomainicii ny inn nimiuenn, u
would not nee m extravagant to allow him
1 Til) a dav. but uh ho U modent and
evidently unjoyn IiIh work, ho will bu
nalinlled with ft u day.or nay -f.'SOO a your.
ThiH makoH thu Bum of W'lr of proiltico
uecennary to maku Imtli uuiin meet. Miw,
if employing two moro men, and buying
twice an much fertilizer, tho farmer can
bublu tbu valuu of bin phmIiicIh. il Ih
plain that thunecoud f'Xl't will bu chargu
ahlo only with tho extra wagon, nay W-'O,
and thu nxtra $100 worth of fertilize,
and will thtiH glvu llio farmor an ad
ditional IlK) it year for IiIh own work,
with a dear profit of ll'lft. Theno prin
ciples aru alno apiicablu to thu unu of
improved machinery, which Ih iilmolutoly
iiccenHary to any counidorablo Hiicconri.
A it ral lit Wlu ii t Crop.
Olliclal returiiH from Victoria Junt inado
public nhow that there wero thiH year
l.'JII-.OIfi acruH under wheat in Auntralla,
yielding 10.HI bimholH to thu acru or III,
IIIH.OSL' htinheln. More wheat wuh dam
aged hyntoriu during thu harvent than
iiHtial. Tho uxortablu HiirphiH in placed
at II.II'.Hl.tm biinboln, of which l.lUI.IMHJ
biiHhebi havo lieun uxMirtu I up to Juno 1,
Deducting damaged wheat, thoro wuh a
Hiirpliin of :i,7:UI,000 ImihIidIh yet toexnirt.
In thu three colonleH of South Aimtralla,
Victoria ami Now South Widen thoru was
oxcunrt over 1HS7 of ultout 10,000,000
biiHhelH, I'xw)rtH from South Aiintralia
from January I to April 18 woru -I.MM,'
(1811 bunhelx. Thu wheat yield in North
Canterbury dlntrict, Now Zealand, wuh
I.IHrt.OOO biinhelH from 17ft,(MMI acren,
eipial to an average of 'J8 bunhuln to tho
aero. TIiIh Ih iiiiiiHiially good. Ivarly oh
thiuttcH for Aiintraliau colonleH on tho
other hand have had to I hi reduced, con
Hcquout iikjii damage niiHtiiliied by ntorum
whllu thu harvent operatlonn wore in
.Making i .uh riKi uplu itngliiii,
W. A. byniaii of Milfonl, ('oiiuectlcut,
in making thu Hinallont inmnlblu niK'timen
of uu eiiglno. It will 1)0 miidu with a
nilver half dollar. Tho Ixiller Ih to hold
nominated a man who ban olliclallv do-! about eight dropn of water, but with four
dared that hu toiiHldered tho C'hiuoho , dropn tho engine can bo worked noveral
entitled to all tho privilegen of our native ! mlnutiw. When llninhed, it in to Ixi
American cUUciih. It in opposed to I placed under a elan ihimi thiee quarto
"eomblnatl'inn of capital." I low thin of an inch hi diameter, and an inch and
ono-eigiiiu in neigin. Mimu oi iuo parm
ringH" with truth! Stanford. Doihiw.
hherman, hlklun, (;reed llaymond, Mor
ton, Piatt, all their njiokoHmou and
leitdora aro no doubt mont ntromiotinly
oijioned to ''couibiuatioiiH of capital," on
liecially ni nee, uh every one miint know,
tho chief buniucHH of Uepiililicau parly
leudern during tho pant twenty yearn Iiuh
been thu forming and annlnting nnch com
hlnatloiw. hverj "trunt," every great
will bu ho lino and ilollcatu that they can
not lie inado without thu nno of a mag
nifying glann,
Wu ank every loader of the Dally ami
Soml-iVccklv l;hr OiicoiAUN to up
deavor to nccuro one or inoio campaign
Hubncrllnjrn to It, Soiul-Vt ui kly, to No
veinber Ij, IH8, 7j centH, Daily, fl.'Jo.