East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1888, Image 3

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    ADAY, JUIA' S. 38'
'Ti. n. KANrOiiKOoSlAN luis
OniT"-, rf.il 11 I It! AUIHKIU"
lII(iTrllcn" l'omllt.ton.uml
S-'SSm Konemlly.l" inn
TlH ' . ;,,v service In HlH
Timus-Mountnlneor: A virion stallion t dklko.vtk mean iio.hki
very roriouRly injured lila keeper, Mr. , ,
Alonr.o Young, ncur HuftiH, hint Monday. ,,e ,,1r',,i " Lut Ninhtv Tmin-An
Ho won whiiipinit him wl.cn the brute "With mm. ,
rutmcd at him, bit him severely on the M"'J'" I can returned yesterday ovo
shouldoiH, and then fell on hint with ids nA"K ,from ,."?,,0"K tuy ,lt Cliiengo, in
knees. Mr. Young's son camo to his ' "odanco at tlio Hepulilloan convention,
rcseiio, and bv beatinir tho horso over tlio JI('.l,llH 11,1 intqrestiim story to toll of tlio
head rescued his father from the pcrlloim unci ( olibcrations of that body, its
summon, no was taken to ins iiouho,
the photognipher.
-band flasuttlo llazanr.
itrnants tin iron foundry.
nJliatlge-button are for salo at
Sec store. ...
s puniwav delivers tlio i-ounn
".IL. .,( Kn'reton. Idaho.
. .1 . I,..-,, ilnu lit HIlMllfWM
-..i,:,,,. in L'oiiui ciieup hiiu
... nntl lilfllftM to
,.t n rcnu uiuu viuiiuv
iMith irrowimr on
ie hum i . . " . ..." .
fttni M one u mui.uir....v..j ...
n.....ilninii has liurchascd
1..1. j ,f dm i 'nil r i nouso prop
11A ' I " '
M. ItentloyV little girl, wjio linn
,. v lor a wee or so iruiu
vtr.'ls now convalescent.
m of niimoH of tho picked Iioso
. i ..l Kiuuintli flint nl 111 1 1 1 il til
(unintentionally omitted.
le Motile, of Kankakee, III.,
(Mm. I" White, lias arriveil
im.torcMo erinaneiitly.
itth of July goods, go to the
l,',iifnri I' rilllM. 1II1IM.
wholesale and ro-
..... ......I'ltii tt ntut t( tlm
i near Walla Walla was found
doJitli leprosy uiul was sent
f t i . ... .. i
j names oi menu hi niiuin u
I, rf I'linfifil tl Klllllll II I'llllV ill
ami f-eniMH'ekiy i;astuiii
. i , . .. .i .
t'Srviiiu uiui ti.iuuiiii'i , 3'imi
jstlMCotid-k'st girl, to tlio l'uii-
Ir ficterv for ice cream and
it n.i.l I tl.. 1V..M...,
.11. iKiuii mill .uirn i L'inii n.
L.r. Vluili.Hf .it llin lAOI
Mra. Matltx-k. i hoy leturned
i 1....
din 1ms letiirnrd from ids
mas the Sound's booming
. . . ,t.i..- i .1 . ':
i in mrtitii 1 1 v" n i.irniiii.ii ill'
- usnri:itin.
I.I. .1 f F f f
Mirtmnu, .iiuvor oi Jiciipncr,
. ii. ..... .. i.i., .
I UlT I11N 1.1II1IIV. Willi 1IU11
JrlinlAn tit lila inr.ii.rt. tn tlm
wmii ... ...n i. ... r. . i , un ...u
(union iinil Illiilr htrcnts. olrors
"i rj ant i" 1 1 r:iu itttftiULi uiui
4 .
L . . . l fit x 1 1 . . t
Kcurn onn nr innnwMLiiiiuu'jn
1 75 cents ; Dally,
tllliil fnllm Kim Doimrliiiniit
..... aa ...... .'...t.l ......
i Tl' v..t.i.w. ..ill ii.t.u i.n
WlfllldlTlt il Urn ilnli'irtmmit
NlatliQ iituto.
ijini. llin s.wv.nil XiiUiiniil
ttt HLllilUiinii nt ITAi.i.imi lit
... a..r'..u. ....
.J II I...I ...l.l. ...ill
w n v.iiiiuu niuvK hiii
il n..l. -...I. I
'lv.'ei.trawB, uiui thoy lietokon
11ta nln.l ........ I... 1.1 t I..
Ill .n fil I In. .........
thl lirw.1 tn.i... f..- II... 11'.. II..
.n.m. U1V PJH.'1'II llllU UI
to waKioim Smtdav. and
"ivyiiavo not as vet ho-
-.... uu.Miiir. llllfllllll Mil.
tllOli niirclifiwi.il nf Mr
n i.v i .. i. .. . i ... .
- -i vau WUIO will H) 111 m
ln. Il ,.111 I,. .... i i..
1 "I. and is now bolni thor-
KnOYUteil mill rnfnnilul mil
- ... uuruiiuiu parnuoneii
" ill U) used as u iileasant
a tor tho ai-coiiimodatioii of
l lift ... n .... .
--...au,1T.lInea miiio cal.
WOOffl llff t l-rul f 1. 1.. i... ,
hi nilt iL .i. " .1 . . ' '
. fiF .1-" I
ni ceil ttoor ami
e. corridor. It wus tlien an
'Wcmvilthroiu-h a liolo left
tttt nt tl.n I .11 1 I
tKi. , "i" Jl"i nu ugain
pure air of freedom.
-wreon. eil Inp nf tl. tr.,i,.
ai in inu-ii ii.ui ..i..i,i ....
wijnd ii rr":;"A..y"
-v h'' iy iMiiuuitPu
and found to to badly injured around tho
body, and it is feared internally.
A party of tvontyflvo young ladies and
gentlemen of Pendleton went up tho
Umatilla abovo tlio Agency yesterday
to havo a picnic, and succeeded boyontl
their expectations. It was mora properly
un out-door party, given by Miss Mamie
Uolfby. Tho young iooplo reiKirt tiiat an
account of their pleasures and adventures
would fill a volumo, and that they had a
"perfectly elegant" timo.
Walla Walla Statesman: A farmer
living near We.iton sold some oats'in this
ciiy nisi wook, out wnon no camo to slili
thu grain found tho railroad rates so hiiil
that ho concluded to haul it In bv team
which ho did. Many such instances aro
recorded of Umatilla countv farmers who
trado with Walla Walla and Pendleton.
Through misinformation, it was stated
in this paper that members of tho picked
lioso team failed to iipjicar at five o'clock
Saturday morning, as per agreement
lilts wus a mistake, beven men woro
smart enough to get up at this early hour
to drill, and about ten apiieared this
morning for tho sumo purposo.
Tho pit is being dug for tho fatted calf,
swino, or whatever it is that will furnish
the barbecue on tho Loiirth, and the
table which will groan under the weight
of roasted animals is being erected in tho
court House yard, wo will liavo tlio
famous fatted calf, but tho prodigal son
win iio absent iroin tlio least.
A ball game Sunday between tho Stars
and a picked nliio evidenced tho fact that
there ate some good players in rcmlleton
outsldo tho legular club. Tho "scrubs."
however, did not mako good practice
wort tor inc Mars in tins game, good
players among their number being tho
exception, not tuu rule.
MissC. M. Ko enberir. sister of Mr,
(coruo Hoxenbeii who has boon visitinc
Mrs. M. II. Clopton, left on last night's
tram lor nor Homo in rortlaiul. .Miss
llosenlionr has been a irro.it favorite in
Pendleton during her short stav, and her
many Iriends were lotli to seo nor leave
A party consisting of Tustln, Studen
bordl. Van Sliull and Kiiykoudall, spent
.Sunday on a gunning expedition up thu
Umatilla. They report that it is vet too
early in tho season for a good day's sport,
nut tnai tnoy succeeded in nagging somo
fow luilf-growji prulrio chickens.
Members of tlio Handel-Haydn Society,
and all others interested, will pleaso meet
at tho court house this evening at eight
o'clock for tho purposo of arranging for
tho success of the musical portion of tho
Fourth of July programino.
Now and then a Hash and rotwirt on
tho streets of Pendleton startles every
one Into the belief that a gun or pistol
has liecii tired. It. however. Is only one
of those giant llrecraekers, surreptitiously
llrcd by some iniscinovous urcinn.
Wo ask every reader of tho Daily and
Soml-Woeklv K.ht Oiikoonian to on-
deavo.' to get one or moro campagn
subscrilierH to it. Semi-Weekly, to No-
vomlier 18, 18S8, 7" cents; Dally, $1.25.
William llushnell, aged 17, was forced
to marry u Miss Klla .Morrison in Walla
Walla somo timo uko. Tho boy has since
deserted his young wifo. and sho has
gone back to tho family fold.
It is a tilay at which all aro interested,
Instructed and amused, thus filling tho
holiest aim of tho stage. Sprlnglllcd,
(111.) Dally News. At l'razer'H Opera
MoiiMt to-morrow nlgut.
.Tohn II. Alton and T. II. Hrcuts aro ri
val candidates this year for tho Republi
can nomination as delegato to Congress,
up in Washington Territory. Ilrcnts ap
pears to 1h) in tho lead.
Tho 0. It. & N. company aro building
a supply dotwt in Pendloton ; sl.o ttdxdu.
It is thought Pendleton is to bo mado tho
end of tho division in tlio next fow
S. J. Whito, sujiorlntendont of tho
wator works at Iji CSranilo, lias received
tho contract for putting in tho wator
works at Milton.
Send us names of friends to whom wo
can send free of chanw a sample copy of
tho Dully and Soini-Weokly K.kt Oiikcio-
Tho Daily Hast Ohi:(1oni.n will not 1)0
issued on tho Fourth. Tho whole stall'
will colobrato in becoming stylo.
Tho Fourth will bo celebrated at Wal
lulu. Fred Karrten, tho well known caren
ter, who is at present at work for tho O.
H. A N. Co., is in town again.
J. R. Kddv has been absent on a trip to
the Grand 'Hondo valley, and will prob
ablv return this oveniug.
Work on tho foundation of tho now
court house building will bo begun by tho
(Irxt of nnxt wook.
P. Purdy, a prominent tanner ot tlio
workings and organization, and tho var
ious sights and scenes Incident of Its
session, l Ho galleries of the convention
hall were of rourso jammed with an im
mense crowd of spectators, congregating
from the system of cities of which Chi
cago is tho center, and every action, ev
ery play, of tho convention was greeted
with applauso from thousands of enthu
siastic throats. Tho delegates, small in
number compared with the army of visit
ors, occupied the ground tloor of tho
colossal convention building. They were
ground in an orderly manner, each
State having Its assigned position, and
mo uoi o oi procedure wim n limit, tmr.
feet. l-.ucli delegation had its chairman,
who did all tho speech-making, and an
nounced tho veto of the Statu us tho roll
was culled.thus preventing unv confusion.
There was also tho national committee
man, who was thu head of his delegation.
Hut tho method of conducting a
national convention is tcrhaps well
known to all. Mr. llcan says that the
action of tho leading spirits of tho body
was all fair, open and above-board, as far
as ho know. There was no wire-pulling,
no chicanery. Kvory man proposed bo
fore tho convention had as fair a chance
as his rivals, and could rely only on his
supposed strength ns a prosjioctlvo ran
djda o to obtain tho ballots of delegates.
Noono knuw how tho deliberations would
terminate; tho result might havo been
tho nomination of a dark horse, or the
stampede of tho whole assembly for
Hlalno. tt was evident from tlm th-xt
that Shurmun or (Jreshatu were not tho
men. Their wholo strcneth was soon
gauged, and despite tho confidence of
their followers, thov could relv onlv on
this steadfast support. Harrison had
lieu u ixhIiiIhl' strength rapidly : his fol
lowing was an unknown (inutility, and
under favorable circumstances that fell to
his lot it soon proved to' lie a laree oim.
On tho withdrawal of Allison, his nomin
ation was finally assured. Had Allison
determined to remain a candidate, tho re
sult would still havo been uncertain, and
ine delegates might havo been balloting
yet. .Mr. lloan says that all save one of
tho (Jreiron doleaatlon were sold for
(Iresham at tho start, knowing that ho
was Orviron's favorite, but that
they really believed Harrison was
the stiouger man, after gauging
Kasiorn sentiment, and cast their votes
for him when Clreshani was proven to bo
out of tho race. Ho says that despite the
intense rivalry in tho Convention, every
one was appeased at the nomination ot
Harrison and Morton, ami that It was
really unanimous. Ho remarked that
llariison's record on the Cliine.o ques
tion In the past bad lwcn forgiven, and
that It did not detract from his claims on
the Convention, and would not detract
from tho unanimity of Itepublicun sup
port on tho Pacific coast. In short, tho
nomination has Ixmmi erfcctlv satisfac
tory to the Pacific coast delegation,
as well as to tho entire convention. Ho
regarded tho capture of Indiana and Now
l ork by the lteptibllcuus us almost cer
tain, and said ho was not alone In that
opinion. Ho said, however, that the llsht
would not bo tor mo mon, but ror inu
ihsuo. Tho mind oi tho Convention was
simply as tho mind of one man in favor
of tho maiutonuueo of the present high
protective tarlll', and tho fight would Ira
mado, not for Harrison and Morton, but
in dofenso of this, from a Republican
point of view, udmirablo systom ofpo-
It Icul economy, llicro wus no back
wardness tills time, no susihuisIoii of
lilieral "tarltl reform" sentiment; pro
tection and moro of It would ho tho cam
paign cry.
.Mr. llcan wuh member or thocommiteo
on credentials, and with that liody was
occupied a day and two nights hi settling
tho contest for scats between tho factions
of Mahono and Wise. Ho says the con
test was an exciting ono;it ended in a
partial victory for Wise, partly because
Mahono was a Sherman man, and Sher
man men were solidly antagonistic to tho
claims of every other candidate. Ho
clvos an intorcstlini account of tho fol
lowers of tho dltrerent candidates on tho
streets of Chicago, stating that no less
than ton processions would Iri marching
at ono timo, each hoaded with a brass
band, and yelling as ono man with all the
viiror condensed in hundreds of lungs.
Tho sights and sconos of a notod city,
with a convention in progress, would of
courso fill u Iraok of interesting reading,
and Mr. Dean's experience together with
that of tho rest of tho Republican delega
tion, Is to bo envied. To sum up. ho
says tho nomination suits him, suited the
convention, suited tho oo;!o, und that
Harrison and .Morton, bearing ine sian-
ard of "protection," would bo suro oi
l.V... 1 ,.nunn,iti
. n vr l'itt v-itivj mm. wim in tun ii tt'SiL-iuui
anil nti.n. . i . - : . ...... i it
t win' uuiiiLiiiiiiii iirini t ivi w.ivi rt Mtimn win i u inn n w
Sacfi Tn ft Ir u,nurhiK HiH j Bhorlirri Jieuu itoputy.
vuivti'iinu i .iiniiur luicimii liiiiuv.
X1, b' tho loidoof
I.ICV Nllllll II IlllTA f.nw. r
. -... ...nu luiu IU
Utl flllt.lu,.! !.( it... , . .
rrn mcir nvo local
?,c' the Emit
Oiieoosi.vn nro
make use of tho
"! W mO tUIlOr llrwnVo ...... I.
Will l.oiivn Sixiii.
J.G.Wright it Son will finish their
business inlorests hero by to-night prob
ably, and will then dopart for other (folds.
Thov oxnress rocket at tho prosiieet of
WAI.KKH-ln Pcnilleton, Oregon, on rite
liiorniiiK or juiy ., iw, air, u. -i . .ti.i.qj,
iitreu VI years, I nion'ii nun u urn,
None aro safe from tho hand of death
.'nr inunv lotiL. wearv davs Mrs. Walker
liml nttmiilnd tho beilsldo of her sick bus-
mnd, watching with unceasing anxiety
Is condition, and lime birsiiecuiig niai
si ie herself might fall a victim to tho
i-cvtho of tho grim mower. Now, Just as
tho timo had como when her tender so
licltudo received its roward in tho partial
recovery of its object, death has stopied
n and c a mod her as nis own, ami mo
leaving, having eMauiisncu u leouou uu (B0rrOw ho has caused her many mourn
and secured liboral patronage in lendlo- orH ilUHband, mother, sisters and broth
ton, but tho step must Ira taken on uc- uvaioli, not. Sho had just started
count of Mr. Wright's health, rhov w III on a trJ., 0( recuperation, hut tlio exhaust
first iiotoTacoma and Seattlo, and then ,,, ...nrrv nf i,.,r constant vk'il had worn
MUm U'.n ir. .. " '" many
BfSeJ:5lL' )Valla valley, proli
.onuerim.U t ill Kirni ...tr
Of i ...,. " "in c i nr.. i.i.. f... fl....,.v, . v In in
un wh i "U"ino..bo ,i,,..,vnr tn spmiro ono or moro campaign
i subscribers to It. Semi-Weekly, to No
.vembor 15, 1888, 75cenU; laily, fi.-'o
Send us names of friends to whom we
can send free of charge u sample copy of
the Daily and Semi-Weekly East Obboo-
leavo for our sunnv sister State of I all
fornia. to establish a business in spmo
ono of its booming cities, not yet decided
upon. Mr. Wright, Sr., is atllictcd with
asthma, nnd tho chango to tho gonial
cllmato of Southern California cannot but
prove beneficial.
Wo ask ovorv reader of tho Daily and
n'nk.i vi.auu mv iiiii
, UWI ,-lT.l ,
T TM JT.. c"ccigroaier
?! 'W must hnt:ilro.,,.,w.l..
' tW thm8tanco were not
her out. and sho never lived to cross tho
threshold of her homo, but sank away on
a journey to that immortal land where
sho will find eternal rest. She had just
prepared herself for a visit to WallaW alia
with her husband, und had started to m
across tho room, when sho fainted and
was conveyed to bed, d;ing after un III
nesijofono week. Tho funeral will tuko
placo from tho residenco of Mrs. J. b.
Whito between threo and four o'clock tomorrow.
Send us names of friends to whom we
can send free of charge a sample cony of
tho Dally and Semi-Weakly i-AbrOnis-
Mr. ,1. It. thnt!r)', nf Kiumn, to HUrt r
llnuk nt C'ciitrrvllle.
For somo timo tho enterprisiinr Center
villo people havo boon actively engaged
in ctlorts to obtain a bank in their littlo
town, and now It seems that their at
tempts will bo crowned with success
Mr. J. II. Hcntlev. of Syracuse. Kansas.
arrived in rcmlleton last niuht direct
from that State, bound for Centcrvillo,
and was seen and .Interviewed by u re
porter. It was learned that ho was ono
of a family of four, a father and threo
sons, who aro largely interested In bank
ing enterprises in Kunsus und Iowa. Mr.
llentley himself has solo control of tho
principal bank In Syracuse, ami together
with ono of his brothers owns another in
ltitlteld, Iratb places situated in South
ern Kunsas. Ho has been familiar with
tho business since childhood, und it can
be seen that he is a gentleman of largo
nnd varied oxrerlence. It was further
learned that citizens of Centervlllo, prom
inent iimong whom was Mr. C A. Rose,
had been in rorrcsiondouco with him for
somu timo in regard to his establishing a
National Hank at that place. It was ar
ranged that the capital stock should Ira
K)0,tKX); that Cuuterville's citizens should
furnish 2,f)UU, already subscribed, and
himself take tho balance. Ho had now
come from Kansas to this section to ex
amine Centcrvillo, Its location, jirosiects,
and tho feasibility of starling a hank, and
if ho was favorably :inpressed. would
remain permanently und enter into
the now enterprise with vigor. It In ovi
dent that Mr. Hcntley is a man of busl
n;ss in every t-'ence. familiar and expert'
onced in thu banking business, and If
Centervlllo can secure him as a citizen.
engaged as ho is in such an enterprise, ho
will undoubtedly prove a most valttab o
acquisition. Ho is an easy and enter-
tn n in: conversationalist, takes an active
interest in iralitics, und is one of tlioso
extremely scarce and peculiar curiosi
ties, u bedrock Democrat from Kansas,
Ho seemed to think that tho Democrats,
despite tho crushing defeat thov have so
recently received, might Ira able to carry
Oregon in tho Prcfldentliil contest by
airing Harrison's Chinese record, und tak
ing advantago of thu soreness on thu Pa
cific coast over his nomination. Ho was,
however, Informed that this devoutly to
bo wished for consummation was hardly
probable. Ho furthur said that ho had
find a very dusty disagreeable trip, und
seen scaicely anything encouraging until
hu nhi-orvcd the delightful green of the
wheat-fields in the valleys of Kastern
Oregon. Ho reiniukcd that just before
ho started, Kansas had boon visited by a
hot wave in the atmosphere that had
witliered the cornfields in u day, and if
there was no change for the better soon
(hero would- bo a partial failure of crops
in that Statu. Ho thought it probable
that if ho located in Centervlllo he would
also start a Democratic newspaper at that
place, lie now controls ono In Kansas,
TIC AM PS CAI'Tl!lti:il.
TIik Mnmliiiliiiiil III. Dupillln VlKllniiliiml
hiic'4rul In niiliitfTliclr Duly.
As has before been stated, tho crop of
vagabonds lias liegun in Pendleton to
"bloom and blossom as thu roso" If you
want to havo it that way. Hut tho mar
shal has lately concluded that this blos
soming had hotter Ira nipped in tho full
ness of its bud, and so has started tho
good work with all his well-known de
termination. Yesterday he had two
tussels in subduing tramps, in thu after
noon und evening, in both of which ho
camo out victorious, although with a hurt
and swollen fist. At suven oclock in tho
evening six tramps were jugged, and at
nine, not satisfied with his catch, tho
marshal and his deputies started in on a
general round-up, and four moro of the
soeeles found their wav to tho marshal's
lisii basket, tho cooler, while two of th ir
brothers were released, inantng eight
'then confined. Tho marshal was then
informed that the tramps had their gen
eral headquarters und rendezvous in a
box ear on livers' sldo track, ami him
self and a force of deputies at
oncu proceeded thither, and tho
inner mysteries of tho box car weio
thoroughly explored. The birds had
Ilown, but ii coat thoy had stolen was
found, Irasides other documentary ovi
denco of their former presence there. It
Is probable that in a short timo u good
many moro of thu vugs will bo caught and
puiilrhcd, and tho gang that is now in
festing and threatening Pendleton will bo
broken up. It Is well, for they uro a
savage and me.iu-l sikiug lot, and havo
ahead) given owdenco of their dangerous
churact. r. A boy ilnMi tho railroad track
uas held up and rubbed r 2.n0 by six of
them, and Ihov have committed sundry
other littloc.jniii.d acts that provo them
entirely capai.lj of greater. A peculiar
ity oi mo lot is mat uiey an carry ntzois
as an otleusivo and defeuslvo woukiii, a
la Afiican, and iiite a harvest of these
dangerous littlo Instruments has lieeu
reaped by tho vigilanco of our worthy
maishal and night-watch. May tlio good
work goon.
Culled Mni'tlnir.
A uieoting of Harmony Ixxlgo No. 21,
K. of P.. will Ira held this evening at
8 o'clock. Kverv momlior is urgently
requested to Ira present. Damon I)dgo
Is invited to attend.
II. I. Hkxtkh, V. 0
C. J. Wiiittakkh, K. of R. A S.
Send us names of friends to wliom wo
can send freo of chargo a sample copy of
tho Dally und heml-Weekly .Last unn-
Tlio Ui.Hliil Dawn ii f 1.1 f i).
I'rom tlio UIiIcoko Mull.
"Such is lifo." said Press Agent Starr,
of llarnum's circus yesterday, when a
man passed uround with somo palm-leaf
fans for said. Tho man was Dick Sands,
who used to bo champion clog dancer
of tho world. Dick was ono of
tho boys. Ho might just us well
havo mado u cottago down by tho
sea and a big stone houso on somo uvonuo
in winter us not. Ho mado enough, but
he couldn't put it away, and hero ho is
traveling with u circus. Dick isn't lone
some : ho has lots or company.
Wo ask oven' reader of tho Daily and
Seinl-Wockly Kaht Oiikoonian to en
deavor to secure ono or moro campaign
subscribers to it. Scmi-Wockly, to No
vember 15, 1888, 75cenU: Daily. 11.25.
112th ANNIV
Nation's Independence.
An Old-fashioned Barbecue, Foot
Races Sack Races, Bicycle
Races, Climbing Greased
Pole, Catching
Will bo somo of tho plctisimtries to lie indulged in on Hint day.
Will bo orocted on tho grounds for Dancing purposed, nnd tho
AVhieh is under engagement, will furnish tho besL of musio.
And tho
Howling Horribles "
Will bo feiitures of tho Celebration.
Lend us Your Assistance
Fellow Citizens, and wo will enjoy together tho finest Celebra
tion on record.
Is invited to come to bring their sisters, cousins nnd aunts,
their mother-in-laws, their wived and all of tho children. No
ono is too small, too largo, too dignified, or
Lot all como and participate. It's to bo
and patriotism.
too modest to come.
it day of sociability
Hip! Hip! Hurrah !
Seo future advertising matter for further particulars