1 '"" ' ' awaa a DAILY. DAILY 4, ST nil t voir WANT. a riti:i: Mint it. I'titt-titt nf tho llidly or Soml-W't -kty HAST (lli:im.I,N ran fro. Ij iimlu. of tho I.ASr (MtDdOMAN lllumy wlion over th.-y no ili'xlri'. Tlir puliHe urn cur dlutly luvltrd totlult tin. oltlri- uhnioror ii liidlni'il. I .,,.B,.,rnliil mnnry omtiiiiiim will cmnowiinlll irii' tho MMombrr r"m ... ... .,.1 lift v rant will imv '"lyKASr OUUOONIAN for tho , or y PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OEEGON, MONO AT, JULY 2, 1888. NO. 104. HE TARIFF Hus been taken oft both roolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by ' OTHCHILD & BEAN And they now offer their Largo and Complete Stock of RYG0ODS,CLOTHING,fo AT- USE TRADE PRICES, for CASH! janiine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself t tk above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub- ttlatc what they claim. I heirs is not an "Infant Industry, efore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely It competition from all quarters. They carry a in ml Merchandise Stock Consisting of aple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and unuaren's uiotning-, jmrnisning Goods, Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. LSH PUltCHASERS CAN SECURE BARGAINS ilia Real Estate & Loan Association Lonoi: niiiKcrouY. 7SW ITO.N, pKNM.KTON CIJAlTKIt NO. 2.1, It. A. M. ffi.r.,!ieiri,,it!,i,'t M"ollc Templo on tho . .. ri 1 111,1 J 1 01 phcii mom 1,111 T-UNZIK LOIjaiJ NO. SI, A. K. A A. M. A... . 1 . ,"lcn" unit foiirm .Mon mkan, . M.J W . K. I'otwink, Kcretnry. l3,:M!.)i;i;:7:pI.W)r,UK n,.m. a. v. a a.m. J .Meet 1 In tho Miuotilu 'iVmpIo on tlin iirni 11 11 11 mini Mf.ii. n.u ! r. .1. ... wj.. , , I. V . .. " 1,1 " IIMMIHI 11V "viiiun. 1, j, mi. LION. . M.I II. At.. W,TAl..k.. L . , ....... - ' F -..n.i.fr.u, OUL Ullir. r i' ii, lui ob NO. 114, . O. U. W. Moels 1 iuj iiMir-iiiij- iiiKiii 111 t ne Knulni iuhi;ka I.I1HUK .NO. M. I. O. O. V. Meet . fvi-rv mil iinnii- i vii ,1 inn ... titn nt. n.L iii ... -' "'. i.J''i -iin: .. .ou.i.io.-v, n.u.; r.. r. niiiirou, Hecrolnry TTMATIf.t.A VKIIunmi'vivn ,-,-. U I). K. lilof-l. mi flu. ..W......I ..'...f .iiuinuiii- 111 ciioii inoilin, III TtSUo'clorlt " r.iuiuilB, u. I-.; ! li MIIAIlOM.HcTlbf ijaiii.im; HKiu;ro I,()I)OK No. 13, I. O, ... r . itiiTLinn iirsi nun iiiip.i " him Mun 111 .lien inuimi. LTAIIMONY LODOK NO. 51. 1.-. nw XI Mntitlli O1I1I Killnvii Hull liny nvrnltiir tit TM o'plwlt. .!.(!. I.ttAMiinit V., V. J. IT III I AKI.II,IV. Ill ll.llMll TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. HAMON IvODflKNO. i. K. 1 Uiiti ronowM' Mull Ol'l'. Meet In lil'ttri' wruln.Mluu rVOIllllir III Tl.10 llVlonk. M. Mnunirin I 11. liAHKir.i.u, it. in u, nini H. It ,...VA,.Ml?Jf..lV.WT A mcoi lit ... wiifwuTniiHiioviiry Tinirniiiiy nielli II. H. VAKn.K, Coiiimuihlcri J, h. Iiowkn viijiiiiiih. Notary and Corporation Seats In Pondloton, OR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH, Tho tmiinl prlco for lonla inndo by oilier pnrtlm, In 1'ortlnnil or tho Kan In from 10.00 7.00, ulth oxprani iIihiki' aiMcil. If you red 11 neat, iioml your order to n, and iitvo from J2.fM)to $1.00 thereby. East Oregonlan Pub. Co,, mlil I ilt ( Pendleton. Orenon. COUNEK MAIN AND WEI1II STREETS, .East Oregonian Building, PENDLETON, OREGON. Ne?ot!atctl and Hunts Collected. Monoy to Ionit on Country unci Town Proiwrty lej Ttken on DejioHlt und Loaned for CiiHtoincrH. ' Will inuko FilingH on GovernincnH Umdn f Contest j leforo tho Und Doiiartmont a Sceitilty. Town und Country l'rojicrty Bought and Sold. laatlon (urnlnhed free of both Railroad and Government land. AbntractH of Titlo furnlnhcd, and Convcyandnt; attended to. " tt u Agents for Non-Renident on ReuHoimblo CoiiiiiiIhhIihi. I.onn-Tiino Iana tuuilo l'roniptly on Farm IiiuIh U Assistance of E verv Kind fiiriilslioil. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon, treat Western Bakery. AND DINING ROOMS, M. Git A TZ, Pi'opilelor. FIEST-OLASS MEAL! -FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! XlOE, CLEAN BED FOR 25 OR 50 CENTS Fresh Eastern Oystors, in Every Stylo! DAT A "NTT) TTr-THR Mihi Street, near Postojflce, Pendleton J. The attention of the trade is invited to our NAVY BLUE, HOME RUN, CORONA IMPERIAL, AND LEADER CIGARS. Dcst sellers in the market. At retail everywhere. Wholesale only by ison, Ehrman fc CO., Portland, Oregon. NO Ni:VM I'ltOM MOUNT HOOD. Tho Illiimliintlnir 1-nrty nut llnml I rimi Clouily V-ithiT I'rnlmlily lha Onilno, l'oijTi.A.M), July oNn (.Idiials an vet ivo ih;uii received irom llio Alotmt Iloocl inuininatiinr party which left hero hint iTiuay. idnmirt oiincurcd tho horizon jTBionmy ho mu iiellonratili could not I uhciI. llio Hatno condltloiiH Iat niuht jirovemcu pyrotechnlo HlnnulH. Tho jiroMH'elH for Hi(;nalH arc not bright IIiIh uiuriiiiiK, a mu eun isonly m Blglitoo uuriuiiuiiy. A lHJKi: Kit I, I.. A Newly Mnrrlnil Itukii OH tnu Kuinfnr It It i' ran c. lw ohk, July 'J Tho Duko of JIarl Dorougn, wnc married Mm. IlanimorHly an rotNirtcd in tliefo iliHiiutchuH Satuidav uot full at n (llmicr l'Uimi Iiv llmirv ClowM at Dolmontco'H Saturday night.unil mo inuium 01 mu nowiy marrieil eoiiilo wore ohliued to hoikI him In Mm Imlid In ii drunken Htupor, whllu tho brido had to go uiuiiu iu nf r ruHHience, A OAMIl OP 1 1 ASK ItAI.I,. Tho I'lirtlunilii Heat til. Wllliiinellen-.V Mun Htriirk hyii llxll mid liijurril. roiiTi.ANi). Julv 2 Tho WllluiiiRllPH were deleated liv tlio rorllumlH vcNionliiv tho Hcoro Htanilfni: ! to 1. CatchirTnrn hull, of tho Willamette tiinu. wiimIuuIIv hurt by being Htruck on tho head with a uau. tiik m.oitious rouiiTii. Ntnttlo 1'rrpiirliiK In C'olrliruto In Mint fltiirloiiH Mi In. l'oHTI.ANI). Julv 2. l'ronaraHoiiH urn lttlng made in httokano. Seuttlo anil Ulympla lor lininiMihu demotiHtratlouH on. tnu -iiii. At fteattlo uru'o erowi Ih aro al ready urrlvlng ami it iH Htatcd that tho celohration at tho (lueen City of tho Sound will bo tho fluent over on the count. .MISTAKEN FOU A IlKKIt. Olio Jlmi While HutliiKMItukrii Auutkrr fur ii llror with 1 'it I ul Itrnulla. Loh Anoki.km, July Whllo two men. numed 1'rayer & lluhkell, wero huntliiK near l'aiadenu on Satmdav. Ilupkoll mixtook IiIh comnanion for a ik'urand nliot him dead iu bin truck". A coroncr'H ury exotieroled HuHkcIl from ull blame. At Oellynlnirif Ari'Io- Gkttvhih!U(i, I'k.nn., July 1. Tho HtrcotM aru crowded and completely filled with maHHOH of humanity. A thou Hand of vetcruim have rovlnlted tho but tle ground and weru uddrcxHcd by (ion. lxmgHtreut. WANIIINOTON I.KTTK1I. re.lilnul Clevi'liinH'n I.rtter or Arcwp tiincf Itiivrium llefiirm Itn Join tho lloinorriitlo I'uriy Mil. C'Uveliuul A (hind Vtk' Work. Waniiinoton, Juno 22, 1888. Mr. Cleveland bun ulready written bin letter of accoptanco. It will probably bo made public next week. It Ih nuld to Ihi Htrong document. Chairman Patrick CoIIIiih Iiuh called a meeting of tho commltteo aponted by tho St. JjOtilri convention to notify .Mr. Clovelund of bin nom:natiou, for tho 2ilth liiHt. In turn city. Un tliu huiiio day tlio .Nutlonul commltteo will meet hero and organr.o for tho campaign. Judge Tliur iiiun will ulno bo hero and preparation are Iwing made by tho local DemocratH for a big ratification meeting on tho evening of tho namo day ut w hich it Ihcx K)cted that Judgo'i'burman will make a Heeeh. Verily tho good work of rovenuo re form goeH on. Tho latent recruit to tho raukH iri lion. A. 1. Fitch, who wuh elected to tho present CongroH uh a Ito piiblican from ono of tlio Now York city ilifltrictH. Republican oppofltlon to rev oiiuu reform bin caused 111 in to oncnlv re nounce bin allegiance to that party, und I to muke application to tho Tammany So 'cietyofNow York for memborehip. .Mr. 'Fitch xuytt that war taxeH in tiino of iieaco aro more than bo can Htund. lie I wants to belong to tho Party which Ihi , Moves in collecting Hiitlicient taxes to meet tho neccsHury oxiiensoH of economically conducting tho government. Unit want has naturally brought him into the ranks of tho Democratic party. Attornoy (Jeneral (iarland has recov ered from his recent illness, Mrs. Cleveland wilj ojn tho Ohio Centennial Exiiosition at Cincinnati ut 12 o'clock. Julv -1th. Senator Voorhees will deliver tho un nuul address to tho literary hociulius of l .1 1 1... tl I.. I.. ...... n I.... ThM Hnr nira Hre l.iau fill V tua eU In i .":v """Vr'V. - .Mouiiiaiiu, pikiii iiiiitii kuuiueuai W.D.Hansford&Co. Deiilera In Hardware and. Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. MAIN HTItKKT, VKNOLCTON. A ihureof the publto patronnge la aollelted niclil-itA.w Cblcago Es greatly enloyed by the Demo t cratis here. , Congressmim Timothy Campbell, of New ork, made a bet with ex't'ongtecs man l'ago, of California, of $5,000 that Cleveland and Thurman would earrv Now York. Slnco that was published every limit brought hnndreiM of lottern front New York. Democrats asking if they can get any mora liets like that one. So far, iMr. I'uge in tho only man found who Is willing to contribute $5,000 to help I....... .... .1... I- I !!... .. 1 1.1 ' ' IM.UII l lin.-lllAIllllf; PlllllOI IIIH jiuriVa Tlio House ban done a good weeW's work on tho regular appropriation bills, and there now seems to be a nrotiablllty that ull ot them wilt be passed by the end oi mo current useai year, Juno ;:otli. in deed these uicanurcH have been pushed uiDiig so vigorously notw ttiistamiing tlio aiisenee oi so many Jtopunncait iiieinl.ers who are at Chicago, that the remark bus oeen made that "tongresH can work nciicr ami ucco nni s i mora without u iiuorum Hum Willi it." .More "pairs" aro iu oxistoneo this week: in both tho Senate ami House than wero ever on record liefnm n! mil. tii.u. Tho Chicago Convention isthoeausoof It. General Sheridan'M condition has eon viii:i:i.imi into mm:. Tho tinned about the same for tho past week. lhoro w no deeideil improvement, but tneru- luw fieeu no return of heart failure, w IiIcIl for n time occurred ut InlervulM nf every three days, and consequently the dlstiugiiisbed patient and tils family are noieiui. Commissioner Wrk'bt. of llio I.nlx.r bureau him submitted estimateH ul'l'io- gating $l):i,ri)0 for the expenses ot the new iJepanmeni ot i.ahor lor tlio next llscal year, of which IS .7-10 aro for mil arlcH. It Is thought that Mr. Wrldit will bo put iu charge of the new department. At usi a siaiuo oi uciijumin l-rauklin is co ue erecien in mis eny WiilU WiiIU Cuiinly Iiino'rllo I.i'ii-uo SatunLiy nluht. Juno.Wth. a laruo anil onthuslastie meotiug of DemocratH was lield in Walla Walla city for tlio purjKiso oi organizing u ucmocniuc emu. iie- reseiuauvcH were present irom walls burg, I'a-scott and tho country preclnclH. mo mcciini: was ca led to order liv Ilenrv KellitiL'. clialriiiun of tho Cmmiv Committee and Gen. James McAuliir and II. S. lllandford wero chosen temporary hairmun and secretary, rosnuetlvnlv. Followlni! tho transaction of tho usual preliminary business, the Walla Walla County Democratic League was made a ermuiicnt organization by tho election of mo loiiowiug olllcerri: rresident, Hon. II. L. Sharpstoln; Vice-rresldeiits, D. E. I ledger, J, R. Addison, J. F. Cropii anil J. if. uaidweii: ecrclarv. M.S. n and lord: lreasumr, l harleH ilonry. The Club then united with thu Na tlonul I.eaguo of Democratle Clubs and lected Ilenrv Kel iuif runresentativo on tho National Gonoral Committee. I ho ecnenil and familiar nrineinles of wemoeracy uro llio nasis ot tho Walla Walla Club, and by uuitiim with tho rumonui jxniguo tno orgamration iihso- utely pledged itself to thu followinu lecille measures : First That thu uonoral uovorument shall not uso its ower of taxation for tho lienellt oi Individual or class Interests. Second I hat wo endors tho measurcH recommended by tho President of tho I nited Sbites in his message to Congress ut tho opening of tho present session, und that wo favor HiH'edy and effective legislative action to curry tho sumo Into radical eiiect. Now York Hun .('li'trliind mid Thtlr- iiiiiii and (lowrinir lllll. From tho 1ml-vlllo t'ourlor Joiirmil, The Now York Sun seems disposod to lepudlato the St. Louis platform, and to opjioso Cleveland, but to glvo Thurman us ardent it nccullar sunnort. o trust that this support will not prove us disas trous as its mipiKnt of ltutlur in 1881. iu extenuation ot .Mr. iiiurmau wo must recall thu fact that no one Is more loyal or more entluiHlastiu than he In suppoit of tho head of tho ticket and tlio Sun will not have from Mr. Thurmun any encouragement iu its opposition to Mr. Cleveland. l'erhaps the old-thno Democracy of tho Now Yoik Sun may bo aroused as it con templates the lecoul of Mr. Thurman. and yielding to tlio foimally expressed wishes of an over-whelming "majoilty of thopaitylt may jet ndly to tho support of Cleveland, 'Ihurman und Reform as Gov. Hill has done. The Sun is right when It declares that "alt tho seniorH und the luniors who ent their iKjlitlcal relluion fiom Miuilieeilo und tho Hermitage and Greystono, and not from China or England, aio strolling back Into camp to welcome Thurman. 1 lie liolilk'ul rolhiinu of (Milnu in exelo. sionj living within itself; building a great wall about thu nation, and refusing tho lieuellfs of international eommerco. I hut. too, was the I'.iil'IIhIi mercantile system until Cobdeu und llright battered down tho tin III' walls. 1 ho teachhiL'H of Jolletwn. of Jackson. of Tilden, wero all in tlio direction of a creator freedom of trade, and to this theno leadetH IrroviM-ably committed tho party. u was mo iiiiiii tuev deieuded on nollt- Ical and economical giounils. Hence, when the party assembled In National Convention declare It to bo tlio purpose of the putty to refi nn thu turilTunu re duce taxation, truoDomooratMovory where rally to tho Hiipixitt of tho ticket and of the platform. rhls is tho view of Gov. Hill, of Now York, who wuh for sovurul davs tho favor ite of tlio Sun us a candidate for Presi dent. In uti address Tuesday night ho said : "Wo favor freer trade, but not freo trade. Thu Dumocratla platform, while not iu every respect as some of us inMit deslru it, HullUieiitly oxpiesseH tho prin ciples of tarlll' reform to w hich wn urn nil committed. If I thought that . our plat form favored freo tnule. I should not tin hero to-night. I liellevo iu an Intelligent, fair and honest revision of the tarlll', a re vision in favor of the eoplii, and not of tho mouoKillstH. Wo nmy dlller niton tho details of tariir mcasurus. but wo uru ull ugroed Umjii thu main uuiliosson tlal principle of our platform, which Ih that uunecessaty taxation shall ceuso.uml that favoritism shall not lie tho control ling feat uro of our tarlll' legislation," Theie declinations of renewed devotion to Domoomtio principles and Democratic nominees como within tho first week fol lowing tho National Convention. Thov indicate the illsixisltlou of tlio party. Prodigal sons will bo received with open arms, not hecausu they mu produml. but liecauso they uru reieutuut. liu Nl. To tho Kdltnror the ICiwI Onuniilinii Doe" Itlu-es has sold his cuttle to W. II. Itahb. Andy Sullivan Is East sellliiL' horsea- that ho lookback with hint. Several of our ellleiiH will bo in your Third That thu civil service Iiiwh cl.y on Wednesday, celebrating the ul- .ted shall ho main- nous "l ourth." hlch have been enucti talneo, and tho com so of the Democratic administration of President Cleveland In his enforcement of Hidaway Hot Springs. M. Ht'OTT, Proprietor. W. fldaw VAN SCHUYVER & CO., me aud RiiTit.TVrmraaTits. ,F"0NTST. . . . PORTLAND. OREGON. -AGENTS T0 BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING S Wis ) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA- aPIIINf tl I tl r- r ....... ... .... . uninr ai I OunTon,o.r.?,r,cl1AL "AifcK, (waukensaw, vts.) vtunc uli tY U PNSARDN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) ju23 daw 3m HlH lllllO of Alha, In Cnmaa Prulrlc. Thl Hummer Hcort will to open for tho reccpiKi'i of liucati on und after July Ut, mid pertotiao ntoinp allnif a fcuiumer trip could OHIO IKilier limn viaii liironium Apniiiinixlatlniia are millile and ry- ttnni; will be done lo make icueau comforU- uie. Tho climate l dclUhtfuI, the water pure and exci-lleiil, and hunllnK llml-cluaa. Terms Reasonable. Prop. W. M. SCOTT j 1 12 2m. ROBERT BOND DBA f KH IN BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Hlreel, opplte J. II.BhoeinakerU. mchlOdaw Tho President und Mrs. Cleveland will utteud, leaving und returning hern on tho sumo dav. Voorhees also intends to bo back to Washington in time to make u sieocli ut tho ruiitlcutioii meeting Tues day night. On Tuesday last Secretary Ilayard sent totholiouKi of Representatives u letter from Count Arno.tbo German minister to the L'uited States, In which the count states that ho duly tramouitted to bin government the resolution of tho House of tho loth hint., expressing sympathy with tho Gcrmuu nation on account of tho death of Emjieror Frederick. Tho resolution was, ho says, laid beforo Em peror William, who was deeply moved thereby, und instructed him (Count Arao) to thank tho House of Representa tives through the government of tho I'nlted .States for their manifestations of regard. Tho wrangling of tho Republicans ut Interpretation and those Iiiwh upheld. Fourth Tliat thu combination of cor porations, through trusts or otherwise, tending to destroy couiot!tIon, endanger (lie rights oi individuals, and ereutu the monoilles which uro chief factors iu thu corruption oi our legislative and miiulci pul IkmIIch, should bo prohibited by strln gent laws. Fifth That tho agricultural public lamiH snail do prosorven to uciuui seniors for settlement under tho homestead laws, und wo recommend a continuation of the olibrts of tho present Administration to reclaim thu lauds heretofore granted to coniorutions, so fur uh thu sumo can bo legally dono. Thu roll of mcmlicrshlp wuh opened und sovonty-nluo signatures wero ob tained, und tho number reached the 100 murk Sunday. A ringing seeth from W. F. Uutchor, of Ceutervillo, und re marks by local sjeukcrs closed tho meet ing. Tho manut'ers of the club tiroixiMi in oen pleasant and convenient headquar ter rooms, und Democrats of Umatilla county uro cordially Invited to make tho homo of thu Wulla Wullu County Demo- falling latho Eurocuu level, why do thev emtio league their headipiartera when In not fall now to tho Eastern level? Tlior'o f fUll. I IIUIIUi N. S, Chuppol has none to Snokano l ulls with thirty head of horses, which ho Intends soiling, II, I', .MH'ulmuuh has returned from tho Dig bond country, where ho him taken bis stock In order to seeuio iMtttor range. illlum Wurner Ih expected in from nn uxtendud tour through tho Long Creek und Cunvoii City country. vt. ii. luinn hus ins ruco stock ut Wulla Wullu for tralnliiL'. Ho ronortH IIkuii iu lino condition. J. A. ulker wuh iu l'oillund uh u del- egatu to the Grand Uxlgo of Good Turn- plurs, survey tiL' imrtv of (1. v. IIunt'H wuh huro ii few dayH ugo, survoylng u lino In tho direction of lleppnor. They ulso went through Foster. Truilliu IOVerlil 'o. u elillil of N. lviir. idgo, hus lieon very nick for nomo time. WuKr. Hud Tuit a. Krnm IheHau Kru ucUco llxiiiiilncr. Our hluh tux coutemiMiriirles bavn much to say aliout tho illU'erenco between wages in California und In EuroM), lint they never mention tho dillerenco be tween California and tho Eastern States. II the larlil is all that kcei wauos from Albany Humid: Ono duy lust week, Luyton Ilinklo, who lives nlxuit twelve iiiIIch southeast of Monmouth, saw u deer standing iu his door yard und of course, under such circumstunces, concluded ho would tuko down his little gun und put a bullet through it. Mr. Ilinklo brought tho deer down und on uoinu to its side noneea unotner dean deer is no turliriu thu way. A mud! oi ull work in Sail Francisco gets $2.5 a mouth ; thu sauiu girl in New ork would golf 12; yet tho same turlll Ih In force in both places. A cansmlnr In San Francisco gets $1 u duy; In Now York thu same man would get $2 60 ; yet the same war tuxes uro In force theru us her. . It Is evident tliut tho high wugcH provulcht lieio dnpeml on Honinllibiif ebo tliuu tho turlir. und It follows that .1M.n lit'. Upon oxiimination it was found that he ' aebangoiii Ihojtarill' would not necessarily killed lKith ut ono shot, the ball entering ' ul,IL't't 'u"- mo puck oi the nrst ami passing through und going into tho next standing ut his side. This wuh u double killing. Wo usk even' reader of the Dally and Semi-Weekly East Ojhwoman to en deavor to Hceuro ono w more campaign HiibscrilicrH to it. Semi-Wcokly, to No vember Hi, 1888, 76 centrt, Daily, $1.2o. Wullu Wulla Statesman: Iu order to Induce outside teams to come, u si;tial raco has 1h-ij arranged, In which thu home teams will not tuko pint. Our lire men have no disKslt!iin to "hog every thing," If we may Imi allowed to Introduce a new phraso, und will trout visiting lire men ho well that they will be gliul to como again. f;1