East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 30, 1888, Image 1

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j,-gTWH"'VOU W.T..
a i hi:k I.lllltAUV.
I'ntron of the Dnlly or Hcinl-Weekly
HAST OIIIUIOMAN run freely iiutkn line
of the KASV OltlUiONlAN llbrnry when
ever they no iteidrti. Til public- art) cur
illnlly Im licit to t lull the nlltcc whenever
it InrlliH'il.
.,,eiitln money oriditmpi. will
' i.Wrhl HAST OltKOOK.
DM"1 ... tL.m 41. VllllltkMt
L , ml' OllKflONIAN fur till)
Irnsthof linn
I l .
NO. 103.
Has been taken ofl both
ooien ana motion u-ooas
$ot by Congress, but by
i.l il.m. unit- nflnt- flimr 1 .nvrrn nml pAmnlnfn ftfrw.l f
1-1 mm A TT71 YVTlTTTirS J .TM A fNTT!
... it...! i : n
I 1 X i I ... 4 11. 4 11 . Ml 1
,1 1 1 1 T. i i I" 1 Ml f 1
U 1 I. lllll I 11(4 J I U U V AWhWVfVtVX. A & t V.. V t llll V 114 4 4 4 4 l 4
! tit nil mm f rtto
1)111 Ifl'l lllJlll 111! 1111(11 L VJ 1 O -1 III, V LI 1 1 V 11
I 1 V
1 HIT 1 11 d l . 1
Ul'I I IMII-II'I'IISI IVM lllll'li
iiiii iie in in linn i ill mil iii.iiiiii
Consisting of
Band Fanfiv Drv flnndR. Mon's "Bnv's n.nri
!i j n n " t ? n -l
1111 1 HHn UHlMllIlfcT. r II I'l I IMII I 1 1LT ITClfiilM.
w r ... . i. '
Mens Ladies anaunndren's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
I.OIKli: DlltlXTOUV.
Meet lit Inn Mn.rmi.. r..t.i.. .... ,i.l
mi -m m iiiirurritiiiyHor eiieli month, II
o'clock. J. HuailKK, II. I'.; n. cm
KUN.IK I.OIlGK NO. 1. A. K. A A. M.
MpcUoii tho second hih! fourth Mon-
, ut 7:.M
iiny of cueh
iika.n, w. M
month, nt 7i.ll) o'elo.k. II. J.
. v.. i-otwink, Nccremry,
FIN tli.KTON I.0II0K NO. la, A. V. A A.M.
MpoU i ii tlm Mnnonla Temple, on Hid
,Ul1' ""Ih f -cli month nt
ao o'clock. T. J. Million, V. M.; It. Al.-KXAMiKii,He.;rclurv.
AT KU, V LOOOK NO. 111. . O. U. V. MppIh
V every Tliuivdur niulit nt tho Uiinlno
jj'ujrii ?!' vioptc. ,i. o. lrakuiik t.m.
W'.j K 1. Tuntin, Itpciinler.
IJUMtKICA .DIHIrJ NO. n.. i. 0. 0. P. Meet,
... J. i)'ery "'''"Mny J'VpiiImb t 7:na o'clock,
t. J. Million, n.u.; K. K. Mnnrun, Hc-cretnry.
Umath.ua knoamI'mknt no. 17, 1. o
1 1, t . Mpfl III! lltfl Bl.i.At1.l .....I l..uf
TliurKiliiy, of pncli iitnmli, ni 7:.T0 o'clock.
WIT l.lVfJIMOUK, u. l'.J K. K. HIIAIl()N,Kcrlle.
"pAtlMNK HKHKlTOA 1.01)0 K No. 13, I. 0,
.4. if. r. .Mi ciri iiih nrm iiiui mini -riinm
uiiyn oi I'ncn niniiin.
X L .VprtN 111 ililil K II own Hull rwrvTum
ilny oviT.lnir ut 7:50 o'clock. .1. ( I.kamiihi:
-. W.; U.J. WIIITAKKII.IV. or K.llllll p.
fAM0N 1,0 1)0 K NO. t. K. OKI'. Mppu I
I J (Mil KpIIiium' 1 1 ni I ovcrv W'k.IiiioiiIii
v.; ii. UAith'ii-i.D, k. or il. mm h.
U IT.OAIl.HON I'OST. U. A. H.. llllvlN lit
a, wiipoior, iiiui every l inirsdiiy nmin
II. rt. WaKKI.E. t:ollllllllllilpr! .1. M. Ilmi'1,'11
Notary and Corporation Seats
In Fundloton,
I HON woiticr.iiH siuiki:.
Olio Iliiiulrml ThoiKiiiiil .Men Htrlltc
Ciirloitil of Shi i'i lliiriipilMiirilnrriliiiul
Itnlibeil Sivw Snnlii.-Tiio Men Drown
oil lie AVmitril to Miirry Her the
Vlirnt Mnrketi.-.TIm l'lrl to ltenrli
1'OKTt.ANll I.KTTi:it.
l.o Itoliprtmin utiil .lolin Itolllimlirnil
Drowneil In l'otk County.
Sai.km, Jiino 1!9. Iam UobortHon and
.lolin HolliiiHliuad, ciuplovcoi ut HowcII'h
Mlll.i, in Polk county, youth of DhIIiih,
woro (Irowned in it ixind noiir tho lit il 1m
Another (Irritt ImluMrlnl i:poillloii
DUIdcinU (loltiR lo l'ortlniul 1'rotu Milieu
A Clly of 100,000-ltlch una llniitUiune
l'ortlniul Wliluir, Tor the AkUIiii;.
l'oitTi.ANi), Juno L'fl, 1888.
Wo tiro polnjr to lutvo iiiiollior Indtmt
rial KxpoBitlon Htiililin In Portland, tho
comer Htono already lmvini; been laid. It
Ih nonu of my biiHlncxH, but I tliink if
tho HtockliolilorH had put their money In
it manufactiirlnt cntorpriHO they Would
realize liottor intercut on their investment
and It would havo lieen it Ktvat deal moru
nromaiiio to tlio city. Wo luivo tlio
MeclmnleM' l'avilllon, which Is iimplo for
mi prami'iiiiio purposes lorn ciiyotu loo,'
i'iti:suii:NT c'm:vhi.ani'.s iti:ii.Y.
yoHterday. HolliiiHhead hud just gono 000 population, in fact It in uh Innro an
a troin tno i fan i-ranetHco had wiicn It Hud a imjiiuIu
won oi over L'uu.uuij. i no prewnt puvu
ia neai bstaie & Loan Association
East Oregonian Building,
,icu aim ueniH t.ouccteii.
Monoy to Ixuin on Country and Town Proporty
ea on Deposit and leaned for CustomorH.
Will mako I'ilingH on Governinonn lmdn
u Woro tho Und Departinont a Sjtcciulty.
Town and Country l'roiHirty Dought und Sold.
lomWicd free of both Hullroad and Govornmont hind.
Abstracts of Titlu furniHlicd, und Convoyuncinj,' attended to.
.IMnU fnr W...l.l.l..l.. T t.1 n I., , I.
. .v. .wii-i.i-ruui'iiiB uu ixu.inuiiuuiu uuiiiiuinniuii.
LonR-Timo Ijans mado Promptly on Farm Lands
iwcoof Every Kind furnished.
viTiniikun iilml LomiL o Lunn noouuinnuni
Pendleton, Oregon.
eat Western Bakerv.
ilf. GJt.LTZ, 1'roprletor.
r08h Eastern Oystors, in Every Stylo!
lr,.i. ...
'"4111 fiTptt .. -ti n fj
and Spirit Meroaants,
nnnri nun nBCPOM
Tho UMinl prtco for nonl, inmle by other
pnrllcn, In I'orlliind or tho ICm Is from 10.00
n 27.0), with exprm, i huiRfi uihtcil. If you
necil n hitnl, hciiiI yournnlcr to uu, and rnve
from !2.00to 13.00 thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub. Co..
miiMiitr Pendleton, Oregon.
The attention of the trade is
invited to our
Dest sellers in the market. At
retail everywhere. Wholesale
only by
ason, Ehrman fc CO.,
Portland, Orogon.
DenterH In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
A sharoof the public putroiiHes Ii tollclted
Hidaway Hot Springs.
W. M. MCOTT, Proprietor.
Tln-e HprliiL-n re henutlfully iltunted In
the lllue Mountain, eliiht mill; wiutueuki
of Alba, In Cumas I'nilrlc.
ThU Hummer lienor! win ooopeiuorino
reception of KueHtu on unit litter July Ikl.uiiil
peniouvivntHiiip utliuukiiimniT trip could
not ilo belter thun vlult tlickeKprlnun.
AcrouiiuiKlullouM urn umple und pyer
thuiL' will be done lo luuke KUMtk coinfortu
blc. ti.o iimnin lii ilellihtrul. the wuter pure
aud excellont, und liuiulni; nikt-clutH,
Torms Reasonable.
- Prop.
into tlio woods ii short dlntatico
pond, aud heat ini' .Mrs. Robertson's crv
for help, ho rushed back und plunged
into tho H)nd, and when within u few
feet of tho place- whern yoiinj; Uoberlson
Wiw so 11 to sink, ho throw mi his lnimls
and sank to riso no more alivo. .Mrs.
Uobortson saw Ixitli inon dwwn und
could not help either.
iiintNim to :iii:atii.
A Cnrlnml or Khecp In tlio Cruel ICmbrnen
of Finnic.
I)i:i.i.nvui:, Idaho, Juno at). A carload
of sheep on tho Oregon Short l.ino wero
actually roasted ullvo near fshoshono to
day. A spark from tho smoku-stuck of
tho engine nut tiro to u box car noxt to
tho shcop, which ('ommunlcated to thu
car tho sheep wero in. Tho distressing
cars oi tno dyttit; slieup wero most pitiful
and tho sight was shocking ami torrlhlo.
ino curlnail oi roasted sheep, somo dead
and others dying, after tlio tlru was put
out. hud to lie hauled IfiH miles before lis
suffering contents could bo unloaded.
Jtuiiurnrtiirrn Want lo IIxiIiicp Their
AViicw, und 100,000 Men will Strike If It
In Done.
Pirrsiiuno, Juno at). An Iron workors
striko is now on. Ilv ta.innrniw iwvin nil
the mills will lx) iillo". Tho lodges of Iron
workers havo decided not to accent ii re.
duction, und manufacturers sny they will
not pay prosent wages, htateiiients will
lio nrcsentod to-morrow for llnal consid
oration. .Should nil tho mills clone
will airect 100,000 men.
non is centrally located, easv oi accots
from any part of tho eltv. whllo
the now building will bo on tho outskirts of
tho city, ami cm only bo reached by ono
sircoi runway lino.
rim Mechanics' Pavilion has been en
largcd and nowly painted, which gives it
quuo an imposing appearance. Tho stock
noiuors neing detetniined lo keep puco
wiiu ino growin oi me country ami tho
city, niivo spent constiicranio nionev in
llxliigit tip lor tlio coiniiii: fair, uml thev
are using tliolr utmost endeavors to mako
tho approaching fair excel all previous
ones. Everything will Ihj done to mako
it u credit lo 1'ortliinil, nml nt tho sumo
time entertaining to all visitors. Tho
.Mechanics' Pav on w ulwuvs bo n fa-
vorlto resort for country ieoplo, Isslng so
conveniently located, und easy of access to
uu tno princip.il notois.
Portland has a class of teoplo whom
they call old fogies, and soiuo call them
moss-hacks, who uro old settlers, und us
u gonerul thing thoy uro wealthy. They
mako but littlo show; do not blow about
their wealth or what thoy havo dono, or
wuai iney uro iroint; to no. homo oi tnoin
cun Ik) seen riding through tho streets in
In n MiMterly Speech lie- Accept tho Noiii
liintliiu of III I'nrty.
Tlio other day President Cleveland was
olllcially informed of his nomination by
tlio St. t.otils Convention. The party of
gentlemen who composed tho committee
who brought tho olllelal notice woro re
ceived, and when Mr. Thonuia Pcttit.
secretary of tho committee, presented
President Cleveland with u handsomely
engrossed copy of tho platform adopted
by tho National Democratic Convention,
the President, in reply, said: "I cannot
but bo profoundly Impressed when I seo
about mo tho messenger of the National
Democracy, bearing its summons to duty.
Tho lsilitlcal parly to which I owo allegi
ance lioth honors und commands mo. It
places in my hand its proud stiindard,
und bids mo wear It higli ut tho front hi
tho battle which it wages bravely, beeauso
it is consclbtis of right, because its trust is
in tho isioplo, and liccuuso It comprehends
tho obligations which success imposes.
Tho message which you bring uwiikons
within mo tho liveliest sense of Personal
gratitude and satisfaction, and tho honor
which you tender mo is in itself so great
tlmt thero miu'lit well bo no room for any
other sentiment, und yet I cannot rid
myself of grave and serious thoughts when
1 remember that party supremacy is not
ulono involved in tho coulllct which
presses upon us, but (hut wo struggle to
secure cherished Institutions, and tno
welfare and happiness of a nation of
free men. Familiarity witli tho great
olllco which I hold him hut udded
to my apprehension of lis su
cred character, and tho consecration de
manded oi him who assumes lis immenso
responsibilities. It is a repository of tho
Hoplo's will, and tho jsiwer within lis
vision should bo tho protection aud wel
fare of the humblest cltliens: and with u
ipiick ear It should cutch from tho ro-
moiost corner (il the laud ino pica oi ino
people for Justice and rigid. For tlio
snko of tho imoplu ho who holds this
olliio of theirs should resist every on-
i nvrnisneii migg.es, or in spring wagons, croaclimcnt uisjii its legitimate functions,
dressed in u vory plain stylo. 'I ho prin- ,, for llm of (l0ntegr!ty und uso-
clpal reason thoy are ca led old fogies Is flIla,Hrt of Ulu 0k.() ,t shoul(f n kopt
hoy do not build brick blocks, subscribe Car to tho ikjoiiIo, and bo administered
to i everything that is presumed to thorn, , (n Hv,pathy with their wants und
whether there is any prospect of ro- i ' '
The Deiimuil Hloiv In Situ I'rttiicMcii.
Sak Fuakcisco. Juno ao. Tlio wheat
on hand in this city is steadily hold on
to, tlio domain! bcini: slow. Tlio uenerul
condition of tho market is unchumrod.
No. 1 shipping is lielng distuned of at fig
ures rummii: from tl.'Mhf to il.IlL'!,,.
incro n no oxieciution oi any ciiango lor
some iiinu to como.
COl.i:i IN COfl'HK,
Tlio Npeciilntlva DnvlU Ilunnlnif lliel'rloe
of (.'iXTco up.
Nkw Yoiik, Juno at). Tlio shuriiest
corner over worked up in tho eolico ox
cnuiigo was sprung mis morning ny h
y s.
(inner Co. Prices ran up from I a if
cents to .'i cents, iirowcrs claim mat
tho short interest is vorv small. Great
excitement among doulers hi collco pre
juia -Jin.
inrrc onav MIITTDN VFAI 5AU-
. m . J . . I 1)1. 1. I . I U 11 IV I 1'IW Wtl
fcffi!5l P'iS.B.?TTiK wcimc ri il ! SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD.
CHAMPAflWC ' . " ul. x 1 7." ' , o... Court Htreel, opposite J. II. Hl.oe.naKeri
"" nuilUi
'CLE BnilDonu . ..r,
. --'-wu iiu n r vvHhK hs iiin. m;hi 1 1 a nncmrnvu
fofimf1: WATER, (Waukcnsaw, Wis.) VEURE CLI-J
V -" .Bu.i. ju.ouo,, 1 mchlOUsw
The IlliiuiliiMtliiif 1'urty Cninpoaeil
Twelve reraoini I.eue I'nrtlniid.
P011T1.AN11. Juno 30. Tlio Mount Hood
Fourth of July lllumlniitiuit party left tho
city to-day, Thoy will oat snow from tho
summit 01 .Mount 1 10011 at .uonuay noon
they clulin. Twelve iwrsoim comiosei:
tho party.
He Sw Siinke."
Sai.km. Juno at). Davo Shoppurd was
urrented lust night on a charge oi selling
Honor to Indians. Ho was attacked in
ail with delirium tremens later in tho
night, and It took tho jiollco several hours
to restrain him in his frenzy and unlet
The "lrt to Chicago.
CiiiCAtio. Juno at). Tlio first trans-At
lantio vessel which ever arrived ut Chi
cago stoumcd Into tho river to-day. It
wuh tno iiosedaie, Mio leu humlorluiid,
'.milund. 0110 month uuo. and camo
through tho Welland cunul,
The lintel Sure Til I lie
Poiitlani). Juno at). Tho Portland
hotel company received to-day deeds to
tho "Ylllurd JiuiiiH," und tho paters
havo tK'cn recorded. Work: on tho hotel
ill be commenced ut once, und pushed
witli vigor.
Murdered mid Kobbed.
Gkasm Y'aixev. Cai... Juno ao. While
driving from Murysvillo to filorra City
this morning, Josopli homhono, Jr., wus
murdored by highwaymen, und his lxdy
robliod of money und Jewelry.
Killed lllnuelf.
San Fiiancisco, Juno 20. K. P. Tuy
lor, u etcamboat engineer, shot himself
hero to-day, because .Mrs. Dr. Heed would
not marry 1dm. Tho foolish man is dy
ing. The ClilciiKitMurkel.
Ciiicauo, Juno :W. At tlio closo of tho
oxchaugu yesterday prices of wheat wero
for Juno, July and August at thosaino tig
me, cents xir bushel.
Mufrlc.l u Duke.
New Yoiik, Juno ao. Mrs. Lillian
W. Hammcrsly was married to tho Dukui
of .Murlborougli by Mayor Ilowett this
tiny prospect
turn or not. Now I Iiupikmi to know
something about somo of thuso
lieoplo. A Kood many of thorn
havo been nulotly invosting In mines and
tiro now receiving hiiudsomo dlvidouds,
while those who designated them us old
fogies uro skinning along on tho outside
witn Purely 11 itviiik'. 1 011 would lo stir
prised to learn tho amount of Portland
capital invested in mining property In
Salmon Itivor llooil Itivor und Cntir
d'Alcue, und tho hiiudsomo returns now
pcinu' received liy tlio Investors. 1 urn
told that Do Lashinutt'H Income from
mines is nearly 1000 iwr day, und many
others uro trettlnu handsomo returns.
There mining dividondn will boar fruit
in tho near future by tho erection of
colossal resiliences und brick blocks.
Mining dividends mado Sun Francis. -o
and Denver what thoy uro to-day, and in
conjunction with tho vast iiu'rlciiltural
country tritmtary win mako rortiami u
city of 100.000 in less than ten years
There are vory fow lieoplo who havo miy
idea 01 1110 vast inierusiH iiciu iv rort
land capitalists in thu mines of Idaho
und Eustern Oregon und thu princely ro
turns that uro being received from those
Investments, Ah I said, theso people
mivo Peon investing ipueiiy, without any
pomp or show and are roanlui! their re
ward. Thorn is nothing in my mind
which goes to show up tho future great'
This reminds mo most vividly of when.
four yearH ago. I received 11 message from
inv narlv similar In that which voll now
deliver. Witli all that lias passed slnco
that day I can truly say that tho feeling
of awe with which I heard tho summons
then is intenslllcd ton-fold when reieatcd
now. Four years ago I know our chlof
executive olllco, If not carefully guurded,
might drift little by littlo uwuy from tho
leoplo to whom It belongs, unit liecomo a
jiervurslou of nil it ought to lie; but 1 did
not know how much Its moorings already
had boon loosened. 1 know four years
ago how well devised wero thu principles
of true Democracy for tho success
ful otioration of u government by tho
people und for tlio lieoplo, but I
did not know how ubsoluloly noccssury
their application then wus for tho restora
tion to thu lieoplo of thulr safuty und
prosperity. 1 knew thou that abuses und
extravagances hud crept Into tho manage
ment oi puDiiu ulluirs, nut 1 did not inon
know their numerous forms, nor tho to
uucity of their grasp. 1 knew then some
thing of bitterness of partisan obstruction,
but 1 did not know how bitter, how reck
less and how shameless it could bo. I
know, too, that tho American oo4n wero
patriotic and just, but I did not know
how grandly thoy loved their country,
nor how noble and generous they woro.
I shall not dwell upon thu acts mid poi-
HOB of Portland more 1 than this lulli ng jt.y of tho udmlnistratloii now .Iruwing to
nterest. Portland wil derive unot hur close. Its record Is open to ovory fit
bonotlt, besldeH tho d ividonii.i to hor cl I- 0 0f tlio luinl; 11ml vol I will not bo
zens u great many who mako money In
those mines will como hero to livo and
build themselves lino homos, it being tho
largest placo In tho Northwest whoro the
donlcd tho privilege of asserting ut this
time that In tho exercise of thu functions
of high trust conllded to me, I havo
vlelded ohcdlonco only to tlio consti
tuent comforts uro available. Portland i
already liegins to havo tho upioaranco of of 0)c0i . JmVu ,onu ti,OH0 tl,KK which.
hun ! rune sco und wonvor ny nor many , IU Kllt of tll0 ,i0iHtandlng (hsl has
mining olllcos dlsilaylng great varieties of ivm, . WH)m(!li moHt conduclvo lo tho
or. I wnlfiiro of mv eoiiiitrvmeii und Ibn urn-
I wuh standing on tho street tho other
day, talking with u Irlond whoso occupa
tion brings him in contact with nearly all
clussos of Ksoplo in tho city. Ho knew
nearly overv person, olthor lursonally or
by sfu'lit. While stuudlnu thero. 11 dash-
. . . . ... it 1.1 . 1 . . . . . ... . .
ing looicing lauy imsseu us, aim nu sain 10 tno nomination Willi widen
mo, "lo you Know nun tuny 1 - 1 ioiu
him that Tdld not. "Tlmt is .Sirs. , 11
young widow who lives in u splendid
residence up town, and husu (ino Income,
handsome, vivacious. 11 splendid conver
sationalist, und just 11 h good us slut
is hunusomo, und yet there does not
s?cm 10 do uny ono trying to eaten tno
motion of wood irovernment. 1 would not.
If I could, for myself nor for you. avoid a
single consequent') of 11 fair interpretation
of my course. It hut remains for 1110
to say to you, ami through you to tho
Democracy 01 thu nation, that 1 accept
tho nomination with which thoy havo
honored mo. but that I will In duo time
signify such acceptance in tlio usual man
Tak Your Choice.
From the New York Horiud.
Well, wo congratulate tho country that
,l,r. Kli.. tu mill? fittttlf flilrtv.flvn vmim I tllO ItOPUbllCahH llUVO COIIIIIllttOd tllCIll
of ttuo. Just In tho urimo of lifo. Tho ) wpiarely iijiou tho 0110 ipiestion of
.uoiid us names of frlemU to whom wo
can bend free of charge a sample copy of
the Daily und trend-Weekly Eat Ontoo-
' M4N.
old bacholors und widowers uro olthor
afraid or she does not givo them uny en
couragement. 'I hero are 1111 unusually
largo numlwr of w IiIowh in this city for
thu size, who uro worth ull tho way from
150.000 to WOO.OOO. Thov havo
either cono to the conclusion that
once married Ih enough, or they cannot
find any ono to suit them. Tho most of
thorn havoifluo incomes, und scum to en-
oy 1110 in lis hrighiest uspect,"
I mot 11 dlsuustcd immlurunt tho other
lay. Ho said ho left Illinois to find a
Itetter country, Ho wont to Aii.onu, und
liu found tho nuoplo there living in hopes
of tho ilovelopmuut of (ho mines. Ho
imo uu to California und ho found thorn.
ut least a largo ixjrtiou of them, living on
climate, so ho thought ho would try O.o-
gouj ho camo hero, und ho nays he loiind
tliuui living on K'euery liern; and ho said
he had inadii up Ids mind to go back to
Illinois and fetaud oil tho cyclones and
which ovoryhody ih thinking, und on
which the cauvusH ought to I hi und will
now Ini mado.
Thov uro for high taxes, and for
wasteful mid iobblmt expenditures In or
der to perpetuate high taxes.
Thu Democrats oiler against this, low
tuxes, economical administration and no
On that Issue tho votes will judge for
themselves. Those who llko hieh taxes
und jobbing will vote tho Republican
ticket, This Is 11 freo country, und ovury
man takes Ids choice.
Meantime it is -till our dullberuto ludi!-
miint that tho protectionists mado a lingo
blunder in not aci'untiiii: the Mills hill-
just such 11 blunder us the slaveholders
made whan thoy broke up tho Missouri
Wo usk every reader of tlio Daily and
s'eml-Weekly Ebt Ohkoonian to en-
WlzzatdH, ami live on tho rca iiu-s lidcavor i t secure one or more campaign
twitriie U'i iitilf ntii. u luirf mil I t ill JiiMuTiiil I .... . i , ' .7
n.... v..v p ..w.. "yv Hupscriners 10 u, r-t'iiii'vceKiy, 10 Ko
la ,,u ,J- I vumber 15, 1888, 7j ccntrt, Dally, l.a5.